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I have to say, I didn't like the brawn mk that much but I felt I gained slot more that than gharine. Shame coz thought Olympus was a leading brand


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I have to say, I didn't like the brawn mk that much but I felt I gained slot more that than gharine. Shame coz thought Olympus was a leading brand
gained more water on mk brawn ?
Cos u r not supposed to gain muscles from mk677!
That's kinda confusing, and if u gained noticeable amount of muscle from brawn mk677 then yeah not sure if that was mk677!


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Are any of y'all getting wicked back pumps from this???


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My hands go numb a lot more now. I readjust position and stretch a little and it's fine. Any of you notice this? The frequency has been high like 5x a day


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And does anybody know what's causing the hands to go numb?


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And does anybody know what's causing the hands to go numb?
I've had it. Same thing happens when you inject HGH. Just seems to be a side effect of high GH/IGF levels in the body. Maybe someone else here has a scientific explanation for it.
Just know that that means it's working - it's a good thing.


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I mostly notice it when sleeping. I sometimes get it during the day randomly. I think I asked the same question somewhere in here and someone had a response.. I'll try and find it.


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Water retention in joints putting pressure on the nerves? Just a guess, I can't find where I saw it before.


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Before I stopped it i started noticing that also that's when I was in 20 mgs.


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I've had it. Same thing happens when you inject HGH. Just seems to be a side effect of high GH/IGF levels in the body. Maybe someone else here has a scientific explanation for it.
Just know that that means it's working - it's a good thing.
Thanks, I do feel tightness in my muscles I don't know if it's pinching nerves/veins. I have to say it's there almost all day so it's probably more than 5x a day. I've dialed it back down to 20mg/day and it's working well. I think this is a good dose for me and my body is recomping well on a bulk.


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Water retention in joints putting pressure on the nerves? Just a guess, I can't find where I saw it before.
My water retention is a bit lower now that I'm running low carb + high protein. Sodium intake is also lower now too. I might push this to a tiny recomp before my full on bulk. Stacking this with eca tomorrow for preworkout only. We shall see how powerful MK is on cutting bf.


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Thanks, I do feel tightness in my muscles I don't know if it's pinching nerves/veins. I have to say it's there almost all day so it's probably more than 5x a day. I've dialed it back down to 20mg/day and it's working well. I think this is a good dose for me and my body is recomping well on a bulk.
So your losing bf while bulking you mean?


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Currently on the 3rd month of ghar1ne.I started at 10mg and now I'm taking 30mg Ed.Definetly huge pump in the gym and sleep is improved a lot.Keep your sodium intake low and you will not have this bloating effect(especially if you are bulking). Ghar1ne should be taken for at least 3 months as every GH segretagogue.Had bloodwork last week no sign of toxicity.


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Currently on the 3rd month of ghar1ne.I started at 10mg and now I'm taking 30mg Ed.Definetly huge pump in the gym and sleep is improved a lot.Keep your sodium intake low and you will not have this bloating effect(especially if you are bulking). Ghar1ne should be taken for at least 3 months as every GH segretagogue.Had bloodwork last week no sign of toxicity.


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So your losing bf while bulking you mean?
Started off bloated for the first 2 months then I tightened up the diet just a smidge. It's not that I'm losing bf, I'd say it minimized the fat gain. I've never been this conditioned at 180+lbs. Usually once I get past 175 I have a big gut and just fat, now it's more toned.

With that said I started running ec stack today because I have a feeling it will work nicely with MK. EC for accelerated fat loss and appetite control. I'll keep hitting about the same macros with just a slight lower carb intake on off days. I'll do this on a maintenance Cal intake.


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Currently on the 3rd month of ghar1ne.I started at 10mg and now I'm taking 30mg Ed.Definetly huge pump in the gym and sleep is improved a lot.
Was there a significant difference between 20 and 30. I'm on my 3rd month and was thinking about upping from 20 to 30. How's lethargy at 30?


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I wil be having back surgery in two weeks so will be using this as a helping hand for recovery


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For anyone experiencing lethargy, does it include brain fog?


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Was there a significant difference between 20 and 30. I'm on my 3rd month and was thinking about upping from 20 to 30. How's lethargy at 30?
Not much but you will definetly sleep more and better.No lethargy to me,just the first 2 weeks of ghar1ne I got some lethargy


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I'd say if you're feeling lethargic then for sure memory function goes out the window; )
Yeah, my brain feels sluggish a lot too, but not sure if it's from ceasing epiandro and my T levels not being right, or introducing mk.


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After stopping mk677 for awhile now I have noticed I can't stay up late like before anymore 11 o'clock comes I start falling asleep and by 12 I have to go to sleep, joints when u do high volume are back to hurting like before mk677.
just incase anyone was wondering.


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After stopping mk677 for awhile now I have noticed I can't stay up late like before anymore 11 o'clock comes I start falling asleep and by 12 I have to go to sleep, joints when u do high volume are back to hurting like before mk677.
just incase anyone was wondering.
It can be a placebo bro :)


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
Those getting lethargy, does this continue even if you dose pre bed? Does it carry to your next day?

I definitely get zero lethargy


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Those getting lethargy, does this continue even if you dose pre bed? Does it carry to your next day?

I definitely get zero lethargy
If u do get it then yeah pre bed or not.
if u don't get lethargy then u r one of the lucky ones:).
What brand u r using?


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My lethargy literally lasts 5 minutes out of bed. Credit it just to the deep sleep. Gone before my morning coffee is even done brewing. Perhaps a touch of it shows back up mid-day, and I definitely want to go to bed earlier. But not horrible lethargy like I've experienced from other compounds.

Mind, this is only at 10mg for a month. Not upping to 20 for another month.


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
Honestly it gave me more energy.
Compared to how run down I was before starting, adaptogens can work both ways and I guess I am on the lucky end of this.

Just finishing up a bag from a Canadian bulk supplier, will be switching to 8 week runs of the new Erase pro from now on though


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Its much like all the ghrp's for me. Even though it is oral same effect. The drowsiness lasts about 2-3 weeks then it goes away. For me it was a non issue as I take it pre bed anyway and I def dont wake up foggy or groggy. Well no more so than normal anyway!


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Good info here !!


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
Its much like all the ghrp's for me. Even though it is oral same effect. The drowsiness lasts about 2-3 weeks then it goes away. For me it was a non issue as I take it pre bed anyway and I def dont wake up foggy or groggy. Well no more so than normal anyway!
Yep I dosed pre bed and loved it too, but now I can take it anytime


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I'll throw my hat into the ring here with some feedback, despite being very early in my MK experience.

Tonight will be my 5th night of taking 10mg appx. 30-60 minutes before bed. I have not experienced any increased hunger worth noting. I have not experienced any bloating worth noting, and my sodium intake has been higher than normal the past week...damn pickled hot peppers.

What I have experienced is better sleep for sure. I have struggled with sleep for many years off and on and I can honestly say that MK makes it much easier for me to fall asleep and wake feeling more rested. I definitely have had more energy for the last few days. I have not experienced any lethargy at all. I will say though that the first couple of mornings it was harder to get out of bed as I felt I could sleep forever but that subsided within a few minutes of being up. As far as dreams go, I have always been one to have deep vivd dreams that I tend to remember. MK-677 has definitely heightened this experience for me. It's almost as if I am dreaming from the moment I fall asleep to the moment I wake up. Once I incorporate Huperzine-A into the mix, the dreaming should get even better. Hup-A is said to increase REM sleep by 20-30%.

Questions for those who are using Hup-A in conjuction with MK-677 and are also taking the MK pre-bed. Have you guys noticed any disruption in sleep? I have heard that Hup-A can have an energy boosting effect and I don't want to have that disrupt my sleep. I was thinking about taking 100 mcg pre-bed with MK and then another 100mcg grams in the morning upon waking. Any thoughts on this?

Also, is anybody cycling the Hup-A, as in 5 on/2 off or something similar? I think I remember reading that in this thread but I can't recall. I am thinking about doing that or even an EOD dosing protocol. All research indicates that it should not be used for long periods of time. I am planning on staying on MK-677 for atleast 6-8 months straight and maybe even up to a year depending on how things are going.


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I'll throw my hat into the ring here with some feedback, despite being very early in my MK experience.

Tonight will be my 5th night of taking 10mg appx. 30-60 minutes before bed. I have not experienced any increased hunger worth noting. I have not experienced any bloating worth noting, and my sodium intake has been higher than normal the past week...damn pickled hot peppers.

What I have experienced is better sleep for sure. I have struggled with sleep for many years off and on and I can honestly say that MK makes it much easier for me to fall asleep and wake feeling more rested. I definitely have had more energy for the last few days. I have not experienced any lethargy at all. I will say though that the first couple of mornings it was harder to get out of bed as I felt I could sleep forever but that subsided within a few minutes of being up. As far as dreams go, I have always been one to have deep vivd dreams that I tend to remember. MK-677 has definitely heightened this experience for me. It's almost as if I am dreaming from the moment I fall asleep to the moment I wake up. Once I incorporate Huperzine-A into the mix, the dreaming should get even better. Hup-A is said to increase REM sleep by 20-30%.

Questions for those who are using Hup-A in conjuction with MK-677 and are also taking the MK pre-bed. Have you guys noticed any disruption in sleep? I have heard that Hup-A can have an energy boosting effect and I don't want to have that disrupt my sleep. I was thinking about taking 100 mcg pre-bed with MK and then another 100mcg grams in the morning upon waking. Any thoughts on this?

Also, is anybody cycling the Hup-A, as in 5 on/2 off or something similar? I think I remember reading that in this thread but I can't recall. I am thinking about doing that or even an EOD dosing protocol. All research indicates that it should not be used for long periods of time. I am planning on staying on MK-677 for atleast 6-8 months straight and maybe even up to a year depending on how things are going.
I don't have all your answers, but Hup-A has a 24hr+ half life so you could dose Hup-A morning/afternoon vs pre-bed. The stimulartory effects are more acute and will wear off before bed if you take it early enough.

Hup-A should be cycled though, so you may want to look into cycling a few somatostatin inhibitors. I like melatonin and hup-a and would cycle those two.


Currently just started mk-677 yesterday. Have been taking Lgd for some time now. Does anyone know the best time of day to dose Mk? I've heard before bed and I've heard NOT before bed (as to not interfere with natural gh release) ...maybe morning or late afternoon?


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I don't have all your answers, but Hup-A has a 24hr+ half life so you could dose Hup-A morning/afternoon vs pre-bed. The stimulartory effects are more acute and will wear off before bed if you take it early enough.

Hup-A should be cycled though, so you may want to look into cycling a few somatostatin inhibitors. I like melatonin and hup-a and would cycle those two.
Thanks for the response. Despite it's half-life, all of the dosing schedules I have seen have suggested a twice daily routine. It may not matter though as I am not taking it for any other reason than cholinesterase inhibition. I usually like multiple daily dosing of supplements even with longer half-lives as I feel it helps to stabilize blood plasma levels more. I may have to experiment with this. Maybe even 100mcg to start, certainly while I am still at 10mg ED of MK-677.

It's interesting that you mention that stimulatory effects of Hup-A. I have read that as well but it may very well be person-dependent as it is often used to help sleep and increase REM sleep. It has been linked to insomnia with overuse though.

I will definitely cycle the Hup-A. Upon doing some more reading, I think I will try a 3 week on/1week off protocol at first. I may switch that up as I go, to a 2 wk. on/2 wk. off scehdule. I have a long history with melatonin, some good and some bad. I do think people greatly overuse the supplement and build up a tolerance to it. I take it on occasion now but I prefer to take it with 5-HTP and L-Theanine. I was not aware that it could help with cholinesterase inhibition. I will definitely do some more research on that and what other things I can take that would serve the same purpose.

For anyone that is interested, here are some links that reference some of what I have mentioned in my post, as well as some good reading on Huperzine-A.


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Thanks for the response. Despite it's half-life, all of the dosing schedules I have seen have suggested a twice daily routine. It may not matter though as I am not taking it for any other reason than cholinesterase inhibition. I usually like multiple daily dosing of supplements even with longer half-lives as I feel it helps to stabilize blood plasma levels more. I may have to experiment with this. Maybe even 100mcg to start, certainly while I am still at 10mg ED of MK-677.

It's interesting that you mention that stimulatory effects of Hup-A. I have read that as well but it may very well be person-dependent as it is often used to help sleep and increase REM sleep. It has been linked to insomnia with overuse though.

I will definitely cycle the Hup-A. Upon doing some more reading, I think I will try a 3 week on/1week off protocol at first. I may switch that up as I go, to a 2 wk. on/2 wk. off scehdule. I have a long history with melatonin, some good and some bad. I do think people greatly overuse the supplement and build up a tolerance to it. I take it on occasion now but I prefer to take it with 5-HTP and L-Theanine. I was not aware that it could help with cholinesterase inhibition. I will definitely do some more research on that and what other things I can take that would serve the same purpose.

For anyone that is interested, here are some links that reference some of what I have mentioned in my post, as well as some good reading on Huperzine-A.
I did a little write up on Hup-A on AM if you want to check it out. Has some more clinical studies referenced.


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It's definitely a good read. It's nice to see information (which is fragmented around the internet) combined into one source. Kudos for taking the initiative!


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I'll throw my hat into the ring here with some feedback, despite being very early in my MK experience.

Tonight will be my 5th night of taking 10mg appx. 30-60 minutes before bed. I have not experienced any increased hunger worth noting. I have not experienced any bloating worth noting, and my sodium intake has been higher than normal the past week...damn pickled hot peppers.

What I have experienced is better sleep for sure. I have struggled with sleep for many years off and on and I can honestly say that MK makes it much easier for me to fall asleep and wake feeling more rested. I definitely have had more energy for the last few days. I have not experienced any lethargy at all. I will say though that the first couple of mornings it was harder to get out of bed as I felt I could sleep forever but that subsided within a few minutes of being up. As far as dreams go, I have always been one to have deep vivd dreams that I tend to remember. MK-677 has definitely heightened this experience for me. It's almost as if I am dreaming from the moment I fall asleep to the moment I wake up. Once I incorporate Huperzine-A into the mix, the dreaming should get even better. Hup-A is said to increase REM sleep by 20-30%.

Questions for those who are using Hup-A in conjuction with MK-677 and are also taking the MK pre-bed. Have you guys noticed any disruption in sleep? I have heard that Hup-A can have an energy boosting effect and I don't want to have that disrupt my sleep. I was thinking about taking 100 mcg pre-bed with MK and then another 100mcg grams in the morning upon waking. Any thoughts on this?

Also, is anybody cycling the Hup-A, as in 5 on/2 off or something similar? I think I remember reading that in this thread but I can't recall. I am thinking about doing that or even an EOD dosing protocol. All research indicates that it should not be used for long periods of time. I am planning on staying on MK-677 for atleast 6-8 months straight and maybe even up to a year depending on how things are going.
Although my experience is pretty short too (4 weeks) I'll answer with my experiences. First of all, I love this stuff LOL. The better sleep definitely has me feeling more energetic, except for a brief moment or two throughout the day. I have had poor sleep for years as well.

The hunger for me increased about 2 weeks in. The bloat as well, but probably due also to eating a truck load of food. I tend to still wake up dry when I go to bed feel bloated all evening.

I added Hup A a couple weeks into it and feel like it actually hindered the sleep benefits. Dosing MK before bed, Hup A in the am. So I cut it out for a couple days and sleep returned to being great. But took the Hup A again on Sunday and slept great that night. So it's been back and forth with the sleep and addition of Hup.

Just now 4 weeks in at 10mg I feel the benefits are starting to show up in the gym. Maybe hard to single out to the MK, as I've been on a few products. But whatever, in conjunction it is going splendidly.


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Although my experience is pretty short too (4 weeks) I'll answer with my experiences. First of all, I love this stuff LOL. The better sleep definitely has me feeling more energetic, except for a brief moment or two throughout the day. I have had poor sleep for years as well.

The hunger for me increased about 2 weeks in. The bloat as well, but probably due also to eating a truck load of food. I tend to still wake up dry when I go to bed feel bloated all evening.

I added Hup A a couple weeks into it and feel like it actually hindered the sleep benefits. Dosing MK before bed, Hup A in the am. So I cut it out for a couple days and sleep returned to being great. But took the Hup A again on Sunday and slept great that night. So it's been back and forth with the sleep and addition of Hup.

Just now 4 weeks in at 10mg I feel the benefits are starting to show up in the gym. Maybe hard to single out to the MK, as I've been on a few products. But whatever, in conjunction it is going splendidly.
Great feedback.


Thanks man. Only thing is I'm taking innovapharm 1-gh 25mg fairly new to sarms and secretagouges. Thinking of running this for at least 4months though.


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Although my experience is pretty short too (4 weeks) I'll answer with my experiences. First of all, I love this stuff LOL. The better sleep definitely has me feeling more energetic, except for a brief moment or two throughout the day. I have had poor sleep for years as well.

The hunger for me increased about 2 weeks in. The bloat as well, but probably due also to eating a truck load of food. I tend to still wake up dry when I go to bed feel bloated all evening.

I added Hup A a couple weeks into it and feel like it actually hindered the sleep benefits. Dosing MK before bed, Hup A in the am. So I cut it out for a couple days and sleep returned to being great. But took the Hup A again on Sunday and slept great that night. So it's been back and forth with the sleep and addition of Hup.

Just now 4 weeks in at 10mg I feel the benefits are starting to show up in the gym. Maybe hard to single out to the MK, as I've been on a few products. But whatever, in conjunction it is going splendidly.
Awesome feedback. Thanks. I think I will start with 100mcg first thing in the morning and see how things play out.

I'll have to look out for bloat in the coming week or two as I like to eat truck loads of food too! Lol. As long as my face doesn't bloat, I don't usually worry about that too much as I am naturally lean and a bit of bloat is a good thing sometimes. The only time I worry about bloat is off cycle when I have an XL pizza and a hefty dose of beer in a rare weekend 'give no ****s evening'.

Like you I also tend to wake up dry no matter what I ate the previous day. It's a gift and a curse....

Let me know when you step up to 20mg a day. I was planning on doing that after 1 month but if I am going to be on MK for a while, I may extend that 10mg dose a bit longer.


What blood work will MK-677 effect? I'd like to start Ghar1ne but I'm have my bloods and PSA taken on the 17th. Will this skew the results?

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