I'm a Carnivore


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Also a random question about fats that you guys may know.

Does timing of omega 3and 6 fats make a difference on performance and/or healing potential?
eg. Omega 3(fish) during the day to lower inflammation and omega 6(eggs) at night to create inflammation in a pattern like cortisol helps influence.


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Also a random question about fats that you guys may know.

Does timing of omega 3and 6 fats make a difference on performance and/or healing potential?
eg. Omega 3(fish) during the day to lower inflammation and omega 6(eggs) at night to create inflammation in a pattern like cortisol helps influence.
I'm not sure about this. The spirit of my dieting philosophy is to keep it as simple as possible. I don't eat or drink during exercise, that's the most timing I do. I actually stopped eating fish and eggs as they don't satisfy me like beef does


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In a nutshell it's because amino acids are not the preferred source for GNG and no amount of GNG will throw you out of ketosis because it's demand driven not supply driven

More info here:
Interesting link discussion...but I think it doesn't necessarily definitive. You are right that GNG is demand driven - but it isn't like fats are preferred sources of energy either. Certain amino acids will convert to carbs pretty easily and if the demand for energy is there and there is enough of certain amino acids, I would imagine you could meet that demand more easily from the amino acids than fats.

The conversion of fats to glucose is so inefficient it was deemed impossible for many years, and it requires ketones to make this happen.

Again though, it would be easy to test. Get into ketosis on a strictly regulated diet, and then adjust the diet to include more protein. Its a test that anyone can run themselves.

The main thing to think about is what you define ketosis as
Is ketosis being able to measure ketones in the urine? Or is it the liver making ketones?

One can be tested easily, the other cannot. Less of one will happen the lower calories get also
Well, point taken and to your point gluconeogenesis, ketosis, etc. Are not all or nothing events, they likely all occur at varying degrees at all times.

And yes, caloric intake matters. In the presence of a high fat diet, your body will Dow regulate glucose usage and increase fat burning for ATP. Ultimately this gets back to your point that it is demand driven - the demand for glucose drops, so gluconeogenesis isnt needed as much, and the amino acid requirement for gluconeogenesis will be reduced. If you are on lower calories with a lower fat diet, your fat burning will be unregulated and carb burning down regulated, but aminos will knock you out of ketosis in this state because they are the easiest source of energy for gluconeogenesis.

Along these lines, I wonder if a really high protein and low carb/low fat diet may reverse the metabolic damage caused by a obesity and low carb diets.

Thanks you very much.
I haven't put anywhere near the time into this as I would like to have yet. But I have had a feeling about keto and protein amount creating issues. Very interesting that fat total can influence this also.
Ditto, Alexpowell certainly has very interesting ideas and has done good research.

Cheers, always good to hear your input. Between you both it is helping steer my thinking a better direction on a topic I need to spend more time on. You put some awesome effort into nutrition effects.
And make me need to learn more after most posts. :)
Thank you sir. I appreciate that. Always just hoping to have a good convo and guys like you and Alex help progress those conversations which helps me learn a lot.

Also a random question about fats that you guys may know.

Does timing of omega 3and 6 fats make a difference on performance and/or healing potential?
eg. Omega 3(fish) during the day to lower inflammation and omega 6(eggs) at night to create inflammation in a pattern like cortisol helps influence.
Good question. As Alex said, sometimes overthinking things is not needed. I think our body is very good at regulating varying nutrient intakes. We are designed to have periods of surplus and periods of deficits. This goes for all nutrients. In this light we often have multiple pathways for achieving the same goals...when kne drops another takes over.

Having said that, Arachidonic Acid is an omega-6 and the inflammatory response from working out is amplified by it...so I guess you could hypothesis that taking omega-6s in general may help increase your response to working out and omega 3's should be avoided around working out.


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AlexPowell - I have been meaning to ask, how do your joints feel on this diet? I've been pushing more protein and I have noticed some joint issues. It's very very minor but not normal for me. Just curious if you've noticed anything like that?


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HIT4ME you caught my thought train.

I saw a post about not taking fish oil with x-gells the other day which made me think maybe whole eggs as a post-workout meal may have some benefit.
And fish throughout the day to help arthritis mobility.


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Bench Press - 57.5kg for 15 reps. Last two weeks were 55kg for 16 and 50kg for 20 so this is good progress!
Pin Press - Worked up to 70kg, 75kg was too hard. I need to move the pins up slightly next week as my arch is getting better
Dumbbell Bench 5 sets
Chest flys 3 sets
Barbell curls 4 sets
French press 3 sets
Hammer curls 3 sets
Pushdowns 2 sets

Going to add a set to everything if Overhead press goes well


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@<u><a href="http://anabolicminds.com/forum/member.php?u=194343" target="_blank">AlexPowell</a></u> - I have been meaning to ask, how do your joints feel on this diet? I've been pushing more protein and I have noticed some joint issues. It's very very minor but not normal for me. Just curious if you've noticed anything like that?
My joints are fine, but I have never had any joint issues. My left elbow has never liked curls, so I do them by sort of rowing the bar vertically up my body along with hammer curls. I have good core stability and hip/shoulder mobility which (a lack thereof) is the cause of most joint issues anyway

Regarding the previous discussion as well, it's really starting to push the limits of my knowledge and ability to articulate how I feel
So I'll take it down a notch and go back to a more high level view of things

If I play devils advocate and say that consuming a large amount of protein will cause more gluconeogenesis and take me out of ketosis then so what? :)
What is the impact of this happening
Studies have shown that infusing alanine and other amino acids cause a rise in blood sugar, but no rise in serum insulin - in fact, glucagon rose which would suggest a catabolic state


At 9 minutes explains this better than I can!


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My joints are fine, but I have never had any joint issues. My left elbow has never liked curls, so I do them by sort of rowing the bar vertically up my body along with hammer curls. I have good core stability and hip/shoulder mobility which (a lack thereof) is the cause of most joint issues anyway

Regarding the previous discussion as well, it's really starting to push the limits of my knowledge and ability to articulate how I feel
So I'll take it down a notch and go back to a more high level view of things

If I play devils advocate and say that consuming a large amount of protein will cause more gluconeogenesis and take me out of ketosis then so what? :)
What is the impact of this happening
Studies have shown that infusing alanine and other amino acids cause a rise in blood sugar, but no rise in serum insulin - in fact, glucagon rose which would suggest a catabolic state


At 9 minutes explains this better than I can!
I've only listened to about 20 minutes of this so far, and it's a good talk for sure. Thanks for that.

I am guessing you are talking about the statement he makes that arginine only spikes insulin in the presence of blood glucose - but this makes perfect sense. As he says in the video, arginine is the prototypical gluconeogenic amino acid. The key here is, it's gluconeogenic - not directly insulinogenic.

Basically, arginine upregulates glucose production - which could in some instances elevate blood sugar, which will thus increase insulin release - so it's indirectly insulogenic.

With that understanding, it would make sense if you already have elevated blood sugar and thus elevated insulin, and then arginine comes along and triggers gluconeogenesis - your body is going to basicallly react with, "Oh Sh1t! Just got word from production that they're about to dump a boatload of glucose in our blood in a minute!!! Pump out more insulin!! Hurry!" And your insulin will shoot up. Now, if you have low blood sugar already - the fact you are about to make some glucose isn't so demanding, so it doesn't require so much insulin, etc.

I could be misinterpreting...would more discussion.

Regardless, if you start creating glucose - regardless of your insulin levels - you have glucose which is much preferred for energy to lipids/ketones. Enough gluconeogenesis and you will have enough glucose that you don't need to be in ketosis anymore and your body will use the glucose.

Having said that - your question, "What does it matter" is really the key. In the grand scheme, it probably does not, unless you're trying to follow a ketogenic diet.

But what most people don't realize is that one of the things that happen in obesity is that carb use is down regulated and we become very good at burning fat stores. If you go into a deficit or even worse - a combo of low carbs and a deficit - you will increase the enzymes that cause this shift from carbs to fat burning - which basically just took one of the issues with obese and made it worse. (this is not just theory)

And then people wonder why they rebound and they think their metabolism magically slowed - but I theorize it has more to do with the fact that we are using fat instead of carbs for energy, which slows weight loss. But this is my own theory and thoughts...

I think gluconeogenesis can be your friend, but it can also knock you out of ketosis.


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My joints are fine, but I have never had any joint issues. My left elbow has never liked curls, so I do them by sort of rowing the bar vertically up my body along with hammer curls. I have good core stability and hip/shoulder mobility which (a lack thereof) is the cause of most joint issues anyway

Regarding the previous discussion as well, it's really starting to push the limits of my knowledge and ability to articulate how I feel
So I'll take it down a notch and go back to a more high level view of things

If I play devils advocate and say that consuming a large amount of protein will cause more gluconeogenesis and take me out of ketosis then so what? :)
What is the impact of this happening
Studies have shown that infusing alanine and other amino acids cause a rise in blood sugar, but no rise in serum insulin - in fact, glucagon rose which would suggest a catabolic state


At 9 minutes explains this better than I can!
I wont be able to catch up on vids until the weekend, I have a super busy week this week.
I appreciate your stance on ketosis not being the goal, just a bonus, most put to much bearing on it without being critical enough.
I come from a very different angle than just cutting or building mass, more of a learning to age better thing.

Your last sentence is part of what I was asking about aminos for(also a part I wasn't aware of).
After I get a chance to properly catch up I will be back with more questions I think.

Cheers guys, this is something thats been bouncing around in my head for a little while now.


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I just had a look at what I eat day to day, it's 40% of calories from fat and 60% of calories from protein


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I just had a look at what I eat day to day, it's 40% of calories from fat and 60% of calories from protein
Hardcore at the very least :)

In leaning a little in your direction - I've nearly doubled my protein intake lately. I'm finding that it's actually pretty easy to keep under 2000 calories a day if I eat at least 1,000-1,200 calories of that from protein. I'm not saying I'm carnivore or low carb or anything like that - just that I'm high protein.

My weight has actually been all over, and even though I feel like I'm in a slight deficit most days (although some days I fall off the wagon), I've gained just a couple pounds - but I feel like my muscles are bigger and I'm seeing some increases in the gym even though I took almost 2 weeks off.


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Hardcore at the very least :)

In leaning a little in your direction - I've nearly doubled my protein intake lately. I'm finding that it's actually pretty easy to keep under 2000 calories a day if I eat at least 1,000-1,200 calories of that from protein. I'm not saying I'm carnivore or low carb or anything like that - just that I'm high protein.

My weight has actually been all over, and even though I feel like I'm in a slight deficit most days (although some days I fall off the wagon), I've gained just a couple pounds - but I feel like my muscles are bigger and I'm seeing some increases in the gym even though I took almost 2 weeks off.
Try a half teaspoon of salt (1g sodium) before you drive to the gym
I think another big long form discussion we can have is how the importance of sodium is misrepresented :)


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Try a half teaspoon of salt (1g sodium) before you drive to the gym
I think another big long form discussion we can have is how the importance of sodium is misrepresented :)
Haha...we would probably agree on that though, so it may not be any fun haha. I think the real reason for a lot of the fear of salt is merely the fact that the American Heart Association says to limit it, and they should know better, but the head refuses to acknowledge science.


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Try a half teaspoon of salt (1g sodium) before you drive to the gym
I think another big long form discussion we can have is how the importance of sodium is misrepresented :)
Absolutely, and also most people are severally lacking in potassium. I've brought this up before. I've seen bloodwork, in the lab at my school, and there was an astonishing amount of people with low potassium levels. Moreso it seemed that people who were more active were most likely to be SIGNIFICANTLY deficient.


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Haha...we would probably agree on that though, so it may not be any fun haha. I think the real reason for a lot of the fear of salt is merely the fact that the American Heart Association says to limit it, and they should know better, but the head refuses to acknowledge science.
Did you know there is zero correlation between sodium levels and heart health. High levels sodium barely impacts blood pressure too. It's only a few points.

I do not think high sodium is the issues, ever. I do think are modern diets have lead us to be seriously lacking potassium, magnesium, and calcium which are all essential for life.


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Absolutely, and also most people are severally lacking in potassium. I've brought this up before. I've seen bloodwork, in the lab at my school, and there was an astonishing amount of people with low potassium levels. Moreso it seemed that people who were more active were most likely to be SIGNIFICANTLY deficient.
Did you know there is zero correlation between sodium levels and heart health. High levels sodium barely impacts blood pressure too. It's only a few points.

I do not think high sodium is the issues, ever. I do think are modern diets have lead us to be seriously lacking potassium, magnesium, and calcium which are all essential for life.
I think that is a big part of it. If you read into how our body regulates sodium and potassium it is actually incredibly complicated with multiple hormones.

The thing is that there was a theory that sodium would increase blood pressure, and then they fed rats some insane amount of salt, like 100 grams, and said, see...the theory is true. But I have not found any solid studies that show it has any effect on blood pressure in a healthy person.

I concur with your thoughts that potassium deficiency probably plays a huge role on a lot of blood pressure issues. It isnt that salt is high per se, but potassium is low. Salt that is too high, however, can cause increased water intake, which itself will dilute sodium levels.

Still, most people worry about salt but eat a SAD diet which is high in salt AND low in potassium. People need to worry less about getting too much salt and more about getting too little potassium and magnesium as you say. I've told a lot of people I know to stop limiting their salt because it isnt healthy and they look at me like I am stupid. I usually just ask, how do you think a muscle contracts? With an electrical charge that is created between sodium and pottasium... if you dont have enough electricity, you cant contract the muscle...and what is your heart again? Eat more salt. Let your body work out what it needs.


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Did you know there is zero correlation between sodium levels and heart health. High levels sodium barely impacts blood pressure too. It's only a few points.

I do not think high sodium is the issues, ever. I do think are modern diets have lead us to be seriously lacking potassium, magnesium, and calcium which are all essential for life.
Totally agreeing with you. If anyone has grown peppers they will know exactly how important these three are to basic growth as the deficiencies are horrendous.

I'm also a firm believer that absorption is a major player too.
Modern diets are ruining the absorption of calcium which is creating a lot of additional health issues.


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Isn't the first line medication for high blood pressure literally potassium?


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When I was a kid I used to melt potassium nitrate with sugar in a pan to make smoke grenades

Today did deadlift, worked up to a very quick 180kg
5 sets RDL - Added a band for resistance as well which made them epic
7 sets pulldowns
7 sets rows


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When I was a kid I used to melt potassium nitrate with sugar in a pan to make smoke grenades

Today did deadlift, worked up to a very quick 180kg
5 sets RDL - Added a band for resistance as well which made them epic
7 sets pulldowns
7 sets rows
Haha did this a lot my self add a but of dye (I don't remember what it was but it had to be a very specific type of dye) and I think a pinch of baking soda.

Also made bottle rockets with black powder, and all sorts of other fireworks.


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Haha did this a lot my self add a but of dye (I don't remember what it was but it had to be a very specific type of dye) and I think a pinch of baking soda.

Also made bottle rockets with black powder, and all sorts of other fireworks.
Lol we used to buy 50 piccolo Pete(the screeching ones) fireworks and cut them open and make epic pipe bombs. That and sparkler bombs. Oh the glory days when boys could be boys


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Lol we used to buy 50 piccolo Pete(the screeching ones) fireworks and cut them open and make epic pipe bombs. That and sparkler bombs. Oh the glory days when boys could be boys
Whistling Pete bombs were awesome tooo.


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Whistling Pete bombs were awesome tooo.
You should see the black market stuff they sell here in Bananaland.... Almost as bad as the devices I build in my youth to blow up old railway wagons. :)


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Overhead Press - 40kg for 12 reps - Nice personal best as last week was 37.5kg for 12 reps
Dips - 5 sets
Face Pulls - 8 sets
Biceps curls - 6 sets
French press - 5 sets
Hammer curls - 5 sets
Triceps pushdowns - 4 sets


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How will fibre ever recover?


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Going to add some frequency to my legs, back and arms - basically adding frequency to everything that wasn't already being trained twice a week. These added sessions will just be to get a pump. Arms were trained twice a week before but I feel they'll do better from the extra frequency

I also need to start actually training my calves


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Squat - 5x110kg
Paused Squat - 5x85kg

5 sets laying hamstrings curls
7 sets leg press
3 sets leg extensions
6 sets calf raises


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Stairs probably suck after that. And toilets.


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Stairs probably suck after that. And toilets.
Well actually today the tiles arrived for my house :) and I live in a 2nd story apartment :)
So 41 boxes of tiles 16kg each carried upstairs and into my house today, got a great glute and vastus medialis pump that's for sure

Bench Press - 52.5kg for 20 reps - previous bests were 50kg for 20 reps and 55kg for 16 reps, 57.5kg for 15 reps, so this feels like progress. As long as next workout I get more than 16 reps with 55kg I am happy
Pin Press - singles with 60kg, 65kg, 70kg, 75kg (personal best), got 80kg off the pins but could not lock out

Dumbbell Bench - 5 sets
Chest flies - 3 sets
Biceps curls - 4 sets
French Press - 3 sets
Incline dumbbell curls - 3 sets - my new favourite curling exercise...
Dumbbell skullcrushers - 2 sets


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Deadlift 162.5kg for 8
5 sets RDL
7 sets lat pulldowns
7 sets rows
6 sets calves


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A lot of people feel that low rep deads are the way to go, and I was one of them. But over the last year I have been doing deads with 10-15 reps and it doesnt help the ego, and there is some risk of injury, but I do feel they have an impact. Glad to see you in the 8 rep range with a significant weight.


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A lot of people feel that low rep deads are the way to go, and I was one of them. But over the last year I have been doing deads with 10-15 reps and it doesnt help the ego, and there is some risk of injury, but I do feel they have an impact. Glad to see you in the 8 rep range with a significant weight.
I totally agree - I introduced sets of 8-12 unbelted last year at fairly maximal weight (for that range), built it up and by end of last cycle was pulling 170 for sets of 10 unbelted with no back issue at all. The carry over to my squat was noticeable as well.

As long as form is solid (for me in particular I focus on loading the hamstrings) I see no issue - I think it helps to reset each rep as wel.


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A lot of people feel that low rep deads are the way to go, and I was one of them. But over the last year I have been doing deads with 10-15 reps and it doesnt help the ego, and there is some risk of injury, but I do feel they have an impact. Glad to see you in the 8 rep range with a significant weight.
I coached a strongman previously who had a 220kg deadlift, he wanted to improve both his 1RM strength and his repping strength at the same time
I had him start at 140kg and do 20 reps, then add 10kg a week and continue to do as many rep as he could. He ended up finishing on a 250kg deadlift which is a huge improvement after 11 weeks


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Overhead Press - 37.5kg for 15 reps. Two weeks ago I did the same weight for 12 reps so a great PB here.
5 sets dips
8 sets face pulls
6 sets incline dumbbell curls
5 sets french press
5 sets hammer curls
4 sets laying triceps extensions


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Looking good! Making progress without carbs. Interesting.


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I feel like my leg workouts are not getting the results that I want. I don't feel like I can add volume to it so I am going to change it to a John Meadows style workout and see how that goes for the next month.

0. Squat up to top set

1. Lying Leg Curls
‣ 4 sets x 8-10 reps (pyramid up in weight, avoid failure)
‣ 1 set x 8 reps (failure), 8 reps (dropset), 8 reps (dropset), 8 reps (1/2 partials), 8 second static hold

2. Leg Extension
‣ 4 sets x 8-10 reps (pyramid up in weight, avoid failure)
‣ 1 set x 8 reps (failure), 8 reps (dropset), 8 reps (dropset), 8 reps (1/2 partials), 8 second static hold

3. Smith Machine Squats or Front Squat
‣ 4 sets x 8-10 reps (pyramid up in weight, avoid failure)
‣ 1 set x 6 reps (final heavy set, 1-2 reps shy of true failure)

4. Smith Machine Bulgarian Split Squat
‣ 4 sets x 8-10 reps (each leg, pyramid up in weight, avoid failure)
‣ 1 set x 8 reps, 8 second isometric hold, 8 reps (dropset), 8 second isometric hold


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The most important steroid in the body



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I use non nano particle sunscreen that provides Vit D from ground up mushroom. I love it!
Have you had a blood test for your Vitamin D levels?


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Have you had a blood test for your Vitamin D levels?
I get bloods every 6 months from my oncologist. I also take 5000iu Vit D daily. I live in Midwest, so I basically supplement Vit D all year.


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I use non nano particle sunscreen that provides Vit D from ground up mushroom. I love it!
Are you super sensitive to the sun? I always try to get as much as possible. I think most people don’t need sunscreen as much as they think they do. I make sure to have diet rich in veggies and some fruit to give my body the protective and repair pathways from any “negative” effects of the sun. Still trying to figure this one out tho.

Interesting take on sun, cancer, and sunglasses:



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Are you super sensitive to the sun? I always try to get as much as possible. I think most people don’t need sunscreen as much as they think they do. I make sure to have diet rich in veggies and some fruit to give my body the protective and repair pathways from any “negative” effects of the sun. Still trying to figure this one out tho.

Interesting take on sun, cancer, and sunglasses:

Pretty sensitive plus I had melanoma

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