KLEEN is Recovering & Breaking PR's with Wendlers 531 & FINAFLEX!



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The man with the plan :) keen to see how it works out for you bro! Happy new year!


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Dang, so I have a question for you.

Why would you say the difference is between 1-alpha, 1-andro, and 550. With the sale I want to get one to run as my first cycle but can't ind a good summary anywhere.

Keep on killin it bro


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Dang, so I have a question for you.

Why would you say the difference is between 1-alpha, 1-andro, and 550. With the sale I want to get one to run as my first cycle but can't ind a good summary anywhere.

Keep on killin it bro
1-Andro is the original 1-Andro product we carried it has DHB in it to make it more bio-available. You will have minimal shut down with this product.

1-Alpha is the ingredient in 1-Andro with an Enanthate Ester bonded to it so that it has a long half life. IE... can be active longer in your system. You will see more gains from this product than 1-Andro but also have a little more shut down.

550-XD is a Nandrolone precursor, you will see gains with this product but it is great for leaning up while adding some new muscle. It also has a nice benefit on your joints. Most people like to stack this with 1-Andro or 1-Alpha to enhance the mass while also aiding in keeping joints healthy. It also has Arimistane in it as well as some other cycle support.

In all honesty any one of these products would be great for a first cycle, or a combination of 550-XD and either of the andro based products.

Many people are seeing great gains with 4 caps of 1-Alpha a day, KenpoEngineer saw amazing gains with 2 1-Andro and 2 550XD a day.

It really just depends on which way you wan to go. Being your first run I think you could gain modestly but noticeably at 2 caps of 1-Alpha a day but most people want to run it a little higher to maximize gains.


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1-Andro is the original 1-Andro product we carried it has DHB in it to make it more bio-available. You will have minimal shut down with this product.

1-Alpha is the ingredient in 1-Andro with an Enanthate Ester bonded to it so that it has a long half life. IE... can be active longer in your system. You will see more gains from this product than 1-Andro but also have a little more shut down.

550-XD is a Nandrolone precursor, you will see gains with this product but it is great for leaning up while adding some new muscle. It also has a nice benefit on your joints. Most people like to stack this with 1-Andro or 1-Alpha to enhance the mass while also aiding in keeping joints healthy. It also has Arimistane in it as well as some other cycle support.

In all honesty any one of these products would be great for a first cycle, or a combination of 550-XD and either of the andro based products.

Many people are seeing great gains with 4 caps of 1-Alpha a day, KenpoEngineer saw amazing gains with 2 1-Andro and 2 550XD a day.

It really just depends on which way you wan to go. Being your first run I think you could gain modestly but noticeably at 2 caps of 1-Alpha a day but most people want to run it a little higher to maximize gains.
Great, thank you. I wanna stack 1 alpha with 550, but I'll have to think about it funds wise, pct revolution suitable for a pct?


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That and at least 1 bottle or PURE TEST.


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Great, thank you. I wanna stack 1 alpha with 550, but I'll have to think about it funds wise, pct revolution suitable for a pct?
Yah you will probably want to add some pure test which is inexpensive and I like to use crea-trona in a situation like pct. You need all the help you can get to keep things moving.


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Here is my workout from this morning 15 reps w/ 30 seconds rest periods

Incline DB bench x3
Seated Row Machine x3
DB Shoulder Press x3
Lat Pull Downs x3
Leg Press x3
Seated DB Lateral Raises x3
Leg Extensions x3
Rear Delt Flies x3

Walk to restroom and hurl for ab work. LOL

I am going to the ortho for my shoulder Monday. It was still bothering me today so it was time to schedule it. It was not horrible but I will have him schedule an MRI so I know if it is just inflammation or a torn labrum. Feels kind of like a torn labrum and if so I want it fixed immediately. I still want to do a show this year and i can pull it off if i can get a good 6 months training in thanks to muscle memory and good supps.


Well-known member
Dang, so I have a question for you.

Why would you say the difference is between 1-alpha, 1-andro, and 550. With the sale I want to get one to run as my first cycle but can't ind a good summary anywhere.

Keep on killin it bro
I just posted a killer review of 1-alpha on my log. Check it out. Search: "My 6wk 1-Alpha Log"


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Here is my workout from this morning 15 reps w/ 30 seconds rest periods

Incline DB bench x3
Seated Row Machine x3
DB Shoulder Press x3
Lat Pull Downs x3
Leg Press x3
Seated DB Lateral Raises x3
Leg Extensions x3
Rear Delt Flies x3

Walk to restroom and hurl for ab work. LOL

I am going to the ortho for my shoulder Monday. It was still bothering me today so it was time to schedule it. It was not horrible but I will have him schedule an MRI so I know if it is just inflammation or a torn labrum. Feels kind of like a torn labrum and if so I want it fixed immediately. I still want to do a show this year and i can pull it off if i can get a good 6 months training in thanks to muscle memory and good supps.
My shoulder has never really gotten all of it's strength back and it is really only a problem with chest workouts, I got rid of barbell bench and lowered my weight on db's as well and I make sure I work my chest on each rep by stretching as much as possible at the bottom of the negative. I can also do a decent fly. There is always a way...


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My shoulder has never really gotten all of it's strength back and it is really only a problem with chest workouts, I got rid of barbell bench and lowered my weight on db's as well and I make sure I work my chest on each rep by stretching as much as possible at the bottom of the negative. I can also do a decent fly. There is always a way...
Absolutely, always a way which is why I am not quitting training for the show. I have good insurance though so there is no real out of pocket for me to go do this other than a $40 copay. If I need a surgery it will be another 200 and that is it so no need to work around it for a long time. Especially in this economy, I feel safe in my employment but you just never know so I don't want to put it off.


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Absolutely, always a way which is why I am not quitting training for the show. I have good insurance though so there is no real out of pocket for me to go do this other than a $40 copay. If I need a surgery it will be another 200 and that is it so no need to work around it for a long time. Especially in this economy, I feel safe in my employment but you just never know so I don't want to put it off.
Shyt bro, another one of my friends just got laid off after the new year and he has a masters degree with experience. Bad times in this country. I hear you on the insurance though. My recent visit to the ER would've cost me around 7 g's but with my insurance I didn't pay a dime, not even for the meds!


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Yep it is something I consider a major benefit.

I am still going to be doing my FST-7 workout as planned just will be very careful not to move in the directions that seem to be causing the problems. Looking forward to the lift though.


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Okay have some workout updates from this weekend and then the update from the ortho today.

Saturday Chest Back and Shoulders 2-0-2 tempo
Cybex Machine Press - 100x12, 150x12, 150x12, 150x12
FST-7 Cable Cross over on Free Motion Machine 75x12, 75x12, 70x12, 60x12, 60x12, 60x12, 60x8

Chins 10, 10, 5
Pronated Grip HS Rows - 2p x12 x 2 sets
FST-7 Cybex Pull Overs Using only elbows no hands - 100x12, 100x12, 87.5x12, 87.5x12, 87.5x8, 75x12, 75x8

HS Shoulder press - 45x12, 55x12, 65x11 got a little rough on shoulder so I STOPPED.
FST-7 Seated DB Lateral Raise - 20x12, 20x12, 20x12, 20x9, 15x11, 15x10, 15x9
Rear Delt Machine Flies - 80x12, 80x8, 60x9

Sunday workout - 1 tempo 2-0-2
Leg Press close stance low on platform quad intensive weight is per side - 4px12, 6p x12, 8px12, 8px11
FST-7 Leg Extensions - 170x12, 170x11, 150x11, 150x9, 130x9, 110x7, 90x10
Romanian Dead lifts 225x12, 275x12, 295x12
Git sick to my stomach from the low rest periods, tried to sit it out for a minute then decided to go home and come back for arms.

Workout 2 - Tempo 2-0-2

Seated DB Curl - 20x12, 35x12, 40x11, 40x8
DB Hammer Curls drop set - 30x10>20x
FST-7 Cable Preacher Curl - 50x7, 40x8, 35x7, 30x8, 30x9, 30x7.5, 25x7

JM Press 95x12, 135x12, 185x12, 185x10
Dips drop set - 15, 12>BW-60 assisted 4
FST-7 Cable Over head Seated Triceps Extensions 80x9, 70x8, 60x7, 50x8, 50x8, 50x7, 40x11

My entire body is sore right now from all of this. Funny I have a full body workout tomorrow unless I do legs. I went to the ortho today to have him look at my shoulder and he ran me through the battery of tests and thinks it is just sever inflammation. So he gave me a stronger anti inflammatory and told me to just adjust the angles of my lifts to compensate for the shoulder for a couple more weeks. he thinks it will heal right up. If not then he is going to have me get an MRI. He seemed pretty positive it would be okay and after a relatively painless workout this weekend I think he may be right. On upper pecs i will have to go light but decline and closer in flat press I should be able to push pretty good. I will either go to my split starting tomorrow or will begin it next week after having 2 more light full body workouts before the weekend.


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FST-7 for leg extensions. I like that. Gonna steal it...


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Now you can breathe a sigh of relief about the shoulder and go about your business... one less detail. That's how it is when you decide you want to do a show details, details, details....


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FST-7 for leg extensions. I like that. Gonna steal it...
Feel Free, man they really burn the hell out of you. My knees were buckling and then when I did the Romanians they kept trying to buckle which is why I only did 3 sets instead of 4. I didn't feel it was safe...
Now you can breathe a sigh of relief about the shoulder and go about your business... one less detail. That's how it is when you decide you want to do a show details, details, details....
AMEN! Yeah it is a huge relief to say the least. After this weekends workout it was really showing some improvement finally so I was pretty confident it wasn't anything too bad. He said it could be a minor tear to the posterior labrum but only time would tell unless I wanted an MRI but with how little pain I was in during his tests he seemed to think it was more major inflammation than a tear. If it is a micro tear in the posterior labrum and stays really minor I will probably work around it through the show then have it repaired.


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Another decent workout in the books rest 45 seconds 2-0-2 tempo

Flat BB Bench 135x15, 185x15, 185x10>135x10
Supinated Grip Dorian Rows - 135x15, 185x15, 185x10>135x10
EZ Bar Shoulder Press - 95x15, 95x12, 95x9
Deep Trap Bar Deads - 245x15, 245x15, 245x15

DONE nothing left in the tank I was gasping for air this was only about 20 minutes of workout just go go go!

Shoulder did not hurt during regular grip bench. I felt it a little but I think it had to do with paying so much attention to it but it was not pain in any way shape or form. More likely me being hyper aware of it.


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Another decent workout in the books rest 45 seconds 2-0-2 tempo

Flat BB Bench 135x15, 185x15, 185x10>135x10
Supinated Grip Dorian Rows - 135x15, 185x15, 185x10>135x10
EZ Bar Shoulder Press - 95x15, 95x12, 95x9
Deep Trap Bar Deads - 245x15, 245x15, 245x15

DONE nothing left in the tank I was gasping for air this was only about 20 minutes of workout just go go go!

Shoulder did not hurt during regular grip bench. I felt it a little but I think it had to do with paying so much attention to it but it was not pain in any way shape or form. More likely me being hyper aware of it.
Great workout Bro! Keep that shoulder in check! I go for my mri thurs, I will let ya know outcome


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Another decent workout in the books rest 45 seconds 2-0-2 tempo

Flat BB Bench 135x15, 185x15, 185x10>135x10
Supinated Grip Dorian Rows - 135x15, 185x15, 185x10>135x10
EZ Bar Shoulder Press - 95x15, 95x12, 95x9
Deep Trap Bar Deads - 245x15, 245x15, 245x15

DONE nothing left in the tank I was gasping for air this was only about 20 minutes of workout just go go go!

Shoulder did not hurt during regular grip bench. I felt it a little but I think it had to do with paying so much attention to it but it was not pain in any way shape or form. More likely me being hyper aware of it.
Gasping for air!!!! WTH you to young for that lol jk man your workouts are always intense. It's the Kleen nature!!


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It definitely is in my nature plus I was very short on time so it was fast pace or not bother trying to lift. MS good luck with your mei hopefully nothing too bad. Shoulder felt much better today and no residual pain as of yet. Thursday will be a full body again. Then Sat upper and Suns a light lower. Monday I will start my regular FST-7 plan I mentioned earlier in the log. I will use tempo to keepnweights reasonable and let them climb gradually. I think I would rather do a 4 day a week split though so may have to change a few things up.


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So you guys like the finaflex products? I am in market for my next cycle, my first cycle ever was the andro -1 and the epi - v from finaflex and that was over a year ago. Just not sure what I am gonna choose for my next round..... i am thinking of stepping it up a little as I have taken a few cycles now and have had very minimal side effects up to this point.


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So you guys like the finaflex products? I am in market for my next cycle, my first cycle ever was the andro -1 and the epi - v from finaflex and that was over a year ago. Just not sure what I am gonna choose for my next round..... i am thinking of stepping it up a little as I have taken a few cycles now and have had very minimal side effects up to this point.
1-alpha/550 maybe ...


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The 1-Alpha is a lot more anabolic than the 1-Andro definitely a step up when going for more gains.


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Well tomorrow is the big day, I am starting my FST-7 run. I have slid back into my normal IF routine, since I will be working out so often I will take in about 2500 cals per day and 2700 on back and leg days, then maybe 1800-2000 on burn days although this may be less on some days.


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Well tomorrow is the big day, I am starting my FST-7 run. I have slid back into my normal IF routine, since I will be working out so often I will take in about 2500 cals per day and 2700 on back and leg days, then maybe 1800-2000 on burn days although this may be less on some days.
One word. Awesome


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Well tomorrow is the big day, I am starting my FST-7 run. I have slid back into my normal IF routine, since I will be working out so often I will take in about 2500 cals per day and 2700 on back and leg days, then maybe 1800-2000 on burn days although this may be less on some days.
My basic without exercise is 1800 and 2800 and I add in my activity from there.


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My basic without exercise is 1800 and 2800 and I add in my activity from there.
Yeah I do like the 1000 split most of the time. This is going to be interesting for me because I am trying to cut. My testosterone being pretty low on top of the injury and poor eating I am very unhappy with my physique at the moment. I started at a normal weight of around 212 with a little bit of abs and right now I am 212 but you can not really see my abs any longer. I really can not stand losing my abs as you already know.

Today will be my last SERM dose it will have been 40 days, and I have what looks to be 2 more days of PURE TEST. I would say that my testosterone levels are back to low normal just by how I feel. I don't think they are much over 400 if they are. I will be flip flopping to a nice bridge here soon and hopefully running a cutting log for the new PX as soon as I can get a hold of it. As far as the bridge I am trying to decide if I want to run some Massularia, or Paragon, I have both of them. I was thinking about Paragon, but then I have already been on DAA for 6 weeks. Not sure if hitting up another product with DAA in it is the way to go. Any opinions?


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Its a lot easier to cope with not seeing your abs when you have never seen them in the first place. Lol maybe some day Ill cut down but its right I just want strength and power. Hope your shoulder is holding up.


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Its a lot easier to cope with not seeing your abs when you have never seen them in the first place. Lol maybe some day Ill cut down but its right I just want strength and power. Hope your shoulder is holding up.
Shoulder is doing much better! Seems I turned a corner in recovery that just made all the difference in the world. Yeah on the abs thing it has only been the last 4 years of my life that it has been something I really try to keep before that I never had them before either. Once you get them though they are just something you don't like not having.


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Yesterdays Grub

Fast Breaker
Planters - Mixed Nuts Less Than 50% Peanuts, 1 oz 28 g (about 29 pieces)1705g15g6g0mg90mg1g2g
Trunutrition Sciences - Trutein - Banana Cream, 3 Scoop (34g)36015g3g75g60mg300mg3g8g
Quaker Oats - Old Fashioned Oatmeal - Dry, 1/2 cup15027g3g5g0mg0mg1g4g
Generic - Lean Ground Turkey , 16 oz (112g)6400g32g96g420mg380mg0g0g
Peller Estates Shiraz - Red Wine, 350 ml2406g0g0g0mg0mg0g0g
Trunutrition Sciences - Trutein - Banana Cream, 2 Scoop (34g)24010g2g50g40mg200mg2g5g
Maranatha - Creamy Almond Butter (No Stir), 2 TBS (32g)1907g16g6g0mg60mg3g3g


Its a lot easier to cope with not seeing your abs when you have never seen them in the first place.
lol indeed.
two sayings i like:
you can't miss what you've never had
you can't know what you've never learned



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lol indeed.
two sayings i like:
you can't miss what you've never had
you can't know what you've never learned

So very true! I am really looking forward to tonights lift. Not overly excited about being there with all the NY Resolution crowd but that's okay... I can focus right around them. :D


Not overly excited about being there with all the NY Resolution crowd
hmm let's see this is the 10th..

whatdya think, another 3-4 days before the majority of those resolution ppl have had enuff resoluting?



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Yeah I do like the 1000 split most of the time. This is going to be interesting for me because I am trying to cut. My testosterone being pretty low on top of the injury and poor eating I am very unhappy with my physique at the moment. I started at a normal weight of around 212 with a little bit of abs and right now I am 212 but you can not really see my abs any longer. I really can not stand losing my abs as you already know.

Today will be my last SERM dose it will have been 40 days, and I have what looks to be 2 more days of PURE TEST. I would say that my testosterone levels are back to low normal just by how I feel. I don't think they are much over 400 if they are. I will be flip flopping to a nice bridge here soon and hopefully running a cutting log for the new PX as soon as I can get a hold of it. As far as the bridge I am trying to decide if I want to run some Massularia, or Paragon, I have both of them. I was thinking about Paragon, but then I have already been on DAA for 6 weeks. Not sure if hitting up another product with DAA in it is the way to go. Any opinions?
I would cycle off DAA and go with the other. Though dr.D said he has studied being on DAA for over 6months I have noticed a down turn in the feel good aspect of DAA and libido if I'm on it for more than 4 weeks.
Up to you though. Either way, just try and see if you feel less from it later on.


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hmm let's see this is the 10th..

whatdya think, another 3-4 days before the majority of those resolution ppl have had enuff resoluting?

I think it has already started to thin out. Normally pretty close to completely normal by the beginning of February.


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I think it has already started to thin out. Normally pretty close to completely normal by the beginning of February.
Yah way less folks this morning...


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Matt and Snags, I agree, I started up the Massularia today, it should be a fun ride from all of the logs and feedback. Something to stimulate the LH from another angle can't hurt. Also adding in Glycobol.

Okay here are yesterdays eats I only went to 2400 because it was an Arm Day not a large body part so no need for hyper caloric intake.

Fast Breaker
Barilla - Whole Grain Thin Spaghetti (Cooked), 1.4 oz14029g1g5g0mg7mg1g4g
Starkist - Tuna Chunk Light In Water 113 g, 339 g3000g3g60g150mg1,080mg0g0g
Emerald - Cocoa Roast Almonds (Per Nut Serving), 1 oz. (23 almonds)1506g13g6g0mg25mg1g3g
Turkey Chili - 93/7% Lean, 16 oz33626g10g32g64mg300mg0g8g
Rice - White, long-grain, regular, cooked, 2 cup41189g1g9g0mg3mg0g1g
San - Platinum Isolate Supreme - All Flavors, 3 Scoop3302g0g81g0mg150mg0g0g
Trunutrition Sciences - Trutein - Banana Cream, 2.5 Scoop (34g)30013g3g63g50mg250mg3g6g
Emerald - Cocao Roast Almonds, 0.5 oz.753g7g3g0mg13mg1g2g
Quaker Oats - Old Fashioned Oatmeal - Dry, 0.5 cup15027g3g5g0mg0mg1g4g
Finaflex - Cell Shock Recovery Drink, 2 scoops20050g0g0g0mg0mg15g0g

This was last nights lift, it went really well. Rest periods were 1 minute and then 30 seconds for the FST-7 sets

Close Grip Bench Press - 135x15, 185x12, 205x11, 205x8 - was very happy to get up over 200 with no pain in the shoulder at all!
Dips w/ 27.5 lb DB between legs - 12, 12, 9 - Nice I was shocked by the contraction in my triceps with these the CGP had really pushed then and this had them burning.

FST-7 Overhead Cable Extensions
- 90x12, 110x12, 120x12, 120x12, 120x10, 120x8, 110x9 - talk about feel the burn
FST-7 Skull Crushers - 85x9, 75x10, 65x8, 55x11, 55x7, 45x10, 45x8 Holy Bat Crap these were beastly and my triceps were so pumped they ached!

Seated Alternate DB Curl - 20x12, 42.5x10, 42.5x6, 32.5x6
EZ Bar Curls - 80x12, 80x8, 75x7

FST-7 Preacher Curl Machine - 90x6, 70x8, 65x7, 55x8, 50x7, 45x8, 35x11 - My biceps were screaming at me after this. Since I dont do a ton of biceps work this volume was brutal for me.

My arms were so full and swollen they looked like they were 18 inchers... I can't tell you that doing this workout is really going to agree with my physique and bring up my arms.

Okay on to today's work out! It was a beast! This extra volume is really taking a toll on me but I know my body will respond to it VERY WELL!

Leg Ext - 150x15, 190x15, 230x11, 230x6 - obviously trying to really work the quads hard and it worked I couldn't even reach 8 on the last set of these. On to squats... WHY????
Squats - 225x12, 275x11, 275x10, 275x10 man the leg extensions really took a lot out of me, these were a bitch!
Leg Press Feet Close together and low on platform - 540x15, 720x12, 860x8 - Man the last rep on this was KILLER!

FST-7 Leg Extensions
150x15, 130x10, 110x9, 90x10, 90x9, 90x9, 90x8 - Holy Mother Of God! The burn was ridiculous, I thought it was going to set off the sprinkler system!

Up Position Lying Leg Curls - 65x15, 85x15, 95x6 - Hamstrings were pretty toasty from the squats so not surprised that they gave out here.
Stiff Leg Dead lifts - 225x12 x 3 sets

I ran out of time and couldn't do my FST-7 sets on Hamstrings... Although the squats really push my hamstrings harder than my quads so they were burning during squatting. I don't think they got short changed by not being able to do the FST-7 but may have to remove an exercise next time to get them in there.


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Bro! I mean really. That is a whole lotta volume brotha. Our workouts are looking pretty similar at the moment. I do leg extensions all the time before squats for the warmup but I got legs today and have decided to hit up squats first for a change then use FST-7 to burn em out at the end. Just have to see how it goes. GOOD NUMBERS. For an old guy... Ha just messing


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Bro! I mean really. That is a whole lotta volume brotha. Our workouts are looking pretty similar at the moment. I do leg extensions all the time before squats for the warmup but I got legs today and have decided to hit up squats first for a change then use FST-7 to burn em out at the end. Just have to see how it goes. GOOD NUMBERS. For an old guy... Ha just messing
LMAO, good to hear from a young buck.


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Hey kleen hope you don't mind but I stole your leg workout. Thanks for that :)


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No one and I mean no one does a log like this beast! Wicked updates all the time and love the lay outs! Kleen for Pres!

Matt and Snags, I agree, I started up the Massularia today, it should be a fun ride from all of the logs and feedback. Something to stimulate the LH from another angle can't hurt. Also adding in Glycobol.

Okay here are yesterdays eats I only went to 2400 because it was an Arm Day not a large body part so no need for hyper caloric intake.

Fast Breaker
Barilla - Whole Grain Thin Spaghetti (Cooked), 1.4 oz14029g1g5g0mg7mg1g4g
Starkist - Tuna Chunk Light In Water 113 g, 339 g3000g3g60g150mg1,080mg0g0g
Emerald - Cocoa Roast Almonds (Per Nut Serving), 1 oz. (23 almonds)1506g13g6g0mg25mg1g3g
Turkey Chili - 93/7% Lean, 16 oz33626g10g32g64mg300mg0g8g
Rice - White, long-grain, regular, cooked, 2 cup41189g1g9g0mg3mg0g1g
San - Platinum Isolate Supreme - All Flavors, 3 Scoop3302g0g81g0mg150mg0g0g
Trunutrition Sciences - Trutein - Banana Cream, 2.5 Scoop (34g)30013g3g63g50mg250mg3g6g
Emerald - Cocao Roast Almonds, 0.5 oz.753g7g3g0mg13mg1g2g
Quaker Oats - Old Fashioned Oatmeal - Dry, 0.5 cup15027g3g5g0mg0mg1g4g
Finaflex - Cell Shock Recovery Drink, 2 scoops20050g0g0g0mg0mg15g0g

This was last nights lift, it went really well. Rest periods were 1 minute and then 30 seconds for the FST-7 sets

Close Grip Bench Press - 135x15, 185x12, 205x11, 205x8 - was very happy to get up over 200 with no pain in the shoulder at all!
Dips w/ 27.5 lb DB between legs - 12, 12, 9 - Nice I was shocked by the contraction in my triceps with these the CGP had really pushed then and this had them burning.

FST-7 Overhead Cable Extensions
- 90x12, 110x12, 120x12, 120x12, 120x10, 120x8, 110x9 - talk about feel the burn
FST-7 Skull Crushers - 85x9, 75x10, 65x8, 55x11, 55x7, 45x10, 45x8 Holy Bat Crap these were beastly and my triceps were so pumped they ached!

Seated Alternate DB Curl - 20x12, 42.5x10, 42.5x6, 32.5x6
EZ Bar Curls - 80x12, 80x8, 75x7

FST-7 Preacher Curl Machine - 90x6, 70x8, 65x7, 55x8, 50x7, 45x8, 35x11 - My biceps were screaming at me after this. Since I dont do a ton of biceps work this volume was brutal for me.

My arms were so full and swollen they looked like they were 18 inchers... I can't tell you that doing this workout is really going to agree with my physique and bring up my arms.

Okay on to today's work out! It was a beast! This extra volume is really taking a toll on me but I know my body will respond to it VERY WELL!

Leg Ext - 150x15, 190x15, 230x11, 230x6 - obviously trying to really work the quads hard and it worked I couldn't even reach 8 on the last set of these. On to squats... WHY????
Squats - 225x12, 275x11, 275x10, 275x10 man the leg extensions really took a lot out of me, these were a bitch!
Leg Press Feet Close together and low on platform - 540x15, 720x12, 860x8 - Man the last rep on this was KILLER!

FST-7 Leg Extensions
150x15, 130x10, 110x9, 90x10, 90x9, 90x9, 90x8 - Holy Mother Of God! The burn was ridiculous, I thought it was going to set off the sprinkler system!

Up Position Lying Leg Curls - 65x15, 85x15, 95x6 - Hamstrings were pretty toasty from the squats so not surprised that they gave out here.
Stiff Leg Dead lifts - 225x12 x 3 sets

I ran out of time and couldn't do my FST-7 sets on Hamstrings... Although the squats really push my hamstrings harder than my quads so they were burning during squatting. I don't think they got short changed by not being able to do the FST-7 but may have to remove an exercise next time to get them in there.

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