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NO natural anabolic will do sh1t during 4 weeks. 30 day supply is the common way to sell products, you absolutely know that for a fact. of course they could sell 180 pills bottles for a good price but they will make more money with 1-month bottles, also people stay flexible with this; they can mix it with other products (for example ep1logue with massacr3) without having to buy another 180 pill bottle.

yes, i would also like to get a nice price for a 12 week supply of ep1logue but i cant demand that because its just not common sense in this industry. maybe OL will think about that and release some products in the future in a way that we get enough capsules/scoops for a sufficient run.
The problem is most people don’t like the price tag on a 3 month supply product. We do often do stack promos etc though, which ends up being fantastic value.


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Nope it’s the attacking people who claim the stuffs crap that I will call nut huggers, the Magic beans didn’t work for too many people. No issues with ol I love some of their stuff, this is garbage though, which is fine they tried to make something good and failed they will move on and try again.
As it’s already pointed out, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and experience.

Doesn’t mean it’s a “fact” for everyone else though


Hahah, get out of my playground your not saying what I want to hear.


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The problem is most people don’t like the price tag on a 3 month supply product. We do often do stack promos etc though, which ends up being fantastic value.
why not offering both, sigle month bottles and 3 month supplies? the 180 caps bottle maybe a little bit cheaper and there you go


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why not offering both, sigle month bottles and 3 month supplies? the 180 caps bottle maybe a little bit cheaper and there you go
I get it in the eyes of a savvy consumer, but consider it in the context of a business which relies heavily on product velocity for cash flows. You need to setup another supply chain with different sized bottles, labels etc. Then you have an option which sells less, has a higher production and wholesale cost relative to the 30 day supply bottles.

Anyways i completely agree with you though, full cycle length products are my preference to, but in reality its not always feasible.


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I get it in the eyes of a savvy consumer, but consider it in the context of a business which relies heavily on product velocity for cash flows. You need to setup another supply chain with different sized bottles, labels etc. Then you have an option which sells less, has a higher production and wholesale cost relative to the 30 day supply bottles.

Anyways i completely agree with you though, full cycle length products are my preference to, but in reality its not always feasible.
Yeah this makes a lot of sense. Plus, a lot of supplement users may not be able to purchase the entire run at once but are able to buy a bottle per month. I’ve seen some companies offer additional discounts on 2-3+bottles before so that’s a nice way to accomplish the same goal without increased production costs.


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Dude the reason people are being like “this” is simple.. i bought many OL products but never again will I buy, you ask why, because firstly the attitude of some of the OL team.. negitive repping people for no reason.. you cannot say one bad thing about product and get shot down.. there products didnt do nothing for myself and they want clean threads with people saying how good they are.. more and more members of the community are seeing this and they soon cannot silence us all..

look at my previous posts please full post history. I did blood tests for kings blood, did blood tests for Epilogue to help then out not myself and yeh they dont care... now you know why people moved to Black Lion as in thoose threads i dont see such attitude issues..

yeah, you are right...that is because people like me who have issues with black lion aren't trolling their threads, I guess OL fans have more class?


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I'm up 13 Lbs. as I come to the end of 12 weeks. I do not plan a break from Epilogue/massacre, they will be foundational supplements.

Yeah, me and another person who reported 14 Lbs. in 12 weeks. It is pretty amazing and makes me wonder what we have going on here: how much is actual increases in muscle fiber diameter, and how much is increased sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (I.e., glycogen, water, etc.). Of course, much of it is going to be sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (as is often the case with AAS).

I do feel as if I have increased glucose uptake and glycogen deposition, leading to the pumped, hard, dense muscular effect.

Crowbar46, a well known OL shill (yes, obvious sarcasm here. Reputable unbiased member who has been around forever and has plenty of experience even with AAS).


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yes. it helped me building muscle (mainly traps, shoulders got bigger; without even really training the traps ;-))
I have been following this thread from the beginning and this is the most atrocious thing I have heard. A supplement help build shoulders and traps without training them.

This just proves it. People still think supplements do the magic. What delusional world do you all live in? This is heights of ignorance or just pure pimping..

That being said, I have an 8 week run worth Ep1logue. And I am definitely running it to see how it helps me. I liked Re1gn and still do (except for the stim d1ck issue). Loved using CU and I have a couple bottles of Orig1n and Test1fy coming in. I think OL has some pretty solid products but we just have to accept that supplements just don’t work on everyone the same way.

No hate No Love
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read or dont read it but stop writing bs.

„without even really training traps“. that means i train my traps and i did train my traps during the ep1logue run as well but i dont have a real trainings schedule for my traps and train it not really specific and only low volume. in regards of that aspect it is of course remarkable that ive gained this size there.

read all posts before posting

its absolutely legitimate to have an increased muscle building effect on bodyparts with a higher androgenreceptordensity if you consume something that interacts with the androgenreceptor. (shoulders, traps like i mentioned the most growth during the ep1logue cycle)


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I have been following this thread from the beginning and this is the most atrocious thing I have heard. A supplement help build shoulders and traps without training them.

This just proves it. People still think supplements do the magic. What delusional world do you all live in? This is heights of ignorance or just pure pimping..

That being said, I have an 8 week run worth Ep1logue. And I am definitely running it to see how it helps me. I liked Re1gn and still do (except for the stim d1ck issue). Loved using CU and I have a couple bottles of Orig1n and Test1fy coming in. I think OL has some pretty solid products but we just have to accept that supplements just don’t work on everyone the same way.

No hate No Love
I would assume he's referring to direct training. I also rarely directly train upper traps (or lower traps, for that matter, though they get hit more obviously with...well, pretty much everything), but upper traps still are targeted with other lifts that I'm doing (dead, squat, row variations, etc). Probably my best developed muscle group, tbh, despite hardly ever doing direct training for them.


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read all posts before posting

its absolutely legitimate to have an increased muscle building effect on bodyparts with a higher androgenreceptordensity if you consume something that interacts with the androgenreceptor. (shoulders, traps like i mentioned the most growth during the ep1logue cycle)
Yeah.. the compound which was studied on a mice. And you think because of this supplement or specifically Uro-B, you got bigger traps without training them directly or indirectly, is preposterous. Building a good shoulder or traps requires direct training though shoulders and traps get hit with most of our upper body training.

And like I said, I have been following this form the beginning, which means, I have been reading almost every post in this thread.


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I would assume he's referring to direct training. I also rarely directly train upper traps (or lower traps, for that matter, though they get hit more obviously with...well, pretty much everything), but upper traps still are targeted with other lifts that I'm doing (dead, squat, row variations, etc). Probably my best developed muscle group, tbh, despite hardly ever doing direct training for them.
I respect you a lot. But, if you have good traps without direct training, it’s genetics. I know I have good traps and I don’t directly train them as well. I have seen people train the hell out of traps and still don’t have them developed. I mean someone saying a Ep1logue got their traps and shoulders developed without training them hard is just nonsense. Like after all these years of training the traps and shoulders where hidden and just with the supplement they decided to show up.


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I respect you a lot. But, if you have good traps without direct training, it’s genetics. I know I have good traps and I don’t directly train them as well. I have seen people train the hell out of traps and still don’t have them developed. I mean someone saying a Ep1logue got their traps and shoulders developed without training them hard is just nonsense. Like after all these years of training the traps and shoulders where hidden and just with the supplement they decided to show up.
That's very possible, I would buy that genetics play the largest role, I have heard from many people that they deadlift all the time and their traps stay small, whereas that's probably been the biggest contributor to my traps. I can see someone with good genetics not doing direct trap training and having a supplement like Ep1logue help to push it over the edge, though obviously if they're not getting hit by any exercise stimulus AT ALL (which I think would actually be difficult to not hit traps at all), I don't expect any natural supplement at all to do sh!t for them lmao.


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Yeah.. the compound which was studied on a mice. And you think because of this supplement or specifically Uro-B, you got bigger traps without training them directly or indirectly, is preposterous. Building a good shoulder or traps requires direct training though shoulders and traps get hit with most of our upper body training.

And like I said, I have been following this form the beginning, which means, I have been reading almost every post in this thread.
no, i (and also a good friend who doesnt evn know that i took ep1logue ) see that my traps and shoulders got bigger, as well as my wholr back grew noticeably, and the androgenreceptor involvement is the only logical reason. VO2Maxima said it, thats what i mean. traps are involved in many movements, this can be enough to let them grow, of course not with sh1tty genetics. however, my traps got significantly bigger without training them isolated very often. but believe what you think, i dont care. not interested in discussing this any further. i know my results and they have been great overall.


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So we know that upper chest, shoulders and traps have more androgen receptors than the rest of the body. And people on AAS can see a significant size increase in these muscles without any extra training. But what in Ep1logue would cause such a reaction?


So we know that upper chest, shoulders and traps have more androgen receptors than the rest of the body. And people on AAS can see a significant size increase in these muscles without any extra training. But what in Ep1logue would cause such a reaction?
This is what i was about to say myself.


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So we know that upper chest, shoulders and traps have more androgen receptors than the rest of the body. And people on AAS can see a significant size increase in these muscles without any extra training. But what in Ep1logue would cause such a reaction?
Urolithin-B acts as androgen receptor agonist in muscle tissue.


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No it doesn’t, you just want to think it does but that’s cool the placebo effect is real
You’ve been a member since 2016 yet posted maybe 40 times. Yesterday and today you start posting a bunch. All of a sudden you have something to say...interesting.

As i said above, you said your piece so move on.


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You’ve been a member since 2016 yet posted maybe 40 times. All of a sudden you have something to say...interesting.

As i said above, you said your piece so move on.
I bet he's a democrat, lol....


Sorry I don’t have time to post 9000 times can I please stay? I don’t want to move on


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get your training and your nutrition in check then you will see some results as well ;-)

oh and maybe you should read the papers ofall the ingredients in ep1logue before writing the next unreflected bullsh1t in this thread. even if uroB wouldnt work in the human body 100% like it suggests in the study (even though i can feel that it works; so do many others), theres still epicatechin (and of course vaso 6) which has an effect. if you get absolutely no effect - **** happens. but as said, you, your crappy training routine and your sh1tty nutrition must and will be main factors here why the supplement „isnt working“. so pleeeeease stfu

never met such an annoying person, unbelievable.

and to potential buyers: i have to outline again that this clown never ran ep1logue long enough to judge it objectively! he ran it for just 4 weeks and thats NOT long enough! his words mean absolutely nothing. its a joke that he even writes anything about it.


get your training and your nutrition in check then you will see some results as well ;-)

oh and maybe you should read the papers ofall the ingredients in ep1logue before writing the next unreflected bullsh1t in this thread. even if uroB wouldnt work in the human body 100% like it suggests in the study (even though i can feel that it works; so do many others), theres still epicatechin (and of course vaso 6) which has an effect. if you get absolutely no effect - **** happens. but as said, you, your crappy training routine and your sh1tty nutrition must and will be main factors here why the supplement „isnt working“. so pleeeeease stfu

never met such an annoying person, unbelievable.
My traps just got bigger reading this


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No it doesn’t, you just want to think it does but that’s cool the placebo effect is real
It does, and that's a FACT. So either learn something about the matter before posting nonsense or just stop trolling. Thank you.


Show me a study on humans where “Urolithin-B acts as androgen receptor agonist in muscle tissue” like you claim.

Bulbine apparently raises test in mice 1000% but does nothing in humans


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Show me a study on humans where “Urolithin-B acts as androgen receptor agonist in muscle tissue” like you claim.

Bulbine apparently raises test in mice 1000% but does nothing in humans
Thanks for the completely wothless analogy which has nothing to do with Androgen Receptor binding and activation. There're no leggins that look good on mice either. Solid argument, congrats. You're either totally clueless or (as I believe) you're playing the fool.
Worst waste of bandwidth ever.


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holy sh1t, it has been a long long time ago since the last time i saw an ignorant idiot like this.

and a new reminder: he has never used this product. its a joke that he even says anything about it. beside the obvious fact that he has absolutely no clue what he is talking about. i said it - ignorant idiot.


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holy sh1t, it has been a long long time ago since the last time i saw an ignorant idiot like this.

and a new reminder: he has never used this product. its a joke that he even says anything about it. beside the obvious fact that he has absolutely no clue what he is talking about. i said it - ignorant idiot.
Show me a human study on the anabolic effect of Trenbolone. Or Superdrol. Or M1T. Or Metribolone.
WHAT? There's none? Then they're not anabolic. I don't care if they're anabolic in rodents, dogs, bulls, steers, horses and primates (all sharing the exact same Androgen Receptor expression and behaviour in skeletal muscle cells in the presence of a ligand, just like humans). I don't f*cking care.


Show me a human study on the anabolic effect of Trenbolone. Or Superdrol. Or M1T. Or Metribolone.
WHAT? There's none? Then they're not anabolic. I don't care if they're anabolic in rodents, dogs, bulls, steers, horses and primates (all sharing the exact same Androgen Receptor expression and behaviour in skeletal muscle cells in the presence of a ligand, just like humans). I don't f*cking care.
Oh no did you just compare your magic beans to Trenbolone. It’s almost like you are trying to sell something, why not do a study and prove me wrong? Maybe nobody is asking for a study on tren and superdrol because they work.


holy sh1t, it has been a long long time ago since the last time i saw an ignorant idiot like this.

and a new reminder: he has never used this product. its a joke that he even says anything about it. beside the obvious fact that he has absolutely no clue what he is talking about. i said it - ignorant idiot.
Be quiet traps nobody is listening to you anymore


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Oh no did you just compare your magic beans to Trenbolone. It’s almost like you are trying to sell something, why not do a study and prove me wrong? Maybe nobody is asking for a study on tren and superdrol because they work.
The analogy that xtyler is drawing should be clear to anyone with any ability to use logic whatsoever. And I believe it was clear to you too, and you're deliberately just continuing to troll to derail this thread. Now, if you have a legitimate question or criticism that we can help you with, by all means, ask it and we will do everything in our power to answer or help you. We are not above taking constructive criticism here when there's something we can help with, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and can have whatever opinion on their experience with the product that they want, but I've seen no posts from you asking for help in that way, only posts mocking people who enjoyed the product. So if all you plan on doing is antagonizing our team and mocking our customers, please take it elsewhere. That is not the purpose of this thread.


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The analogy that xtyler is drawing should be clear to anyone with any ability to use logic whatsoever. And I believe it was clear to you too, and you're deliberately just continuing to troll to derail this thread. Now, if you have a legitimate question or criticism that we can help you with, by all means, ask it and we will do everything in our power to answer or help you. We are not above taking constructive criticism here when there's something we can help with, but I've seen no posts from you asking for help in that way, only posts mocking people who enjoyed the product. So if all you plan on doing is antagonizing, please take it elsewhere. That is not the purpose of this thread.
the main joke here is - HE NEVER REALLY USED EP1LOGUE but is still saying it doesnt work. never met such an arrogant, unreflected, childish son of a b1tch


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Be quiet traps nobody is listening to you anymore
stfu and annoy someone else

or maybe use ep1logue or massacr3 as suggested and feel them urobolin gains and the one and only urobolin monster traps ;-)


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Ok Traps I will buy 3 bottles if they promise to write on the bottle under where Is states “ increased muscle growth, potent muscle builder “ a disclaimer saying **do not expect any of the effects stated above from this bottle alone you need to purchase 2 more.
but that wouldnt be true.

1. 8 weeks is minimum, 12 weeks is maximum (i personally would have hated to stop after the second bottle though, thats why i always highly recommend 3 bottles)

Edit: im with you here, a little note on the bottle „recommended cycle length is 8 weeks, you can go up to 12 weeks if wanted. please take 4 weeks off after each cycle before you start a new one“ wouldnt be a bad idea. dont know why they didnt put it on the bottle..

2. the endurance effects from the phytofuse epicatechin are of course there after 2-3 weeks, also the urolithin B is noticeable for most users after the 3-4 week mark.

if you didnt feel any effects from at least the epicatechin, then im sorry for you because most definitely feel it after a couple weeks in. most notable due faster recovery between sets and better endurance during cardio for example.

3. other effects are pumps the whole day and increased vascularity (which stays even after cycle, so its not only an acute effect from the vaso 6!) from day 1 till day 90. you feel less pumped the last days on cycle because you just get used to the all-day-pumped-up-feeling.

honestly, i have no reason to lie here. believe us if we say we definitely felt an effect from ep1logue. nobody forces you to buy it, i just recommend it; with a good discount its just ~30€ a bottle which is a really fair price. for about 100€ you get an extremely nice 3 month cycle. its up to you but please stop calling its BS if you never tested it long enough.


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I assume under the terms and conditions of the AnabolicMinds forum that there is a line a member cannot cross and still be allowed to post. If that line has not yet been crossed, then I have to think the trolling member is getting very close. If the rules permit a member to troll and disrupt an otherwise honest and constructive dialogue, then AnabolicMinds needs to amend the rules. Just my opinion. Too much energy is being expended to “feed the beast.”


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I assume under the terms and conditions of the AnabolicMinds forum that there is a line a member cannot cross and still be allowed to post. If that line has not yet been crossed, then I have to think the trolling member is getting very close. If the rules permit a member to troll and disrupt an otherwise honest and constructive dialogue, then AnabolicMinds needs to amend the rules. Just my opinion. Too much energy is being expended to “feed the beast.”
Agreed. What does Admin think?


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Guy got banned hours ago. Whats the problem? lol


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Guy got banned hours ago. Whats the problem? lol
LOL...can't say admin doesn't have a sense of humor

Admin strength > Tren

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