
Yari Ka Daw!
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Hi everyone,

I know this topic is dying down but I wanted to ask and see what majority of my fellow Am friends think. I did a cycle of SX for about 5 weeks last june-july. I had all the positive effects that everyone else talks about, made me really cut. I did have a few sides which was not being able to sleep during the first week, breathing troubles(rarely and I could be just looking for this side), and that's all about I can think of. I did however have some chest pains but I don't think it was related to SX as I've had these chest pains before probably related to gas(did tests, doctors said i was fine).

I got a blood test done about a month after to see what SX had caused to my body. Something amazing like this is sure to have done something but when I got the results back I was perfectly fine. Whether the ingredients cause long-term sides is obviously not known yet. I think if someone were to have abused this product it might do some damage but stand alone with a decent diet I think the sides are just temporary.

With that said I actually have about 38 caps left from the 'orange pill' batch which I was looking forward to taking but I knew 6 months ago when this thread was starting that there were issues. I only checked now and AX has discontinued to make the product. They also give a lot of grey answers on their site and actally tell the consumer to stop taking the pills.

Now it's obviously logcial to not take SX after the creators have said not to take it but I wonder if it's just a legal thing or if your health is really going to be affected? A lot of their products have gone through the same stages, Superdrol, Phera Plex etc... I guess it's use at your own risk I suppose? The only reason i am having trouble swallowing this is because i didn't suffer anything negative from this(just yet?), my blood test was perfect and I have 38 caps I'd hate to throw away. I wonder if I missed an important piece of information while reading the previous posts. Any opinions?




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I use it periodically now when I don't sleep well the night before.

I've said this before and I'll say it again.... never had an issue with it. Granted, no bloodwork to back that up but it feels, acts etc. cleaner than any other stim I've ever used.

Again, not saying what happened was "right" but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if analysis showed it wasn't toxic in any way. No real evidence of that I can see of that at all...

Anyone know if any kind of "clone" is circulating? :)


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I've heard of one but can't remember the name now....


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Forum reviews for this product say that it's not even close to SX :(
I said "claim".

The "claim" I saw went as far as to say that they purchased the rights to the formula and the ingredients.

I loled, but it's what pops up when I google "Slim Xtreme" "clone"


Yari Ka Daw!
  • Established
You know they say there is no magic pill for anything whether it's muscle gain or fat loss, that everything is hard work, which I agree of course, but if there was one magic pill for losing weight or getting cut it really was Slim Xtreme. I hate to admit it but it put me in the greatest shape/cut in at least 7 yrs. It actually gets me emotional thinking it's discontinued. I've had the best experience from AX. I didn't try superdrol a few yrs ago but I did try the original Phera Plex and it was amazing. I was just going to say why they can't make legit products but then there wouldn't be the same experience or results if it were.


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why would anybody miss a potentially, and quick acting know cardiotoxic substance?

they used to give this to coke addicts, and they said oh sh%% this kills the cardio system.


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I use it periodically now when I don't sleep well the night before.

I've said this before and I'll say it again.... never had an issue with it. Granted, no bloodwork to back that up but it feels, acts etc. cleaner than any other stim I've ever used.

Again, not saying what happened was "right" but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if analysis showed it wasn't toxic in any way. No real evidence of that I can see of that at all...

Anyone know if any kind of "clone" is circulating? :)
Mixelflick you didn't even get increased heart rate?
Thanks for the update btw.


Yari Ka Daw!
  • Established
How do we know the substance anyways? Has it been released. I had blood work done after I took SX and it came out perfect. I can understand if you are taking this for 4 months straight but 4 weeks, good nutrition, liver/kidney controls, I don't see what the problem is?


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The problem is clear. I think ... if I remember .. the issue was an amino acid analogue. I've got a bottle of SX in cupboard but ... ah yes a proline analogue I remember now.

Okay the rumour was this was involved in dopamine reuptake inhibition drug that...
1) was with ditched by a pharmaceutical from ages back. I didn't mind this theory
2) was a designer"legal high"

Point 2 is very concerning if you understand whats going on in the European "rave" scene due to the lack of safety data. Sure some people come out fine, some people come out very badly. If you're messing about with dopamine you've gotta be careful.

These are all rumours and somehow AX got red-flagged. Lean Xtreme is still quality however.


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Not too bad.

Sulbutamine is in there. Few stims.

Amla - never heard of this stuff
Uva Ursi - nor this.

The issue with SX was that its "stim" behaviour lasted too long for any normal stim. We all thought it was the extended release sulbutamine but it is in fact more likely a reuptake inhibition drug and that is outside the releam of supplements.


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I read in a post that AX was refusing to give out the ingredients, so an individual had gas chromatography done on it. The results indicated a compound that was remarkably similar to a substance known to cause cardiac damage.


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Rumours. They'll not withhold info from the FDA


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Not too bad.

Sulbutamine is in there. Few stims.

Amla - never heard of this stuff
Uva Ursi - nor this.

The issue with SX was that its "stim" behaviour lasted too long for any normal stim. We all thought it was the extended release sulbutamine but it is in fact more likely a reuptake inhibition drug and that is outside the releam of supplements.
i would actually try it if they didnt go so silly with the caffeine. there is 1,3 in that as well which i like especially when i know how much im consuming (this product doest say,) but this is just overdoing it with the caffeine.


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rx6, starts out with 300mg of caffeine!!!!! lol slim xtreme had only 100, so they say this is a replacement, huhu?
Not too bad.

Sulbutamine is in there. Few stims.

Amla - never heard of this stuff
Uva Ursi - nor this.

The issue with SX was that its "stim" behaviour lasted too long for any normal stim. We all thought it was the extended release sulbutamine but it is in fact more likely a reuptake inhibition drug and that is outside the releam of supplements.
i would assume that whatever is on the label is not exactly what's inside the caps

i spoke to someone who had tried it and they said it was strong and long lasting but with a nasty crash. i dunno, i wouldn't touch the stuff.


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i would assume that whatever is on the label is not exactly what's inside the caps

i spoke to someone who had tried it and they said it was strong and long lasting but with a nasty crash. i dunno, i wouldn't touch the stuff.
No crash! Don't believe everything you hear.


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I don't know why people keep saying sulbutamine is an ingredient without really knowing? I have Sulbutamine from NP and can say 100%, it's nothing like Slim x. Not even close!


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Not at all.

In fact, I never really "felt" it until after dosing at 5am. Around 2-3PM is where I'd notice more mid-day slump. It carried me through until at least 8PM and was a gentle comedown from there.


I use the stuff (actually have a whole bottle left) from time to time when cramming for tests or writing papers for my grad program. Sht I even used it a few times when I needed to do some serious data crunching for work and produce hefty reports to upper management.

The stuff always delivered each time.

HOWEVER, there is something serious about that compound, because when I pop two of those puppies at say 6 AM (when I use it I wake up with it next to my nightstand with my wake-shake and animal pack) without fail 8-hours later my teeth are trying to grind like no tomorrow (there are a few narcotics that have similar side effects). That is the only side I didn't like, but easy remedy with a pack of chewing gum; then I would run the gauntlet till midnight or when I was done with my tasks.

OH, and I'm not sure about you guys, but this stuff put my junk in the dirt. My gf came over one night while I was burning the midnight oil and I couldn't deliver; had to use the "to much caffeine/stress" line. LOL

Lunesta was the only way I could get my 8-hours sleep each time I used Slim Xtreme.

Did NOT supress my appetite at all, actually made me even more hungry, which is great being an ectomorph.

If I want to lean out I carb cycle, hands down best way to cut - for me that is (better put that in before I get flamed).

Anytime I do take it I add in 10G of Taurine throughout the day, helps, at least (placebo effect) feels like it does. From all my research seems like Taurine is a good one to run along with any central nervous stim or cardiac stresser.

My 2 cents...

I'd love to know exactly what the compound(s) are that made them so itchy to pull it...


  • Established
I use the stuff (actually have a whole bottle left) from time to time when cramming for tests or writing papers for my grad program. Sht I even used it a few times when I needed to do some serious data crunching for work and produce hefty reports to upper management.

The stuff always delivered each time.

HOWEVER, there is something serious about that compound, because when I pop two of those puppies at say 6 AM (when I use it I wake up with it next to my nightstand with my wake-shake and animal pack) without fail 8-hours later my teeth are trying to grind like no tomorrow (there are a few narcotics that have similar side effects). That is the only side I didn't like, but easy remedy with a pack of chewing gum; then I would run the gauntlet till midnight or when I was done with my tasks.

OH, and I'm not sure about you guys, but this stuff put my junk in the dirt. My gf came over one night while I was burning the midnight oil and I couldn't deliver; had to use the "to much caffeine/stress" line. LOL

Lunesta was the only way I could get my 8-hours sleep each time I used Slim Xtreme.

Did NOT supress my appetite at all, actually made me even more hungry, which is great being an ectomorph.

If I want to lean out I carb cycle, hands down best way to cut - for me that is (better put that in before I get flamed).

Anytime I do take it I add in 10G of Taurine throughout the day, helps, at least (placebo effect) feels like it does. From all my research seems like Taurine is a good one to run along with any central nervous stim or cardiac stresser.

My 2 cents...

I'd love to know exactly what the compound(s) are that made them so itchy to pull it...
It was (+) 2-dmp (2-Diphenylmethylpyrrolidine).

From wiki..

2-Diphenylmethylpyrrolidine is a stimulant drug closely related to desoxypipradrol and diphenylprolinol. It has two enantiomers which are used industrially in their purified form for resolution of chiral reagents during chemical synthesis


It was (+) 2-dmp (2-Diphenylmethylpyrrolidine).

From wiki..

2-Diphenylmethylpyrrolidine is a stimulant drug closely related to desoxypipradrol and diphenylprolinol. It has two enantiomers which are used industrially in their purified form for resolution of chiral reagents during chemical synthesis
Nice, wow, that's freaking awesome.


Recovering AXoholic
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I don't know why people keep saying sulbutamine is an ingredient without really knowing? I have Sulbutamine from NP and can say 100%, it's nothing like Slim x. Not even close!
Believe it or not, AX has actually never used Sulbutiamine in any of their products.


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Actually, I've spoken with them and they don't want to be associated with Slim Xtreme in any way.
I guess so since it is no longer convenient for them.

Initially the claim I have seen on the internet was they purchased the formula.


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bigrobbie, couldn't say one way or the other on that one. Spoke with them before we picked them up at Nutraplanet and they didn't want to be associated with Slim X. I don't know about any claims they may have made in the past. I do believe that the parent company, Fahrenheit, was bought by the current owners, but I may be off on that.


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You guys should like this...recent quote from a logger:

Well guys today was the first day on this stuff with 2 pills and all I can say is holy ****! I took my dose at 6 am on empty stomach and just forced myself to eat something at 2:15 because I knew it was the smart thing to do. The appetite suppression on this stuff is JUST like SX if not better and its EXACTLY what I was looking for. I am very excited for this whole cycle!


NutraPlanet Rep
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Did the people who were "injured" by sx ever sue? According to some thongs I've ears in here you'd have alot of compensation.


  • Established
Did the people who were "injured" by sx ever sue? According to some thongs I've ears in here you'd have alot of compensation.
I think you would need to prove long term effects.. You would get something for withdrawl or symptoms while you were on it.. maybe.. but not much..

Now I haven't been involved in the reported problems too much but were any of them long term effects? I would think that it would require at least a year of constant use to produce something like that.. unless you already had a condition that was aggravated by SX...



New member
Hi everyone,

(did tests, doctors said i was fine).

I got a blood test done about a month after to see what SX had caused to my body. Something amazing like this is sure to have done something but when I got the results back I was perfectly fine. Whether the ingredients cause long-term sides is obviously not known yet. I think if someone were to have abused this product it might do some damage but stand alone with a decent diet I think the sides are just temporary.

With that said I actually have about 38 caps left from the 'orange pill' batch which I was looking forward to taking but I knew 6 months ago when this thread was starting that there were issues. I only checked now and AX has discontinued to make the product. They also give a lot of grey answers on their site and actally tell the consumer to stop taking the pills.

Now it's obviously logcial to not take SX after the creators have said not to take it but I wonder if it's just a legal thing or if your health is really going to be affected? A lot of their products have gone through the same stages, Superdrol, Phera Plex etc... I guess it's use at your own risk I suppose? The only reason i am having trouble swallowing this is because i didn't suffer anything negative from this(just yet?), my blood test was perfect and I have 38 caps I'd hate to throw away. I wonder if I missed an important piece of information while reading the previous posts. Any opinions?


I did extensive tests (including EKG, spirography, bloodwork) while I was ON SX, and after a heavy cycle. Absolutely no indication of damage. But no doubt you should use wisely (long half-life IMO)


New member
What did u cycle?
Nothing special, just heavy use of SX+1,3dim products++
The debate on SX when it was discontinued convinced me to do these tests while on SX and after 4 weeks of use. What surprised me the most (after three weeks on) was that BP was fine, and that HDL and TG values were the best I have ever recorded. EKG was also fine, although I have had problems with arrythmia previously. I guess people react differently, and I guess it is entirely possible to overdo it with SX as with other substances (sorry, I am not a native speaker)


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and the Anabolic Xtreme SlimXtreme Lite is the same formula?
Young Gotti

Young Gotti

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theres a new stimulant x out....might not be as good....does anyone know the color of the bottle? looks like it would be blue?


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Bump of a 3 month old thread but did anyone find each cap was different?
i took one friday morning and the whole day no appetite but slept fine and woke the next morning with appetite. Took one sunday, no sleep sunday night and still no appetite. Anyone experience anything similar?


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Bump of a 3 month old thread but did anyone find each cap was different?
i took one friday morning and the whole day no appetite but slept fine and woke the next morning with appetite. Took one sunday, no sleep sunday night and still no appetite. Anyone experience anything similar?
The biggest thing I noticed was that I was told to cycle...IIRC it was 3 on 2 off (I'm unsure)...but I did the 3 on and it kicked ass, no appetite, plenty of energy, good mood...I cycled of..cycled back on and it never seemed the same as the initial 3 days. :shrug: I thought the purpose of cycling was to maintain the effects? Maybe I just got used to it...I don't know. I did drop 9 lbs in 2 weeks though IIRC.


A couple Slim Xtreme replacements worth a look at seeing as the original is history.As far as Stimulant X(original) is concerned I was never a fan of that anyways so wouldn't be looking at version 2.Just way too many caps to feel effects.

Fahreinheit Nutrition have an interesting product out which I just ordered Lean EFX.

BPI Nutrition has Rx6. and i think for now these two offerings will be as close as we are going to get for sometime to SX.

For all the dimwits who cant handle their stims and stuffed up an excellent product for those that can FU!!!



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I take lean efx and so far it's the closest thing for me to SX... Id like to get SX though if anyone knows anything please pass info along!


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So my question for you guys.
Slim X > or = to ECA stack? If it was better was i the only thing that was actually more powerful that was otc?
Sorry this thread is HUGE and I lost 2 days not finding the answer. I got obsessed reading everything.


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Holy Shiot, talk about digging up a bad memory. I was hoping this thread would be lost forever.

I still have two bottles of SX. Scared to take them now, lol.


She thinks my traps'rrrr sexy!
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Holy Shiot, talk about digging up a bad memory. I was hoping this thread would be lost forever.

I still have two bottles of SX. Scared to take them now, lol.
PM me your paypal address please... :D

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