How to "pulse" orals


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Yeah, that sounds good actually. I would have just taken 10mg PP pre and 10mg SD post, but your ratio sounds nice.

Your PCT sounds OK too, but 7-10d Tor would be plenty. You don't need conventional PCTs with this protocol. Once you experience "the bounce" you'll know what I mean!
Would Pulsing every 3 days be better because the rise in testosterone occurs the 2nd day off?


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shut a window, and open a door, jbry is going to pulse sd next time I use it.


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lol, I remember this thread from 2007. I remember being at work reading it over. I'm pretty sure this lead me to pulse myself.

For myself, I wouldn't pulse without dbol. I always get the best rebound with it (or I did when I was pulsing).

...Awaits the "dbol as a supplement" thread to come back to life :p


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I take 20mg three times a week. whatever day. only threetimes pre and post


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6 weeks pct along with. only twenty three times a week


Going to start a basic test cycle while pulsing dbol 3x/wk next week.

Weeks 1-15
600mgs Test E

Weeks 3-15
500iu HCG
12.5mgs Aromasin e3d

Week-Dose (dbol)
1 25mgs
2 25mgs
3 25mgs
4 50mgs
5 50mgs
6 50mgs

PCT Weeks 15-19
Clomid 100/50/50/25

PCT Weeks 15-24


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Dont pulse dianabol if your already taking test and everything else........... Just go a head and jump on it.... dbol maybe if it was run solo....


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Ar you sure you have undrstood the whole ethos of Pulsing? Dosing test aswell will just do more to supress your endocrine system, so pulsing dbol will less supression = which is one of the resons behind pulsing. Running test along with it doesnt eleviate the pressure on the cardio system, lymphatic system, conversion to estrogen, water retention, kidneys and liver - but pulsing will do a whole lot eleviate that stress , test or no test bro.


Seems like Dr. D said pulsing an oral while on an injectable is a good idea. Pretty sure I read that on one of the first pages of this thread. I'll try and find it when I have more time.


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Going to start a basic test cycle while pulsing dbol 3x/wk next week.

Weeks 1-15
600mgs Test E

Weeks 3-15
500iu HCG
12.5mgs Aromasin e3d

Week-Dose (dbol)
1 25mgs
2 25mgs
3 25mgs
4 50mgs
5 50mgs
6 50mgs

PCT Weeks 15-19
Clomid 100/50/50/25

PCT Weeks 15-24
You have understood Pulsing cycles. Perfect!

A take it your pinning the test E at 300mg twice per week... ?

Drinking at least 2 litres of water a day...?

Running some detox, blood pressure and cholesterol herbs allong with it, or at least pulsing witht them to make it cheaper... ?

Your Dbol dosing chart looks perfect, but if this is your first time using it Id be extra aware of sides and be cerefull not to do too much during the later weeks - some ppl canot take as much as 50mgs in one day.

I'd run the Dbol for at least 8 weeks tho, because the power of Pulsing means you can run it for longer. (if I were to run a Dbol Pulse cycle like this personally Id run the Dbol for 12 weeks - but that depends on how much you can afford)

Take care, good luck.


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dude Im not calling you an idiot, he may or may not have said that on any of his pages.

But if you really understand Pulsing and how to use Pulsing for Bulking cycles, then it doesnt take a genius to figure it out.


Yeah, I'll be pinning 300mgs test E on Mondays and Thursdays and pinning 250ius of HCG on Sundays and Wednesdays. I've been preloading milk thistle at 500mgs/day and hawthorn berry at 1g/day for 2 weeks and I take a multi-V and Omega-3 supp 3 times a day regardless. I will probably pulse the milk thistle during the cycle on days that I am not taking dbol. I will keep taking the hawthorn berry ed for bp control. I have 30 tabs of dbol at 50mgs each. I very well may pulse up to 8 weeks as you recommend, depending how my reaction is to it. I'll take dbol on MWF. Thanks for the advice, John! Rep sent!


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Yeah, I'll be pinning 300mgs test E on Mondays and Thursdays and pinning 250ius of HCG on Sundays and Wednesdays. I've been preloading milk thistle at 500mgs/day and hawthorn berry at 1g/day for 2 weeks and I take a multi-V and Omega-3 supp 3 times a day regardless. I will probably pulse the milk thistle during the cycle on days that I am not taking dbol. I will keep taking the hawthorn berry ed for bp control. I have 30 tabs of dbol at 50mgs each. I very well may pulse up to 8 weeks as you recommend, depending how my reaction is to it. I'll take dbol on MWF. Thanks for the advice, John! Rep sent!

Oh you da man!

You are going to have a very nice Pulsing cycle there.

How many cycles have you done before? Youre ether fed up with abusing, or youre not aware of how much you can abuse these things before your body personally cant take any more.

You can take much more test, 600mg Id say is the minimum to run for results. But theres only a certain amount you can take before you get acne. But then that also depends on how much AI youre on if any and how many skin Supps... if any. Showering regularly and eating lots of vegetables ia a cheap way to combat it.


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oh fruit *and Vegetables. So go for Pomegranites - they increase the power and effectiveness of the hormones at the androgen receptor! By as much as 200% reaserch suggests ;D


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a little off topic, but doin an sd pulse next week or so 5-6 weeks 20mg MWF. reading that everyone is doing 10mg pre and 10mg post. could 20mg preworkout work or is the 10 post better for recovery i take it?


Oh you da man!

You are going to have a very nice Pulsing cycle there.

How many cycles have you done before? Youre ether fed up with abusing, or youre not aware of how much you can abuse these things before your body personally cant take any more.

You can take much more test, 600mg Id say is the minimum to run for results. But theres only a certain amount you can take before you get acne. But then that also depends on how much AI youre on if any and how many skin Supps... if any. Showering regularly and eating lots of vegetables ia a cheap way to combat it.
This is actually my second cycle. My first was a test/deca cycle. Not the smartest thing to run 2 compounds my 1st cycle, but I got lucky and all went well. This will be my first oral cycle. I have run a couple PHs in the past, but not an actual oral AAS. Not looking to turn into the Hulk. I just want some good, lean, solid muscle and strength gains. I don't want to look "fake" like a lot of guys in the gym. I love the feeling I get while on test; the pump, aggression, libido, focus, I love it all! Figured dbol would add to that.

Yes, lots of whole grains, fruits, and veggies ed. I do 3 big meals, several smaller ones, and 3 protein shakes per day. I'm big on super fruits such as berries, kiwi, etc. I use Irish Spring soap with scrubbing micro beads along with a lufa to keep the acne and shower twice a day. The lufa works really well.

Think I'm going to follow your advice and pulse the dbol longer than 6 weeks as originally planned. I have 100 25mg tabs. I'll pulse it for at least 8 weeks. I've read that guys run dbol ed up to 2 months without liver problems, so pulsing should be even easier on the liver.


Have a question also. I read at the beginning of this thread that Dr. D recommends taking an oral pre-workout, but I have also read that people say to take dbol in the morning. My workouts are scattered throughout the day; some days are in the morning and others in the evening. If I'm pulsing, I don't think it will hurt to take one in the morning on Monday and then take one in the evening on Wednesday, and so on. Just curious as to what would be best.


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Yeah, I'll be pinning 300mgs test E on Mondays and Thursdays and pinning 250ius of HCG on Sundays and Wednesdays. I've been preloading milk thistle at 500mgs/day and hawthorn berry at 1g/day for 2 weeks and I take a multi-V and Omega-3 supp 3 times a day regardless. I will probably pulse the milk thistle during the cycle on days that I am not taking dbol. I will keep taking the hawthorn berry ed for bp control. I have 30 tabs of dbol at 50mgs each. I very well may pulse up to 8 weeks as you recommend, depending how my reaction is to it. I'll take dbol on MWF. Thanks for the advice, John! Rep sent!
JohnBrinks corrected me. I did not mean to sound like your cycle was wrong buddy, I was just giving my two cents, me personally i would have gone all the way and not pulse. What made you come to reason on pulsing the dbol, just curious.
Is it health?
I used to pulse epi all the time. Solid gains.... I just dont see the reason behind pulsing while on injection.... dbol is supposed to be short life while on the long hall of test....


JohnBrinks corrected me. I did not mean to sound like your cycle was wrong buddy, I was just giving my two cents, me personally i would have gone all the way and not pulse. What made you come to reason on pulsing the dbol, just curious.
Is it health?
I used to pulse epi all the time. Solid gains.... I just dont see the reason behind pulsing while on injection.... dbol is supposed to be short life while on the long hall of test....
Nah man, I didn't take offense to anything you said. Everyone has there own opinions and methods on how to run cycles. Each knows what works best for himself. I personally have never run dbol before and I want to take it easy the first time around to see how my body handles it. My body loves test lol, but I've read dbol can give some nasty sides (as can any AAS), and I just want to be a little cautious the first time around. I also like the idea of being able to run it longer via pulsing than ed.

Your $.02 is welcome broski! If I didn't want feedback from people, I wouldn't post lol. Rep sent your way!


3 days into the 3rd week of my cycle and I am feeling all kinds of good. I did not kickstart with dbol as I did not have it on hand in time. I am flying to Florida in August, so my cycle has to be completed by then as I highly doubt a bottle of test would be welcomed at the airport lol. Started the dbol this past Sunday, took another Tuesday, and another just now. My body feels full/thick/hard, the pumps are great even outside the gym, my strength and size are starting to increase; I love the 3rd week on test because you finally start reaping the benefits. I'm sure next week will be even better as the dbol starts to slowly build in my system.

Started my AI Monday at 12.5mgs aromasin and just took another. Like the ease of the pill form over the liquid. Will continue using e3d unless gyno or bloating occurs.

Will start pinning HCG either today or tomorrow at 250iu bi-weekly.

No sides to report thus far and I do not anticipate any throughout the cycle. Body is forming up nicely and I'm stoked for the weekly strength increases that are about to start.


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In all honesty guys, do yourself a favour and go for a 4 to 6 week cycle of 8-12mg Ultradrol
and feel the differance.
no sides
tons better results
easy recovery with clomid

Seriously. pulsing aint worth it with the above still being sold


In all honesty guys, do yourself a favour and go for a 4 to 6 week cycle of 8-12mg Ultradrol
and feel the differance.
no sides
tons better results
easy recovery with clomid

Seriously. pulsing aint worth it with the above still being sold
Pulsing may or may not be worth it using an oral alone, but I think it has good benefits when pulsing an oral with test. Each to his own!


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for sure it will have benefits, but when running an oral same time, you are shutting down your hpta.
so might aswell just do regular dosing alongside the oral -> even better results


The theory is pulsing isn't as toxic to the liver since it receives a break before the next dose allowing the oral to be ran longer, especially when you consume 750mgs of milk thistle daily as I do. Does it work? I really have no idea, but I'm enjoying it nonetheless!


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if shutdown isnt a concern then yes.


i recently ran uldradrol(comparable to 20mg SD a day) for 6 weeks with liver longer and ursobolic and after 5 weeks pct i retested and all liver values were normal.
and not just normal, below my values before the cycle.

and that was the final bullet in pulsing's coffin, at least for me ;-)


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I was wondering what you guys thought of bridging superdrol into a superdrol pulse. Basically I would do a 2 week normal cycle of superdrol, then continue with a 3x a week pulse to solidify my gains. My thoughts were that my hormones would be able to recover slightly from the normal cycle during the pulse while also continuing to make gains.


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I was wondering what you guys thought of bridging superdrol into a superdrol pulse. Basically I would do a 2 week normal cycle of superdrol, then continue with a 3x a week pulse to solidify my gains. My thoughts were that my hormones would be able to recover slightly from the normal cycle during the pulse while also continuing to make gains.
I say go for the five weeker without pulsing.. Yur logic doesnt really make much sense to me.. Pulsing is usually thought to either minimize suppression and/or liver toxicity.. Yu would hve already been shutdown from running the superdrol for two weeks and as for liver toxicity yu should be ok running it for 5 weeks straight


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I say go for the five weeker without pulsing.. Yur logic doesnt really make much sense to me.. Pulsing is usually thought to either minimize suppression and/or liver toxicity.. Yu would hve already been shutdown from running the superdrol for two weeks and as for liver toxicity yu should be ok running it for 5 weeks straight
a 5 week of SD.He could do it but its not suggested.If he were to do that he would need to do everything perfectly and have a great PCT


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a 5 week of SD.He could do it but its not suggested.If he were to do that he would need to do everything perfectly and have a great PCT
Everything should be perfect for every cycle.. Feels me


New member
I say go for the five weeker without pulsing.. Yur logic doesnt really make much sense to me.. Pulsing is usually thought to either minimize suppression and/or liver toxicity.. Yu would hve already been shutdown from running the superdrol for two weeks and as for liver toxicity yu should be ok running it for 5 weeks straight
Basically my theory was that I could put on 10-15lbs during the 2 week straight cycle, then the pulse would allow me to continue making significant gains while also allowing my liver and hormones to recover somewhat.


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Everything should be perfect for every cycle.. Feels me
As in blood tests before,right after the end of the cycle and after PCT.
Will he be dosing his liver supps at the correct times so that he doesn't counteract his prohormones.

Have you run superdrol?If you have then why would you even consider running it for 5 weeks?


I say go for the five weeker without pulsing.. Yur logic doesnt really make much sense to me.. Pulsing is usually thought to either minimize suppression and/or liver toxicity.. Yu would hve already been shutdown from running the superdrol for two weeks and as for liver toxicity yu should be ok running it for 5 weeks straight
^^^This guy^^^ You would already be shut down after 2 weeks, bro. Either pulse or do an ed cycle. 5 weeks ed is fine. Just utilize your vital support supps.


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^^^This guy^^^ You would already be shut down after 2 weeks, bro. Either pulse or do an ed cycle. 5 weeks ed is fine. Just utilize your vital support supps.
I agree if your going longer than 4 weeks with superdrol then pulse it.Your pct will be virtually the same anyways.But a 5 week ED cycle of the strongest PH out there is unwise and definately damaging.


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I agree if your going longer than 4 weeks with superdrol then pulse it.Your pct will be virtually the same anyways.But a 5 week ED cycle of the strongest PH out there is unwise and definately damaging.
Not with a low to moderate dose.. Dude cud even split the powder in the caps and ramp up by 5mg at a time instead of 10mg


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I agree if your going longer than 4 weeks with superdrol then pulse it.Your pct will be virtually the same anyways.But a 5 week ED cycle of the strongest PH out there is unwise and definately damaging.
One its a steroid not a ph, two you are still wrong 5 weeks at 10 mg of SD a day (with a few days at 20) was the best cycle I have ever ran, literally fewest sides and best gains to date.


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One its a steroid not a ph, two you are still wrong 5 weeks at 10 mg of SD a day (with a few days at 20) was the best cycle I have ever ran, literally fewest sides and best gains to date.
One every product that alters your hormones are steroids ,I know this so don't patronize me.SD requires no conversion in your body,I know.Case closed.

For a first time cycle I don't think anyone would EVER recommend 5 weeks of superdrol even at a low dose.He can do whatever he want after he finds out how he responds to the sides.If that is a 5 or even 6 week cycle let him do it,but my stance remains the same.


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One every product that alters your hormones are steroids ,I know this so don't patronize me.SD requires no conversion in your body,I know.Case closed.

For a first time cycle I don't think anyone would EVER recommend 5 weeks of superdrol even at a low dose.He can do whatever he want after he finds out how he responds to the sides.If that is a 5 or even 6 week cycle let him do it,but my stance remains the same.
every product that alters your homones are not steroids.

im not sure if sps got the idea from me or not, but i've been recomending this for a while now. 10mg of sd will be virtually side free, and bring very nice gains.

if you're going to run sd for a first cycle, 6 weeks at 10mg e/d taken in the am is the best option.

gains will be easy to maintain, sides will be low, and pct will be a breeze.


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One every product that alters your hormones are steroids ,I know this so don't patronize me.SD requires no conversion in your body,I know.Case closed.

For a first time cycle I don't think anyone would EVER recommend 5 weeks of superdrol even at a low dose.He can do whatever he want after he finds out how he responds to the sides.If that is a 5 or even 6 week cycle let him do it,but my stance remains the same.
Third if you don't want me to patronize you don't make it so easy, Hahaha, relax

Cuatro, me talking about my personal experience had to do with your comment when you said something about if you have ever run SD why would you recommend a 5 week cycle, in addition to the comment I quoted.


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every product that alters your homones are not steroids.

im not sure if sps got the idea from me or not, but i've been recomending this for a while now. 10mg of sd will be virtually side free, and bring very nice gains.

if you're going to run sd for a first cycle, 6 weeks at 10mg e/d taken in the am is the best option.

gains will be easy to maintain, sides will be low, and pct will be a breeze.
I have seen you post about it, and I also have/had a stock pile of SD, but i just can't handle the high bp and lethargy at 30 mg or 20 for an extended period of time.


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Originally Posted by BigDawg69
I was wondering what you guys thought of bridging superdrol into a superdrol pulse. Basically I would do a 2 week normal cycle of superdrol, then continue with a 3x a week pulse to solidify my gains. My thoughts were that my hormones would be able to recover slightly from the normal cycle during the pulse while also continuing to make gains.

I say go for the five weeker without pulsing.. Yur logic doesnt really make much sense to me.. Pulsing is usually thought to either minimize suppression and/or liver toxicity.. Yu would hve already been shutdown from running the superdrol for two weeks and as for liver toxicity yu should be ok running it for 5 weeks straight

Guy machorox123 doesnt get it.

Yeah I think its a really good idea, but I recon you could actually run the normal cycle for longer than 2 weeks, and then continue with a pulse to solidify gains... running liver support allong with it throught I bet is safe enough to run it for 10/12 weeks alltogether. I mean how many reports have we heared now about liver values bieng normal or better after PCT on a straight up no-pulse cycle? The evidence speeks for itself.

Its a no-brainer. But each to his own... at his own risk.


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Third if you don't want me to patronize you don't make it so easy, Hahaha, relax

Cuatro, me talking about my personal experience had to do with your comment when you said something about if you have ever run SD why would you recommend a 5 week cycle, in addition to the comment I quoted.
Lol ok fair enough.I guess I've been indoctrinated with how strong superdrol is.I apologise.
every product that alters your homones are not steroids.

im not sure if sps got the idea from me or not, but i've been recomending this for a while now. 10mg of sd will be virtually side free, and bring very nice gains.

if you're going to run sd for a first cycle, 6 weeks at 10mg e/d taken in the am is the best option.

gains will be easy to maintain, sides will be low, and pct will be a breeze.
The fact that it's you saying this makes me believe it.I've seen some of your posts,especially in that thread the other day with that guy hating on PH's.With the kind of information in your posts, I must swallow my pride and accept that I'm more than definately wrong.

I was planning on running a SD-Epi bridge in September and I am rethinking it now.Could you shed some info on the pro's and cons of an approach following your guidelines for SD.I have never ran it before.

Should I just run the Epi for 6 weeks along side the superdrol like this:

SD 10/10/10/10/10/10
Epi 30/30/40/40/40/40

or run the SD for the full 6 weeks and begin the Epi in week 3

SD 10/10/10/10/10/10
Epi 0/ 0/30/40/40/40

To everyone who has read my posts ,I apologise for being so headstrong and rude.


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well, i like the first one, with sd ran along side epi the whole time, at a low dosage.

you will have to know your body and asses how you are reacting to it during the first few weeks, and decide if you can go up to 40 on the epi or not.
you may just have to keep epi at 30 the whole time, but you should be able to tell by the 3rd week if you can bump it up or not.

I would run a cycle like that, looks good. sd at 10, epi at 30 for 6 weeks, and judge if i can bump it up to 40 on the epi or not. just make sure you have a solid pct planned out and ready to go.


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well, i like the first one, with sd ran along side epi the whole time, at a low dosage.

you will have to know your body and asses how you are reacting to it during the first few weeks, and decide if you can go up to 40 on the epi or not.
you may just have to keep epi at 30 the whole time, but you should be able to tell by the 3rd week if you can bump it up or not.

I would run a cycle like that, looks good. sd at 10, epi at 30 for 6 weeks, and judge if i can bump it up to 40 on the epi or not. just make sure you have a solid pct planned out and ready to go.

Well my first cycle was Epi at 30/40/40/40/40/40.I responded very well but did get some joint stiffness during the 5th +6th weeks on Epi.
I think the running it at 30mg for the entire cycle may be a good call.

PCT will be a breeze.I have at least 3 cycles worth of pharma grade Nolva on hand and I'd be able to spend at least $400-500 on the support supplements if needs be so I'm sure my on cycle and PCT can be perfect.I've always spent at least 4 times as much on my PCT chems,test boosters,organ support,vitamin,EFA needs than the actual prohormones themselves.

Last cycle was Halodrol and I spent €600 on the entire thing just to make sure.I know its overkill but my paycheck allows it and nothing is more important to my health.Plus being a science student I get free bloods so I can constantly monitor.

This will be my 3rd cycle when I go ahead with it.Thanks for the help mate.


did get some joint stiffness
Epi & SD “do not aromatise to estrogen” so more than likely you will experience “Estrogen deprivation” causing your joint stiffness and sore joints.

I believe the natural testosterone levels decrease and there is less to aromatase to estrogen leading to “Estrogen Deprivation” and the symptoms that come with it.

I got the below quote from a website about women and “Estrogen Deficiency Symptoms” but I believe it would still apply to people who dose PH/DS during straight cycles or pulse cycles.

Estrogen deprivation can also make the joints sore and inflamed. A condition known as menopausal arthritis may also develop due to fluctuating estrogen levels. Estrogen is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, so a decrease in its production is likely to cause inflammation of the joints.
I also experienced these symptoms, joints that go snap crackle pop and sore during pulse cycles.
To combat this I have dosed D-Aspartic Acid (DAA) Supplements during my entire pulse cycles, from start throughout pct.
In an attempt to keep my natural testosterone levels or possibly increase them so that some can be aromatase to estrogen and help my joints from going snap crackle pop and sore during pulse cycles.

The dosing of D-Aspartic Acid (DAA) Supplements during my pulse cycles seemed to help my joints.
Now I have no blood workups to backup my theory, but it has worked for me.

I have only done pulse cycles, so I don’t know how effective it would be for straight cycles.

The dosage of aromatase inhibitors such as erase I have read on this and other boards can cause estrogen deprivation symptoms.
Now I’m not saying not to take aromatase inhibitors such as erase if you’re trying to lower estrogen effects for increased muscle gains.

But I would think when dosing aromatase inhibitors. Dosing D-Aspartic Acid (DAA) Supplements during a pulse cycle would not help sore joints.

Dosing D-Aspartic Acid (DAA) Supplements is just something I have experimented with great success during my entire pulse cycles to combat my joints from going snap crackle pop and being sore.
BTW I also dose MSM & Vitamin C.
5 grams MSM(methylsulfonylmethane) {Joint support // Building Healthy Connective Tissues}
5 grams Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) {Joint support // Building Healthy Connective Tissues}

Link to my past progress using pulse cycles --:>

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