Grila Jujitsu's going in to the ANADROLIC STATE! (SPONSORED)

grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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Damn, that would be a nice addition to my gym. I love the exercise, but my left shoulder DOESN'T. If I go over 90lbs I start getting that "oh **** my arm is gonna rip off feeling"... and I know I can go heavier if my sh*t was 100%. After my next cycle I might do some serious changes to my routine for a month or two and focus on rehabbing all my minor injuries and let my major muscles take a break for a bit. I have taken 2 weeks off in 3 years, and that was because I was in Europe. I even managed to sneak in about 4 workouts during that vacation at hotel gyms. I just realized that... My body definitely needs some R&R here soon.
rest does a body good! lol :thumbsup:

I am like you. I have only taken off like 5 weeks on the last 3 or 4 years... I think i am do for a week...


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G, I took 2 weeks off from working out last year. Only did light cardio during it. I was chomping at the bit to get after it again. That first week was hella soreness but I felt real fresh. Not a bad thing to do every now and then.
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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You a cop yet? If the answer is no, then we can hang out and get some gym time in. I don't trust you otherwise. ;)

Just kidding bro. I'll PM you my # and we'll have to link up and get a workout or two while you are down here, arch-nemesis style.

not a cop yet! lol so were all good.

fo sho bro I am down. you can show me some things...


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Wheres all that sick weight your putting up brotha! Wooooooooooooo!


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What's up killer. Playin catch up - hope this is going well.


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Some pretty big numbers your throwing around these days...well done buddy. Hows things up your way?
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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Some pretty big numbers your throwing around these days...well done buddy. Hows things up your way?

**** is really sucking for me right now. I found out 2 of my classes i was transferring over from one school to another are not going to be counted. so now instead of needing 1 class to graduate this semester, i have to take 3! then there is a bunch of other **** i am going through. not my fave time right now!


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**** is really sucking for me right now. I found out 2 of my classes i was transferring over from one school to another are not going to be counted. so now instead of needing 1 class to graduate this semester, i have to take 3! then there is a bunch of other **** i am going through. not my fave time right now!
sorry to hear that man. I walked without my diploma and had to go back and take a goddamn speech class that my guidance counselor had neglected to tell me that I apparently needed. A whole semester at a JC just to get my BA, took six f*cking months after I walked. I feel your pain.
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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sorry to hear that man. I walked without my diploma and had to go back and take a goddamn speech class that my guidance counselor had neglected to tell me that I apparently needed. A whole semester at a JC just to get my BA, took six f*cking months after I walked. I feel your pain.

thanks bro! it is really embarrassing, because my family and a to of friends were expecting me to be done and now, not so....

guess it is my fault for telling people that i was suppose to be done..


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This ought to brighten up your day.

So, is Jay Cutler related to Chris Farley?
YouTube - Jay Cutler

How much money did they have to pay him to spew that bullsh*t?... and those acting skills, my god. He is either the worst actor on the planet, or a comedic GENIUS.


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**** is really sucking for me right now. I found out 2 of my classes i was transferring over from one school to another are not going to be counted. so now instead of needing 1 class to graduate this semester, i have to take 3! then there is a bunch of other **** i am going through. not my fave time right now!
Damn, sorry to hear that bro, I know too many people who have been F'ed over in similar situations. For as much as classes cost they should all transfer!


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Welcome to my world man, I did a full half year of university, to then be told those papers I had been doing, I didn't have to do after all, 2 days before the finals for them!

Can you imagine my rage? Lucky I wasn't on mmv2 then!
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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This ought to brighten up your day.

So, is Jay Cutler related to Chris Farley?

How much money did they have to pay him to spew that bullsh*t?... and those acting skills, my god. He is either the worst actor on the planet, or a comedic GENIUS.
hahahahahahaahah omg bro! thank you for that! i needed that!

worst actor ever! you can tell he is really trying!

the shoes are tight though!


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Welcome to my world man, I did a full half year of university, to then be told those papers I had been doing, I didn't have to do after all, 2 days before the finals for them!

Can you imagine my rage? Lucky I wasn't on mmv2 then!

grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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Damn, sorry to hear that bro, I know too many people who have been F'ed over in similar situations. For as much as classes cost they should all transfer!

thanks, bro! that is what i am saying!
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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Welcome to my world man, I did a full half year of university, to then be told those papers I had been doing, I didn't have to do after all, 2 days before the finals for them!

Can you imagine my rage? Lucky I wasn't on mmv2 then!

I would effin beat someone up, if that happened to me!
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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Day 11

Workout: Back

Wide grip pull ups:
1st: BW 26reps 30sec rest
2nd: BW 21reps 30sec rest
3rd: BW 18reps

Neutral grip pull downs:
1st: 190lb 10reps
2nd: 205lb 8reps
3rd: 220lb 6reps

Bent over Barbell row:
1st: 135lb 10reps
2nd: 155lb 8reps
3rd: 165lb 6reps (PR)

Lat pull down:
1st: 190lb 10reps
2nd: 205lb 8reps
3rd: 220lb 6reps

Dumbbell rows:
1st: 100lb 12reps 20sec rest
2nd: 100lb 6reps

Reverse fly machine:
1st: 160lb 10reps
2nd: 170lb 8reps
3rd: 180lb 6reps

Overview: This was an awesome workout. One of my boy’s from SD was back up in the bay and we worked out together. He is a great spotter and really knows what he is doing. He saw how I was working out and was really impressed with how far I have come. I told him about the AS and he is really interested in getting some. When I buy my next bottle, I am going to give him a try. I am sure that will convince him!

Rating and Review:
Stim effect/energy: energy was awesome. I ate about 45mins before taking my AS, it made a huge difference! I felt great the entire workout! The energy lasted the whole workout. It was a nice clean energy, not jittery!

Pump: Today, the pump was great. My traps looked and felt huge! I could not wait to take my shirt off to see how swoll they were. My wings were big, when I walked out of the gym my arms could not go straight down by my sides because my wings were friggen pumped.

Vascularity: Vascularity was cool, my arms were veinny as heck, but the vein in the back shoulder area was not there today.

Strength: I had a pr today. It was nice! Plus, I did what a few people had suggested to me by doing the really heavy 2 sets of DB rows! I think I could have gone up in weight today.

Endurance: My endurance was up hell of today! I was lifting heavy weights for a bunch of reps, with great form! Also, I did it without sacrificing and form!!!

Recovery: The recovery was great! I was not that sore, it just lasted longer then it usually does. It gradually leveled off!


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Workout: Back

Wide grip pull ups:
1st: BW 26reps 30sec rest
2nd: BW 21reps 30sec rest
3rd: BW 18reps

Neutral grip pull downs:
1st: 190lb 10reps
2nd: 205lb 8reps
3rd: 220lb 6reps

Bent over Barbell row:
1st: 135lb 10reps
2nd: 155lb 8reps
3rd: 165lb 6reps (PR)

Lat pull down:
1st: 190lb 10reps
2nd: 205lb 8reps
3rd: 220lb 6reps

Dumbbell rows:
1st: 100lb 12reps 20sec rest
2nd: 100lb 6reps

Reverse fly machine:
1st: 160lb 10reps
2nd: 170lb 8reps
3rd: 180lb 6reps

Overview: This was an awesome workout. One of my boy’s from SD was back up in the bay and we worked out together. He is a great spotter and really knows what he is doing. He saw how I was working out and was really impressed with how far I have come. I told him about the AS and he is really interested in getting some. When I buy my next bottle, I am going to give him a try. I am sure that will convince him!

Rating and Review:
Stim effect/energy: energy was awesome. I ate about 45mins before taking my AS, it made a huge difference! I felt great the entire workout! The energy lasted the whole workout. It was a nice clean energy, not jittery!

Pump: Today, the pump was great. My traps looked and felt huge! I could not wait to take my shirt off to see how swoll they were. My wings were big, when I walked out of the gym my arms could not go straight down by my sides because my wings were friggen pumped.

Vascularity: Vascularity was cool, my arms were veinny as heck, but the vein in the back shoulder area was not there today.

Strength: I had a pr today. It was nice! Plus, I did what a few people had suggested to me by doing the really heavy 2 sets of DB rows! I think I could have gone up in weight today.

Endurance: My endurance was up hell of today! I was lifting heavy weights for a bunch of reps, with great form! Also, I did it without sacrificing and form!!!

Recovery: The recovery was great! I was not that sore, it just lasted longer then it usually does. It gradually leveled off!
:thumbsup:Good job on the PR brotha! damm 100lb DB rows? your killing it bro, keep up the good work.:)


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**** is really sucking for me right now. I found out 2 of my classes i was transferring over from one school to another are not going to be counted. so now instead of needing 1 class to graduate this semester, i have to take 3! then there is a bunch of other **** i am going through. not my fave time right now!
That just down right blows!..I have had so many buddys that had the same problem. I swear its a way for the schools to get money. Thats why I stayed in one place and the classes I was taking, I made sure in advance they would all transfer.!

You'll get it all worked out bro, just a little speed bumb in the road of life..:thumbsup:


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Your going for Criminal Justice right?
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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That just down right blows!..I have had so many buddys that had the same problem. I swear its a way for the schools to get money. Thats why I stayed in one place and the classes I was taking, I made sure in advance they would all transfer.!

You'll get it all worked out bro, just a little speed bumb in the road of life..:thumbsup:

yeah... its just so damn frustrating!


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yeah... its just so damn frustrating!
trust me man I know! people in administration act like , oh well sir, were sorry. Its that smile they have on that pisses me off! :nutkick:hahahahaha
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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trust me man I know! people in administration act like , oh well sir, were sorry. Its that smile they have on that pisses me off! :nutkick:hahahahaha

lol they do have that smile!!!!! it's like they never no when to frown!


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The finish line is within sight Grila...time for the kick!! It's only a problem if you let it be one!! Oh yeah, way to knock it out with the w/o bubba...solid strength across the board.


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no worries, brah! JUST DONT LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN!! lol
Shitttttttttt, you pumping out those Hundo dawgs! i wont lol , I thought I over read somewhere you wanted to be a cop, so I just assumed you were enrolled in a criminal justice degree progam..:)
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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The finish line is within sight Grila...time for the kick!! It's only a problem if you let it be one!! Oh yeah, way to knock it out with the w/o bubba...solid strength across the board.

true! I am just going to kill it this semester. thanks bro!
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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Shitttttttttt, you pumping out those Hundo dawgs! i wont lol , I thought I over read somewhere you wanted to be a cop, so I just assumed you were enrolled in a criminal justice degree progam..:)

hahaha! nw's! i was just joking. yeah i do want to be a cop, but i studied poli sci because i wanted to go to law school, but now i dont think i could handle another 3 years of school!


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hahaha! nw's! i was just joking. yeah i do want to be a cop, but i studied poli sci because i wanted to go to law school, but now i dont think i could handle another 3 years of school!
I hear ya, Stay with it, It'll be over before you know it..:) and your hundos dont scare me! lol:nutkick:


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Welcome to my world man, I did a full half year of university
Dont I kow it, except I did half of a full year:icon_lol:

Seriously, I graduated and was getting my credential and they told me I need 2 more classes! The time is not the issue (I like school) it was the tuition cost that made it bad.
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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Dont I kow it, except I did half of a full year:icon_lol:

Seriously, I graduated and was getting my credential and they told me I need 2 more classes! The time is not the issue (I like school) it was the tuition cost that made it bad.

yep and if your classes are not undergrad then your even more screwed!


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yep and if your classes are not undergrad then your even more screwed!
Yea, going back and getting my masters is one of my big goals... but not in the near future. If that sh*t happened in Masters school... ugh. It would take some serious resolve and discipline to suck it up again.


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Damn, that would be a nice addition to my gym. I love the exercise, but my left shoulder DOESN'T. If I go over 90lbs I start getting that "oh **** my arm is gonna rip off feeling"... and I know I can go heavier if my sh*t was 100%. After my next cycle I might do some serious changes to my routine for a month or two and focus on rehabbing all my minor injuries and let my major muscles take a break for a bit. I have taken 2 weeks off in 3 years, and that was because I was in Europe. I even managed to sneak in about 4 workouts during that vacation at hotel gyms. I just realized that... My body definitely needs some R&R here soon.
Money - my 4 day break was beautiful... My shoulder feels like a million bucks.
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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Yea, going back and getting my masters is one of my big goals... but not in the near future. If that sh*t happened in Masters school... ugh. It would take some serious resolve and discipline to suck it up again.

I am with you, in the near future, I am going back to get a degree in organic chem. If this **** happens again i will explode!!
grila jujitsu

grila jujitsu

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Vegas for new years, then my hometown for Russian Christmas. Back now and destroying sh*t in the dirty apple. :lol:

where is your home town?

where do you go to school in NY again?? NYjew....?

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