TimberLakers M-Drol Massacre



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I'm going to obstain from discussing politics on other's logs / boards simply because I don't want a huge drawn out arguement. However, I'll take just a couple minutes here for my extremely watered down view... Please feel free to skip this if you feel so inclined.

I'm a registered Republican, and one of the few Americans that will be aversely affected by Obama's proposed tax code. However, last night was one of the proudest moments in my America loving life. In Obama, we have an intelligent human being, a skilled orator, a voice for unity, and as cliche as it may seem - change from the absolute sh*t leadership this country has been dragged through the past four years (I still fail to see Bush's first term as a complete failure).

I think its time to stop the bullsh*t arguements about taxation and socialism - and a perceived lack of experience. If Bush represents experience - I'll take a nieve one term Senator any day of the week. You live in an incredible country, public services and a Republican led war are EXPENSIVE, how do you propose we pay? Looking at the percentages, I'd venture to guess that I've paid quite a bit more in taxes over the past four years than most of the people on here screaming bloody murder about Obama getting elected. America has wounds to heal, both domestic and abroad - and I think a lot of people that today are saying the US is over - will be silently dispising the taste of their foot in their mouths when we reflect back in 4 years.
iraq. thats what told me it was a failure. maybe not immediately after the invasion, but within the year after.


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Damn...the IQ factor just took another hit :-<


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That is the only job of the President. He is the face or front man. He brings the masses together. The real work is done by the cabinet members and advisors that are grinding it out behind the cameras. Obama is the salesman. Do you honestly think he could grasp everything that is involved with running this country?
yes. obama isnt some bottom of the class idiot (mccain). dood is one smart son of a *****.


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yes. obama isnt some bottom of the class idiot (mccain). dood is one smart son of a *****.
Did you seriously just call McCain an idiot? I'm fairly certain his intelligence is far higher than you could ever imagine yours being. Graduating from the Naval Academy in itself puts you ahead of 98% of Americans.


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Rolanda, if McCain is an "idiot", a friggin senator for how long?? Then where does that put us in the grand scheme of things? Come on bubba, these people are at the top of the food chain in a place we could not even comprehend. I respect anyone that can run in those circles.


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Rolanda, if McCain is an "idiot", a friggin senator for how long?? Then where does that put us in the grand scheme of things? Come on bubba, these people are at the top of the food chain in a place we could not even comprehend. I respect anyone that can run in those circles.
if a dood like bush can be leader of the free world for 8 years, what standard is there for a senator? and ill retract my idiot statement about mccain, ive been talking to "friends" about prop 8 in cali, and im a little disgusted with people right now. mccain is a smart dood, but if mccain is smart and qualified, and i agree the naval academy is a tough institution, then obama, graduating columbia and harvard law, and president of the harvard law review, can SURELY comprehend the duties of running this country.


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if a dood like bush can be leader of the free world for 8 years, what standard is there for a senator? and ill retract my idiot statement about mccain, ive been talking to "friends" about prop 8 in cali, and im a little disgusted with people right now. mccain is a smart dood, but if mccain is smart and qualified, and i agree the naval academy is a tough institution, then obama, graduating columbia and harvard law, and president of the harvard law review, can SURELY comprehend the duties of running this country.
People having a degree from a certain school shouldn't be the main reason you have for voting for someone! what did obama do for our country? nothing anywhere close to what mcain has done.


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listen to you talk **** man get over your fukking self you sound like an insecure *****. I have probably fukked more girls in high school then you ever will so stop trying to make others look bad out of your own insecurity and yes you do act like you know alot about steroids and cutting with mdrol. Give me a fukking break you haven't even takin it yet. quit acting like a b1tch that you are. Tell me when you have some proof that you aren't a *****. Like when you grow a d1ck! I am out fagstick

And I reek of insecurity... :lol:

If I knew everything about M-Drol, I wouldn't start this log and listen to everyone's advice man... I'm here to learn. I try to help where I can, but I'll admit I'm not one of the most knowledgeable here by far.


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People having a degree from a certain school shouldn't be the main reason you have for voting for someone! what did obama do for our country? nothing anywhere close to what mcain has done.
so since mccain suffered for the sake of freedom, and he thought nuclear war with china or korea was necessary for freedom, hes the better candidate right?

and seeing how were coming from 8 years of stupidity, (bush is an idiot, and i wouldnt retract this statement ever), yes, a law degree from a school like harvard means something to me. and no, a degree in journalism does not constitute a qualification. and yes palin is an idiot also.

timber, sorry bro. end of politics from me.


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so since mccain suffered for the sake of freedom, and he thought nuclear war with china or korea was necessary for freedom, hes the better candidate right?

and seeing how were coming from 8 years of stupidity, (bush is an idiot, and i wouldnt retract this statement ever), yes, a law degree from a school like harvard means something to me. and no, a degree in journalism does not constitute a qualification. and yes palin is an idiot also.

timber, sorry bro. end of politics from me.
Its cool man... Have at it. Just be civil.


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if a dood like bush can be leader of the free world for 8 years, what standard is there for a senator? and ill retract my idiot statement about mccain, ive been talking to "friends" about prop 8 in cali, and im a little disgusted with people right now. mccain is a smart dood, but if mccain is smart and qualified, and i agree the naval academy is a tough institution, then obama, graduating columbia and harvard law, and president of the harvard law review, can SURELY comprehend the duties of running this country.
well I hope your disgusted with those against prop 8.

Its alot more then allowing fags to get hitched. which I have very little problems with when it comes to legal matters and making them tax exempt and whatnot..... moral is a diff issue BUT thats my opinion and shouldnt limit someone else for it.

BUT going against prop 8 would open the door for lawsuits to be brought against churches schools and individuals for years to come. This would mean forcefed schooling to our kids that homosexuality is ok and a viable option morally when that should be up to the kids themselves and their parents decision on how to raise their child. And to get more specific on the churches say a gay couple wants to get married in a traditional catholic church and they say no then they can sue them for being discriminatory when it is their BELIEF, and the state has no business governing a churches beliefs and forcing them to do stuff against it or be sued and fined and lose their tax exemption on all their tithes and offerings from their members.....

so again I have no problem with the gay folks getting hitched for all intensive purposes but accepting their lifestyle and moreso forcing it down everyones throats as OK when that should be a personal choice is not and I hope you are for prop 8.


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I've never advertised myself as a bodybuilder or an expert on anything. Grow up. No one else is taking this politics sh*t seriously enough to damage friendships on here other than you.

I am not an internet tough guy, I'm not threatening you at all. I'm saying you're short, and I'm right... Seriously, 5'9'' is downright unfortunate, and I feel bad for you... It limits your choices on girls significantly... Must be rough. Also taking into account you're probably an inch or two shorter than that in real life, and now I really feel bad.

Please unsubscribe - no use for you in here.

just fyi - my girly girl is 5'11". confidence is everything! that or "you should never underestimate the power of the handicapped". probably the latter - i'm a bit slow today.


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well I hope your disgusted with those against prop 8.

Its alot more then allowing fags to get hitched. which I have very little problems with when it comes to legal matters and making them tax exempt and whatnot..... moral is a diff issue BUT thats my opinion and shouldnt limit someone else for it.

BUT going against prop 8 would open the door for lawsuits to be brought against churches schools and individuals for years to come. This would mean forcefed schooling to our kids that homosexuality is ok and a viable option morally when that should be up to the kids themselves and their parents decision on how to raise their child. And to get more specific on the churches say a gay couple wants to get married in a traditional catholic church and they say no then they can sue them for being discriminatory when it is their BELIEF, and the state has no business governing a churches beliefs and forcing them to do stuff against it or be sued and fined and lose their tax exemption on all their tithes and offerings from their members.....

so again I have no problem with the gay folks getting hitched for all intensive purposes but accepting their lifestyle and moreso forcing it down everyones throats as OK when that should be a personal choice is not and I hope you are for prop 8.
for one, schools, other than private schools, are not allowed or forced to teach about marriage. and if they do, thats their choice. and what if a teacher is gay and a student asks, should they lie? or what if a classmate has two moms or dads? are the kids to be kept in the dark?

and i think suing the churches could be a problem, however, im pretty much against the church, and i was brought up catholic, going to private catholic schools from pre school to senior year of high school. so basically i say sue the **** out of the churches. they have more money than they need, and they would probably win because they have the money to probably hire better lawyers than an average homosexual couple.

and i think that should be addressed in the new proposition when it comes through again (i just signed a petition to put it back on the ballot and there were already 11000 signatures).

and if someone uses the sanctity of marriage argument again, ill **** my pants. the sanctity of marriage was gone along time ago. 50% divorce rate, someone like britney spears having a "just for fun marriage", and the ability to get hitched in vegas. and a single mom or single dad, is going to raise a perfectly normal child, just as a loving homosexual couple could raise a perfectly normal child. i know this because i have witnessed it myself.

not to mention, it wasnt like we were voting to GIVE them the right to marriage. they were already given it, and then it was stripped from them.

alright. im done. i cant talk about this bullshit anymore.


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so since mccain suffered for the sake of freedom, and he thought nuclear war with china or korea was necessary for freedom, hes the better candidate right?

and seeing how were coming from 8 years of stupidity, (bush is an idiot, and i wouldnt retract this statement ever), yes, a law degree from a school like harvard means something to me. and no, a degree in journalism does not constitute a qualification. and yes palin is an idiot also.

timber, sorry bro. end of politics from me.
You do know Bush went to Yale and got an MBA from Harvard, right?


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You do know Bush went to Yale and got an MBA from Harvard, right?
Hahahaah... This is true.

He also got in cause of Daddy, and I'm pretty sure he was the actual BOTTOM of his class at Yale.


  • RockStar
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I agree that Obama's intelligence bodes well for our country. But he still has to defer to the experts on the issues. Legal issues maybe he can hang but, economics,nuclear physics,etc,etc...He gets advised and briefed about the decisions. Then it is his job to sell it to the masses.


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You do know Bush went to Yale and got an MBA from Harvard, right?
yes and was a cheerleader and daddy paid for the grades. typical liberal statement, but whatever. i do not think in my right mind he would have gotten in or gotten out of either of those schools without his dad and his empire.


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I agree that Obama's intelligence bodes well for our country. But he still has to defer to the experts on the issues. Legal issues maybe he can hang but, economics,nuclear physics,etc,etc...He gets advised and briefed about the decisions. Then it is his job to sell it to the masses.
oh and mccain knows about these right? cuz he was in the navy and he thought the economy was fundamentally strong just a few months ago?

i do not think education is soley the reason the vote for someone, but it sure helps. and i am way more impressed with obamas schooling than mccains.


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Timber, sorry for the hijack!! I defer to your omnipotence once more..


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Lets just refrain from personal attacks on one another please... I think I've been civil through all my political conversations today (where I'm not being attacked anyway) - that and I'm no longer actively participating in them...


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Yale didn't utilize class rankings when he was a student.

yes and was a cheerleader and daddy paid for the grades. typical liberal statement, but whatever. i do not think in my right mind he would have gotten in or gotten out of either of those schools without his dad and his empire.
You're just dripping with presumptuous ignorance, aren't you? If you can prove to me that you have absolutely any factual knowledge about his admission to Yale in the 60s, and that his father 'paid' for his grades then maybe I'll listen to you. You think his father and his "empire" paid for "C"s across the transcript? LOL


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Timber, sorry for the hijack!! I defer to your omnipotence once more..
Omnipotence would imply that I knew something about steroids and cutting, which hman has so eloquently said I know nothing about. :lol:


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There has been a lot of insinuation that his grades were IMPROVED to be a C Average...

Who really cares... No one is claiming the guy is a genious. He was able to get people working for him though... He was a "campus mover" if you will. Also a successful businessman. I don't think he's an idiot by any stretch... He has his strengths and weaknesses like any of us. History will tell the tale of how his presidency is perceived. I don't think the true implications have been experienced yet.


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Fck politics man, on this forum i like to talk about things that make me happy, not things that make me want to kill people. Politics makes me want to kill people. Just legalize the drugs I like and leave me the fck alone, stupid government.

Now, if ur using politics to get pissed the fck off so you can take it out on the weights, then ur smart.

Timber you are going to love Mdrol. There's something about my body that just loves the stuff. If i have any advice about it, it's that in the 3rd week you will have gained already 12+ pounds... so while people say gains slow in the 3rd week, I say up the calories a little bit more... SD creates an anabolic environment like none other, but after putting on some muscle and being heavier, it takes more food. just a thought!

On my 4th week i felt like 30mg was a waste, then i upped cals even MORE and kept gaining... ;)


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And you can verify this how?
How can't you verify this?! OK, lets start with getting our troops to eventually withdraw from this modern day vietnam?!

How about finally a good idea about turning this economy around by taxing the majority of the people who put us in this sh*thole in the firstplace?... BTW, this tax hike includes me... probably unlike a majority of the board, and I still voted for him because the well to do can afford to pay higher taxes. There is the issue of social responsibility. Who cares if I get a 4 percent tax increase on 6 digits? I pay out the assh*le anyway. I own my own business anyway, which f*cks me even more when tax time rolls around. Might as well help out the people who need it.

How about the rest of the world potentially seeing us as a more modern, civil, and open minded society. I could go on for hours, but I'll stop there because those three reasons should be enough to put him in office.

I'm dropping this now, I just had to back myself up because apparently a lot of stuff went down since I left for the gym. lol.

PS. Timber would eat you for breakfast.


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well I hope your disgusted with those against prop 8.

Its alot more then allowing fags to get hitched. which I have very little problems with when it comes to legal matters and making them tax exempt and whatnot..... moral is a diff issue BUT thats my opinion and shouldnt limit someone else for it.

BUT going against prop 8 would open the door for lawsuits to be brought against churches schools and individuals for years to come. This would mean forcefed schooling to our kids that homosexuality is ok and a viable option morally when that should be up to the kids themselves and their parents decision on how to raise their child. And to get more specific on the churches say a gay couple wants to get married in a traditional catholic church and they say no then they can sue them for being discriminatory when it is their BELIEF, and the state has no business governing a churches beliefs and forcing them to do stuff against it or be sued and fined and lose their tax exemption on all their tithes and offerings from their members.....

so again I have no problem with the gay folks getting hitched for all intensive purposes but accepting their lifestyle and moreso forcing it down everyones throats as OK when that should be a personal choice is not and I hope you are for prop 8.
I think the separation between church and state is nowhere near far enough apart.

AND in case everyone forgot, marriage is not solely a Christian institution, yet this has been turned into a holy war. Marriage has been around much longer than Christianity, and is part of nearly EVERY organized religion. There is freedom of religion in this country, therefor, if a religion decided that they were ok with gay marriage, shouldn't it be legal?

The catholic church can excommunicate people btw... which isn't illegal, so I don't see any reason that they could be sued for not marrying people that they didn't want... they don't recognize divorce, but the government does... so, with the prop passing, we can't really say what would have happened. Personally I think it is a human rights violation on both sides of the fence, it should not be voted on at all. It should be up to the church to marry who they choose and not marry who they choose not to... and gay people should be able to be married by institutions that accept the idea of gay marriage. It is that simple. I think that since the elections are over, and nothing more can be done for now... lets all just drop it.

I had an amazing back and bicep workout. You are in for a killer back day when you cruise out here timber.


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by drop it, i hope you're not referring to the soap :)


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Fck politics man, on this forum i like to talk about things that make me happy, not things that make me want to kill people. Politics makes me want to kill people. Just legalize the drugs I like and leave me the fck alone, stupid government.

Now, if ur using politics to get pissed the fck off so you can take it out on the weights, then ur smart.

Timber you are going to love Mdrol. There's something about my body that just loves the stuff. If i have any advice about it, it's that in the 3rd week you will have gained already 12+ pounds... so while people say gains slow in the 3rd week, I say up the calories a little bit more... SD creates an anabolic environment like none other, but after putting on some muscle and being heavier, it takes more food. just a thought!

On my 4th week i felt like 30mg was a waste, then i upped cals even MORE and kept gaining... ;)
Best post of the day.


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I really think its funny how accepting New York and California are of gays in general.... then everywhere in between just kind of wants to burn homos at the stake.


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I really think its funny how accepting New York and California are of gays in general.... then everywhere in between just kind of wants to burn homos at the stake.
that reminds me of the simpsons episode, where fidel castro says how much he likes san francisco, because they named part of the city after him. god, that made me laugh.


  • RockStar
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Timber isn't a vegetarian


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for one, schools, other than private schools, are not allowed or forced to teach about marriage. and if they do, thats their choice. and what if a teacher is gay and a student asks, should they lie? or what if a classmate has two moms or dads? are the kids to be kept in the dark?

and i think suing the churches could be a problem, however, im pretty much against the church, and i was brought up catholic, going to private catholic schools from pre school to senior year of high school. so basically i say sue the **** out of the churches. they have more money than they need, and they would probably win because they have the money to probably hire better lawyers than an average homosexual couple.

and i think that should be addressed in the new proposition when it comes through again (i just signed a petition to put it back on the ballot and there were already 11000 signatures).

and if someone uses the sanctity of marriage argument again, ill **** my pants. the sanctity of marriage was gone along time ago. 50% divorce rate, someone like britney spears having a "just for fun marriage", and the ability to get hitched in vegas. and a single mom or single dad, is going to raise a perfectly normal child, just as a loving homosexual couple could raise a perfectly normal child. i know this because i have witnessed it myself.

not to mention, it wasnt like we were voting to GIVE them the right to marriage. they were already given it, and then it was stripped from them.

alright. im done. i cant talk about this bullshit anymore.
dude your preachin to the choir here bout the sanctity of marrige.... Im JUST starting a divorce/seperation process with my wife cause sh!ts too tough for her and she cant hack it "for better or for WORSE".

I wish I could say theres more to it behind the scenes to make it seem less shittay but bottom line its cause the dough isnt rollin in and that makes her unhappy everywhere else, Im a great husband otherwise and a great father which she cant and isnt denying.... there just is no real commitment anymore gentlemen... or at least its few and far between, as soon as the shiii hits the fan you see people for who they really are.

But I think if they could rework/word the bill then Id be all for it Im just not about to have someone elses values pushed on myself or anyone else for the sake of being accepting... let them do their thing and let me do mine, I could care less, just dont force others to preach what you practice.


  • Established
I think the separation between church and state is nowhere near far enough apart.

AND in case everyone forgot, marriage is not solely a Christian institution, yet this has been turned into a holy war. Marriage has been around much longer than Christianity, and is part of nearly EVERY organized religion. There is freedom of religion in this country, therefor, if a religion decided that they were ok with gay marriage, shouldn't it be legal?

The catholic church can excommunicate people btw... which isn't illegal, so I don't see any reason that they could be sued for not marrying people that they didn't want... they don't recognize divorce, but the government does... so, with the prop passing, we can't really say what would have happened. Personally I think it is a human rights violation on both sides of the fence, it should not be voted on at all. It should be up to the church to marry who they choose and not marry who they choose not to... and gay people should be able to be married by institutions that accept the idea of gay marriage. It is that simple. I think that since the elections are over, and nothing more can be done for now... lets all just drop it.

I had an amazing back and bicep workout. You are in for a killer back day when you cruise out here timber.

I agree wholly


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listen to you talk **** man get over your fukking self you sound like an insecure *****. I have probably fukked more girls in high school then you ever will so stop trying to make others look bad out of your own insecurity and yes you do act like you know alot about steroids and cutting with mdrol. Give me a fukking break you haven't even takin it yet. quit acting like a b1tch that you are. Tell me when you have some proof that you aren't a *****. Like when you grow a d1ck! I am out fagstick

I cant believe you both, arguing i wish we could all get along, and i have a horrible feeling im partly to blame for all this, I just wanted to say that i hope you guys can get along, might be a bit late for that, but timber, you remember the PM you sent me abouut your buddy, and i did what you asked? Well im asking you to do the same, because Hman is a good friend.
Thanks bro, and il be here when your cycle starts getting heavy, I just dont get the arguing.


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dude your preachin to the choir here bout the sanctity of marrige.... Im JUST starting a divorce/seperation process with my wife cause sh!ts too tough for her and she cant hack it "for better or for WORSE".

I wish I could say theres more to it behind the scenes to make it seem less shittay but bottom line its cause the dough isnt rollin in and that makes her unhappy everywhere else, Im a great husband otherwise and a great father which she cant and isnt denying.... there just is no real commitment anymore gentlemen... or at least its few and far between, as soon as the shiii hits the fan you see people for who they really are.

But I think if they could rework/word the bill then Id be all for it Im just not about to have someone elses values pushed on myself or anyone else for the sake of being accepting... let them do their thing and let me do mine, I could care less, just dont force others to preach what you practice.
sorry to hear about your situation. hope everything works out peacefully and smoothly.

following link....


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dont kid yourselves, both are very smart men and either could do well as president; i just think, as well as a good many states, that obama's views are the better direction for our country at this critical time.
Australian made

Australian made

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dude your preachin to the choir here bout the sanctity of marrige.... Im JUST starting a divorce/seperation process with my wife cause sh!ts too tough for her and she cant hack it "for better or for WORSE".

I wish I could say theres more to it behind the scenes to make it seem less shittay but bottom line its cause the dough isnt rollin in and that makes her unhappy everywhere else, Im a great husband otherwise and a great father which she cant and isnt denying.... there just is no real commitment anymore gentlemen... or at least its few and far between, as soon as the shiii hits the fan you see people for who they really are.

But I think if they could rework/word the bill then Id be all for it Im just not about to have someone elses values pushed on myself or anyone else for the sake of being accepting... let them do their thing and let me do mine, I could care less, just dont force others to preach what you practice.
Sorry to hear that mate, and apologies for being a c*nt to you the other day.:cheers:


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I cant believe you both, arguing i wish we could all get along, and i have a horrible feeling im partly to blame for all this, I just wanted to say that i hope you guys can get along, might be a bit late for that, but timber, you remember the PM you sent me abouut your buddy, and i did what you asked? Well im asking you to do the same, because Hman is a good friend.
Thanks bro, and il be here when your cycle starts getting heavy, I just dont get the arguing.
You have a good heart Russian.


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I cant believe you both, arguing i wish we could all get along, and i have a horrible feeling im partly to blame for all this, I just wanted to say that i hope you guys can get along, might be a bit late for that, but timber, you remember the PM you sent me abouut your buddy, and i did what you asked? Well im asking you to do the same, because Hman is a good friend.
Thanks bro, and il be here when your cycle starts getting heavy, I just dont get the arguing.
Sorry man, I just don't get down with personal attacks. When someone attacks me during a simple political discussion, all bets are off. I don't need that negative sh*t around me.


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Unfortunately, the legal marriage translates over to medical benefits for your spouse,transfer of properties to your legal spouse,etc,etc. Without that legal acceptance of the marriage these people are left hanging. Otherwise, who the f#ck can tell you who to love right!!


Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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This log is still about steroids, right?

Besides, Timber, I am 5'10" and my girlfriend is downright ridiculous (ask Volcom) (no train)!



Binging on Pure ****ing Rage
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Wait, do you live in California too?
Nah. My girl was on a modeling reality T.V., show and I mentioned that in a thread. Volcom said, in more words, 'wtf' so I showed him her headshot. I am Canadian!


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Nah. My girl was on a modeling reality T.V., show and I mentioned that in a thread. Volcom said, in more words, 'wtf' so I showed him her headshot. I am Canadian!
Yeah, that's what I thought... Not that there aren't any Canadians living in our country.

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