Recomping with LG's Trifecta! (NON-SPON)



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totally impressed with your results Flex!, One thing I have noticed with GH was the increase in Pumps, I did sleep real well, sometimes to well, I would for about 3-4 hours and wake up feeling like i slept for about 9-10...


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totally impressed with your results Flex!, One thing I have noticed with GH was the increase in Pumps, I did sleep real well, sometimes to well, I would for about 3-4 hours and wake up feeling like i slept for about 9-10...
Dont be impressed yet. I still have 2.5 weeks on the Trifecta!
More results to come.

After 15-16 can say you're impressed!


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Day 25 - Cardio


1HR. 140-150BPM. Butter.

-Usually after legs, I'm beat the next day; have to keep it low intensity. Today I was motivated, got into the gym and killed the cardio. I felt like doin more but I gotta keep this paced to some degree.
-Dosed OEP 7am, 1:30pm.
-Diet right on.
-No faltering, just moving right along. Shoulders tomorrow.
-I did dose Ghenerate before my cardio session. Not sure if it was the OEP or the GH that made me fly through cardio.
-Cant wait for numbers already. I'm loving my progress.


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Really excited about Trifecta after looking at some of these logs. I ordered a cycle (should be sitting at my house as I write this). Can't wait to get started tomorrow. I'll be hitting everything pretty fresh as I just took a week off to recover from a shoulder injury so recovery wise, I should be there.

Manko Oyaji

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wow, I have just read through this whole log and it's great. I love the people on this site and how they help everyone through. I have some weight to lose in the tune of about 60lbs.... gained it while living here in Japan. Anyhow, good luck to you and I'll be starting a log of my own soon and hope to get everyones help.


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I'm glad both of you have taken the time to read through, it's getting quite large. Much appreciated. When you're ready, just remember to tie it all in. It'll surprise you how fast results come when you have everything working together synergistically.


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Day 26 - Shoulder/Chest


Arnold Presses
60 - 10, 8
50 - 8, 5-6

Nautilus Overhead Press
240 - 5-6
215 - 6 (Smoked, just not much power today)
185 - 5-6
155 - 8

Side Laterals
25 - 10, 10, 8 drop set to 20, 10

Rear Laterals
15 - 10, 10, 10

Incline Press Machine
240 - 10
255 - 10
240 - 8

Seated Cable Flyes (concentration on upper pec area)
30 - 10, 10, 10

Decline Xovers
15 - 10, 10, 10

20 low intense cardio, 15 min sauna

-Beat today. Not much power or intensity. Work has been hectic.
-Cant win em all. We'll regroup and get a good arm workout tomorrow.


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Rest up and tear it tomorrow ;)



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Day 27 - Arms/Back


Dumbbell Curls
50 - 7
40 - 7, 8

Hammer Curls
35 - 8, 8, 8

Iso Bicep Curl
75 - 10, 10, 10

Close Grip Bench (Smith)
90 - 10
180 - 10, 6-7
140 - 10

90 - 10
80 - 10, 10

One arm Lying down Extensions
20 - 10, 10, 10

Reverse Grip Pulldown, tricep
45 - 10, 10, 10

1 arm rows, cable
75 - 10, 10
75 - 10 45 - 10 (drop set)

Pullovers (front)
140 - 10, 10, 10

20 mins low intense cardio, 15 min sauna

-Solid workout. Dosed 'White flood' preworkout.
-Lost more BF, I can feel it. Hasn't affected strength yet, but any
hiccups and it'll happen. Will keep diet tight.
-Last day on M1D and MM as 4 weeks are about to conclude.
-Will consistently dose OEP and Formadrol now. We'll see if strength
persists with conclusion of cycle.


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Good stuff in here Flex you are really giving it hell. Don't worry about those weak days man. Your body slows itself down when you refuse too kind of a natural survival mechanism as long as your putting in the effort the muscle is getting worked. So don't let numbers get into your head too much.


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Good stuff in here Flex you are really giving it hell. Don't worry about those weak days man. Your body slows itself down when you refuse too kind of a natural survival mechanism as long as your putting in the effort the muscle is getting worked. So don't let numbers get into your head too much.
I'll try.

I'd also like to note, I looked at myself in the mirror at the gym and felt small. Exactly what you were talking about. BigOrexia. I won't let it get to me. I won't go too fast as to lose too much LBM but I won't overfill with cals just to feel better mentally. It's the hurdle everyone faces yet few can conquer. I know in the end, when single digit bf% is a reality this was all for great purpose and desire.

Kleen, how do you feel about higher rep ranges? Last year I did 8-10 during this time. Summer time I was up to 15 with slow tempo and even as high as 20 reps on some exercises. What do you suggest ?


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I'll try.

I'd also like to note, I looked at myself in the mirror at the gym and felt small. Exactly what you were talking about. BigOrexia. I won't let it get to me. I won't go too fast as to lose too much LBM but I won't overfill with cals just to feel better mentally. It's the hurdle everyone faces yet few can conquer. I know in the end, when single digit bf% is a reality this was all for great purpose and desire.

Kleen, how do you feel about higher rep ranges? Last year I did 8-10 during this time. Summer time I was up to 15 with slow tempo and even as high as 20 reps on some exercises. What do you suggest ?
If you want to keep muscle density while cutting then doing lower reps like 5x5 workout with short rest periods is great. Or my full body program which is both heavy and high rep when you consider the drops sets. Sets of 15 are also good for cutting but I like the look I get from heavier weight with shorter rest periods. I just feel it leaves more muscle density. I prefer sets of 15 for when I am letting my body recover from pushing heavy ass weight for too long. A way to tax the muscles and build some endurance while lightening the load on the joints and tendons. I will also use higher reps when extrreme conditioning is my goal. However when trying to keep my mass and cut up heavy weight, lower reps and short rest periods are my bread and butter.


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If you want to keep muscle density while cutting then doing lower reps like 5x5 workout with short rest periods is great. Or my full body program which is both heavy and high rep when you consider the drops sets. Sets of 15 are also good for cutting but I like the look I get from heavier weight with shorter rest periods. I just feel it leaves more muscle density. I prefer sets of 15 for when I am letting my body recover from pushing heavy ass weight for too long. A way to tax the muscles and build some endurance while lightening the load on the joints and tendons. I will also use higher reps when extrreme conditioning is my goal. However when trying to keep my mass and cut up heavy weight, lower reps and short rest periods are my bread and butter.
I'll keep these tidbits in mind when it comes time to switch up!

Thx big fella.


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LG reps; if you're still following, how do you suggest I run Formadrol? I have the XL size bottle, 90 caps. 4 a day will net 3.2weeks. Can I take this for the full 3.2 weeks until the bottle is gone? Or should I take as directed for 2 weeks and save the rest?

If 3.2 is okay, I'll take the Formadrol for the 3.2 and OEP for 4 weeks 2x per day as my bridge.


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I ran it for 4weeks @ 3/2/2/1 I think. But that was a 60caps bottle. It is a great product. I would spread it out to 4weeks since you have the big bottle :)



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Day 28 - Cardio


My lucky day!
-Found 20 bucks!
-The girl doing cardio next to me was quite attractive and smelled really good. LOL

Back to seriousness-

1HR. 140-160BPM, had to tone this down. OEP just wants you to keep moving and keep moving faster w/o feeling the grind. It's gonna be my staple fat burner. USP really hit a homerun here. I was worried if I maintained that pace, say bye bye muscle. Kept my range 135-145 thereafter.

-Fasted workout, dosed OEP, YG, and GHenerate upon waking.
-Today I started Formadrol at 4x per day and OEP 2x per day. We'll ride this for 4 weeks.
-No soreness, joints feel good, no slowing me down. Can't rave enough about this stack.
-Abs are tough, I store alot here, BUT back fat and chest fat are worse IMHO. My abs have been target #1 and it shows. Chest and Back are status quo from just visuals. Just keep pressin..
-Tomorrow is Chest/Delts/Bi's - Change in exercises coming up, its been 4 weeks, time for change.

Lastly, numbers! Stay tuned for weight and bf%. I'm down 15 lbs and 3%BF so far, this week should be no different. I feel thinner!


NutraPlanet Rep
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Awesome log so far bud, sh*t is going to get intense!


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Weighed in: Lost another 6 lbs. BF down to 18.8%

From Day 1 thats a loss of 20 lbs and 4%BF.

Lost a little LBM here, but lost more fat too. May increase cals just a tad to slow the process. I was hoping for 2-3 lbs loss and all of it being fat.

Measures were 12,13,14MM Chest, took 13, Abs were 40, 41, 43, took 41 and Legs are consistently 10, 11.

I haven't been in the 220's in years. Starting to get compliments from outsiders as well. Feels stellar!

Off to the gym. Gotta get work done.


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Day 29 - Chest/Bis/Delts


Barbell Incline
185 - 10, 10, 10

Barbell Decline
185 - 10, 10, 10

BW Dips superset with Pushups
10, 10
8, 8
6, 6

Dumbbell Flyes
30 - 10, 10, 10

Single Arm Dumbbell Curls
35 - 10
30 - 10
25 - 10

Iso Preacher CUrl Machine
95 - 10
80 - 10
65 - 10

Side Laterals, Cable superset with 45lb plate front raise
15 - 10, 10, 10 did 10, 10, 10 with 45lb plate

20 mins low intense cardio, 10 min sauna (somebody jimmy rigged the sauna and it mustve been 220-230 degrees in there.

-Still feelin good. Had a very methodical workout today. Should be able to increase all my lifts next week.
-Dosed Ghenerate, OEP, and YG preworkout, fasted.
-No slowin this freight train.


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LG reps; if you're still following, how do you suggest I run Formadrol? I have the XL size bottle, 90 caps. 4 a day will net 3.2weeks. Can I take this for the full 3.2 weeks until the bottle is gone? Or should I take as directed for 2 weeks and save the rest?

If 3.2 is okay, I'll take the Formadrol for the 3.2 and OEP for 4 weeks 2x per day as my bridge.
I ran it for 4weeks @ 3/2/2/1 I think. But that was a 60caps bottle. It is a great product. I would spread it out to 4weeks since you have the big bottle :)

Even though its recommended for 2 weeks, Start at the high end of dosing and taper down.. going past the 2 weeks is perfectly fine..


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Day 30 - Back/Traps


Nautilus Pull Down
155 - 10, 10, 10

Iso Row Machine
130 - 10, 10, 10

PullDowns Front and Back
85 - 12, 10
85 - 10, 10
85 - 10, 10

Seated Rows
120 - 10, 10, 10

Lat Pushdown
40 - 10, 10, 10

Dumbell Shrugs
125 - 10, 8, 6

20 min low intense cardio, 12-15 sauna. Peeps keep messin with the
sauna. Wasnt that hot.

Feelin good. Friggin forgot to do Tri's..Unreal.
Lot's of endurance here, breezed through the workout.
Gonna prep bigtime for a solid leg workout tomorrow.


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Weighed in: Lost another 6 lbs. BF down to 18.8%

From Day 1 thats a loss of 20 lbs and 5%BF.

Lost a little LBM here, but lost more fat too. May increase cals just a tad to slow the process. I was hoping for 2-3 lbs loss and all of it being fat.

Measures were 12,13,14MM Chest, took 13, Abs were 40, 41, 43, took 41 and Legs are consistently 10, 11.

I haven't been in the 220's in years. Starting to get compliments from outsiders as well. Feels stellar!

Off to the gym. Gotta get work done.
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:


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:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Before you make adjustments look closely at your food intake from the past week, have you cut carbs a little unintentionally? Have you increased your water intake, did you start taking something with Aromatase inhibitors in it maybe? Something that would dry you out and make you lose extra water weight which is also considered LBM? I jest Bro no need to worry you did indeed do the last few things I mentioned. The formadrol is going to make you drop water you were retaining, that is not your muscle although included in LBM. You are golden bro. Don't sweat it and don't raise your calories.


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Congrats on the progress man! You are doing great - really!! The dedication you got, it's amazing :)



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Before you make adjustments look closely at your food intake from the past week, have you cut carbs a little unintentionally? Have you increased your water intake, did you start taking something with Resveratrol or Aromatase inhibitors in it maybe? Something that would dry you out and make you lose extra water weight which is also considered LBM? I jest Bro no need to worry you did indeed do the last few things I mentioned. The formadrol is going to make you drop water you were retaining, that is not your muscle although included in LBM. You are golden bro. Don't sweat it and don't raise your calories.
I think I did cut carbs unintentionally. Mainly because I ate alot on Sunday. I also have been fired up on my cardio and have been doing higher intensity.

Ya know, I'm just gonna keep riding this train. We'll see where it takes me.

Thanks for the words, my inept experience to get ripped sometimes sways me..


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Congrats on the progress man! You are doing great - really!! The dedication you got, it's amazing :)

Thanks CC. I'm at the point where its no chore, instead its fun to be challenged to meet my numbers and keep the progress moving in the right direction. Gettin veiny, thinner and more imtimidating looking is motivating as well!


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your results are getting better and better by the post. Workouts are looking :head: too. Keep up the hard work man. You are doing great!


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your results are getting better and better by the post. Workouts are looking :head: too. Keep up the hard work man. You are doing great!
Thanks brother. I have some excellent support in this log! :djparty:


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Day 31 - Legs


Leg Press
270 - 10
450 - 10
630 - 10
720 - 8
810 - 6 Hit the bump stop, lol. Brought these down far. Not the half
rep crap I always see. Partials have their place in this game, but not
on a leg press.
530 - 12

Hack Squat
180 - 10, 10, 10 a$$ to ground with pauses. Love exploding from the

Step machine
30 - 10 each leg
50 - 10 each leg
100 - lost count..was beat like a drum.

Seated Calves
50 - 10
170 - 10
150 - 10, 10

Reverse Leg Curl
110 - 10, cramped on the successive set and stopped. We'll prioritize
these next week.

20 min low intense cardio. 15 min sauna.

-I'm in 'PCT' but I feel I'm getting stronger, lol.
-I look good fellaz. When I put my hands on my hips, you see
the immediate 'V' shape taper, freaky lookin. My quads are also
impressive and calves are also on point. Gotta keep workin hard, no
glory here.
-Big winter storm tomorrow. Guess where you'll find me? Thank God
for the gym and AWD.
-Diet right on, cals might be slighter higher due to my mistake and
my man Kleen correcting me. We'll get this taken care of.
-I can't say enough good things about YG. I'm always 'full' looking.
As stated much before, me dieting in the past resulted in fast weight
loss but flat as a board and weak. I'm maintaining, I'm full, and
losing lbs by the day. Just phenomenal.
-Also want to note Ghenerate. This stuff is making me get great sleep.
I love it!
-My days are high stress at work mentally. My gym workouts are
hard and methodical. I find myself wanting to goto bed early and
skipping TV. The extra sleep and listening to my body instead of
fighting it is really making a difference as well.
-Cardio tomorrow, I know OEP will have me focused to push hard!

Lastly, I wanna say a few things that are always preached but sometimes not practiced. My workout partner, you can clasify him as a beginner and that's fine. He bought Trifecta stack as I did but kept his diet the same. Well, guess whaat..he's the same size, same strength..He boozed frequently, didnt get enough protein in, and ate whatever whenever. You get out what you put in. And that means covering all your bases. I wish he had better results, but when you put in 'whatever', you get out 'whatever'. Just a tidbit I know you all know, but sometimes need to hear it as a friendly reminder.


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hey, hes only jewing himself out of results lol. thats his problem! hope pct goes well for you. i thought u were bridging tren? or you doing that after the formadrol?


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hey, hes only jewing himself out of results lol. thats his problem! hope pct goes well for you. i thought u were bridging tren? or you doing that after the formadrol?
No you're right, but he's a friend and I'm tryin to show him what true dedication can result in.

I'm finishing up with Formadrol coupled with OEP. Ill run that for 4 weeks and then start a 5 week 19Nor. After its all said and done, I'm hoping to be 11-12% after these 15-16 weeks. Then I can work on getting that last 5% off on a keto. More to come on that!


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Hope you are gonna log the 19-Nor run ;)



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word i feel really considering starting my mmv3 tommorow. that would be bridged into a tren/test cycle for 10 weeks. i was gonna save it but whatever. lol. just realised i 4got my tuna for my second meal here at work.....thank god i have a protein bar in my laptop case LOL. ill have to have my carbs alil higher than normal cuz of it...but its better than not eating


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No doubt CC. Im debating on putting up pics after my 6 weeks or wait until im done with my bridge and Tren.
No debate Bro put em up! Remember how motivating others opinions were for you? Put them out there lets see what is really going on with you. We will be better judgesof your situation because we aren't going to look for negatives like you will. You really can't beat positive feedback and those pics, they hold you even more accountable. Not only that but I am sure LG would love to see what you have done during the period on the stack. Will also give you more reference points.


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No debate Bro put em up! Remember how motivating others opinions were for you? Put them out there lets see what is really going on with you. We will be better judgesof your situation because we aren't going to look for negatives like you will. You really can't beat positive feedback and those pics, they hold you even more accountable. Not only that but I am sure LG would love to see what you have done during the period on the stack. Will also give you more reference points.
Point taken! I'll proudly, this time, put them up! 1 week 4 days!


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Day 32 - Cardio


-K, so I didnt mention this yesterday because I thought it was no big deal, but I tweaked my back. I'm leaning to one side, I've done it before in the past; strained. A good week or week and a half, I should be back to normal.

-1 HR. Did my best here. I was hoping cardio would loosen my back up and it did but it doesnt feel good still.

-What made everything worse was my legs are and will continue to be extremely sore. I cant bend very well to help support my back. Doube negative here :(

-Relaxing at the moment. Will continue to take it easy and hit shoulders tomorrow. I should be able to finish my workouts but no sudden movements or overzealous attitude here. We'll make sure I'm 100% for the 19nor cycle.

-Don't feel I'm losing (weight) as much this week, but we'll let the numbers speak for themselve on Sunday.


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-K, so I didnt mention this yesterday because I thought it was no big deal, but I tweaked my back. I'm leaning to one side, I've done it before in the past; strained. A good week or week and a half, I should be back to normal.

-1 HR. Did my best here. I was hoping cardio would loosen my back up and it did but it doesnt feel good still.

-What made everything worse was my legs are and will continue to be extremely sore. I cant bend very well to help support my back. Doube negative here :(

-Relaxing at the moment. Will continue to take it easy and hit shoulders tomorrow. I should be able to finish my workouts but no sudden movements or overzealous attitude here. We'll make sure I'm 100% for the 19nor cycle.

-Don't feel I'm losing (weight) as much this week, but we'll let the numbers speak for themselve on Sunday.
YOu did say you were getting stronger right? Maybe the weight is good weight, LBM. Like you said lets see what the numbers say on Sunday.


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Day 33 -Shoulders/Chest


Smith Machine Overhead Presses
140 - 10
160 - 8
180 - 4
110 - 12

Lateral Raise Machine
80 - 10, 10, 10

Dumbbell Front Raises
25 - 10, 10, 10

Rear cable laterals
10 - 10, 10, 10

Flat Barbell Bench
135 - 10
225 - 10, 8, 5-6

Seated Chest Flye Machine
80 - 10
110 - 10, 10, 10

-Back killin me. I sit too long, tightens up and cant walk. Stand too
long and it pulsates. Nature of the beast; had a solid workout regardless.

-Diet timing is off a bit; work is so hectic its difficult to get my meals
in every 2.5 hrs like i like it.

- Feelin strong still. Think I'm losing more around the waist. Theres
plenty to go.

-Might be seeing a friend in Tampa at the end of April/early May with a
bunch of my friends. Might use this target as if it were a show to really
up the ante. Well see, not sure I can swing it financially.

20 mins low intense cardio, 15 min sauna.


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Sorry to hear about your back man :( Keep the aminos up and recover fast ;)



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back injuries suck man. my first inj cycle my back f'd up on me, i had to cut out deads and only do leg press. even leg ext hurt my back lol. feel better bro


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Ibuprofen Ibuprofen Ibuprofen, 800 mg every 4 hours with increased water intake. Get some Cissus too PLAYA!!!! Was the weight on smith including the bar or just counting the weight?


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Ibuprofen Ibuprofen Ibuprofen, 800 mg every 4 hours with increased water intake. Get some Cissus too PLAYA!!!! Was the weight on smith including the bar or just counting the weight?
Weight on Smith is always just the weight. I dont count the bar.

We'll see about the Ibruprofen. I usually like to bypass pain killers.


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Day 34 - Arms/Back


100 - 10, 8, 6

Dumbbell Curls
40 - 10, 8, 6

BTN Overhead Extension
75 - 10, 10, 10

Hammer Curls
40 - 10, 8
35 - 10

BW - 10, 10, 10

Iso Machine Curl, 1 arm
40 - 10, 10, 10

Rope Pushdown
90 - 10, 10, 10

Assisted Pullups
165 - 10
150 - 10, 10, 10

One arm iso Row
45 - 10, 10, 10

20 min low intense cardio, 15 min sauna

-Man, work is really hectic. It's challenging staying mentally focused.
-We're 5 weeks in the books. 1 more week and this 'Trifecta' ride
-Bought some M1D and will stack this with my Tren. Wild times
-Status quo. Working hard, cardio tomorrow morning.
-Back still bothering me. Getting through.


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Weight on Smith is always just the weight. I dont count the bar.

We'll see about the Ibruprofen. I usually like to bypass pain killers.
It is not the pain you are trying to fix it is the inflamation so it can heal. The inflamation slows the healing process quite a bit. Just drink more water if your worried about it. The pain will go down from the inflamation going down but the real reason to take it is the anti inflamatory effect.


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I'm really lovn the M1d on cycle bro. Things are sooo smooth. GL with it all man. It'll be the TRUE test with Tren :eek:

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