How to "pulse" orals



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Lol, ok you obviously have no sense of humor.
If you pulse trib it has shown increased humor sensitivity.... Anecdotally speaking


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If you pulse trib it has shown increased humor sensitivity.... Anecdotally speaking
Well maybe if it was stacked with black liver... Also Anecdotally speaking of course.


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Have any1 seen epi pulse for 8-12weeks ?

I have seen Sd pulse works great EOD .. i know epi is a lot lighter but used to hear talk about epistane being pulsed as well.


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Going that route? I don't follow. I was 43 yrs old with classic symptoms and clinical diagnosis of hypogonadism that were and still are remedied as a result. It was not a result of steroid use or abuse. No regrets at all.
Mine is similar, started on TRT at 40, with having blood tests starting at 35 showing me low. Never touched a steroid or prohormone till after I started TRT.

That said, 100mg of anadrol plus 50mg dbol taken as a single dose preworkout 3x a week is awesome. at least that's what I've heard :D


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Superdrol pulsed is great, but 10 for 6 weeks is even better.

Time for egg sandwich/nap


Have any1 seen epi pulse for 8-12weeks ?

I have seen Sd pulse works great EOD .. i know epi is a lot lighter but used to hear talk about epistane being pulsed as well.
I pulsed havoc (epi clone) for 8 weeks. 3 times. 12 week cycles is just a tad too serious for my desired results and pockets.

If doing 12 weeks i would highly recommend tapering off the last 3 to 4 of the cycle. And overlapping some pct starting week 10 or even week 8.
But i am far from an expert on this.


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Anyway just reporting back after trying it out for myself. Did a 4 week pulse of anadrol 50, once in the morning. Took some liv52 on and off. No side effects whatsoever, no water retention as well (didnt experience any with creatine too so idk, might be something that differs from individual to individual), gained only 3kg in 4 weeks (little but its much faster than what i usually put on so theres nothing much to complain lol), strength gain was more significant though. Doc mentioned that a pct is not required but ill just follow through with a nolva pct juz in case. Will report back after the whole thing is complete.


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Did a 4 week pulse of anadrol 50, once in the morning.
Do you mean ED dosing here? Or it was 3x per week or else?

Also I have a question to everyone experienced in alternative schemes. When doing 3ON/4OFF are you dosing once daily on those 3 consecutive days or multiple times daily (e.g. 3 per day for dbol) to get fully ON for 3 days then recover for 4 days? And when you have not 1 or 2, but 4 days OFF it seems like compound doesn't have to have really short half-life (e.g. 12 or even 20 is ok), do it?


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Do you mean ED dosing here? Or it was 3x per week or else?

Also I have a question to everyone experienced in alternative schemes. When doing 3ON/4OFF are you dosing once daily on those 3 consecutive days or multiple times daily (e.g. 3 per day for dbol) to get fully ON for 3 days then recover for 4 days? And when you have not 1 or 2, but 4 days OFF it seems like compound doesn't have to have really short half-life (e.g. 12 or even 20 is ok), do it?
It was an every other day dosing scheme. 4 times a week. The effect took pretty long to kick in though, like only on the 3rd week did I start experiencing significant strength gains. One thing I noticed is also that I tend to take really really really long pisses when I wake up on my off days even though I didnt drink much the night before, could explain why there's no bloating.


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When doing 3ON/4OFF are you dosing once daily on those 3 consecutive days or multiple times daily (e.g. 3 per day for dbol) to get fully ON for 3 days then recover for 4 days?
Bump... How many doses per day when pulsing Dbol? Would there be any benefit to dosing it just pre-workout on a 3 on 4 off scheme or would you want to dose 3x a day on dosing days?


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Bump... How many doses per day when pulsing Dbol? Would there be any benefit to dosing it just pre-workout on a 3 on 4 off scheme or would you want to dose 3x a day on dosing days?
Don't worry DR.D should be chiming in here any minute now.


A lot of guys have been asking me to clarify the theory behind this cycling technique, so here's a basic explanation.

What is "pulse" cycling? Pulsing is a method of dosing that is intentionally designed to avoid potential long-term side effects such as HPTA suppression and liver stress. This technique was originally developed in an effort to prevent the usual HPAA suppression experienced during long-term corticosteroid therapy in children. With pulse therapy, it was observed that the serious long-term side effects of chronic oral treatment were often prevented, and the short-term side effects like acne and mineral retention were typically much milder. This can also allow for higher doses to be used since the dosing is less frequent. Starting with this template, if one normally takes a product at 30 mg/day, that equals a total intake of 210 mg/week. While pulsing, one might typically take 40 mg of that same product on work out days only, 3 times per week. That calculates to 120 mg/week total, which is 90 mg less than usual. This provides the needed benefits of the product at arguably the most crucial metabolic times, which are just before and just after a work out. This offers a means of possibly attenuating the endocrine suppression that one might otherwise encounter on a standard cycle. In many cases, a conventional post cycle therapy should not be required after a typical 4 week pulse. However, while pulses of 6-8 weeks are permissible, a conventional post cycle therapy may still be prudent for some individuals. Idiosyncrasy seems to play a big role in regard to tolerance of duration, so general predictions obviously become tricky as duration increases.

Theoretically, if one doses every day in perfectly spaced intervals, one should achieve 100% effects, 100% short-term sides, and 100% long-term sides. If one doses every other day like the pulse protocol, one might better anticipate 60% effects, 75% short-term sides but only about 40% of the long-term sides. This means that if one would have gained 10 pounds on a standard 1 month cycle, one might instead only gain about 6 pounds per month pulsing. Since the time on is roughly only half when pulsing, the total length of the cycle can be doubled to basically 2 months. Using the same calculation, the net result would be a gain of 12 pounds over 2 months, instead of the 10 pound gain expected from the 1 month standard cycle. That means a greater net gain of 2 pounds per cycle, and perhaps a more permanent gain due to the slower rate of acquisition and longer time of reinforcement! For this reason, pulsing can be very economical on the body as well as the wallet, and offer a desirable alternative for conservative veterans just looking to stay in shape, or potential new comers exploring additional safety measures.

There are three common types of pulse:
1) EOD dosing (3-4 times per week)
2) 2 days on / 2 days off
3) 2 weeks on / 2 weeks off (2 wks is the longest viable on time consideration, no longer)

Depending on one's workout schedule, one of these options may offer optimal pulsing efficiency. On average, effective doses may typically be around 1.5x the normal daily dose of a standard cycle, and these doses are taken very close to one other. It's not essential that the last dose be administered before 6 pm, but the earlier the better for reducing suppression potential. Half the total dose can be taken pre work out, and the other half taken post work out. If an odd numbered dose is used, the greater of the 2 doses might best be taken pre work out. However, when pulsing non-methylated or fast acting supplements, the greater dose would instead be best utilized post work out based on half-life considerations. Individuals who are extremely sensitive to shutdown may even prefer to take the entire dose pre work out. When pulsing, dosing at least 3 day per week but not more than 4 day per week should foster optimal results.

There are a few miscellaneous nutrition considerations that would be wise to keep in mind. Having a quality, high carb/calorie post work out meal (or shake) is important to proper recovery, and ingesting sufficient protein especially on the off days doesn't hurt either. A cortisol antagonist like low dose DHEA (25-50 mg) may be helpful for slow healers or hard gainers. Some studies show that cortisol peaks in the morning and again in the mid afternoon, which might therefore be the ideal times for an anti-cort. An herbal or AI based test-boosting supplement used nightly (or at least on one's off nights) might prove very effective as additional insurance to discourage the possibility of suppression. SERMs with long half-lives probably require extra consideration and caution. One may observe that testicular volume and/or testosterone levels reset slightly above previous baseline at the end of 2 consecutive off days, or at the end of the cycle itself. This phenomenon is called 'bounce' back. This seemingly paradoxical bounce appears to reflect the body's short-term homeostasis effort, and acts somewhat like a built-in pct with this method. It's also good to remember that the smaller number of dose exposures likely means faster liver clearance of your supplement. Liver ancillaries (like healthy oils and anti-oxidants) are not contraindicated, but Milk Thistle in high doses could act counter productive to gains. Therefore, if you elect to use liver protectants, reserving them for off days only might be good middle ground. As always, I suggest that one only consider using legal, commercially available nutritional supplements, and always consult a physician prior to use of any supplement. Cycle safe!

Example of a 3x/wk pulse M,W,F:

1 (10,20,30)
2 30
3 30-40
4 30-40
5 30-50
6 30-50
7 30-60
8 30-60

Example of a 4x/wk pulse Sat, Sun, Wed, Thur:

1 (10,20,30,30)
2 30
3 30-40
4 30-40
5 30-50
6 30-50
How does this work with orals like stanozol that have a short half life? I was always told that it most be constant in your system to even out?? Thanks Frank


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How does this work with orals like stanozol that have a short half life? I was always told that it most be constant in your system to even out?? Thanks Frank
all orals have short half life some shorter than others and that is precisely why you can pulse them.

Pulse 1.5 normal dose EOD or 3 days a week or any alternate workout days you like. Read the protocol again.

Suppose you would normally use winstrol at 50mg/day. You should pulse up to 75mg all pre workout or 50/25mg pre/post on workout days.


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How to "pulse" orals

Dbol dosing good sir... Should I do 1.5 times the dose or would that be too much on the liver?

I should mention I'll be taking methyl-DHT when pulsing Dbol...


Dr D has commented plenty and written pages on this. Dont hold your breath. Even thinking hell see this is pathetic.


Pulse however you want. Whats more important is the time between doses. Let your system rebound before next dose. So take all doses together at wake up or bedtime. Next dose no sooner than 48 hours. Its ****ing simple.
And take pct anyway. No matter what youve read.


Pulsing isnt a waste of time. Its just an economic way of taking this ****. Thats it.


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and I did, and enjoyed it.
So whats the deal with this ( i dont really wanna go through the entire thread haha) Is pulsing the way to go? SHould I be planning to pulse my future cycles? I have Var cycles in mind btw.


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So whats the deal with this ( i dont really wanna go through the entire thread haha) Is pulsing the way to go? SHould I be planning to pulse my future cycles? I have Var cycles in mind btw.
Well, the intitial post on page 1 is all you really need. I think it's good for guys who are worn out from harsh compounds.


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So whats the deal with this ( i dont really wanna go through the entire thread haha) Is pulsing the way to go? SHould I be planning to pulse my future cycles? I have Var cycles in mind btw.
Pulsing isnt worth it imo. keeping blood plasma levels of a drug as constant as possible i.e. Dosing orals daily is best bet . Unless something had a extremely long half life then you are technically pulsing it allready by taking it e3d . Just stick to what you know my friend !


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Well, the intitial post on page 1 is all you really need. I think it's good for guys who are worn out from harsh compounds.
true. it wouldnt be worth it when stacked with injectables right anyways right?


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Pulsing may lengthen an oral only run if that's the goal but imo orals twice a day will pack the biggest punch as a kickstart to a cycle and be a sub par option for an oral only run usually do to shorter half lives and hormones will be up and down like a roller coaster.


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Pulsing may lengthen an oral only run if that's the goal but imo orals twice a day will pack the biggest punch as a kickstart to a cycle and be a sub par option for an oral only run usually do to shorter half lives and hormones will be up and down like a roller coaster.
Gotcha, thats what I thought. I was wondering if I had just missed out on some truth here but ill be on my way haha


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true. it wouldnt be worth it when stacked with injectables right anyways right?
I basically pulsed trest phenyl prop/ace 30mg injected 3x per week and pulsed my sd tabs, 25mg 2-3 times per week.
I did this for 5 months while training for the spartan super and tough mudder full.

If someone feels they got a few more 30mg sd or m1t x 4 weeks cycles in them, tough it out.
I've ran so much harsh stuff Since 08' I'm tired of feeling like crap from orals.

The effects of androgens is a different matter than half lives. After reading and learning about this I understood how pulsing is fine.

If you're trying to become a pro bber or the next Olympia, pulsing def isn't for you.

I'll try to find my data on how steroids work on the cellular level and post it up.
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If I had to sum it up at least for compounds such as superdrol and epistane..

Think of pulsing in these terms below:
* then decide if it can suįt your needs (and as important, workout timing schedule)

1) you can run a cycle longer
2) YMMV - but I see upto 50% reduction in sides
3) anabolic effects vary between 30 and 40 % less than a full cycle

Though #3 is so relative because pushing would run longer and since PCT is built in, the overall effect may well be par or little bit less

Personally I saw minimal liver enzyme elevation ,
Almost no lower back issues or muscle cramp locks etc

It's a little hellish to design around workouts but worth at least a try imo


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I know this thread is old, but I dont about the other prohormones/compounds; but there was a guy who did blood after taking dbol 3 days; then got bloods a week later off of dbol and his test was at 275; literally dropped more than 50% and thats after being off dbol for almost a week only from a 3 day dose. He took bloods 10 days after his last test and it was at 634; so yes he rebounded fairly quickly but after 3 days lowering ur test that much; I dk. I dont think pulsing really works unless you run weaker compounds. Here is the thread though its on page 3-4 where he posts his bloodwork.


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This still a thing?
Both yes and no. Pulsing by itself it’s out dated and not a good idea but taking an oral 3x a week on cycle is not a bad idea and can add to a little extra performance in the gym.


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Both yes and no. Pulsing by itself it’s out dated and not a good idea but taking an oral 3x a week on cycle is not a bad idea and can add to a little extra performance in the gym.
@UnrealMachine would probably disagree with you. I was considering pulsing SD this fall. Haven't pulsed yet.


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@UnrealMachine would probably disagree with you. I was considering pulsing SD this fall. Haven't pulsed yet.
What would he disagree with? It’s impossible to disagree that pulsing is better ON cycle than OFF.
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What would he disagree with? It’s impossible to disagree that pulsing is better ON cycle than OFF.
I think I misunderstood your post. What would be pulsing off cycle be? I didn't even know that was a thing.


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The thing is whats the point? You just end up losing all your gains months down the line..................

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