KLEEN's Competition Prep - From bleak to FREAK in 20 weeks!



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Okay sorry today has been a very busy day for me. So I will make this one short on words. Everything seems to be going well, just started my carb cycling and am on the Mechabol now. Here are my last two workouts plus I have been doing HIIT on my off days.





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Okay now that I got those up my weight this morning was 202.8 down from 204.1 so the scale is on it's way down and I won't have any more cheats for a while so I expect to see the weight really coming off. These pics don't tell the same story I am seeing in the mirror I am very vascular, my abs look better and my arms and shoulders are really looking good. Don't get me wrong the pics do show improvement but not what I was hoping to see. You can definitely see it in my legs, and my shoulders and arms but my abs don't seem to pop as much. I think it had a little to do with different lighting but either way this coming week will be better since we are carb cycling now. I respond very well to that. I think the place you can see the leaning the most though is my legs, the striations in the "almost ab shot" She took it when I got my leg flexed but before I tightened my abs all the way. Other than that my arms look bigger, and my shoulders are really coming out as you can see in my Rear Double Biceps shot. Back looks a little tighter too. Ah hell I am being hard on myself saying I am displeased when I can list this much that has improved.

7-22-13 202.8 relaxed.jpg

7-22-13 202.8 flexed post.jpg

7-22-13 202.8 legs.jpg


hmm those attachments don't seem to work for me bro..and I am on pc
everything sounds good tho..methylclostebol should do some good things with you..dosing?


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hmm those attachments don't seem to work for me bro..and I am on pc
everything sounds good tho..methylclostebol should do some good things with you..dosing?
Right now I am at 100mg a day, will see how things go and how I feel. Using AEGIS, and TALOS right now for supports so I don't foresee any problems. I also have a few bottles of bulk TUDCA and Liv52 so my liver is squared away. I will take baby aspirin if I notice any BP issues but I don't expect any rise that would be of a concern. Also fish oils and what not as usual to keep lipids in check.


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Are your lats supposed to touch your quads like that? Jes?s Christo.


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snagency2.0 Thanks for the heads up I fixed the pics.

Are your lats supposed to touch your quads like that? Jes?s Christo.
Haha remember a little while back I was talking about there being a benefit to not have an actual waist. That was it!


there we go, much better - and, looking great, as I figured ;)
on the dosing: you keeping in the alpha and/or andro as well right?


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Eeeeeesh! Better by the week homie!


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there we go, much better - and, looking great, as I figured ;)
on the dosing: you keeping in the alpha and/or andro as well right?
For right now it is out so I have some to dose when I am done with the methyl I have a limited amount so I figured while on the methyl I would drop that and then add it back in the last week of Mechabol. Although I am replacing the 1-Alpha with my MAX PUMP!!!! I figure the extra pump and endurance will help me power through my workouts even more while we are cutting back the cals.

I will be getting in 2440 a day with the new plan and 2 refeeds a week with 2875 cals that day. We will stick with this for a while and see where it gets me. I foresee some quick cuts coming on however my overall carbs will be dropping dramatically so we can expect a good 4-5 lb drop in the next 7-10 days before it stabilizes maybe even more... Just glycogen and water but still I am putting it out there so if or should I say when I come in under 200 on my next weigh in it isn't a shock to anyone.


food plan sounds pretty solid..i have kept in some sort of combo of alpha/andro the entire time, and will do so all the way thru, altering dosage here & there; may switch to all alpha at the end, will see
don't skimp on this bro! remember the potential quality of guys you may face..everything should be on point, at all times


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Damn Kleen, every time you post updated pics I am blown away. Your quads are huge.. you seem to be getting bigger/more defined day by day... keep killing it my friend!

Also, a quick thanks, because I am learning a fair bit following you.


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food plan sounds pretty solid..i have kept in some sort of combo of alpha/andro the entire time, and will do so all the way thru, altering dosage here & there; may switch to all alpha at the end, will see
don't skimp on this bro! remember the potential quality of guys you may face..everything should be on point, at all times
Definitely not skimping, I may add in some at a lower dose. I just need to see what I have available right now it looks like a bridge but I will have a look into my stash and see if I don't have an extra bottle lying around. Seems like I should have had one more than I see in my cupboard.

Damn Kleen, every time you post updated pics I am blown away. Your quads are huge.. you seem to be getting bigger/more defined day by day... keep killing it my friend!

Also, a quick thanks, because I am learning a fair bit following you.
Thanks Brother! I am being hyper critical of myself so it is good to hear from someone who isn't being and sees the changes more easily. You are more than welcome as far as the learning. I hope anyone in my logs or posts can learn a little something I am always looking to learn myself.


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Looking awesome my friend. Weekly changes are very evident!!!!



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Okay now that I got those up my weight this morning was 202.8 down from 204.1 so the scale is on it's way down and I won't have any more cheats for a while so I expect to see the weight really coming off. These pics don't tell the same story I am seeing in the mirror I am very vascular, my abs look better and my arms and shoulders are really looking good. Don't get me wrong the pics do show improvement but not what I was hoping to see. You can definitely see it in my legs, and my shoulders and arms but my abs don't seem to pop as much. I think it had a little to do with different lighting but either way this coming week will be better since we are carb cycling now. I respond very well to that. I think the place you can see the leaning the most though is my legs, the striations in the "almost ab shot" She took it when I got my leg flexed but before I tightened my abs all the way. Other than that my arms look bigger, and my shoulders are really coming out as you can see in my Rear Double Biceps shot. Back looks a little tighter too. Ah hell I am being hard on myself saying I am displeased when I can list this much that has improved.

<img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=85626"/>

<img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=85624"/>

<img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=85625"/>
Your legs are amazing....holy shyt....

Don't worry about the pics, improvements are definitely there. And a good excuse to take some more;)


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Yah legs are looking large Chris...


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Looking beastly Kleen! Just wanted to chime in to say how much we all appreciate a good prep log. It's inspiring and motivational to see all the effort and work as well as to see the changes take place in real time not just the before and after.


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Your quad sweep is incredible Chris. Looking good man, totally on track as I knew you would be!!


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Looking awesome my friend. Weekly changes are very evident!!!!

Thanks Bean, I am giving it hell!
Your legs are amazing....holy shyt....

Don't worry about the pics, improvements are definitely there. And a good excuse to take some more;)
Thanks, I am really expecting this weeks to be way more obvious. I should be dry as a bone and leaner.
Yah legs are looking large Chris...
Thanks I think I have added some mass on them buggers...

Looking beastly Kleen! Just wanted to chime in to say how much we all appreciate a good prep log. It's inspiring and motivational to see all the effort and work as well as to see the changes take place in real time not just the before and after.
YOu are very welcome Sir! It is easy to keep things tracked here and great having an extra 20 sets of eyes letting me know what they see.
Your quad sweep is incredible Chris. Looking good man, totally on track as I knew you would be!!
Thanks Luke! My coach is thinking we should be really close to ready around the 4 week mark. I would love that, gives a little time to fill back up into a FREAK!

So this morning I did better on some things and a little less on others but I know exactly why so it is not bothering me one bit.

Here is the way the lift went down.

7-23-13 Chest-Shoulders-Triceps.jpg

The only thing that really went down was the incline bench press. However I know exactly why this went down. Not sure if you remember but on Saturday I did several extra sets of heavy high rep partial shoulder press. So my shoulders were a little more beat down than usual going into the chest work. On top of that I pushed really hard to get the extra rep on the Hammer Strength Wide Chest Press so chest was already basically whooped.

All in all a very good workout and I am excited to see what happens throughout the week as I enter ketosis or very close to it for at least the next two weeks. I will be bumping up the carbs for a moderate refeed on leg day and back day since these are the largest body parts. This puts me at a Monday and Thursday refeeds without any rearranging of the workout which is actually pretty nice.

I just came back in a little bit ago from doing some outside cardio followed by LISS. I did Hill Sprints and then walked at a fast pace for 30 minutes before walking back to the office slowly to cool down a bit. On the way back in I looked in the elevator mirrors and I had veins going all the way across the back of my triceps. I had not seen these in a little while so I know good things are happening.


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Looking beastly Kleen! Just wanted to chime in to say how much we all appreciate a good prep log. It's inspiring and motivational to see all the effort and work as well as to see the changes take place in real time not just the before and after.


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This morning I did 5 minute warm up and 20 minutes HIIT on stairmill then went to the treadmill and walked for 25 minute at 3mph on an incline keeping heart rate around 130 with a 5 minute cool down. Total calorie burn was 660 cals. I did take some BCAA SAA prior to the HIIT to make sure I was not in danger of catabolism and keep cortisol in check. Also had a little in the half gallon of water I had to drink from.

After cardio I did drawbridges, 10, 10, 6 and ab wheel 2 sets of 15 alternating each rep between middle and the sides. I finished abs off with two sets of 50 crunches got changes and headed home. My clothes were drenched with sweat by the way and so was the towel I had to wipe myself and the equipment. About to have meal number 2, meal number one was 11 egg whites seasoned up with cilantro, habanaro sauce, salt and ground pepper corn and 3.5 oz avacado.


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This morning I did 5 minute warm up and 20 minutes HIIT on stairmill then went to the treadmill and walked for 25 minute at 3mph on an incline keeping heart rate around 130 with a 5 minute cool down. Total calorie burn was 660 cals. I did take some BCAA SAA prior to the HIIT to make sure I was not in danger of catabolism and keep cortisol in check. Also had a little in the half gallon of water I had to drink from.

After cardio I did drawbridges, 10, 10, 6 and ab wheel 2 sets of 15 alternating each rep between middle and the sides. I finished abs off with two sets of 50 crunches got changes and headed home. My clothes were drenched with sweat by the way and so was the towel I had to wipe myself and the equipment. About to have meal number 2, meal number one was 11 egg whites seasoned up with cilantro, habanaro sauce, salt and ground pepper corn and 3.5 oz avacado.


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Double post for the win.


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I did abs last night 17 wheel of death :)

Looks like the Finaflex Freaks are going to be well represented this fall... going to be a lot a freaky pics flyin around. I may make a collage of the 3 of us....we're all so on the money this year.


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I did abs last night 17 wheel of death :)

Looks like the Finaflex Freaks are going to be well represented this fall... going to be a lot a freaky pics flyin around. I may make a collage of the 3 of us....we're all so on the money this year.
Spank material? I figured you to be too old to rub one out.


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Double post for the win.
I may just want to reiterate, the redundancy of my cyclical repetitiveness without, rewording or rephrasing. Therefor the choice to recite my prior iteration was via replication. Then again my justification for the duplication may be an error in my browser application...
Maybe he did all of that twice, smart ass.
Yeah SUCKA! What he said! Or Maybe... Oh don't make me repeat myself... :D
Go eat some carbopol.
HUH? Had to look that up.
Go do a science project
He IS a science project!
I did abs last night 17 wheel of death :)

Looks like the Finaflex Freaks are going to be well represented this fall... going to be a lot a freaky pics flyin around. I may make a collage of the 3 of us....we're all so on the money this year.
Nice 17 is legit. Yeah we should all be killing it this year!
Spank material? I figured you to be too old to rub one out.
Are you saying he is so old he sometimes mistakes his foreskin for his scrotum? That's just mean!

Now that is some funny shyte!


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Nice 17 is legit. Yeah we should all be killing it this year!
I think that's my record using my current method, I used to come all the way back up and roll out but now I make sure the wheel never comes off the ground so there is no way to rest between reps and this is quite a bit harder.


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I still need to try these.. that said, I need to get me an ab wheel first.. lol
I love them, I commited to being proficient at them a couple years back and it wasn't easy but now I can really kick azz but it's still not easy :)


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Morning everyone!

So this morning I had a great workout, the lack of carbs as of late reared it's ugly head toward the end of my biceps workout but that is to be expected. At least while my body is becoming more accustomed to being in a state of basic keto. Today is my refeed day so I get to take in 250 grams of carbs today. Some of which are sitting here before me as we speak. I may end up just changing things on my next day to only really having the carbs just before bed, or having a portion of them post workout then saving the bulk of them to an evening refeed meal. For now going to see how this works out.

Here is my workout log I will go over some of it below the picture as I do like to expound on a few things not only for you all but for myself as well. I tend to use my logs as a reference point of how things were going at a certain time.

_7-25-13 back and biceps.jpg

Workout Notes:

Meadows Rows
- I went up 5 lbs on my last set and honestly I felt I may have been able to go even heavier which is impressive as they were very hard last week at 5 lbs less.
Dumbell Dead Stop Rows - Again I went up 5 lbs although unsure if I would be able to get all reps and again I crushed it! I will definitely be going heavier next time around.
Fascia Stretch, this is really hurting my wrists before I can complete the stretches. I must go get some soft wraps instead of my versa grips.
Stretchers - I went up 15 lbs on this one and had to do a couple tiny pauses after rep 10 and 11 to make it to 12. Set felt great, nice deep stretch and tight contraction in finish postion!
Heavy Partial Pull Downs BOOM BIATCH!!! Yeah that is how this one went. I started 15 lbs heavier and finished 20 lbs heavier at 270x8 - MAJOR lat and upper back pump after this!
Supported Wide Grip Rows Elbows High I went up 30 lbs on the last set and only lost 1/4 rep. Felt great and really pushed it here!
Dumbbell Shrugs 3 second hold at top - I stayed with the same weight here because of how hard it was to complete last time. Next week I am confident that going up in weight will not be a problem.

Cross Body Hammer Curls
I dropped on of the warm up sets and increased both my starting and finishing weights.
Machine Preacher Curls 3 second negatives. - Increased starting and finishing weight by 5, however I really petered out on the last set. I think with all of the increases on back work and the CBHC's above added to the low muscle glycogen levels I just ran out of fuel. However I did not run out of intensity!!!!
EZ Bar Curls 3 second negatives I used same weight for these and completed my first set but hit failure early on the second. My last rep was after a decent pause and was definitely assisted by some body english. Attempt ad 7th rep was maybe a few inches movement. LOL

So that is how the workout went as you can tell I gave it my all. Again just like last week I am getting some cramping in my brachialis. Not as bad as last week so I know they are improving but they are definitely trying to cramp up here and there when doing things that activate them. Gotta love it. Just means I can expect some new size on my arms as the brachialis grows and pushes my biceps and triceps out more.

Oh yeah just want to mention a smoothie made with 2 scoops of Apple Fusion BCAA SAA and Cake Batter Isolate is like some kind of Jolly Rancher apple smoothie!!!! YUM!!!!!!!


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Yah I can go a while on low carbs but there comes a time when I need a little boost especially while cutting cuz you are on lower cals to begin with. The leaner you got the harder it is to go without.


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Keep adding that weight brother! I like the smoothie idea. Gonna have to try something like that soon.


I may end up just changing things on my next day to only really having the carbs just before bed, or having a portion of them post workout then saving the bulk of them to an evening refeed meal. For now going to see how this works out.
I like boldened, as you prolly know..best for adispose reduction & metabolism boost combined, IMO
still doing this myself, tho I don't know how much longer I will..some point I will eliminate those and space carbs appropriately thru day


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I like boldened, as you prolly know..best for adispose reduction & metabolism boost combined, IMO
still doing this myself, tho I don't know how much longer I will..some point I will eliminate those and space carbs appropriately thru day
Sorry guys are you saying besides post workout carbs, to have the rest prior to bedtime? As helps with fat reduction/metabolism boost???


Sorry guys are you saying besides post workout carbs, to have the rest prior to bedtime? As helps with fat reduction/metabolism boost???
requires more of a structure than that simon..but generically speaking, yes
some refer to this as "carb back-loading", I call it the Beverly contest approach, from where I first learned the idea/outline
problem is: too many do not understand what back-loading entails, so eat their carbs every night like this..do that, you will store to adipose in hurry! mainly is very low-carb day-in/day-out, but 2x weekly you get this ginormous ~150g carb meal right before bed


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Precisely what he said ^^^^ regarding that meal. I did have post workout carbs today and some properly spaced out carbs but I still have 100 left and will more than likely have those after I do some HIIT this evening. Hungry muscle, an influx of carbs and low carbs the rest of the time makes for quick cut.

I am still trying to be a little anabolic at this point so on this day with 250c at my disposal it doesn't make sense for me not to have some post workout carbs. However the HIIT tonight will get my body back into a mode of post exercise Glut 4 trans-location. So the muscle will soak up the post HIIT carbs and my blood sugar will go right back down so I am burning fat again quickly. The extra carbs help increase leptin levels which is the controlling hormone for your metabolism. Low leptin levels tells your body to slow down the fat burning as a survival mode to low caloric intake. Having a boost of carbs periodically increases the leptin levels back to baseline which helps keep your metabolism moving along even though you are in a hypo-caloric state. There is a lot to it but most definitely it is an efficient way to accelerate fat loss.


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Thanks guys. I figured there was a lot more to it than just eating carbs at night. I appreciate you both taking the time to break it down for me.


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Thanks guys. I figured there was a lot more to it than just eating carbs at night. I appreciate you both taking the time to break it down for me.
You are very welcome Simon!

Wow last night I was exhausted, I ended up passing out on the couch at about 8:00-8:30, then got up at 9 went straight to the bedroom and passed back out. I honestly did not want to get up this morning when the 3:45 Alarm went off. I snoozed it a few times before being awake enough to call my self out as a sissy if I didn't crawl out of bed and do the damn thing!

I stumbled like a zombie to the kitchen and took my morning supps, a scoop of Apple Fusion BCAA SAA and some PX Black and went back to get dressed. I was starting to wake up from the PX Black by the time I got to the gym but I was still dragging my backside a bit. So I get on one of the Stairmills to do my HIIT and low and behold this bad boy is like supercharged. I do my HIIT like this 5 minutes warm up, 10 minutes at 20 second intervals and 10 minutes at 40 second intervals. I typically I do like levels 6/20 the first 5 minutes, 7/20 the second 5 minutes, then 7-8/20 for the 10 minutes of 40 seconds. Well I step on this one and 5 feels almost like it is twice as fast as normal. I think to myself hmmmm... maybe I am just that exhausted, then it kicks up to 20 and I find myself full on sprinting to stay on the darn stairmill! Something was off on the calibration, so I decide to just knock that our for a few runs and made it through 2.5 of the 20 seconds before I had to slow it down. I ended up having to do it at a 5/15 through the rest of the workout which was very annoying because I knew the calories were reading it off the levels and not the work I was putting in which was also mentally taxing. Either way the workout was a tough one and even level 15 was faster than level 20 on the other machines have used. Afterwards I walked on the treadmill on an incline for 25 minutes and a 5 minute cool down. I wanted to stop several times during the LISS, I was done and my legs were shot from the intensity of the HIIT. I mustered the will power to walk it out and ended up feeling accomplished to have finished the workout. My shirt did not have a dry spot on it and easily weight 3-4 libs when I took it off!

My totals according to the two machines came up to 602 calories burned but I suspect it to be closer to 650-700 based on the work. Either way I will definitely be in a large caloric deficit today!


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Chris a lot of my workouts are tough to get going and I am feeling very trashed. Nature of the beast when we are pushing it like we are. Early to bed is key right now, sleep is the only thing that will keep you going right now, well the supps help but you know what we'll do we will push harder and get even more trashed :) I am in bed at 8:30 every night reading and am asleep by 9 pm almost every night. If I didn't do this I know I'd end up folding.


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Oh yeah, I tend to get into bed by 9:00. That is when I tuck my daughter in and sing to her before she says her prayers. Right now she stays up until 10 after that but lucky me she still wants me to tuck her in anyway.


I will definitely be in a large caloric deficit today!
and I get a carb meal tonight before bed
nyah nyah :hitwithrock:
ahahaaa..mine will be much needed, I am due

@ wasme - I have pics of this meal we speak of, in my thread, if you are curious..couple of them actually
mine is a bit different than what some others use, and it is bigger as well, coming in ~175-180g carbs sometimes
I also utilize carbs thru day on all days, never going down to <100 (115-125g is about lowest I get, ranging up to 200 or so..then these carb meal days I get over 300g usually but that is falling now)

not trying to take you away from kleen's thread by any means, just thought it may be beneficial to you to see an example of this irl


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and I get a carb meal tonight before bed
nyah nyah :hitwithrock:
ahahaaa..mine will be much needed, I am due

@ wasme - I have pics of this meal we speak of, in my thread, if you are curious..couple of them actually
mine is a bit different than what some others use, and it is bigger as well, coming in ~175-180g carbs sometimes
I also utilize carbs thru day on all days, never going down to <100 (115-125g is about lowest I get, ranging up to 200 or so..then these carb meal days I get over 300g usually but that is falling now)

not trying to take you away from kleen's thread by any means, just thought it may be beneficial to you to see an example of this irl
Steve, not taking away from it at all, as a matter of fact you are adding to it if anything. My threads are open to discuss just about anything, and especially when it is something that people can learn from. Feel free to add or interject in my threads.


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Oh yeah, I tend to get into bed by 9:00. That is when I tuck my daughter in and sing to her before she says her prayers. Right now she stays up until 10 after that but lucky me she still wants me to tuck her in anyway.
Dude, you sing?? That's pretty cool!


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He is singing Pantera to her though.

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