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I finished my Ep1logue cycle in January (early) and I need to say I missed those massive pumps and musclefullness.
i have always loved pump products and my PWO is 3 scoops of High Volume with another (UK made) PWO containing different pump ingredients.good pumps and I do like it, but I swear 3 caps of Ep1logue works MUCH better for me.

since I have one Ep1logue bottle left so I wanted to try prior workout 2 days ago. i took it 45min Prior workout and did Triceps and Shoulders.
the pumps and musclefullness was sick. not only did I got massive pumps which felt almost as cramps but I was swolen. friends at the gym also asked me what was going on.

I can understand if people dont get any strength or muscle building effects of those natural anabolics.(we all respond differently) BUT I really cant understand how people dont get massive pumps from Ep1logue :D

one thing is for sure, for me Ep1logue works from day one and Vaso6 is the best pump ingredient I have tried


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I finished my Ep1logue cycle in January (early) and I need to say I missed those massive pumps and musclefullness.
i have always loved pump products and my PWO is 3 scoops of High Volume with another (UK made) PWO containing different pump ingredients.good pumps and I do like it, but I swear 3 caps of Ep1logue works MUCH better for me.

since I have one Ep1logue bottle left so I wanted to try prior workout 2 days ago. i took it 45min Prior workout and did Triceps and Shoulders.
the pumps and musclefullness was sick. not only did I got massive pumps which felt almost as cramps but I was swolen. friends at the gym also asked me what was going on.

I can understand if people dont get any strength or muscle building effects of those natural anabolics.(we all respond differently) BUT I really cant understand how people dont get massive pumps from Ep1logue :D

one thing is for sure, for me Ep1logue works from day one and Vaso6 is the best pump ingredient I have tried
What do you feel you got from the UroB Danes


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What do you feel you got from the UroB Danes
honestly, I cant say it did so much (difficult to say if it worked or not)
what I really enjoyed with Ep1logue:
-Massive pumps
-Incredible musclefullness
-Work capacity
-Weights feels much lighter

only side I got from it was upset stomach. (aches in upper stomach, decreased appetite) but it last just first 1-2 weeks. I bet there are not many people experiencing this side effect because my gut is sensitive for some ingredients


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So im sorry to see a person getting banned for asking questions i personally too would love to know in detail. Discounting his attitude I feel the questions were justified and I hope to hear more about cause and effect on Uro-B in the future. Reading the research papers and patent papers gives me some idea but most of that is way over my head and not my native language. So having someone explaing it to me as if I was a 6 year old would have some merits.

So from what i understand Urolithin-B acts as androgen receptor agonist in muscle tissue and has some well known aromatase inhibiting properties?

I ran it for 12 weeks myself. I did feel some pump effects in the beginning but nothing that beat what High Volume etc gives. But work capacity and endurance got an awesome boost. Im turning 40 this year and started my weight lifting journey at 14, so I didnt expect any muscle growth in 12 weeks, androgen receptor agonist or not, and that was pretty much what i got.

I did however feel fantastic while using Ep1logue. Now this might be because of a ton of factors. Maybe my diet was spot on, sleep was good, life was good, training was good etc. But because of this, Ep1logue is the FIRST of these kind of supplements I plan to take again. Ive done 12 weeks of a bunch of other popular ones and none inspired me to ever try again.

But, ive left the best for last. It seems that Ep1logue shrunk my gyno considerably.

Ive had gyno in some form since my late teens. Im natty but incredible sensitive to estro sides it seems. Ive never had my blood checked so everything is just my experiences. But a couple of years ago it flared up something crazy from outta nowhere and its been a constant since then. Went a bit down last year when I tried a product from another board sponsor but not by alot. Well by week 3 on Ep1logue i could FEEL something happening, and it got less tender. From there it down right dissapeared during the next 8 weeks. It flared back up a bit by week 12 but its smaller in sice now than before Ep1logue.

Now this is n=1 experience so im not saying buy Ep1logue for your gyno. I have never taken bloods so it could just be a coincidence that it happend while i was using the product. But along side how I felt when taking Ep1logue and this, I will definitely do another 12 weeks of Ep1logue when my 4 week break is up.


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So im sorry to see a person getting banned for asking questions i personally too would love to know in detail. Discounting his attitude I feel the questions were justified and I hope to hear more about cause and effect on Uro-B in the future. Reading the research papers and patent papers gives me some idea but most of that is way over my head and not my native language. So having someone explaing it to me as if I was a 6 year old would have some merits.

So from what i understand Urolithin-B acts as androgen receptor agonist in muscle tissue and has some well known aromatase inhibiting properties?

I ran it for 12 weeks myself. I did feel some pump effects in the beginning but nothing that beat what High Volume etc gives. But work capacity and endurance got an awesome boost. Im turning 40 this year and started my weight lifting journey at 14, so I didnt expect any muscle growth in 12 weeks, androgen receptor agonist or not, and that was pretty much what i got.

I did however feel fantastic while using Ep1logue. Now this might be because of a ton of factors. Maybe my diet was spot on, sleep was good, life was good, training was good etc. But because of this, Ep1logue is the FIRST of these kind of supplements I plan to take again. Ive done 12 weeks of a bunch of other popular ones and none inspired me to ever try again.

But, ive left the best for last. It seems that Ep1logue shrunk my gyno considerably.

Ive had gyno in some form since my late teens. Im natty but incredible sensitive to estro sides it seems. Ive never had my blood checked so everything is just my experiences. But a couple of years ago it flared up something crazy from outta nowhere and its been a constant since then. Went a bit down last year when I tried a product from another board sponsor but not by alot. Well by week 3 on Ep1logue i could FEEL something happening, and it got less tender. From there it down right dissapeared during the next 8 weeks. It flared back up a bit by week 12 but its smaller in sice now than before Ep1logue.

Now this is n=1 experience so im not saying buy Ep1logue for your gyno. I have never taken bloods so it could just be a coincidence that it happend while i was using the product. But along side how I felt when taking Ep1logue and this, I will definitely do another 12 weeks of Ep1logue when my 4 week break is up.
Good Post


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So im sorry to see a person getting banned for asking questions i personally too would love to know in detail. Discounting his attitude I feel the questions were justified and I hope to hear more about cause and effect on Uro-B in the future. Reading the research papers and patent papers gives me some idea but most of that is way over my head and not my native language. So having someone explaing it to me as if I was a 6 year old would have some merits.

So from what i understand Urolithin-B acts as androgen receptor agonist in muscle tissue and has some well known aromatase inhibiting properties?

I ran it for 12 weeks myself. I did feel some pump effects in the beginning but nothing that beat what High Volume etc gives. But work capacity and endurance got an awesome boost. Im turning 40 this year and started my weight lifting journey at 14, so I didnt expect any muscle growth in 12 weeks, androgen receptor agonist or not, and that was pretty much what i got.

I did however feel fantastic while using Ep1logue. Now this might be because of a ton of factors. Maybe my diet was spot on, sleep was good, life was good, training was good etc. But because of this, Ep1logue is the FIRST of these kind of supplements I plan to take again. Ive done 12 weeks of a bunch of other popular ones and none inspired me to ever try again.

But, ive left the best for last. It seems that Ep1logue shrunk my gyno considerably.

Ive had gyno in some form since my late teens. Im natty but incredible sensitive to estro sides it seems. Ive never had my blood checked so everything is just my experiences. But a couple of years ago it flared up something crazy from outta nowhere and its been a constant since then. Went a bit down last year when I tried a product from another board sponsor but not by alot. Well by week 3 on Ep1logue i could FEEL something happening, and it got less tender. From there it down right dissapeared during the next 8 weeks. It flared back up a bit by week 12 but its smaller in sice now than before Ep1logue.

Now this is n=1 experience so im not saying buy Ep1logue for your gyno. I have never taken bloods so it could just be a coincidence that it happend while i was using the product. But along side how I felt when taking Ep1logue and this, I will definitely do another 12 weeks of Ep1logue when my 4 week break is up.
i will explain you on norwegian :)


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So im sorry to see a person getting banned for asking questions i personally too would love to know in detail. Discounting his attitude I feel the questions were justified and I hope to hear more about cause and effect on Uro-B in the future. Reading the research papers and patent papers gives me some idea but most of that is way over my head and not my native language. So having someone explaing it to me as if I was a 6 year old would have some merits.

So from what i understand Urolithin-B acts as androgen receptor agonist in muscle tissue and has some well known aromatase inhibiting properties?

I ran it for 12 weeks myself. I did feel some pump effects in the beginning but nothing that beat what High Volume etc gives. But work capacity and endurance got an awesome boost. Im turning 40 this year and started my weight lifting journey at 14, so I didnt expect any muscle growth in 12 weeks, androgen receptor agonist or not, and that was pretty much what i got.

I did however feel fantastic while using Ep1logue. Now this might be because of a ton of factors. Maybe my diet was spot on, sleep was good, life was good, training was good etc. But because of this, Ep1logue is the FIRST of these kind of supplements I plan to take again. Ive done 12 weeks of a bunch of other popular ones and none inspired me to ever try again.

But, ive left the best for last. It seems that Ep1logue shrunk my gyno considerably.

Ive had gyno in some form since my late teens. Im natty but incredible sensitive to estro sides it seems. Ive never had my blood checked so everything is just my experiences. But a couple of years ago it flared up something crazy from outta nowhere and its been a constant since then. Went a bit down last year when I tried a product from another board sponsor but not by alot. Well by week 3 on Ep1logue i could FEEL something happening, and it got less tender. From there it down right dissapeared during the next 8 weeks. It flared back up a bit by week 12 but its smaller in sice now than before Ep1logue.

Now this is n=1 experience so im not saying buy Ep1logue for your gyno. I have never taken bloods so it could just be a coincidence that it happend while i was using the product. But along side how I felt when taking Ep1logue and this, I will definitely do another 12 weeks of Ep1logue when my 4 week break is up.
I would assume the guy was banned because he was trolling, as well as mocking and antagonizing other members (including non-reps...as reps, we expect to get some flak now and then, but mocking our customers like that is not cool). Anyway, thanks for taking the time to write your experience. UroB is xtyler's baby, and I'm sure he will be along shortly to explain it in layman's terms, as he is better equipped to do so than anyone else. Anytime a question is asked in earnest and with respect, we are more than happy to answer.


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My goal has always been to reach my maximum genetic muscular potential, without steroids or prohormones. Ep1logue helped to move me closer to that point. For those folks who have reached or are close to reaching their maximum genetic potential, the law of diminishing returns kicks in when trying a new supplement, and so the effects would be less.


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I finished my Ep1logue cycle in January (early) and I need to say I missed those massive pumps and musclefullness.
i have always loved pump products and my PWO is 3 scoops of High Volume with another (UK made) PWO containing different pump ingredients.good pumps and I do like it, but I swear 3 caps of Ep1logue works MUCH better for me.

since I have one Ep1logue bottle left so I wanted to try prior workout 2 days ago. i took it 45min Prior workout and did Triceps and Shoulders.
the pumps and musclefullness was sick. not only did I got massive pumps which felt almost as cramps but I was swolen. friends at the gym also asked me what was going on.

I can understand if people dont get any strength or muscle building effects of those natural anabolics.(we all respond differently) BUT I really cant understand how people dont get massive pumps from Ep1logue :D

one thing is for sure, for me Ep1logue works from day one and Vaso6 is the best pump ingredient I have tried
The 3 capsules pre workout blows away 2 for me also I think a 90 cap bottle would be better.


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The 3 capsules pre workout blows away 2 for me also I think a 90 cap bottle would be better.
i love 3-4 caps. I know OL reps say do not take more than recommended dose (2 caps) but I really feel difference while taking more than 2.


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i love 3-4 caps. I know OL reps say do not take more than recommended dose (2 caps) but I really feel difference while taking more than 2.
Yes we don’t recommend it as general rule but you are masters of your own bodies sooo ...:)


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I'll add before this I used fd2 at 2/2 and that was much better wishing he put that in a 120 cap bottle.


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I loved ep1logue... but massacr3 has been treating me reAl nice!!
The last time i made gains like these was ep1logue.. before that was xgels


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like I said earlier, I am amazed because usualy reps recommend 3x the recommended dose (more sale). but not you guys :)
When i met gno at olympia he recommended 8-12 weeks.. this was right before the official release .. on top of that, when they realized i was a AM member they took time out to see if i was satisfied.


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When i met gno at olympia he recommended 8-12 weeks.. this was right before the official release .. on top of that, when they realized i was a AM member they took time out to see if i was satisfied.
Always takin care of the AM fam


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honestly, I cant say it did so much (difficult to say if it worked or not)
what I really enjoyed with Ep1logue:
-Massive pumps
-Incredible musclefullness
-Work capacity
-Weights feels much lighter

So difficult to say whether it worked or not because it didn't give you bat wings :dance2::dance2:


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honestly, I cant say it did so much (difficult to say if it worked or not)
what I really enjoyed with Ep1logue:
-Massive pumps
-Incredible musclefullness
-Work capacity
-Weights feels much lighter

only side I got from it was upset stomach. (aches in upper stomach, decreased appetite) but it last just first 1-2 weeks. I bet there are not many people experiencing this side effect because my gut is sensitive for some ingredients
What you experienced is what we can expect from a supplement like this. Pumps and fullness from Vaso6 and endurance, work capacity increase from Epicatechin..


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What you experienced is what we can expect from a supplement like this. Pumps and fullness from Vaso6 and endurance, work capacity increase from Epicatechin..
TheMrMuscle swear his gyno was reduced while on Ep1logue and that is sign Urolithin B has AI properties.

the only product that gave me this kind of musclefullness and pumps + making weights much lighter was ArA at 2.5g daily dose :)


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TheMrMuscle swear his gyno was reduced while on Ep1logue and that is sign Urolithin B has AI properties.

the only product that gave me this kind of musclefullness and pumps + making weights much lighter was ArA at 2.5g daily dose :)
this would make it even more useful during pct or not? (even though i have in mind that xtyler stated a few weeks/months ago that UroB has no impact on estrogen levels . cant remember 100% so dont judge me if im wrong)


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this would make it even more useful during pct or not? (even though i have in mind that xtyler stated a few weeks/months ago that UroB has no impact on estrogen levels . cant remember 100% so dont judge me if im wrong)
Absolutely :)
having impact on E or not, It will definitely give you amazing pumps and musclefullness and that makes training more fun while on PCT. (Very common to feel flat/lack of pumps/musclefullness during PCT)


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this would make it even more useful during pct or not? (even though i have in mind that xtyler stated a few weeks/months ago that UroB has no impact on estrogen levels . cant remember 100% so dont judge me if im wrong)
There was some talk earlier in the thread.


I got my lab results this evening. Without getting too specific, after 4 weeks on Ep1logue, estradiol dropped by 50%, serum testosterone increased by 22%, and free testosterone increased by 32%. I just started week 5 on Ep1logue, and may get retested at the 8 week mark (or I may wait until after I have finished the third bottle).
Quite possibly. UroB has some well known aromatase inhibiting properties. A boatload of people are using Ep1logue in PCT, a perfect addition if you ask me. No suppression and anabolic support.


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As noted, I had some lab work done 30 days after starting Ep1logue and had a big drop in estradiol. I intended to get retested at some point, but had other more important things to spend my money on. I moved on to Massacr3, and so am still getting UroB. Getting blood work is still on my to-do-list though. When I do I’ll report back.


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As noted, I had some lab work done 30 days after starting Ep1logue and had a big drop in estradiol. I intended to get retested at some point, but had other more important things to spend my money on. I moved on to Massacr3, and so am still getting UroB. Getting blood work is still on my to-do-list though. When I do I’ll report back.
From 19.7 to 10.9.


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I'm maybe about 5-6 days in and this stuff is insane. I have just had a painful pump in my lats after some wide grip pull ups. I thought I'd tweaked something until I realized it was just a pump! Looking forward to the next 11 weeks!


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I'm maybe about 5-6 days in and this stuff is insane. I have just had a painful pump in my lats after some wide grip pull ups. I thought I'd tweaked something until I realized it was just a pump! Looking forward to the next 11 weeks!
The Vaso6 ingredient is indeed awesome.


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TheMrMuscle swear his gyno was reduced while on Ep1logue and that is sign Urolithin B has AI properties.

the only product that gave me this kind of musclefullness and pumps + making weights much lighter was ArA at 2.5g daily dose :)
I swear it’s more of a SERM effect than a AI effect. We’ve seen no drop in estrogen only estradiol (not sure on the science behind this)


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Absolutely :)
having impact on E or not, It will definitely give you amazing pumps and musclefullness and that makes training more fun while on PCT. (Very common to feel flat/lack of pumps/musclefullness during PCT)
reps on recharge


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So im sorry to see a person getting banned for asking questions i personally too would love to know in detail. Discounting his attitude I feel the questions were justified and I hope to hear more about cause and effect on Uro-B in the future. Reading the research papers and patent papers gives me some idea but most of that is way over my head and not my native language. So having someone explaing it to me as if I was a 6 year old would have some merits.

So from what i understand Urolithin-B acts as androgen receptor agonist in muscle tissue and has some well known aromatase inhibiting properties?

I ran it for 12 weeks myself. I did feel some pump effects in the beginning but nothing that beat what High Volume etc gives. But work capacity and endurance got an awesome boost. Im turning 40 this year and started my weight lifting journey at 14, so I didnt expect any muscle growth in 12 weeks, androgen receptor agonist or not, and that was pretty much what i got.

I did however feel fantastic while using Ep1logue. Now this might be because of a ton of factors. Maybe my diet was spot on, sleep was good, life was good, training was good etc. But because of this, Ep1logue is the FIRST of these kind of supplements I plan to take again. Ive done 12 weeks of a bunch of other popular ones and none inspired me to ever try again.

But, ive left the best for last. It seems that Ep1logue shrunk my gyno considerably.

Ive had gyno in some form since my late teens. Im natty but incredible sensitive to estro sides it seems. Ive never had my blood checked so everything is just my experiences. But a couple of years ago it flared up something crazy from outta nowhere and its been a constant since then. Went a bit down last year when I tried a product from another board sponsor but not by alot. Well by week 3 on Ep1logue i could FEEL something happening, and it got less tender. From there it down right dissapeared during the next 8 weeks. It flared back up a bit by week 12 but its smaller in sice now than before Ep1logue.

Now this is n=1 experience so im not saying buy Ep1logue for your gyno. I have never taken bloods so it could just be a coincidence that it happend while i was using the product. But along side how I felt when taking Ep1logue and this, I will definitely do another 12 weeks of Ep1logue when my 4 week break is up.
jesus bro. I have had pre pubertal gyno for years now. I did a run earlier with EP1 but I did experience some sides. With what you just posted I think that I NEED to give this another try. Ive even run a Ralox + Exemestane protocol but that did not help :(


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Danes I'm on week 6 and muscle fullness and pump is legit af and I never expected muscle gains from it.
but I'll take this crazy pump and endurance and muscle fullness.


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Crazy pump, endurance and muscle fullness while recovering after a 10 weeks cycle, not bad son!
hell yeah, i don't look flat like I normally would look after cycle is a fukin huge plus


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are the anti-e affects for real?

was looking into a anti-e should I opt for ep1logue?


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are the anti-e affects for real?

was looking into a anti-e should I opt for ep1logue?
didnt experienced any Anti E effect at all even at 3 caps daily. But we respond differently :)
My bloods didn't show a material difference in E after using the dosage at 2 caps. It appears that the sides some people were experiencing were related to the (-)-epicatechin phytofuse.


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My bloods didn't show a material difference in E after using the dosage at 2 caps. It appears that the sides some people were experiencing were related to the (-)-epicatechin phytofuse.

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