KLEEN LIVING - A log about Life, Training, and Nutrition.


Hello Anabolic Minds! I am starting a new permanent log here for my life, training and nutrition as a Master's Bodybuilder. A few years ago I decided to put the pedal to the medal and get myself ready for a Masters 50+ bodybuilding competition. I made ridiculous progress over the last 2 years even after a shoulder surgery where my biceps tendon was moved and reattached under my pec, and won my first NPC show. I am very proud of what I accomplished here, but this is not the end.

There will be a lot of hard work, a lot of science, and a lot of open conversation, because this is also about life , and we must find a way to prioritize all aspects of training, recovery, and nutrition. So what is going on in that person's life is extremely important to the level of their success. Plus this is a place where my lifting family and friends congregate, so open conversation is welcome here. Basically, all topics are open for discussion because it creates a much better place to learn from one another, not only about training and nutrition but life lessons as well.

Here are some of my favorite contest photos for anyone who was not following my other log.
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Finally me posing with Johnnie O Jackson and my medal!

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Looking forward to making a lot of progress this coming year and hopefully we can squeeze out a Mater's Pro card but even getting a first call out would be amazing from where I landed at the North American Championships this year. Unfortunately we had some issues with peaking and the water was just not coming off for some reason this peak. So I ended up spilled over for the show. I will post some of the pics from that but they are not going to be as good as these, and we didn't even do a water cut for these really. I still had 2 gallons the day prior to the show just finished it earlier than usual. Just had to peak too many times in a row which made my bodies reaction unpredictable, and couldn't get the water off in time for the stage. My coach was able to clean up a lot and we put a respectable physique on stage but we both know that if I peaked like I did the first show we prepped for I would have likely had a first callout even with my novice posing and pageantry skills.

Either way, onward and upward!!! I am only going to get better from here.


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Saved for Table of Contents: I will update what pages different phases of training and or nutrition start here in this post for easier referencing later.
Great idea
Thank you Sir!

I just downloaded the Scott Stevenson : How to be your own coach book to learn a bit more about prep and the things to look out for. If I am going to do this, I am going to take it seriously and dive in the deep end. Get my knowledge refreshed on a lot of these topics and undoubtably learn something new. I have heard many great things about this book.

Also, I haven't gotten around to it yet, but I came home to this beautiful package waiting for me from @delsolrob . I plan to do a bit of logging on the All Out Ultra Edition in here. Rob and I discussed my current situation coming out of prep and going back on TRT and he suggested I go ahead and run a low dose of Dermacrine to assist with getting my hormone levels back at a more balanced level. He said he has been working with some TRT clinics using it with great success in the 2-3 pumps a day range. Since I need to bring my test levels back down to normal ranges to go do some bloodwork for my TRT, and will be using Masteron for the rest of the anabolics to get me to about 200mg a week I will need an external source of estrogen which should come from the DHEA here. The plan for now is to run about 120mg test a week, and 80-100mg of Masteron unless coach wants it a little higher but we need to make sure bloodwork looks good for my upcoming physical. So, I will also be talking about how this is working out for me and if it is a success or is causing some sort of estrogen rebound, which is my only real concern here.

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I like 3 pumps alongside trt. If for some reason your bloodwork shows low dhea and pregnolone post show bloods, take a couple 250-500iu shots of hcg and then continue on with the dermacrrine.
I like 3 pumps alongside trt. If for some reason your bloodwork shows low dhea and pregnolone post show bloods, take a couple 250-500iu shots of hcg and then continue on with the dermacrrine.
I probably won't go for bloods for 4 weeks unless coach requests it. Just before I go in for my physical to make sure they aren't to screwy and alarm her. I imagine she will take one look at me and the fact I haven't been in for blood work 3 months past time that I was probably up to something. I will still be relatively lean but surely heavier by then. It will be a drastic difference from when she saw me last. LOL
I've read a couple excerpts from the be your own coach, good reading materials for sure
Awesome thanks!
After blood work are you going to maintain for a while or bump T back up along with mast?
Honestly that is up to my coach, I thin he wants me on a cruise dose so maybe closer to 300, whatever we can do while keeping bloodwork nice. Most of the muscle gain for the next little bit will be due to increasing calories and not gear.
totally random lol but do you do much cardio?
Not really random considering this is a bodybuilder log. I probably do more than most, but less than many. Even when bulking we do 5x25 minutes in the 80-85% max rate range. During prep this got as high as 55x6. Then their were some 60, 75 and 90 minute sessions toward the very end of prep but we had dropped back down to 4 sessions due to lower back issues.
In like Flint on this!!!
Hell yeah, LFG my man!!!

On tap for dinner tonight, a big azz bowl of 93/7 turkey spaghetti. OH MAN AM I LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT!!! I went to the gym and got myself insulin sensitive with the following session.
10 minute incline treadmill level 9 incline HR 130 by the end
Abs and over all shoulder & core mobility / stability drills- 2 sets each
leg lift to roll ups,
cat and camels
quadruped shoulder rolls
quadruped wrist and forearm stretches - forward, backward and side to side
serratus push ups

Pump Complex with 10lb weight plates 2 high rep sets of each until it burned a little then stopped maybe 5RIR since high rep.
Medial Delt Swings
Seated Supinating Curls
Overhead Triceps Extension

Intra was 25g Whey Isolate, and a 33oz 30% More electrolytes version of Pedialyte. I have come to love that stuff it feels like the elixir of life during prep or a workout in a hot gym!

Here is a pic of the bowl before I dig in, it is a big one. :) I have plenty of calories and it is actually quite healthy! I drizzled 10g of olive oil on it for flavor but it is still going to be quite healthy. Even more so with the olive oil actually. I added a touch of habanero salsa to it to so it would have a little spiciness. I love the fact I told my wife I wanted this and I intended to cook it but she took the wheel and had it started when I got home! Gotta love an amazing woman!!!

The presentation photo: 1 oz part skim mozzarella, 10g olive oil, 17oz turkey sauce, 16 oz cooked spaghetti. I may not eat all of this in one sitting, probably about 2/3-3/4 then have some more before bed with a little more noodles and a decent amount of sauce for the protein.
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How I like to eat it, all cut up, stirred up and with a spoon for efficiency!

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You are an inspiration man! Look forward to following along and learning here and there like your last log.
First impressions of All Out Ultra - I enjoyed it, nice flavor, good energy for the dose I took, and great focus. I took half a scoop before going to the gym and it did the trick for what I wanted from it. Unfortunately, it is already little sticky already with a few clumps. So, I will need to use it quickly here in humid azz Houston, or it will clump super fast and just become goo.

Also, I was wrong I finished it. I am going to cook some 93/7 beef patties here shortly and will probably just put one of those on a bun with some jalapenos and a mustard and call it a day. I am going to work up what the calories and macros were for this meal. I just have to make a recipe on cronometer to get the info first.
You are an inspiration man! Look forward to following along and learning here and there like your last log.
Thank you Sir!
Good to see you turn another page @MrKleen73 you know I'll be following along in here!

You/your coach typically prefer whey isolate intra vs EAAs?
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Love a good bowl of Bolognese!

Make sure to weigh your All Out; the way it clumps it’s going to be much more accurate than using the scoop only for measurement.
Good to see you turn another page @MrKleen73 you know I'll be following along in here!

You/your coach typically prefer whey isolate intra vs EAAs?
Awesome, thanks for following, always good to have your input and support.

@Segansational He prescribes 10g of EAAs, 2g salt, and 10g L-Glutamine during intra-workout. Honestly for me I see and feel no difference between the two. I think for some the weight of the whey bothers them when they workout however it does not bother me at all. To be fair, 25g of whey in a 38oz shaker bottle is very light on the stomach. I also start sipping it before I go to the gym so I am already starting to digest and release protein by the time I get into the gym. I will add water to it as I drink it as well getting close to a half gallon of fluids by then end of hard training in the gym with no AC. So as far as keeping the muscle fed during the session I see no differences there. I was also trying to increase overall protein content with that 25g portion. Now during prep I believe it is more important, or I should say my coach thinks it is more important to do the EAA's and Glutamine in hopes I will be somewhat fasted by the time I do my cardio post workout. I am not a big proponent of this belief that fasted cardio has any magic to it at all. The science simply does not back that up yet. Also if I have EAA;s and Glutamine in my intra I am not actually fasted I have a source of quick and easy gluconeogenesis right there with the glutamine powder from the intra-drink. However, I do what coach tells me to because he is my coach, and I see nothing wrong with what he is asking. Also, in my experience thus far, a lot of Bro science once really studied bro science ends up being right. Like how most bodybuilders cut the end range off of a lot of movements staying in more stretched ranges and now we know the stretched portion of the lift is responsible for most of the hypertrophy, and matches full ROM efforts with less risk of injury.

However like I mentioned I was trying to increase overall protein there, and also we are in the post prep relaxed nutrition period so it doesn't really matter all that much right now so long as overall nutrition and caloric balance is okay.

I do think there is something to truly fasted cardio with yohimbine, and especially alongside a bit of clenbuterol but even there we are splitting hairs for very little extra fat loss if any IMHO.
I am in for it!!!
Welcome Sir, long time no speak.
Love a good bowl of Bolognese!

Make sure to weigh your All Out; the way it clumps it’s going to be much more accurate than using the scoop only for measurement.
Oh yeah, it was pretty awesome. I have 2 bowls here for meals today with 12.5oz meat sauce, and 5.5oz noodles in each bowl. Looking forward to those. I am also fasting until about 10:30 maybe even noon so I can have a nice meal tonight.

Yeah, I noticed that. I weighed it out yesterday remembering you had mentioned this. I also wonder if with it being so moist if the water weight might be throwing the scale off too. Oh well you can't be perfect, but you can do your best, and weighing has got to be the best way.
Welcome, welcome, welcome!

Man, it is so nice being fed. I have so much energy right now. I feel like I just got over a long hard illness. I have been super productive at work this morning. Rearranging and cleaning up the mess the IT room had become while I didn't have the energy to put shipments away or clean the area and my cohorts were just fine with piling the boxes up and leaving them where they were dropped by the mailroom guys. it is so nice to be back to work and have the energy to actually be productive when not in the middle of fixing someone's issue or setting up and running the AV stuff. I just didn't have the extra energy to do the normal things I busy myself with so things stay organized in my IT room. It is a shared space with 3 other Technical Analysts.
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I always found, through the entire month of using All Out, that if I weighed the full serving out I had a great boost/experience. So even if that’s a slightly saturated 24g, it always delivered well in the intended effect. I saw some decent boost at a partial serving of 17g, but the full dose is ideal IMO.
I always found, through the entire month of using All Out, that if I weighed the full serving out I had a great boost/experience. So even if that’s a slightly saturated 24g, it always delivered well in the intended effect. I saw some decent boost at a partial serving of 17g, but the full dose is ideal IMO.
If am weighing powder on a digital scale in the kitchen when my wife walks in I may have to answer a question or two🤣👃❄️
I always found, through the entire month of using All Out, that if I weighed the full serving out I had a great boost/experience. So even if that’s a slightly saturated 24g, it always delivered well in the intended effect. I saw some decent boost at a partial serving of 17g, but the full dose is ideal IMO.
Sweet, I only took the 12g serving yesterday. I couldn't justify a whole scoop since I was just going in for some activity and blood flow work.
If am weighing powder on a digital scale in the kitchen when my wife walks in I may have to answer a question or two🤣👃
Like... Where's mine? LMAO, trust me this stuff isn't powdery enough to be confused with anything exciting! Although for me BLECH!!! I never liked it, I tried it, just not for me at all. hated the feeling but found myself looking for more by the end of the night even though I hated how it made me feel. That was the last time i ever touched the stuff. How you gonna act like an addict on the first try when you don't even like something... NOPE!!! That was an addiction waiting to happen and I hated it.
My wife is the one who bought the scale!
Triple beam and everything. BOOM! ;)
Yesterday's dietary adjustments were a success, back at 198.8 this morning. Making sure I don't do too much damage with the free and relaxed eating. I hit right at 3000 cals yesterday, I have most of my food ready for the day just have to figure out dinner. Leaving myself about 1000 calories for a good meal.

I will be going to the gym today to do some more mobility, stretching, core and bracing work. Maybe toss in some very light leg work just to get blood flowing in the area. Maybe 2-3 sets of body weight lunges, and perhaps some light Db RDL or some KB Swings for hams, lower back and glutes. Nothing intense just decent work to help with recovery and also to keep me from stiffening up.

Feeling pretty good, happy, and really enjoying having more food selections right now. Coach didn't give me a weight he didn't want me to go over but I want to stay under 200 until next check in. That would be about a 5lb gain from my lowest weight during the last peaking process. I don't think that is too bad considering most of that should be glycogen and water.

I took my first testosterone shot since the show, I was letting some of the testosterone get out of my system to get back to TRT dose level. Shooting for 35mg per shot, for a total of 122.5 total test a week, and 30mg mast for 105, totaling out at 237.5 total androgens for the week. Should have my testosterone back in range within 3-4 weeks. The sustanon has some pretty long esters so I knew I would need to bump things down a bit, and wait for a minute before bringing test back in. I switched back to enanthate for now also. I know what it does to my blood work, not sure how the quick esters in Sust would elevate me and don't want to risk it. Of course to be honest. If i needed to I could easily just move over to UGL TRT and not worry about it until done competing but I would rather have some prescription bottles with my name on them I can mix all oils in for travel and not have to worry about them. Plus free bloodwork twice a year saves me 500 in testing per year.
Not sure how much test specifically you were taking for the show or when your last shot of that was, but chances are you are pinning way too soon if you want test levels at least physiological in a month.

500/wk of E or C run for a period of time to make blood levels fairly stable would need 2 half-lives to get your total testosterone levels down to the level similar to what you would have taking 125/wk. Basically you’d need 2.5 weeks just to already “be on” 125mg for this week. So you would want to start shots after about 3 weeks. Longer if using higher amounts obviously. Example: 1,000/500/250/125/62,etc.

Also consider your SHBG is almost nonexistent, so free T for whatever you are taking will be exceptional as well.

Lastly, consider if you actually need to recover health markers like lipids and RBC, it’s imperative that you take a longer break. I always try to take about 3 weeks off shots if I can get myself to hold out - and my HDL is still never very good. Dave Crosland has talked at length about the need for physiological ranges for the fastest marker restoration. This is more about what your doctor expects or you want for your health.
I just mention this because I have done it this way and nothing really cleans up well as far as lipids or blood thickness the way you’d hope it would, not for me.
@Hyde Ah that makes sense. I was on 350mg Sustanon a week and last test shot was the 21st of August. Last 30mg shot of tren ace and 200 mast e was the Thursday before the show. Mast e was at 700 for the last 3 weeks. I had increased super carderine to 10mg a day the last 3 weeks in an effort to help a little more with HDL since I knew estrogen was going to be low and am on 5mg now to try to help restore it.

From there would you do 3 weeks from last shot of test, or last shot of Masteron?
@Hyde Ah that makes sense. I was on 350mg Sustanon a week and last test shot was the 21st of August. Last 30mg shot of tren ace and 200 mast e was the Thursday before the show. Mast e was at 700 for the last 3 weeks. I had increased super carderine to 10mg a day the last 3 weeks in an effort to help a little more with HDL since I knew estrogen was going to be low and am on 5mg now to try to help restore it.

From there would you do 3 weeks from last shot of test, or last shot of Masteron?

Because you may have some amount of test undecanoate in you (Sust from UGLs is virtually NEVER actually the correct formula of actual Sustanon 250), and because the Mast was so high, I would go 3 weeks from the last shot of Masteron E, unless you find yourself feeling too dry. But with Dermacrine I can’t see that being an issue.

You’re already still higher than full cruise levels right now.
Because you may have some amount of test undecanoate in you (Sust from UGLs is virtually NEVER actually the correct formula of actual Sustanon 250), and because the Mast was so high, I would go 3 weeks from the last shot of Masteron E, unless you find yourself feeling too dry. But with Dermacrine I can’t see that being an issue.

You’re already still higher than full cruise levels right now.

Good looking out!, Thanks @Hyde!

Onwards and Upward!!!
You know it Sir!
Good Morning AM! Things are going well, I dropped to 196.8 this morning! I am keeping things nice and tight. Although this morning is an enjoy myself kind of morning. We have free breakfast tacos showing up about 7:30 AM and it will be the first time in several months I have been able to partake. So going to enjoy a relatively fatty meal this morning, then keep everything tight the rest of the day. Probably even going to go so far as to have a chorizo egg and bean taco if they have them this time. YUM!!

I am itching to train, so going to start pushing things a little bit harder in the gym and see if how I feel. This Saturday will make 10 days of active rest. So I think the rest of the weekend may just be a couple full body pump sessions to break things in.
I’m in on this….we got to watch our man Kleen go Pro.💪🏆
Welcome Sir!

I woke up at a whopping 192.4 this morning, definitely tightening up as I clean up the diet some. I was also intentionally making room for some pre-planned free meals as well. One such was just now after a decent upper body workout with my nephew. We went to IHOP and got some omelets with extra meat and a waffle. I swole up pretty nice, vascular and full right now. Then going to Fogo De Chao with my son sometime between now and next Sunday. He has been waiting for a trip there with me for several months. :) We are going on a drive with our car group Speed Advocates next Sunday so will likely be after that.

He is getting his Miata back from the performance shop, and we are going to take it out and see what it can do. It should have between 320-360hp to the wheel with the current mods. Nice size supercharger (for that engine), methanol kit, smaller pulleys for more boost, and a full send tune. It is feather light so it should be pretty damn quick, and very fun to drive. This drive gets a little rowdy so we will have a blast. Most of the cars are fully built superharged mustangs, vettes, Camaro SS, chargers, hell cats, and twin turbo anythings with crazy tunes, AMG, lambos, and McClarens. All of them wanting to play. We drive through this tunnel revving like crazy, and people line up to hear it roar through there. It is a lot of fun. In Texas you can pretty much do anything you want to your exhaust. They don't use a sniffer anymore and they have never had a decibel law for exhausts so a lot of people have headers, down pipes with no cats, and or secondary cats. Plus all of the crackle and pop tunes that are so popular now it makes for an awesome sound. I tried to record it one time in the tunnel but it was so loud it was all distorted from over powering the phones mics. Anyway, speed is something we enjoy obviously so we play a lot, but only when we have open road to do it. No A-hole driving allowed, we have the cops respect as a group, and notify them when we are going somewhere out of respect. So they let us play where it is safe to do so.
Also, I got the pics back from the photographers. What a difference a professional photographer's editing and light correction can make on a picture.
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I liked the angled RDB shot better and got him to cut the other competitor out of the shot. These are all actually HUGE pictures. Over 4500 pixels high except this one which is like 2800 pixels high due to the cropping. I could make posters out of them. I am a little upset he didn't get my shot with the medal, and got the twisting back and biceps shot in instead. I am not overly fond of it compared to the rest. However it may have been my mistake with the photo number I gave him. I will have to look.
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These are the professional pictures of me 4 days later spilled over, this is what spilled over looks like if you didn't know the meaning already. I am about 8lbs heavier than the previous show and we didn't even water cut for that show like we did for this one and still spilled over at the second one. Pretty wild response but these were still much better than how I looked I woke up that morning 4 hours before the show. Coach did a great job tightening things up those last 4 hours so I would look presentable on stage.

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As you can see I look like I gained 3% body fat in those 4 days but it is just water under the skin.

This was me at 192.4 this morning after a week and a half of pretty much eating whatever I wanted within reason, and enjoying several free meals and off plan but healthier meals. I half expect coach to tell me I overshot the mark on not destroying the work we did but I did tell him I still had plans to have some more free meals and needed to be able to have them more frequently for about 6-8 weeks so I can treat my family to some quality time and things they sacrificed while I was prepping. Life balance is important too.

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That's actually a really helpful comparison between the two shows and now. You can absolutely see that difference. But yeah, your look in the first comp looks so much crisper with level of detail. Thanks for sharing!
Great pictures……you’re right, you can definitely see the difference in the different set of pictures. I think you would have been at the top in the Nationals the way you looked in those first shots taken at the show you won. Considering how close the shows were together I know the final prep on that second one had to be tough. The good thing is, even though the second one didn’t turn out the way you thought, the experience you gained from such a huge show is invaluable, and everything you went through is fixable, and I think most of it you have the solution for. I know you are, and should be very proud.
Glad you’ve been able to enjoy yourself since the last show, and you was able to make it clear to your coach you needed a little more family time. And man that speed club you and your son are in sounds right up my alley. I have a buddy in a Corvette speed club, and once a year I get to meet up with them and take my Camaro SS to Atlanta Motor Speedway, and we get to cut loose.
Still looking awesome; pics came out great. The ones from the Johnny O are definitely worth framing; great detail and especially cool because it was your first time on stage as a Master.
Still looking awesome; pics came out great. The ones from the Johnny O are definitely worth framing; great detail and especially cool because it was your first time on stage as a Master.
Totally agree with Hyde on framing them…..and those pictures are the best tool you could have to market yourself as a trainer/coach. And when people see those pictures and you tell them you are in your 50s, you could have a whole range of clients from 20years old up to 60years old. 💰
That's actually a really helpful comparison between the two shows and now. You can absolutely see that difference. But yeah, your look in the first comp looks so much crisper with level of detail. Thanks for sharing!
Yeah, it is a huge difference in 4 days.
Great pictures……you’re right, you can definitely see the difference in the different set of pictures. I think you would have been at the top in the Nationals the way you looked in those first shots taken at the show you won. Considering how close the shows were together I know the final prep on that second one had to be tough. The good thing is, even though the second one didn’t turn out the way you thought, the experience you gained from such a huge show is invaluable, and everything you went through is fixable, and I think most of it you have the solution for. I know you are, and should be very proud.
Glad you’ve been able to enjoy yourself since the last show, and you was able to make it clear to your coach you needed a little more family time. And man that speed club you and your son are in sounds right up my alley. I have a buddy in a Corvette speed club, and once a year I get to meet up with them and take my Camaro SS to Atlanta Motor Speedway, and we get to cut loose.
Thanks, and yeah we have a lot of fun, and do track days as well. Me and my so will most likely cap that off with Fogo De Choa or some other Brazilian Steakhouse.
Still looking awesome; pics came out great. The ones from the Johnny O are definitely worth framing; great detail and especially cool because it was your first time on stage as a Master.
Thanks, and I will definitely be framing a few of them.
Totally agree with Hyde on framing them…..and those pictures are the best tool you could have to market yourself as a trainer/coach. And when people see those pictures and you tell them you are in your 50s, you could have a whole range of clients from 20years old up to 60years old. 💰
Agreed, these are money shots. They will suffice until next year. It is grow time. Just got the new diet from coach, some nice adjustments but we are coming out of the gate swinging! Jumping straight to 3900 calories and 500g of carbs. Lower volume, and a little more variety. Added in two turkey burgers daily for meal 2, and 75mg carb in intra drink. Got rid of the beef, and most of the chicken and brought in a bunch of eggs and egg whites. Everything is easy to eat and easily digestible. I am happy with how things are looking and curious to see how I rebound while holding off on gear, then when we kick that up, things are gonna get nasty. Coach was proud of me for coming back to him still ripped. he told me I could definitely have my free meals I look great and definitely wasn't f*cking around. It is always great to get comments like these from a mentor.

Just for kicks and curiosity, I wanted to see what I looked like at the Johnnie O show compared to the guy who won my class at nationals. Here are some shots of us side by side in similar poses. I also figured out why some of my leg separation isn't showing here. I am not pushing my hips back to get that extra detail to pop in the inner and upper thigh. Also my left leg is too straight up and down in these shots.

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I think physique-wise I was definitely first call out material with the Johnnie O look... and it wasn't even water cut....
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Yeah, it is a huge difference in 4 days.
Thanks, and yeah we have a lot of fun, and do track days as well. Me and my so will most likely cap that off with Fogo De Choa or some other Brazilian Steakhouse.
Thanks, and I will definitely be framing a few of them.

Agreed, these are money shots. They will suffice until next year. It is grow time. Just got the new diet from coach, some nice adjustments but we are coming out of the gate swinging! Jumping straight to 3900 calories and 500g of carbs. Lower volume, and a little more variety. Added in two turkey burgers daily for meal 2, and 75mg carb in intra drink. Got rid of the beef, and most of the chicken and brought in a bunch of eggs and egg whites. Everything is easy to eat and easily digestible. I am happy with how things are looking and curious to see how I rebound while holding off on gear, then when we kick that up, things are gonna get nasty. Coach was proud of me for coming back to him still ripped. he told me I could definitely have my free meals I look great and definitely wasn't f*cking around. It is always great to get comments like these from a mentor.

Just for kicks and curiosity, I wanted to see what I looked like at the Johnnie O show compared to the guy who won my class at nationals. Here are some shots of us side by side in similar poses. I also figured out why some of my leg separation isn't showing here. I am not pushing my hips back to get that extra detail to pop in the inner and upper thigh. Also my left leg is too straight up and down in these shots.

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I think physique-wise I was definitely first call out material with the Johnnie O look... and it wasn't even water cut....
I think your upper body beats his….chest, back, delts, and arms I think you take him. And legs are very close, and probably with those tweaks in posing your legs beat his too. If anything, even if he has more posing experience, your physique is right there with him, if not better.
Yeah, it is a huge difference in 4 days.
Thanks, and yeah we have a lot of fun, and do track days as well. Me and my so will most likely cap that off with Fogo De Choa or some other Brazilian Steakhouse.
Thanks, and I will definitely be framing a few of them.

Agreed, these are money shots. They will suffice until next year. It is grow time. Just got the new diet from coach, some nice adjustments but we are coming out of the gate swinging! Jumping straight to 3900 calories and 500g of carbs. Lower volume, and a little more variety. Added in two turkey burgers daily for meal 2, and 75mg carb in intra drink. Got rid of the beef, and most of the chicken and brought in a bunch of eggs and egg whites. Everything is easy to eat and easily digestible. I am happy with how things are looking and curious to see how I rebound while holding off on gear, then when we kick that up, things are gonna get nasty. Coach was proud of me for coming back to him still ripped. he told me I could definitely have my free meals I look great and definitely wasn't f*cking around. It is always great to get comments like these from a mentor.

Just for kicks and curiosity, I wanted to see what I looked like at the Johnnie O show compared to the guy who won my class at nationals. Here are some shots of us side by side in similar poses. I also figured out why some of my leg separation isn't showing here. I am not pushing my hips back to get that extra detail to pop in the inner and upper thigh. Also my left leg is too straight up and down in these shots.

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I think physique-wise I was definitely first call out material with the Johnnie O look... and it wasn't even water cut....
Wow. You have come along way, great result!
I think your upper body beats his….chest, back, delts, and arms I think you take him. And legs are very close, and probably with those tweaks in posing your legs beat his too. If anything, even if he has more posing experience, your physique is right there with him, if not better.
Thanks, it definitely gives me confidence, but you can see in his pics, his stage presence was great. Smiling easily like posing took no effort, lots of personality, the stuff that comes with confidence built through experience and practice.
Wow. You have come along way, great result!
Thanks @PFlowReborn

Well, I didn't weigh yesterday, but was 193 the last time I weighed in, and was 198.4 this morning. The carbs really stuck to me. :)

Yesterday was my first real training session back in the gym. I had to wing a few things because my neck is complaining a bit causing the usual referral stuff in my shoulder. At some point, I just stopped tracking in my app and put in hard work. I didn't mean too, but was just so into the session I forgot to add everything to my session. Plus I was doing some different movements to keep the neck / referral stuff from becoming an extended issue.

Arsenal Incline Press - 1805 x8, 105x6, 95x12 RP 195x3

Smith Machine Incline bench - 145x12, 145x10, 145x8 RP 145x2, 95x14

Arsenal Chest Fly 21's - 110x21, 120x21, 120x19+2 partials

Dead Hang DB Alternate Curls - 25x19, 25x17, 25x15

DB Lying Incline Curls - 15x16, 15x13, 15x11

I had a massive pump to the point my biceps were aching, and chest was huge and full of blood.
So much to get caught up on from the old thread and the new one!

I am just a bit frustrated with my current gym since they put in the basketball goal and have nothing to separate it from the weight area. I have already been hit in the head hard after a missed shot bounced off the rim and hit me hard in the head still airborne from 30 feet away at high velocity. Then another time a near miss during a work set on the arsenal chest press machine. I keep thinking, what if I get hit mid-set and got injured...

😅 😅 there is a court at our gym that I'd love to use more for cardio if I was a baller but it's completely protected behind glass walls and they supply the balls. I love the idea but have only made use of it once. Maybe I watched White Guys Can't Jump too many times.

I plan to do a bit of logging on the All Out Ultra Edition in here

I think you'll like it... it's really fantastic.

The presentation photo: 1 oz part skim mozzarella, 10g olive oil, 17oz turkey sauce, 16 oz cooked spaghetti. I may not eat all of this in one sitting, probably about 2/3-3/4 then have some more before bed with a little more noodles and a decent amount of sauce for the protein.

I'm on TRF this week to shock the body back into behavior after vacation and these types of pictures always seem to pop up when I'm fasting, lol.

This was me at 192.4 this morning after a week and a half of pretty much eating whatever I wanted within reason, and enjoying several free meals and off plan but healthier meals.

Looking shredded!! maybe it's just me but I feel like the legs are looking more defined and thin skinned even now just days after the comp?

Just for kicks and curiosity, I wanted to see what I looked like at the Johnnie O show compared to the guy who won my class at nationals. Here are some shots of us side by side in similar poses. I also figured out why some of my leg separation isn't showing here. I am not pushing my hips back to get that extra detail to pop in the inner and upper thigh. Also my left leg is too straight up and down in these shots.

I think your upper body beats his….chest, back, delts, and arms I think you take him. And legs are very close, and probably with those tweaks in posing your legs beat his too. If anything, even if he has more posing experience, your physique is right there with him, if not better.

Yeah this is a fantastic face off. I think Hyde mentioned it before but I'm honestly not a fan of the vacuum pose. It's the only pose that I've never really understood or liked. I just never understand the obsession with getting all ribby after you've spent a lifetime building the mass. POP THE ABS the abs look fantastic.
@Dustin07 TRF and food porn so conflicting eh! yeah my legs were pretty dicey for those shots.

I weighed in lower than I did for any of my shows for that check in. Coach was shocked how lean I kept myself during the free eating period. So there is a chance they were leaner than ever but definitely more defined than in any of the shows because one I didn't water cut for and the other I was holding an extra 8 lbs of water.
@Dustin07 TRF and food porn so conflicting eh! yeah my legs were pretty dicey for those shots.

Gave it some thought and after todays session doubled down on my protein shake postWO. I figure I have 8 weeks for my next push here. a day or two of balancing things out will tell me where I am but even if I'm at a legit 190 right now I should be flirting with 182 by halloween and with the lean mass I've built these past 2 years if I'm not pretty damn happy at 182 I'd be shocked. that would be a great place for me to make decisions on the future.

I weighed in lower than I did for any of my shows for that check in. Coach was shocked how lean I kept myself during the free eating period. So there is a chance they were leaner than ever but definitely more defined than in any of the shows because one I didn't water cut for and the other I was holding an extra 8 lbs of water.
Newbie question that I already know the answer to, but you don't get any break down on scoring at all do you? Do you and Pat have specific ideas on what you need/want to improve for the next show? I'm just so wow'd by how sliced your legs look. Any idea what BF you floated at on stage? I'm pretty sure my lowest ever was around 8 or 8.6% or something like that and even though I had good separation in the quads I don't remember my legs being near as thin-skinned or veiny as you get. Although I'm hairy like animal, grr.
Thanks, it definitely gives me confidence, but you can see in his pics, his stage presence was great. Smiling easily like posing took no effort, lots of personality, the stuff that comes with confidence built through experience and practice.

Thanks @PFlowReborn

Well, I didn't weigh yesterday, but was 193 the last time I weighed in, and was 198.4 this morning. The carbs really stuck to me. :)

Yesterday was my first real training session back in the gym. I had to wing a few things because my neck is complaining a bit causing the usual referral stuff in my shoulder. At some point, I just stopped tracking in my app and put in hard work. I didn't mean too, but was just so into the session I forgot to add everything to my session. Plus I was doing some different movements to keep the neck / referral stuff from becoming an extended issue.

Arsenal Incline Press - 1805 x8, 105x6, 95x12 RP 195x3

Smith Machine Incline bench - 145x12, 145x10, 145x8 RP 145x2, 95x14

Arsenal Chest Fly 21's - 110x21, 120x21, 120x19+2 partials

Dead Hang DB Alternate Curls - 25x19, 25x17, 25x15

DB Lying Incline Curls - 15x16, 15x13, 15x11

I had a massive pump to the point my biceps were aching, and chest was huge and full of blood.
Yeah that curl combo will light up the world!