On the Natadrol (sponsored)



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Not mine :D Nice progress jd! The T-911 is damn right impressive, I love the stuff :)



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i've been out of the loop haha but i just caught up with the progess and things look like the are going very well!!! Gratz my friend!! Keep up the work and T-911 hahah FTW apparently :D get'm


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Appreciate guys!!

Monday's Chest Day:

Bench - 135 x 10, 185 x 8, 205 x 5, 225 x 3,3

Incline DB Press - 75 x 10, 8, 80 x 5

Decline Db Fly's - 50 x 10,10,10

Sitting Shoulder Press - 135 x 8,8,8

Barbell Shrugs - 225 x 12, 285 x 8,6


I wasn't impressed by my chest workout. After the bench I struggled w/ the incline DB presses horribly. I felt weak, even on my first set I had to get my partner to help me press thw weight up on the intial push. The shoulder presses felt weird, I have never used the seated press thing before and I don't think I will again. Just like doing them standing a lot more.

Post workout I had my protein shake then I ate leftover chicken and mashed potatoes with green beans.


I had to work early again, and I only had an oats and whey shake then a few scoops of peanut butter - after my first T911 of the day. When I got to work I opened up a chocolate cliff bar and snacked on it for awhile. Then at about 10:30 I mixed up a protein shake. For lunch we had chicken tenders, some kind of seasoned potatoes, and asparagus - I found a way to sneak two plates lol. I took my second T911 30 min after lunch - I had forgot to take it before. Then after lunch I ate a protein bar before heading home.

On the way home I took my final T911 tab. Once again, the taste has grown on me and I enjoy it. At home the roomies made up some chicken wings, green bean caserole, potatoe salad, some spinach, and beans. I had about three plates and took a good nap after. I woke up with just enough time to get a leg session in.


Squats - 135 x 10, 225 x 8, 275 x 5, 325 x 2,2 265 x 8, 225 x 10

SLDL - 135 x 10, 185 x 8, 205 x 8, 235 x 5, 255 x 4

Sitting Calf Raises - 90 x Russians Method 75 straight reps- took soooo long


Easily one of the most intense sessions I have had. The 325 squat is my new PR and I got it for 2 reps on both attempts. I went for three on both, but I failed to get the third reps either time. The 255 sldl is also a PR, but I still think I can improve this. The calf raises were the hardest though, I thought my calfs were going to explode when I was done. I don't even know how I stood up after the set. It was fun trying to hobble out to the car and drive home.

At home I had an extra large shake w/ 50 grams of protein and 50 grams of carbs. It was late and I had to wake up early so I just had a large bowl of oatmeal w/ peanut butter and some chocolate whey before I feel alseep. I wish I could have ate more but it was just so late.

T911 So Far:

I'm loving T911! It helps gives me a good jolt of energy when I wake up early which I need badly. My skin is also feeling more oily than last week, which tells me that it is kickin in. Libido is up, and my agression/confindence is higher than when I was on Natadrol.

Today I will try and weigh in when I go to the gym. I have a back day planned, and I might try a new PR on the deadlift. Thanks again for the kind words guys!!
Delta Force

Delta Force

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looking good jd.... i loooooooooove me some t-911... I'm actually picking up some more soon here, the energy and libido boost are definitely noticeable while on it.
congrats on the new job bro.... but that kinda sucks, your new job makes you work?.... where can i get an application? :D

Irish Cannon

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T911 So Far:

I'm loving T911! It helps gives me a good jolt of energy when I wake up early which I need badly. My skin is also feeling more oily than last week, which tells me that it is kickin in. Libido is up, and my agression/confindence is higher than when I was on Natadrol.

I love me some T911. I've just been doing 1tab/day as I'm also using Formadrol (2caps @ night).


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looking good jd.... i loooooooooove me some t-911... I'm actually picking up some more soon here, the energy and libido boost are definitely noticeable while on it.
congrats on the new job bro.... but that kinda sucks, your new job makes you work?.... where can i get an application? :D

I know, I like had to walk around and open doors for the electrical repair men, and then they had the audacity to ask me to change a light bulb - wtf??


I love me some T911. I've just been doing 1tab/day as I'm also using Formadrol (2caps @ night).
yep T911 is nice - do you notice any increased acne on it? It seems like my shoulders and back are now getting a ton of it in the last week.


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Back Day

Back Workout:

Rack Pulls (just below knee) - 135 x 10, 225 x 10, 315 x 10, 365 x 8, 405 x 4, 455 x 2

Hammer High Rows - 90 (per side) x 10, 115 x 8, 135 x 6, 6, 145 x 5, 4

DB Rows - 100 x 5,5 110 x 4, 120 x 3,3, 100 x 4

Nautulus Pull Down - 90 (per side) x 8, 100 x 6, 110 x 6, 120 x 5,5,4

Deadlifts - 135 x 40

* 10 pull ups down in between every exercise and to before rack pulls


Just an incredible workout- heavy weights were moving easy. I knocked the crap out of my old PR on the rack pulls - getting 455 for 2 reps. I tried another set but I couldn't get it. On DB rows 100 felt light, but and so did 110 but I only got 4. Then 120 was heavy and my grip sucked. I was done after the deadlifts, me and my lifting partner tried to out do each other and he only got like 34 (he is stronger than me on almost every lift too) Need to tell him about the T911 lol

At home I had my usual 40/40 shake. Then I ate a huge bowl of chicken chili stuff that the wife makes me. It was very good and it filled me up. Although I had a hard time lifting the big bowl to eat since my grip was gone lol. I'm enjoying T911 a ton right now. It makes weight feel lighter, and then you don't want to stop lifting. I looked at the clock near the end of my workout and I was surprised that we had already lifted for 50 mins, I would have sworn that we had like only lifted for like 30 minutes.

Today I have to work at the golf course, but it is raining so I might not. Today is also an off day from the gym, but I might go play some bball if I am in the mood later. Other than that I will just be sitting around eating and stuff today. Since it is an off day I'll just stick to two caps of T911 for the day. On workout days I'll go three from now on.


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Natadrol Final Review

Since I have some free time right now I figuered I could post a final review of my time on Natadrol.

First few days:

For the first week I didn't notice too much from Natadrol. Some increased aggression, but I seemed to get just pissed off at anything. After the first five or so days I also began to notice an increased frequecny of unrination that went all the way through the end. Literally almost every night I had to wake up and urinate, sometimes more than once. I was also taking two caps three times a day at this time.

In the middle:

My strength gains started to show up, and I started looking leaner. My weight started rising too. Libido was up everyday as well. My skin started to get oily a bit, but not that bad. My endurance in and out of the gym was phenomenal too. I started taking three caps a day, twice per day around around this time as well.

Wrapping it up:

By the end of the third week I had a noticeable amount of strength gains on every lift and you could tell that my waist was smaller. My muscles felt full all day and I always had a good pump when I was lifting. I always felt a boost in my mood, but I was always relaxed to boot. There were no other negative sides that I noticed. I still looked forward to lifting, and my libido was still up.

My weight started off at 203 and by the end of the two bottles I was up to 209. This should have been more, but with my active job it is hard for me to put on quality mass that quick. I think my bodyfat% might have went up a tad, but my midsection seems smaller for sure.

New meaurements:

Waist - 32" (remained the same)
Chest -42" (+1.5')
Shoulders - 48" (+2.5") (did my best to measure this one by myself)
Both Quads - 25" (+.5")
R Calf - 15.125" (+.125") L Calf 15" (+.25")
R Arm - 15.25" (+.25") L Arm 15.5" (+.375")

notes- I can't believe that my waist stayed the same, all of my pants feel larger so I guessed that my waist had got smaller. My shoulder do look like they got a lot wider and my upper back as well. I thought my legs were going to be bigger too. Pretty good growth on my calfs and arms though.


Not bad gains for a month for me. I only wonder what it would be like to run Natadrol for two months? It could only get better is what I think. Once it comes out I plan on picking up a few bottles and trying out different dosages (maybe like 8 caps a day) and maybe running a little longer. There were no pronounced negative side affects that would stop me from running Natadrol again in the future. I have never ran any pro-hormone or AAS so I can't compare Natadrol to anything, but I would say that it is just as good as any t-booster that I have used, if not better. I really appreciate everyone at LG for letting me try this bad boy out!!!!!

If anyone has questions feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer. Thanks again for reading and putting up with me!

Irish Cannon

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yep T911 is nice - do you notice any increased acne on it? It seems like my shoulders and back are now getting a ton of it in the last week.
No, but it's common.

I'm a bad person to ask. I didn't even deal with acne when I was pinning 1.4g of Test/wk, soooo....

Natatropin (Natadrol; name was changed) will be available for pre-sale on January 4th. It's going to be a great deal, and our other hormonals will be available at a discount as well if you were at all interested.


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Worked from the early morning until the mid afternoon. I found people at work in the kitchen who will hook me up w/ food now, so I can basically eat the leftover breakfast and extra lunch. Works out pretty good now. I dosed on T911 in the morning, and two at 5, about two hours before I worked out.


Bench - 135 x 10, 185 x 5, 205 x 5,5,5, 225 x 3, 235 x 2

Incline DB Press - 75 x 10, 8, 85 x 6,5

Pec Deck - 150 x 10, 200 x 8,6

Clean and Press - 95 x 10, 115 x 8, 135 x 6,4

Side Laterals - (30 then drop to 20) 7,7 6,7 5,5

Bent Laterals - (30 then drop to 20) 10,10 10,10 9,10

Shrug Machine Thing - 2 plates per side x 10, +25 x 10, + 50 x 8


I worked at the golf course early. After my round I ate two plates of chicken, rice, and shephards pie. When I got home the wife and I went to CiCi's pizza buffet. She had been asking to go there because she loves it so I caved in and agreed. I ate about 15 or so slices, quit before the stomach pains set in. In the morning I had took a T911 just before I went out on the course, then two more an hour before I lifted.


Front Squats - 135 x 8, 185 x 8, 205 x 5,5,5, 225 x 4, 245 x 3,3

SLDL on the step-up machine - 120 x 10, 200 x 6,6,6,6,6

Calf Raise on leg press - 4 plates per side x 20,20,20,20,20 superset w/
Leg Press (Feet Close together- touching) - x 15,15,15,15,15

Ham Curls - BW x 5,5,5

Squats - 185 x 37


Yesterday's chest day was real good. It was the first time I had taken two T911 at the same time and it was noticeable. Felt like I good lift forever and keep upping the weights. This was also apperant with today's workout. Even after eating all of that crappy pizza lol. I did have some stomach discomfort too.

One of the vets at the gym showed me how to do those ham curls on the pull down machine. I just put my knees on the seat and tuck the back of my knees under the pad. Then I put this bench infront of me and slowing lower myself to it and push myself back up to starting position. He told me that after awhile I won't need to push myselft back up, but now I was just focused on controlling myselft as I lowered my body down, and even that was difficult.

Tomorrow is going to be an off day for sure. I am exhausted and need to sleep some extra time. I still have to wake up early to work, but nothing else to do the rest of the day. Probably take two T911 - one in the morning and one in the afternoon. So far my skin is oily, and I have some acne on my back and shoulders. My mood is elevated and at ease, but agressive and confident when it needs to be. Strength is up w/ endurance too.


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sick lifts bro!


  • RockStar
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T-911 will be finding it's way into my next stack for sure. I loved the original version and the new seems as good if not better. Nice workout JD!!


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lazy Sunday


Worked at the course today. Since it is Sunday they didn't serve any food and I was so hungry when I left. Luckily the wife had some food ready for me when I got home. I will be taking the rest of the day off and just recovering. My legs are a little sore, but not that bad.

Took a T911 in the morning and one just now. I'm about to take a nap. I'll update later.


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hows it going man? Gains sticking?


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No, but it's common.

I'm a bad person to ask. I didn't even deal with acne when I was pinning 1.4g of Test/wk, soooo....

Natatropin (Natadrol; name was changed) will be available for pre-sale on January 4th. It's going to be a great deal, and our other hormonals will be available at a discount as well if you were at all interested.
From what I have heard it's gonna be a pretty sweet deal too, especially considering they have pretty much the only hormones left that aren't banned/becoming scarce... a lot of companies would probably raise the prices as demand for such items is bound to go way up.

Irish Cannon

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From what I have heard it's gonna be a pretty sweet deal too, especially considering they have pretty much the only hormones left that aren't banned/becoming scarce... a lot of companies would probably raise the prices as demand for such items is bound to go way up.

M1D, Natadrol, and MMv3 are really the only ones still being sold/produced without fear. - Obviously SD and Epi are still out there, but their time will be up before we know it, and most retailers won't even put their stock on the shelves. There are a few of them out there selling still, but not for long. Companies like CEL seem to be backing out after these last batches, and pushing their non-hormonal line.

LG Sciences hormones are really going to be the go to for quick muscle, strength and density, and I don't say that in a bad way. They're great products. I think it will actually do the industry some good to get cleaned up a little, I just don't want to see the FDA/DEA taking it too far.


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Sorry guys, I unknowingly had to go out of town for a few days and just got back in. The holidays have been great for me though. I ate so much and even got a present or two lol. Wednesday was the last day that I have lifted and it was amazing. I had taken two T911's a hour and a half before going and it was a back day.


Deadlifts - 135 x 10, 225 x 5, 285 x 5, 325 x 5, 375 x 3, 405 x 1, 325 x 7

Pull Downs - 160 x 10, 175 x 8, 195 x 5,5 210 x 4, 220 x 3,3

Hammer Low Rows - 90 x 8, 115 x 6, 125 x 5,5, 135 x 4,3

Hammer Pull Overs - 180 x 12, 230 x 10,10

Barbell Rows - 135 x 8,8

*10 wide grip pull ups did between movements and after the last one


It was a cool workout for sure, I could not believe that I got 405! I was astonished. Then I was doing some heavy weight on the lat pull down, and then more heavy weight on the low rows. By the time I tried to do some bent rows my back was toast. I remember that when I got home I had to eat atleast one steak, but I had two w/ some mashed potatoes.

For the last two days I decided to try some T911 before some other "physical" activites. Needless to say that it proved very well in this regard. One or two caps an hour before was more than enough to see a difference. My weight is still shooting up as well, I weighed in at 212 on Thursday morning. The guy that I lift with was asking me what I was taking and I told him about T911. He told me to get him a bottle or two when I can lol.

Today I have to work early at the golf course. After this I want to lift legs as earlier as possible. The rest of the day I will probably be relaxing. But I will be taking two T911 before lifting today for sure :)


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haha spreading the good T911 word! I love it! Glad to hear it's helping during PCT man, keep it up :)


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Yep I'm always passing on the word!!


I worked until noon, and after I had two plates of asparagus, baked potatoes, and turkey. When I arrived home I was tired and I took a nap for around 2 hours. Once I woke up I popped two T911's and started focusing on my workout. It was a leg day and I was ready lol


Squats - 135 x 10, 225 x 10, 275 x 5,5, 295 x 3, 315 x 2, 335 x 0(fail)

Sitting Leg Curls - 70 x 10, 140 x 8, 160 x 5,5, 165 x 4

Sitting Calf Raises - 140 x 10, 150 x 10,10,8,8

Leg Press - 3 plates per side x 10, 4 x 10, 5, x 20,15,12 (kind of rest-pause)

Hip Abductors & Hip Adductions


I don't know what happened today. I felt really good and 315 was feeling light, I thought I could have got it for like 5 reps. I was just saving it for the 335 and it just didn't work out. Everything else went good and my legs were shaking bad when I wrapped up the leg presses.

Post workout I had a shake, then I made a bean burrito. Now my wife made me some eggs w/ some toast. Tomorrow I plan on getting a chest session in the morning.


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Chest Day


Woke up feeling good, my legs were a little sore from yesterday. I ate some eggs and toast for breakfast. Then after an hour of reading I took 2 T911's, then I waited for 20 mins and drank a whey/dextrose shake and went to the gym.


DB bench - 80 x 10, 90 x 8, 95 x 6, 100 x 4,2, 90 x 6

Incline Fly's - 55 x 8,5,4, 45 x 8,7

Hammer Shoulder Press - 90 per side x 8,8,6,5,4 45 x 18

Shrugs - 315 x 8,8,7,5

Nautulus Lateral Machine - 70 x 12, 95 x 8,8,6,5

Post Workout:

My chest/shoulders were dead after this, but I didn't want to stop lifting. The T911 gave me some energy this morning and it felt great. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get the 100's on the db press, as I haven't done them in weeks and even then I wasn't going heavy. I switched it up w/ the hammer shoulder press and the nautulus lateral machine. Both of them kind of suck compaired to using the free weights, but whatever. Still got a good workout in.

Got my shake in after, now I am just waiting for some chicken to be cooked so I can get into it. Don't have much planned for the rest of the day. I'll probably watch the Texans game for awhile then try to do something outside. It is such a nice day outside! Later tonight I want to take another T911, or maybe 2, before I get into some other activities :)


  • Legend!
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Good lawd!! Your weights are fackin rediculous bro! I truly am jealous! It looks like you did VERY well of this run and it's not even over yet! I hope you do a log after this because your workouts are getting me amped to the weights all the more harder! Keep rockin it bro! You are officially a beast!!! :1244:


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Good lawd!! Your weights are fackin rediculous bro! I truly am jealous! It looks like you did VERY well of this run and it's not even over yet! I hope you do a log after this because your workouts are getting me amped to the weights all the more harder! Keep rockin it bro! You are officially a beast!!! :1244:
Thanks Met!!!! but I am far from being a beast or even being beastly sometimes lolzz

I still need to get about 15-20 pounds heavier before I can start to think about that. So I am years away lol - shoot even reading your log gets me in the mood to lift. I wish I could lift DC style like that, it is just too much for me lol

Just eat, lift, sleep, & repeat


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Thanks Met!!!! but I am far from being a beast or even being beastly sometimes lolzz

I still need to get about 15-20 pounds heavier before I can start to think about that. So I am years away lol - shoot even reading your log gets me in the mood to lift. I wish I could lift DC style like that, it is just too much for me lol

Just eat, lift, sleep, & repeat
Give yourself some credit! You are a beast! Accept it! How is DC too much for you but your high volume routine isnt? lol


NutraPlanet Rep
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Thanks Met!!!! but I am far from being a beast or even being beastly sometimes lolzz

I still need to get about 15-20 pounds heavier before I can start to think about that. So I am years away lol - shoot even reading your log gets me in the mood to lift. I wish I could lift DC style like that, it is just too much for me lol

Just eat, lift, sleep, & repeat
You've got pretty good numbers bro, no doubt about that. DC would maximize your numbers and actually gain some of that weight that you want. Shorter volume/workout days but a much bigger gain than what you are doing now. Trust me, if you read through my log I had a couple of months ago you will see how I made the transition from volume to training. Absolutely motherf*cking awesome. You've got a bunch of resources here in me, met, AZ, Gmg and Kleen.


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He speaks truf


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You've got pretty good numbers bro, no doubt about that. DC would maximize your numbers and actually gain some of that weight that you want. Shorter volume/workout days but a much bigger gain than what you are doing now. Trust me, if you read through my log I had a couple of months ago you will see how I made the transition from volume to training. Absolutely motherf*cking awesome. You've got a bunch of resources here in me, met, AZ, Gmg and Kleen.
thanks MrB, I will look into it for sure. It might be time for me to switch it up anyhow. Yep I would need some help w/ some of those stretches indeed.

Now that I think about for a second, I will try it out as soon as I finish up w/ this log - researching will begin asap!!

thanks again!


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Do the DC bro. It's a great change... I blew through a bunch of plateaus because of it.


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thanks MrB, I will look into it for sure. It might be time for me to switch it up anyhow. Yep I would need some help w/ some of those stretches indeed.

Now that I think about for a second, I will try it out as soon as I finish up w/ this log - researching will begin asap!!

thanks again!
if you PM your email address, I can send you all the info you need.


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Do the DC bro. It's a great change... I blew through a bunch of plateaus because of it.
I agree, really helped me bust through what seemed like a never ending battle to get my strength back. By the end of 8-10 weeks of DC I was lifting some Gnarly numbers. Probably got about a 20% strength increase over that time.


  • RockStar
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Do the DC bro. It's a great change... I blew through a bunch of plateaus because of it.
I agree, really helped me bust through what seemed like a never ending battle to get my strength back. By the end of 8-10 weeks of DC I was lifting some Gnarly numbers. Probably got about a 20% strength increase over that time.
Could not agree more. Simple and intense form of pushing your limits!!


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Today I had to work at my new job. Although I didn't work - just sat through the orientation. They fed us pretty good, but I was still hungry but I came prepared. My wife is now making me food and putting it into tupperware so I can bring it with me to work. Today it was chicken breast and rice w/ onions and garlic. After work I just relaxed and read up on DC training. I popped three T911's throughout the day. Still got the alpha swagger, and a nice energy boost!!! and yes libido is up up


Hi, i'm new here and very interested in this product... I saw you posted your measurements and mentioned strength increase, but was curious as to how much each major compound lift increased... Also have you noticed any loss in your measurements or strength since PCT started, or is everything sticking well? Looks impressive thus far though, nice log.


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Sorry guys, I unknowingly had to go out of town for a few days and just got back in. The holidays have been great for me though. I ate so much and even got a present or two lol. Wednesday was the last day that I have lifted and it was amazing. I had taken two T911's a hour and a half before going and it was a back day.


Deadlifts - 135 x 10, 225 x 5, 285 x 5, 325 x 5, 375 x 3, 405 x 1, 325 x 7

Pull Downs - 160 x 10, 175 x 8, 195 x 5,5 210 x 4, 220 x 3,3

Hammer Low Rows - 90 x 8, 115 x 6, 125 x 5,5, 135 x 4,3

Hammer Pull Overs - 180 x 12, 230 x 10,10

Barbell Rows - 135 x 8,8

*10 wide grip pull ups did between movements and after the last one


It was a cool workout for sure, I could not believe that I got 405! I was astonished. Then I was doing some heavy weight on the lat pull down, and then more heavy weight on the low rows. By the time I tried to do some bent rows my back was toast. I remember that when I got home I had to eat atleast one steak, but I had two w/ some mashed potatoes.

For the last two days I decided to try some T911 before some other "physical" activites. Needless to say that it proved very well in this regard. One or two caps an hour before was more than enough to see a difference. My weight is still shooting up as well, I weighed in at 212 on Thursday morning. The guy that I lift with was asking me what I was taking and I told him about T911. He told me to get him a bottle or two when I can lol.

Today I have to work early at the golf course. After this I want to lift legs as earlier as possible. The rest of the day I will probably be relaxing. But I will be taking two T911 before lifting today for sure :)

Nice numbers man! Those deads look great :)
How many days you have left in your PCT btw? Still seeing progress i guess?! :)



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sorry for the lack of updates in the past two days- I have been freakin busy and I have barely been sleeping. Tomorrow is going to be a pretty slow day and I'll put a good effort into my update and answer the questions. Thanks for your patience!


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Much Needed Updates!!!


This was a back day - I had to work all day though. At work I ate a plate of chopped beef, some kind of carrots that were sauted, and rice. For a snack at work I also ate some chicken and rice that I had brought from home. Dosed 1 T911 before breakfast, 1 before lunch, and 1 preworkout.

Back Lifting:

Hammer Pull Downs - 90 (per side) x 10, 115 x 8, 140 x 5, 150 x 5, 160 x 4,4,3

DB Rows - 90 x 8, 100 x 5, 110 x 5, 125 x 3,3 110 x 4, 100 x 4

Lat Pull Downs (behind head) - 160 x 10,10,10 185 x 8,8

DB Pull Overs - 70 x 12, 12, 10


It was an incredible workout- I was able to go heavier than usual bc I laid off the deads or rack pulls. The 125 lb rows felt incredible, I had no clue that I could move that much weight lol, seriously. The last pull downs behind my head were kind of weird, I had never done them this way.

This workout was kind of late - once I got home I ate some more chicken and rice and hit the bed. I had to wake up early again the following day.

Yesterday I didn't lift. I was tired from the previous day, and my back was toasted. I ate a lot, and I weighed in the morning at 212. My back was looking wide as ever too!!


I worked at the golf course today. Had an easy 18 holes, then I ate some collard greens, chicken/potatoes thing, and black eyed peas for lunch. I had taken 1 T911 before breakfast. Then my last two T911 before I lifted legs today :(


Squats - 135 x 10, 225 x 10, 275 x 5,5,5,5,5

SLDL off the step up machine - 120 x 10, 200 x 8,8,8,8,8

Leg Press Calf Raises - 4 plates x 10,10,10,10,10 superset w/
Leg Press - 4 plates x 20,20,20,20,20 superset w/
Leg Press Calf Raises (heels pointed in) 4 plates x 10,10,10,10,10

Laying Leg Curls - 50 x 12, 70 x 8,8, 90 x 5,5

Leg Extensions - 90 x 10, 110 x 20, 24

Post Workout:

Pretty good session to finish off the T911!! I was so focused today - I wanted to squat some more but there was like multiple people waiting to get on the squat rack to do there curls/shrugs/bonsu ball crunches lol - I should of kept telling them that I had one more set, but by thhis time I was fed up with them asking. On the leg press my legs were done. My calfs were shaking at the end. I was kind of practicing the DC calf sets and holding the negative for a long time and it burned like hell.

Right now I am about to eat some eggs and toast- the wife is making them for me now. I am starving lol

Hey Enjineer - I'll have your answers as soon as I type up my final review buddy!! but my progress has been progressing through "PCT" without a hitch. I can't wait to type out and check my measurments after 20 something days of T911!!!


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kickass #s bro..as usual! Get some pics up of your back bro! Let's see that cobra of yours! Are you using straps on those back exercises? Either way, nice work brosefina!


Well-known member
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kickass #s bro..as usual! Get some pics up of your back bro! Let's see that cobra of yours! Are you using straps on those back exercises? Either way, nice work brosefina!
The only lift that I use straps on is my deads/rack pulls - I want to use them on DB rows but I just can't bring myself to since my #'s are going up w/o them lol. Tomorrow will be the day that I go out and snap some finished pics. Hopefully you will notice the gains lol


Can't wait for those finished pics :) Bet your even more massive now!


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Final Reviews!!!!!

T911 Review:

From the first time I took one of the sublingual T911 tablets I felt a kick in my overall energy level. My first dose was always a few minutes before breakfast and I felt good every morning on the way to work or just sitting around the house on an off day. By around the third day I started to feel more confident and my skin also started to get oily. I seem to get shoulder/back acne from all of the good T-boosters out there lol and T911 was no exception. In fact it probably produced more acne on my back than anything I can remember taking. This is not a negative in my view, because this kind of assures me that the product is working. When I have tried so called t-boosters that didn’t bring forth oily skin I never noticed any results from them, which was not the case at all from T911. These attributes continued throughout the duration of the bottle of T911.
For PCT coverage I think that T911 was outstanding. I never felt “shut down” or anything from Natadrol, but I still felt like I was on Natadrol with the T911. This seems to me like this would be optimal for PCT, since I was still go as hard as I could in the gym every time that I stepped in there. That being said all of the “sides” from Natadrol disappeared as soon I discontinued its use. The frequent urination being the most obvious to me that ceased once I began T911.

Continuation of the Gains:

While on Natadrol I was not really lifting for strength gains at the time, but I was becoming stronger. On T911 I was lifting for strength for sure. In the 24 days that T911 lasted I set numerous new PR’s , which include – 405 lb deadlift (+30), 250 lb bench (+15), 325 squat (+20), those being my measured maxes (I’m almost in the 1,000 lb club lol). Now on many lifts my weight and reps increased significantly, but I don’t really “max out” on them I consider it kind of different. For example: on the DB Row I was getting 90 lb’s for 3-4 reps on the Natadrol, and now I can get 110 for 5 reps, on the DB incline press I was getting 75’s for 8 reps, and now I get the 85’s for 8 reps, on the SLDL I was getting 245 for 2 reps, and now I’m getting 255 for 4 reps- these type of gains are constant throughout.
Now for body composition gain, I’m defiantly thicker than before. My food intake was constant throughout on Natadrol and T911. Although this is true, I seemed to put on more “fat” while on T911. On Natadrol I was looking leaner everyday and still putting on weight, but on T911 this was not the case. I looked fuller constantly, especially in my waist area. My abs seem to have gone back into hibernation lol. I only put on three pounds during my time on T911 too (I am at 212 as of this morning).

Positives about T911:

Pleasant taste, Energy boost, Strength gains, Alpha-male feeling, Great value

Negatives about T911:

Nothing negative to say, seriously - except the taste was kind of funny the first time that I took one


my legs always look so skinny when I take a picture, but not when I'm looking at them in the mirror :(


Waist - 33" (+1")
Chest - 43" (+1")
Shoulders - 49" (+1")
Both Quads - 25" (0")
R Calf - 15.125" (0") L Calf 15" (0")
R Arm - 15.5" (+.25") L Arm 15.5" (0")

Suprised that my arms and legs didn't grow, but my chest and shoulders measurements got a lot bigger. I look noticeably thicker though - true story - but I only put on 3 pounds in a month.

Final Thoughts:

Over the last two months I think that I have made considerable gains. I would have thought that these would have taken a lot more time to reach, but with the help of Natadrol and T911 they came faster. In the future I look foward to seeing Natadrol being on the market- I will be picking some up for sure. Big Thanks to everyone at LG for choosing me to run Natadrol & T911!!

If anyone has any questions for me feel free to ask!! thanks for following everyone!


Board Sponsor
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T911 Review:

From the first time I took one of the sublingual T911 tablets I felt a kick in my overall energy level. My first dose was always a few minutes before breakfast and I felt good every morning on the way to work or just sitting around the house on an off day. By around the third day I started to feel more confident and my skin also started to get oily. I seem to get shoulder/back acne from all of the good T-boosters out there lol and T911 was no exception. In fact it probably produced more acne on my back than anything I can remember taking. This is not a negative in my view, because this kind of assures me that the product is working. When I have tried so called t-boosters that didn’t bring forth oily skin I never noticed any results from them, which was not the case at all from T911. These attributes continued throughout the duration of the bottle of T911.
For PCT coverage I think that T911 was outstanding. I never felt “shut down” or anything from Natadrol, but I still felt like I was on Natadrol with the T911. This seems to me like this would be optimal for PCT, since I was still go as hard as I could in the gym every time that I stepped in there. That being said all of the “sides” from Natadrol disappeared as soon I discontinued its use. The frequent urination being the most obvious to me that ceased once I began T911.

Continuation of the Gains:

While on Natadrol I was not really lifting for strength gains at the time, but I was becoming stronger. On T911 I was lifting for strength for sure. In the 24 days that T911 lasted I set numerous new PR’s , which include – 405 lb deadlift (+30), 250 lb bench (+15), 325 squat (+20), those being my measured maxes (I’m almost in the 1,000 lb club lol). Now on many lifts my weight and reps increased significantly, but I don’t really “max out” on them I consider it kind of different. For example: on the DB Row I was getting 90 lb’s for 3-4 reps on the Natadrol, and now I can get 110 for 5 reps, on the DB incline press I was getting 75’s for 8 reps, and now I get the 85’s for 8 reps, on the SLDL I was getting 245 for 2 reps, and now I’m getting 255 for 4 reps- these type of gains are constant throughout.
Now for body composition gain, I’m defiantly thicker than before. My food intake was constant throughout on Natadrol and T911. Although this is true, I seemed to put on more “fat” while on T911. On Natadrol I was looking leaner everyday and still putting on weight, but on T911 this was not the case. I looked fuller constantly, especially in my waist area. My abs seem to have gone back into hibernation lol. I only put on three pounds during my time on T911 too (I am at 212 as of this morning).

Positives about T911:

Pleasant taste, Energy boost, Strength gains, Alpha-male feeling, Great value

Negatives about T911:

Nothing negative to say, seriously - except the taste was kind of funny the first time that I took one


my legs always look so skinny when I take a picture, but not when I'm looking at them in the mirror :(


Waist - 33" (+1")
Chest - 43" (+1")
Shoulders - 49" (+1")
Both Quads - 25" (0")
R Calf - 15.125" (0") L Calf 15" (0")
R Arm - 15.5" (+.25") L Arm 15.5" (0")

Suprised that my arms and legs didn't grow, but my chest and shoulders measurements got a lot bigger. I look noticeably thicker though - true story - but I only put on 3 pounds in a month.

Final Thoughts:

Over the last two months I think that I have made considerable gains. I would have thought that these would have taken a lot more time to reach, but with the help of Natadrol and T911 they came faster. In the future I look foward to seeing Natadrol being on the market- I will be picking some up for sure. Big Thanks to everyone at LG for choosing me to run Natadrol & T911!!

If anyone has any questions for me feel free to ask!! thanks for following everyone!
excellent final review!

glad you enjoyed the stack, Im excited for Natadrol to become a big hit on the market as well.


NutraPlanet Rep
  • Established
Looking thicker bro, you can really tell. Was a pretty good run for you. Better than some PH cycles I have seen others run. Good job!


Excellent man! There is a definitely a noticeable difference between before and after pictures, i'm really impressed with this product and your log.


Well-known member
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appreciate it guys! I'm off to try out my first DC workout!!!!


Well-known member
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I am so late for the party :(

nice job

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