RickRock turns RIPPEDRock with Helladrol/Trenazone and LEAN GAINS!!



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DAY 19

Lots of good things happening today. I woke up looking lean and vascular. Took some Powerchews preworkout and headed to the gym. Most of my lifts were up pretty good from last week. This workout was the best as far as strength gains that I have had yet. It looks like I may have spoke a little soon on the sub-par strength gains because I was hitting some lifts like military press and Arnold Presses very close to my PRs which is saying a lot. I mean I was within a couple reps of pushing the same as I was at 200 lbs at he peak of my Epi cycle. Things are getting fun now!! I am a happy camper for sure right now with the appearance as well as performance changes that have really come forward this week. :D

I'm going to carb up and fill up good tonight for my last meal with a big a$$ meat lovers pizza (much needed and long time coming), and then have a couple good burn days over the weekend with cardio tomorrow.


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What is a typical burn day for u, Meal wise?

Also when do you start fasting again? You said you break the fast at noon everday?


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What is a typical burn day for u, Meal wise?

Also when do you start fasting again? You said you break the fast at noon everday?
Yeh bud I break my fast with my biggest meal of the day at noon which is usually 60% of my total Cal's for the day and at least 100g protein in that meal. On workout days I usually have 3 meals and burn days is just 2 meals. The first one is usually either chicken, fish, or lean beef with veggies and rice usually. I have a couple scoops of whey with that meal also. Then my last meal of the day is pretty much the same without the whey. It usually comes out to around 1000 Cal's first meal and 800 last meal. The last meal is before 8 pm, and 8 pm is when I start fasting again until noon the next day. I also take some BCAAs before bed ( usually around 10 pm)

And as far as workout days go, my diet is very very lenient so much to the fact it makes some people sick the way I eat. As long as I hit my protein requirements and stay within my calorie range, pretty much anything goes. I eat burgers, fries, pizza, burritos, tacos, and whatever else I want. I just try to make sure I don't go over on Cal's and carbs


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how much pro do you get on a low cal day??


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how much pro do you get on a low cal day??
Low day protein is usually less than 200g sometimes as little as 150g. There is no worries though because with this particular method of dieting there is no muscle wasting on cardio days/rest days. I know Kleen extends his fast quite a bit longer on burn days a lot of times and has taken in very low Cal's on occasion to accelerate the burning. Kleen just put in the IF/lean gains thread some info about it saying that you could go as low as 500 Cal's on rest days and not affect muscle


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DAY 20 & 21

Weight: 171
Trenazone: 1.5ml
Helladrol: 100mg

Had some great cardio yesterday and burned a good 450 Cal's on the treadmill with a nice 3 mile run. Diet has been a little off from the plan but not too bad. I may have went over on Cal's a little and ended up around 2200 and today should be about the same but I am fine with that to be able to enjoy my weekend time with the family and allow some leniency. I think on these compounds it allows a little bit extra that I can get away with vs without also.

I'm heading out to the beach with the family today and it should be a lot of fun. I'm feeling pretty good running around shirtless right now. :D

I'm going to check bodyfat again tonight and I would guess that I am closer to around 9% right now. I know I have leaned out more since I checked a week ago and I was around 9.5% then.


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great log here.lean gains is slowly taking over the world I see


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Man your progress is amazing haha. I do some IF during the week. And somedays I don't get in much more than BCAAs... though I'm still around 200lbs, 13% BF. Protein wasting is severely down regulated when this happens probably. haha.


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great log here.lean gains is slowly taking over the world I see
And for good reason! This diet is very effective and not difficult to do. It is catching on more and more as more people see the success that a lot of us are having with it


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hope you hit 9% bro
I don't think I'm quite to 9% yet but I'm close. From what I can tell I'm somewhere around 9.3% right now


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LOL, 9.3% or is it 9.2563713%? Accuracy on this stuff is kinda moot, either you look as ripped as you want or you don't! Any measurement outside of submersion is going to be off, and even submersion will not tell you if you're looking ripped or not because visceral vs. sub-q fat is more a determinant.

Point being, don't get too wrapped up in the numbers, let the pictures do the talking!

Not meant at all to be a dig, more just a difference in preception that you're doing great and measuring bf% levels is too unrealistic to have much meaning. You're doing great Rick, keep at it!


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Keep killing it Rick, I am sure you are stillleaning out and now gaining some LB's too. Can't wait for the next update pics. I am hoping that mine next weekend will be as much of a noticeable change as your last update shot reflects for you.


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Rickles saw ur latest pics- way to hustle hard young buck


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LOL, 9.3% or is it 9.2563713%? Accuracy on this stuff is kinda moot, either you look as ripped as you want or you don't! Any measurement outside of submersion is going to be off, and even submersion will not tell you if you're looking ripped or not because visceral vs. sub-q fat is more a determinant.

Point being, don't get too wrapped up in the numbers, let the pictures do the talking!

Not meant at all to be a dig, more just a difference in preception that you're doing great and measuring bf% levels is too unrealistic to have much meaning. You're doing great Rick, keep at it!

hahaha yeh man you are absolutely right. Problem is that I am a numbers guy and I like stats. But the readings range so much every time I check them. I just basicly do 4 or 5 checks and average them and write down what I come up with from the calipers. I have a handheld electric impedence monitor but I dont really use that peice of crap anymore, because it has so much fluctuation that its basicly worthless. It will say 9% one day and 10% the next or anything in between. I do need to quit worrying about numbers though and just judge my progress from the mirror I agree

Keep killing it Rick, I am sure you are stillleaning out and now gaining some LB's too. Can't wait for the next update pics. I am hoping that mine next weekend will be as much of a noticeable change as your last update shot reflects for you.
Yeh things are going pretty good and I probably didnt lean out any over the weekend. Diet got a little bit sloppy then, but I have some good days coming this week to try and clean it up and drop some more fat.

Rickles saw ur latest pics- way to hustle hard young buck

Thanks a lot Schwell!! and I am no "young buck"....lol but I wish I was

DAY 22

Trenazone: 1.5ml
Helladrol: 125mg

I decided to bump the dosage of Helladrol today to 125mg and that is where it will stay until the end and as I have it figured should finish out the bottle. Thats the great thing about Helladrol. You can actually get a great high dosed run out of a single bottle. I wish all PHs were this way. Speaking of quantity in bottles, I might have one more dose of Trenazone left in my first bottle and then I will be breaking into the 2nd one. I was going to bump the dose on it today, but I realized I would be running out of it before my 6 weeks were up. Closer to 5 weeks if I were to bump it now. I think I will continue at 1.5ml this week, then 1.75ml next week, and 2ml the last week. That should take me pretty close to the end within a couple days or so. If I decide to run Trenazone again, it will more than likely be a 3 bottle run at 2ml the whole time.

Workout was great today. I had some more strength gains and they are still coming slow and steady. I was able to get 225x10 on flat bench again which I havent been able to do since the end of my last cycle.At the start of the cycle I could get 225x6. Everything else was more of the same. 90lb dumbell presses felt better than they had before. Everything was going well on strength. Vascularity is still looking sick, and I am happy to report that side effects are still non-existant. This has been the mildest cycle I have ran and I feel like I could just stay on forever. I dont have the lethargy or anything. Libido has dropped a tad which is expected. but everything is still working alright for now.


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Looking ****ing great my man, keep up the good work!!! You're gonna be ridiculously shredded by the end of this cycle.


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are you taking forma on cycle?? or anthing for prognestic sides??


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Looking ****ing great my man, keep up the good work!!! You're gonna be ridiculously shredded by the end of this cycle.
I hope so bro! :fingersx:


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are you taking forma on cycle?? or anthing for prognestic sides??
Not taking Formastanozol on cycle, but will be in PCT. I have caber on hand, but I have not used it because I have had no issues thus far.


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DAY 23

Helladrol: 125mg
Trenazone: 1.5ml

I had an awesome burn day today. I kept the Cal's down around 1500 today. I cut out almost all carbs today also. I only ended up around 20g of carbs total. My cardio session this morning got cut a little short and I only got about 25 minutes in, so I did something I've never done before. I went back to the gym in the afternoon and put in another 30 minutes. Between the two I got over 600 Cal's burned...;)

The difference in the mirror today are remarkeable. I have more veins coming in all over the place. I even have my first upper abdominal veins showing for the first time ever. They are barely noticeable right now but you can see them. Veins like road maps are covering my lats, biceps, forearms, and traps. When pumped and flexed they look awesome!

It is amazing what just one day can do with cardio and dieting that cleans up everything from the day before. I think my pics at the end of this cycle are going to look very impressive compared to when starting it. :sgrin:


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i would rep ya if i could rick, cause that 225 x 10 on bench at 170s is great! if ya do the calculations thats a 300lb 1 rep max. i bet you will be benching twice your body weight by the end of this cycle!


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Man now you are making me jealous with all this talk of vascularity in your lats and what not. I was pretty happy to have some veins running up my lower abdomen and over my obliques but lat veins that is pretty sick! Like I said before at as lean as you are now the changes are almost daily and are more and more pronounced with the leaner you get losing a half pound can look like several pounds.


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Man now you are making me jealous with all this talk of vascularity in your lats and what not. I was pretty happy to have some veins running up my lower abdomen and over my obliques but lat veins that is pretty sick! Like I said before at as lean as you are now the changes are almost daily and are more and more pronounced with the leaner you get losing a half pound can look like several pounds.
Oh I agree man. Now that things are really tightening up, the changes are both dramatic and frequent. I look forward to my mirror time each day to look for any new changes :)


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Yeah, even with my overly judgmental eye I can see the improvements for me are going rapidly now that I have reigned in my weekends. You have done a stellar job at keeping a good reign on your diet and for quite some time now to. Impressed and your results sound awesome too. I can't wait to see some new pics. I said I was going to wait for the run to be over but I may take a pic this weekend.


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i would rep ya if i could rick, cause that 225 x 10 on bench at 170s is great! if ya do the calculations thats a 300lb 1 rep max. i bet you will be benching twice your body weight by the end of this cycle!
Well I really don't see that happening man. I mean I haven't maxed or even went over 225 in 3-4 months so I have no idea where I'm at. I'm sire I could still throw up around 300 on a good day which isn't bad considering 315 ismy PR which I did at 200


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Yeah, even with my overly judgmental eye I can see the improvements for me are going rapidly now that I have reigned in my weekends. You have done a stellar job at keeping a good reign on your diet and for quite some time now to. Impressed and your results sound awesome too. I can't wait to see some new pics. I said I was going to wait for the run to be over but I may take a pic this weekend.
I may take some more pics before the end but I may not. I'm still undecided a little. I may just wait until the end of cycle to show the end result which would make the differences more prominent


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I keep forgetting to make that thing for myself also. I need something like that in my life. As does the wife, she needs something to help her boost protein intake a little more.


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im liking this stack alot- alot alot alot

trenazone maybe hmmmmmmm?


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You tried that cheesecake yet rick???? It's damn good
Ah! You made it, buddy? :)
I keep forgetting to make that thing for myself also. I need something like that in my life. As does the wife, she needs something to help her boost protein intake a little more.

Oh Yeh!! That cheesecake is the sh*t!! I made it a couple months ago and I was in heaven. Next time I make it I'm going to try adding in a little vanilla protein powder for added protein and flavor.

im liking this stack alot- alot alot alot

trenazone maybe hmmmmmmm?
Its been excellent man. I highly recommend it for cutting up or recomping.

DAY 25

Weight: 170.5
Helladrol: 125mg
Trenazone: 1.5ml

Last couple days have been great. I've leaned out more and I'm loving the cycle right now. My weight workout yesterday was Back and biceps and just about all my lifts were very near my personal bests. Strength has really come on as of late. I'm pretty impressedthat I am 30 lbs lighter and just about throwing up the same weight as I was in the middle of my SD/EPI cycle. Of course vascularity is still way up. Veins are appearing better and new ones are popping up every day. If I was guessing, I would say that I am pretty damn sure I am under 9% BF now. My goal is to try and lose another percent or so before the end of this cycle, and the way things have gone I can see it happening. I'm digging this cycle a lot, and if I could do it all over again about the only thing I would change is I would have another bottle of Trenazone so I could run it higher. I am also thinking next time maybe Trenazone/Epi....that sounds delicious :sgrin:

I had another great burn day today with some low cals and great cardio session burning a cool 600 cals. I'm looking forward to the weights tomorrow though, and hopefully making some more big lifts and nice strength gains.


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Ah! You made it, buddy? :)
Oh ya.. Was dammmmn good. I added 1 scoop of Cake Batter protein to it as well.. Altho following the recipe, I had way more than just 1 9" pie pan??? I almost filled 2 of those 9" pie pans. Anyone else have this problem?


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Oh ya.. Was dammmmn good. I added 1 scoop of Cake Batter protein to it as well.. Altho following the recipe, I had way more than just 1 9" pie pan??? I almost filled 2 of those 9" pie pans. Anyone else have this problem?
I didn't have that problem. Making mine from the recipe it filled a 9'" pie pan almost perfectly


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As far as pictures go I would take them like once a week....that's just me.....it's cool to see the progression. Kind of like a time lapse.


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As far as pictures go I would take them like once a week....that's just me.....it's cool to see the progression. Kind of like a time lapse.
Someone wants more topless pics of Rick... :hug:



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When I make mine I plan on doubling the recipe and doing it in a cake pan. I need 40 grams of protein per serving baby!!!! Gotta make it big and thick like a real NY cheesecake, not a skinny one like the ones you can make from the Jello Cheese Cake mixes. Biggest change I think will be cooking a little longer and refrigerating a little longer before eating.


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Amazing progress so far rick, I haven't posted, but I've been following it the entire time. When would you say specifically you noticed the strength increase from the trenazone starting to kick in?


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When I make mine I plan on doubling the recipe and doing it in a cake pan. I need 40 grams of protein per serving baby!!!! Gotta make it big and thick like a real NY cheesecake, not a skinny one like the ones you can make from the Jello Cheese Cake mixes. Biggest change I think will be cooking a little longer and refrigerating a little longer before eating.
That's how I did it, bro ;)

9"x13 or 14" (can't remember which) cake pan with double the ingredients and 4 extra scoops of vanilla isolate (30g protein/scoop). I only baked mine for just over an hour and then stuck it in the fridge and it was bomb.


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Did you use one of those little tin pie pans? And 2lbs of cream cheese right?

Yeh man 2 lbs of cream cheese. I used a 9" pan but not the throw away tin pans. I just bought a glass pie dish, and it is a 9"

As far as pictures go I would take them like once a week....that's just me.....it's cool to see the progression. Kind of like a time lapse.
I usually do every other week, but I have been taking pics more often than that because the changes are coming quicker

Someone wants more topless pics of Rick... :hug:

lol....You homos will get some more shots soon enough :rofl:

When I make mine I plan on doubling the recipe and doing it in a cake pan. I need 40 grams of protein per serving baby!!!! Gotta make it big and thick like a real NY cheesecake, not a skinny one like the ones you can make from the Jello Cheese Cake mixes. Biggest change I think will be cooking a little longer and refrigerating a little longer before eating.
Hell yeh man!! that sounds delish!!

Amazing progress so far rick, I haven't posted, but I've been following it the entire time. When would you say specifically you noticed the strength increase from the trenazone starting to kick in?

End of week 2 start of week 3 is when I really started to notice it, and its been pretty steady since then.

That's how I did it, bro ;)

9"x13 or 14" (can't remember which) cake pan with double the ingredients and 4 extra scoops of vanilla isolate (30g protein/scoop). I only baked mine for just over an hour and then stuck it in the fridge and it was bomb.
I dont think I will ever do a double batch. I will try adding in some protein, but damn that stuff is so filling. Its hard enough to eat it all at a slice a day before it goes bad


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DAY 26

Weight: 171
Helladrol: 125mg
Trenazone: 1.5ml

I had another awesome day killing the weights. I had a shoulder/Legs workout and hit some nice numbers on military and Arnold Presses. Did some DB shrugs with 100s and they felt light even doing 2 second flexes at the top of the movement, and had to go up in weight. The only drawback to the workout was I was a little limited on time and I had to cut legs a little short. I still managed to get in some good squats. They felt pretty good and i went up in weight a little. I still am very leary about doing heavy squats because of my back issues. For that reason I usually dont go over 275 and I dont go real deep. I go to parallel and that seems to take a big load off of my back. My cals may be a little higher than the target today. I will probably end up around 3200-3300. Things are going well enough, I think I need a good fill up day anyways.

I cant believe how smooth this cycle is. Literally zero side effects whatsoever. The first day or two I had some headaches, and what not, but since then I havent experienced anything negative. Libido is down a hair, but barely noticeable. I've been married for 7 years and have a 2 month old in the house so libido doesnt really matter much right now anyways...lol.

So far everything has been textbook and exactly as planned. I am up about a lb or so from the start of the cycle but have dropped over a percent of bodyfat. By the time this is over I could end up a little over 170 with 8% BF :D


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Yeah add some Vanilla or Cake batter to it Rick... So good.

How long do you think it stays good for in the fridge guys?


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Yeah add some Vanilla or Cake batter to it Rick... So good.

How long do you think it stays good for in the fridge guys?
I;m not sure how long it is good for, but I ate on mine for a good 5 or 6 days and I through away a slice or 2 because I was starting to wonder and didnt want to risk it. But I would bet that it would be good at least a week


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Ya figured about a week as well.. Just ate 2 slices.. Damn this stuff is amazing. I gotta get some FF cool whip to put on top.. :food:


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DAY 27

Weight: 172

Woke up looking a little bloated this morning, but I can understand why. I took in a decent amount of carbs yesterday and polished off the day with my last meal being half of a large meat lovers pizza and a better protein bar. It was oh so good!!!....but I saw it in the mirror this morning. Going to try and clean it up a bit over the next couple days. Fridays have seemed to turn into my big Carb up days.

Just finished my cardio a bit ago and I did about 25 minutes worth because I was limited on time and pushed it pretty hard though and burned a good 350 on the treadmill.


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Ya figured about a week as well.. Just ate 2 slices.. Damn this stuff is amazing. I gotta get some FF cool whip to put on top.. :food:
Mine lasted for at over just over a week and I had even forgot to cover it with aluminum foil, because I'm an idiot lol. So it should last a week easily, especially if covered.

Along with the light cool whip, natty PB tastes really good with it, too, if your macros allow for it.

And Rick, I'm a little disappointed you shared that pizza, bro! You were supposed to eat that whole thing! haha :lol:


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That pizza will do you some good man. Don't sweat the water will fall off without doing anything different than normal.


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I just made a double layer cheesecake, tastes AWESOME! I mixed half just normal and put it in the pie dish, then I mixed in chocolate protein in the second half and put it on top, then put the whole thing in the oven. Turned out perfect, and looks professional. Great stuff, and great macros.

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