On the Natadrol (sponsored)



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Hope that ankle heals up quick bud. I can attest first hand, rolled ankles suck.
Seriously, this one is the worst one I have had in awhile. The weird thing is that at first I didn't even notice it, but once I got home and took off my shoes I felt it. Now it is all puffy near the top of ankle. Usually when I roll it it is just puffy and purple on the outside near the bottom. Guess it is just a different area that got hurt.


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Man get you a good lifting sleeve for that ankle one that will fit inside a shoe but is sturdy enough to make a difference. If it hurts that bad you want to support it when you lift. I sprained mine trying to get ready for a fight last year. Ended the fighting idea abruptly but the weight I lost in the process got me close enough that I opted for my first bodybuilding show instead since i couldn't roll, but I could lift.


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Do you know how to tape your ankles? I had to actually tape mine for a few workouts, the brace wasn't enough.


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I used to roll my right one doing nothing, like the time I rolled it walking off the raquetball court, just walking off and pop! I have very bad ankles, or at least my left one is still bad. My right one has been rebuilt twice, so that kinida fixed the rolling problem. Bad thing is, the more it happens, the more prone it is to happening again.


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Do you know how to tape your ankles? I had to actually tape mine for a few workouts, the brace wasn't enough.
Great idea Kleen - I've had my ankles taped up so many times I have it down. I do have some tape that I could use to. I'm not a fan of most ankle braces that I have tried because they never fit comfortably or they didn't help at all. Taping was always the way that I went in high school. Thanks again for the idea!!


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I used to roll my right one doing nothing, like the time I rolled it walking off the raquetball court, just walking off and pop! I have very bad ankles, or at least my left one is still bad. My right one has been rebuilt twice, so that kinida fixed the rolling problem. Bad thing is, the more it happens, the more prone it is to happening again.
That is so true, I never had any ankle problems until right before my senior year of high school when I was undercut and my right ankle became severly sprained and it has been down hill ever since.


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Great idea Kleen - I've had my ankles taped up so many times I have it down. I do have some tape that I could use to. I'm not a fan of most ankle braces that I have tried because they never fit comfortably or they didn't help at all. Taping was always the way that I went in high school. Thanks again for the idea!!
Definitely, heck you may want to take tape with you to work walking all over the place like you do.


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Definitely, heck you may want to take tape with you to work walking all over the place like you do.
Yeah I might just do that. Luckily I haven't had any problems yet. One of the older guys messed up his hip flexor last week walking down a steep slope, apprently he is pretty messed up.


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Yeah I might just do that. Luckily I haven't had any problems yet. One of the older guys messed up his hip flexor last week walking down a steep slope, apprently he is pretty messed up.
Man I pulled one running wind sprints once, debilitating. I still have some issue with my hip kind of popping if I don't have correct foot position on deep squats. I also tore all four of my quadriceps muscles off of my hip bone too and ever since the leg I didn't hurt has been messed up from hauling myself around unevenly. You would think the one I tore the crap out of would be my problem one but it is the other from overusing it for a year.

HaHa, I just realized how much I have done to my poor body over the years. No wonder I have Heal Fast in my signature. LOL


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Whenever I broke my right ankle and leg, my left ankle was still in a brace from whenever I rolled it,lol!! At some point, I'm going to have to have my left ankle done. Both ankles make more sounds than microwave popcorn when I walk around after sitting for any period of time. For the longest time, my fiance thought it was "Creaky floorboards" in our apartment until jsut the other day.


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Whenever I broke my right ankle and leg, my left ankle was still in a brace from whenever I rolled it,lol!! At some point, I'm going to have to have my left ankle done. Both ankles make more sounds than microwave popcorn when I walk around after sitting for any period of time. For the longest time, my fiance thought it was "Creaky floorboards" in our apartment until jsut the other day.
Crap man your luck is no better than mine.


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Whenever I broke my right ankle and leg, my left ankle was still in a brace from whenever I rolled it,lol!! At some point, I'm going to have to have my left ankle done. Both ankles make more sounds than microwave popcorn when I walk around after sitting for any period of time. For the longest time, my fiance thought it was "Creaky floorboards" in our apartment until jsut the other day.

that's crazy George- my ankle pops every once in a while but nothing like that


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Bro sorry to hear about your ankle man, thats the worst thing. I thought i broke mine one time, the entire bottom and side of my foot went black/purple so bad it freaked me out, but x-rays showed negitive..I did ice baths for it 2-3 days straight, which was a life saver! everything going ok? feeling good with the Natadrol?


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Bro sorry to hear about your ankle man, thats the worst thing. I thought i broke mine one time, the entire bottom and side of my foot went black/purple so bad it freaked me out, but x-rays showed negitive..I did ice baths for it 2-3 days straight, which was a life saver! everything going ok? feeling good with the Natadrol?
lucky you didn't break - I bet it hurt like hell though

Yes I am feeling good so far, nothing negative to say about it. Just wishing the Natadrol could prevent ankle sprains lol


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lucky you didn't break - I bet it hurt like hell though

Yes I am feeling good so far, nothing negative to say about it. Just wishing the Natadrol could prevent ankle sprains lol
haha I hear ya Jd, what sucks is you spend your whole life building up all the muscles and strengthening joints/lig's down in that area, once you sprain it really bad, its like starting all over agin..my ankle still pops out when I'm doing some activity's...


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Hope that thing heals up...had a high ankle break 3 years ago. That wasn't fun at all. Was still f*ckin though...:lol:


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Looks like my heating and icing worked out good. The swelling of my ankle is down a ton and it doesn't really hurt a all. I still put some tape on it this morning before I lifted, but I didn't bother to put any on before I went to work bc I knew that I would probably not work anyway. Today for breakfast I had some waffles and whey. Waited about an hour and went to the gym for some back work.


Rack Pulls - 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 315 x 5,5 365 x 3,3 405 x 2

T-Bar Rows - 45 x 10, 90 x 10, 100 x 6,6

Hammer Pull Downs- 45 x 10, 90 x 6,6, 100 x 5,4

DB Rows - 90 x 5,5,5,5,4

Incline DB Hammer Curls - 40 x 7,6,4

*I did sets of 10 BW wide grip pull ups before moving on to the next exercise every time and after the curls


Great lifting today- I was super focused in the gym. 405 felt easier than I thought on the rack pulls, I should have tried another set or bumped it up to 415. Everything else was so solid too, I felt like I did some excellent work on the DB rows just coming up short of 5x5. Got my usual 40/40 post workout./ Then followed it up with some Mexican soup w/ loads of beans and chicken. Once I got to work I had two plates of more Mexican food, mostly rice and chicken fajita meat. Then two hours later I went up and had another plate. At work I got a nice hour nap then headed home broke lol

Tomorrow I have a leg day planned. I have work early then I will make it to the gym. Meant to weigh in today, but just forgot. I will make sure to do it tomorrow at the gym.

Strength:steadily rising
Weight: up a bit
Endurance:Energizer Bunny
Agression:way high
Sides:nothing negative
Libido:woke up wanting some
Concerns: still none


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lucky you didn't break - I bet it hurt like hell though
Beleive it or not the recovery on broken ankles is WAY better than a severe sprain. Ankle 2-3 months, severe sprain 6-12 months to life. Wow sounds like a jail sentence doesn't it.


Looks like my heating and icing worked out good. The swelling of my ankle is down a ton and it doesn't really hurt a all. I still put some tape on it this morning before I lifted, but I didn't bother to put any on before I went to work bc I knew that I would probably not work anyway. Today for breakfast I had some waffles and whey. Waited about an hour and went to the gym for some back work.


Rack Pulls - 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 315 x 5,5 365 x 3,3 405 x 2

T-Bar Rows - 45 x 10, 90 x 10, 100 x 6,6

Hammer Pull Downs- 45 x 10, 90 x 6,6, 100 x 5,4

DB Rows - 90 x 5,5,5,5,4

Incline DB Hammer Curls - 40 x 7,6,4

*I did sets of 10 BW wide grip pull ups before moving on to the next exercise every time and after the curls


Great lifting today- I was super focused in the gym. 405 felt easier than I thought on the rack pulls, I should have tried another set or bumped it up to 415. Everything else was so solid too, I felt like I did some excellent work on the DB rows just coming up short of 5x5. Got my usual 40/40 post workout./ Then followed it up with some Mexican soup w/ loads of beans and chicken. Once I got to work I had two plates of more Mexican food, mostly rice and chicken fajita meat. Then two hours later I went up and had another plate. At work I got a nice hour nap then headed home broke lol

Tomorrow I have a leg day planned. I have work early then I will make it to the gym. Meant to weigh in today, but just forgot. I will make sure to do it tomorrow at the gym.

Strength:steadily rising
Weight: up a bit
Endurance:Energizer Bunny
Agression:way high
Sides:nothing negative
Libido:woke up wanting some
Concerns: still none
Nice workout and glad to hear you are feeling better.


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Woke up early, ate some pancakes w/ some whey for breakfast. Went to work and ate a protein bar while working. After my loop I ate a large plate of chicken breast, green beans, beef stroganoff, and mashed potatoes. The stronganoff was solid, so I had three large servings. On the way home I stopped at the gym for a leg session.


Front Squats - 135 x 10, 10, 155 x 10,10, 185 x 10,10

Sitting Leg Curls - 40 x 10, 80 x 10, 100 x 10, 120 x 10,10, 140 x 7,5

Leg Press Calf Raises - 4 plates per side for 8 x 10

Leg Press - 4 plates x 10, 5 x 10, 6 x 10,10,10,10

Squats - 185 x 30? - I tried for 50 reps but I lost count and I think I was almost to 40 before I failed


I was fricking focused for this one. Kept it high reps too, I was suprised how easy 185 for 10 reps on the front squat was. My calfs were to pumped from the calf presses. I held them at the bottom for a few seconds after every rep. The worst was the squats though. I got like 25 straight, then I started knocking down like 3 at a time. Could have made it to 50, but I doubt it, I think it was closer to 40. My legs were shaking badly when I was done, and I just sat on the ground for a few minutes.

Got home and had my shake, then I had a large bowl of oatmeal and eggs. Threw a few scoops of peanut butter in the oatmeal too. I had a great time at the gym. My agression was super high, I would have went for some heavier weight, but my back was a little to sore for me to want to go for the heavier loads.


I weighed in this morning at 208, 2 pounds short of my goal. The weather down here is pretty crazy. Snowing and stuff, so I got the day off. Going to the use the time to relax and eat all day. So far I have had two bowls of a full cup of oatmeal, both w/ peanut butter- a large bowl of spaghetti- a bean and rice burrito- a plate of 6 eggs - and a whey shake. I doubt that I will be going anywhere tonight- the roads are going to be icy and no one can drive around here in that type of weather. Monday is the last day of Natadrol, then the T911 starts.


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How do you go for 50?!?!?!?! I would be dizzy with a headache! I have 20 rep squats with up to 205 and I walked out all wobbly and lookin drunk.


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Way to go for it on those squats. I like that kind of intensity.


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How do you go for 50?!?!?!?! I would be dizzy with a headache! I have 20 rep squats with up to 205 and I walked out all wobbly and lookin drunk.


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Great updates man!! You'll hit your weight goal, don't worry!! How's the ankle doing bud? Looks like it's well, considering the number of squats. Nice Job!!


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Damm JD , killing those legs man.. your a squating monster.., 208? thats great man


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How do you go for 50?!?!?!?! I would be dizzy with a headache! I have 20 rep squats with up to 205 and I walked out all wobbly and lookin drunk.
It was rough buddy, after like 25 or so I was getting pretty light headed and once I was done I just sat on the ground breathing for a while lol

Great updates man!! You'll hit your weight goal, don't worry!! How's the ankle doing bud? Looks like it's well, considering the number of squats. Nice Job!!
Yes it is feeling like 100%. Haven't had any problems, and I have been stretching it everyday.

Damm JD , killing those legs man.. your a squating monster.., 208? thats great man
I wish, just hope that my legs keep getting bigger. Yep I was 208 again today. Tomorrow is the last day on Natadrol, then come the T911.

I kind of busy right now, no time to update todays lifting. I'll try to get to it later tonight. If not I'll do it tomorrow for sure.


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Final Day


Sorry for the delay guys. I was super busy yesterday and most of today. Well yesterday I had my last chest/shoulder workout while on Natadrol. Before I lifted I had a shake and a few scoops of peanut butter. I had to lift early, and this was all that I had time for.

Chest & Shoulders:

Bench - 135 x 10, 185 x 8, 205 x 3,3,3, 225 x 1

Decline DB Press - 70 x 8,8,8

Flat DB Fly's - 40 x 12, 45 x 10,10

BB Clean & Press - 95 x 12, 105 x 10, 115 x 10, 125 x 8,8

Shrugs Machine - 3 plates per side x 10, 10, 9, 7 superset w/
1 Arm Side Laterals - 25 x 10,10,10,10


Got my shake after my workout. Then I ate a big bowl of oatmeal and 8 eggs about 45 mins later. I would say that this was my best chest workout that I have had in awhile. Everything was clicking and I felt like I was firing on all cylinders. My chest was fatigued after the bench, and I was shocked that I was only getting 8 reps on the decline db press, but it felt nice and smooth so I went with it. I would have thought that 80 lb db's would be used for 8 reps, but I was tired so whatever. Everything else went well too.

After I ate and stuff I had to drive up to my wife's parents for the day. Once I got there I ate two hige plates of chicken, rice, stuffing, potatoes, and home made bread. It was awesome for real. A little later on I had to get another plate, and they even convinced me to get a bowl of ice cream a little while later.


I woke up, ate some of that home made bread w/ peanut butter and a whey shake. Waited for lunch, which was almost the same thing as yesterday, then I set off back home. On the way I stopped for a protein bar and a banana. A little while later I ate some fried chicken, rice, and bread. After that I headed out to the gym for a back session. I had a good workout planned but after me and my lifting buddy did some deads he strained his back. That kind of spoiled it for both of us and we just called it quits and went home. It really sucked though. He has only deadlifted a handfull of times, and never went over like 275, but is one strong dude. Well today he hit 315 with ease, and he went up to 365 with me. Once he began to pull it his back rounded and he got it up, but when he let it go he looked like he was in pain.

So it was kind of a wasted day on my final day of Natadrol fun. Now the T911 starts. Does anyone have any recommendations on dosing this. Like one when I wake up and maybe 1 or 2 preworkout?

Tomorrow I'll try to post my review of Natadrol and include some new measurements and some pics as well. I got up 209 this morning too, but it could have just been that ice cream I had last night :veryhappy:

Irish Cannon

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2/day. 1 in the morning and 1 pre-workout. I'm not big into dosing 2 pre-workout as the yohimbene seems to cut into my endurance.

The older T911 I dosed at 3/day, but this stuff is more potent and you can get away with less. So I recommend 2.


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2/day. 1 in the morning and 1 pre-workout. I'm not big into dosing 2 pre-workout as the yohimbene seems to cut into my endurance.

The older T911 I dosed at 3/day, but this stuff is more potent and you can get away with less. So I recommend 2.
Alright sounds good IC - I'll start with that tomorrow. Do you think the yohimbene would keep me up at ngiht? Tomorrow I will be lifting at night and I was just curious. Well I guess I'll find that out tomorrow lol

Irish Cannon

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Alright sounds good IC - I'll start with that tomorrow. Do you think the yohimbene would keep me up at ngiht? Tomorrow I will be lifting at night and I was just curious. Well I guess I'll find that out tomorrow lol
How late do you lift? I never take T911 past 6pm. I go to bed around 11 or 12 and I'm fine.


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How late do you lift? I never take T911 past 6pm. I go to bed around 11 or 12 and I'm fine.
yep it will most likely by right around 6, I aim to get to bed by 10, but obviously sometimes that does not happen lol

Thanks again IC


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How do you go for 50?!?!?!?! I would be dizzy with a headache! I have 20 rep squats with up to 205 and I walked out all wobbly and lookin drunk.
How do you go for 50?!?!?!?! I would be dizzy with a headache! I have 20 rep squats with up to 205 and I walked out all wobbly and lookin drunk.
How do you go for 50?!?!?!?! I would be dizzy with a headache! I have 20 rep squats with up to 205 and I walked out all wobbly and lookin drunk.
How do you go for 50?!?!?!?! I would be dizzy with a headache! I have 20 rep squats with up to 205 and I walked out all wobbly and lookin drunk.


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Intensity through the roof :)
Hows the cycle going jd? Treating you good i presume?! :)

Delta Force

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thats good to hear jd, hopefully you'll keep the gains :thumbsup:


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First day off T911- it started off funny, I woke up and popped a T911, but like a minute later I feel back asleep w/ it still under my tongue. I slept a little longer and woke up with the taste in my mouth. It didn't taste as bad as I would have thought, kind of pleasent. It numbed my mouth a little too. I only had some oatmeal for breakfast and I had an interview for a second part time job since things are kind of slow at the golf course. I thought I nailed it, but it didn't matter since it is w/ one of my room mates parents business. After that I had to go take a physical for the job, and the female doc rubbed my boys up for me lol. She was lucky and didn't get the full affects of T911 (but I was thinking of giving her a free sample if you know what I mean jk). After the doc visit I popped another T911. Then I went to work at the course and I ate a ton and worked a quick nine holes.

By this timeit was getting kind of late so I took a third T911 and headed home. Once I got home and had some chicken, rice, and green beans. Then I went to lift legs.


Squats - 5 x 5 @ 245

SLDL - 5 x 5 @ 185

Seated Calf Raises 5 x 10 @ 115

Single Leg Leg Press 3 x 8 @ 2 plates per side

Hip Adductions and Hip Abductions

Leg Press - 30 reps w/ 4 plates per side, 20 reps w/ 5 plates, then 30+ w/ 4 plates


Kind of took it easy today. The squats and sldl felt nice and smooth, I want to try to get 275 for 5 x 5 maybe next week. The thing that hurt most believe it or not was the hip adductions and abductions. I did like 230 for 3 sets of 10 on both. Every rep I went really slow squeezing as hard as I could. That was when my legs first started to shake. Then I just finished them off on the legs press.

Had a shake when I got home. Then I had leftovers and feel asleep.


Took another T911 right when I woke up, but I didn't fall back asleep. Ate some eggs and toast for breakfast. Then I went to work. I basically just played cards and ate at work. Then I came back home. I took a cap of T911 at 1, and I think that will be it for today. I'm thinking I might just go 3-2 alternating every other day. The flavor is growing on me and I'm enjoying it a little more each time. My mouth keeps getting kind of numb too.

I'm about to eat and then go lift chest and shoulders tonight. I need to get someone to take some pics real quick too, for my update. I'll go work on that now.


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here are some pics from like 3 minutes ago. It was pretty cold outside, and I was unpumped and felt deflated. I think I looking a bit thicker, and my waist looks a little slimmer too. Sorry but I forgot the wheels pic..



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Your arms/shoulders and back def got bigger. Nice work man! :thumbsup:


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Two day update:


I went to work early, but I didn't work. I ate loads of food up at the club though. I dosed three T911 throughout the day. The first up on waking up, the second around noon, and then the third at 5. At 7 I went to the gym for a chest & shoulders workout.


Bench - 185 x 6,6, 205 x 5,5, 215 x 3,3

Hammer Incline Press - 90 x 8,7,7,5

Incline Fly's - 45 x 8,8,8

DB Shoulder Press - 50 x 12, 55 x 10,10, 60 x 7,6

DB Shrugs - 100 x 10,10,10,10 superset w/
Sitting Bent Laterals - 35 x 10,10,10,10


I woke up and went to work early again. My throat had been bothering the last two days and it was very sore in the morning. I actually worked, and it was just above freezing the whole 4.5 hours that I was outside working. This did not help my sore throat at all. I ate two plates of collard greens, chicken drumsticks, corn, and baked potatoes after my round and went home. Later on I had more chicken w/ beans and rice in the afternoon. I only had two T911 caps, one in the morning and one around 4. Went to the gym around 7 again and had a pretty light back workout. I was just not feeling up going all the way, but it turned out to be an above average session.


Bent Rows - 135 x 10,10 185 x 5,5,5

Pull Downs - 135 x 10 155 x 10, 175 x 6, 180 x 5,5

DB Rows - 90 x 5,6 95 x 6, 100 x 5, 110 x 3,3

Hammer Pull Over Machine - 4 plates x 12, 12, 12, 12 superset w/
Standing EZ Bar Curls - 90 x 6, 6, 6, 6

*10 pull ups done between all exercises


I was shocked that I made it up to 110 on the DB rows. It must have been because I didn't deadlift and my back was fresher than it has ever been when I got to them. Had pretty good pumps throughout the workout, and I really wanted to go do some deadlifts. I managed to hold off, I'm going to save them for the next time.

When I got home I ate a bean and rice burrito, 6 eggs, and about 1/3 of a jar of peanut butter all before I went to bed. Still eating like a horse for sure.


Had to get up early again for work and I made some pancakes w/ peanut butter and whey. Today I didn't work until noon. While I waited I went to Whole Foods and bought some breakfast tacos and they had some peanut butter that is sold in little individual serving packets which I bought a few off. My throat is still bothering me, and I also picked up some hydrogen peroxide and I garggled some, it seemed to help some. Luckily it wasn't as cold as yesterday out there, but it was still cold. It was the Christmas tournament and I had a good time out there. I ate a protein bar while on the course, and after I had some fish, rice, broccoli, and chicken soup.

I dosed three T911 caps today, one when I woke up, one at noon, and one at 5:30. I'm pretty sure they are staring to "kick in", I felt a nice boost today in my confidence- I was being really talkitive to two members that I had never met before and I never really do that. Also at the grocery store I noticed that the checker girl was trying to flirt w/ me and stuff. It had to be my confident swagger lol

Right now I'm getting ready to head to the gym for a leg session. I'm planning on it being a brutal one. Just woke up from a good 1.5 hour nap, so I'm fully charged. I'll update soon


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Last Night

After I updated last night I headed out to the gym. It was legs, and yes they are very sore now


Front Squats - 135 x 10,10 185 x 10, 205 x 8, 225 x 5, 235 x 4, 245 x 3,3

SLDL (did on the freemotion step up machine) - 100 x 10, 150 x 10, 200 (entire stack) x 7,7,6,6

Calf Raises on Leg Press - 3 plates per side x 20,20,20,20,20

Single Leg Extension - 80 x 10,10,8 superset w/
Walking DB Lunges - 40 x 15 per leg, 15,12

Hack Squat (feet close together) - 2 plates per side x 10,10,10


My legs were toast by the end of the workout. The hardest thing was the lunges. On the second and third sets I had to drop the weight for a few seconds before I could finish the set. The hack squats felt very different, I figured that I would try them with my feet almost touching and I felt it on the outside of my quads a lot more than I usually feel it.

Once I got home I knocked down a protein/carb drink. Then I ate some bbq chicken wings, mashed potatoes, and peas. Then just before I fell asleep I ate some peanut butter and more protein.

Irish Cannon

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I dosed three T911 caps today, one when I woke up, one at noon, and one at 5:30. I'm pretty sure they are staring to "kick in", I felt a nice boost today in my confidence- I was being really talkitive to two members that I had never met before and I never really do that. Also at the grocery store I noticed that the checker girl was trying to flirt w/ me and stuff. It had to be my confident swagger lol

Right now I'm getting ready to head to the gym for a leg session. I'm planning on it being a brutal one. Just woke up from a good 1.5 hour nap, so I'm fully charged. I'll update soon
That's very T-911ish, and quite possibly my favorite aspect of the product. The confidence boost it gives you is quite remarkable.

I'm actually at a hotel right now. Letting a T911 tablet dissolve as I type this. I about to go flirt with the front desk chick. I saw her at breakfast but I had a mouthful of eggs when she passed by me. :eek:


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I agree T911 can be very addictive for this reason. JD, you have the new version right?


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Just read start to finish. Great log bro! I am really looking forward to trying Natodrol out in the future. Other than Ghenerate, I am the most amped for Natadrol.

The "T-911 Swagger" I like that. I really liked running the T-911 for this exact reason, of course the three lbs of muscle and an increase in hardness was nothing to shake a sick at either.

Once again excellent log and thank you for giving our product a fair shake!


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I agree T911 can be very addictive for this reason. JD, you have the new version right?
Yeah I'm using the new version. It has been great so, I think I'm feeling more aggressive on the T911 than I was on the Natadrol. For example: Today I started a new job and usually I would be shy and not really talk to anybody who I do not need to, but today I was actually introducing myself to people. There were not any chicks that I could possibly flirt with, unless I went up past courgar level, but I totally could feel that if they were any to be had it would have been all me lol


I took Saturday off, from work and the gym. I just relaxed at home and ate big - believe think it was a 2 cap T911 day. Then on Sunday I went in to work in the afternoon. I had taken a T911 at 7 am, then again at 11:30 when I arrived at work. To bad because there was no work to be had and I left empty handed, but not empty stomached lol. Had my full of two plates full of veggies and sliced chicken breast (on sundays they do not serve any hot food until 4 and I left at 3:30 so the salad bar was all I could work with) Once I got home I met up with my girl at the gym. I had planned on taking the day off, but this was my first chance to take a T911 pre-workout since I have been working out so late in the evenings now.


Cosgrove Complex w/ 95 pounds
Deadlifts, Still Leg Deads, Bent Rows, Power Cleans, Front Squats, Push Presses, Back Squats, and Goodmornings
6,5,4,3,2,1 fashion w/ 60 seconds between sets
Followed up w/ 10 mins of core work


I was done at the end of the complexes. The 95 pounds felt like 200 by my last power clean. I haven't done them in months and I could had some trouble w/ the last few. For my core work I just did some hanging leg/knee raises and some planks/side planks. After my workout I didn't get to take my usual shake because I went over to my room mates parents house to eat. We ate tons of roast, potatoes, broccoli, and I made a few smoothies w/ all kinds of berries and milk. It was the first time I had drank milk in months.


It was my first day of my knew job. It has a few perks; free food from a pretty good kitchen. It also has some drawbacks to, as in me having to work. It all went well though. I took a T911 this morning, and one at 3. Later this evening I'm going to the gym for a chest/shoulders workout. I just hope that. I can find a bench with all of those "monday = chest day forever" guys. It's gonna be a good one for sure :veryhappy:


  • Legend!
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beast mode!


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  • RockStar
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I think Monday is dam near everyones bench days:D

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