How to "pulse" orals



The 10day break will keep the effect stronger than running a straight 9/10week cycle. I will probably stop after week 6, then off for 10 days and start back up again and finish off at wk12. Im still tweaking as the time isnt here and nothing is really set in stone.

If not running a SERM, continuing the 6-bromo or any AI for that matter (be it form, atd, 6-oxo) and a test booster should be plenty well for a pulse of superdrol. The anti-cort isnt necessary as test levels shouldnt be super low, so cort wont be a major issue. if you want to take it you can dose morning and mid-afternoon and taper down as you feel fit.
Thanks for the info, that sounds like a plan.


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Dr. D or anyone else who can help! I just got done with a 4 week pulse of Epistane. I pulsed 30mg on M T TH F, since I did 4 days a week I decided to stop at 4 weeks, I am feeling really shut down. I am going to start taking Formadrol Extreme by Lg Sciences. Is there anything else I can take to get my sex drive back up????


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Dr. D or anyone else who can help! I just got done with a 4 week pulse of Epistane. I pulsed 30mg on M T TH F, since I did 4 days a week I decided to stop at 4 weeks, I am feeling really shut down. I am going to start taking Formadrol Extreme by Lg Sciences. Is there anything else I can take to get my sex drive back up????
I believe your strategy of 4x a week was questioned in this massive thread but if I recall D said it may be alright but you're pushing the idea of pulsing...hence require mild PCT and/or SERM...(time for me to find the post :run:)


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You could try post cycle suport, it was designed for use with epi pulses. Theres a 5% off coupon code in my sig you can use for it.


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I believe your strategy of 4x a week was questioned in this massive thread but if I recall D said it may be alright but you're pushing the idea of pulsing...hence require mild post cycle therapy and/or SERM...(time for me to find the post :run:)
I used Nolva and ATD (run inverse to the Nolva) , fenugreek and DHEA in a standard PCT fashion after my pulse. I wasn't sure I'd actually need a full post cycle therapy, but after a 10 week run, I decided to be safe and do it that way.

Now I can rest assured that things are back to normal, rather than second guess myself later. Now that I'm done, I'm also running T-Bomb 2, and bulk maca and longjax from NP.

I also ordered some BN bulk testofen, now that there's such a buzz about this human study. I'm figuring I'll be one randy bastage once I'm running those three herbals at the same time, plus the T-Bomb 2. Should be fun!


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What could I use as an AI thats cheaper then HDX2 also a substitute for MFX. This is for a 6 week SD pulse.


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formestane maybe. its about the cheapest you can get for an AI. maybe bulk testofen in place of massfx?


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formestane maybe. its about the cheapest you can get for an AI. maybe bulk testofen in place of massfx?
I gave in to all the buzz about it and ordered 80 grams of bulk testofen, speaking of. Under 30 bucks and a successful human study; I couldn't pass. I hope this stuff is as effective as it sounds.


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i'm pondering getting the 80g, dissolving into alchohol and adding to shakes. or dosing sublingually.


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i'm pondering getting the 80g, dissolving into alchohol and adding to shakes. or dosing sublingually.
I've heard it tastes terrible, so I wonder how bad it'd be in a shake. With most of my bulk herbals, I just bite the bullet and shovel a 1/4 tsp. or whatever the dose is into my mouth and chase it w/ diet soda or something.


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I was wondering if i could pulse METHOXY-TRN(just because I've got a couple bottles of this stuff).too suppressive?too long halflife?too weak?any imput would be useful.sure,only ALRI and GL actually know what the hell it is...


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I think you can, just the question is what sort of dose? I think 6-8mg 3x a week, dosed all preworkout is doable, not sure how much higher. Not a whole lot of people have tried it that way.


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I have to admit it: I've run A LOT of DS cycles,but I still haven't touched those bottles since I've purchased them in2006!!! It still looks a little misterious to me.I don't feel so comfortable with something I cannot understand deeply.GENERIC LABZ reps? It's time to talk OPENLY and FRANKLY about that compound as you don't sell it anymore!PLEASE...


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I kinda liked trying mega-trn, but even at 6mg I didn't get much of a preworkout stim like some people said. And I wasn't quite sure I wanted to go higher either.


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I gave in to all the buzz about it and ordered 80 grams of bulk testofen, speaking of. Under 30 bucks and a successful human study; I couldn't pass. I hope this stuff is as effective as it sounds.
Would ALRI Restore with its 6Bro and Alpha drive be suitable replacements for HDx2 and Mass FX ? Also for a 6 wk superdrol pulse, would Alpha drive and some sort of Cort control be sufficient post cycle therapy if HDx2(Restore?) as an AI ED was used during the Pulse?


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Would ALRI Restore with its 6Bro and Alpha drive be suitable replacements for HDx2 and Mass FX ? Also for a 6 wk superdrol pulse, would Alpha drive and some sort of Cort control be sufficient post cycle therapy if HDx2(Restore?) as an AI ED was used during the Pulse?
Could be could not.All i needed for my superdrol pusle was Ax's advanced pct, but everyone is different I had nolva on hand just in case. That is a necessity just in case(esp for superdrol)


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I'm pulsing original superdrol and wanna make the best of what I can but at a reasonable price. DR D says HDx2 to help with limiting aromatase and MassFx (Alpha drive) to help with the bounce. I did a straight cycle of M1A and took 6 oxo for post cycle therapy and I wasn't able to keep any of the gains. So I wanna make surethis time its good. Never knew about these forums so the research I did about M1A was via AX's website.


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Methyl 1 Alpha is by Legal Gear and it had Built-in milk thistle and had the same effect as 1-AD only difference for me was 1-AD was all strength while M1A was both size and strength.


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Dr.D,can I use SuperdrolNG in the off days?will it negate the rebound?what's your guess about bromocriptine/cabergoline to keep high libido/LH output in the off days or in PCT?


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Hey Dr D. I sent you a PM a few days ago...have a chance to read it?


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i'm sure this has probably been answered somewhere but i'm at work and lack the time to search thorugh 51ish pages of posts.

Could I pulse Mon/Tues Thurs/Fri? I read two days on two days off and that's not what was recommended by the good ol' doc. But has anyone done this? If I were to pulse Mon Tues Fri/Sat would that be any better? These are probably all newbie questions, but they gotta be axed.


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i'm sure this has probably been answered somewhere but i'm at work and lack the time to search thorugh 51ish pages of posts.

Could I pulse Mon/Tues Thurs/Fri? I read two days on two days off and that's not what was recommended by the good ol' doc. But has anyone done this? If I were to pulse Mon Tues Fri/Sat would that be any better? These are probably all newbie questions, but they gotta be axed.
those are both the same. because in the first there is only 1 day between tues + thurs, in the second there is only 1 day between sat + mon :) Depends on what you are using, and what sort of doses mostly. It may work with something lighter, most likely won't work as well with something heavy.


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those are both the same. because in the first there is only 1 day between tues + thurs, in the second there is only 1 day between sat + mon :) Depends on what you are using, and what sort of doses mostly. It may work with something lighter, most likely won't work as well with something heavy.
an epi clone and possibly m-drol???

yeah I had noticed my error on the split, I meant to ask something different but when I realized my error I also realized that question had been answered in the doc's first post. Heh oh well.


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I talked to Doc about it many times. He said it was fine to pulse mon,tues,thurs,fri He said the 2 days off should give you a good bounce back. He said there is a chance you might need a regular post cycle therapy depending on how long you use it. I used m-drol and i didn't feel shutdown at all till week six(when i bumped to 40mgs) so i cut it off after that my gains slowed dramatically after week 4 anyways. Epi is even less supressive so if you are worried about that then that might be a better bet. Always have a serm on hand just in case also.i plan on running another m-drol or epi pulse in about a week, and i will log it so check it out in a week or so and follow along.


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I talked to Doc about it many times. He said it was fine to pulse mon,tues,thurs,fri He said the 2 days off should give you a good bounce back. He said there is a chance you might need a regular post cycle therapy depending on how long you use it. I used m-drol and i didn't feel shutdown at all till week six(when i bumped to 40mgs) so i cut it off after that my gains slowed dramatically after week 4 anyways. Epi is even less supressive so if you are worried about that then that might be a better bet. Always have a serm on hand just in case also.i plan on running another m-drol or epi pulse in about a week, and i will log it so check it out in a week or so and follow along.
heh I was actually planning on running an epi mdrol pulse cycle for six weeks. ramping up both epi and mdrol. looks like i'll probably just do one or the other and be less greedy.


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Yeah mdrol gives some real good gains. And i think because you are pulsing you get way less sides too!


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mdrol it is, now to find some nolva. thx for the help, WAF's pulse cycle coming soon :squat:


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I would say that if you are trying to pulse 4x a week you may run into some problems. At that frequency, its really almost not even a pulse anymore. You are still going to get really supressed by the end of your pulse.... which IMO is the main reason for pulsing in the first place. If your wanting to take it 4x a week, you should just take it every day. I have pulsed many, many substances over the past 3 years and I personally think that 2x week is the most ideal frequency. I like to lean on the side of caution versus reclysness(sp??). That thing that most peopler forget about hormones is that even after the hormones are cleared from the blood stream, the receptor has still be activated. I dont know what kind of time line this follows, but at 2x a week I get the same effect as at 3-4x a week. Just some food for thought. DONT GO OVER 3X A WEEK!!! if you do, you are asking for trouble.


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I would say that if you are trying to pulse 4x a week you may run into some problems. At that frequency, its really almost not even a pulse anymore. You are still going to get really supressed by the end of your pulse.... which IMO is the main reason for pulsing in the first place. If your wanting to take it 4x a week, you should just take it every day. I have pulsed many, many substances over the past 3 years and I personally think that 2x week is the most ideal frequency. I like to lean on the side of caution versus reclysness(sp??). That thing that most peopler forget about hormones is that even after the hormones are cleared from the blood stream, the receptor has still be activated. I dont know what kind of time line this follows, but at 2x a week I get the same effect as at 3-4x a week. Just some food for thought. DONT GO OVER 3X A WEEK!!! if you do, you are asking for trouble.
I have done this under the frequent talking to Dr. D. i experienced no problems. I was also only a little supressed and I came back about 3 days after. So maybe you just have problems with it everyone is different. What kind of a pulse would you do with 2x a week anyway?


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Well an excellent example would be the pulse I am on right now. I am pulsing 50mg's superdrol and 60mg's propadrol 2x week. I am training 2xday and 6days/week. I am dosing on tuesdays and fridays. since I am implementing am/pm workouts, I am dosing 20mgs superdrol and 60mgs propadrol pre w/o morning, 10mg superdrol lunch, 20mg superdrol 4:00pm (w/o at 4:45). This schedule is working royaly. I have pulsed many, many, substances using many different protocals, and this one seems to work the best for me.


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I am mainly using this pulse to help improve recovery time, considering the heavy workout schedule. On more frequent pulses, I usually do not dose this high or this late in the day. If I were to pulse 4x week, I would deffinately not go over 20-30mgs per day and would most likely dose in the am. Just my 2c.


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I was looking at Training Mon Tues Thurs Fri, a DC style split. Not DC Mind you (don't feel like getting chewed out) but similar to the four day a week split Dante has outlined. I figured it'd make more sense to pulse on workout days but 1 day on 1 day off might work too. Any thoughts?


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really there is no reason unless you are taking something with high androgenic stim value to worry about whether the pulse days even match workout days. on a 4 day split, your body is pretty much healing/growing muscle all 7 days. so just do a MWF pulse, even if they aren't all workout days


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Yeah heard that can work not positive though, bump.
not positive? can't say I get where that came from...elaborate?

really there is no reason unless you are taking something with high androgenic stim value to worry about whether the pulse days even match workout days. on a 4 day split, your body is pretty much healing/growing muscle all 7 days. so just do a MWF pulse, even if they aren't all workout days
wherein my false logic lied. I get it now. All I needed was some clarity heh


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not positive? can't say I get where that came from...elaborate?

wherein my false logic lied. I get it now. All I needed was some clarity heh
I think i have heard it from dr. d but not positive about 85%


anti-cort ED? or EOD? morning is best right? before lunch i think.


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I've been trying the 1x/week superdrol pulse for the past several weeks. I actually am getting something out of this. I'm not specifically trying to gain weight, just strength, and it's up. I started at 40mg, which is the dose I topped out at when doing a straight SD cycle a couple years ago. I'm up to 70mg now, I probably won't go any higher.

I'm getting a couple more reps with 325 on incline than I did prior. The tops of my shoulders break out Tues/Weds. I take a low dose AI on the off days.

No big PH "rush" with this, just consistently good workouts -which is what I want. At 70mg, I start to get the SD low back pump, which is pretty awesome (not), so I wouldn't go much higher. 80 would have been as high as I would have gone anyway.

I'm doing a planned overfeed for the day I take it, I start eating more that morning, take the SD in one dose pre-workout (about 1hr before), and then eat like a viking up until about noon the next day. I'm up a couple of pounds, but the strength is far more important to me.

No feeling of being "on" just nice workouts. I'm pleased with it.

I am considering trying this with e-max lmg another time.


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an epi clone and possibly m-drol???

yeah I had noticed my error on the split, I meant to ask something different but when I realized my error I also realized that question had been answered in the doc's first post. Heh oh well.
I did that w/ epi, and got shut down like a normal cycle. I may be prone to shutdown though.


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New to this forum and interested in doing my first pulse. I would like to see what you guys think berore I start it. Any help is appreciated.
3x week M/W/F. For 4 weeks
Week 1 10,20,30mg Epidrol
Week 2-4 30mg Epidrol
I also have hyperdrol x2, retain2. I was thinking I would take the hyperdrol x2 on days off. Would it be better to take retain2 every day or only on days off?
Planning on continuing hyperdrol and retain at least 2 weeks after end of cycle. Should that be enough or do you think I need Post Cycle Support as well? I want to try and stay away from using a SERM.
I would appreciate any suggetions you guys could give.


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New to this forum and interested in doing my first pulse. I would like to see what you guys think berore I start it. Any help is appreciated.
3x week M/W/F. For 4 weeks
Week 1 10,20,30mg Epidrol
Week 2-4 30mg Epidrol
I also have hyperdrol x2, retain2. I was thinking I would take the hyperdrol x2 on days off. Would it be better to take retain2 every day or only on days off?
Planning on continuing hyperdrol and retain at least 2 weeks after end of cycle. Should that be enough or do you think I need Post Cycle Support as well? I want to try and stay away from using a SERM.
I would appreciate any suggetions you guys could give.
You should be fine but is always a good idea to have a serm on hand. Everone reacts differently to different things. It's a better safe than sorrow kind of thing.

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