Metroba tries out teh MMV3s

Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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I hear ya man. I get workout A.D.D. too. However, I only change stuff up once I'm getting stagnated. I've made the mistake of over-training, and I still do. I get into that mentality that I didn't do enough work, so I add more and more until it's too much, then wonder why I'm not gaining anymore. This thread has been one of the most informative ones I've read, and I always learn more every time I check back. Good log man. You guys are also offering top notch advice, thanks too!!
That is what i like about DC, as it prepares you for stagnation.. When you stagnate, you either cruise, or switch out the movement. But don't **** with the frame work.


Never enough
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i am cruising after this morning's workout. my right elbow is fubar, couldn't do reverse cable curls with 20lbs with the right arm. so i'm going to take probably 2 weeks totally off weights, do cardio daily at submaintenance and drop some fat. maybe even go full velocity diet, dunno for sure


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Good advice guys. Whatever I have been doing has been why fukc with it? :dunno:

On another note:
My lats are destroyed!!! I looooooove lat doms! They are so rare and I feel very accomplished! Also, Im noticing more growth! Also, I weighed myself at the grocery store yesterday and was 180 with cloths on!!! So that means I prob weight like 176-178. I'm amped about this! I was 171 at the beginning of my MMv3. DC truly works!

I got my weighted belts today and my PeptoPro and my Axis sh1t! Feels like Xmas over here!!


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Easy how long was your first phase for? Doesnt seem like you went that long.


Never enough
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today made 3 full rotations, so 36 days. I would have gone longer but with the elbow hurting this bad its kinda pointless.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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i am cruising after this morning's workout. my right elbow is fubar, couldn't do reverse cable curls with 20lbs with the right arm. so i'm going to take probably 2 weeks totally off weights, do cardio daily at submaintenance and drop some fat. maybe even go full velocity diet, dunno for sure
Sounds like a plan. I wouldn't go too crazy cutting cals during this time, as you could use them. Not saying don't cut them, but the velocity diet, depending on how you respond(i think i remember you have done it before) may leave you coming out of the cruise not fully recovered, and feeling week.

I am needing to cruise myself, i am starting to feel drained, and i am still beating the log book, but by much less of a margin..

I am going on vacation in 3 weeks, so i am trying to tough it out till then, then take my cruise.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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Good advice guys. Whatever I have been doing has been why fukc with it? :dunno:

On another note:
My lats are destroyed!!! I looooooove lat doms! They are so rare and I feel very accomplished! Also, Im noticing more growth! Also, I weighed myself at the grocery store yesterday and was 180 with cloths on!!! So that means I prob weight like 176-178. I'm amped about this! I was 171 at the beginning of my MMv3. DC truly works!

I got my weighted belts today and my PeptoPro and my Axis sh1t! Feels like Xmas over here!!
LOL.. glad you got all your stuff.. I ordered a set of wrist straps, and they shipped yesterday, but wont be here till the 30th! 7 ****ing days.. GO UPS!!

Don't **** with it. **** works, as laid out, period. Don't second guess your self, and have unrealistic short term goals, that you think you aren't meeting. Just make sure you are eating correctly(enough), beating the log book, and the rest will fall into place.


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You speak truth my friend :cheers:

btw sent you a PM


Never enough
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yeah, tough call as to what exactly i'll do. I may drop cals some and just do an hour of cardio a day instead of velocity. just I happen to have around 20lbs of whey and 8lbs of beef isolate handy right now, which is plenty for a v-diet. I might just do the hi/low days though, as that seemed to work decently.

bad part is theres an ice cream eating contest at the store up the street tomorrow, hmmm
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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yeah, tough call as to what exactly i'll do. I may drop cals some and just do an hour of cardio a day instead of velocity. just I happen to have around 20lbs of whey and 8lbs of beef isolate handy right now, which is plenty for a v-diet. I might just do the hi/low days though, as that seemed to work decently.

bad part is theres an ice cream eating contest at the store up the street tomorrow, hmmm
lol.. mmm, ice cream.

How many calories are you currently eating? And have you been losing/gaining/or maintaining BF?

How does that PB flavor taste?


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Good advice guys. Whatever I have been doing has been why fukc with it? :dunno:

On another note:
My lats are destroyed!!! I looooooove lat doms! They are so rare and I feel very accomplished! Also, Im noticing more growth! Also, I weighed myself at the grocery store yesterday and was 180 with cloths on!!! So that means I prob weight like 176-178. I'm amped about this! I was 171 at the beginning of my MMv3. DC truly works!

I got my weighted belts today and my PeptoPro and my Axis sh1t! Feels like Xmas over here!!
Not to bust your chops too much... but re-read what you wrote. You're really giving DC all the credit for the weight gain while you were on a hormone? :lol:


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haha no doubt MMV3 gave me some weight but I had gained like 1lb before I started the DC, which was about 3 weeks into the cycle..just sayin :dunno:


Never enough
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i have been non-tracking cals, but i'd approximate it at 3000+ workout days, under 2000 non, with no cardio. more or less stable on scale (varying from 204-207) while noticeably loosing bf. vascularity continues to go up, definition too. I can see where top 4 abs will be, veins at least slightly raised on bis all the time, and usually pretty well raised. I stopped the hard tracking as I figured while doing this it was more important that I eat enough to feel good, and screw whether I was really gaining or loosing weight for the short term at least.


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haha no doubt MMV3 gave me some weight but I had gained like 1lb before I started the DC, which was about 3 weeks into the cycle..just sayin :dunno:
Just to clarify MM gave me killler strength gains and I think this is where the stuff shines..and I did lean out a bit on the stuff...but I started eating more after the cycle to maintain my gains. So that also contributes to some weight gain.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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i have been non-tracking cals, but i'd approximate it at 3000+ workout days, under 2000 non, with no cardio. more or less stable on scale (varying from 204-207) while noticeably loosing bf. vascularity continues to go up, definition too. I can see where top 4 abs will be, veins at least slightly raised on bis all the time, and usually pretty well raised. I stopped the hard tracking as I figured while doing this it was more important that I eat enough to feel good, and screw whether I was really gaining or loosing weight for the short term at least.
Good stuff. Good luck with the cruise. Just try and come back recovered, and refreshed.

Once you get to your desired body fat, do you plan to add mass, while keeping bodyfat close to that point?


Never enough
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dunno really, depends on what I look like then, I think i'm fairly close to where I want to be. maybe add a little more to the biceps + forearms but not a lot. I never wanted to be huge, just greek statue proportions :)


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Today's dosing:

Pre w/o - 1.5 scoops Smash, 8 Hemo (decided to start it today) :D, 1 tab T-911 (have 2 days left)
Intra w/o - 2.5g BA, 1 scoop Vassive, 5g Pepto Pro

Post w/o - 5g Pepto Pro

A lot of supps here haha...not IC a lot but a lot stuff here. I have 2 days left of T-911 and I will give a review of it and MMV3. SLIN I have about a week or so left of. The pepto dissolves completely. It does have a bit of a bitter taste to it but its not anything us supp junkies cant handle. I do get a little energy/rush after drinking it. I feel it did benefit me today in the gym as I felt strong throughout. But I did feel a little bleh today. I'm sure it was the absense of Slingshot. I def dig the slingshot more right now. It has carbs in it so I recover faster and feel more energized. I got a nice little pump today but nothing that hemo really contributed to. It will take about a week before I start seeing the Hemo magic!

The w/o-
1. Warmed up scap and did stretches
2. EZ bar curls - switched over the non fixed ez bar so I could move up in increments of 5lbs. Upped weight by 5lbs. Working set: 105x6-4-3=13; will stick at this weight
3. Seated hammers - 30x8, 50x16 (+2 reps)
4. stretch for 60 seconds
5. Seated calves - working: 145x8
6. stretch for 60 seconds
7. Good mornings - went up 10lbs on working. Last time I did 125x8. Today I did 135x10! I felt so badass with those 45's on my back! Will up weight to 140 next time.
8. Squats - last I did 205x7. I meant to throw 2.5lbs on each side and try 210 but I think I threw 5's on. Im not really sure. So Im just gonna say I did 210 for 6. Through 10lbs more on and did 220x2, then a widow of 170 which is 5lbs higher than last time.
9. Ham stretch w/ 110 for 60 seconds
10. Quad stretch for 60 seconds

Did things a little different today. Imprez gave me the idea of warming up with 6 reps, instead of my usual 10 reps. Im not entirely sure how I feel about it. I think I may bump them up to 8. It made things a little confusing becuase I warm up with 6 but I have to stay above 6 for my working set on Squats. So 8-10 seems to be the better # to stick with. The way I have been doing it is, I will get x amount of weight for 6-7 reps and then attempt to get 10 with it next time. Then I will up the weight. So that is why I had that funny 2 rep set today. I will not be doing 220 next time until I get 210 for 10. I liked it better that way. I have been moving up in increcements of 10lbs on squat for the last month, month and half and I think Im finally coming to a plateau. So I will be moving up in 5lb increments from now on. Rockin workout today! I have upped my Squat by 35lbs in 3 months and this gives me huge sense of accomplishment and only makes me want more!

Irish Cannon

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I've been treating more warmups almost as a working set. I do 3 heavy warmups in the 10-15 rang, then give myself a decent rest (2-3mins) to recover so I can hit a heavy load for my RP set. I don't know if that's DC-enough for you, but just giving you ideas.


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Thats exactly how I was doing it. I was going as high as 10 reps. Im gonna go back to doing it this way. I dont like it any lower except for my working set.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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Seems like you are maybe using too heavy of a weight for your warm up sets or something.

Whatever works for you DO IT, the only real "rule" or "belief" is that your warm-ups should not be effecting your Working sets.

For me, if i am benching 225 for instance, by the time i get to warm up with 205 x 10-15, that is more or less a working set for me.

If i go 135 x 6-7, 185 x 6-7, 205 x 6-7 on all warmup sets, i am coming short of failure by a good margin.


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I agree with Imprez.

I've noticed if I push myself too hard on the warm ups, I first lose some strength, but more importantly I lose that focus. With my warm ups I just try to let the muscle know what is going on by getting a good deep stretch and slowing my reps down. But if I have to work too hard on it, I feel like my first set of my RP set is hit or miss, concerning intense focus, especially after the first few exercises.


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My warmups/working sets for Squats typically look like this:


working: 210x6-10

You guys think that looks right?
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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My warmups/working sets for Squats typically look like this:


working: 210x6-10

You guys think that looks right?
It looks fine, if it works for Honestly, this is very individual. It is like asking me "how long should i blast" only you know.

I think squats are a bit different IMO. 10 seems more reasonable for something like squats. But for the majority of muscle groups, doing a high rep, warm up, with a weight that is close to you working set, may impact your RP set.

How light does 135 feel for you? See, if it was me, i would prob go 135 x 6-7, 185 x 6-7, then throw on 205 and let er rip.

I agree with Imprez.

I've noticed if I push myself too hard on the warm ups, I first lose some strength, but more importantly I lose that focus. With my warm ups I just try to let the muscle know what is going on by getting a good deep stretch and slowing my reps down. But if I have to work too hard on it, I feel like my first set of my RP set is hit or miss, concerning intense focus, especially after the first few exercises.
Yes sir!

I'd rep you if i could. I guess i don't give reps to anyone, but people in this


NutraPlanet Rep
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My warmups/working sets for Squats typically look like this:


working: 210x6-10

You guys think that looks right?
I think that is too much volume for a warmup. I usually do a "light" set then stretch, "middle" set then stretch then kill my muscles.


Never enough
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so my elbow was so sore I couldn't work so what did i do? go get a new tattoo :)


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I would probably go 95x15,135x8,185x5 and 210 RP. But like Imprez said, it is all relative to what you feel is right and gets you ready to blast it.

Easy, is that Egyptian? That is wild looking!
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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I would probably go 95x15,135x8,185x5 and 210 RP. But like Imprez said, it is all relative to what you feel is right and gets you ready to blast it.

Easy, is that Egyptian? That is wild looking!
AZ- Just curious, as to how your views/practices on "warming up" has changed as you have gotten older?

Nice! You have definitely leaned up as well. Good work..


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AZ- Just curious, as to how your views/practices on "warming up" has changed as you have gotten older?
Same warm-up, just add Geritol. :laugh2:

Just playin' AZ...


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I agree with Imprez.

I've noticed if I push myself too hard on the warm ups, I first lose some strength, but more importantly I lose that focus. With my warm ups I just try to let the muscle know what is going on by getting a good deep stretch and slowing my reps down. But if I have to work too hard on it, I feel like my first set of my RP set is hit or miss, concerning intense focus, especially after the first few exercises.
I agree, I have been treating warmups to what they are, warmups. I purely concrentrate on technique, and mind/muscle connection. I make sure it doesn't wear me oout but blood flow is to the area and squeezing that contraction hard.


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AZ- Just curious, as to how your views/practices on "warming up" has changed as you have gotten older?

This is funny...about 35 yrs ago I did not know what warming up was in highschool. I would just get under the bar cold and see what I could do. But for the last 20-30 years I have always had a good grasp of getting myself nice and warmed up before pushing anything heavy. I think the weight jumps in the warm ups are closer as I have aged though.

Same warm-up, just add Geritol. :laugh2:

Just playin' AZ...

Best pre w/o secret there is!!


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interesting discussion on warm-ups. I usually keep my warm up sets from 6-8 reps and usually 2 or so warm up sets.


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Pretty much what Texas does for me. For some odd reason though, the guys in my gym who just "Grip and rip it" never seem to get injured, funny how that works. I stretch a decent amount between my warm up sets too, especially shoulders and chest.


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Okay Im convinced..Ill change up my numbers and bit and see how it goes. Btw Im into my 6th week of DC now and I'm not feeling run down yet :head: Hopefully I can take this another 4 weeks or so before a cruise. I am looking forward to a change up tho. It looks like my lower pecs are coming in more than my upper and I need to put some focus on them soon. I will for my next few workouts post all my numbers including warmups. So you guys can better see whats going on. If you think something needs to be changed let me know and Ill make the adjustments. Thanks for the help doods. Im making a lot of progress, and I know I wouldnt be where I am now without your guys help. :cheers:

Nice tat, Easy ;)


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Btw, I can already see increased recovery from Pepto. I was in DOMSnation when I woke up this morning. I decided, what the hell, and took 5g of Pepto before my first meal. DOMS have already gone down what feels like 50%! Good things happening here!


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what is this about pepto? Please explain, and pepto bismal ? I am in DOMS hell right now between biceps, lats, and legs. It is really bugging me.


Never enough
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pepto-pro protein from trueprotein. its a specially hydrolyzed casein if i recall


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Okay so today is the last day of PCT. Now its time to put up some reviews for you guys.

MMv3: Strength is what stood out the most for me. Some other things I experienced with it was muscle hardness and endurance. I was eating a little over maintenance calls to see if I could get a bit of a "recomp" effect with it. I had gained a 1-3 lbs (it varied by the day) into my third week. That is when I had introduced DC. Now these mixed together just through the weight on. I had also bumped up cals about 300 more to help with recovery and growth. At the end of my run I had gained 5lbs total! Now before I get jumped on, I dont attribute most of those gains JUST to DC. DC got me onto the path of more gains, but MMv3 allowed me to make bigger jumps in reps and weight furthering my progressing more than if I had just been on DC alone.
What else did I notice from MMv3?
  • A tempory increase in Libido
  • Fat Loss
  • Minor aggression
  • Focus
  • Intensity
  • Minimal lethargy which I believe was caused from more intense workouts
  • and no negative sides whatsoever
This was my second run with T-911. The first time I had run it, it was not for PCT. It was just to see what the stuff could do. My test levels were normal. So right away I had noticed huge increases in strength. Now taking this into PCT, I did not have huge increases in strength. I did go up in reps/weight tho :D. What T-911 did for me, this go around, was recover me while maintaining and then some my strength and weight. After every cycle I have done, I have lost about 25%, if not more of my strength into PCT. Not this time. I kept everything I made with MMv3 and then built on top of that. It was hands down the best PCT, I ever went through. I had very little if any shutdown from MMv3. So it wasnt long before I noticed my boys plump and swinging. They actually got much larger than pre-cycle. :lol: Libido was INCREDIBLY high for about 2 weeks and then leveled off. I kid you not, every single night/morning of this PCT, I have woken up with wood that you could hang line cloths with. It was the most pleasant PCT I have ever gone through as well as my girlfriend. ;) :hump:

I have not decided whether or not I will run MMv3 again because Im thinking I am done with PH's/designers. Im thinking in about a year, I will be moving on to bigger things...ahem Test prop :D. We will see. I am researching and will be getting blood test/checkups before/after if anything like this occurs. If it wasn't for this decision, I would absolutely FOR SURE run MMv3/T-911 again. Props to LG for making such an awesome products that works and produce gains that stick! Also a big thanks to all you guys that stuck with me through this to maximize my gains and put me onto the path of building a better/stronger/faster body! :cheers:

I will be making another log that is a sequal to my "Kitchen Sink Log" that will continue my progress with DC as well the Cocktail of supps that I will be using :lol:. Hope you all join me and push me even further than you already have!


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Nice reviews Met!


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It looks fine, if it works for Honestly, this is very individual. It is like asking me "how long should i blast" only you know.

I think squats are a bit different IMO. 10 seems more reasonable for something like squats. But for the majority of muscle groups, doing a high rep, warm up, with a weight that is close to you working set, may impact your RP set.

How light does 135 feel for you? See, if it was me, i would prob go 135 x 6-7, 185 x 6-7, then throw on 205 and let er rip.

Yes sir!

I'd rep you if i could. I guess i don't give reps to anyone, but people in this
Sorry but the proper way to warm up looks nothing like that...

You want to accomplish 2 things, first loosen up the tendons then get the nervous system ready.

One high rep warm up with really light weight like say 95 for 15-20 then maybe one with 135 for a few reps then from there it is all about the nervous system which means 1-2 reps max just to get accustomed to the weight. This will leave a lot more strength in you.
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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Sorry but the proper way to warm up looks nothing like that...

You want to accomplish 2 things, first loosen up the tendons then get the nervous system ready.

One high rep warm up with really light weight like say 95 for 15-20 then maybe one with 135 for a few reps then from there it is all about the nervous system which means 1-2 reps max just to get accustomed to the weight. This will leave a lot more strength in you.
The proper way huh? the proper way for WHO? YOU?

There are countless different opinions on warm-ups. Do what works for you, and i will stick to what keeps me injury free, and works for me.


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according to strength and conditioning studies - the best way to maximize strength output is to simply prepare the nervous system without engaging the muscle glycogen ect...
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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according to strength and conditioning studies - the best way to maximize strength output is to simply prepare the nervous system without engaging the muscle glycogen ect...
That is great.. Yet there are still world class powerlifters/athletes/bodybuilders not using that scheme.

Honestly, i get irritated when people throw out studies(link the study as well please), as i can find you THOUSANDS of contradicting studies. Study x says y is bad. Study z says y is good. Which is it?

Studies have merit, but are not the end all be all. You have to look at real world results IMO.

FWIW i do sort of a hybrid of that. I do, do, 1-2 rep set to acclimate to the weight, right before my working set.

I am not saying you are wrong, but that it is your opinion on warm ups. Not some textbook fact.


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I would absolutely looooooove to see an Imprez DC workout log. It would be epic!
Frank Reynolds

Frank Reynolds

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In addition, JR, would you warm up the same to do a 12 rep set, as you would for a 1rm? Would a guy with a 500lb bench warm up the same as a guy with a 135lb bench?

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