How to "pulse" orals


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Would you then suggest switching Hemadrol for lets say, Hemaguno or Havoc (which one would you recommend from these two)? and run it with the Propadrol for 6-8 weeks pulse cycle?


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yeah, havoc or epistane have become the standard of pulsed compounds. hemaguno is the same compound I believe


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Losing Strength

I just started wk 5 of a 6 wk epi pulse and my strength on some exercises is back to wk 2 of my pulse. I know I need a break because I have almost no aggression even with stims. I picked up a stomach virus at wk 3 and it's been down hill since then. Normally when I feel like this I take a wk off and I usually come back stronger but I'm not sure what to do in this case. Any suggestions?


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I just started wk 5 of a 6 wk epi pulse and my strength on some exercises is back to wk 2 of my pulse. I know I need a break because I have almost no aggression even with stims. I picked up a stomach virus at wk 3 and it's been down hill since then. Normally when I feel like this I take a wk off and I usually come back stronger but I'm not sure what to do in this case. Any suggestions?
Sometimes it is just best to call it many of us say, listen to your body and if it was me, I would just quit and allow my body to it's just a pulse also so should be easier to just "quit" with no PCT either...(in theory)


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I just started wk 5 of a 6 wk epi pulse and my strength on some exercises is back to wk 2 of my pulse. I know I need a break because I have almost no aggression even with stims. I picked up a stomach virus at wk 3 and it's been down hill since then. Normally when I feel like this I take a wk off and I usually come back stronger but I'm not sure what to do in this case. Any suggestions?
What were your dosages dude? I think a lot of people dose too low with their pulse. You can't take the normal doses on a pulse and it be effective. I normally double my regular dose for a pulse cycle, or at least close to it. If it is an epi cycle for instance, if 30 mg. would be your normal dosages for everyday, then on a pulse take 50 or 60 mg. 3 days per week. I would take 30 mg. 1 hour pre-workout and the other 20 mg. 1 hour after the workout. This is only how I do it mind you. Everyone is different! :wave:


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I had been taking 40mg 20 pre & 20 post but last wk I dropped it to 30mg 20 pre & 10 post to see if the stomach problems I was having were due to the epi. Co-workers started having the same stomach problems which is how I discovered it was viral so I'm back to 40mg. My shoulders have been taking a beating & I know if I took a wk off I would come back ready to go but I don't know how to take a wk off during a pulse. The only other option I can see is to switch up my training by upping the rep range and perhaps incorporating some intensity techniques to give my joints a break. I would probably then extend my pulse to 8wks to make up for these last couple. I do not wish to start PCT unless I have to, I'm up 12lbs, my boys are fine & my libido is great!


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I had been taking 40mg 20 pre & 20 post but last wk I dropped it to 30mg 20 pre & 10 post to see if the stomach problems I was having were due to the epi. Co-workers started having the same stomach problems which is how I discovered it was viral so I'm back to 40mg. My shoulders have been taking a beating & I know if I took a wk off I would come back ready to go but I don't know how to take a wk off during a pulse. The only other option I can see is to switch up my training by upping the rep range and perhaps incorporating some intensity techniques to give my joints a break. I would probably then extend my pulse to 8wks to make up for these last couple. I do not wish to start PCT unless I have to, I'm up 12lbs, my boys are fine & my libido is great!
I ended up taking a week off because my shoulders took quite a beating and it hurt just to do light weight. Felt like the hulk with weight so learned the hard way...One week and I'm back to normal...feeling normal while lifting inflammation I mean. I ended up extending my cycle to 8 wk pulse of Havoc...


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What were your dosages dude? I think a lot of people dose too low with their pulse. You can't take the normal doses on a pulse and it be effective. I normally double my regular dose for a pulse cycle, or at least close to it. If it is an epi cycle for instance, if 30 mg. would be your normal dosages for everyday, then on a pulse take 50 or 60 mg. 3 days per week. I would take 30 mg. 1 hour pre-workout and the other 20 mg. 1 hour after the workout. This is only how I do it mind you. Everyone is different! :wave:
Agreed since it is a pulse and by the week if you add up the amount of compound ingested it still wouldn't compare if done at 40 for 7 days (280mg) compared to 60 or so at 3x/wk (180mg). I ended up jumping to 50-60 and had great success with that...


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I ended up taking a week off because my shoulders took quite a beating and it hurt just to do light weight. Felt like the hulk with weight so learned the hard way...One week and I'm back to normal...feeling normal while lifting inflammation I mean. I ended up extending my cycle to 8 wk pulse of Havoc...
How did you take the wk off? Continue pulsing or what?


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I had been taking 40mg 20 pre & 20 post but last wk I dropped it to 30mg 20 pre & 10 post to see if the stomach problems I was having were due to the epi. Co-workers started having the same stomach problems which is how I discovered it was viral so I'm back to 40mg. My shoulders have been taking a beating & I know if I took a wk off I would come back ready to go but I don't know how to take a wk off during a pulse. The only other option I can see is to switch up my training by upping the rep range and perhaps incorporating some intensity techniques to give my joints a break. I would probably then extend my pulse to 8wks to make up for these last couple. I do not wish to start PCT unless I have to, I'm up 12lbs, my boys are fine & my libido is great!
Get right back on the horse brother. Don't stop a good thing. You're gaining so keep going! You'll be fine. Time enough for PCT after this thrill ride is over!:twisted: I'd up it to 50 mg. here on out. 30 mg. pre-workout and the other 20 mg. after. Have a great cycle friend!!


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I think I will drop anything involving shoulders for a wk to give them a break. Besides there are a lot of other body parts I can train the **** out of while they rest up. I'll keep it at 40mg for the rest of this wk and try bumping it up to 50mg next wk. I want to hit 240lbs before I start PCT which will be followed by a 3 month cut...4 more pounds to go. Thanks guys.


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I think I will drop anything involving shoulders for a wk to give them a break. Besides there are a lot of other body parts I can train the **** out of while they rest up. I'll keep it at 40mg for the rest of this wk and try bumping it up to 50mg next wk. I want to hit 240lbs before I start PCT which will be followed by a 3 month cut...4 more pounds to go. Thanks guys.
Great plan Bro. Your shoulders will still be worked indirectly while you work your chest anyway. Can't take them out of the picture while doing presses for your chest. The rest will work wonders for them. I wouldn't be surprised if they even grow somewhat from the rest and indirect work. 50 mg. will be your sweet-spot IMHO!! Go for it and finish this thing like a champ!!:head:


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Dr. D or anyone else who can help! I just got done with a 4 week pulse of Epistane. I pulsed 30mg on M T TH F, since I did 4 days a week I decided to stop at 4 weeks, I am feeling really shut down. I am going to start taking Formadrol Extreme by Lg Sciences. Is there anything else I can take to get my sex drive back up????
I'm guessing you figured it out by now but DHEA/fenugreek/maca will bring your libido back in most cases. Add just a little yohimbe too for "situational" improvement.


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Dr.D,can I use SuperdrolNG in the off days?will it negate the rebound?what's your guess about bromocriptine/cabergoline to keep high libido/LH output in the off days or in PCT?
Yes, it's well suited for off days.

Bromo is a pituitary poison, I don't recommend it. It'll kill your GH output. Also, cab is definitely more safe as far as endocrine, but I don't think the libido enhancement is all that to be honest. The long term sides preclude it's practical use for anything other than ending lactation IMO.


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I'm guessing you figured it out by now but DHEA/fenugreek/maca will bring your libido back in most cases. Add just a little yohimbe too for "situational" improvement.
Hey newb -- welcome to the forum.


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50mg! Your crazy. Im just doing 20mg a day (10 pre 10 post) for 8 weeks. If by popular demand "more is better", 30 can be possilbe, but I wouldnt dare to go above that.
That's how the pulse works though. 30-45mg is perfect for that compound. :) Reread the first post of the protocol. You need a higher dose to really get the most of it (about 1.5x the normal daily dose), but it's taken only half the time (~3 days/wk) so it's still very economical and safe. For what you get from it, it's a good deal even at the higher doses.


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hey dr d, any point pulsing adrenosterone? not like its very suppressive at reasonable doses, but figured its worth asking :)


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Yes Sir, great post! Once you "get it", and it's clear you have got it, you could pulse perpetually indeed, or for all practical purposes for a very long time at least. I like the 3/4 split too, you're not alone there my friend. ;)

And I'm still here! Just been in the lab working on some new stuff. Designing a new test booster and stim for example. :)

You may have gotten that idea from me. As far as I know, I haven't convinced anyone else to try it. But I'm telling you, it's the best pulsing protocol. It actually does what pulsing is supposed to do -- prevent shutdown. I do not believe in "normal" EOD pulsing. The one day off is not enough to maintain HPTA. You will gradually shutdown. In fact, I think pulsing 20mg EOD will shut you down just as much as straight cycling 10mg ED. I've been "micro-cycle" pulsing Superdrol for almost 4 months (that's right) at 20-30mg; I've gained over 20 lbs (that's right too), and I don't think I'm shutdown -- my nuts haven't shrunk, and I'm actually hornier than normal, for my 46yo self. I attribute this to what Dr.D (whatever happened to him?) calls the HPTA "bounceback" that occurs on my 4 off days each week. I also dialed back to low-dose (10mg) 2on/5off for a couple weeks in the middle, to really give my HPTA/liver/lipids/prostate, etc a nice little break. And I've been using various natty test boosters on my off days (as well as very thorough support supps). I basically feel like I don't need any PCT at all, but I'm gonna use some 6oxoExtreme (light AI/SERM combo) just to make sure. I will use a more traditional SERM if it seems necessary (or if gyno rears it's ugly head), but I don't see how that's possible -- I really don't think I'm shutdown. And before you guys go off about the 4 month thing, understand that I've only gone through one bottle of Superdrol in this time. (Other guys might use up a bottle in 6 weeks.) So it's been more of a slow, steady cycle. If you're gonna use up a bottle of Superdrol, it's safer/healthier to spread it out over 4 months than to use it all in 6 weeks.
In fact, I'm starting to believe it really is possible to design the holy grail of cycling: the perpetual (never-ending) cycle. I'd use something like 6oxoExtreme (or AI's PCS, or PP's Sustain Alpha) 4 days in a row, with your PH/AAS on the first 2 of those days. Support supps on all 4 days; total-body resistance training on the 2 "on" days (I already have a good workout routine for this); then 3 days without any supps whatsoever (except maybe your multi). This routine also gives you plenty of opportunity to get in 2-3 days of cardio/abs. I think maybe you could run this "cycle" forever, without any PCT, and safely/gradually put on LBM. Maybe. ???????????????


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Get right back on the horse brother. Don't stop a good thing. You're gaining so keep going! You'll be fine. Time enough for PCT after this thrill ride is over!:twisted: I'd up it to 50 mg. here on out. 30 mg. pre-workout and the other 20 mg. after. Have a great cycle friend!!
I like your attitude! Very positive. It's wise to be conservative by default, but sometimes you have to push yourself, just to know what you're made of. Get back on the horse and adapt, learn, improve, and never give up.
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hey dr d, any point pulsing adrenosterone? not like its very suppressive at reasonable doses, but figured its worth asking :)
I used it last summer in a pulse, but not as the pulser, as the off day anti-cort. The off day retention is amazing with adreno. I have even skipped training for 2wks straight and not lost a single step when I started back. Shutdown simply didn't happen either with any dose at any time length of use, but I agree you should keep it to conventional doses for moderate lengths only, or pulse it, but the off day applications are where I found the real beauty in this compound. Not to mention the fat loss, great stuff for a cut. There is no finer or cleaner precontest/dieting supp out there.


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im deciding whether to run a sd pulse or test e, not sure of the test cause of drug testing,,

the sd, ive taken before about a year ago,ran for 4 weeks, got stronger but gained no weight,probably wasnt eating enough

now my goal is to gain a good 10 lbs, as healthy as possible,

also having kids is a concern, i kno sd can give you trouble in this area and clomid helps, would clomid be necessary after a sd pulse? and is that a concern w/ test?

if i ran the sd pulse i was gonna do 30mg x 3 for 8 weeks and then massfx,hyperdrol,retain, for pct,i also have a bottle of rebound xt

or a 8 week test run 500xweek w/ the massfx stack in pct
also have nolva,aromasin, torem

any suggestions?


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I used it last summer in a pulse, but not as the pulser, as the off day anti-cort. The off day retention is amazing with adreno. I have even skipped training for 2wks straight and not lost a single step when I started back. Shutdown simply didn't happen either with any dose at any time length of use, but I agree you should keep it to conventional doses for moderate lengths only, or pulse it, but the off day applications are where I found the real beauty in this compound. Not to mention the fat loss, great stuff for a cut. There is no finer or cleaner precontest/dieting supp out there.
hmm so a 6 week of epi 3x a week on full body workouts with adreno and hdx2 on offdays would be a winner. nifty, I have all of the above handy :)


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im deciding whether to run a sd pulse or test e, not sure of the test cause of drug testing,,

the sd, ive taken before about a year ago,ran for 4 weeks, got stronger but gained no weight,probably wasnt eating enough

now my goal is to gain a good 10 lbs, as healthy as possible,

also having kids is a concern, i kno sd can give you trouble in this area and clomid helps, would clomid be necessary after a sd pulse? and is that a concern w/ test?

if i ran the sd pulse i was gonna do 30mg x 3 for 8 weeks and then massfx,hyperdrol,retain, for pct,i also have a bottle of rebound xt

or a 8 week test run 500xweek w/ the massfx stack in pct
also have nolva,aromasin, torem

any suggestions?
Test E. is one of the very worst as far as shutdown. At 500/wk, you will be very shutdown in just 2-3wks I think. Stacking an AI on cycle helps with that and the MFX is certainly a good idea to maximize your test on cycle or support SHBG and recovery, libido, etc. after a cycle.

Either way, fertility is retained as long as test is in your system. You will actually be super-fertile for at least the first few weeks and possibly months.


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Hey newb -- welcome to the forum.
Just curious but with your pulsing style are you taking the SD 3 days straight with 4 off days then repeat?

Dr. D glad to see you back around. I'm thinking of trying a pulsing cycle with Dbol for 3-4 weeks and access for myself how it works. Never knock something until you try it or atleast that's what I was taught. What dosages do you think I should shoot for. I've ran it plenty before currently sitting at 228lbs. 50mg, 60, 70?


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Dr. D glad to see you back around...
Hey J, good to be posting again. I'd suggest starting at 50 and going from there. That's probably the minimum for a guy your size. 50,60,60,70... might be a more realistic scheme for a 1-2 month pulse plan of that particular compound.


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Either way, fertility is retained as long as test is in your system. You will actually be super-fertile for at least the first few weeks and possibly months.[/QUOT

so if i ran arimadex w/ test id be good as far as helping shut down?? also what would be better for me, im only looking for 10 lbs, do you think and sd pulse will work even though i took it before??? the only reason im not 100% on test is drug screening for my job and prob


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Hey J, good to be posting again. I'd suggest starting at 50 and going from there. That's probably the minimum for a guy your size. 50,60,60,70... might be a more realistic scheme for a 1-2 month pulse plan of that particular compound.
Gotcha that's what I figured. So would you suggest the EOD approach or 3days on 4 off, 1 day on 2 off, 2 on 2 off ect... What do ya think or is it splitting hairs?


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Dr. D, just thought I'd ask even though it might have been answered somewhere in this massive thread. I personally love pulsing but others have the opinion that constant spiked hormone levels is a bad idea. I know it's great for no/low suppression to lower sides short and long term but what is your take on the whole spiked hormone idea?


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...the only reason im not 100% on test is drug screening for my job and prob
What's your job? All this discussion is in the realms of hypothetical fantasy, but if you want to get real about it, I certainly would not risk my job, family or personal health with anything illegal. It's just not worth the risk.

I'd suggest you just stick to the OTC stuff if you don't have a doc for the test. You'll sleep better at night with a clean house and a clean conscience. :)


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Gotcha that's what I figured. So would you suggest the EOD approach or 3days on 4 off, 1 day on 2 off, 2 on 2 off ect... What do ya think or is it splitting hairs?
Yeah, it does make a slight difference in the long run. These are the most optimal:

M,W,F - Can't go wrong with this one!

2 days on, 2-3 days off - Great if you w/o 3.5-4x/wk instead of 3.

3 days on, 4 days off - I like this one best because the consecutive doses further support the previous days w/o recovery. You can still train hard with no DOMS until the ~5th day instead of the 2nd or 3rd day. Plus you get a nice long off time to bounce. If you're smart with a handful of healthy supps everyday and just lift for good strength maintenance, you might could do this one indefinitely.


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Dr. D, just thought I'd ask even though it might have been answered somewhere in this massive thread. I personally love pulsing but others have the opinion that constant spiked hormone levels is a bad idea. I know it's great for no/low suppression to lower sides short and long term but what is your take on the whole spiked hormone idea?
Yes, it's been debated vigorously yet sporadically in many places on and off this thread! People complain that this is a flaw to the method, but it's actually an essential character of it. Fluctuation is not a problem with the pulse method, it IS the pulse method.

People used to say, "yeah, but it causes a lot of brief hormonal fluctuation..." Well no duh! That's why it's called 'pulsing' lol :) I don't hear this argument much anymore though. I think there's plenty of feedback validating the claims of the protocol now. Those claims being that it is more safe and economical than standard cycles and still amazingly effective with minimal libido, liver and HDL impact. It's not for all but it's very suitable for many.


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Hey J, good to be posting again. I'd suggest starting at 50 and going from there. That's probably the minimum for a guy your size. 50,60,60,70... might be a more realistic scheme for a 1-2 month pulse plan of that particular compound.
whoa whoa, who's this guy, coming in here acting like he knows stuff and answering quetions? lol jk. What up doc? Where ya been? don't call, don't write, im feelin unloved. Good to see you again D. Can't wait to see what you have instore for us in the near future.


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DR.D I was wondering about what you said here
"Doses can usually be high (40-60 mg instead of 10-30 mg) but take them close together preferably before 6 pm. It's not crucial you take the last dose before 6 pm, but the earlier the better for avoiding shut down."
Would it be better to dose early in the morning when your natural test production is high or after 12 noon when it starts to decline? Thanks.
BTW I'm back lifting after a 1 wk break and my shoulders feel 100% again. Tendinitis in my rt forearm is noticeably better but not completely recovered so I will be using pronated & hammer grip on all rowing & curling movements for the rest of the pulse. Really glad I took a break but I'm sure I could of avoided it if I made smaller poundage increases.


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whoa whoa, who's this guy, coming in here acting like he knows stuff and answering quetions? lol jk. What up doc? Where ya been? don't call, don't write, im feelin unloved. Good to see you again D. Can't wait to see what you have instore for us in the near future.
Haha, what's up aspire? Good to see you guys again!

I was dating this chick who had me tied up in the basement as her personal love slave, but I managed to finally escape and get back on the boards. :p Been working on a lot of cool new stuff, it'll make up for my absence. ;)


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Haha, what's up aspire? Good to see you guys again!

I was dating this chick who had me tied up in the basement as her personal love slave, but I managed to finally escape and get back on the boards. :p Been working on a lot of cool new stuff, it'll make up for my absence. ;)
So who are you working with these days, D?


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Yes Sir, great post! Once you "get it", and it's clear you have got it, you could pulse perpetually indeed, or for all practical purposes for a very long time at least. I like the 3/4 split too, you're not alone there my friend. ;)

And I'm still here! Just been in the lab working on some new stuff. Designing a new test booster and stim for example. :)
Interesting method. I'm just now getting back into the gym, a month after having minor surgery (umbilical hernia repiar). I didn't lose much weight, but did lose some visible tone, etc.

I'd be interested in running something long like this to get me back up to speed and beyond in one fell swoop. I'm curious, though about the ideal workout that goes w/ this. Any details on that are appreciated.


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Hey D! Great to see you back man! :)


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...Would it be better to dose early in the morning when your natural test production is high or after 12 noon when it starts to decline ... Tendinitis in my rt forearm is noticeably better but not completely recovered so I will be using pronated & hammer grip on all rowing & curling movements for the rest of the pulse...
Yes, first thing in the morning and no later than noon if you're specifically trying to avoid shutdown. It'll buy you a little more time that way. In general, work with the body's natural rhythms if you'd like to minimize disrupting them.

Good idea. Joint injuries tend to be very compounded when you reinjure them before they've healed. Baby it and lift light until you really feel recovered. Once you go heavy again, use wraps or grips like you were planning until you feel very well healed.


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Dr.D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You better be back for good!!!!!!!!!


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So who are you working with these days, D?
Why, are you guys hiring? :D

Good to see you working with Avant now my man! They've always had cool and innovative products. Hit me up on a PM, I'm interested to know how your shows have been going and stuff. I have a lot of catching up to do around here.


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Dr. D or Easy, or any body else for that matter,
Any particular brand of adrenosterone that you recommend? I have some Havoc on hand, I'm about to start my 3 times/week 8 week long pulsing cycle.
I will be taking PowerFULL, restore and Adrenosterone on OFF days, but I was wondering which brand did you guys recommend? Also if taking the Adrenosterone on OFF days will a Test-booster still be necessary?
thanks in advance for the feedback.
I'm out.


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Dr.D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You better be back for good!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeeeah, I'm back. I see your still 'nanners my man, plus you and your bro got good rep jobs now. Hook me up man! lol :p


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Dr. D or Easy, or any body else for that matter,
Any particular brand of adrenosterone that you recommend? I have some Havoc on hand, I'm about to start my 3 times/week 8 week long pulsing cycle.
I will be taking PowerFULL, restore and Adrenosterone on OFF days, but I was wondering which brand did you guys recommend? Also if taking the Adrenosterone on OFF days will a Test-booster still be necessary?
thanks in advance for the feedback.
I'm out.
Yes, still need a test booster. Adreno doesn't boost test really (maybe a little bit at lower doses but that's just theoretical.) It's just a nice, non-suppressive bridger and anti-catabolic that happens to have significant anabolic properties as well.

I'm not sure what brands are good. I have seen about 3 out there, and maybe somebody has bulk powder too because I saw some guy here or at BB making a transdermal log about it. Maybe somebody else can chime in on that one.


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Yes, still need a test booster. Adreno doesn't boost test really (maybe a little bit at lower doses but that's just theoretical.) It's just a nice, non-suppressive bridger and anti-catabolic that happens to have significant anabolic properties as well.

I'm not sure what brands are good. I have seen about 3 out there, and maybe somebody has bulk powder too because I saw some guy here or at BB making a transdermal log about it. Maybe somebody else can chime in on that one.
Dr.D--- Good test boosters are as hard to come by as good women it seems these days. What exactly would you consider a "good" test-booster:think:? I've tried many, and disliked most!! I'm experimenting with bulk testofen powder right now. It's early, but it seems to be working better than divanil, icariin, and some of the other popular items. Do you have any preferences?

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