Q and A for Olympus labs TR3ST

I was considering stacking DermaT3st with Dymethaz1ne at:

DZINE - 20/40/40/40/60
DT3st - 50/50/50/50/50
Support sups (liver)

-Nolva 20/20/10/10

My question is would I be better off using an AI like Amer1care on cycle, or using a product like Erase while in pct?

Would either of these be necessities if gyno symptoms aren't present?
I was considering stacking DermaT3st with Dymethaz1ne at: DZINE - 20/40/40/40/60 DT3st - 50/50/50/50/50 Support sups (liver) PCT: -Nolva 20/20/10/10 -DAA My question is would I be better off using an AI like Amer1care on cycle, or using a product like Erase while in pct? Would either of these be necessities if gyno symptoms aren't present?
You'll want an AI on cycle while in Tr3st 100%.
i got 2 bottles tr3st for my next cycle. what is the difference between tr3st and dernatr3st.is any different usage area ? any advantages or disadvantages of usage dermatrest over trest?
i got 2 bottles tr3st for my next cycle. what is the difference between tr3st and dernatr3st.is any different usage area ? any advantages or disadvantages of usage dermatrest over trest?
DermaTREST is transdermal, TR3ST is oral.

If you're worried about cross-contamination (wife/gf, kids), go with oral.

Oral has shorter half-life so it's great preworkout. DermaTREST gives stable blood levels.
Shall i use trest only as pre-workout, is other time usage garbage like after wake up? .i train 7 pm

Interested to see the answer to this. I run it at 100mg/Day every 4-6 hrs. Wondering if I shouldn't move a larger dose to pre-workout and peri workout or just stay steady.
Interested to see the answer to this. I run it at 100mg/Day every 4-6 hrs. Wondering if I shouldn't move a larger dose to pre-workout and peri workout or just stay steady.
I liked to take 50mg preworkout and spread rest of it evenly throughout the day.
I liked to take 50mg preworkout and spread rest of it evenly throughout the day.
Right on. Might up to 125 just to keep the spread even. Deff going with dermTrest next time. I'll just get some gloves to avoid cross contamination. No weirder than half the shizzit we do anywayz
Interested to see the answer to this. I run it at 100mg/Day every 4-6 hrs. Wondering if I shouldn't move a larger dose to pre-workout and peri workout or just stay steady.

more than 50 may result in headaches
Anyone ever ran Tr3st at 150mg? Thinkin about doing 50 pre with tr3st and 100 with TD trest, along with my DMZ
I recently did a 6 week cycle of TR3ST and loved it, nice strength gains. I stopped about 2 weeks ago, so how long should I wait before another cycle? I'm on PCT, Formestane and have no erectile issues, so that's a good thing.
I recently did a 6 week cycle of TR3ST and loved it, nice strength gains. I stopped about 2 weeks ago, so how long should I wait before another cycle? I'm on PCT, Formestane and have no erectile issues, so that's a good thing.

Time on + pct= time off
I recently did a 6 week cycle of TR3ST and loved it, nice strength gains. I stopped about 2 weeks ago, so how long should I wait before another cycle? I'm on PCT, Formestane and have no erectile issues, so that's a good thing.

What did yuo run TR3ST with and what dosage?What type of gains did you see from it?
What did yuo run TR3ST with and what dosage?What type of gains did you see from it?

I definitely noticed strength gains, at 3 pills a day. My squat was forever stuck at 315 for 10, I went to 405 pretty easily. Body comp changed too. My overhead presses went up from 135 for 10 to 155 for 8. And mind you, I was my leanest which is my weakest, this stuff leaned me out and I was still able to be strong, that was the most impressive for me.
I definitely noticed strength gains, at 3 pills a day. My squat was forever stuck at 315 for 10, I went to 405 pretty easily. Body comp changed too. My overhead presses went up from 135 for 10 to 155 for 8. And mind you, I was my leanest which is my weakest, this stuff leaned me out and I was still able to be strong, that was the most impressive for me.

Very nice and thanks.Could not give you reps so I gave you the thumbs up man!
hi everyone. im new here. just looking for some info. been reading a bit and decided to register.


im 28 YO, 5foot 6, 160lbs workout 4 times a week. trying to get to 180lbs of lean mass, mainly my legs as i feel i have chicken legs lol also never done a PH so i want to do it right so i have the least side effects.

anyway, i am considering doing a cycle of TR3ST and DMZ (getting the perfect cycle) however i want to make sure i have a good PCT, as i intend to order that 1st and not start the cycle without having the PCT stuff on hand 1st.so far dosage wise i have

TR3ST 50/50/50/50
DMZ 40/40/40/40
AR1MACARE PRO 4 capsules per day


Super PCT 4/3/2/1
im think i will use Clomid 50/50/25/25 or is it better to use Nolva?
and have Letrozole on hand as my AI

thanks for your help guys.
hi everyone. im new here. just looking for some info. been reading a bit and decided to register. background: im 28 YO, 5foot 6, 160lbs workout 4 times a week. trying to get to 180lbs of lean mass, mainly my legs as i feel i have chicken legs lol also never done a PH so i want to do it right so i have the least side effects. anyway, i am considering doing a cycle of TR3ST and DMZ (getting the perfect cycle) however i want to make sure i have a good PCT, as i intend to order that 1st and not start the cycle without having the PCT stuff on hand 1st.so far dosage wise i have TR3ST 50/50/50/50 DMZ 40/40/40/40 AR1MACARE PRO 4 capsules per day PCT Super PCT 4/3/2/1 im think i will use Clomid 50/50/25/25 or is it better to use Nolva? and have Letrozole on hand as my AI thanks for your help guys.

For a first timer I wouldn't run both compounds. Especially because trest for me had some not so fun estrogen related sides even with 2 pumps a day of transform. I would run DMZ solo.

That being said if you're going to do it anyway I'd run it

Arinicare at recommended.

Pct clomid
Super pct
Transform 2 pumps a day. Then start slowly decreasing. Rub 2 weeks past pct
DAA 3G ed
I just finished my trest and DMZ cycle at

DMZ 40/40/60/60/60/60

Loved every single second of it

Put on 24 lbs. minimal fat gain and strength gain was incredible
ok thanks for the reply. not sure how i misses the DAA in the PC, and looks like i should add the transform.
and only use the letrozole if i feel gyno symptoms
i think if anything i MIGHT go up to 75 on the tr3st.
im trying to go easy as it is my 1st time. also did you mean that i should do th DMZ insted of the TR3ST?
Tr3st scares me because it aromitizes. Sucks cuz I would love a test replacement, but guess Ill try dermafury next.
Am I mistaken or does trest aromatize into a stronger metabolite of estrogen, compared to injectable test? I've heard great things about trest too, but like Contaygious mentioned I'm a little tentative about trying it as well.
Am I mistaken or does trest aromatize into a stronger metabolite of estrogen, compared to injectable test? I've heard great things about trest too, but like Contaygious mentioned I'm a little tentative about trying it as well.
Trestolone --> methyl estradiol more potent than estradiol
I'm on 100mg/day of DermaTREST... 100mg/day of TransFORM seems to be estrogen related sides at bay. TransFORM is definitely more potent than ELIM1NATE.
one more question.

is there any hair loss side effects from usisng TR3ST and DMZ?? if so, can i take something topical to prevent it

thanks alot
Haven't had that kind of sides. Ketoconazol shampoo is a cheap way to prevent hair loss though.
Tr3st scares me because it aromitizes. Sucks cuz I would love a test replacement, but guess Ill try dermafury next.

I'm just finishing my first 6 week run with DermaTrest and DermaFury (old time AAS user). This is the FIRST legal hormone cycle I've ever done that I thought was worth a damn! The Trest is no joke--treat with respect! Everyone is going to be different, but for me past 1ml/day and I started getting increasing sides; that is, high blood pressure.

As far as the estrogen conversion: come on guys, when I was regularly using AAS almost everyone used plain old Nolva on cycle to control estrogen. This **** with having to crush your estrogen levels with an AI for fear of growing a set of double D's has gotten out of hand! I went up to 1.5ml/day DermaTrest while using 10mg./day Nolva and experienced zero estrogen sides. Believe me, switch to a SERM on cycle from an AI and your lipid profile will be much better. I realize that Transform is not a super strong AI, but I still prefer Nolva on cycle.

For PCT, Clomid hands down is the more effective testosterone stimulator for the vast majority of people.

If this is your first cycle of anything, I'd start at 1ml./day for a couple of weeks to see how you handle it before increasing the dose; again, Trest is very powerful and makes a surprisiningly effective Test replacement.

crowbar are you just taking DermaTrest or are you also using oral TR3ST. When do you apply your DermaTrest? Not sure if I want to do caps or TD. Doing both might be a little pricey for both.