Grila Jujitsu's going in to the ANADROLIC STATE! (SPONSORED)



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Workout: Legs

Leg press:
1st: 600lb 10reps
2nd: 690lb 8reps
3rd: 780lb 6reps

Hami curl:
1st: 230lb 10reps
2nd: 250lb 8reps
3rd: 270lb 6reps

Standing calve raises:
1st: 200lb 10reps
2nd: 220lb 8reps
3rd: 240lb 6reps

Dead lifts straight legged:
1st: 230lb 10reps
2nd: 250lb 8reps
3rd: 270lb 6reps

Seated calve raises:
1st: 90lb 10reps
2nd: 115lb 8reps
3rd: 125lb 6reps

Widow maker Squats:
1st: 340lb 6reps
2nd: 225lb 20reps

Overview: Today, I almost puked! All I can say is widow makers are friggen killer!

Rating and Review:

Stim effect/energy: The stim effect today was strong today. My hands were shaking from the energy. I think it was good though, I say this because I don’t think I would have been able to finish my widow makers without that energy.

Pump: Pump was good today. I felt my calves cramp up a few times. This really showed me that the stuff is pumping me up! It is usually hard to tell with legs, the way I knew is when I tried on my tight jeans and the would not go around my legs!

Vascularity: Veinage was as cool as always in my forearms. I noticed nothing in my legs, except the vein that runs in my hip flexor was huge.

Strength: Strength was great. I busted out 340lb like I was back on the hulkdrol. Then busted out the widows hard and fast. I stayed high on all the weights! It was easy!

Endurance: Endurance saved me today! I was able to bust out all those widows without stopping! I didn’t have to take a break at all. I would have thought doing all those workouts before and then going on to widows I would need a fatty break at rep # 8, but I didn’t even feel like I needed to push through. I just did it!

Recovery: Recovery was intense! I never felt sore the day after. The second day after I was a little sore, but not much for how hard I hit the weight!

Weight: 183
Dam dude your killing that ****! man you young guys! lol


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excellent leg workout! im gonna go out on a limb and say you think AS is an OK supp :D :D


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All this taunting going on, crazy weight being put up, bigger loads, <---- only in your log! lol, and everything else you have talked about with this AS, I can’t believe I haven’t had a small sampling yet! This is going to be a long 30 days for me!

Keep it up bro!

Do you know if you brought anything back from mexico yet?:lol:


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All this taunting going on, crazy weight being put up, bigger loads, <---- only in your log! lol, and everything else you have talked about with this AS, I can’t believe I haven’t had a small sampling yet! This is going to be a long 30 days for me!

Keep it up bro!

Do you know if you brought anything back from mexico yet?:lol:

Just kidding Grilla.

Grilla- Your legs are freaking strong bro... widowmakers at 225 at the end? woowee!
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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All this taunting going on, crazy weight being put up, bigger loads, <---- only in your log! lol, and everything else you have talked about with this AS, I can’t believe I haven’t had a small sampling yet! This is going to be a long 30 days for me!

Keep it up bro!

Do you know if you brought anything back from mexico yet?:lol:

lol i find out soon! I wrapped my tool so i should be ok! lol

those 30days r going to be killer, sorry to hear oyu making yourself wait! lol
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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Just kidding Grilla.

Grilla- Your legs are freaking strong bro... widowmakers at 225 at the end? woowee!

lol hope i dont have anything!!!

Thanks bro! I just try hard!


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So no Grilitos running around south of the border?? hehheh
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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So no Grilitos running around south of the border?? hehheh

hahahaha! oh g-d i hope not! lol

You want to know how to make sure you never have a child?

You don't give the girl your REAL number, ur REAL name, or your address. lol


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Just kidding Grilla.

Grilla- Your legs are freaking strong bro... widowmakers at 225 at the end? woowee!

Hahahahahahahaha no cure yet!


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hahahaha! oh g-d i hope not! lol

You want to know how to make sure you never have a child?

You don't give the girl your REAL number, ur REAL name, or your address. lol
Except you gave her your REAL DNA. Whoops! Now if only you could figure out how to confuse a paternity test...


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Grili, youre what the Spaniards call "El Terrible"
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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Day 9

Workout: Shoulders

Iso-lateral behind neck press:
1st: 80lb 10reps
2nd: 90lb 8reps
3rd: 100lb 7reps (PR)

Rear delt machine press:
1st: 110lb 10reps
2nd: 120lb 8reps
3rd: 130lb 6reps

Sets 1-3: 400lb 20reps each set

DB side raises:
1st: 35lb 10reps
2nd: 40lb 8reps
3rd: 45lb 6reps

Bent over DB raises:
1st: 35lb 10reps
2nd: 40lb 8reps
3rd: 45lb 7reps

DB shrugs:
1st: 80lb 22reps
2nd: 90lb 20reps
3rd: 100lb 18reps

Overview: The gym was beautiful today! No one there, not even the real lifters! I was bale to bust out reps that I have never done before. I felt so strong and energetic.

Rating and Review:

Stim effect/energy: I was pumped up, today! My dad told me I was jumping around and I was acting like a focused add child! Funny cause I do have ADD. I was not seeing anything else except the exercise and how well my form was!

Pump: I left the gym with cannon balls on my shoulders! I am starting to feel like this is almost on the level of my drol drol run. I was so swollen that without flexing my shoulders, you could see the definition of each muscle!

Vascularity: This workout was great. I have a matching vein showing in my other shoulder now!! I also, have a vein showing in my rear delt. Forearms are unchanged, they still look sick as phuck.

Strength: Is way up! I have a new pr! I kept form great throughout every rep. I think I am going to go back to DB side presses. I want to see if I can put up the 90’s up again…

Endurance: The Endurance was just as great as last time. I was able to put up a few more reps then I would have been able to. Plus, I felt like rest periods were much shorter then usual.

Recovery: I was sore as hell the next day, but the next day I was not sore whatsoever.

Weight: 182


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I'm going to go cry myself to sleep....shnykies!:blink:


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log looks good, ive yet to see naything negative on behalf of AS


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log looks good, ive yet to see naything negative on behalf of AS
Slight nausea if taken to closely to the workout. That is my only issue, and it is a very solvable one. No nausea for me yet this week. T911 and AS stacked is GREAT!


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Slight nausea if taken to closely to the workout. That is my only issue, and it is a very solvable one. No nausea for me yet this week. T911 and AS stacked is GREAT!
Great log man. I've been running AS for about 2 weeks now. The nausea was bad the first week but every since I've been fine. I think it just needs some getting used to. The stuff is awesome.
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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Slight nausea if taken to closely to the workout. That is my only issue, and it is a very solvable one. No nausea for me yet this week. T911 and AS stacked is GREAT!
A few of you guys get this, but not me. :food: :bb3:
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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Great log man. I've been running AS for about 2 weeks now. The nausea was bad the first week but every since I've been fine. I think it just needs some getting used to. The stuff is awesome.

thanks for watching!


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Great log man. I've been running AS for about 2 weeks now. The nausea was bad the first week but every since I've been fine. I think it just needs some getting used to. The stuff is awesome.
Awesome man, glad you like it :)
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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Day 10

Workout: Chest

Flat bench DB Press:
1st: 90lb 8reps
2nd: 95lb 8reps
3rd: 100lb 6reps

Incline DB bench press:
1st: 85lb 10reps
2nd: 90lb 8reps
3rd: 95lb 6reps

Decline bench press:
1st: 185lb 10reps
2nd: 195lb 9reps
3rd: 215lb 9reps

Peck deck Fly’s:
1st: 150lb 10reps
2nd: 160lb 8reps
3rd: 170lb 5reps (PR)

lying upper chest pulls:
1st: 120lb 10reps
2nd: 130lb 8reps
3rd: 140lb 6reps

Dips wide grip:
1st: +20lb 20reps
2nd: +20lb 20reps
3rd: +25lb 18reps

Overview: The workout to day was pretty intense. I am getting back up to my same levels of strength, endurance, and recovery, from where I left off in my last cycle! This workout I went to the golds in los gatos so that I could be around all the hot chicks! There were some very fine young ladies. I was given some good advice from a guy who is a pro bodybuilder, he told me that I needed to squeeze my pecks more when lifting my dumbbells. I have to say I know that I need to do this, but I guess I had forgot. It was a nice reminder!

Rating and Review:

Stim effect/energy: Today’s energy was a nice stream of energy. It stayed consistent till the last 10mins of my workout. I crashed and felt really spent. This was the first time. I think it was because when I had taken my AS in the past I would eat about an hour before, but this time I didn’t eat anything for 2 hour then just took my AS. I will experiment and see what the deal is with this ratio of time/food/AS.
:head: :head: :head: :head: /5

Pump: the pump was greater then it has been in a long time! I thought it was great before, it was even better this time. Not because it was I was anymore pumped or swoll then I have been, it was better because the pump lasted much longer.
:head: :head: :head: :head: :head: /5

Vascularity: Veins were still great. Still seeing that vein in my chest! Forearms were showing. The only thing I noticed is when I left the gym, the veins started to fade this is not normal. It generally stays with me till bed.
:head: :head: :head: :head: /5

Strength: The strength was killer! I am putting up numbers that I have not seen sense my last log! The strength seems to just get better and better! I am loving the strength I am getting!!
:head: :head: :head: :head: :head: /5

Endurance: Endurance was good through 90 percent of my workout. It was like the last 10-15 minuets of the workout that I felt that I could only do the minimal amount of my reps with great form. After that it was just disappointing how I cheated myself! Other wise the workout endurance was great, great, great!
:head: :head: :head: :head: /5

Recovery: Recovery was on lock. I was pretty sore the first day. The next I was not sore whatsoever.
:head: :head: :head: :head: /5


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Workout: Chest

Flat bench DB Press:
1st: 90lb 8reps
2nd: 95lb 8reps
3rd: 100lb 6reps

Incline DB bench press:
1st: 85lb 10reps
2nd: 90lb 8reps
3rd: 95lb 6reps

Decline bench press:
1st: 185lb 10reps
2nd: 195lb 9reps
3rd: 215lb 9reps

Peck deck Fly’s:
1st: 150lb 10reps
2nd: 160lb 8reps
3rd: 170lb 5reps (PR)

lying upper chest pulls:
1st: 120lb 10reps
2nd: 130lb 8reps
3rd: 140lb 6reps

Dips wide grip:
1st: +20lb 20reps
2nd: +20lb 20reps
3rd: +25lb 18reps

Overview: The workout to day was pretty intense. I am getting back up to my same levels of strength, endurance, and recovery, from where I left off in my last cycle! This workout I went to the golds in los gatos so that I could be around all the hot chicks! There were some very fine young ladies. I was given some good advice from a guy who is a pro bodybuilder, he told me that I needed to squeeze my pecks more when lifting my dumbbells. I have to say I know that I need to do this, but I guess I had forgot. It was a nice reminder!

Rating and Review:

Stim effect/energy: Today’s energy was a nice stream of energy. It stayed consistent till the last 10mins of my workout. I crashed and felt really spent. This was the first time. I think it was because when I had taken my AS in the past I would eat about an hour before, but this time I didn’t eat anything for 2 hour then just took my AS. I will experiment and see what the deal is with this ratio of time/food/AS.
:head: :head: :head: :head: /5

Pump: the pump was greater then it has been in a long time! I thought it was great before, it was even better this time. Not because it was I was anymore pumped or swoll then I have been, it was better because the pump lasted much longer.
:head: :head: :head: :head: :head: /5

Vascularity: Veins were still great. Still seeing that vein in my chest! Forearms were showing. The only thing I noticed is when I left the gym, the veins started to fade this is not normal. It generally stays with me till bed.
:head: :head: :head: :head: /5

Strength: The strength was killer! I am putting up numbers that I have not seen sense my last log! The strength seems to just get better and better! I am loving the strength I am getting!!
:head: :head: :head: :head: :head: /5

Endurance: Endurance was good through 90 percent of my workout. It was like the last 10-15 minuets of the workout that I felt that I could only do the minimal amount of my reps with great form. After that it was just disappointing how I cheated myself! Other wise the workout endurance was great, great, great!
:head: :head: :head: :head: /5

Recovery: Recovery was on lock. I was pretty sore the first day. The next I was not sore whatsoever.
:head: :head: :head: :head: /5
Nice workout... pretty big chest workout. Pec Dec strength is rediculous. What the hell is a lying upper chest pull though?
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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Nice workout... pretty big chest workout. Pec Dec strength is rediculous. What the hell is a lying upper chest pull though?


I dont know what it is called, but it is when you lay ur shoulders/back on the bench and you take a db and lift it from behind your head up to above your chest. keep your arms straight too!


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I dont know what it is called, but it is when you lay ur shoulders/back on the bench and you take a db and lift it from behind your head up to above your chest. keep your arms straight too!
dumb bell pull-overs. Gotcha.


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Gotta squeeze those titties Grila. Nice poundage bubba!!
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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Gotta squeeze those titties Grila. Nice poundage bubba!!
grassy ass! It seems as though i get everything down for like a month then i forget something for one week and then i get a reminder somehow!
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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GMG you better watch out ! I am coming to SD soon!


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yeah! thats the name!!! there is a machine for it at my golds! its friggen tight!
Damn, that would be a nice addition to my gym. I love the exercise, but my left shoulder DOESN'T. If I go over 90lbs I start getting that "oh **** my arm is gonna rip off feeling"... and I know I can go heavier if my sh*t was 100%. After my next cycle I might do some serious changes to my routine for a month or two and focus on rehabbing all my minor injuries and let my major muscles take a break for a bit. I have taken 2 weeks off in 3 years, and that was because I was in Europe. I even managed to sneak in about 4 workouts during that vacation at hotel gyms. I just realized that... My body definitely needs some R&R here soon.


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GMG you better watch out ! I am coming to SD soon!
You a cop yet? If the answer is no, then we can hang out and get some gym time in. I don't trust you otherwise. ;)

Just kidding bro. I'll PM you my # and we'll have to link up and get a workout or two while you are down here, arch-nemesis style.

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