KLEEN's Competition Prep - From bleak to FREAK in 20 weeks!


KLEEN's Competition Prep - From bleak to FREAK!

I am getting myself ready for a contest. I started my prep 1.5 weeks ago with coaching from Invalid Link Removed . I would like to thank them for assisting me through out my prep!

Due to some monetary issues the show I plan to do has changed to:
NPC Phil Heath Classic
March 15, 2014 in Houston Texas

Nutrition Info:
Right now we are working to increase my metabolism via more food and higher energy expenditure. We just bumped my carbs up by a good amount still with a carb cycling plan but the average for the week is going to be much higher on carbs. My protein and Fat stay consistent at 309 for protein, and 66 for fats. I won't get into it too much more than that unless I am told it is okay to divulge more than that. I mean if you follow the log and my nutrition it will all be there but I am not going to lay it out in one post. If you want that kind of info you should inbox Matt, or email them at [email protected] to discuss this. Let them know KLEEN sent you if you are serious about getting coaching or a program set up.

Support & Staple Supplements

This is going to be a Prep Log and I am going to focus on the progress and process during prep as much if not more so than the staple supplements. Here is a list of my basic staples and when I take them. I will update it as things change.

IGNITE 2 1-1.5 scoops pre workout, and also pre cardio
Powdered CreaTrona - 1-2 scoops pre workout
Bulk Modern BCAA - 8 grams pre workout and 8 grams either intra or post workout.
Alphamine -I like that it has some BP lowering effects since I am on some anabolics
PX Black Has a nice smooth energy and stimulates the thyroid as well.
MAX PUMP 4 per day off and on throughout the prep
MBol-25- 125 mg per day right now.

As of Monday 5/13/2012 my weight was 207 lbs, below is a Before Shot from that Monday so you can see where I was at the beginning.

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What can we expect for next week?
I think there is going to be a large jump in weight, not just from the SD, but because we just bumped carbs from lows of 40g and highs of 175g, to a low of 175g and a high of 400g. So basically I will be going from depleted to very full of glycogen by next week. I expect a 6-10 lb swing.

As far as training goes this first 4 weeks we will be doing a very high volume program, much higher than I am used to and fully expect to not only lean up but add some quality muscle mass in the process. Days of the split listed below.

Day 1 = Chest & Back
Day 2 = Legs A - Quad intensive
Day 3 = Arms & Shoulders
Day 4 = Legs B - Glutes, Hams, & Lower Back intensive

Days off will be as needed per recovery level. Could be 2 on 1 off, or 3 on 1 off, 4 on and 2 off, it really just depends on my recovery and my time available for training. Light LISS cardio or some active recovery will be done on days off just to get the blood flowing and metabolism moving. Will also do LISS post workout if I have time or energy. These are going to be some grueling workouts that just blast through energy like nobodies business so we shall see how I feel after training.

Come along and support me as I do my best to get in crazy condition and show my competitors what a FREAK really is!
Updates, Pics & Mini Reviews

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In 1st for knowledge. Kill it Kleen!
Wouldn't miss this one! Do what you do kleen!
In to see how a true freak gets it done!
in for Kleen's epic shredded glory
You know I'm subbed for a Kleen freak show! Kill it brother
In 1st for knowledge. Kill it Kleen!
Sweet, thanks for following!
Not first
But far from last Sir, far from last!
Damn. 3rd
Hey 3rd's a charm right?
Kill it. Your back if freakin wide.
Thanks Man, I am hoping it will look nice and freaky when my waist is a 29.
Time to get freaky
No doubt, gotta get my Monte on...
In, I guess
Glad to have you here... I guess.
24min in and I feel lucky to be on first page :p
Yeah this one is gonna get hectic and there will be enough pics to keep people entertained.
I'm in.

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Love it!
Wouldn't miss this one! Do what you do kleen!
LTL my Transformer Brother! Taking this bad boy all the way this time.
In to see how a true freak gets it done!
I thought we weren't going to discuss our uhm... "personal life" online anymore?
in for Kleen's epic shredded glory
Thanks Swanky! This is gonna be a fun ride to shredded town!
You know I'm subbed for a Kleen freak show! Kill it brother
Big Dan! Glad to have you brother!
yeah buddy.........you'll be a mean, kleen, killing machine:)
Nice I have the Edge over the competition now!
^^^ That thar is some fancy multi-qoutin' skills ladies and gentlemen!
I'm in.
Wouldn't miss a kleen log!! In for inspiration ;)

I prefer a dirty log. And judging by the peeps I see in this one...it won't take long to get there!
Awesome thanks everyone I am loving this already. Leaning up / filling out and loving life!
Oh ****z another killer Epic Kleen log this hulk gots to be in it!! Kill it bro like always!
Following this one. Followed Dreamweavers and learned a lot. Even decided to try some FinaFlex products.
Alright this thing is getting moving. I am trying to decide if I want to go lift tonight or go in the morning and on Sunday. Just really depends on what the wife and kiddos want to do.

I kept my diet on point yesterday, these were my macros for the day.
[TABLE="class: table0"]
[TR="class: total"]
[TD="class: first"]Totals
[TD]2,574 calories,
[TD]171 carbs,
[TD]65 fats,
[TD]333 protein,
[TD]27 fiber

I woke up this morning looking both lean and pretty full. The new carb rotation is really agreeing with my body. I think we will definitely be able to see some nice changes this week. I will get in either 250 or 350 in carbs tomorrow depending on if I have time for cardio, then another 175 day before pictures so I should be full but not overboard. Very happy with the changes that are taking place.
Alright this thing is getting moving. I am trying to decide if I want to go lift tonight or go in the morning and on Sunday. Just really depends on what the wife and kiddos want to do.

I kept my diet on point yesterday, these were my macros for the day.
[TABLE="class: table0"]
[TR="class: total"]
[TD="class: first"]Totals
[TD]2,574 calories,
[TD]171 carbs,
[TD]65 fats,
[TD]333 protein,
[TD]27 fiber

I woke up this morning looking both lean and pretty full. The new carb rotation is really agreeing with my body. I think we will definitely be able to see some nice changes this week. I will get in either 250 or 350 in carbs tomorrow depending on if I have time for cardio, then another 175 day before pictures so I should be full but not overboard. Very happy with the changes that are taking place.

I've been keeping my carbs more consistent and having very small re feeds and I'm pretty sure I'm leaning out again. Weight is holding around 230ish but the abs are coming out some more. Glad you are enjoying the diet bubba!
Alright this thing is getting moving. I am trying to decide if I want to go lift tonight or go in the morning and on Sunday. Just really depends on what the wife and kiddos want to do.

I kept my diet on point yesterday, these were my macros for the day.
[TABLE="class: table0"]
[TR="class: total"]
[TD="class: first"]Totals

[TD]2,574 calories,

[TD]171 carbs,

[TD]65 fats,

[TD]333 protein,

[TD]27 fiber


I woke up this morning looking both lean and pretty full. The new carb rotation is really agreeing with my body. I think we will definitely be able to see some nice changes this week. I will get in either 250 or 350 in carbs tomorrow depending on if I have time for cardio, then another 175 day before pictures so I should be full but not overboard. Very happy with the changes that are taking place.
20 weeks out now so numbers make sense for your situation.
Sorry for the lack of updates. I got hit with an all weekend and into the week Honey Do... I got home Friday and we went and got paint and started painting all the hallways and living areas. We are still not done, it was a bit crazy. So Saturday knowing I had a limited time we went to the gym and I did my legs, was supposed to start with squats but the racks were all in use so I started with leg press first. I went a bit heavier on the leg press this time since I was fresh.

Leg Press Feet Low and close together to activate quads - 60 seconds rest - 630x10, 720x10, 720x10, 720x10, 810x10, 810x10, 810x10, 810x10 - Squat rack opened up so I moved over to the Squats before someone took them.

Squats 90 seconds rest - 135x8, 225x8, 315x8, 365x5, 385x5, 385x3, 395x3, 395x3

I was out of time here, all of the waiting around for leg machines really cut into the workout but I still got plenty of work done.

Sunday off and painting all day

Monday - Chest and Back

Superset A = 10x10 & 60 seconds rest
HS Incline Chest Press (weight per side)
- 95x10, 95x10, 105x10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9.5 almost made that last rep but couldn't get it.
Wide Grip Lat Pull Down - 170x10, 190x10, 10, 210x10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9.5 gave it hell trying to get 10 but just wasn't happening.

Superset B - 4x10-12, 60 seconds rest
DB Flat Bench Press - 80x12, 95x12, 95x10, 80x11 - Was very hard but impressed I got this heavy after 10x10 pressing.
HS Row Pronated Grip - 70x12, 70x12, 75x12, 75x11 - I was pulling hard by the end it was some serious work even at this lower weight.

FST-7 Free Motion Cable Cross Over - 45x12, 45x12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 20 - I change the angles on a few sets of this and then pushed for maximum reps on last set because someone interrupted my rest period and I ended up resting about 90 seconds.

FST-7 Close Neutral Grip Cable Rows 150x12, 12, 180x12, 12, 12, 12, 10 - Talk about a massive pump, arms were popped out off my sides, swollen up like I was stung by bees!

Okay so here are my pictures from Monday morning 211.2 lbs dry weight. I am thickening up and still leaning gradually. THings are going really well at this point.

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Sorry for the lack of updates. I got hit with an all weekend and into the week Honey Do... I got home Friday and we went and got paint and started painting all the hallways and living areas. We are still not done, it was a bit crazy. So Saturday knowing I had a limited time we went to the gym and I did my legs, was supposed to start with squats but the racks were all in use so I started with leg press first. I went a bit heavier on the leg press this time since I was fresh.

Leg Press Feet Low and close together to activate quads - 60 seconds rest - 630x10, 720x10, 720x10, 720x10, 810x10, 810x10, 810x10, 810x10 - Squat rack opened up so I moved over to the Squats before someone took them.

Squats 90 seconds rest - 135x8, 225x8, 315x8, 365x5, 385x5, 385x3, 395x3, 395x3

I was out of time here, all of the waiting around for leg machines really cut into the workout but I still got plenty of work done.

Sunday off and painting all day

Monday - Chest and Back

Superset A = 10x10 & 60 seconds rest
HS Incline Chest Press (weight per side)
- 95x10, 95x10, 105x10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9.5 almost made that last rep but couldn't get it.
Wide Grip Lat Pull Down - 170x10, 190x10, 10, 210x10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9.5 gave it hell trying to get 10 but just wasn't happening.

Superset B - 4x10-12, 60 seconds rest
DB Flat Bench Press - 80x12, 95x12, 95x10, 80x11 - Was very hard but impressed I got this heavy after 10x10 pressing.
HS Row Pronated Grip - 70x12, 70x12, 75x12, 75x11 - I was pulling hard by the end it was some serious work even at this lower weight.

FST-7 Free Motion Cable Cross Over - 45x12, 45x12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 20 - I change the angles on a few sets of this and then pushed for maximum reps on last set because someone interrupted my rest period and I ended up resting about 90 seconds.

FST-7 Close Neutral Grip Cable Rows 150x12, 12, 180x12, 12, 12, 12, 10 - Talk about a massive pump, arms were popped out off my sides, swollen up like I was stung by bees!

Okay so here are my pictures from Monday morning 211.2 lbs dry weight. I am thickening up and still leaning gradually. THings are going really well at this point.

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dude, your back is thick as fu*k! I'm trying like hell to get a spread like that but having some trouble getting it to grow :/ everything else is growing like crazy!
pull ups....pull ups ....pull ups:)

I know I know! Isn't there a pill I can take and just sleep my way to huge lats? lol
I know I know! Isn't there a pill I can take and just sleep my way to huge lats? lol

Yes if you can get to where you can sleep holding an iron cross on the rings your lats will just grow and grow.

Yes if you can get to where you can sleep holding an iron cross on the rings your lats will just grow and grow.


holy crap
I was always mesmerized by these guys. I wanted to be a gymnast when I was a kid so bad. I knocked myself out more than once teaching myself front and rear hand spring, areal cart wheels, front flips, even got to where I could do a round off into a back flip which was awesome.
Getting closer by the day.....amazing changes since the start but it's too be expected with the Kleen Machine :)
Kleen is getting more ripped by the day. Comparing these pics to those early on really shows the work and dedication. It's like the sculpture that shows a chiseled body coming out of a block of stone. Congrats and keep it going!
Sorry for the lack of updates. I got hit with an all weekend and into the week Honey Do... I got home Friday and we went and got paint and started painting all the hallways and living areas. We are still not done, it was a bit crazy. So Saturday knowing I had a limited time we went to the gym and I did my legs, was supposed to start with squats but the racks were all in use so I started with leg press first. I went a bit heavier on the leg press this time since I was fresh.

Leg Press Feet Low and close together to activate quads - 60 seconds rest - 630x10, 720x10, 720x10, 720x10, 810x10, 810x10, 810x10, 810x10 - Squat rack opened up so I moved over to the Squats before someone took them.

Squats 90 seconds rest - 135x8, 225x8, 315x8, 365x5, 385x5, 385x3, 395x3, 395x3

I was out of time here, all of the waiting around for leg machines really cut into the workout but I still got plenty of work done.

Sunday off and painting all day

Monday - Chest and Back

Superset A = 10x10 & 60 seconds rest
HS Incline Chest Press (weight per side) - 95x10, 95x10, 105x10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9.5 almost made that last rep but couldn't get it.
Wide Grip Lat Pull Down - 170x10, 190x10, 10, 210x10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 9.5 gave it hell trying to get 10 but just wasn't happening.

Superset B - 4x10-12, 60 seconds rest
DB Flat Bench Press - 80x12, 95x12, 95x10, 80x11 - Was very hard but impressed I got this heavy after 10x10 pressing.
HS Row Pronated Grip - 70x12, 70x12, 75x12, 75x11 - I was pulling hard by the end it was some serious work even at this lower weight.

FST-7 Free Motion Cable Cross Over - 45x12, 45x12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 20 - I change the angles on a few sets of this and then pushed for maximum reps on last set because someone interrupted my rest period and I ended up resting about 90 seconds.

FST-7 Close Neutral Grip Cable Rows 150x12, 12, 180x12, 12, 12, 12, 10 - Talk about a massive pump, arms were popped out off my sides, swollen up like I was stung by bees!

Okay so here are my pictures from Monday morning 211.2 lbs dry weight. I am thickening up and still leaning gradually. THings are going really well at this point.

<img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=81613"/>

<img src="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=81614"/>

Damn kleen getting lean pretty quick!

Yes if you can get to where you can sleep holding an iron cross on the rings your lats will just grow and grow.

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That's impressive.