

So has anybody got really good results from MK 677 or is it just not really worth it..?


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So has anybody got really good results from MK 677 or is it just not really worth it..?
If u r looking for lbm gainz spend ur money on something else, but if u want something that helps u add size on then yeah it will.


If u r looking for lbm gainz spend ur money on something else, but if u want something that helps u add size on then yeah it will.
Yeah but what's good with size if it's not quality size?

It just seems like most people talk about sides, I haven't heard a single person say "I feel and look so great on MK 677" like you can from real hgh.

For me it looks like this is something to stay away from, or am I wrong?


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Yeah but what's good with size if it's not quality size?

It just seems like most people talk about sides, I haven't heard a single person say "I feel and look so great on MK 677" like you can from real hgh.

For me it looks like this is something to stay away from, or am I wrong?
Nothing is like exogenous hormones, like prohormones and real aas!
That being said with mk677 it can help with strength increase which will help u gain muscle based on diet etc!
And u r not going to deal with serious sides From gh, some ppl went 50 mg on mk677 and they felt like it was like real gh maybe 4 ui I haven't seen anyone here went that far here, I did 10 mg and sleep was great and water retention was main side.


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the problem is the most of the users who use this stuff is quite young they still have enough own hormone the real benefits should get old dudes


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the problem is the most of the users who use this stuff is quite young they still have enough own hormone the real benefits should get old dudes
You would think, but clinical studies on MK-677 showed results were even better for the younger participants in the study.


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So has anybody got really good results from MK 677 or is it just not really worth it..?
+1 for worth it, needs to be run for an extended period to witness maximum efficacy.

Running a single bottle of MK, like running just 4 - 6 weeks on HGH, will not provide you with lasting nor determinable results. If you're going to use it, commit to a minimum of 3 months.
I noticed it more when I stopped using it, as problematic joints noticeably started making themselves known once again. I do think I was noticeably fuller with decent strength while using MK though. I had none of the sides other users experienced & was using as much as 30mg/day.


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When you say younger you mean ????
1am here so I'll pull the study tomorrow and provide you some specifics as I don't recall the exact ages.


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Yeah but what's good with size if it's not quality size?

It just seems like most people talk about sides, I haven't heard a single person say "I feel and look so great on MK 677" like you can from real hgh.

For me it looks like this is something to stay away from, or am I wrong?
My personal experience so far:
Started Ghar1ne in PCT. I haven't lost any size or strenght. I'm amazed to be honest. Vascularity is slighty down but fullness is great.
At 20mg/day, I can't really report any water retention to write home about. I'm keeping sodium relatively low. No lethargy either.
I'm 3 weeks into pct and I would have normally lost some size at this point. I'm actually 2lbs up with no fat gain. I'll keep on running it once PCT is done.


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I need to pick a cycle to add MK to - would it be better paired with an Ostarine cut, or an LGD bulk? I was going to do one long a$$ combo cycle of Osta weeks 1-8, then LGD weeks 8-16, but at my age, better safe than sorry - I'm going to PCT and down time between them, so where should MK go?


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I need to pick a cycle to add MK to - would it be better paired with an Ostarine cut, or an LGD bulk? I was going to do one long a$$ combo cycle of Osta weeks 1-8, then LGD weeks 8-16, but at my age, better safe than sorry - I'm going to PCT and down time between them, so where should MK go?
Right through the whole shebang.
If money is a factor start after osta & run through pct & into lgd.
Don't forget your Hup ;-)


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I need to pick a cycle to add MK to - would it be better paired with an Ostarine cut, or an LGD bulk? I was going to do one long a$$ combo cycle of Osta weeks 1-8, then LGD weeks 8-16, but at my age, better safe than sorry - I'm going to PCT and down time between them, so where should MK go?
Personally I don't like it on a cut.

I'd run it with LGD and thru pct and after as long as funds allow.


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Personally I don't like it on a cut.

I'd run it with LGD and thru pct and after as long as funds allow.
You're right, not the best option when cutting. The appetite boost is noticeable and that tiny bit of water retention may mask the actual fat loss. To get big or to keep gains in PCT is priceless tho.


Anybody felt an increase in injury healing? I have some joints and tendons I would like to heal if possible


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Anybody felt an increase in injury healing? I have some joints and tendons I would like to heal if possible
Knees and elbows feel definitely better now. Not sure if permanent but a real god blessing ATM.


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Knees and elbows feel definitely better now. Not sure if permanent but a real god blessing ATM.
Nah bro not permanent!!!
Joints were great on mk677 like no issues at all, after I stopped at all came back.. but hey it was nice while it lasted.


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Nah bro not permanent!!!
Joints were great on mk677 like no issues at all, after I stopped at all came back.. but hey it was nice while it lasted.
No biggie, me thinks I'll run Ghar1ne forever :banana:


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Nah bro not permanent!!!
Joints were great on mk677 like no issues at all, after I stopped at all came back.. but hey it was nice while it lasted.
as I posted before extra water can mask the pain...


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Nah bro not permanent!!!
Joints were great on mk677 like no issues at all, after I stopped at all came back.. but hey it was nice while it lasted.
^^ ditto ^^
won't stop me running it again, my knee & ankles are shot & need reco surgery anyway, so they might as well feel good while i'm training!


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I've been running 20mg for about 3 weeks I think, and I'm tired of the lethargy, hunger and bloat so I'm dropping to 10mg. Hopefully I'll still get some benefit on my joints/tendons/ligaments.


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I've been running 20mg for about 3 weeks I think, and I'm tired of the lethargy, hunger and bloat so I'm dropping to 10mg. Hopefully I'll still get some benefit on my joints/tendons/ligaments.
I'm on 10mg until I run out. I ran 10mg for 2 weeks then logged a product that had me at 20mg for 4 weeks, now that I'm back to my original product (ghar1ne) I'm sticking to 1 cap a day. I saw no added benefits at 20mg and only more lethargy.
10mg seems to be a good dose for me as well. Plus the bottle will last so much longer :)


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I'm on 10mg until I run out. I ran 10mg for 2 weeks then logged a product that had me at 20mg for 4 weeks, now that I'm back to my original product (ghar1ne) I'm sticking to 1 cap a day. I saw no added benefits at 20mg and only more lethargy.
10mg seems to be a good dose for me as well. Plus the bottle will last so much longer :)
Interesting. I will be forced to up to 20mg once I bump the MASS GH to 2 caps/day. And was going to continue with 20mg into my DMZ cycle.

I'm having good results (and sides) at 10, so 20 does make me a bit nervous. I literally take a nap daily in the can at work. And driving home can be a bit scary on certain days. Feel very lethargic for a bit of the mid-day. But sleeping so good and feeling rested most of the time other than this small window. Hunger out of control on 10, and a bit of softness in the belly. But the gym experience is definitely starting to show (along with the rest of the supp cocktail I'm taking).


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Interesting. I will be forced to up to 20mg once I bump the MASS GH to 2 caps/day. And was going to continue with 20mg into my DMZ cycle.

I'm having good results (and sides) at 10, so 20 does make me a bit nervous. I literally take a nap daily in the can at work. And driving home can be a bit scary on certain days. Feel very lethargic for a bit of the mid-day. But sleeping so good and feeling rested most of the time other than this small window. Hunger out of control on 10, and a bit of softness in the belly. But the gym experience is definitely starting to show (along with the rest of the supp cocktail I'm taking).
Hows the BP?

If its under control adding in some extra caff / light stims might be enough to help to some degree.


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Hows the BP?

If its under control adding in some extra caff / light stims might be enough to help to some degree.
BP at least feels fine. I can usually feel when it's up. I'm already at my stim max bro!! 2 cups of stout coffee in the morning, 2 servings of Cannibal Ferox shortly thereafter. Then a couple servings of a vitamin/energy/amino acid drink I use called Spark around lunch. So I'm well over a gram of caffeine per day along with whatever other stims are in Ferox.


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BP at least feels fine. I can usually feel when it's up. I'm already at my stim max bro!! 2 cups of stout coffee in the morning, 2 servings of Cannibal Ferox shortly thereafter. Then a couple servings of a vitamin/energy/amino acid drink I use called Spark around lunch. So I'm well over a gram of caffeine per day along with whatever other stims are in Ferox.
whoa becareful man..... damn that's alot.


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Interesting. I will be forced to up to 20mg once I bump the MASS GH to 2 caps/day. And was going to continue with 20mg into my DMZ cycle.

I'm having good results (and sides) at 10, so 20 does make me a bit nervous. I literally take a nap daily in the can at work. And driving home can be a bit scary on certain days. Feel very lethargic for a bit of the mid-day. But sleeping so good and feeling rested most of the time other than this small window. Hunger out of control on 10, and a bit of softness in the belly. But the gym experience is definitely starting to show (along with the rest of the supp cocktail I'm taking).
How long you been running it?
I was very lethargic to start off with when I first started on 10mg as well. Faded off a little and then WHAM it came back when I bumped to 20mg, but that also receded the longer I was on it and I was able to handle it.


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Tonight will be my 20th dose of 10mg at night. I still feel the same as my last report. I sleep better and that's about it. I haven't experienced any lethargy at all yet, save for one day but I think that was diet related. I also don't take stimulants of any type (including caffeine) or use pwo's either. I wil say that my belly looks a bit softer as well, which is disappointing but not entirely unexpected. Of course my GF noticed this as well. :(

I think some people might be expecting too much from this compound and at too early of a time. I am prepared to take this for the long haul despite the minor negatives I may see along the way. I also think that sticking at 10 for a while is not a bad idea either. I think letting the body adjust to increased GH levels is a good idea before forcing it to adjust to more. Honestly there's no point in running this like 30 day PH cycle, unless of course you're just hoping for some improved sleep. Slow and steady wins the race here.


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How long you been running it?
I was very lethargic to start off with when I first started on 10mg as well. Faded off a little and then WHAM it came back when I bumped to 20mg, but that also receded the longer I was on it and I was able to handle it.
Been on 10mg for about 6 weeks.


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Tonight will be my 20th dose of 10mg at night. I still feel the same as my last report. I sleep better and that's about it. I haven't experienced any lethargy at all yet, save for one day but I think that was diet related. I also don't take stimulants of any type (including caffeine) or use pwo's either. I wil say that my belly looks a bit softer as well, which is disappointing but not entirely unexpected. Of course my GF noticed this as well. :(

I think some people might be expecting too much from this compound and at too early of a time. I am prepared to take this for the long haul despite the minor negatives I may see along the way. I also think that sticking at 10 for a while is not a bad idea either. I think letting the body adjust to increased GH levels is a good idea before forcing it to adjust to more. Honestly there's no point in running this like 30 day PH cycle, unless of course you're just hoping for some improved sleep. Slow and steady wins the race here.
Agree. I should elaborate that the positives are starting to outweigh the lethargy and bit of bloat. Strength is climbing and look as full and big as I ever have. It's winter F it!! Time to pack it on!!


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Been on 10mg for about 6 weeks.

Sucks that you are still felling lethargic during the day. Do you think it is all related to the MK or do you think you may be suffering some stim crash at various points during the day? Did this only start during the MK run or have you experienced it before? Have you ever tried a stim cleanse, ie tapering down and then no stims for a while, just to see how it might treat you?


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Agree. I should elaborate that the positives are starting to outweigh the lethargy and bit of bloat. Strength is climbing and look as full and big as I ever have. It's winter F it!! Time to pack it on!!
I can agree with that, the fullness is starting to show a bit for me too. This should stack nicely with Trest/Pmag this winter. :)


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Sucks that you are still felling lethargic during the day. Do you think it is all related to the MK or do you think you may be suffering some stim crash at various points during the day? Did this only start during the MK run or have you experienced it before? Have you ever tried a stim cleanse, ie tapering down and then no stims for a while, just to see how it might treat you?
Could be a little crash. Definitely magnified since starting the MK.

Also planning a stim and supplement break in a couple weeks. Other than the MK of course.


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So whats the summary on this.. any bloodwork

thoughts on long term effects?


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I'm at 20mg (all upon waking) and zero lethargy so far after 3 weeks. No stims other than my usual strong coffee at breakfast.


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Why have you not upped the dosage?
I feel I'm getting benefits still at 10. Not to mention trying to extend what supply I do have. I started with enough to run 10mg for 12 weeks, and 20mg for 12 weeks. Just seems like longer sustained runs of it will out perform shorter higher dosed. And as I stated above, not certain I can handle any additional lethargy right now.


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I feel I'm getting benefits still at 10. Not to mention trying to extend what supply I do have. I started with enough to run 10mg for 12 weeks, and 20mg for 12 weeks. Just seems like longer sustained runs of it will out perform shorter higher dosed. And as I stated above, not certain I can handle any additional lethargy right now.
I have only been running it (at 10mg) for 5 days but have not noticed any increase in hunger or lethargy.


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Could be a little crash. Definitely magnified since starting the MK.

Also planning a stim and supplement break in a couple weeks. Other than the MK of course.
Time for a detox my friend :cussing: :wink1:

I'm now in my 4th week of no stims - and I reckon I was near double your intake. Feeling better - moods & clarity, i'm taking adrenal support & using no preworkout, just creatine & an NO booster. LGD might be giving me a little lethargy, hard to tell, but at least when I go back onto MK this time i'll know if it gives me lethargy or not. Last cycle, I don't think MK contributed any additional tiredness to my adrenal fatigue & sleep apnoea.

Currently using Growth by BSL - no way close to MK for repair & regeneration, but damn it's some quality sleep, like 8hrs solid every night. That is a blessing for me.


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Time for a detox my friend :cussing: :wink1:

I'm now in my 4th week of no stims - and I reckon I was near double your intake. Feeling better - moods & clarity, i'm taking adrenal support & using no preworkout, just creatine & an NO booster. LGD might be giving me a little lethargy, hard to tell, but at least when I go back onto MK this time i'll know if it gives me lethargy or not. Last cycle, I don't think MK contributed any additional tiredness to my adrenal fatigue & sleep apnoea.

Currently using Growth by BSL - no way close to MK for repair & regeneration, but damn it's some quality sleep, like 8hrs solid every night. That is a blessing for me.
Double my intake!! Ok, I don't feel too bad now LOL.

But I agree. I'm looking forward to not only the physical break, but mental. Will be nice to just take BCAA's and a protein shake for a while. Going to drop creatine for a few weeks as well.


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Is mk 677 ok for women? I don't see why it wouldn't.


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I'm not all sure but I think I read it wasn't recommended for women, do some more research before you start.
Why wouldn't it be? Where did you read that?

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