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Stem cell promoter? I've read some awful things about them!


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My dad thinks I have sleep apnea, never been tested or anything but he has it and says I seem to have similar symptoms to him. Idk.
I'm taking 20mg MK daily currently and loving it. Sleep is very deep and i have plenty of energy during the day which isn't something I'm used to. First week or two I was napping every day because of the lethargy but that seems to be gone now.
I have always been a terible sleeper. I am 15 days in at 10mg/day and I dose 3-4 hours before I got to bed. It just seems to work perfect that way for me. Right before bed actually keeps me up for some reason. I get a very deep sleep, weird dreams, adn have also noticed the energy the next day. No naps at all and not even tired. Its been very nice to me so far. I am lucky and have had no lethargy but do get the hunger with it.


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Stem cell promoter? I've read some awful things about them!
Lot of pos & negs out there. Lot of personal agendas too. The one I always come back to is Stemtech, specifically SE3. It's a direct sell product and that fact alone can elicit a lot of eye rolling. If it was all snake oil it wouldn't last long. Like anything, not everyone will see benefit but my experience with & observations of their products over the last 3-4 years have proven to me there's a couple of very useful items in the range.


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I just started taking Ghar1ne 2 days ago at 10mg 1 hour prior to bed. Before starting it though, for the past couple weeks I've been falling asleep just fine, but wake up around 12am to 2am wide awake, have to take another 5g taurine or Valerian, and then it's hard to wake up at 5am for work. I was hoping the Ghar1ne would've helped this, but not yet.


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I just started taking Ghar1ne 2 days ago at 10mg 1 hour prior to bed. Before starting it though, for the past couple weeks I've been falling asleep just fine, but wake up around 12am to 2am wide awake, have to take another 5g taurine or Valerian, and then it's hard to wake up at 5am for work. I was hoping the Ghar1ne would've helped this, but not yet.
R u taking hup a?


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I just started taking Ghar1ne 2 days ago at 10mg 1 hour prior to bed. Before starting it though, for the past couple weeks I've been falling asleep just fine, but wake up around 12am to 2am wide awake, have to take another 5g taurine or Valerian, and then it's hard to wake up at 5am for work. I was hoping the Ghar1ne would've helped this, but not yet.
Also, another effect I'm noticing is extreme lethargy that lasts from about 11am to 1 or 2pm. The timing is weird, ~14 hours after dosing?


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I would say recovery is fairly noticeable sleep is the best when I dose hup a. When I don't dose hup a my sleep is not the same.
skin looks better I have personally noticed less cellulite since my bf is Lil high.
When do you dose the hup a? Morning or evening, with food or empty stomach?


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How long for the bloat to go away in most people?


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This how I dosed it
10 mg pre bed mk677
200 mcg hup a and 500 mg green tea
with hup a stable sleep
without hup a interrupted.
The hup a how is it taken? Pill or powder or other?

I have mk677 just haven't started taking it yet


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Lol I wouldn't say fat haha.
Jk bro, I'm bloated on MK myself and I'm at 30mg going on my 4th month I think. I just dropped to 20mg last night because my sleep hasn't been so good the past week. Last night I slept like a rock when I dropped back to 20mg stacked with melatonin. I always take melatonin with it but maybe I'll stick to 20mg for awhile here. I am getting g fatter though so that comment was towards myself.


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How bad is the bloating?
Pretty bad I would say, unless u have good control over ur diet :).
And goodvibes haha I stopped my mk677 and I have to say the most stable sleep so far since I started mk677, I feel like I get tired faster now that I stopped mk677.


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I gained 6 pounds in the first week and a half of Ghar1ne without changing calories at all.


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This how I dosed it
10 mg pre bed mk677
200 mcg hup a and 500 mg green tea
with hup a stable sleep
without hup a interrupted.
Went out and bought hup last night and took 100mcg immediately. Also picked up MRM Relax-All. Not sure if it was just adding in the hup or also because of taking 2 Relax-All, but last night was the most sound I've slept in months. I actually slept 6.5 hours straight. Amazing. But, now it's time to get up and I'm really fighting the urge to lay back down though lol.


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About MK and hungry...

Does MK only helps to get hungry or does it helps to digest that extra food?

Thing is, i struggle to get many kcals per day and if i force myself to eat, sometimes i feel like i will throw up and on the next day i wake up with a lot of gas. Furthermore, it seems the more i eat, the more i take a dump, not seeing a really increase in weight. I suffer from anxiety and i don´t know if it´s related or not.

I´m thinking about MK not only for general health purposes but for the hunger increase too. However i´m afraid that it only increases hunger but my body keeps to not handling those extra kcal so well and things get even worse. Particularly, the throw up feeling isn´t really nice.

I hope this question makes sense.


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About MK and hungry...

Does MK only helps to get hungry or does it helps to digest that extra food?

Thing is, i struggle to get many kcals per day and if i force myself to eat, sometimes i feel like i will throw up and on the next day i wake up with a lot of gas. Furthermore, it seems the more i eat, the more i take a dump, not seeing a really increase in weight. I suffer from anxiety and i don´t know if it´s related or not.

I´m thinking about MK not only for general health purposes but for the hunger increase too. However i´m afraid that it only increases hunger but my body keeps to not handling those extra kcal so well and things get even worse. Particularly, the throw up feeling isn´t really nice.

I hope this question makes sense.
High food intake can create problems with the gut. The gas may be a symptom of a sluggish digestive tract and the "more I take a dump" Is a big indicator that your food is passing through before being fully digested.

Couple of suggestions:
Eat veg first, then carb, then protein at meal times. Get that which breaks down quickest in there first.
Use Betaine HCL capsules with protein heavy meals, this will increase stomach acidity & help break that food up quicker. Digestive enzymes may also be useful.
Be conscious of what types of food produce what symptoms. Sometimes a little elimination dieting can elicit an "aha" moment & I find that dairy in meals is a big one for a lot of people. This also leads on to food sensitivities & allergies, wheat is another big no-no for a lot of people.

If the gut is inflamed due to food intolerances, you simply won't effectively digest everything, and will not absorb all that you need to. Same goes for people using antibiotics - kill off the good bacteria in the gut, upset symbiosis & you'll have a hard time gaining mass (besides water weight).

MK made me hungry initially, but that feeling wore off after a couple of weeks. Will it help you digest the extra food? Nope. Will it trigger demand for additional nutrients etc for growth & repair? Yes, but again, if your gut is compromised or unable to cope with the load on it then the success you have with MK may be limited.


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Research over the past few years has also shown links between impaired gut health & altered mental state. Allergens such as wheat may actually contribute to anxiety & depression, as we know sugar can do also. Please don't ask me to list references, i'd have to go back & dig through books & articles.
There's quite an amount of info out there now though, pertaining to the gut - brain (& immune system) health link. Google will produce results...and undoubtedly as many industry detractors from said published research information.


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Thanks a lot for your tips.

I have here DigestiMax from MyProtein which has the following composition:

Per Serving
Pancreatin 200 mg
Betaine HCL 200 mg
Papain 50 mg
Bromelain 50 mg
Papaya Fruit Powder 45 mg

I take one pill occasionally, but i admit, not on every meal neither every day. I´ll try to take 2 or 3 pills per day with the bigger meals regularly to see it it helps.

Meanwhile i already order these two products: "Schiff, Digestive Advantage, Intensive Bowel" and "Schiff, Digestive Advantage, Gas Defense" but i´m still waiting for them. They still are in the customs.

About allergens i´m struggling to reach a conclusion, but it seems (i´m still not sure) Oats and Whey (even with low lactose content) are two foods that causes more bloat and gas.

Oh, almost forgot to mention, i also take Black Hole from Controlled Labs, two pills, 3 or 4 times per week, before breakfast.


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Is anyone taking GDA's or anything similar to keep insulin sensitivity up while on mk? High GH levels reduce insulin sensitivity correct?


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Thanks a lot for your tips.

I have here DigestiMax from MyProtein which has the following composition:

Per Serving
Pancreatin 200 mg
Betaine HCL 200 mg
Papain 50 mg
Bromelain 50 mg
Papaya Fruit Powder 45 mg

I take one pill occasionally, but i admit, not on every meal neither every day. I´ll try to take 2 or 3 pills per day with the bigger meals regularly to see it it helps.

Meanwhile i already order these two products: "Schiff, Digestive Advantage, Intensive Bowel" and "Schiff, Digestive Advantage, Gas Defense" but i´m still waiting for them. They still are in the customs.

About allergens i´m struggling to reach a conclusion, but it seems (i´m still not sure) Oats and Whey (even with low lactose content) are two foods that causes more bloat and gas.

Oh, almost forgot to mention, i also take Black Hole from Controlled Labs, two pills, 3 or 4 times per week, before breakfast.
Drop the oats &/or whey, reduce the size of those main meals & be more selective with your food intake - type & quantity. You'll see an improvement, trust me. I did this many years ago, I now eat less for more gains. I simply am able to more effectively process the foods that i'm ingesting. I've also switched to Carnivor beef protein & find i'm feeling lighter in the gut & less sluggish for it vs whey based protein blends. Even low lactose can do damage & the gut is constantly in a state of repair, causing resources to be diverted to that & resulting in some tiredness, irritability & even discomfort. Wheat is a major no-no for me, I just gave up on bread entirely to save myself the hassle.


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I've determined the pump and bloat has started and its pretty awesome actually. Debating hard whether to increase to 20mg...


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I've determined the pump and bloat has started and its pretty awesome actually. Debating hard whether to increase to 20mg...
After u use it at least for a month go for it.
before that ur lethargy will hit harder, unless u r one of the lucky ones n don't experience lethargy.


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Is anyone taking GDA's or anything similar to keep insulin sensitivity up while on mk? High GH levels reduce insulin sensitivity correct?
I take cinnamon pills with chromium in them, and I have some other product that increases sensitivity as well, I don't take it regularly and don't remember what it's called. I will have to take a look when I get back to my apartment tomorrow night.


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After u use it at least for a month go for it.
before that ur lethargy will hit harder, unless u r one of the lucky ones n don't experience lethargy.
That's the thing, I had horrible lethargy the first 3 days, but it only lasted like 3 hours, twice a day and it's gone now. If I can adapt that quickly to a higher dose... I'll get to Gainesville that much quicker, amirite?


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That's the thing, I had horrible lethargy the first 3 days, but it only lasted like 3 hours, twice a day and it's gone now. If I can adapt that quickly to a higher dose... I'll get to Gainesville that much quicker, amirite?
well I used 10 mg for more than a month sleep started being ok then went for 20 mg n sleep got better again.
so my conclusion was that increasing dosage after ur not feeling same effects with 10 mg then go higher, will save u money too


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I did the suggested dose of 10mg for th r first month, 20mg for the second month then 30mg for the 3rd month. I'm back down to 20mg and what a big difference. It's been almost a week of dropping back down to 20mg and I've been sleeping great every night. Only downside are my hands fall asleep more often throughout the day. Nothing serious it's just a little numb at times. I hope all these good sleep translates to a better lifting week.

I'm up about 10 lbs+ eating everything in sight... I'm contemplating on a tiny calorie cut back soon.


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I did the suggested dose of 10mg for th r first month, 20mg for the second month then 30mg for the 3rd month. I'm back down to 20mg and what a big difference. It's been almost a week of dropping back down to 20mg and I've been sleeping great every night. Only downside are my hands fall asleep more often throughout the day. Nothing serious it's just a little numb at times. I hope all these good sleep translates to a better lifting week.

I'm up about 10 lbs+ eating everything in sight... I'm contemplating on a tiny calorie cut back soon.
Are you using huperzine as well?


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Have any females tried this? Or any dudes know any women who have tried it?

I think my girl would love it if she could handle the bloat...


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I did the suggested dose of 10mg for th r first month, 20mg for the second month then 30mg for the 3rd month. I'm back down to 20mg and what a big difference. It's been almost a week of dropping back down to 20mg and I've been sleeping great every night. Only downside are my hands fall asleep more often throughout the day. Nothing serious it's just a little numb at times. I hope all these good sleep translates to a better lifting week.

I'm up about 10 lbs+ eating everything in sight... I'm contemplating on a tiny calorie cut back soon.

Was 30 too much? Sleep got worse with 30 or too much lethargy? I am heading into week 4 and am bumping to 20 mg stating month 2...


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Was 30 too much? Sleep got worse with 30 or too much lethargy? I am heading into week 4 and am bumping to 20 mg stating month 2...
Sleep wasn't as good as the previous 2 months so I tried dropping down and it's more effective so far.


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I was thinking about buy a bottle of Ghar1ne to try, but now i read in the Olympus section that they stopped the production? Like so many other companies?

Whats going on? I still can get it in Europe (i suppose until stock lasts) but since the product has been discontinued, something doesn´t feel right here.


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I was thinking about buy a bottle of Ghar1ne to try, but now i read in the Olympus section that they stopped the production? Like so many other companies?

Whats going on? I still can get it in Europe (i suppose until stock lasts) but since the product has been discontinued, something doesn´t feel right here.
It's not because it doesn't work. I'd get it while you still can for a good price.


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Have any females tried this? Or any dudes know any women who have tried it?

I think my girl would love it if she could handle the bloat...
Not everybody experiences bloat, even at 30mg I didn't suffer from it. Lot of variables and differing reactions from person to person. One common thread though - start at 10mg ;-)


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It's not because it doesn't work. I'd get it while you still can for a good price.
Well.. the good price isn´t really an advantage because here in Europe it´s expensive. It costs more than $90 with shipping costs :(

So whats the reason? I think it isn´t a established law about it yet.


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Well.. the good price isn´t really an advantage because here in Europe it´s expensive. It costs more than $90 with shipping costs :(

So whats the reason? I think it isn´t a established law about it yet.
Even with 35% off at nutriverse? That would bring the price before shipping down to $45.50.
My understanding is that there is a pharma company with a patent on these drugs and they decided to issue a cease and desist order to all the big supp companies selling the products that contain these drugs.
There is no ban in the near future but it's always a possibility.


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Even with 35% off at nutriverse? That would bring the price before shipping down to $45.50.
My understanding is that there is a pharma company with a patent on these drugs and they decided to issue a cease and desist order to all the big supp companies selling the products that contain these drugs.
There is no ban in the near future but it's always a possibility.
Even with that discount is very risky because:

- Theres a chance of being seized by customs if the order cames from outside the EU
- Even if not seized, i have to pay about $10 + 23% of the total value of the product+shipping if the order exceeds around $40.

Thats very strange, because their UK website doesn´t work for a few weeks and even here in AM, their section is kinda "blocked"? I can´t post anything there.

And on the Olympus Labs section (not UK) someone asked about whats going on, someone said the official announcement will be out soon, but so far i think theres nothing. That thread was even closed...

I really was tempted to try Ghar1ne but all of this smell fishy.


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Even with that discount is very risky because:

- Theres a chance of being seized by customs if the order cames from outside the EU
- Even if not seized, i have to pay about $10 + 23% of the total value of the product+shipping if the order exceeds around $40.

Thats very strange, because their UK website doesn´t work for a few weeks and even here in AM, their section is kinda "blocked"? I can´t post anything there.

And on the Olympus Labs section (not UK) someone asked about whats going on, someone said the official announcement will be out soon, but so far i think theres nothing. That thread was even closed...

I really was tempted to try Ghar1ne but all of this smell fishy.
Not sure about the rest but why would your package be seized if there's nothing illegal in it? As far as I know MK-677 is not illegal to possess anywhere, at least not yet.


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Not sure about the rest but why would your package be seized if there's nothing illegal in it? As far as I know MK-677 is not illegal to possess anywhere, at least not yet.
Sometimes they like to complicate things... But even they wouldn´t seized it, the price will be not much different with the taxes... By my count the total would be around $80. It´s a common problem here. We try to avoid importing things above $40 because the taxes. Even if the declared value is lower, they asks for the paypal invoice and sometimes they even check the websites for the prices :(


Nagging injuries.
I have been on it a few days now, so far so good. No negative sides and I have noticed a slight increase in appetite .
I am at 10mg ed in the morning.

But I was wondering about all the nagging injuries that go away while on it. Do they come back when you get off it. I am planning a 4 month cycle at least.

Thanks much for any info on this.

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