Pulled from the Matrix w/'Red Pill'; PES AnaBeta01



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How did you previously do it before switching over, Back/Bis, Chest/Tris, etc?

I don't know if I've ever tried doing it quite the way you've laid it out above, but I think I'm going to try it pretty soon. Thanks for sharing.

My back was sore most of last week, so I made up for it Saturday and Sunday...I'm sore head to toe...and loving it :lol:
It's been a long time since I've paired Ch/tri, Back/Bi, etc...just never cared for that split (couldn't ever get a good tri or bi workout), before using my current Ch/bi, Back/tri split (which happened when I was running the Quantum body method, which I REALLY like), I mostly split it up ch/bk, sh/arms, legs...which I had picked up back in college after having read alot of Poliquins articles, which he esp liked for the set up of GVT...


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Worked some Legs into the ground this morning, incredible focus, attention to form...and can feel the soreness setting in already.
Following the same dosing today as yesterday, (2caps PreWO, 1 cap post, 1/1)...worth noting, about 20-30 mins after eating dinner last night (along with cap 5 for the day), which was some chicken and baked potato fries (LOVE these), felt a decent & noticable pumped feeling in upper body...first time I've felt this after eating...could be that I just had that good of a ch/bi workout yesterday morning and the AnaB doing it's thing with the complex carb....or that 5 caps is my magic number to feel it...eh, IDK...but will be paying attention tonight...


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Alright, wound up having some steak and a baked potato last night :food: , didn't notice as much of a pumped feeling like that after monday night's dinner...was there, but only slight...true test will be tonight, since I worked the h3ll out of my back/tri's this morning...and will again run 5 caps AnaB today...took 2 preWO...incredible focus, mind/muscle connection and had alot of increases of reps on exercises. Lots of pump n sweat to go along with it...kept things going at a decent clip...overall feeling athletic, getting some roundness to my delts too, g-g-giddy up!


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Worked some Legs into the ground this morning, incredible focus, attention to form...and can feel the soreness setting in already.
Following the same dosing today as yesterday, (2caps PreWO, 1 cap post, 1/1)...worth noting, about 20-30 mins after eating dinner last night (along with cap 5 for the day), which was some chicken and baked potato fries (LOVE these), felt a decent & noticable pumped feeling in upper body...first time I've felt this after eating...could be that I just had that good of a ch/bi workout yesterday morning and the AnaB doing it's thing with the complex carb....or that 5 caps is my magic number to feel it...eh, IDK...but will be paying attention tonight...
Hah interesting you should mention Pink Magic and pumped after eating. I was getting the impression that the key effect of this compound is nutrient repartitioning like a lot of the herbal anabolics... The evidence of this is mounting... Engorge would be a good name for the product....


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Hah interesting you should mention Pink Magic and pumped after eating. I was getting the impression that the key effect of this compound is nutrient repartitioning like a lot of the herbal anabolics... The evidence of this is mounting... Engorge would be a good name for the product....
heh-heh, funny...sometimes we see/read what we have in our minds...I said, 'magic'...but didn't attach 'pink' to it ;) But, yes, definate nutrient repartitioning actions going on with it.


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Dosed 3 caps yesterday and did some Kenpo/cardio...pigged out on some fajita's and 'apple taffy' dessert...so needless to say when working out this morning, felt a lil flabby b/c of it....

Day 19: Dosed 2 caps Anabeta preWO, worked Calves/quads & Sh/traps..dripping sweat, very thirsty throughout WO & had to really use the restroom by the time I was done. Dosed 1 cap postWO along with 1 scoop hydrobuilder, shortly after (~45min) was sweating, feeling slighly hypo glycemic, then had some oatmeal/protein/flax meal...have been feeling very warm since and thirst is up even more...


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Mon 5-23-11 Ch/Bi

Start of Week 4!

Morning weight 179 (+2 lbs from start) BUT, will re-weigh Wed since I REALLY ate big on Fri night/Sat night...with no workouts to shed water weight.

Anabeta dosing: resumed 4caps/ED...and back to 1/1/1/1 per Natty's recommendation.

4 Supersets Inc BB/Inc DB
4 Supersets Flat BB/Flat DB
3 sets HS pulldown (Bi-emphasis)
2 tri-sets cable fly low/medium/high positions
2 sets HS preacher
Lateral raises

Notes: Was feeling a little drained Fri night...woke up with my seasonal headcold, took Sat/Sun off. Felt better this morning. aggression, pump & sweat all came on about the same time. Endurance great, could have kept going, but running late on time. Pushed up more reps again. I had at least 2 cheat meals over the weekend, pizza/angel food cake Fri night...and burgers/cake/ice cream on Sat night..along with alot of snacking on fruits/veggies...
Experimented with AnaB dosing without food this weekend, no difference felt in terms of hypoglycemic or anything...core body temp is UP though and even my wife commented on that last night.


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Noticed slight pumped feeling shortly after dinner last night, not as strong as what I noticed last week on the evening of working chest/bi's...could be because we had company resulting in a longer time between dosing the AnaB and eating carbs...
Worked Legs today...hit calves and squats/lunges pretty hard...but in the midst of all that was really getting overheated...partly my fault wearing a sleeved workout shirt....and a hat (which I'll be picking up a better ventilated one tonight)....so I was dripping within 10 mins of starting the workout. But good stuff regardless :yup:


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heh-heh, funny...sometimes we see/read what we have in our minds...I said, 'magic'...but didn't attach 'pink' to it ;) But, yes, definate nutrient repartitioning actions going on with it.


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Wed 5-25...worked shoulders/traps....what did I learn? 1. that smith machine military presses suck! 2. that BB military presses are awesome. Of course I didn't learn this until I was nearly done with the workout. Feeling warm/higher body temp all day now.

Thurs 5-26 had intended to do PlyoX this morning, but my alarm didn't go off...turns out after having the power go out the other night from the storms (I live towards the bottom of 'tornado alley' (n. texas) you've been hearing about on the news) I mixed up am/pm on my clock....but really had I gotten up in time, would prolly have just stretched...I'm am sore ALL over (except chest, rarely can get that sore)....increasing carbs slightly, see if I can get a little more Anabeta-fullness happening...

Tomorrow: Back/Tri's
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Wed 5-25...worked shoulders/traps....what did I learn? 1. that smith machine military presses suck! 2. that BB military presses are awesome. Of course I didn't learn this until I was nearly done with the workout. Feeling warm/higher body temp all day now.
Did you do your military presses standing or sitting? Doing anything on the Smith Machine is going to be a lot different than doing it "free weights". I definitely prefer free weights, but if it's at the end of a session or I want to lift slightly heavier, I may use the Smith Machine - there is a place for almost everything if you want to include it.



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Did you do your military presses standing or sitting? Doing anything on the Smith Machine is going to be a lot different than doing it "free weights". I definitely prefer free weights, but if it's at the end of a session or I want to lift slightly heavier, I may use the Smith Machine - there is a place for almost everything if you want to include it.

I did them sitting for both smith and BB militaries...I do like the smith some for Inc presses and front squats though...
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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I did them sitting for both smith and BB militaries...I do like the smith some for Inc presses and front squats though...
Maybe use a combination of both free weights and Smith Machine in a Shoulders' session. Try standing BB Military Press sometime - they're great :D



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Fri May 27 Back/Tri

**Pulldowns (behind head/front switch up)
4x8-10 (couple prym sets tossed in)

**T-bar row (new ex)
4 x 8-10 (wide grip r/p sets with par grip)

**DB squeeze press
2x 8-10 (dropsets)

**CGBP x 6-10
**DB squeeze press x 6-10
-3 sets-
(DB row b/t sets)

**Lying Tri ext
3 x 8-10

**partial range Ft asst pullups x 8-10
**partial range Ft asst dips x 8-10
2 sets

**Tri press down/stiff arm pull down
4 x 15-20 (fast reps)

Notes: Glad I was able to try out the T-bar rows, felt really good. Was varying rep speed thru out the sets in the workout...really blew up nicely. Planning on getting some good grill time in this weekend as I head into AnaBeta week 5...let's crank the intensity up some, shall we? :deal:
Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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Mon 5-30/Tues 5-31

Seriously over ate Friday night....and Saturday, pulled back on Sunday....and yesterday...kept Anabeta dosing at 4caps/day...yesterday/today I dosed 2 preWO and doing 5/day for this week, I believe. Right off the bat, more sweat during the workout...body temp increase that lasts all day.

Sat: PlyoX/core work
Sun: off
Monday: Chest/Bi's: for an hour and 15 mins I was constantly moving, no more than 10 secs rest at any point....increased either reps or weight on the majority of exercises. Very good mind/muscle connection...& pump

Tues: Legs. Again increase in either reps or weight used. Notably on Leg Press supersetted w/Lunges supersetted w/BW Squats. Again mind/muscle connection was spot on as well as concentration...

Tomorrow: Shoulders/traps...


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Wed 6-1-11 Sh/traps

Day 31 AnaBeta

-Tri set-
light/mod wght Bench press x 10
light/mod wght row x 10
Behind head military press x10
-4 sets-

L-lateral raise x 10
Up right row x 10
-3 sets-

Naut. Iso sh press
3 x 8-15

Cable Shrugs

R delt machine (dropset)
2x 12-15

Notes: Finally! Nearly have a sh/trap workout dialed in for myself...one of my overal goals has been to bring delts/traps up (and by 'up', I mean to have some ;)...but have for the most part failed to work overhead pressess and form good enough for lateral raises to not tweak my shoulders...got super-drippy-sweaty today & super pumped...dosed 2 caps Anabeta preWO...will reduce to 4 caps tomorrow and will do PlyoX...Diet has been fairly clean the past few days...


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Hey scism nice detailed log, day 31 or 32 now, can you give us an update on weight loss or gain?


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Hey scism nice detailed log, day 31 or 32 now, can you give us an update on weight loss or gain?
Thanks man!
...coincidently, I did happen to hop on the scale this morning (right out of bed)....weighed 178lb...so that's +1lb since day 1...nutrition has been for the most part clean (slight-moderate surplus) during the week...then either cheat meals/or days on friday night/saturday...I'll be posting up some comparison pics in the next couple of days as I wrap this log up...but I feel upper body lbm has increased some...and some leaning did occur overall...although, I am a HORRIBLE judge of that, moderate body dysmorphia and all :( ...all I can focus on is my 'saggy' (loose skin) stomach regions.... :frustrate


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AnaBeta01- Review

AnaBeta- 5 week review.

It’s hard to add more commentary to AnaBeta’s effects that I (or a couple dozen other people) haven’t already stated. AnaBeta truly is in a class by itself. I didn’t experience any huge appetite surge as others have noted nor oily skin or breaking out. I have noticed increased sweating (mostly during working out); rise in body temp/thermo thru out the day; an additional .5 – 1 gallons water consumed daily and more frequent trips to the restroom. I also experienced increased valscularity (mostly in shoulders/arms) when working out.
I’ve never had great experiences with nutrient repartitioners, but do feel AnaBeta helped to drive nutrients predominately to muscles & on several occasions experienced a ‘food pump’.
I experienced a 1 lb weight gain over the 5 weeks, but with that I’d say I had some leaning out (some top of abs & hip/waist area)...while adding some lbm & I did experience some strength gain in the gym as well as increase in aggression.
Attached are some before/after pics...not the best quality, sorry, still perfecting the technique.

Before: May 1 (first 2 pics)
After June 3 (last 2 pics)

Notice this wasn’t a ‘final review’...as this won’t be the last time I use AnaBeta....upon it’s release, I will be adding it with my XFA/TTA/glycergrow run...which I started as of today...and will also toss up a log shortly.

PS: HUGE thanks to NattyD/PES for being able to run some Anabeta. You's are very generous!


Rosie Chee

Rosie Chee

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"AnaBeta truly is in a class by itself." Agreed!

"I experienced a 1 lb weight gain over the 5 weeks, but with that I’d say I had some leaning out (some top of abs & hip/waist area)...while adding some lbm & I did experience some strength gain in the gym as well as increase in aggression." :thumbsup:

"...this won’t be the last time I use AnaBeta..." That is the best endorsement ever. Thank you for your log and detailed feedback :)



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Schiz Master, now that you have had some time OFF of AnaBeta, do you feel you have kept what you gained on AnaBeta?


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Schiz Master, now that you have had some time OFF of AnaBeta, do you feel you have kept what you gained on AnaBeta?
Definatley!...no regression on the scale, weights or mirror to what they were prior to using AnaBeta...thumbs up, chief! ;) <I would have used the emoticon 'thumbs up', but sadly the 'new' AM does not have it yet, bummerface.>
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