Hi all, I'm getting ready to go into a real cut and drop about 15lbs of fat hopefully without loosing too much muscle.
Recent chain of events.
Sick and injured from Christmas to the end of January. Got better and went into a slightly dirty bulk with test, eq and epistane and put on 18 lbs by March 19th and set some random strength pr's. Got sick again and dropped eq, ran test and mast at low doses and tried to salvage the cycle and I injured my shoulder, lower back and right knee all over the course of a month. I'm back down to 200lbs and I'm done with cycles for a while.
Going forward I'm taking a slightly higher then trt dose and staying there. 125mg sust every 4-5 days. I'm gonna use some peptides (for injuries) and carnatine along with a few natty supps this time around.
Training is going to be a mix of everything I like to do. Lift weights, boxing, some oddball strength training and some hiking and bike rides. All of which will be lower then typically used weights.
I'm doing this to keep accountability and track trends with lifts and injuries ect.
Training, food, injury recovery and some supplements.
Out the gate there will be no supplements beyond the basic vitamins i normally take, I will add things as needed. Step 2 will probably be gw and carnatine and at the end I will add a fat burner and probably something for enhanced pumps and performance In the gym.
I guess my end goal is to heal up and get really lean like I would want to before starting a bulking phase but IL probably hold there. I've been there before so it shouldn't be ultra complicated or require anything extreme.
Tomorrow will be day 1.
I'm hoping I can keep this thread on track and most of the general conversation stay in my other threads.
If anyone wants to see the workouts I can lay then out up front or just post them as I do them. When actually lifting weights, the goal is get a few warm up sets, then get a good pump and once I got the pump use a intensity technique to get close to failure and move on to the next exercise.
Recent chain of events.
Sick and injured from Christmas to the end of January. Got better and went into a slightly dirty bulk with test, eq and epistane and put on 18 lbs by March 19th and set some random strength pr's. Got sick again and dropped eq, ran test and mast at low doses and tried to salvage the cycle and I injured my shoulder, lower back and right knee all over the course of a month. I'm back down to 200lbs and I'm done with cycles for a while.
Going forward I'm taking a slightly higher then trt dose and staying there. 125mg sust every 4-5 days. I'm gonna use some peptides (for injuries) and carnatine along with a few natty supps this time around.
Training is going to be a mix of everything I like to do. Lift weights, boxing, some oddball strength training and some hiking and bike rides. All of which will be lower then typically used weights.
I'm doing this to keep accountability and track trends with lifts and injuries ect.
Training, food, injury recovery and some supplements.
Out the gate there will be no supplements beyond the basic vitamins i normally take, I will add things as needed. Step 2 will probably be gw and carnatine and at the end I will add a fat burner and probably something for enhanced pumps and performance In the gym.
I guess my end goal is to heal up and get really lean like I would want to before starting a bulking phase but IL probably hold there. I've been there before so it shouldn't be ultra complicated or require anything extreme.
Tomorrow will be day 1.
I'm hoping I can keep this thread on track and most of the general conversation stay in my other threads.
If anyone wants to see the workouts I can lay then out up front or just post them as I do them. When actually lifting weights, the goal is get a few warm up sets, then get a good pump and once I got the pump use a intensity technique to get close to failure and move on to the next exercise.