The dissapearing man


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I need to put my old rule back in place for myself. No more responding to ppl with under 100 posts lol. I get on these rampages where I think I'm helping everyone and I'm just talking to the walls lol, not all of them, but most of them.
I'll give them one and depending on their response is whether I respond back. A lot if times my response seems to be defending one if you guys in hopes that the op really gets what we're trying to say. Again depending on their response or how the respond to one of you guys will determine my response back


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Workout looked good..seems you need to add more weight according to your notes which is always a good thing especially during a cut


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I felt great but not challenging enough on the weights so my adjustments notes are in the workout notes below.

205 on flat bench is super light for 5 reps but I feel shakey in the wrists and shoulders because it's been so long. So I'm jumping to 215 and probably do 5lb increases after that on the days I bench. (I was worried bench was out the window but...) idk I think I'm OK if I move slow and controlled. I can probably still do 260-275×5 but too risky and I'm trying to basically risk nothing on my usual suspects for injury. Shoulders, knees, lower back.

Still sipping some more eaas now and as soon as I'm hungry it's chicken and a small amount of rice and vegetables. Same for the following meal and a lot of carbs at dinner with some carnatine 1000mg. View attachment 234501
Always impressed with your strength and how you can cut and bulk pretty damn quick and always great results.


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I felt great but not challenging enough on the weights so my adjustments notes are in the workout notes below.

205 on flat bench is super light for 5 reps but I feel shakey in the wrists and shoulders because it's been so long. So I'm jumping to 215 and probably do 5lb increases after that on the days I bench. (I was worried bench was out the window but...) idk I think I'm OK if I move slow and controlled. I can probably still do 260-275×5 but too risky and I'm trying to basically risk nothing on my usual suspects for injury. Shoulders, knees, lower back.

Still sipping some more eaas now and as soon as I'm hungry it's chicken and a small amount of rice and vegetables. Same for the following meal and a lot of carbs at dinner with some carnatine 1000mg. View attachment 234501
Solid workout, always good when you have to increase weights. Man I couldn’t help but think about that shoulder and the pinched nerve when I saw bench. I know those are light weights, but I hope you have a spotter just in case that shoulder flares up. I think you’ll like Ursa and Triton.
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I need to put my old rule back in place for myself. No more responding to ppl with under 100 posts lol. I get on these rampages where I think I'm helping everyone and I'm just talking to the walls lol, not all of them, but most of them.
I can’t get over how over the last probably few months there always seems to be a new guy asking crazy questions or coming up with some crazy idea pretty much every week. I like to help people when I can, but sometimes I can’t help but think it could be a Troll and I just don’t have time to waste on that.


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I can’t get over how over the last probably few months there always seems to be a new guy asking crazy questions or coming up with some crazy idea pretty much every week. I like to help people when I can, but sometimes I can’t help but think it could be a Troll and I just don’t have time to waste on that.
I know right..they stopped for awhile but over the last 2 or 3 weeks everytime I come on here I'm like is wtf!?! This dude can't be serous with this question. I mean do they even read it out loud to themselves before posting to hear how ridiculous they sound


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Always impressed with your strength and how you can cut and bulk pretty damn quick and always great results.
My strength is actually down a lot, bench press is probably the weakest it's been I the past 4 years

I was benching 315 for reps in October last year and maxed 370. This is the weakest I've been in a while.

But I 100% promise you that I have no special genetics for either bulking or cutting. It's because I put in the effort, my diet is actually my biggest challenge. But I still get results from the effort and a middle ground diet. The main reason I get so frustrated with ppl is because 99 out of 100 times there not stuck, there just not trying.

* I can't gain weight so i need a cycle.... then says there 160lbs and eating 2200 calories a day. Guess what you're gonna gain roughly 10lbs on cycle and probably 1 will be muscle and its because of your diet

*I'm 270lbs @35% bf and I can't loose any more weight so I need segmaglutide and fat burners.... then says they don't do cardio and there eating 3000 calories a day and work a desk job.

*I'm benched 225 and I'm stuck.... then tells us there 160lbs and follow a keto diet and there not following a real strength training program.

It's lack of effort and lack of exercise or lack of food 99 out of 100 times. If you don't have a 6 pack your weight loss hasn't stalled and if you can't gain eat more and work harder.

I'm ranting and I'm guilty of these things. Who remembers 5 years ago when I got back in the gym, I was kinda skinny fat then I dirty bulked then I cut but stopped my cut months before I could see my abs. I was stuck in limbo for years. Because I wasn't putting in any extra effort or fixing my diet. I was just doing the same lazy stuff. Over and over again and expecting something magical to happen. Because I started steroids again.

None of this is directing at you, it was just that your comment triggered all these things in my always thinking about.

There's a big presence of extremely overweight people saying they can loose weight and the the exact opposite as well. And the truth of the matter is that 4-6months following a diet and training program to the T is gonna do way more then the steroids will coupled with laziness and fast food or whatever your weaknesses is.

Last night I woke up at 3am and ate 4 pop tarts. Terrible idea. So today I made sure I was very active and I cut a meal out. No it's not the bodybuilding approach and it's not the best idea to regularly do that. But my goal right now is pretty much circling around fat loss and injury recovery. Skipping a meal is gonna do a lot more for me right now than eating an extra meal or pretending nothing happened.

IL stop now lol


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Also back to diet. The whole reason I always get stuck around 218-220 when bulking is not gear or training, it's food. I always get burnt out on clean food over 3200 cal and I start eating ****. So I know the problem and I've done it a few times so I'm guilty too. It's hard, but it's not hard to loose weight at 30% bodyfat and it's not hard to bulk if you 135lbs. That's where I my brain starts spinning lol


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My strength is actually down a lot, bench press is probably the weakest it's been I the past 4 years

I was benching 315 for reps in October last year and maxed 370. This is the weakest I've been in a while.

But I 100% promise you that I have no special genetics for either bulking or cutting. It's because I put in the effort, my diet is actually my biggest challenge. But I still get results from the effort and a middle ground diet. The main reason I get so frustrated with ppl is because 99 out of 100 times there not stuck, there just not trying.

* I can't gain weight so i need a cycle.... then says there 160lbs and eating 2200 calories a day. Guess what you're gonna gain roughly 10lbs on cycle and probably 1 will be muscle and its because of your diet

*I'm 270lbs @35% bf and I can't loose any more weight so I need segmaglutide and fat burners.... then says they don't do cardio and there eating 3000 calories a day and work a desk job.

*I'm benched 225 and I'm stuck.... then tells us there 160lbs and follow a keto diet and there not following a real strength training program.

It's lack of effort and lack of exercise or lack of food 99 out of 100 times. If you don't have a 6 pack your weight loss hasn't stalled and if you can't gain eat more and work harder.

I'm ranting and I'm guilty of these things. Who remembers 5 years ago when I got back in the gym, I was kinda skinny fat then I dirty bulked then I cut but stopped my cut months before I could see my abs. I was stuck in limbo for years. Because I wasn't putting in any extra effort or fixing my diet. I was just doing the same lazy stuff. Over and over again and expecting something magical to happen. Because I started steroids again.

None of this is directing at you, it was just that your comment triggered all these things in my always thinking about.

There's a big presence of extremely overweight people saying they can loose weight and the the exact opposite as well. And the truth of the matter is that 4-6months following a diet and training program to the T is gonna do way more then the steroids will coupled with laziness and fast food or whatever your weaknesses is.

Last night I woke up at 3am and ate 4 pop tarts. Terrible idea. So today I made sure I was very active and I cut a meal out. No it's not the bodybuilding approach and it's not the best idea to regularly do that. But my goal right now is pretty much circling around fat loss and injury recovery. Skipping a meal is gonna do a lot more for me right now than eating an extra meal or pretending nothing happened.

IL stop now lol
I meant you are very disciplined and can make it happen. Even if your strength is down still really good numbers compared to most people. Didn’t mean to get you to fired up 😂

will be interested to hear how you like the triton solo and then the triton and ursa combo.


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My strength is actually down a lot, bench press is probably the weakest it's been I the past 4 years

I was benching 315 for reps in October last year and maxed 370. This is the weakest I've been in a while.

But I 100% promise you that I have no special genetics for either bulking or cutting. It's because I put in the effort, my diet is actually my biggest challenge. But I still get results from the effort and a middle ground diet. The main reason I get so frustrated with ppl is because 99 out of 100 times there not stuck, there just not trying.

* I can't gain weight so i need a cycle.... then says there 160lbs and eating 2200 calories a day. Guess what you're gonna gain roughly 10lbs on cycle and probably 1 will be muscle and its because of your diet

*I'm 270lbs @35% bf and I can't loose any more weight so I need segmaglutide and fat burners.... then says they don't do cardio and there eating 3000 calories a day and work a desk job.

*I'm benched 225 and I'm stuck.... then tells us there 160lbs and follow a keto diet and there not following a real strength training program.

It's lack of effort and lack of exercise or lack of food 99 out of 100 times. If you don't have a 6 pack your weight loss hasn't stalled and if you can't gain eat more and work harder.

I'm ranting and I'm guilty of these things. Who remembers 5 years ago when I got back in the gym, I was kinda skinny fat then I dirty bulked then I cut but stopped my cut months before I could see my abs. I was stuck in limbo for years. Because I wasn't putting in any extra effort or fixing my diet. I was just doing the same lazy stuff. Over and over again and expecting something magical to happen. Because I started steroids again.

None of this is directing at you, it was just that your comment triggered all these things in my always thinking about.

There's a big presence of extremely overweight people saying they can loose weight and the the exact opposite as well. And the truth of the matter is that 4-6months following a diet and training program to the T is gonna do way more then the steroids will coupled with laziness and fast food or whatever your weaknesses is.

Last night I woke up at 3am and ate 4 pop tarts. Terrible idea. So today I made sure I was very active and I cut a meal out. No it's not the bodybuilding approach and it's not the best idea to regularly do that. But my goal right now is pretty much circling around fat loss and injury recovery. Skipping a meal is gonna do a lot more for me right now than eating an extra meal or pretending nothing happened.

IL stop now lol
You sound like big Paul " I've put natty guys on a strict diet fir 12 weeks and when they follow it they end up looking like they took gear without actually having to take any" if people would only realize this. Following a strict diet whatever the goal is for the first time will give you newbie gains and then you still have those first cycle gains to look forward too. Damn people frustrate me who don't get that. Also people who don't do their own research about gear before they come on here and expect us to give them all the info like this new one with his first cycle being sust and tren..unbelievable


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Did some shopping

Did some cooking

I made the dish small so I could make it look nice, after I took the picture I threw another cup of rice and another hand full of grilled chicken strips. Cooked weight 6oz chicken 2 cups rice and a 1/4cup of beans

The meals are gonna get boring and repetitive so I'm gonna try to do little changes like this a few times a week so I'm not just repeatedly telling you guys I had meat rice fruit and yogurt every day lol, but honestly, it's mostly meat, fruit and greek yogurt. I'm also gonna make some protein fudge pops. Make a protein shake with 2 scoops, 2 cups skim fairlife milk, stir/whisk into a family pack of fat free/sugar free chocolate pudding mix. Pour into Popsicle molds and freeze. If I can get my ass off the couch


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Hey that looks like my shopping cart!!! Minus the whole eggs unfortunately, only bob Evans liquid egg whites until labor day weekend


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Hey that looks like my shopping cart!!! Minus the whole eggs unfortunately, only bob Evans liquid egg whites until labor day weekend
I get cartons of eggwhites from Aldi, I actually made breakfast today with a carton of the whites and 2 yolks and cooked up bacon and some other stuff. Bacon is not a regular part of the menu at all, but I got up early and was board so I started cooking. My daughter will probably just eat bacon and corn beef hash for breakfast. This girl eats mostly fat and carbs and is a toothpick lol. She goes running for a hour and comes home and orders a poke bowl and a coke, then eats a piece of meat for dinner and immediately has a dessert. I did the math, she only eats around 1500 calories a day tops, but it's like 50% fat and she's 110lbs lol



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I get cartons of eggwhites from Aldi, I actually made breakfast today with a carton of the whites and 2 yolks and cooked up bacon and some other stuff. Bacon is not a regular part of the menu at all, but I got up early and was board so I started cooking. My daughter will probably just eat bacon and corn beef hash for breakfast. This girl eats mostly fat and carbs and is a toothpick lol. She goes running for a hour and comes home and orders a poke bowl and a coke, then eats a piece of meat for dinner and immediately has a dessert. I did the math, she only eats around 1500 calories a day tops, but it's like 50% fat and she's 110lbs lol

View attachment 234533
Yea she's definitely is one of those people that runs and protein and fats. She'll probably stay lean for her whole life. Naturally muscular with low bodyfat


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Stocked up nice so I got no excuses this week, I'm probably gonna still grab a few pounds of deli turkey. My son is picky and likes bland plain stuff, even his sandwichs lately are turkey and shredded lettce with a drizzle of avocado or olive oil and nothing else. So IL use the turkey for low fat turkey roll ups with some vegetables and a piece of fruit, whatever I'm rambling again.

197.9 I know the week is technically not over till Tuesday because I started on the fifth but Sundays make it easier for me to track things so I'm treating today like a new week.
Yea she's definitely is one of those people that runs and protein and fats. She'll probably stay lean for her whole life. Naturally muscular with low bodyfat
No, she got really fat a few years ago, 165lbs @ maybe 5'3. But coming into that age and "boys" and whatever else she got really motivated and started just eating 2x day and running. She doesn't really understand diet but has a grasp on move more/eat less lol, i dont know where she heard that...🤔. I actually have obese people on both sides of my family and both sides of my girls family so she sees what it looks like when you let yourself go. No 600lb life stuff but my little brother fas a 40in waist, my mother is close to 200lbs @ 5'4 and my girls sister is about 250 so there's a couple of future mirror images walking around to remind them you gotta do something, dosent have to be anything particular but do something that involves physical activity.

Unfortunately my son gave up on the boxing gym when his job started. Gonna try bringing him to a planet fitness when it's slow or mostly old folks or whenever that I think it will be more comfortable for his anti-social personality

Edit: how much of a dick did I sound like saying my daughter was/ used to be fat. 🤦‍♂️I don't think of the word fat as a insult but more a Description. But it sounds bad reading it back.
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So adhd and a empty house has my gears spinning and the garden is coming in so I'm using stuff from the garden to make a marinade for some pork tenderloins.

Everything from the garden and the lemon is from the store. Even the garlic and crushed pepper is from the garden (pepper from last year's dried chili's and cayenne peppers)

Gonna combine this mix of calintro, basil, garlic, crushed pepper and lemon with about a table spoon of avocado oil and roll the tenderloins in it for about a hour and grill them up. I got some leftover balsamic vinegar reduction to drizzle at the end. Lotta sugar in thst but you only need like a half teaspoon to a tsp so it's like 4-8gm of carns from sugar, nothing to sweat. Cutting logs are boring AF until your like 6-8 weeks in and can see changes worth while so I'm trying to keep this log interesting


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Well atleast she's got the right idea and started early. The one thing I'm so glad I started early in life was lifting weights. Started at 13 and never looked back, it's one of the reasons I can get in shape so quick. I see some of these guys in there late 20s early 30s who've never lifted before and when they ask me how do I get to look like you I dint have the heart to tell them you can't. Just looking at how they've let they're body go there's just no way. They can make a lot improvements and totally transform but to have a bodybuilding physique I think you have to start early, atleast playing youth and high school sports if you didn't start lifting weights young


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Gonna cover this and in the fridge for 1-2 hrs
Bake or grill at 375-400 and cook to your desired temp. I shoot for medium, or just a hair past medium with pork. Red meat I go medium-rare. Even with burgers if possible depending on meat quality.

Thinking about baked potatoes or plain white rice with more of that bean sauce from last night. It's very low fat abd a 1/4 cup serving is only like 75 calories and tasty so it's a nice addition to white rice if you like that sort of stuff.


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I love picking fresh vegetables out of our garden a few times a week. Way better than from the store.👍
It's nice this time of year to be able to walk outside and pick vegetables as needed. As soon as the cucumbers, tomatoes and whatever else us done for the year I'm ripping them out and throwing new plants in the holes to see if I can squeeze in a second round


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It's nice this time of year to be able to walk outside and pick vegetables as needed. As soon as the cucumbers, tomatoes and whatever else us done for the year I'm ripping them out and throwing new plants in the holes to see if I can squeeze in a second round
Oh yeah we got the vegetables and an apple and peach tree. I keep my VitaMix blender busy, especially in the Summer.😎


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View attachment 234537

Gonna cover this and in the fridge for 1-2 hrs
Bake or grill at 375-400 and cook to your desired temp. I shoot for medium, or just a hair past medium with pork. Red meat I go medium-rare. Even with burgers if possible depending on meat quality.

Thinking about baked potatoes or plain white rice with more of that bean sauce from last night. It's very low fat abd a 1/4 cup serving is only like 75 calories and tasty so it's a nice addition to white rice if you like that sort of stuff.
White rice woukd be parents usually grill a pork tenderloin every weekend. That's totally their thing especially scince they've cut way back on red meat. To me it's okay..can take it or leave it. Not a big fan of pork for some reason. If you're going to eat it a tenderloin is the way to go..just as healthy as chicken


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White rice woukd be parents usually grill a pork tenderloin every weekend. That's totally their thing especially scince they've cut way back on red meat. To me it's okay..can take it or leave it. Not a big fan of pork for some reason. If you're going to eat it a tenderloin is the way to go..just as healthy as chicken
That's why I buy it, a close replacement for chicken. I just look for anything low fat and cheap I can Dr. Up.

Honestly I forgot to finish my pictures lol. I was hungry. I did get the meat picture while I was just keeping it warm in the oven, my girl ended up shredding squash and zucchini and made like zucchini cakes. Breaded and pan fried. I had 1 small one and I just ate the leftover rice from yesterday.



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That's why I buy it, a close replacement for chicken. I just look for anything low fat and cheap I can Dr. Up.

Honestly I forgot to finish my pictures lol. I was hungry. I did get the meat picture while I was just keeping it warm in the oven, my girl ended up shredding squash and zucchini and made like zucchini cakes. Breaded and pan fried. I had 1 small one and I just ate the leftover rice from yesterday.

View attachment 234543
Those zucchini cakes sound Hella good. My step mom makes these Brussel sprout latkas that she does with almond flour that are really good too. She does those with breakfast every once in a while when I go over there after morning cardio


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Those zucchini cakes sound Hella good. My step mom makes these Brussel sprout latkas that she does with almond flour that are really good too. She does those with breakfast every once in a while when I go over there after morning cardio
It was very good, I just know how much butter and oil she used to fry them up so I only had 1. I could have smashed 5 or 6 of them bitches lol


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Those 4 pop tarts in the middle of the night didn't help either brah 😂


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Pop tarts actually sound so good right now. Carbs are getting cut down again today. Evetytime I get hungry tho I just pinch the skin on my legs. It's getting super thin!! Especially on my hamstrings


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Pop tarts actually sound so good right now. Carbs are getting cut down again today. Evetytime I get hungry tho I just pinch the skin on my legs. It's getting super thin!! Especially on my hamstrings
How much are you down since your last bulk. Gotta be like 40lbs by now. And you weren't fat to begin with. , goes to show how much people underestimate how much fat they actually have to lose.


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How much are you down since your last bulk. Gotta be like 40lbs by now. And you weren't fat to begin with. , goes to show how much people underestimate how much fat they actually have to lose.
It's about 40..these next 6 weeks I'm really gong to push it and see how lean I can get. The week before labor day weekend will be pretty much no carb. Only 50 grams pre training and another 50 post training that's it. I leave Wednesday morning for Vegas so I'll slowly carb up then and over the next few days after. I still have 10 anadrol left to help and that way I'll be able to get some good sessions in at the gyms out there. Between the anadrol and all the good food I'll have over the long weekend I should get some gnarly pumps


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“If I just drop 20lbs I’ll be shredded”
-everyone in their mind
Everyone! At least right now I probably am 20lbs away. I mean, technically if I'm 15% @197 I have about 29lbs of fat, so if I dropped 20 with no muscle loss I'd be 6% if math is correct. Not that I really care. I just wanna get ripped and see what's left to work with. And probably start a cycle shortly after lol. Speaking of which I took 500 carnitine with a meal yesterday night and gonna do 500 tonight with post workout meal, 500 in the morning with breakfast and then just 500 on training days, I did the math and IL have enough left to do 250 a few times a week for 3-4 weeks at the very end when I add carderine. That's the last stop after triton, Ursa and then maybe something from Steve at sns after I finish the apex stuff.


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Who remembers 5 years ago when I got back in the gym, I was kinda skinny fat then I dirty bulked then I cut but stopped my cut months before I could see my abs. I was stuck in limbo for years. Because I wasn't putting in any extra effort or fixing my diet. I was just doing the same lazy stuff. Over and over again and expecting something magical to happen.
this is literally the most recurring thing I see pop up EVERYWHERE. especially in one of the 40yr old+ fitness/bb groups I'm in. people attempting to cut say 60+lbs. they bust their ass, do a great job and cut 40lbs then ask about bulking. I have grown a little lazy in my response and I just say now days do not move on to goal #2 until you have accomplished goal #1 or you'll never hit either one.


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this is literally the most recurring thing I see pop up EVERYWHERE. especially in one of the 40yr old+ fitness/bb groups I'm in. people attempting to cut say 60+lbs. they bust their ass, do a great job and cut 40lbs then ask about bulking. I have grown a little lazy in my response and I just say now days do not move on to goal #2 until you have accomplished goal #1 or you'll never hit either one.
I'm going to immediately start using that response so I can save my breath/typing on advice that probably won't get followed lol


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it's the number one reason I'm still carrying an extra 10-12lbs. I can't let myself do a legit cut until I hit my deadlift goal or Hyde will make me feel bad.
Speaking of traditional deadlifts which I shouldn't be doing. I walked in the gym and got in the mix with a group deadlifting 😆.

I wore a belt for every set and just did a bunch of 3 rep sets with 275. There still having that deadlift comp on the 5th next month that I had signed up for. I told them I wasn't doing it because of my back and they talked me into it just so it looks like more competition. It's different then anything I've seen tho. There starting super low and adding 20lbs per round and you gotta pull every single round till you fail. Anyone that's dead lifting over five hundred is screwed lol. I told them all squeeze in and Im gonna call it quits by 315 or fake a injury lol.

Unfortunately it also made my workout today boring as fux and I didn't do Cardio. I was up and down a 32ft ladder all day so I feel like I burned a lot of calories today and I pretty much only ate meat today with a piece of fruit and a few scraps of vegetables


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I grilled up some steaks rare and then threw them in a pan with butter and some herbs and I ended up over cooking them 😫, whatever they were some cheap ass steaks anyway. I sliced them up and tossed them in there own drippings and my girl had made chili with ground beef scraps and a few bits of chopped vegetables and that was dinner

I know the macros for the steak and butter but I got no clue on the chili so I just looked up a store chili label and used that 🤷. My other 2 meals was eggwhites and 1 yolk with cheese and 1 strip bacon and the eggwhites and chicken breast "tiny bit of ketchup on the eggs both times" so my calories aren't even at 2000 yet. I got 1 meal left that I probably will skip and just drink a shake with a banana before bed so I can feel like I had some dessert


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I really need to get back on 5 meals but this eating schedule I been on is super convenient for me right now


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Speaking of traditional deadlifts which I shouldn't be doing. I walked in the gym and got in the mix with a group deadlifting .

I wore a belt for every set and just did a bunch of 3 rep sets with 275. There still having that deadlift comp on the 5th next month that I had signed up for. I told them I wasn't doing it because of my back and they talked me into it just so it looks like more competition. It's different then anything I've seen tho. There starting super low and adding 20lbs per round and you gotta pull every single round till you fail. Anyone that's dead lifting over five hundred is screwed lol. I told them all squeeze in and Im gonna call it quits by 315 or fake a injury lol.

Unfortunately it also made my workout today boring as fux and I didn't do Cardio. I was up and down a 32ft ladder all day so I feel like I burned a lot of calories today and I pretty much only ate meat today with a piece of fruit and a few scraps of vegetables
You know.... That comp sounds freaking awesome lol..

I might actually sign up for one like that. I'm far more geared to volume and that might help level the playing field


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Dude that looks soooo good. I did a crazy leg workout then did the stepmill until I went hypo and stayed there as long as I could handle it. 40 minutes between levels 7 and 8.


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Came home to a cup of egg whites 4 oz tilapia 1 cup of oats with a cup of blueberries so yea that steak and chili is total food porn right now


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Dude that looks soooo good. I did a crazy leg workout then did the stepmill until I went hypo and stayed there as long as I could handle it. 40 minutes between levels 7 and 8.
I wish some of you were local guys. I love sending food to my buddies houses. Back in the day when I was drinking we use to hang out mostly at one friend's house and we regularly would do taco Tuesdays and cook out on Saturday or Sundays. I wish they would still but because I don't drink they don't seem to wanna hang out as much. One of my buddies still trys to pretend he's sober whenever I see him and it sucks because I don't care what others do. You can come over, drink and do whatever else as long as it stays outside in my Pickwick table area. 😮💨

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