The Official Product Request Thread

i have been asking for dominatp for months and u guys got it in and is already out of stock.i didn't even know it was in stock.what's up?
willib said:
i have been asking for dominatp for months and u guys got it in and is already out of stock.i didn't even know it was in stock.what's up?

Dominatp was released years ago for a short run from what I know it never came back.
Dominatp was released years ago for a short run from what I know it never came back.
Looks awsome except for the leucine. Dont like what it dose in my stomach during workouts. Replace it with whatever dosage of leucine nitrate isnt too much, and it'll sell like hotcakes!
Poseidon Night Time and Poseidon regular. In the past month I've already ordered two Poseidon regulars and one Night Time from another site that I would have preferred buying here cause it's easier adding stuff from NP at great prices than other websites. I've been really impressed with the NT formula over the past 5 to 6 days that I'm looking to restock on another tub within the next few weeks as i won't be able to make an order for approx a month and a half after that time period. Hope you and Nimbus can come to a deal on carrying those products.
alexoc949 said:
Poseidon Night Time and Poseidon regular. In the past month I've already ordered two Poseidon regulars and one Night Time from another site that I would have preferred buying here cause it's easier adding stuff from NP at great prices than other websites. I've been really impressed with the NT formula over the past 5 to 6 days that I'm looking to restock on another tub within the next few weeks as i won't be able to make an order for approx a month and a half after that time period. Hope you and Nimbus can come to a deal on carrying those products.

Thx for you're support!
We are working with Nutra to bring these products to you guys.
Like us on FB please.
StakedCop said:
I'm guessing need2slin will never be back in stock. Looks like recompadrol and rala for now on :D

If we can ever get it back at Nutra
Quest bars please! if priced competetively I will probably end up buying your inventory every month!
nimbustim said:
Email Nutra Planet and let them know. Have you tried our new flavors?

I live in Australia and nobody sells it here. I looked at the profile and past reviews. It LOOKS damn super :)
Maybe sample me up?
I'm new to the thread thing. I would like to know about research chemicals? If someone could PM me some info on a good company to go with for PCT and gyno prevention. Thanks
shame228 said:
I'm new to the thread thing. I would like to know about research chemicals? If someone could PM me some info on a good company to go with for PCT and gyno prevention. Thanks

First I suggest you do your own research and second, why are u posting in this thread? Geez...
When will SNS Reduce XT be back in stock? Thanks
It would be nice to see the Flawless line back in stock at Nutra. Renegade, Java Lather, Banish, etc. Anything Flawless has, bring it back!
Geoforce said:
It would be nice to see the Flawless line back in stock at Nutra. Renegade, Java Lather, Banish, etc. Anything Flawless has, bring it back!

yes, renegade!!!!!
Donde Esta El supps? El conejo de Pascua se vuelve loco tratando de asegurarse de que estos se ponen en las cestas.
Hey Schizm.
I saw your request and was trying to see if anyone was echoing your sentiments. We already carry a large part of the SNS line, but it takes up capital to sit on inventory.

We already carry Invalid Link Removed at a great price.

I also speak 0 spanish and haven't a clue what your last post said.
Hey Schizm.
I saw your request and was trying to see if anyone was echoing your sentiments. We already carry a large part of the SNS line, but it takes up capital to sit on inventory.

We already carry Invalid Link Removed at a great price.

I also speak 0 spanish and haven't a clue what your last post said.

Thanks for the reply Steveoph! I understand not wanting to sit on inventory, but I hear and see that SNS products are OOS often...which means they move, yes? and I read questions/posts almost daily about when one or more of them will be back in stock...coupled with NP only ordering small amts (several units) worth of items...? just seems odd to me...

Citrulline Malate, NP sells their brand...but you also stock Primaforce, a non sponsored AM company, I would think you'd opt to carry/support SNS over PF...?

Not trying to start anything and I'm sure there are behind the scenes business aspects I'm not aware of, so I'm mostly on the outside looking in...but again, just seems odd to me...

Y u no Launch love?

Also, I would like to see SAN's Launch (and more SAN products) in the that in the works or a no go?
nimbustim said:
Nimbus Nutritions Poseidon & Poseidon Night Time

Only tried the couple samples of each I was given. I wasn't really sure what to expect and consequently didn't see much but if it were to be stocked at the planet I would definitely grab a tub of each and get a better opinion on it.
Only tried the couple samples of each I was given. I wasn't really sure what to expect and consequently didn't see much but if it were to be stocked at the planet I would definitely grab a tub of each and get a better opinion on it.

The key to the product is continued use. It honestly takes about a week for the "Poseidon Complex" to saturate your system and become full force.
nimbustim said:
The key to the product is continued use. It honestly takes about a week for the "Poseidon Complex" to saturate your system and become full force.

That's what the buzz is.
Nutra get this in so I can try it!
Thanks for the reply Steveoph! I understand not wanting to sit on inventory, but I hear and see that SNS products are OOS often...which means they move, yes? and I read questions/posts almost daily about when one or more of them will be back in stock...coupled with NP only ordering small amts (several units) worth of items...? just seems odd to me...

Citrulline Malate, NP sells their brand...but you also stock Primaforce, a non sponsored AM company, I would think you'd opt to carry/support SNS over PF...?

Not trying to start anything and I'm sure there are behind the scenes business aspects I'm not aware of, so I'm mostly on the outside looking in...but again, just seems odd to me...

Also, I would like to see SAN's Launch (and more SAN products) in the that in the works or a no go?
NP has had a good relationship with Primaforce and that is part of the reason we consistently stock their products. There wouldn't be a point in carrying a third bulk CitMal.

Regarding NP stock, I have no involvement with ordering but I do know that they like to micromanage. Can't comment on any specifics re: SNS . I can try getting Sam to carry Launch once more and see how it goes :)
nimbustim said:
The key to the product is continued use. It honestly takes about a week for the "Poseidon Complex" to saturate your system and become full force.

Definitely interested in giving the product a go myself.
Only tried the couple samples of each I was given. I wasn't really sure what to expect and consequently didn't see much but if it were to be stocked at the planet I would definitely grab a tub of each and get a better opinion on it.

The key to the product is continued use. It honestly takes about a week for the "Poseidon Complex" to saturate your system and become full force.
Back when I used Nimbus Poseidon a few years I would throw it in my intra-WO drinks. Good to replace electrolytes. I'll mention it again to Sam to see where we're at
Back when I used Nimbus Poseidon a few years I would throw it in my intra-WO drinks. Good to replace electrolytes. I'll mention it again to Sam to see where we're at

Awesome. Poseidon really is versatile as it can mix with practically anything. The new flavoring system rocks as well. Real talk....Poseidon & Poseidon Night Time are some of the best tasting products on the market. Let Sam know that we sport all new semi clear cobalt blue containers with brand new labels, etc.

Poseidon Night Time really is one of the best sleep aids on the market currently.
Thank you! For providing the data concerning HGH supplements. I need to state last 3 years have not been sort I was enduring the troubles like lack of power, sleeplessness, wrinkles, and growing older sites. After studying this details I have been making use of these supplements and currently I m sensation total of energised. At this fee ... oooh, I don't would like to think of. Anyhow, thank you for writing in an exceptional means.

:spam: Just saw this tard commented on one of my threads on another site with the same dumb gibberish...
nimbustim said:
Awesome. Poseidon really is versatile as it can mix with practically anything. The new flavoring system rocks as well. Real talk....Poseidon & Poseidon Night Time are some of the best tasting products on the market. Let Sam know that we sport all new semi clear cobalt blue containers with brand new labels, etc.

Poseidon Night Time really is one of the best sleep aids on the market currently.

Maybe a bit off-topic, but Nimbus' Blast was good back in the day to ward off hangovers after a night of drinking!
Maybe a bit off-topic, but Nimbus' Blast was good back in the day to ward off hangovers after a night of drinking!

Great for Hangover relief. For a while we offered a product called ReHab-P3 which basically was a two pack deal. Evening pack and Morning pack...basically a modfied Poseidon at night and a modified Blast for the morning.

Poseidon after drinking and Blast upon waking up will have you feeling great.

Make sure Nutra Planet knows you would like to see our products back up in the store.