The dissapearing man



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I don't know that I have ever worked out in a gym nice enough to have much better equipment than PF. I mean, their stuff is on par for 24Hr Fitness, Fitness Connection, and most of the other commercial gyms. Just missing a lot of the lever style options, and power racks but still similar equipment otherwise. I know there are some higher dollar places that probably have a lot better machines but as far as your average commercial gym they seem pretty on par.

I do like the massage beds and massage chairs, as well as having a tanning bed to use to keep up vitamin D levels. It's a hard to beat deal if looking to have a gym close by no matter where you go. You just have to sub out some exercises on occasion.


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I don't know that I have ever worked out in a gym nice enough to have much better equipment than PF. I mean, their stuff is on par for 24Hr Fitness, Fitness Connection, and most of the other commercial gyms. Just missing a lot of the lever style options, and power racks but still similar equipment otherwise. I know there are some higher dollar places that probably have a lot better machines but as far as your average commercial gym they seem pretty on par.

I do like the massage beds and massage chairs, as well as having a tanning bed to use to keep up vitamin D levels. It's a hard to beat deal if looking to have a gym close by no matter where you go. You just have to sub out some exercises on occasion.
That's pretty much my experience with it. I've been a member of high-end gyms; both big commercial gyms and boutiques, and my opinion over the years is that I can get a good workout in almost anywhere. If you're training correctly; whether it's free weights, machines, or whatever else, you'll get a good workout in. The only real preference I have when it comes to machines is that I prefer the unilateral equipment. So, regardless of the quality of the machine, I will usually opt for the unilateral machines over the bilateral machines. I can still get a good workout on either one but that is just a preference I have. So, if I had a choice between a cheap, beat up unilateral bicep curl, row, bench press, etc. vs a very high end brand new bilateral bicep curl, row, bench press, etc. machine... I will 90% of the time go with the cheap unilateral equipment.


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I like my oatmeal the same way.
Yeah, my wife thinks I am weird because I like my oats wet. Mom would always cook them up nice and thick. Like thick enough to stand a spoon up in. Then we added a little brown sugar, cinnamon, sometimes raisins, and some milk, stirred it up, and OMG SOOOOO GOOD!!!


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Yeah, my wife thinks I am weird because I like my oats wet. Mom would always cook them up nice and thick. Like thick enough to stand a spoon up in. Then we added a little brown sugar, cinnamon, sometimes raisins, and some milk, stirred it up, and OMG SOOOOO GOOD!!!
That's the BEST way!! I will be eating my oats like that again thus fall. No more plain oats with Splenda


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Since I'm gonna be home kinda late I'm gonna try to find a random planet fitness to stop at on the way home. For anyone who wonders why I keep a PF membership still, this is why.
makes sense, that's why I upgraded my la fitness to "any gym". one is 5 minutes from the office for after work, lunch or before work but the other is closer to home (22minutes) for weekends or on the way home etc.

I don't know that I have ever worked out in a gym nice enough to have much better equipment than PF. I mean, their stuff is on par for 24Hr Fitness, Fitness Connection, and most of the other commercial gyms.
I had a very different experience out here. I had 4 gym memberships at one point, but all were cheap. one was $9.99/month. PF bought them and kept the price but that same exact day took out all the useable equipment. all barbells and dumbbells were removed. I cancelled my membership and never looked back. apparently like half of us did cause they had a cancellation desk waiting on day 1. I've heard really good things from other people, i only had the one negative experience though I should probably check them out again.

in my experience with attending probably 20 gyms local and the one I owned, the BEST gyms have always been ma and pa style xfit or powerlifter gyms, by far the best equipment. 24hr fitness out here was second best with legit platforms, eleiko plates and barbells. my la fitness is good enough, I like the dungeon feel at the tacoma one. we do have platforms but the barbells and plates are not high quality at all.


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Damn sorry about all that bro. I feel you on your cat. I think I'm more of a cat person unless it's a mini dachshund. I miss my 2 more more than anything but there's something about the affection of a cat. I left mine at my parents but I still see her every few weeks and she greets me just like a dog would. I know she's spoiled rotten living with my parents and that's just the way I want it
I hope your family member recovers and everything is alright, as well as your cat too. Doing the boxing event is probably just what you need to keep your mind off things.
My cat seems to be back to normal. My cousin is not doing so great and last I heard it dosent look good but nothing else was said in the past 24 hours so
Yeah, my wife thinks I am weird because I like my oats wet. Mom would always cook them up nice and thick. Like thick enough to stand a spoon up in. Then we added a little brown sugar, cinnamon, sometimes raisins, and some milk, stirred it up, and OMG SOOOOO GOOD!!!
I can't eat them like that unless the serving is small. The thicker they are the faster I get full. If I need to cut calories to a point where I'm starving all the time, then IL make them thick so I can trick myself into thinking I ate more food lol.


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makes sense, that's why I upgraded my la fitness to "any gym". one is 5 minutes from the office for after work, lunch or before work but the other is closer to home (22minutes) for weekends or on the way home etc.

I had a very different experience out here. I had 4 gym memberships at one point, but all were cheap. one was $9.99/month. PF bought them and kept the price but that same exact day took out all the useable equipment. all barbells and dumbbells were removed. I cancelled my membership and never looked back. apparently like half of us did cause they had a cancellation desk waiting on day 1. I've heard really good things from other people, i only had the one negative experience though I should probably check them out again.

in my experience with attending probably 20 gyms local and the one I owned, the BEST gyms have always been ma and pa style xfit or powerlifter gyms, by far the best equipment. 24hr fitness out here was second best with legit platforms, eleiko plates and barbells. my la fitness is good enough, I like the dungeon feel at the tacoma one. we do have platforms but the barbells and plates are not high quality at all.
I've used 3 pf, all of them removed the barbells and kept db that go up to 70's or 80's. So if I wanna do something heavy it's usually in a Smith machine, then il go over to the db rack and finish with machines but most of the time I just do machines and db's and use intensity techniques to make **** seem heavier. Sometimes even just 2 or 3 extra "warm up sets" will be used to make a weight feel heavier.

Or IL superset a body part with the same body part like low incline db press and bd fly's. Superset those for 5 sets of 15 and let me know how you feel the next day. By set 3 your probably pumped to the max


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Or IL superset a body part with the same body part like low incline db press and bd fly's. Superset those for 5 sets of 15 and let me know how you feel the next day. By set 3 your probably pumped to the max
I'm craving a good pump session. Last friday I was supersetting 10 x 10s and I swear I could not get the pump to save my life despite a huge carb load. (just finished epi, phosphatidic acid and one other thing). but that said, throwing 20 sets of bicep curls into a normal day. (only because Arnold said 20 sets was his goal in the new documentary 😅 ) I swear to you on my mothers life my biceps looked better the next day. I might give this 20 set routine a more frequent effort if I can find the TIME. ****, even at EMOTM that's 20+ minutes for one movement.


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I don't know that I have ever worked out in a gym nice enough to have much better equipment than PF. I mean, their stuff is on par for 24Hr Fitness, Fitness Connection, and most of the other commercial gyms. Just missing a lot of the lever style options, and power racks but still similar equipment otherwise. I know there are some higher dollar places that probably have a lot better machines but as far as your average commercial gym they seem pretty on par.

I do like the massage beds and massage chairs, as well as having a tanning bed to use to keep up vitamin D levels. It's a hard to beat deal if looking to have a gym close by no matter where you go. You just have to sub out some exercises on occasion.

but have you been to a golds gym lately? their equipment is 20x better and have all the bells and whistles. maybe its my area that uses the inferior equipment at PF(???), but even the treadmills have terrible functionally and no video screen/ wi-fi / programing / ect. and the while the lifting equipment may suffice, if you look at the same piece of hammer strength at golds vs PF there is a huge difference not only in capabilities but also the amount of weight they handle / size of the machine and build quality. again none of this matters in context of what we are talking about in that you can get a killer wo at PF!


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I'm craving a good pump session. Last friday I was supersetting 10 x 10s and I swear I could not get the pump to save my life despite a huge carb load. (just finished epi, phosphatidic acid and one other thing). but that said, throwing 20 sets of bicep curls into a normal day. (only because Arnold said 20 sets was his goal in the new documentary 😅 ) I swear to you on my mothers life my biceps looked better the next day. I might give this 20 set routine a more frequent effort if I can find the TIME. ****, even at EMOTM that's 20+ minutes for one movement.
The visual improvements the next day are most likely localized swelling from increased damage with all of that volume.


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Even at my strongest when benching 3 plates and deadlifts with 4-5plates I had no problem using a pf. Unless you nick walker or hard-core powerlifter you can make it work just fine. Not ideal, but it's enough to get the job done
Yeah it’s not going to work longterm for a competitive strength athlete, but you can still do smith squats, RDLs, rows, seated/bench pressing, plus pull-ups with the heaviest db pinched between your knees. I mean you can definitely train for strength and size still if you can think outside the box.


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but have you been to a golds gym lately? their equipment is 20x better and have all the bells and whistles. maybe its my area that uses the inferior equipment at PF(???), but even the treadmills have terrible functionally and no video screen/ wi-fi / programing / ect. and the while the lifting equipment may suffice, if you look at the same piece of hammer strength at golds vs PF there is a huge difference not only in capabilities but also the amount of weight they handle / size of the machine and build quality. again none of this matters in context of what we are talking about in that you can get a killer wo at PF!
No, I haven't been to a Gold's in many years. Almost all of the Gold's Gym's here were bought by 24Hr Fitness several years ago, then 24Hr Fitness became a fitness only type of gym, and got rid of most of their good equipment for all Hoist Roc-It crap. I actually just looked and there are only 3 in the entire Houston area. One is like 20 minutes away, but I can't imagine there is anything there that would justify me driving the 20 minutes out and back. I also do not value some of the things you mentioned. So I don't really notice it. Like video screens on my cardio equipment. Even when there is a screen there, I use my phone to watch whatever I want, so I don't really even notice them. As far as differences with the same machines, I probably wouldn't notice that much either. If the movement and angles are the same then it would likely be a difference in how much resistance which I am likely to be unaware of unless I just recently used more on the same machine elsewhere then realized this one didn't have it.

That being said, I go to Fitness Connection for most of my sessions, and they have some great strength training equipment. Many of the major brands, tons of variety, a few DL platforms, tons of squat racks, a tire flipping machine, just a great overall selection especially for the price of the gym. However I don't think any of their cardio equipment has nice screens. Then again for $10 a month for the club only membership you can't really complain much. That being said if I normally went somewhere nicer then I would probably notice missing some of these things. Then again, I actually get annoyed at having to log into these newer devices if you want any of the bells and whistles. Just let me pick a program, enter my weight and let me go...

I'm not sure we're accomplishing this...
Haha, I mentioned it earlier and some people moved the convo over to the old log then @Smont said he didn't care too much. LOL! So, things went to hell in a handbasket.


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No, I haven't been to a Gold's in many years. Almost all of the Gold's Gym's here were bought by 24Hr Fitness several years ago, then 24Hr Fitness became a fitness only type of gym, and got rid of most of their good equipment for all Hoist Roc-It crap. I actually just looked and there are only 3 in the entire Houston area. One is like 20 minutes away, but I can't imagine there is anything there that would justify me driving the 20 minutes out and back. I also do not value some of the things you mentioned. So I don't really notice it. Like video screens on my cardio equipment. Even when there is a screen there, I use my phone to watch whatever I want, so I don't really even notice them. As far as differences with the same machines, I probably wouldn't notice that much either. If the movement and angles are the same then it would likely be a difference in how much resistance which I am likely to be unaware of unless I just recently used more on the same machine elsewhere then realized this one didn't have it.

That being said, I go to Fitness Connection for most of my sessions, and they have some great strength training equipment. Many of the major brands, tons of variety, a few DL platforms, tons of squat racks, a tire flipping machine, just a great overall selection especially for the price of the gym. However I don't think any of their cardio equipment has nice screens. Then again for $10 a month for the club only membership you can't really complain much. That being said if I normally went somewhere nicer then I would probably notice missing some of these things. Then again, I actually get annoyed at having to log into these newer devices if you want any of the bells and whistles. Just let me pick a program, enter my weight and let me go...

Haha, I mentioned it earlier and some people moved the convo over to the old log then @Smont said he didn't care too much. LOL! So, things went to hell in a handbasket.
I knew it was inevitable that the old thread would completely move here. Me asking for it not to happen was just a hail Mary lol


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Before I forget, I'm ordering triton and Ursa at the end of the week. I'm starting with triton alone for a week so I can feel it out and then I will add Ursa. My question is, @Renew1 @xR1pp3Rx can I apply both in the morning for 1x a day dosing or should I apply triton only pre workout on training days (5x week)

Also, I'm gonna need you 2 to fight to the death and the winner send me there code for the kick back lol. Seriously tho, to the death!


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Before I forget, I'm ordering triton and Ursa at the end of the week. I'm starting with triton alone for a week so I can feel it out and then I will add Ursa. My question is, @Renew1 @xR1pp3Rx can I apply both in the morning for 1x a day dosing or should I apply triton only pre workout on training days (5x week)

Also, I'm gonna need you 2 to fight to the death and the winner send me there code for the kick back lol. Seriously tho, to the death!
Yes, you can apply them both that way.

We don't have codes.
You (and everyone) can either purchase during our BOGO FREE Sales, or save 50% off of everything purchased through our subscription service.
... And of course, any orders over $100 receive Apex-Alchemy's FAST shipping, for Free!


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Before I forget, I'm ordering triton and Ursa at the end of the week. I'm starting with triton alone for a week so I can feel it out and then I will add Ursa. My question is, @Renew1 @xR1pp3Rx can I apply both in the morning for 1x a day dosing or should I apply triton only pre workout on training days (5x week)

Also, I'm gonna need you 2 to fight to the death and the winner send me there code for the kick back lol. Seriously tho, to the death!
Not to the death, but to the pain!

William Goldman > Quotes > The Princess Bride

“To the pain means this: if we duel and you win, death for me. If we duel and I win, life for you. But life on my terms. The first thing you lose will be your feet. Below the ankle. You will have stumps available to use within six months. Then your hands, at the wrists. They heal somewhat quicker. Five months is a fair average. Next your nose. No smell of dawn for you. Followed by your tongue. Deeply cut away. Not even a stump left. And then your left eye—"

And then my right eye, and then my ears, and shall we get on with it?" the Prince said.

Wrong!" Westley’s voice rang across the room. "Your ears you keep, so that every shriek of every child shall be yours to cherish—every babe that weeps in fear at your approach, every woman that cries 'Dear God, what is that thing?' will reverberate forever with your perfect ears.”

I have no idea why but when I saw your to the death comment, it reminded me of this movie. LOL


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Yes, you can apply them both that way.

We don't have codes.
You (and everyone) can either purchase during our BOGO FREE Sales, or save 50% off of everything purchased through our subscription service.
... And of course, any orders over $100 receive Apex-Alchemy's FAST shipping, for Free!
Ya I know lol 😆 🤣 😂 I remember last time I was trying to find a code for you guys and either nos or a member told me no rep codes. I don't expect a discount when everything is already bogo anyway. Actually I might grab 2 bottles of each so I can mess around with the dosing a bit. I like to push past the reccomendations for doses a bit to see what happens, you know, for science n stuff


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Ya I know lol 😆🤣😂 I remember last time I was trying to find a code for you guys and either nos or a member told me no rep codes. I don't expect a discount when everything is already bogo anyway. Actually I might grab 2 bottles of each so I can mess around with the dosing a bit. I like to push past the reccomendations for doses a bit to see what happens, you know, for science n stuff


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Not to the death, but to the pain!

William Goldman > Quotes > The Princess Bride

“To the pain means this: if we duel and you win, death for me. If we duel and I win, life for you. But life on my terms. The first thing you lose will be your feet. Below the ankle. You will have stumps available to use within six months. Then your hands, at the wrists. They heal somewhat quicker. Five months is a fair average. Next your nose. No smell of dawn for you. Followed by your tongue. Deeply cut away. Not even a stump left. And then your left eye—"

And then my right eye, and then my ears, and shall we get on with it?" the Prince said.

Wrong!" Westley’s voice rang across the room. "Your ears you keep, so that every shriek of every child shall be yours to cherish—every babe that weeps in fear at your approach, every woman that cries 'Dear God, what is that thing?' will reverberate forever with your perfect ears.”

I have no idea why but when I saw your to the death comment, it reminded me of this movie. LOL
I missed this post, I was flying through and scrolled across the bold and I was soo confused lol


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I keep forgetting to update, my bad. Did everything I mentioned this morning and I was late and my son wanted to make food so we had...... sloppy Joe's lol. I said do something with the ground beef and I assumed he'd make taco type stuff lol. I threw out the bun and made a salad to go with it, didn't track this one but I think I'm safe 😌.


Found a pf 4min from the job.

Push workout, same stuff I normally do but I tweaked a few with what was available there. Felt good, nothing hurt. Tomorrow I should be out early and I'm gonna do back and legs mixed in with some cardio.

Super setting chins with hex deads

Barbell rows with front squats

Hammer curls and jumping rope

Barbell curls

and then go hit the heavy bag For a few rounds, 3×3


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I'm thinking about trying to manage my free time better and start doing more of a body part split so I can spend a solid 30-45min on only 1 or maybe 2 muscle groups for a BB style workouts and do the cardio completely separate but it's gonna be tough on this schedule.

Tomorrow is the end of the 2nd week so Wednesday morning IL weigh in again
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Note to self, the canned chicken is terribly slimy and gross lol. Never again. I even added some mayo and hot sauce to disguise it but nope. Not my cup a tea. I gotta stick to the rotisserie chicken, pork tenderloin and lean beef
It’s decent mixed into rice/grains/veggies with a bunch of hot sauce. I usually keep a couple cans around for an emergency, but it kinda gives me the runs. You really want to rinse it well.


Note to self, the canned chicken is terribly slimy and gross lol. Never again. I even added some mayo and hot sauce to disguise it but nope. Not my cup a tea. I gotta stick to the rotisserie chicken, pork tenderloin and lean beef
Mannnn I’ve tried countless times to get used to canned chicken and just can’t do it longer than a few days in a row


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It’s decent mixed into rice/grains/veggies with a bunch of hot sauce. I usually keep a couple cans around for an emergency, but it kinda gives me the runs. You really want to rinse it well.
I rinsed and squeezed it dry like 4 or 5 times, I put it in a wrap with spinach and I took 2 bites and trashed it. Bought a sirloin steak wrap with lettuce, feta and low fat Cesar dressing


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Most my whole foods meals are around 650cal and 50gm protein.

IL be honest, I do feel like I'm under eating but it's probably because I has been over eating leading up to this. I'm not looking forward to 2500 cal or less. But, every cut I've ever done, progress really starts showing when I get to that 2200-2500 range and I usually don't need to go lower, I can crank up the cardio and weights to 6 days and avoid lowering food past that point .

This time tho I'm gonna try to get lean as possible without feeling shitty so I might need to hit 2000


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Most my whole foods meals are around 650cal and 50gm protein.

IL be honest, I do feel like I'm under eating but it's probably because I has been over eating leading up to this. I'm not looking forward to 2500 cal or less. But, every cut I've ever done, progress really starts showing when I get to that 2200-2500 range and I usually don't need to go lower, I can crank up the cardio and weights to 6 days and avoid lowering food past that point .

This time tho I'm gonna try to get lean as possible without feeling shitty so I might need to hit 2000
You're not under eating..dude I look at my meals and I'm like no fucking way..but it all adds up..I remember Scott McNally saying it's going to look really bad..especially on paper( the diet) but I'm seeing results almost daily again and all I'm running is 250 test and 40mcg clen. Will start some other compounds at the beginning of August and through labor say. Forgot everyone is going to be in the middle of Olympia prep when I'm in Vegas so if I see some pros training I gotta look my best


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I do give you props, i couldn't run a cut like that without atleast 250 test per week. I would be way to paranoid to where i wouldn't even enjoy the process


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I do give you props, i couldn't run a cut like that without atleast 250 test per week. I would be way to paranoid to where i wouldn't even enjoy the process
In one sense, I'm lucky because I don't feel any different on a cycle than I do on trt. The only way I know i'm on cycle is looking in the mirror and remembering that i'm on cycle because I don't feel any different at all. Whether i'm on a thousand total mg or 150 test I just feel the same
I do give you props, i couldn't run a cut like that without atleast 250 test per week. I would be way to paranoid to where i wouldn't even enjoy the process
I'm pinning every 4 days so I'm on about 200mg. 50mg more then my actual trt dose. I'm not sure if there's really any difference lol


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In one sense, I'm lucky because I don't feel any different on a cycle than I do on trt. The only way I know i'm on cycle is looking in the mirror and remembering that i'm on cycle because I don't feel any different at all. Whether i'm on a thousand total mg or 150 test I just feel the same

I'm pinning every 4 days so I'm on about 200mg. 50mg more then my actual trt dose. I'm not sure if there's really any difference lol
I don't feel any different either really but knowing I wasn't on anything is what would make me paranoid about losing gains


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I don't feel any different either really but knowing I wasn't on anything is what would make me paranoid about losing gains
I'm expecting some muscle loss, I know it comes right back. Don't get me wrong, the smaller I get the more likely I am to eat cheat meal and jump on some sauce lol


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Alright so need your guys input. I'll post my question on the other thread


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I'm not even slightly joking when I say my last post above I originally started typing if I get too small IL start slamming anadrol and pizzas. Then erased it and made the other post lol
I was just gonna ask how you're feeling with the weight loss and if you're feeling psychologically small or still feeling yoked


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I was just gonna ask how you're feeling with the weight loss and if you're feeling psychologically small or still feeling yoked
Not much has changed, I just kinda feel like I look the same but 4-6 weeks from now I'm sure that will change. I'm prepared for it, I'm not changing plans mid way. I wanna go 12 weeks. I also think a little clear out time was necessary because I rotated through quite a few compounds including orals/epistane and I pulled the plug and tried to salvage it and not much happened other then spending a lot of time on for little progress. So this 12 weeks will make it 16 weeks off cycle if I'm not mistaken. That's probably the longest break I've done the past 2 years. Normally after 8-10 I'm starting something be it a real cycle or some kinda injectable sarm experiment. By the way, injectable s23 is pretty gnarly for a cut, pinning a extra 7x week is pretty fukin annoying tho, I often wonder if my delts were getting bigger or just always inflammation from rotating delts eod lol.

But ya, a nice long break while my old broken ass trys to heal some injuries and maybe regain some strength and mobility.

Sorry for the rant, I completely zoned out lol


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Ended up doing chins and hex bar deads for supersets. Chins were always just shy of failure 12-7 reps per set, reps getting lower over the course. Deadlifts 1 plate up to 315 and reps were 12,12,6,6,3,3

The gyms weights was still in scattered pieces from the event so I did Supported db rows with more hex deads and hust did a closer stance sets of 3's with 315 and 12 reps on dumbell rows. Went too light on those, think 50's, probably should bump to 65's

Hammer curls with 40's ×10 for a few sets jumping rope between.

Class started so I had to move my stuff out the weights area. I never ended up finishing the workout, got pulled into 4 or 5 different conversations and before I knew it 20+min had past and I was basically signed out for the night. Couldn't kick back into gear. Gonna have to do some extra cardio Thursday, tomorrow is rest day, but I may go hit the bag or do some light sparing


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I'm having to stop work and move in and take care of mom she's in hospice. I'm over on the east coast of FL. Back in tampa I pay 10 for my crunch membership and 30 for the ymca.

Golds here is 50 month 2 month and 40 I think if you sign a year.

Sorry to say I'm not fucking paying thar. Ran on the beach then did navy seals and lunges

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