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Gonna place my epilogue soon. How should I add my epic transdermal?


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Gonna place my epilogue soon. How should I add my epic transdermal?
save your epic to combine with massacr3; im sure you will try it after you see how good ep1logue is


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Yesterday I finished my third bottle of Ep1logue, and will take a break for at least 30 days during my Massacr3 run which starts today. I anticipate that at some point I will transition to taking a half dose each day of both products. We shall see!


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^ that’s what I’m currently taking.

I took two bottles of Ep1 back to back, but suffered an injury the day I started my third bottle of Ep1. Took three weeks off Ep1 while I waited for Massacre to come in.

Now, I’m about a week in, taking 1 cap Ep1 and 1 cap Mass preworkout, then another cap of Mass later in the afternoon. So far recovery improvements have been amazing. Zero DOMS minimal soreness/tightness and no issues with the previous injury


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I finished my 2 bottles of epilogue mid December, ordered another bottle and a tub of RE1GN. How have people been dosing these together? 1 cap and 1 serving or RE1GN? Or just full dose of both and double up on VASO6

This morning I've just seen the new massacr3! If I had know about it I would have tried that along side RE1GN!


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Ordered 2 bottles of ep1logue off of Olympus labs website 2weeks ago and still haven't received them yet. Is this normal?


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Ordered 2 bottles of ep1logue off of Olympus labs website 2weeks ago and still haven't received them yet. Is this normal?
im also waiting for my amnes1a and rauwolscine to get shipped...


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i will copy my current ep1logue feedback in this thread as well to let you know whats going on because here gets hardly anything written:

my 12 week ep1logue run is nearly finished (i think less than 2 weeks left). im definitely stronger, of course still insane pumps and a outstanding muscle-mind connection in the gym.

as far as body changes go i can say that i gained muscle, probably more than i would have without ep1logue. vascularity is better, i gained a little bit belly fat over the holidays but my vascularity is still there (mainly on the arms, weirdly it still gets better).

my gym buddy said two weeks ago something like „you gained remarkably on your back“ (he doesnt know about ep1logue, so i can keep him unbiased) and he is right, my shoulders, back, chest and also my neck are noticeably bigger, also the arms are bigger but there is primarily the increased vascularity noticeable. sadly only my legs didnt grow as nicely as the other bodyparts.

i have to mention that i was in caloric surplus during the whole cycle (not sure how high because lack of tracking but its easy discernible on the overall higher bodyfatpercentage) but i have a better vascularity than before, which is quite amazing.

overall im very satisfied with the results, even though i cant say for sure which effects are 100% related to the ep1logue - but when can we say that ever for sure about any supplement?

i already have 3 bottles of massacr3 here. after ep1logue i will take a 3 week break at least before i start the new cycle. maybe i will throw a lgd-4033 cycle in between (not sure yet, still researching the compound and thinking about the the pros and cons. maybe you, xtyler have a few impressions and can tell me your opinion) and use the massacr3 during pct.


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i will copy my current ep1logue feedback in this thread as well to let you know whats going on because here gets hardly anything written:

my 12 week ep1logue run is nearly finished (i think less than 2 weeks left). im definitely stronger, of course still insane pumps and a outstanding muscle-mind connection in the gym.

as far as body changes go i can say that i gained muscle, probably more than i would have without ep1logue. vascularity is better, i gained a little bit belly fat over the holidays but my vascularity is still there (mainly on the arms, weirdly it still gets better).

my gym buddy said two weeks ago something like „you gained remarkably on your back“ (he doesnt know about ep1logue, so i can keep him unbiased) and he is right, my shoulders, back, chest and also my neck are noticeably bigger, also the arms are bigger but there is primarily the increased vascularity noticeable. sadly only my legs didnt grow as nicely as the other bodyparts.

i have to mention that i was in caloric surplus during the whole cycle (not sure how high because lack of tracking but its easy discernible on the overall higher bodyfatpercentage) but i have a better vascularity than before, which is quite amazing.

overall im very satisfied with the results, even though i cant say for sure which effects are 100% related to the ep1logue - but when can we say that ever for sure about any supplement?

i already have 3 bottles of massacr3 here. after ep1logue i will take a 3 week break at least before i start the new cycle. maybe i will throw a lgd-4033 cycle in between (not sure yet, still researching the compound and thinking about the the pros and cons. maybe you, xtyler have a few impressions and can tell me your opinion) and use the massacr3 during pct.
UroB is so versatile in my experience. It keeps you vascular and full when cutting even as you are leaning out.

When I’m in a surplus I see the scale moving up but it looks like all muscle in the mirror...no change in vascularity. I’ve been accused of juicing a few times in past month.

Ep1logue and Massacr3 are excellent options for PCT. if you are using an AI past week 3-4 I’d recommend Massacr3 for the joint support.


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Hi guys! Currently runnin' X-factor 4 caps pre-wo.. would be a problem adding 2 caps of ep1logue (also pre-wo)? I'd read variuos advice on.. 'casue of the anti inflammatory action


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Hi guys! Currently runnin' X-factor 4 caps pre-wo.. would be a problem adding 2 caps of ep1logue (also pre-wo)? I'd read variuos advice on.. 'casue of the anti inflammatory action
It's fine.


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Well I'm a day or 2 away from finishing my first bottle, I am very happy with how I am feeling. My diet hasn't been as good as it should be but I'm happy when I look in the mirror. Weight is up 1-2lbs.

I'm going to try and be better during my second bottle and hit my daily protein and calories to see if I can add some more gains!!

I feel like Ep1logue would be wonderful during a cut and I'd really be able to see progress quickly


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Well I'm a day or 2 away from finishing my first bottle, I am very happy with how I am feeling. My diet hasn't been as good as it should be but I'm happy when I look in the mirror. Weight is up 1-2lbs.

I'm going to try and be better during my second bottle and hit my daily protein and calories to see if I can add some more gains!!

I feel like Ep1logue would be wonderful during a cut and I'd really be able to see progress quickly
Put it to good use. It'd be a shame to waste it!
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Hey so just realizing looking at your Stacks on the OL site you have Ep1logue as cutting and recomping then Massacr3 as Bulking and recomping.

I've been trying to bulk in a caloric surplus with Epilogue. Am I making a mistake and should be cutting/recomping with it so at maintenance or less for calories?


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Hey so just realizing looking at your Stacks on the OL site you have Ep1logue as cutting and recomping then Massacr3 as Bulking and recomping.

I've been trying to bulk in a caloric surplus with Epilogue. Am I making a mistake and should be cutting/recomping with it so at maintenance or less for calories?
Not at all ...just a rough guideline since. Both of them can be utilized in any scenario. I wouldn’t change your approach.


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For this bulk and Ep1logue how much more than 1g/lb of Bodyweight should I go? Currently at 40% carbs=315g 30% protein=236g 30% fat = 105g

I'm 191 lbs


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For this bulk and Ep1logue how much more than 1g/lb of Bodyweight should I go? Currently at 40% carbs=315g 30% protein=236g 30% fat = 105g

I'm 191 lbs
Calories seem to be ok. I'd personally drop fats to 75-80grams a day and fill the gap with about 270-300 calories from starchy carbs and protein.


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Calories seem to be ok. I'd personally drop fats to 75-80grams a day and fill the gap with about 270-300 calories from starchy carbs and protein.
Starchy carbs = donuts ?


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WARNING do not take p1louge on legs day ,couldn't do 2 sets of squats with light weight way too much pump . lesson learned lol


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my cycle of ep1logue found an end yesterday. actually i dont have time (and honestly no desire^^) to write a big review.

i can say that:

- i have an improvemed body composition, definitely! as always we cant determine how much the supplement was working in detail but imho its a very effective natural anabolic!

- i never had any side effects, also not today, after stopping taking it yesterday

- ive gained a lot muscle mind connection (i already had a very good MMC but it got still improved) which is still there, even without more vaso 6

- my strength got a boost after week 3-4, that felt really awesome. the strength was still there today, okay its only 1 day haha but it doesnt feel like i will loose any of it

- weirdly i had a sick pump today (im on a mini cut with only ~250g carbs), even without vaso 6, it felt like i were on it but i werent. i think that has to do with the improved muscle mind connection and therefor a better pump. however, it feels very good.

overall im very pleased with the results/effects and im looking forward to my massacr3 run (after a lgd cycle in between).


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On my second run of Ep1louge and after 3 or so weeks I am definitely noticing my hair is a bit thinner

Probably the Uro-b androgenic effects causing it but I am definitely noticing it this time round. Maybe because I am keeping a eye on it?


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On my second run of Ep1louge and after 3 or so weeks I am definitely noticing my hair is a bit thinner

Probably the Uro-b androgenic effects causing it but I am definitely noticing it this time round. Maybe because I am keeping a eye on it?
Uro-B seems to behave as an AR agonist in muscle cells and as an AR antagonist in peripheral tissues like the prostate. I expect the same in the scalp.


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Uro-B seems to behave as an AR agonist in muscle cells and as an AR antagonist in peripheral tissues like the prostate. I expect the same in the scalp.
I thought Ep1louge didn’t affect the hair?

Time to stop it then!


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I thought Ep1louge didn’t affect the hair?

Time to stop it then!
It doesn't, indeed. Androgen Receptor AGONIST in muscle, Androgen Receptor ANTAGONIST in peripheral tissues like prostate, scalp, sebaceous glands.


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I thought Ep1louge didn’t affect the hair?

Time to stop it then!
seems like you are prone to androgenetic alopecia (i hope this is the right term), right? maybe you just loose your hair atm, not related to ep1logue??
i think you have asked the same a few months ago during your first run and you got told that ep1logue isnt the causer of it; also nobody else has mentioned hair loss or something like that.


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It doesn't, indeed. Androgen Receptor AGONIST in muscle, Androgen Receptor ANTAGONIST in peripheral tissues like prostate, scalp, sebaceous glands.
That makes no sense to me haha ;) but I think I’ll stop Ep1louge for now as I was suspect on me losing my hair on my last run but now kept a eye on it and 3-4 weeks in it’s definitely lost density


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That makes no sense to me but I think I’ll stop Ep1louge for now as I was suspect on me losing my hair on my last run but now kept a eye on it and 3-4 weeks in it’s definitely lost density
What, exactly, makes no sense to you? I can try to break it down further. The take home message is still NO, Ep1logue does NOT cause hairloss.


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What, exactly, makes no sense to you? I can try to break it down further. The take home message is still NO, Ep1logue does NOT cause hairloss.
curious if there is another existing pathway one can loose hair?


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seems like you are prone to androgenetic alopecia (i hope this is the right term), right? maybe you just loose your hair atm, not related to ep1logue??
i think you have asked the same a few months ago during your first run and you got told that ep1logue isnt the causer of it; also nobody else has mentioned hair loss or something like that.
Yeah I am very prone. Well yeah I get told it doesn’t but then none of us really know much about Uro-b (studies) and it’s affect on DHT etc

Yes I am the only one with this side effect and I’ve always been a fan of OL, so this is not a bash lol


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Yeah I am very prone. Well yeah I get told it doesn’t but then none of us really know much about Uro-b (studies) and it’s affect on DHT etc

Yes I am the only one with this side effect and I’ve always been a fan of OL, so this is not a bash lol
Keep in mind that besides what studies show (its SARM [Selective Androgen Receptor Agonist]-like activity, so binding/activation in muscle cells and blockade in skin/hair follicles/prostate), thousands of users (including many people with obvious MPB) reported no effect on their hair, as expected. This is not to say I don't believe yor hair is thinning. I certainly do. You may start using Biotin and lose hair at the same time, but there's all the difference in the world between causality and casuality.


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curious if there is another existing pathway one can loose hair?
This. Would be variables

Before I totally derail this thread I’ll just leave it. Just wanted to see whether it was all in my mind the second run that’s all and sharing my individual experience whether that will be negative or positive

Seems to not agree with my scalp, anything is possible. No one else has come along on this forum and reported any hair loss. Bloody awesome product though


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I ran Ep1logue for 12 weeks straight, and then jumped right in to Massacr3. I am now on my second bottle of Massacr3. A couple of weeks ago I noticed that my hair line has receded. My hair line has been pretty stable over the years because I take Propecia. Also, my face has been noticeably more oily, particularly on and around my nose. Even a few zits. I know it’s hard to establish a cause and effect, but am concerned it might be the UroB. It might be stress though, as my daughter is getting married in a couple of months, which is draining my bank account. I’m hopeful that this is unrelated to UroB, and that it’s just the byproduct of a normal shed, and will rebound in time. That has been the case before.

I was hesitant to throw this out there on the forum, and get everybody all wound up, because it could be something else. But I couldn’t leave Horizons out there my himself on an island.

I am now only taking a half dose of Massacr3 on my cardio and leg days. But because I love the pump from Vaso6, I am taking a full dose on upper body days. So things appear stable for now. Time will tell.


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All kinds of feedback is always appreciated guys and never overlooked. Just remember that the hair cycle is actually extraordinarily slow (unless you're experiencing Telogen Effluvium, something not DHT/androgens-related). Scalp hair has a very long life cycle.
Scalp hair grows (Anagen) an average of 4-7 years, catagen probably lasts about 3 weeks and telogen a few months. In other words, nothing makes your hair fall within weeks unless, again, it's T.E. from emotional or physiological stress.


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All kinds of feedback is always appreciated guys and never overlooked. Just remember that the hair cycle is actually extraordinarily slow (unless you're experiencing Telogen Effluvium, something not DHT/androgens-related). Scalp hair has a very long life cycle.
Scalp hair grows (Anagen) an average of 4-7 years, catagen probably lasts about 3 weeks and telogen a few months. In other words, nothing makes your hair fall within weeks unless, again, it's T.E. from emotional or physiological stress.
Your point is well taken.


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All kinds of feedback is always appreciated guys and never overlooked. Just remember that the hair cycle is actually extraordinarily slow (unless you're experiencing Telogen Effluvium, something not DHT/androgens-related). Scalp hair has a very long life cycle.
Scalp hair grows (Anagen) an average of 4-7 years, catagen probably lasts about 3 weeks and telogen a few months. In other words, nothing makes your hair fall within weeks unless, again, it's T.E. from emotional or physiological stress.
It is slow unless you’re taking androgens. I took letro for 3 weeks and I pretty much went from thick hair to thin

Would to see whether uro-b affects DHT (my apologies if this has already been covered) but I know it can drop estradiol which definitely affects DHT

Maybe it has a interaction with propecia too

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