Q and A for Olympus labs TR3ST

crowbar are you just taking DermaTrest or are you also using oral TR3ST. When do you apply your DermaTrest? Not sure if I want to do caps or TD. Doing both might be a little pricey for both.

What do you plan on using it for? I was trying to get my first stack together and I am certain I prefer stability over a quick jolt. Derma application seems like the way to go with it's longer absorption. Doing the orals with a really short half life needs you to be on top of your timing everyday. Not to mention all the other staples you need to chug down.
goodvibes;4661831Derma application seems like the way to go with it's longer absorption. Doing the orals with a really short half life needs you to be on top of your timing everyday. Not to mention all the other staples you need to chug down.[/QUOTE said:
Great post and totally agree.
Going to stack it with another PH. True don't feel like chugging down a lot of caps. That's why I wanted to know which is better and if going TD route when to apply.
Going to stack it with another PH. True don't feel like chugging down a lot of caps. That's why I wanted to know which is better and if going TD route when to apply.

If you can work it twice a day it would be best. After the first shower then post gym after another shower.

My sched is AM workout so if I have to take it ill pop a pill preworkout, shower postgym then apply. Maybe a 3rd application before bed.
Let me make that simpler. Anytime that's about 12hrs apart it should be good. What are you stacking it with?
hey guys how long after you have taken tr3st should you apply transform??
should you apply the transform right after you have taken the tr3st or an hr later?? thanks
one more question.

is there any hair loss side effects from usisng TR3ST and DMZ?? if so, can i take something topical to prevent it

thanks alot

DMZ does not aromatize and TR#ST can not produce DHT when it aromatizes so there should not be any issues with hair loss due to them. However no one can promise that simply because hair can always begin to fall out for a ton of reasons.
First, I want to correct myself on something. It's true that when i was using AAS I usually didn't use an AI, EXCEPT when I used a substance that aromatized to a potent estrogen. So, for example, when I would kick start a cycle with Dianabol I would use a small dose of an AI since Dianabol aromatizes into a methyl estrogen I believe. This was NOT to control gyno however but, rather, to control the systemic effects of estrogen. That is, if you're using a substance that heavily aromatizes if the dose is high enough (or the estrogen metabolite strong enough) it will cause other negative side effects other than gyno; for example, excess estrogen can increase sodium and water retention, and thus cause high blood pressure. So, if I used a sizable dose of Test I would usually start out using a SERM and only if I experienced more serious side effecs would I switch to as low a dose of an AI as possible.

Having said all that, I don't think I took the power of Trest seriously enough! I think it heavily aromatizes to a methyl estrogen. In my case, when I ran Trest (just finished) I only used Nolva. This worked to prevent any symptoms at the breast tissue, but looking back I don't think it was enough to control the systemic side effects of estrogen. Thus, I got pretty high blood pressure over the first couple of weeks on Trest.

So, I would now advise a small dose of a more gentle AI when using Trest. Of course, this depends on how suseptible to other side effects (e.g., high blood pressure, etc.) you are. I knew many guys who used rather large doses of AAS and never used anything to control estrogen other that Nolva.

I'm just finishing my first 6 week run with DermaTrest and DermaFury (old time AAS user). This is the FIRST legal hormone cycle I've ever done that I thought was worth a damn! The Trest is no joke--treat with respect! Everyone is going to be different, but for me past 1ml/day and I started getting increasing sides; that is, high blood pressure. As far as the estrogen conversion: come on guys, when I was regularly using AAS almost everyone used plain old Nolva on cycle to control estrogen. This **** with having to crush your estrogen levels with an AI for fear of growing a set of double D's has gotten out of hand! I went up to 1.5ml/day DermaTrest while using 10mg./day Nolva and experienced zero estrogen sides. Believe me, switch to a SERM on cycle from an AI and your lipid profile will be much better. I realize that Transform is not a super strong AI, but I still prefer Nolva on cycle. For PCT, Clomid hands down is the more effective testosterone stimulator for the vast majority of people. If this is your first cycle of anything, I'd start at 1ml./day for a couple of weeks to see how you handle it before increasing the dose; again, Trest is very powerful and makes a surprisiningly effective Test replacement. Crowbar
has anyone else had experience running a SERM throughout their cycle to control estrogen related sides? Starting week 1??
Bigdog, I used DremaTrest and DermaFury during a 6 week run. Yes, I think it's MUCH more important to keep stable blood levels of the active hormone than to have a sudden burst. It's precisely the short half-life of orals that help them to produce so many side effects from the rapidly rising and falling hormone levels. I dosed once after training and a shower (I train in the late morning), and again approximately 12 hours later.

Next run of Trest I'll use a small dose of an AI so I can try and take the dose to 1.5-2.0 ml/day for 8-10 weeks

First, I want to correct myself on something. It's true that when i was using AAS I usually didn't use an AI, EXCEPT when I used a substance that aromatized to a potent estrogen. So, for example, when I would kick start a cycle with Dianabol I would use a small dose of an AI since Dianabol aromatizes into a methyl estrogen I believe. This was NOT to control gyno however but, rather, to control the systemic effects of estrogen. That is, if you're using a substance that heavily aromatizes if the dose is high enough (or the estrogen metabolite strong enough) it will cause other negative side effects other than gyno; for example, excess estrogen can increase sodium and water retention, and thus cause high blood pressure. So, if I used a sizable dose of Test I would usually start out using a SERM and only if I experienced more serious side effecs would I switch to as low a dose of an AI as possible. Having said all that, I don't think I took the power of Trest seriously enough! I think it heavily aromatizes to a methyl estrogen. In my case, when I ran Trest (just finished) I only used Nolva. This worked to prevent any symptoms at the breast tissue, but looking back I don't think it was enough to control the systemic side effects of estrogen. Thus, I got pretty high blood pressure over the first couple of weeks on Trest. So, I would now advise a small dose of a more gentle AI when using Trest. Of course, this depends on how suseptible to other side effects (e.g., high blood pressure, etc.) you are. I knew many guys who used rather large doses of AAS and never used anything to control estrogen other that Nolva. Crowbar
did you begin the SERM week one along side the orals?
I'm running another Tr3st cycle but now with DMZ and am curious on your nolva dosing to mitigate estrogen. I have enough nolva to run throughout the 6 week cycle as well as pct and I also have 2 bottles of td form
did you begin the SERM week one along side the orals?
I'm running another Tr3st cycle but now with DMZ and am curious on your nolva dosing to mitigate estrogen. I have enough nolva to run throughout the 6 week cycle as well as pct and I also have 2 bottles of td form

Trest and DMZ; that's just what I have waiting for my next cycle! Yes, I dosed Nolva right from day one throughout the cycle, then switch to Clomid for PCT. If you're not particularly susceptible to high blood pressure while on cycle you might be able to get away with just using Nolva (which in my opinion is preferred over using an AI); however, as I said, I think I underestimated the degree to which Trest aromatizes to a methyl estrogen. Some people--lucky bastards--because of factors like age, genetics and body fat level have naturally lower aromatase enzyme than others, and as such won't produce the level of excess estrogen that others will.

I'm on 100mg/day of DermaTREST... 100mg/day of TransFORM seems to be estrogen related sides at bay. TransFORM is definitely more potent than ELIM1NATE.

100mg of transform was enough for me to prevent any nipple problems BUT was nevertheless bloated and had to take a BP med to control it During cycle.
Do i need an aromatise innibitor or anti estrogen during a cycle of Tr3st right? Can Epistane hadle with estrogenic sides of Tr3st and avoid gyno? Should i use Nolva during the cycle as anti estrogen if i feel something is going wrong?
Do i need an aromatise innibitor or anti estrogen during a cycle of Tr3st right? Can Epistane hadle with estrogenic sides of Tr3st and avoid gyno? Should i use Nolva during the cycle as anti estrogen if i feel something is going wrong?

With tr3st you most defenitely want an ai on cycle. Transform would be a nice one(if you don't go crazy on the dosing)

Nolva would only prefend the estrogen from binding to the nipples.
Just wanted some feedback on this plan:

Halo: 75/75/75/75/75/75
Tr3st: 50/50/50/50/50/50

Erase: 2 caps/day
Inhibit P: 1 cap/day


Nolva: 20/20/10/20
Erase: 0/0/3/3/2/1
DAA: 3 g/day
Forskolin 95: 50/50/75/100
Just wanted some feedback on this plan: Halo: 75/75/75/75/75/75 Tr3st: 50/50/50/50/50/50 Erase: 2 caps/day Inhibit P: 1 cap/day PCT: Nolva: 20/20/10/20 Erase: 0/0/3/3/2/1 DAA: 3 g/day Forskolin 95: 50/50/75/100

I'll do transform instead of Erease
1 pump ED one bottle will last more then 8 weeks so you have some for pct to

I dont like DAA (get prolactin like sides from it)

100mg dermaTrest (one full pump) was bang on for me, felt stronger then ever, at the end of my 6 weeks i also look great, unfortunetly that didnt last long lost the "on look" the veins and the all day pump

I used 0.125mg cabergoline (dostinex) E3D
No prolactin og estro sides at all
Sexdrive insane!
Instead of inhibit-P / prolactrone

I think halo will be fantastisk with Trest,
size (from Trest)
strengt (from both)
hardness (from halo)
Veins and alpha feeling all over !

My pct was
Transform 1pump ed
Nolva 20/20/20/10/5
Reduce xt

My pct ended 3 weeks ago and im alot stronger then before cycle but lost some strenght alswell as some size

Sorry if that got a little long. But Hey, go for it !
50g is a hefty dose, lol!

Kickstart of my cycle will look like this:

- TR3ST 50/75/75/75/75/75/100/100/100/100
- DYMETHAZI9E 40/40/40/40/40/60
- Sustanon 200mg/week

So basically I'll up the TR3ST to 100mg/day when I drop the DMZ.

What ancillaries did you use for that cycle ?
I will be using DermaTr3st(a long with LGD) as a test base, what would one expect gains wise from this while on a bulk (generally of course)?
Hi friends :)

I like to run Tr3st but i'm a bit scared from the side effect that causes infertility,its known well its very supressive 12x more than Testosterone,and it researched as a birth control drug...

My question is,would Trestolone cause permanent infertility or it is reversible when taken a Serm like Tamoxifen or Clomifen,
what do you all think about it?

What sides have you all reported from it?
Hi friends :)

I like to run Tr3st but i'm a bit scared from the side effect that causes infertility,its known well its very supressive 12x more than Testosterone,and it researched as a birth control drug...

My question is,would Trestolone cause permanent infertility or it is reversible when taken a Serm like Tamoxifen or Clomifen,
what do you all think about it?

What sides have you all reported from it?

It is pretty supressive, but with a decent pct protocol(serm) you'll recover fine.

Also, be sure to have a good Ai to take along side tr3st.
Is 20/20/10/10 of Tamoxifen sufficient or should I add Clomifen at 50/50/25/25 for better recovery when running Tr3st only?

Want to add some serious strength,I would go with Methylstenbolone for 3 weeks at mild doses at 5-15mg and then go to Tr3st for 6 weeks mild doses at 25-50mg...would it enough for strength purposes and which results can I expect?
Is 20/20/10/10 of Tamoxifen sufficient or should I add Clomifen at 50/50/25/25 for better recovery when running Tr3st only?

Want to add some serious strength,I would go with Methylstenbolone for 3 weeks at mild doses at 5-15mg and then go to Tr3st for 6 weeks mild doses at 25-50mg...would it enough for strength purposes and which results can I expect?
Msten 0/0/20/20/20/20
Trest 50/50/50/50/50/50

But if it was me I'd always stack trest with something. At 50mg I really don't feel much. If you're doing IM shots then maybe 50mg is a good start.

6 weeks cycle using one serm for pct is good enough but doing both clomid and Nolva can be better since it differs in certain functions.
Heeello guys, awesome post!!
Last april finished and incredible cycle of epi/tren/stano, was a stacked triple compound 12,5/25/200 mg per cap. My first touch with tren, side effects were high BP, headache, etc etc, but zero prolactin issue, :arms: even with 5 caps/day in my last week.

I`m going to start the same cycle in January: 8 weeks/cycle, with a goal of gaining mass rather than cutting so more cals/day, do you feel adding dermatrest will make a difference? or is too much prohormone to testosterone adding trest to the stano included in the product.

Every other aspect of the cycle is on point, gratefully to this 13 pages......

Also thinking of making 3-4 weeks of Furuza to go out of cycle.

I`m 40 years old, and probably it`s goona be my last cycle.

Greetings from Europe/Spain.
Hey guys,

Can you help me out a little bit. I have not done real good prohormones or nothing special. I have ran 6 weeks of Iron Legion XI-KT which I liked a lot, but it is quite mild compound so I cannot relate to the real deal.

I am thinking about doing a real 8 week cycle next year at some point and I was thinking about 1-ad or 4-ad as a test base, but I bumped into Tr3st and the compoung Trestolone is really interesting.

What would you think about?
SARM - LGD 4033 - 4/4/8/8/8/8/4/4 (pyramid)
Tr3st as a test base - 0/0/25/25/50/50/50/50 (maybe go even to 75)
Arimistane - 0/0/25/25/50/50/100/100

Liver support needed?? if Y => NAC
Any cycle support needed??

Clomid 25/25/12/12 (what I've heard from people who understand medicines etc.. say that going over 25 is totally stupid and not needed at all -> you only get bad sides)
Arimistane 100/75/50/25
DAA 3g daily

How about HCG? When ever I read a log, seems that no one uses HCG during the cycle or post cycle?
Your pct you'll need 50/50/25/25 on the clomid. I like the set up. I ran LGD for 30 days then bridged into trest and halo. I've seen someone else run this, you'll like it. You'll need some sort of cycle support. I'm running armicare right now. For my ai I'm running exemestane 12.5mg EOD
yates84 or edje007 could be more help
Here are some interesting infos about Trestolone��

MENT (methylnortestosterone acetate)

Chemical Composition

17 beta-hydroxy-7 alpha-methylestr-4-en-3-one acetate
Molecular Weight: 330.465 g/mol
Formula: C21-H30-O3
Manufacturer: Schering/Bayer

Effective Dose (Men): 10 mg/day
Effective Dose (Women): Not Recommended
Half-Life: Approx. 8-12 Hours
Detection Time: Unknown
Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio: 2300-650


MENT, a.k.a. methylnortestosterone acetate and as trestolone acetate(the chemical name of active ingredient in MENT), is an oral derivative of the anabolic steroid nandrolone.

MENT was initially developed for androgen replacement, however it encompasses a vast number of treatment applications including testicular failure, contraception therapies, bone mass loss, BPH, prostate cancer, cachexia and muscle wasting, primary hypogonadism, ASIH, baldness, and sarcopenia.


The reported plan is to release MENT in oral, injectable, implantation, and transdermal forms, but it is not yet available as a prescription drug.


For the Indications/Purpose of MENT see the*Deca-Durabolin*profile. MENT, however has a much shorter half-life.

Side Effects

Again, MENT aromatizes more like a testosterone than a nandrolone. Thus, for the side effects of MENT see Testosterone Propionate.

Additional Information

MENT is a versatile anabolic that should be cycled with a testosterone like propionate,cypionate, and enanthate. MENT cutting cycles can contain any of the traditional definition compounds such as Anavar, Primobolan, Oral Turinabol, and*Winstrol.

When added to mass building cycles, which should also be testosterone based, some of the compounds that stack well include Dianabol,Halotestin,Anadrol,Trenbolone, and Equipoise.


What sides can I expect?

Nearly every user reports an almost immediate increase in core body temperature. Some users also report significant water retention in the presence of excess carbs, with substantial leaning out with moderate carbs. Trestolone does not bind to SHBG. From my and others experiences, this is the extent of the negative sides.

How powerful is Trestolone Acetate (MENT) compared to Mentabolan (Mentdione), its precursor?

There are no studies demonstrating bioavailability of these, but there are studies demonstrating their anabolic potency orally. Trestolone is significantly stronger than mentdione in what matters the most. This will only be magnified intramuscularly.

How powerful is Trestolone Acetate compared to Trenbolone?

Trestolone is hands down the stronger compound, with scientific evidence and anecdotal support. Trestolone has a 540:840 ratio when compared to methyltestosterone, meaning it is at least 5 times as androgenic and at least 8 times as anabolic. Intramuscularly, it is 2300:650. Trenbolone's is 500:500. You do the math!

Does Trestolone carry the same risk of sides as Trenbolone?

No. There are no night sweats. No insomnia. No inappropriate aggression. No loss of libido (just an increase!). No overwhelming acne. No anxiety. It really does feel like Test plus Tren minus the negative sides, and even with a little more of a kick at a lower dose.

Does Trestolone Acetate aromatize?

Yes, very much so. A strong AI (i.e., aromasin, anastrozole) is a must while running Trestolone. By abiding by this protocol, you will reap the incomparable benefits of Trestolone without the risk of sides.

How would you describe Trestolone Acetate to an experienced AAS user?

Trestolone Acetate can best be described as comparable to a combination of Testosterone and Trenbolone, although it is chemically an offshoot of Norandren (Deca). I estimate that a moderate dose of Trestolone Acetate will yield slightly better results than a combination of Test/Tren/Mast.

What is an effective dosage protocol?

It has been estimated that even 50mg EOD will yield significant results. I've run it as high as 100mg ED, and at 75mg ED, but have resolved to run it at 50mg ED. That?s more than enough for Trestolone to work its magic!

What is the kick in time for Trestolone Acetate?

You will literally observe noticeable results within the very first few days as you start to become leaner more quickly than with any other compound known to man. It?s definitely working at full speed in less than a week.

What is the PIP like for Trestolone?

PIP has more to do with the preparation than the compound. If you prepare Trestolone correctly, there is ZERO PIP and it can even go smoothly through a slin pin.

How long should I run Trestolone Acetate?

Even a 2 week cycle will have significant results. 4-6 weeks is ideal if you want to maximize your progress without having to ramp up the dose. One of the main reasons guys don't run Trenbolone longer than 6 weeks is because they can't tolerate the sides. With Trestolone, those sides don't exist. So longer runs should be feasible.

Can Trestolone be used as a Test base?

Yes. But for me personally, there is no substitute for Test as a Test base, even with Trestolone. However, if you are looking for the benefits that Test provides, you will be pleasantly surprised how Trestolone outperforms it. Still, I would not run Trestolone without at least a mild dose of Test this should be no different for taking it orally. If you're comparing Trestolone to something like Stano that people refer to as a Test base,you're comparing Godzilla to a yard lizard.

What is the difference between Trestolone orally, transdermally and intramuscularly?

Intramuscularly is almost always going to produce magnified results over orally and transdermally. Transdermally is the next step down, with orally being the least effective delivery method. Reports about IM Trestolone are nothing short of amazing. For oral Trestolone, they are not any better than for other available, less expensive products.

source: ironmagazineforums.com
I will be using DermaTr3st(a long with LGD) as a test base, what would one expect gains wise from this while on a bulk (generally of course)?

Took this exact cycle. Started at 197 and 8 weeks later at 228-230. Amazing gain while being extremely vascular!
Now that OL Trest is (almost) gone, I found this product with "7-MENT ALPHA Proprietary – 10mg 7a-Methyl-estra-4-en-3,17-dion" in it. Suggestions on dosing? And how does this differ from Trest/Mentobolan? A bit confusing...
Its the prohormone to Trestolone,not itself...

Here are some infos about it:


Chemical Name(s):

Chemical Formula:*C19H26O2
Molecular Weight:*286.412
Q Qatio:*NA
Anabolic #:*NA
Androgenic #:*NA
Oral Bioavailability:*NA
AR Binding Affinity:*NA
SHBG Binding Affinity:*NA
Half Life:*NA
Legal Status*(US):*Not listed as a controlled substance

Average Dose:
50-80mg/day standalone
20-50mg/day when stacked

Average Cycle Length:*4-6 weeks

This is a prohormone to the black-market bodybuilding steroid and experimental contraceptive Trestolone, aka MENT. It's been described on some internet forums as "MENT dione", however since MENT is short for 7a-Methyl 19-Nor-Testosterone, this compound could more accurately be described as 7a-Methyl-19-Nor-Androstenedione, and given an acronym of it's own like MENAD or MENORAD. It was synthesized and tested for anabolic and androgenic activity in rats in 1963 [1].

This prohormone is a "19-nor", or nandrolone derivative, and differs from nandrolone in that this hormone has a 17-ketone, where nandrolone has a 17b-hydroxy function, and also has the addition of a 7a-methyl group. In the same way as "Boladrol" is a 7a-methylated dione version of methyl testosterone, this compound is a 7a-methylated dione version of nandrolone. Please don't confuse this compound (or the target steroid) with the widely-feared mibolerone, a.k.a. "cheque drops", which is a 17a-methylated version of trestolone (or dimethylated nandrolone).

Effects should be similar to the injectable trestolone acetate. It's a strongly anabolic, moderately androgenic compound which should elicit significant strength gains and increased accumulation of muscle mass at an appropriate dosage.

Side-effects may include those common to anabolic androgenic steroids, including but not limited to: blood pressure increases, HPTA disruption, adverse shifts in lipoprotein subfractions (increased HDL, lowered LDL cholesterol), acne, hair growth or loss. This product should not be used by women or teens. There's evidence that MENT aromatizes to some degree [2], so the gyno-prone may wish to either avoid this compound or co-administer an aromatase inhibitor (AI) or selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM).

One side-effect that many might fear from this compound is the loss of libido and/or erectile dysfunction often seen with 19-nor derivatives (known colloquially as "deca-dick"). On the contrary, tests conducted with the target hormone trestolone (MENT) have found that it had a positive mood, libido, and erection-stimulating effect similar to that of testosterone [3], though this may not necessarily hold true with the supraphysiological doses used by bodybuilders.

As mentioned, this is a "dione" prohormone. In the body the ketone at C17 will be hydrolysed by 17b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (17b-HSD1) into the active compound trestolone (MENT). Trestolone itself has been shown to be roughly 6 times as anabolic as methyl test by oral administration, and around 2.5 times as androgenic [4].

Unlike steroids like testosterone and DHT, trestolone shows no affinity for SHBG [5], so all of the converted compound in circulation should be bioavailable. For the same reason, it's likely to have a short terminal half-life so frequent dosing is suggested.

As most will know, testosterone and similar delta-4 steroids are typically converted to stronger compounds like DHT and DHT derivatives by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase (5AR). 19-nor compounds are an exception to this rule, with 5a-reduced nandrolone (or 19-nor DHT) being a far less potent androgen than nandrolone itself [6]. The 7a-methylation of trestolone (and by extension mentabolan) hinders the reduction of this double bond, so delta 5(10) isomers are a major excreted metabolite [7]. This means that the 7a-methyl group not only makes the compound stronger by increasing androgen receptor affinity [8], but also reduces the ability of the body's enzymes to break it down into weaker metabolites.

The addition of the 7a-methyl group has a flattening effect on the molecule which improves androgen receptor binding [8]. MENT is a strong compound for several reasons (including as previously discussed steric hindrance to 5a-reduction, and an inability to bind with SHBG), but the primary reason for its strength is the increased androgen receptor affinity caused by the conformational changes of the 7a-methyl group [9]. The same will be true of the prohormone to MENT; Mentabolan.
Guys whats the best scenario for taking 50-75 mg tr3st a day? A morning, pre workout and evening dose, or take all of it pre workout? Thanks
Guys whats the best scenario for taking 50-75 mg tr3st a day? A morning, pre workout and evening dose, or take all of it pre workout? Thanks

I take 50mg orally preworkout or in two separate doses on off days, but I'm also on 25mg dermaTr3st to keep my blood levels more stable.
Guys whats the best scenario for taking 50-75 mg tr3st a day? A morning, pre workout and evening dose, or take all of it pre workout? Thanks
I do 1 pump( same dosage as capsule) in the am and then one pump right after my shower ( can take capsule after workout) when my pores are most open. i stuck with 50mg daily for a cycle and put on 22lbs of muscle. Stacked it with LGD swell.
I do 1 pump( same dosage as capsule) in the am and then one pump right after my shower ( can take capsule after workout) when my pores are most open. i stuck with 50mg daily for a cycle and put on 22lbs of muscle. Stacked it with LGD swell.

Wooow 22 lbs sounds great. What dosage of Lgd were u takin bro?
Wooow 22 lbs sounds great. What dosage of Lgd were u takin bro?
Yah was unbelievable for this was the first time every taking something above a natural test booster. Took 12 mg of lgd. 3 caps daily. 1 in the Am, lunch and dinner. Have been off of it for 3 weeks now and have minimal weight loss.
Nutriverse has a 20% off pre order tr3st and dermatrest.

No coupon code...it works automaticly after you put it in the basket:)
What dose of TR3ST Oral would you run along side 500mg Sustanon and 400mg Deca Per week.

Tr3st usually acts like a sort of test base. You've got that covered with your sustanon.

I would probably go for another oral in this case as a kicker.
Tr3st usually acts like a sort of test base. You've got that covered with your sustanon.

I would probably go for another oral in this case as a kicker.

Still a valuable option for those who don't want to use methylated orals. Sust/Deca/Tr3st screams size!
Still a valuable option for those who don't want to use methylated orals. Sust/Deca/Tr3st screams size!

Not saying it's not possible....but you would need one hell of an Ai.

I would prefer an oral kicker like dianabol or SD even.

But I get your point about the methylated orals and this being an option.

And I love tr3st....but in this case I would prefer the kicker options. ..That's just me :)
Not saying it's not possible....but you would need one hell of an Ai.

I would prefer an oral kicker like dianabol or SD even.

And I love tr3st....but in this case I would personally go for the above.

Sdrol is king!