How to "pulse" orals



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Anyone who hasn't please feel free to see the "Pulsing Results" thread in my signature for cycles and plans that have already been run suxsexfully


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i meant flaming gay..... lol j/k btw love the rainbow sig..... queer... lol jk i really enjoyed reading the pulse results thead. its insane on average in there everyone was gaining 12-15lbs and doing so with minimal shutdown even though its across 2 times as long a period of time but thats the same as running a cycle and post cycle therapy anywho... and weight would probally stick better too... again great thread.


Never enough
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Just to recheck on a little detail (no, not about neo, we all no about his *cough* issues)... The primary reasoning behind pulsing is splitting the dose and lowering the overall total mg ingested per week. So even if someone is doing a 5 day a week workout scheme, theres no reason particularly (other than stim value of high androgenic compounds) to have the pulse days match the workout days correct? Its a question that was touched in another thread, but I see a lot of people asking about higher # of days workout scheme here. And it makes me wonder whether it wouldn't be simpler to stick to a M/W/F for the pulse, regardless of what days you work out.


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Just to recheck on a little detail (no, not about neo, we all no about his *cough* issues)... The primary reasoning behind pulsing is splitting the dose and lowering the overall total mg ingested per week. So even if someone is doing a 5 day a week workout scheme, theres no reason particularly (other than stim value of high androgenic compounds) to have the pulse days match the workout days correct? Its a question that was touched in another thread, but I see a lot of people asking about higher # of days workout scheme here. And it makes me wonder whether it wouldn't be simpler to stick to a M/W/F for the pulse, regardless of what days you work out.
When you subtract the aggression and drive as you stated, you CAN go with a M/W/F dosing. I ask you WHY you purposely forgo the known, added bennifit, but it doesn't matter.
You grow when you recover.
If your recovering a muscle for 48hours, which particular 8 or so hours you chose to have the anabolic help you should be inconcenquential (either the first 8 hours that include the workout w/ added bennifit, starting on hour 9 after loading the muscle, hour 16, 24,... )

As a matter of fact, you can choose to dose only twice a week, or maybe even on one particular day, like squat day or whatever. You need to play with the dosing some, as it is a HIGHLY individually based methoed. You need to see how well your handeling your pulse... what supresses others greatly, might not some one else...

If the drive in the gym is not important to you, I am fully confident that Dr. D will certinly agree with this.:thumbsup:


rollin' on dubs!
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ok, ive been meaning to catch up with this thread for a long time now. ive read mention of liver and heart/blood pressure support supps but no one ever goes into detail. i recall D saying that they arent as crucial for pulsing but are people using them anyways? only on certain days or throughout the cycle? either way, pulsing superdrol would do some damage to the interior, wouldnt it?


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ok, ive been meaning to catch up with this thread for a long time now. ive read mention of liver and heart/blood pressure support supps but no one ever goes into detail. i recall D saying that they arent as crucial for pulsing but are people using them anyways? only on certain days or throughout the cycle? either way, pulsing superdrol would do some damage to the interior, wouldnt it?
Yes to some degree. But not as much as a reg cycle. When I pulsed it my bloodwork came back fine. I try to run CoQ-10 year round if I have the money. I will be running lose dose of Hawthrone berry too. Just for overall heart health. Hope that helps some.


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seems like its more a recommendation to save any liver support supps for after the pulse, as there have been comments made that they interfere with the absorption of the ph/designer during the pulse. In theory, you are probably only taking half as much, maybe less - superdrol for instance you might only be taking 60-90mg a week (at 20-30/pulse day) vs 140-210. So it does make sense that the damage would be lower during the pulse, and require less support. As far as blood pressure goes, you are right, I havent really noticed anyone posting about it. Maybe it just spikes on the pulse days tho and drops back down on off days? not sure really, but i'm interested as i'm pretty sure superdrol will be my first pulse


rollin' on dubs!
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thanks for the replies EasyEJL and UNCfan1! 1 more question about PCT's. from what ive gathered, pulsing is also much more firendly on the shutdown, and not much is needed. could you get away with ATD and a cortisol blocker? is it necessary to run a SERM? maybe for a week following the cycle? i havent identified a standard protocol cause everyone does something different.


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thanks for the replies EasyEJL and UNCfan1! 1 more question about post cycle therapy's. from what ive gathered, pulsing is also much more firendly on the shutdown, and not much is needed. could you get away with ATD and a cortisol blocker? is it necessary to run a SERM? maybe for a week following the cycle? i havent identified a standard protocol cause everyone does something different.
If it makes u feel better I took nothing. Well I continued to take Advanced PCT and Retain 2 but it was only for week. I had some torem on hand just in case.

It wouldn;t hurt to run it for sometime afterwards.


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Encountering slight problem

Dr. D or anyone

I'm on my 13th day of my epidrol pulsing cycle (Today and Yesterday was Off-Days), and I've been pulsing for 5 workout days out of that 13 days. I'm feeling a slight pain in my left nut :( has anybody ever experience such a thing?

Could this be cause by the Epidrol or maybe 6-OXO Extreme? My dosing for epidrol was like this, first 2 workout days was 20 mg, workout 3 & 4 was 30 mg and my last workout days was 40 mg, and my dosing for 6-OXO Extreme was 2 caps ED.

Maybe it was triggered by the 40 mg dosage, because I didn't think I notice anything like this before then.

1. Tomorrow is another workout days so should I try another 40 mg and see if that is really the cause?
2. Or maybe should drop down the dosage to 30 mg for tomorrow?
3. Or should I take a week break?
4. Or should I just drop out of my cycle altogether?

Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks guys.


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im not D but im almost certain that woulent be from the epi as ive dosed 60mg ED for 3 weeks straight and came no where close to experiencing any pain like that, may be the 6-oxo causing it... but in all honestly i think it may be a coincidence, have you EVER had this happen before?


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im not D but im almost certain that woulent be from the epi as ive dosed 60mg ED for 3 weeks straight and came no where close to experiencing any pain like that, may be the 6-oxo causing it... but in all honestly i think it may be a coincidence, have you EVER had this happen before?
No, never had this before bro.

Yeah it could be the 6-OXO Extreme as well, since I was upping the dosage, from 2 caps on off-days last week to 2 caps ED this week.

Any suggestion on what should I do?
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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process of elimination bud. I, personally, Would drop the 6oxo first and if the pain subsides then you know what the dealio. If it persists, drop the epi alltogether. If it still persists, call your doc. One can never be too careful, especialy with your nuts. I am thinking, like poopy said, its probably a coinsidence but you might as well take precautionary measures.

Keep us posted


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I am pretty sure I have heard of this somewhere on this forum. I'll search and see.


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process of elimination bud. I, personally, Would drop the 6oxo first and if the pain subsides then you know what the dealio. If it persists, drop the epi alltogether. If it still persists, call your doc. One can never be too careful, especialy with your nuts. I am thinking, like poopy said, its probably a coinsidence but you might as well take precautionary measures.

Keep us posted
Thank you

Yes the nuts, my poor lefty :( I have to look out for them at all time. LOL! :D

I'll stop dosing 6-OXO from today.


Never enough
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Just to add tho, normal dose of 6-oxo extreme is 5 caps. So 2 caps ED is a pretty low dose of it. But since it was a change, i agree that either dropping it back to EOD or dropping it altogether for a couple of days to see if there are any other changes is a good start


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Yesterday I stopped dosing 6-OXO Extreme, and today morning I woke up the pain has reduced, I still feel slight discomfort, but it is almost non-existant.

I just came back from training, today's pre-workout I dose 2 caps epidrol and another 2 caps post-workout, so far I felt no change yet, the slight discomfort is still there, still the same like this morning, but I don't get any increase in pain.

So I'll stay away from 6-OXO for now, and I'll keep on a lookout if tonight or tomorrow the pain comes back, if the pain comes back tonight or tomorrow then I conclude it must be the Epidrol, maybe my lefty cannot handle 40 mg dosed at such a closed distance, maybe I should spread out the dosage further, or maybe I should cut back to 30 mg, but if it doesn't come back or the pain totally disappears by tomorrow then it must be caused by 6-OXO.

Well the bad news is if 6-OXO is really the culprit, then I won't have any AI to be used on my off-days, would it be ok if I don't use any AI at all during off-days?

I also have another question, I'm thinking of experimenting with the dosing of epidrol. I workout at 11.30 AM, and before that I usually have 2 meals beforehand.

First Meal -> 6 AM = Wake up and have a protein shake

Second Meal -> 8.30 AM - 9.30 AM = Have solid whole food meal as my pre-workout meal.

Two hours later 11.30 AM = Train

Third Meal 1 PM = Protein shake as my post-workout meal

Fourth Meal 2.30 PM - 3.30 PM = Another solid whole food meal as my post post workout meal.

and fifth and six meals consumed at every 2.5 hours apart.

Now my usual dosing is 2 caps taken pre-workout (at around an hour after finishing the pre-workout meal, usually around 10.45 AM) and 2 caps taken straight post-workout with my post-workout shake.

I'm thinking of changing my dosing to 1 cap taken in the morning right at the moment I woke up (at 6am together with the first meal) to get my body in anabolic mode so that my body will absorb and utilize the two morning meals better, then I dose 2 caps pre-workout for pre-workout strength and energy and 1 cap post-workout for post-workout anabolism so that the body will better utilize the post-workout meals.

The problem I see with this is probably longer suppression, judging from epi's half-life of 6-8 hours, with my normal dosing (2 caps pre and 2 caps post) I will be suppressed for roughly about 10-12 hours probably.

But if I start at 6am then I will be suppressed for roughly about 14-16 hours.

What do you guys think of this? Is it a good idea or a bad idea?

General Feelings on an Epidrol Pulse:

Aside from the nut problem, so far I've been really enjoying my pulse cycle experience, strength gains are apparent, I look bigger in the mirror, I feel hungry all the time forcing me to change from my recomp cycle to a bulking cycle, cause I've been eating so much. :p

On the day where I took the dose sometimes for no reason whatsoever I suddenly feel happy, it's pretty weird, but I'm really enjoying the feeling, probably this is what people called the feeling of well-being.

I really hope that Epidrol won't be the cause of my lefty to suffer in agony, I'm having so much fun and I really don't want to drop out from my cycle because of that.


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seems like its more a recommendation to save any liver support supps for after the pulse, as there have been comments made that they interfere with the absorption of the ph/designer during the pulse. In theory, you are probably only taking half as much, maybe less - superdrol for instance you might only be taking 60-90mg a week (at 20-30/pulse day) vs 140-210. So it does make sense that the damage would be lower during the pulse, and require less support. As far as blood pressure goes, you are right, I havent really noticed anyone posting about it. Maybe it just spikes on the pulse days tho and drops back down on off days? not sure really, but i'm interested as i'm pretty sure superdrol will be my first pulse
I still do health oils for cholesterol support daily, and a test booster daily for that extra testosterone kick and anti-suppression insurance, but no "direct" BP or liver support at all. MFX is my only prostate support.


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Yesterday I stopped dosing 6-OXO Extreme, and today morning I woke up the pain has reduced, I still feel slight discomfort, but it is almost non-existant.

I just came back from training, today's pre-workout I dose 2 caps epidrol and another 2 caps post-workout, so far I felt no change yet, the slight discomfort is still there, still the same like this morning, but I don't get any increase in pain.

So I'll stay away from 6-OXO for now, and I'll keep on a lookout if tonight or tomorrow the pain comes back, if the pain comes back tonight or tomorrow then I conclude it must be the Epidrol, maybe my lefty cannot handle 40 mg dosed at such a closed distance, maybe I should spread out the dosage further, or maybe I should cut back to 30 mg, but if it doesn't come back or the pain totally disappears by tomorrow then it must be caused by 6-OXO.

Well the bad news is if 6-OXO is really the culprit, then I won't have any AI to be used on my off-days, would it be ok if I don't use any AI at all during off-days?

I also have another question, I'm thinking of experimenting with the dosing of epidrol. I workout at 11.30 AM, and before that I usually have 2 meals beforehand.

First Meal -> 6 AM = Wake up and have a protein shake

Second Meal -> 8.30 AM - 9.30 AM = Have solid whole food meal as my pre-workout meal.

Two hours later 11.30 AM = Train

Third Meal 1 PM = Protein shake as my post-workout meal

Fourth Meal 2.30 PM - 3.30 PM = Another solid whole food meal as my post post workout meal.

and fifth and six meals consumed at every 2.5 hours apart.

Now my usual dosing is 2 caps taken pre-workout (at around an hour after finishing the pre-workout meal, usually around 10.45 AM) and 2 caps taken straight post-workout with my post-workout shake.

I'm thinking of changing my dosing to 1 cap taken in the morning right at the moment I woke up (at 6am together with the first meal) to get my body in anabolic mode so that my body will absorb and utilize the two morning meals better, then I dose 2 caps pre-workout for pre-workout strength and energy and 1 cap post-workout for post-workout anabolism so that the body will better utilize the post-workout meals.

The problem I see with this is probably longer suppression, judging from epi's half-life of 6-8 hours, with my normal dosing (2 caps pre and 2 caps post) I will be suppressed for roughly about 10-12 hours probably.

But if I start at 6am then I will be suppressed for roughly about 14-16 hours.

What do you guys think of this? Is it a good idea or a bad idea?

General Feelings on an Epidrol Pulse:

Aside from the nut problem, so far I've been really enjoying my pulse cycle experience, strength gains are apparent, I look bigger in the mirror, I feel hungry all the time forcing me to change from my recomp cycle to a bulking cycle, cause I've been eating so much. :p

On the day where I took the dose sometimes for no reason whatsoever I suddenly feel happy, it's pretty weird, but I'm really enjoying the feeling, probably this is what people called the feeling of well-being.

I really hope that Epidrol won't be the cause of my lefty to suffer in agony, I'm having so much fun and I really don't want to drop out from my cycle because of that.
you know what i remember having a similar problem a WHILE back.... but all i was dosing was NO2 back then... BUT i was having sex like 2-3 times ED and for hours at a time then just quit cold turkey when i dumped my gf...... i didnt keep up with the expenditure of seed and.... ya basically i had the worst nutpain ever, totally painful if they even brushed my leg and just felt like crap, think this is reffered to as blue balls by some but i had no actual discoloration.... so have you been sexually active and had a decrease in rate recently???


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Dr. D or anyone

I'm on my 13th day of my epidrol pulsing cycle (Today and Yesterday was Off-Days), and I've been pulsing for 5 workout days out of that 13 days. I'm feeling a slight pain in my left nut :( has anybody ever experience such a thing? ...
I haven't tested Epidrol, so I can't make claims, but I have stated before that only Epistane to my knowledge is the real deal what the label says it is. IBE has an exclusive source and it's the only source that tests pure so far. The rest of the clones I've tested as well as the other labs that have tried to prepare it contain at least 2-12 different compounds! I don't recommend them, but I can't say that's what is causing your pain.

I highly recommend you guys use Epistane only and leave the cheap clones alone. You just can't go cheap on certain products.


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alri max lmg clone. 13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)-diene-17-one
I've never used this compound. I had a bottle but tossed it because I chickened out, lol. It's just too progestinic looking for me and I hate puffy nipples! You could pulse it just like any other non-methyl though and some guys I highly respect (like Leggo) tell me they really like it.


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... Well the bad news is if 6-OXO is really the culprit, then I won't have any AI to be used on my off-days, would it be ok if I don't use any AI at all during off-days? ...
Just lower the dose. I finished reading Dan's thesis on this product yesterday and he states that 600mg lowered LH! I would certainly stick to 300mg or less, it worked better and looked less toxic from his report.


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you know what i remember having a similar problem a WHILE back.... but all i was dosing was NO2 back then... BUT i was having sex like 2-3 times ED and for hours at a time then just quit cold turkey when i dumped my gf...... i didnt keep up with the expenditure of seed and.... ya basically i had the worst nutpain ever, totally painful if they even brushed my leg and just felt like crap, think this is reffered to as blue balls by some but i had no actual discoloration.... so have you been sexually active and had a decrease in rate recently???
no not really.

but I'm feeling something similar to that, but not the worst pain ever, it was a slight pain. but yeah it hurts when it brushed my leg and just felt like crap as well.

so far the pain has not come back, even though i dosed another 40 mg today. so my conclusion at the moment is the pain must be caused by 6-oxo extreme.


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Just lower the dose. I finished reading Dan's thesis on this product yesterday and he states that 600mg lowered LH! I would certainly stick to 300mg or less, it worked better and looked less toxic from his report.
I was using 2 caps ED (2 caps of 6-OXO Extreme is about 120 grams of 6-OXO).

Maybe I should drop the dosage to 2 caps on Off-days again.


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Dr. D any comments on this?

I also have another question, I'm thinking of experimenting with the dosing of epidrol. I workout at 11.30 AM, and before that I usually have 2 meals beforehand.

First Meal -> 6 AM = Wake up and have a protein shake

Second Meal -> 8.30 AM - 9.30 AM = Have solid whole food meal as my pre-workout meal.

Two hours later 11.30 AM = Train

Third Meal 1 PM = Protein shake as my post-workout meal

Fourth Meal 2.30 PM - 3.30 PM = Another solid whole food meal as my post post workout meal.

and fifth and six meals consumed at every 2.5 hours apart.

Now my usual dosing is 2 caps taken pre-workout (at around an hour after finishing the pre-workout meal, usually around 10.45 AM) and 2 caps taken straight post-workout with my post-workout shake.

I'm thinking of changing my dosing to 1 cap taken in the morning right at the moment I woke up (at 6am together with the first meal) to get my body in anabolic mode so that my body will absorb and utilize the two morning meals better, then I dose 2 caps pre-workout for pre-workout strength and energy and 1 cap post-workout for post-workout anabolism so that the body will better utilize the post-workout meals.

The problem I see with this is probably longer suppression, judging from epi's half-life of 6-8 hours, with my normal dosing (2 caps pre and 2 caps post) I will be suppressed for roughly about 10-12 hours probably.

But if I start at 6am then I will be suppressed for roughly about 14-16 hours.

What do you guys think of this? Is it a good idea or a bad idea?

I've also sent you an email few hours back.

EDIT: Nevermind I got the answer in the email already. Thanks D! :D


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I've never used this compound. I had a bottle but tossed it because I chickened out, lol. It's just too progestinic looking for me and I hate puffy nipples! You could pulse it just like any other non-methyl though and some guys I highly respect (like Leggo) tell me they really like it.
Would pulsing this with an AI type designer like epistane keep those sides down/non-existent? it actually would be a nice mix too as epistane is a nice dry compound and from all accounts this is a pretty wet one as far as gains go, so you'd hit a middle ground


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Would pulsing this with an AI type designer like epistane keep those sides down/non-existent? it actually would be a nice mix too as epistane is a nice dry compound and from all accounts this is a pretty wet one as far as gains go, so you'd hit a middle ground
Oh yeah, for certain. In fact, that's the only way I would try it, with some insurance like Epistane or an AI stacked in too.
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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Would pulsing this with an AI type designer like epistane keep those sides down/non-existent? it actually would be a nice mix too as epistane is a nice dry compound and from all accounts this is a pretty wet one as far as gains go, so you'd hit a middle ground
I think pulsing LMG with a potent dry compound is the way to go. I really liked it with superdrol and I suspect that I would like it no less with epistane. Epistane is awesome stuff. I was in a caloric deficit the past 4 weeks on epi and I weigh the same but lost almost 2 inches around my waist and am noticably harder. My strength didn't go up noticably but I don't expect it to while dieting... At least my strength didn't go down. LOL


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I think pulsing LMG with a potent dry compound is the way to go. I really liked it with superdrol and I suspect that I would like it no less with epistane. Epistane is awesome stuff. I was in a caloric deficit the past 4 weeks on epi and I weigh the same but lost almost 2 inches around my waist and am noticably harder. My strength didn't go up noticably but I don't expect it to while dieting... At least my strength didn't go down. LOL
thats pretty sick bro! was that a straight epi cut or a pulse?
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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thats pretty sick bro! was that a straight epi cut or a pulse?
Pulse. I started out pulsing nonmethyls (TST, LMG, and Orastan) for 2 weeks. then threw in s'drol (with LMG) for 3 weeks, then epi solo for 4 weeks. I am going to do 1 more week of non-methyls and my pulse will be over (10 weeks total). The 1st half of the pulse was mass and strength centered and the 2nd half has been more of a cut. I feel fantastic, libido is kicking, balls are swole and I don't really feel that PCT will be a requirement. I'll probably do a couple of days of clomid at 100 mg but that will be it. I have some other stuff on hand just in case but I don't think I'll need it.

epi was pulsed 40mg per day 3x per week, BTW


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Pulse. I started out pulsing nonmethyls (TST, LMG, and Orastan) for 2 weeks. then threw in s'drol (with LMG) for 3 weeks, then epi solo for 4 weeks. I am going to do 1 more week of non-methyls and my pulse will be over (10 weeks total). The 1st half of the pulse was mass and strength centered and the 2nd half has been more of a cut. I feel fantastic, libido is kicking, balls are swole and I don't really feel that post cycle therapy will be a requirement. I'll probably do a couple of days of clomid at 100 mg but that will be it. I have some other stuff on hand just in case but I don't think I'll need it.

epi was pulsed 40mg per day 3x per week, BTW
sounds good bro! cant wait to hit up that epi superdrol trn pulse come real soon... its gonna be sick.


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Hey D,

How are you? Very busy im sure (this thread/board alone keeps my extra time), hopefully things are well and the walk is going well too. :)

I never did do that PP/ZOL 8wk pulse, instead I ended up doing 6wk PP/TRN/ZOL full cycle.

I just finished up PCT and now running JW as a bridge up to this 8 week pulse cycle particularly for a bulker/lean bulker. Sometime around late september/early oct.

I plan on mixing it up with 4 componds over the eight weeks (3x/wk) as follows:

wk 1 pp 20mg/Epi 20
wk 2 pp 30mg/Epi 30
wk 3 pp 40mg/Epi 40
wk 4 pp 40mg Epi 50
wk 5 Epi 50mg/Trn 4mg/Zol 250 mg
wk 6 Epi 50mg/Trn 6mg/Zol 300 mg
wk 7 Trn 8mg/Zol 300 mg
wk 8 Trn 8mg/Zol 300 mg

I would be splitting the doses for pre and post workout;

wks 1-4; pp pre w/o, Epi post with ton of carbs.
wks 5-6; Epi pre w/o, Trn/Zol post.
wks 7-8; Trn pre w/o, Zol post.

Hdx2/retain 2/AI CS on off days.

What do you think? A little much? Hows the timing/dosage structure? Particularly switching Epi for pre w/o on wk5.

Im hoping to put on the most size in wks 1-5, then trn/zol will provide a good recomp/fat loss at the tail end. I am really looking forward to Epi and the worst case if this is too much (which i feel it is), I may just drop the Trn alltogether.

Diet will be around 3500 cals/d, particularly high carb/protien. Something around 60/30/10ish.

thanks in advance brother! :D


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JMO i would take the TRN pre... that stuff is HIGHLY androgenic and will give you better strength gains then EPI and Epi is highly anabolic and would be better suited post (actually id go half pre and half post) so that way you have the more anabolic compound workin for you when your trying to rebuild the muscle.

and wich trn brand is this??? 8mg is a VERY high dose. i saw sick results and BAD sides with only 4.5 mg of the origianal ALRI formula


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Check out this Epi pulse + supps

Hey guys, looking for some pro feedback on my Epi pulse cycle that I'm putting together. I've tried to synthesize a lot of the ancillary supp info found in the plusing thread. I *fully* understand the concept behind pulsing (i.e. no "real" post cycle therapy needed) but I'm looking to augment this cycle through AI and Anti-cort support to minimize sides and retain my gains. Any feedback about that specifically would be greatly appreciated. See my DOSE questions below.

Stats: 34, 6'1, 168, 13% bf, ecto.

Not a gym egomaniac. In my perfect little world I'd be 180-185lbs @ 10%bf with super flexibility and balanced proportions. Feedback accordingly.

weight training for 6 years

Previous cycles:
ALRI Evo stack

by Bobo, approx. ~3200cal/day @ 311g Pro / 322g Carb / 76g Fat and 1gal water min.

ON days: midday workout Tues / Thurs / Sat
OFF days: light cardio (rowing) or yoga (generally one day eacH)

7hrs sleep, daily stretching, clean diet w/ little to no alcohol (usually just a glass of wine), high calorie diet on OFF days.

10lbs lean muscle without running a SERM and minimized sides

8-week Epistane
Wk 1: 10/20/30mg
Wk 2-3: 30mg
Wk 4: bump to 40mg based on progress
Wk 5: OFF depending on how I feel
Wk 6-9: 40mg

ED: Xlean in a.m. and early p.m. <---- DOSE?
ON days: Epistane 1hr pre-w/o, 30min post workout
Xlean pre-workout <---- DOSE?
OFF days: HDX2 - 2caps prior to bed

ED: Multi-V, Omega-3
OFF days: Creatine @ 5mg <----OPINIONS / DOSE ?
BCAA @ 15g <---OPINIONS?

Retain XT if needed

Thanks in advance for any help, you guys rock!


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JMO i would take the TRN pre... that stuff is HIGHLY androgenic and will give you better strength gains then EPI and Epi is highly anabolic and would be better suited post (actually id go half pre and half post) so that way you have the more anabolic compound workin for you when your trying to rebuild the muscle.

and wich trn brand is this??? 8mg is a VERY high dose. i saw sick results and BAD sides with only 4.5 mg of the origianal ALRI formula
sup poops! Yeah, i was thinking afterward, pre & post doses for TRN that way as you said i get those awesome strength gains. I may do that as well for epi as well....

I have a TON of the GL TRN, which i believe is the orignal from ALRI. I have used it before and 4mgs didnt do much besides boost libido. 6 mgs was just right, for me. I am hoping to avoid sides from TRN with the pulse, so I may just try 8 mgs to see what happens. :)


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sup poops! Yeah, i was thinking afterward, pre & post doses for TRN that way as you said i get those awesome strength gains. I may do that as well for epi as well....

I have a TON of the GL TRN, which i believe is the orignal from ALRI. I have used it before and 4mgs didnt do much besides boost libido. 6 mgs was just right, for me. I am hoping to avoid sides from TRN with the pulse, so I may just try 8 mgs to see what happens. :)
sounds good! ya i think the GL was the only one that was close but not quite as strong... either way sounds like you got yourself accustomed to how you react so it looks like a solid plan and perfect pulse dose for ya!


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Hey guys, looking for some pro feedback on my Epi pulse cycle that I'm putting together. I've tried to synthesize a lot of the ancillary supp info found in the plusing thread. I *fully* understand the concept behind pulsing (i.e. no "real" post cycle therapy needed) but I'm looking to augment this cycle through AI and Anti-cort support to minimize sides and retain my gains. Any feedback about that specifically would be greatly appreciated. See my DOSE questions below.

Stats: 34, 6'1, 168, 13% bf, ecto.

Not a gym egomaniac. In my perfect little world I'd be 180-185lbs @ 10%bf with super flexibility and balanced proportions. Feedback accordingly.

weight training for 6 years

Previous cycles:
ALRI Evo stack

by Bobo, approx. ~3200cal/day @ 311g Pro / 322g Carb / 76g Fat and 1gal water min.

ON days: midday workout Tues / Thurs / Sat
OFF days: light cardio (rowing) or yoga (generally one day eacH)

7hrs sleep, daily stretching, clean diet w/ little to no alcohol (usually just a glass of wine), high calorie diet on OFF days.

10lbs lean muscle without running a SERM and minimized sides

8-week Epistane
Wk 1: 10/20/30mg
Wk 2-3: 30mg
Wk 4: bump to 40mg based on progress
Wk 5: OFF depending on how I feel
Wk 6-9: 40mg

ED: Xlean in a.m. and early p.m. <---- DOSE?
ON days: Epistane 1hr pre-w/o, 30min post workout
Xlean pre-workout <---- DOSE?
OFF days: HDX2 - 2caps prior to bed

ED: Multi-V, Omega-3
OFF days: Creatine @ 5mg <----OPINIONS / DOSE ?
BCAA @ 15g <---OPINIONS?

Retain XT if needed

Thanks in advance for any help, you guys rock!

looks like a solid plan man! doubt youl have any shutdown with that regimin specially with the break.

as for the xlean youll want to dose 1 cap AM and 1 cap preworkout.


New member
looks like a solid plan man! doubt youl have any shutdown with that regimin specially with the break.

as for the xlean youll want to dose 1 cap AM and 1 cap preworkout.
Thanks poopy...any thoughts on the creatine & BCAA?


  • Established
Thanks poopy...any thoughts on the creatine & BCAA?
both benificial, both recommended, usually id hold off on creatine while ON cycle but since this is a pulse i think it would just be one more thing to help, but usually it would just get lost in the cycle and youd want it for during pct in order to help keep gains.

as for the dose... its typically dosed in the grams not mg... so id go 2g ED if your using CEE and 5g ED if your using monohydrate. youll want to front load the monohydrate for 1 week with 5g am and 5g pm first then drop down to the 5g ED typically post workout or in the AM on off days.


New member
both benificial, both recommended, usually id hold off on creatine while ON cycle but since this is a pulse i think it would just be one more thing to help, but usually it would just get lost in the cycle and youd want it for during post cycle therapy in order to help keep gains.

as for the dose... its typically dosed in the grams not mg... so id go 2g ED if your using CEE and 5g ED if your using monohydrate. youll want to front load the monohydrate for 1 week with 5g am and 5g pm first then drop down to the 5g ED typically post workout or in the AM on off days.
Yeah my typo on the g vs mg. I've cycled off creatine and it'll be a month off before I start to load again followed by the cycle a week later. Gotta say I'm super-stoked about this pulse, I think it's gonna rock! Tks...:head:


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i got a ? much ergo max could i pulse? 20 mgs was all i used to use but i was tempted to 30-40 3x a week ..but i also wanted to run epistane with it..maybe 20 this too much methyl?i am at least 3 weeks away from doing this pulse and just was curious how much ergo i should go for..any feedback is much appreciated


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i got a ? much ergo max could i pulse? 20 mgs was all i used to use but i was tempted to 30-40 3x a week ..but i also wanted to run epistane with it..maybe 20 this too much methyl?i am at least 3 weeks away from doing this pulse and just was curious how much ergo i should go for..any feedback is much appreciated
Its so individual... my philosophy is take the absolute minimum to get the gains, for others its take as much as you can squeeze in until the side effects get too bad to manage :D More dependent on your goals. I've seen people taking 50 + 60 of epi alone on a full cycle, so its really dependent on how you handle it. Start low, ramp up, let each change sit for a week before changing again. So maybe 10/10 first week, 20/20 second, 20/20 third and bump to 30/20 fourth if you feel like you need it. You need to expect slower gains on a pulse too, so don't be expecting 4lbs a week :D


  • Established
Would X-Lean be good for off days if I were running an Epistane pulse for 8 weeks?


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i got a ? much ergo max could i pulse? 20 mgs was all i used to use but i was tempted to 30-40 3x a week ..but i also wanted to run epistane with it..maybe 20 this too much methyl?i am at least 3 weeks away from doing this pulse and just was curious how much ergo i should go for..any feedback is much appreciated

Honestly, if you have it, I wouldnt take more then 30ergo. For me, it's pretty androgenic, and I sorta notice this obvious gap when it wares off, and before I rebound. More so then with aother compounds.

now, 20mg Ergomax, and 30mg Phera would be GREAT!, you get the drive from the Ergomax (3-ene) while maxamizing the anabolic potential of the 2-ene with the phera.

It's like "super Ergo"

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