The dissapearing man



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I'm having to stop work and move in and take care of mom she's in hospice. I'm over on the east coast of FL. Back in tampa I pay 10 for my crunch membership and 30 for the ymca.

Golds here is 50 month 2 month and 40 I think if you sign a year.

Sorry to say I'm not fucking paying thar. Ran on the beach then did navy seals and lunges
My 2 gym memberships come out to 146, $25ish for a PF black card and the other is $120ish. But it's a boxing gym with weights and strong man equipment so well worth it, and I know the owner for like 20 years so I got my own key which is awesome. Next time we have a government planed health scare IL be training lol


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Smont that event looks like a blast. Do you watch the channel Streetbeaf on YouTube.
Great amateur fights must see I love it
My friend Joe has fought on street beefs 3 times. I believe he went under the name J powers or something like that, il have to text and ask how to search it and il link it, It's kinda a bottom of the barrel fight club. I wanted to go down there a few months ago but new USA boxing rules if you get caught fighting outside USA boxing you get banned and they can even ban your gym if they think the trainers or owners were involved. I technically still have a use boxing card so if I did it I could get a ban. Maybe after I'm 40 when I know I'm 100% done IL go down there, I do like the idea of what they do and if you like to fight for sport it's definitely gonna give you a nice little adrenaline dump.


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Ok 2 weeks down and I over slept and got caught up surfing through AM so let's weigh in and see what's up and what's coming up


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I wondered why these fighters didn't move on. I watch the channel regularly. Check out the lamb and the other gentleman I love to watch wears a dress shirt and overalls. Think he's the reverend. These guys are talented I wonder why they threw it away for youtube


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198.0, down about 9 total pounds but I do believe the first 5-6 was just water.

First thing in the morning I'm a bit dehydrated and I can flex and my abs show, if I completely relax there very blurry tho. But if you remember how bloated i was after the 4th, i think its a big improvement in 2 weeks

Tried to snap a few picks after my arms got a little pump going from the pull ups n rows but I was trying to be discreet and the zoom in kinda blurred the photo, oh well. No1 takes selfies in the boxing gym flexing and I already stand out a bit because I do way more lifting then anyone there so I didn't wanna be the d bag in the mirror flexing lol.

But I guess I'm a d bag lol

Running late this morning and it's a rest day so IL post some plans moving forward tonight.


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I wondered why these fighters didn't move on. I watch the channel regularly. Check out the lamb and the other gentleman I love to watch wears a dress shirt and overalls. Think he's the reverend. These guys are talented I wonder why they threw it away for youtube
It's because they don't have talent. there not very good fighters at all. , I know that looking in from the outside some of them look good but there pretty bad. I've only seen 2-3 guys ever on street beefs that actually look like they had real training. The reason you go on street beefs is because your not a real fighter and you want to fight, or your too old to fight, or you won a few street fights so you think you can fight. Any of those guys would have a hard time surviving more then 2 or 3 rounds with real fighters. Trust me. I been fighting on and off for years and fought competitively in my early 20's and I'm still trash compared to a real boxer. I know because I've spared with some high level mma guys and boxers and they smoke my boots. I literally loose every round on the score cards if you scored the sparring like a real fight lol.

I don't know the 2 your speaking of off top of my head but I'll check them out. There was a Asian kid on there one time that was nasty. He definitely had Bern training to box for a long time. Wasn't a fair fight at all lol


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Just wanna throw this out there so no1 thinks I'm arrogant or nuts, I'm also not a very talented boxer, I'm great in a street fight, I look great boxing to someone who's not a boxer, but a real boxer or trainer could take 2 min and pick out everything I'm bad at and expose it in a sparing session. Even some of these guys that look Fantastic, are fighting people with no real training so it looks like there really good. Kinda like when I box with my friends, they all think I'm better then I really am. But real trained fighters who are good are a while different level and there's multiple levels to how good pros are. There's 13 year old kids that have boxed there whole lives that would not just beat a grown man in a fight, they could beat them to death if they wanted too. They have that much of a advantage. I've actually sparred with young kids that were so good that if they were as strong as me or hit as hard as I can I'd be sleeping before the first round was over lol. Same with mma and wrestling. I wrestled from age 5 to 20 and then still a little more for fun in my 20's and 30's. I've smoked through tournaments on the upper East coast and gone from CT to NY and then Pennsylvania advancing through big tournaments and my buddy that's still fighting pro mma absolutely can destroy me. I can keep up/hang on for about 2 min and then it's all downhill

By the way. Yiu guys that know who I'm talking about, he's fighting next month for bellatore against the #1 contender. He's gone from retired to back with no rankings to going 3-0 and taking out the #7 guy and now he's back where he was at his peak if he wins this fight. Pretty amazing if you know his whole story.

And rants like this are why I'm 21min late to work right now lol.
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Not much has changed, I just kinda feel like I look the same but 4-6 weeks from now I'm sure that will change. I'm prepared for it, I'm not changing plans mid way. I wanna go 12 weeks. I also think a little clear out time was necessary because I rotated through quite a few compounds including orals/epistane and I pulled the plug and tried to salvage it and not much happened other then spending a lot of time on for little progress. So this 12 weeks will make it 16 weeks off cycle if I'm not mistaken. That's probably the longest break I've done the past 2 years. Normally after 8-10 I'm starting something be it a real cycle or some kinda injectable sarm experiment. By the way, injectable s23 is pretty gnarly for a cut, pinning a extra 7x week is pretty fukin annoying tho, I often wonder if my delts were getting bigger or just always inflammation from rotating delts eod lol.

But ya, a nice long break while my old broken ass trys to heal some injuries and maybe regain some strength and mobility.

Sorry for the rant, I completely zoned out lol
I was wondering cause your cut is more severe than mine and you're starting about 10-15lbs higher than I did but even at my stats I feel like every 2lbs is noticeable. Although yesterday when I posted I was depleted. Had a great pump in the gym and within a half hour I felt so smol and skinny boy already 😅😅

Tried to snap a few picks after my arms got a little pump
you carry really good mass in the arms, that's definitely still a deficiency I'm trying to improve


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I was wondering cause your cut is more severe than mine and you're starting about 10-15lbs higher than I did but even at my stats I feel like every 2lbs is noticeable. Although yesterday when I posted I was depleted. Had a great pump in the gym and within a half hour I felt so smol and skinny boy already 😅😅

you carry really good mass in the arms, that's definitely still a deficiency I'm trying to improve
Ya know, I've never really had a arm day, if you noticed over the past few years I'm mostly just doing 2 arm exercises with push and 2 with pull, but I'm high frequency so that's probably why. Early on I only did close grip bench and dips for triceps and hammer curls and bar curls for biceps. And maybe once in the blue a actual arm day. But I do a lot of pressing and neutral grip chins too so that's probably a contributing factor. I also don't seem to hold much fat in my arms and shoulders so they get a little illusion from that


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Ya know, I've never really had a arm day, if you noticed over the past few years I'm mostly just doing 2 arm exercises with push and 2 with pull, but I'm high frequency so that's probably why. Early on I only did close grip bench and dips for triceps and hammer curls and bar curls for biceps. And maybe once in the blue a actual arm day. But I do a lot of pressing and neutral grip chins too so that's probably a contributing factor. I also don't seem to hold much fat in my arms and shoulders so they get a little illusion from that
I generally hate the "genetics" copout, but I get it. I've never in my life had to target my calves to keep them bigger than my arms 😅. my arms are crazy stubborn. I've tried no work, I've tried little work with progressive overload, I've tried strength training them, and now i'm going all out arnold style 20 sets focused on biceps/triceps and for the first time in my life this incredibly high volume is yielding results.

prior years: (you can tell my calves are equal to or larger)


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I generally hate the "genetics" copout, but I get it. I've never in my life had to target my calves to keep them bigger than my arms 😅. my arms are crazy stubborn. I've tried no work, I've tried little work with progressive overload, I've tried strength training them, and now i'm going all out arnold style 20 sets focused on biceps/triceps and for the first time in my life this incredibly high volume is yielding results.

prior years: (you can tell my calves are equal to or larger)
View attachment 234387
Genetically I don't think my arms have any advantages outside not holding fat, my calves and traps need no direct work, that's genetics.

It's hard to judge your arms fully extended but you look very well balanced and very athletic. Better then 99% of the population 👍👍


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198.0, down about 9 total pounds but I do believe the first 5-6 was just water.

First thing in the morning I'm a bit dehydrated and I can flex and my abs show, if I completely relax there very blurry tho. But if you remember how bloated i was after the 4th, i think its a big improvement in 2 weeks View attachment 234378

Tried to snap a few picks after my arms got a little pump going from the pull ups n rows but I was trying to be discreet and the zoom in kinda blurred the photo, oh well. No1 takes selfies in the boxing gym flexing and I already stand out a bit because I do way more lifting then anyone there so I didn't wanna be the d bag in the mirror flexing lol.
View attachment 234379

But I guess I'm a d bag lol

Running late this morning and it's a rest day so IL post some plans moving forward tonight.
Looking good, and quit worrying so much about what others in the gym think about you. Flex if you want to flex. The real douche is the asshat saying something about you flexing when it doesn't affect them or their workout in any way shape or form. Judging people for not being introverted, or visually reserved in the gym is the douche move, not trying to see your hard earned results in the mirror.


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Looking good, and quit worrying so much about what others in the gym think about you. Flex if you want to flex. The real douche is the asshat saying something about you flexing when it doesn't affect them or their workout in any way shape or form. Judging people for not being introverted, or visually reserved in the gym is the douche move, not trying to see your hard earned results in the mirror.
I'm more talking about the boxing gym. The class coming in was kids and parents too, and no1 would say something more then jokingly. Boxing and mma gyms are actually very family oriented or family friendly with the exception of ppl going through training camp for actual fights. Then friendly goes out the window lol. Lots of pictures are always taken but rarely it's someone in the mirror flexing lol. It's more my own insecurities because I'm just different lol. If I go the beach and I'm in really good shape I only take my shirt off when I go in the water lol. Because in the back of my mind, everyone out of shape thinks I'm just trying to show off. I also don't wanna catch a reach around from a modern day tranny or something lol 😆


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I generally hate the "genetics" copout, but I get it. I've never in my life had to target my calves to keep them bigger than my arms 😅. my arms are crazy stubborn. I've tried no work, I've tried little work with progressive overload, I've tried strength training them, and now i'm going all out arnold style 20 sets focused on biceps/triceps and for the first time in my life this incredibly high volume is yielding results.

prior years: (you can tell my calves are equal to or larger)
View attachment 234387
Is this you now or prior years? Pretty shredded bro.


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Just so you guys know dr Todd posted a superdrol vs anadrol video yesterday that was pretty good. It was explained in a way only dr Todd if you have 15 minutes check it out. It's not vigorous Steve quality but even dr Todd admits it in the video


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I generally hate the "genetics" copout, but I get it. I've never in my life had to target my calves to keep them bigger than my arms 😅. my arms are crazy stubborn. I've tried no work, I've tried little work with progressive overload, I've tried strength training them, and now i'm going all out arnold style 20 sets focused on biceps/triceps and for the first time in my life this incredibly high volume is yielding results.

prior years: (you can tell my calves are equal to or larger)
View attachment 234387
How old are you in this picture by the way?
Is this you now or prior years? Pretty shredded bro.
He said in the past but he's pretty active dude so I'd imagine it's not terribly far off


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It's hard to judge your arms fully extended but you look very well balanced and very athletic. Better then 99% of the population
I appreciate that! I was at the top of my game for fitness sports then. not strength, but rings, running, rowing, oly etc were on par with local competition

Is this you now or prior years? Pretty shredded bro.
I'm thinking 6 ish years ago, maybe 7?

How old are you in this picture by the way?
I can't remember the exact year of that comp but it was probably age 33-34. I stayed there and a little leaner for damn near a decade. all strength numbers obviously were flat for a long time, but stayed super lean and my conditioning was on fire. Couldn't deadlift or bench as much as I do now but could slam 225lbs for 21 reps straight into a sub 6 minute mile then back at it. obviously today I'm hanging more at like 15% bf, the sub 6min mile is gone but the deads and bench are a lot higher 😅

I stayed around 180-184lbs until last sept then bulked to 200, started cutting again May 2023. that pic is probably about 176-178lbs 5'9"


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I'm more talking about the boxing gym. The class coming in was kids and parents too, and no1 would say something more then jokingly. Boxing and mma gyms are actually very family oriented or family friendly with the exception of ppl going through training camp for actual fights. Then friendly goes out the window lol. Lots of pictures are always taken but rarely it's someone in the mirror flexing lol. It's more my own insecurities because I'm just different lol. If I go the beach and I'm in really good shape I only take my shirt off when I go in the water lol. Because in the back of my mind, everyone out of shape thinks I'm just trying to show off. I also don't wanna catch a reach around from a modern day tranny or something lol 😆
Yeah, I totally get it. I am the opposite, and the same, but I tend to just doze my way through those thoughts and try to do me. Like being a bigger guy but not ripped I feel like I get judged way harder than say an average guy walking around with a similar level of bodyfat. I feel like they are looking at me like I am showing off, but I am not that impressive. Just a dude trying to get some natural vitamin D while I am out on my walk... I used to cave to those thoughts but I am trying to be a stronger person mentally and not give into worrying about what others think. Especially if they are not important to me.
I appreciate that! I was at the top of my game for fitness sports then. not strength, but rings, running, rowing, oly etc were on par with local competition

I'm thinking 6 ish years ago, maybe 7?

I can't remember the exact year of that comp but it was probably age 33-34. I stayed there and a little leaner for damn near a decade. all strength numbers obviously were flat for a long time, but stayed super lean and my conditioning was on fire. Couldn't deadlift or bench as much as I do now but could slam 225lbs for 21 reps straight into a sub 6 minute mile then back at it. obviously today I'm hanging more at like 15% bf, the sub 6min mile is gone but the deads and bench are a lot higher 😅

I stayed around 180-184lbs until last sept then bulked to 200, started cutting again May 2023. that pic is probably about 176-178lbs 5'9"
Lots of progress made in that time! Very impressive work both to get to that point, and to get to the point you are now from there.


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I don't know if I mentioned it but have a pinched nerve that seems to turn on and off like a light switch. Today I'm on a 32 ft ladder and the flip switches on. Right shoulder, arm, hand, and my right lat fell asleep and it stayed like that for a hour, normally its just a minute or two. It actually has happened mid workout, sometimes I can ignore it enough to continue till it passes and sometimes not. Today was not 😮💨 I know, I'm a terrible person 🙃

It does suck tho, if it gets bad like that again I think I gotta go to the er or something. No pain, just sleep/tingling like when your foot does


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I don't know if I mentioned it but have a pinched nerve that seems to turn on and off like a light switch. Today I'm on a 32 ft ladder and the flip switches on. Right shoulder, arm, hand, and my right lat fell asleep and it stayed like that for a hour, normally its just a minute or two. It actually has happened mid workout, sometimes I can ignore it enough to continue till it passes and sometimes not. Today was not I know, I'm a terrible person

It does suck tho, if it gets bad like that again I think I gotta go to the er or something. No pain, just sleep/tingling like when your foot does
That’s awful man; sorry to hear it. I can’t remember what it’s called, maybe an EMG, but if you can get a nerve specialist to submit to your insurance to cover it, they can test your nerves to see if there is damage/abnormality at different places in the spine. Like if they find some weirdness, then they can suggest where to do an MRI, which may reveal where the problem is and then a plan of attack can be made (chiro adjustments in an area, surgery, etc).

They tested my ulnar nerve when they were trying to figure out my elbow flexion issue before I had an MRI. The nerve guy found it to be perfect, but he also noticed cross-talk between my legs when hitting my knees. So he speculates an MRI on my c-spine/neck would show some issues.


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That’s awful man; sorry to hear it. I can’t remember what it’s called, maybe an EMG, but if you can get a nerve specialist to submit to your insurance to cover it, they can test your nerves to see if there is damage/abnormality at different places in the spine. Like if they find some weirdness, then they can suggest where to do an MRI, which may reveal where the problem is and then a plan of attack can be made (chiro adjustments in an area, surgery, etc).

They tested my ulnar nerve when they were trying to figure out my elbow flexion issue before I had an MRI. The nerve guy found it to be perfect, but he also noticed cross-talk between my legs when hitting my knees. So he speculates an MRI on my c-spine/neck would show some issues.
I've never heard of that, I'm definitely gonna look into it


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**** dude that sounds horrible. I don't know anything about the science that Hyde speaks of but one thing I do know is sometimes it worth going down the rabbit hole of second, third, fourth opinions until you find a solution. Took me like 18 months and probably 6-8 specialists before I fixed my back.


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I've never heard of that, I'm definitely gonna look into it
Weird thing to me is, ortho wanted the nerve exam before resorting to an MRI. But the nerve test is actually more expensive to the insurance company than an MRI. Although the nerve test copay might have been cheaper for me.

But stuff like this isn’t cheap, and the alternative is never getting it fixed until you die, so it’s usually worth the money & effort if there’s a chance of fixing it.


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I don't know if I mentioned it but have a pinched nerve that seems to turn on and off like a light switch. Today I'm on a 32 ft ladder and the flip switches on. Right shoulder, arm, hand, and my right lat fell asleep and it stayed like that for a hour, normally its just a minute or two. It actually has happened mid workout, sometimes I can ignore it enough to continue till it passes and sometimes not. Today was not 😮💨 I know, I'm a terrible person 🙃

It does suck tho, if it gets bad like that again I think I gotta go to the er or something. No pain, just sleep/tingling like when your foot does
Man that really is bad, especially up in the air on a ladder. Hyde’s recommendation sounds like what you need to figure out the issue to get some relief. Which I’m not the one that should be telling you to follow good advice, because I’ve had neck issues for years that causes pain and numbness in my shoulder blades, but I have a great chiropractor that gives me an adjustment when needed, but I really should do more. If it’s something you can get treated, it’s better to do it while you’re young before it possibly becomes chronic.


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Man that really is bad, especially up in the air on a ladder. Hyde’s recommendation sounds like what you need to figure out the issue to get some relief. Which I’m not the one that should be telling you to follow good advice, because I’ve had neck issues for years that causes pain and numbness in my shoulder blades, but I have a great chiropractor that gives me an adjustment when needed, but I really should do more. If it’s something you can get treated, it’s better to do it while you’re young before it possibly becomes chronic.
I'm working on it, my insurance might lap end of September if I don't go back to a union job asap so I'm making as many appointments as possible from now to September and getting everything I can done
Oliver Kween

Oliver Kween

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The obvious goto would be Ursa. the combo of the two is much beloved, but beware, some people who are lean actually gain a bit of mass on UM. for strick fat loss I would probably go UM/flashpoint combo, but triton is amazbawls
Do triton is like D-ribose ?

Nucleosides are glycosylamines consisting of a nucleobase linked to the anomeric carbon atom of a pentose residue, usually ribose (ribonucleoside) or deoxyribose (deoxyribonucleoside), by a glycosidic bond from the nitrogen atom
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I'm working on it, my insurance might lap end of September if I don't go back to a union job asap so I'm making as many appointments as possible from now to September and getting everything I can done
I don’t blame you….get all you can on insurance, but hopefully your able to get back on a union job, at least for the benefits and insurance.


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Hate to hear that but happy you weren't relying on that arm to keep you on the ladder when it went out. Jeez, could have been horrible. Yeah, definitely do what you can to get that checked out now while you have your insurance.


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That’s awful man; sorry to hear it. I can’t remember what it’s called, maybe an EMG, but if you can get a nerve specialist to submit to your insurance to cover it, they can test your nerves to see if there is damage/abnormality at different places in the spine. Like if they find some weirdness, then they can suggest where to do an MRI, which may reveal where the problem is and then a plan of attack can be made (chiro adjustments in an area, surgery, etc).

They tested my ulnar nerve when they were trying to figure out my elbow flexion issue before I had an MRI. The nerve guy found it to be perfect, but he also noticed cross-talk between my legs when hitting my knees. So he speculates an MRI on my c-spine/neck would show some issues.
I've had that done an its pretty uncomfortable! when I had it done at least 30 yrs ago it wasn't much fun.


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I've had that done an its pretty uncomfortable! when I had it done at least 30 yrs ago it wasn't much fun.
I had it done last year and it was cake; better than taking shots with a slinpin for sure. Just poked the little needle in a few surface areas while he watches the electrical feedback.

They have made it so any pansy can handle it these days!


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I had it done last year and it was cake; better than taking shots with a slinpin for sure. Just poked the little needle in a few surface areas while he watches the electrical feedback.

They have made it so any pansy can handle it these days!
You can't say pansy any more, it upsets the tranny's


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And once you piss of the tranny's the unleash the thems and theys to do battle. So please refer to everyone by there proper mental disorder


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My phone auto corrected trannies to tranny's both times, do they now have different spellings of different trannies? 😆 or is my phone trying to stop me from saying trannies lol
Maybe the spelling is confusing the AI. I mean one you have to check with a dipstick to see if lubed enough, and the other you have to check for a dipstick before you lube it up.


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I had it done last year and it was cake; better than taking shots with a slinpin for sure. Just poked the little needle in a few surface areas while he watches the electrical feedback.

They have made it so any pansy can handle it these days!
when i had it done, they used about a 20g x2 needle that the guy would insert, and then he had to flick them back and forth to get the readings !! :LOL::LOL:


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Ok, it's a busy fukin day, I got a big workout coming up in about 15min with 2 buddies. Had a shake a hour ago with 60gm protein and then I just had a coffee with some cream and a banana.

Intra workout is 15gm of a bcaa/eaa mix. I'm using up the last few bottles I got and switching to Mike's new product the build version next. By 15gm +12gm glutamine

Weight has remained between 198-200 but I expected that with 2 days off no cardio or weights.

My goals for this week are -5lbs and miss no workouts, order triton and Ursa (might do 2 triton first and wait to order Ursa because I'm 99% sure if it's in my possession IL use it and I wanna try triton for a week or 2 solo.) And I'm trying to shift my carbs all to the intra/post workout window

Feeling strong today and I'm gonna carnitine load later today with a high carb dinner.


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I felt great but not challenging enough on the weights so my adjustments notes are in the workout notes below.

205 on flat bench is super light for 5 reps but I feel shakey in the wrists and shoulders because it's been so long. So I'm jumping to 215 and probably do 5lb increases after that on the days I bench. (I was worried bench was out the window but...) idk I think I'm OK if I move slow and controlled. I can probably still do 260-275×5 but too risky and I'm trying to basically risk nothing on my usual suspects for injury. Shoulders, knees, lower back.

Still sipping some more eaas now and as soon as I'm hungry it's chicken and a small amount of rice and vegetables. Same for the following meal and a lot of carbs at dinner with some carnatine 1000mg.
Screenshot_20230722_120610_Notepad Free.jpg

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