Dude, I love this movie, we really lost a great talent when he passed. Definitely going to look it up and find somewhere they are streaming it on Roku now.I could take a crap in a box and throw a guarantee on it and you got a guaranteed POS! Sucks they don’t make em like they used to
Yeah 50's with high humidity and a breeze is no joke. Especially when you are not used to it after the warm 80-85 in vegas last week was so perfect. it was cool and dry enough for a hoodie, but also comfortable for an evening walk in a tshirt. this morning, 50F here at hom in the Tacoma area is already starting to chill to my bones.
this is a weirdly important thing to me. towards the end of my gear cream run (maybe I was easily irritated?) my step daughter and her boyfriend who had stayed with us for 2 weeks (now pushing 4 months) had all their hippy soy $hit in my fridge and I told my wife that the straw that broke the back for me was my brand new expensive fridge that I bought (ding and dent though, I am a value shopper after all) was filled with a bunch of crap and I didn't know which food I was "allowed" to eat in my own fridge!![]()
I don't find that weird at all man. If you are staying in my home and buy food then tell me I am not welcome to it expect a problem real quick. Especially if I am helping you out, and you want to be selfish with your things while I am sharing my home with you. However, yeah even when it is just someone visiting who is willing to share I don't like it when there is a bunch of crap I don't like or want in my fridge. I hate having to dig through to find what I need.
I think my favorite scene is the one after he hits him with the 2x4.
Not at all, but the warranty business is such a racket. It was a good deal a few years back when we got it but then they started breaking all the different types of appliances up and making them a different warranty package and covering this and not that blah, blah, blah...Yeah here in Georgia we were in the 80s this past weekend, and by Wednesday morning it’s supposed to get down to 38.
Here you can almost experience all four seasons within a two week period.
Man talk about when it rains it pours…..they definitely don’t make appliances like they used to. We’ve bought a new fridge and washer within the last year, both were under 10 years old. Yeah the prices keep going up and longevity keeps going down.
TV's seem to last a long while, I think they just keep making newer models to get them replaced similar to a phone. I swear 85-90% of people who get a new phone don't wait until their old one is broken, messing up or becoming obsolete. I use my phones until they start dying, then buy the top of the line and wait another 3-4 years.This! it shocks me that our TV is over 10 years old! (knock on wood)
BOOM!Congrats, you just killed your TV.
I forget what movie this is from but he is so funny!
Had a good chest and biceps workout yesterday. Worked things nice and hard, enjoyed the session.
Chest and Biceps
Incline Bench Machine 3 work sets 8-20 reps @1-2RIR
Vertical Chest Press 4 work sets 7-15 reps @1-2RIR
Straight Arm Pec Fly - 3 sets 10 Full ROM/10 stretched partials - reached failure on set 3
DB Spider Curls 3 sets 8-15 reps @1-2RIR
Alternating DB Curls - 2 Sets 8-15 reps @1-2RIR