How to "pulse" orals



Never enough
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I bought 2 bottles of Revolt today before it disappears completely, so I think i'm going to be doing epistane and revolt, possibly adding superdrol as well. Still a few months off tho. I think the revolt/epistane combo should work out nicely


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Honestly, if you have it, I wouldnt take more then 30ergo. For me, it's pretty androgenic, and I sorta notice this obvious gap when it wares off, and before I rebound. More so then with aother compounds.

now, 20mg Ergomax, and 30mg Phera would be GREAT!, you get the drive from the Ergomax (3-ene) while maxamizing the anabolic potential of the 2-ene with the phera.

It's like "super Ergo"
i actually have phera too.i just have 2 bottles of ergo sitting around i wanna use up.epistane/havoc are my favs and i love to incorporate them into any maybe i will hold off on the pher/ergo stack and just run a high 50-60mg epistane pulse


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i actually have phera too.i just have 2 bottles of ergo sitting around i wanna use up.epistane/havoc are my favs and i love to incorporate them into any maybe i will hold off on the pher/ergo stack and just run a high 50-60mg epistane pulse
screw it, throw an Ergo on top of that epi pulse for good measure. Good stuff!!


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thats good. i dont know why you would ask that its a no brainer according to Dr D's pulsing.
It was more or less a question of if the product lived up to the company's rep or not. If it seems to be one of the better choices then okay.

Also, would it make sense to throw xmass into the equation, or should i just stick with a high dose epi pulse?


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Hey D,

How are you? Very busy im sure (this thread/board alone keeps my extra time), hopefully things are well and the walk is going well too. :) ... I am really looking forward to Epi and the worst case if this is too much (which i feel it is), I may just drop the Trn alltogether. ... thanks in advance brother! :D
Hey JZ, looks like a good plan to me! I'm doing well and pray you are too brother. Hit me on a PM sometime and let me know how it's going my friend. :)

Yes, dropping the TRN would be best if it gets out of control, like frequent headaches or anything weird, but it looks pretty clean.


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Its so individual... my philosophy is take the absolute minimum to get the gains, for others its take as much as you can squeeze in until the side effects get too bad to manage :D More dependent on your goals. I've seen people taking 50 + 60 of epi alone on a full cycle, so its really dependent on how you handle it. Start low, ramp up, let each change sit for a week before changing again. So maybe 10/10 first week, 20/20 second, 20/20 third and bump to 30/20 fourth if you feel like you need it. You need to expect slower gains on a pulse too, so don't be expecting 4lbs a week :D
Wojo, E said it very well right here, start low and work up, use only what is needed to get results.



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It was more or less a question of if the product lived up to the company's rep or not. If it seems to be one of the better choices then okay.

Also, would it make sense to throw xmass into the equation, or should i just stick with a high dose epi pulse?
Yes, I designed X-Lean so I know, it's a top notch combo cort antagonist and well suited for pulsing or dieting either one.

It would make sense that xmass, propadrol or lmg would stack well with Epi, but I have not personally tried that so I can't say for certain. I bet there are some logs to that effect by now somewhere though.


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Wojo, E said it very well right here, start low and work up, use only what is needed to get results.

hey i def agree with what he said but as far as epi/havoc go i have already done that..typical epi/havoc cycle for me is 40 mgs..worked up from 20 to 40..but i guess i can try that with ergo and work my way up


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Yes, I designed X-Lean so I know, it's a top notch combo cort antagonist and well suited for pulsing or dieting either one.

It would make sense that xmass, propadrol or lmg would stack well with Epi, but I have not personally tried that so I can't say for certain. I bet there are some logs to that effect by now somewhere though.
Would it make more sense to pulse the xmass with the epi, or to run it straight through the final 4 weeks of the pulse cycle?


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just got my hands on 2 bottles of xmass wooot. to keep building the shelf of supplements haha


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Would it make more sense to pulse the xmass with the epi, or to run it straight through the final 4 weeks of the pulse cycle?
definatley run it in a pulse throughout otherwise its going to shut ou down... the whole point is to avoid shutdown.


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hey i def agree with what he said but as far as epi/havoc go i have already done that..typical epi/havoc cycle for me is 40 mgs..worked up from 20 to 40..but i guess i can try that with ergo and work my way up
Well 30mg is borderline dirty to me on a reg cycle, sides start at 25mg to me, so do just 30 if you can or 40 if you have too on a pulse. I would not exceed 40 but everyone is different so you may require that much. I personally have a tendency toward gyno with Ergo/phera, most guys don't have a prob with it though.


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I bought 2 bottles of Revolt today before it disappears completely, so I think i'm going to be doing epistane and revolt, possibly adding superdrol as well. Still a few months off tho. I think the revolt/epistane combo should work out nicely
Revolt is an Ergo clone is it?


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Guys, I posted this as a separate thread, but it's getting zero love, so I'm hoping to get some honest feedback here.

I'm trying to use up some 1AD I have leftover and neglecting for a while. It's coming up against its expiration date, and I'd like to use it in a pulse.

Here's my first draft. Aside from my relative uncertainty on the doses (mgs), I'm uncertain whether to dose PRE w/o with the 1AD or the SD. My guess is that the 1AD is more androgenic, and would appreciate your thoughts there.

I'll dose on a 3 days/week schedule M/W/F.

Weight: 215 - looking for a lean bulk, not much above maintenance calories per day

I work out 4-5 days / week. Weekends off always.

Week - Pre-W/O Dose - Post W/O Dose
1 - 30 mg superdrol - 300 mg 1AD
2 - 30 mg superdrol - 300 mg 1AD
3 - 40 mg superdrol - 400 mg 1AD
4 - 40 mg superdrol - 500 mg 1AD
5 - 40 mg superdrol - 600 mg 1AD
6 - 50 mg superdrol - 600 mg 1AD

Off Days: Lean Extreme, Trib, Yohimbe, ATD, lipid support supps each day

During a traditional run of superdrol, I'd dose at 30-40 mg / day for 4 weeks.

During a traditional run of 1AD, I'd dose at 300 - 600 mg / day for 4-5 weeks. (ramp up)

Appreciate all your feedback, this will be my first pulse.


Never enough
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Seems like the progestin based are disappearing, which is why I bought some now, as I think they would have good pulse value stacked with a dry methyl.


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Seems like the progestin based are disappearing, which is why I bought some now, as I think they would have good pulse value stacked with a dry methyl.
Are the progestin based has more chance of getting gyno?

Phera and SD are also progestin are they? or not?
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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Are the progestin based has more chance of getting gyno?
It depends on the user, typically progestins are non-aromatizable however they are derivatives of progesterone, which in and of itself can directly cause gyno in those whose receptors are sensitive to progesterone. I have used several progestin based compounds with success and havent had any gyno issues, though many people won't touch progestins.


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I think a lot of both prolactin and gyno issues are delayed reaction ones, where a person who has used aromatizable compounds in the past but never had visible signs got their start of gyno or prolactin then. And taking a non-aromatizable substance later just caused enough hormone swing in endogenous hormones to aggravate it.


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That said, i plan to stack it with epi just to be safe:) and probably be taking 6-oxo extreme or at least resveratrol during the pulse
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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I'm still not quite sure how it relates to erogomax.
It doesn't. ALR designed the two to be stacked together.
Ergomax is a 70/30 blend of 2-ene (phera) and 3-ene. the 3-ene makes the Ergomax significantly more androgenic than phera. I had nasty BP sides while on Ergomax but felt like Commando in the gym


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*BUMP* Thanks guys.

Guys, I posted this as a separate thread, but it's getting zero love, so I'm hoping to get some honest feedback here.

I'm trying to use up some 1AD I have leftover and neglecting for a while. It's coming up against its expiration date, and I'd like to use it in a pulse.

Here's my first draft. Aside from my relative uncertainty on the doses (mgs), I'm uncertain whether to dose PRE w/o with the 1AD or the superdrol. My guess is that the 1AD is more androgenic, and would appreciate your thoughts there.

I'll dose on a 3 days/week schedule M/W/F.

Weight: 215 - looking for a lean bulk, not much above maintenance calories per day

I work out 4-5 days / week. Weekends off always.

Week - Pre-W/O Dose - Post W/O Dose
1 - 30 mg superdrol - 300 mg 1AD
2 - 30 mg superdrol - 300 mg 1AD
3 - 40 mg superdrol - 400 mg 1AD
4 - 40 mg superdrol - 500 mg 1AD
5 - 40 mg superdrol - 600 mg 1AD
6 - 50 mg superdrol - 600 mg 1AD

Off Days: Lean Extreme, Trib, Yohimbe, ATD, lipid support supps each day

During a traditional run of superdrol, I'd dose at 30-40 mg / day for 4 weeks.

During a traditional run of 1AD, I'd dose at 300 - 600 mg / day for 4-5 weeks. (ramp up)

Appreciate all your feedback, this will be my first pulse.


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no, superdrol = methyl-drostanolone (dht derivative)
and phera = desoxymethyltestosterone
It depends on the user, typically progestins are non-aromatizable however they are derivatives of progesterone, which in and of itself can directly cause gyno in those whose receptors are sensitive to progesterone. I have used several progestin based compounds with success and havent had any gyno issues, though many people won't touch progestins.
I see, thanks leggo


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New to side effects

I have been pulsing Epi for about 5 weeks now. I lift heavy/low reps every 3d or 4th day and take 40 mg. When I first started my libido was through the roof. In the past 2 weeks I threw in 6-OXO 200 mg daily. Now I am starting to see sides. Acne on my chest and back and my nuts have shrunk along with my libido.

Are the side effects (especially the shrinkage) from the 6 Oxo or the Epi?

I have put on about 9 pounds and my strength has gone through the roof.

I was thinking about stopping the 6 Oxo and just finishing the pulse cycle with the Epi for 2 more weeks.

My goal is strictly to get 330 on the flat bench, and I am probably at 315-320 right now, but the nut shrinkage has me concerned.

Again, the sides seemed to start showing up after I added the 6 Oxo on a daily basis.

What do you guys think?


Never enough
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It is most likely the buildup of the epi over time. You would have started the 6-oxo at the 3 week mark, which around the 3-4 week mark is when some guys see sides from epi. I kind of have mentally planned my 8 week pulse as 9 weeks, with taking a full week off from dosing as week 5 to help avoid that. Just as a q, why did you add the 6-oxo if you were seeing good gains and no sides?


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It is most likely the buildup of the epi over time. You would have started the 6-oxo at the 3 week mark, which around the 3-4 week mark is when some guys see sides from epi. I kind of have mentally planned my 8 week pulse as 9 weeks, with taking a full week off from dosing as week 5 to help avoid that. Just as a q, why did you add the 6-oxo if you were seeing good gains and no sides?

Well, I was taking just 100 mg of the 6-Oxo on the days that I didn't pulse the Epi. Then I figured I wanted to be on the safe side, plus I suppose I was greedy for more gains, so I started taking the 6-Oxo every day at 200 mg. So you think the shrinkage and the acne is from the Epi and not the Oxo, even though I am pulsing? How long after going off of both will things get back to normal? I was under the impression that the pulsing, especially only every 3 or 4 days would make the sides almost non-existent, which is why I thought they must be coming from the Oxo and not the Epi.



Never enough
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Well, the pulsing minimizes supression, but unless you've run a compound before its hard to say how it effects you. Some people are more sensitive to it than others. Ah and I just noticed you are an older member too like me. That raises even more of a possibility there, cause if your test levels were lower to begin with its possible that you became suppressed faster. 9 lbs in 4 weeks on epi is pretty much near the top end of what i've seen gainswise too actually. What doseage are you at on the epi? doing the 20/20 split on the 3 days?


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Yes, I was 20/20. When do the nuts and libido come back?


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In an effort to save me time from searching this entire thread, can someone give me a little more detail as to the timing and dosing of hyperdrol x2 (6-bromo) and retain 2 on off days from pulsing. How many mgs of 6-bromo should I take, and should it be every night or only on off nights? Should retain be dosed normally at 3/day on off days if i'm cutting?

Btw, i'm pulsing epistane and winztrol. Epi dose will stay at 20 mg for the entire 4 weeks and winztrol will go up to 150-200 mg.



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In an effort to save me time from searching this entire thread, can someone give me a little more detail as to the timing and dosing of hyperdrol x2 (6-bromo) and retain 2 on off days from pulsing. How many mgs of 6-bromo should I take, and should it be every night or only on off nights? Should retain be dosed normally at 3/day on off days if i'm cutting?

Btw, i'm pulsing epistane and winztrol. Epi dose will stay at 20 mg for the entire 4 weeks and winztrol will go up to 150-200 mg.

HDX2 = Take before bedtime, you can take ED or Off-Nights only. Dosage 1 to 2 caps.

Retain 2 = Take it in the morning and noon on Off-Days. Dosage I think 2 caps is enough (1 cap in the morning and 1 cap in the afternoon), probably you could go up to 3 caps (dosed at 6am, 12pm and 6pm).

For me personally I would just use 2 caps of Retain 2, it looks pretty potent enough and a bottle will last for the entire 8 week pulse cycle. JMO.


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Yes, I was 20/20. When do the nuts and libido come back?
after you run a pct.

bottom line is what Easy touched on.... low starting test levels. not to be rude jsut a matter of precaution especially with someone like you who is more unexperienced with what will happen and not knowing what your natural test levels are at to begin with you need to get blodwork at the start and finish of every cycle to make sure you are healthy enough to do so. its more then likely you had borderline low test and all it took as the little bit of substituting with epi to tell your nuts to shutdown, even with 6-oxo (personally the weakest AI when compared to atd, or 6-bromo and def armidex) you would have been better off taking mass fx then that IMO. so now that you DO know where you are, wich is shutdown, youll need to run a full and complete pct, SERM and everything.

pick yourself up some toremifene citrate (will get you nuts back so fast its rediculous... mine were actually bigger after running it) and some HDX2 and Mass FX to make sure you boost your test as quickly as possible in order to maintain your hard earned gains (GJ btw those are great gains for 2 or 3 weeks) and hold off estrogen when you are in your lowered state. not to mention the mass fx will make sure that all that new test your producing will be unbound and usable.

good luck bro and dont worry all youve done is experienced what most would with a normal cycle just follow protocol and youll be swingin big again in no time :D


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after you run a post cycle therapy.

bottom line is what Easy touched on.... low starting test levels. not to be rude jsut a matter of precaution especially with someone like you who is more unexperienced with what will happen and not knowing what your natural test levels are at to begin with you need to get blodwork at the start and finish of every cycle to make sure you are healthy enough to do so. its more then likely you had borderline low test and all it took as the little bit of substituting with epi to tell your nuts to shutdown, even with 6-oxo (personally the weakest AI when compared to atd, or 6-bromo and def armidex) you would have been better off taking mass fx then that IMO. so now that you DO know where you are, wich is shutdown, youll need to run a full and complete post cycle therapy, SERM and everything.

pick yourself up some toremifene citrate (will get you nuts back so fast its rediculous... mine were actually bigger after running it) and some HDX2 and Mass FX to make sure you boost your test as quickly as possible in order to maintain your hard earned gains (GJ btw those are great gains for 2 or 3 weeks) and hold off estrogen when you are in your lowered state. not to mention the mass fx will make sure that all that new test your producing will be unbound and usable.

good luck bro and dont worry all youve done is experienced what most would with a normal cycle just follow protocol and youll be swingin big again in no time :D
Thanks for the great info. I will order all of that stuff tonight.

Does that mean that I have to go off of the Epi right away or can I stay pulsing it for a couple more weeks. My plan was to go to the end of this month. If the PCT you mentioned will work, is there any issue then with continuing or will I screw my **** up for a long time?

I really hope I can stay on it long enough to hit my bench goal of 330, so I can punk out my brother's record of 325. I'm probably around 315 now and I'd hate to be this close and stop, even if it meant having no nuts for another 3 weeks. Of course, if it means no nuts forever, well, my brother can keep his damn record.



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how long have you run it already and how long total were you planning?

i doubt you could reach complete shut down from epi pulsed alone, and even if you did there are still many methods of trying to jumpstart it... if not then hell go to your doc and get HRT and youll be on test the rest of yo life:D J/k man in all seriousness you would be hard pressed to be shutdown beyond that wich toremifene could bring you back from from epi alone. but again how long total was your cycle gonna be?


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how long have you run it already and how long total were you planning?

i doubt you could reach complete shut down from epi pulsed alone, and even if you did there are still many methods of trying to jumpstart it... if not then hell go to your doc and get HRT and youll be on test the rest of yo life:D J/k man in all seriousness you would be hard pressed to be shutdown beyond that wich toremifene could bring you back from from epi alone. but again how long total was your cycle gonna be?
I have been pulsing it once every 3 to 4 days at 40 mg since July 2nd, so..... 39 days divided by 3 = 13 times since then. I wanted to do 8 weeks or so, around the end of this month.


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Yes, I was 20/20. When do the nuts and libido come back?
Drop the 6-oxo or cut it too 100mg/off night. It raise DHT levels (the acne you noted), might be why your shutting down now stacked with Epi.
Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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I have been pulsing it once every 3 to 4 days at 40 mg since July 2nd, so..... 39 days divided by 3 = 13 times since then. I wanted to do 8 weeks or so, around the end of this month.
I would run the pulse another few weeks but only dose epi 2 days a week and at least 2 days apart (like mon and thurs). This will allow you to be anablic on the days that you want and need to be anabolic on and will pave the way to a bigger and better "bounce" (spike in natural test upregulation) on your "off " days and thus a speedier recovery (my balls seem to swell on my off days). Just my 2 cents :cheers: ... Torem is a good suggestion for pct BTW


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Guys, I posted this as a separate thread, but it's getting zero love, so I'm hoping to get some honest feedback here.

I'm trying to use up some 1AD I have leftover and neglecting for a while. It's coming up against its expiration date, and I'd like to use it in a pulse.

Here's my first draft. Aside from my relative uncertainty on the doses (mgs), I'm uncertain whether to dose PRE w/o with the 1AD or the superdrol. My guess is that the 1AD is more androgenic, and would appreciate your thoughts there.

I'll dose on a 3 days/week schedule M/W/F.

Weight: 215 - looking for a lean bulk, not much above maintenance calories per day

I work out 4-5 days / week. Weekends off always.

Week - Pre-W/O Dose - Post W/O Dose
1 - 30 mg superdrol - 300 mg 1AD
2 - 30 mg superdrol - 300 mg 1AD
3 - 40 mg superdrol - 400 mg 1AD
4 - 40 mg superdrol - 500 mg 1AD
5 - 40 mg superdrol - 600 mg 1AD
6 - 50 mg superdrol - 600 mg 1AD

Off Days: Lean Extreme, Trib, Yohimbe, ATD, lipid support supps each day

During a traditional run of superdrol, I'd dose at 30-40 mg / day for 4 weeks.

During a traditional run of 1AD, I'd dose at 300 - 600 mg / day for 4-5 weeks. (ramp up)

Appreciate all your feedback, this will be my first pulse.
I would pulse something like this:


1 - 20/10 mg superdrol - 100/200 mg 1AD
2 - 20/10 mg superdrol - 200/200 mg 1AD
3 - 20/20 mg superdrol - 200/300 mg 1AD
4 - 20/20 mg superdrol - 200/400 mg 1AD
5 - 20/20 mg superdrol - 200/400 mg 1AD
6 - 20/20 mg superdrol - 200/400 mg 1AD

Some of both pre and post, favoring higher dose methyl pre and higher dose non-methyl post (just based on t1/2 and not A/A ratios in this case). I'm not sure I would exceed 40mg on the superdrol. I start getting really "alpha" even just at 40, but maybe you're better at that than I. :)


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HDX2 = Take before bedtime, you can take ED or Off-Nights only. Dosage 1 to 2 caps.

Retain 2 = Take it in the morning and noon on Off-Days. Dosage I think 2 caps is enough (1 cap in the morning and 1 cap in the afternoon), probably you could go up to 3 caps (dosed at 6am, 12pm and 6pm).

For me personally I would just use 2 caps of Retain 2, it looks pretty potent enough and a bottle will last for the entire 8 week pulse cycle. JMO.

For HDX2 dosage, is it 1 cap if taken every day and 2 caps if taken every other day? The recommended dosage is 4 caps per day, but would 4 caps only on off days be too much?


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I'm not sure I would exceed 40mg on the superdrol. I start getting really "alpha" even just at 40, but maybe you're better at that than I. :)
lol i think we all have our superdrol stories from when it first came out... mine involved the pizza guy... didnt you end up commandeering some heavy machinery? LOL.... dunno if that was just a joke or not but lookin back on it mine seems funny too.. poor pizza guy...


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I have been pulsing it once every 3 to 4 days at 40 mg since July 2nd, so..... 39 days divided by 3 = 13 times since then. I wanted to do 8 weeks or so, around the end of this month.
as long as you get ready in your head that your just gonna run a pct after this then id say finish the cycle out as planned, D has a good tip bout the 6-oxo kick it back and like leggo said make sure your spacing out your epi doses enough... like E3D or something. GL and let us know how it goes man.


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For HDX2 dosage, is it 1 cap if taken every day and 2 caps if taken every other day? The recommended dosage is 4 caps per day, but would 4 caps only on off days be too much?
You have to experiment with the dosing bro, try it out and see which one will work the best for you.

4 caps maybe too much for some people, but it might work for you, I'm not sure. Give it a try.


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Drop the 6-oxo or cut it too 100mg/off night. It raise DHT levels (the acne you noted), might be why your shutting down now stacked with Epi.
Just for clarification, its more that the 6-oxo is causing him to go over a threshold point that is causing the shutdown but the primary cause is the epi?

6-oxo by itself shouldn't be able to cause shutdown from anything i've seen is why I ask. I hadn't realized it would raise dht levels. But it is always about the interaction of everything, including your endogenous hormones, which is why it is all so individualized.


quick question. should ATD on the off nights before bed, be taken on an empty stomach, or with food?


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Pulse plan

Mdrol (Superdrol Clone) M,W,F @ 10 Pre & 10 Post
Mdrol & Havoc: M,W,F 20Havoc pre & 10 SD post

Length: 9 weeks (more like 8 with a week off in the middle).

Not for sure which one I wanna' run. What looks better on gains to sides ratio? And how bout those doses? Too low on that SD? Also, for the off days I plan on runnin' Alpha drive XL, and Supercissus ED.. Look efficient?


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Don't forget to add your results guys to the Results thread in my sig

down there yes

Below this

and here



Never enough
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Mdrol (Superdrol Clone) M,W,F @ 10 Pre & 10 Post
Mdrol & Havoc: M,W,F 20Havoc pre & 10 superdrol post

Length: 9 weeks (more like 8 with a week off in the middle).

Not for sure which one I wanna' run. What looks better on gains to sides ratio? And how bout those doses? Too low on that SD? Also, for the off days I plan on runnin' Alpha drive XL, and Supercissus ED.. Look efficient?
the combo looks better to me. I'd start with what you have, and look at what gains are like come middle to end of week 3 to decide whether to raise the mdrol. Its always best to take the minimum you need to get results.


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lol i think we all have our superdrol stories from when it first came out... mine involved the pizza guy... didnt you end up commandeering some heavy machinery? LOL.... dunno if that was just a joke or not but lookin back on it mine seems funny too.. poor pizza guy...
Yeah, I took justice into my own hands and commandeered a Bobcat down the street, true story. I'm not proud of it, but we all have our limits of abuse and I had reached mine!

Remind me again, what happened to the pizza guy?! lol

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