Ecdysterone - Any fans here?



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I'm probably just being paranoid ! I totally understand their position because fakes are a real problem with ecdy. With a good photo shop I could edit a cert to make it look authentic.....on the side I've known from the news of practicing doctors who made their own diplomas using MS paint and provides good service for years until they got caught!!! What confused me most was that their on-line document for ecdy said the color to be brown but it is my understanding for 95% HPLC the powder is usually white, please correct me if I'm wrong. So it was for those two reasons, (no c of a and brown color) that I chose to not go with them for their ecdy at this time. The Turk is an entirely different compound which I have not made any inquiries.


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Was just getting ready to order. Maybe I'll await JF's run to see if it's legfit LOL
I asked Tonvara and what I was told is to contact Khasan Niyazov who works at the institute for all scientific studies. Contact info is on their "letter of authentication" page on the Tonvara website.
Thats disappointing. Hopefully direct contact with the institute will provide those answers.
I'm going to load a revolver with one bullet, and spin it any second now!

Haha! Man... now aside from the million page thread on which Ecdy is best and WHO to buy from... we can't even get a CoA? "Why... Why Santa Claus are you taking our tree?" -Grinch


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Window dressed, I like that! A while ago, I was always 101% dissuaded from purchasing E-Bol. I 'want' to like Thermo Life, because I believe they are a good solid company with an eye fixed on quality AND profits, as any respectable company should be... but NO WAY will I ever purchase a product 'window dressed' when True Turk exists in capsules. Thanks, as always, Johnnie Cold!
Ha! No problem "outstanding human being" ;-)
Actually I do think that E-Bol has some merit but the results will come mostly from the decently dosed high quality ecdy, rather than the low dose for the money you can find higher dosed ecdy products out there.

I can procure, at any time, 1,000g of PURE EcdyMorph 99% Crystalline Extract....... for $1,300! Although it seems insane to spend the price of a brand new high powered 3D Laptop on a supplement powder, that 1kg will last T-W-O Y-E-A-R-S at OVER 1G PER DAY! Think about THAT.
Definitely something to think fact it will last even longer as you should cycle off after a couple months as to not desensitize. :-D


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Definitely something to think fact it will last even longer as you should cycle off after a couple months as to not desensitize. :-D
Do you know the mechanism by which Ecdy falls victim to diminishing returns and desensitization? I had always assumed (well, hoped I guess), that is was something to be taken indefinitely, as it has no rebound effect or noted side effects. I have never been a large proponent of cycling anything, aside from the obvious 'additives' the NEED cycles ;)


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Do you know the mechanism by which Ecdy falls victim to diminishing returns and desensitization? I had always assumed (well, hoped I guess), that is was something to be taken indefinitely, as it has no rebound effect or noted side effects. I have never been a large proponent of cycling anything, aside from the obvious 'additives' the NEED cycles ;)
No, sorry...not a science guy..just a middle aged guy whos tried it all over the years and have discovered the hard way that the body becomes accustomed to EVERYTHING eventually. Homeostasis is what the body strives for. Throw it off by changing routines, cycling off and on, and introducing it to new healthy supps when you can. The only thing that the body consistently likes is good nutrition.


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I go to sleep and wake up to all these new post about ecdy... Haven't read them yet but it feels like Christmas morning all over again! Haha


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The only thing that the body consistently likes is good nutrition.
Agreed - although, in a way, I would be very eager to nudge Ecdy under that umbrella of inclusion. At this point in time, I have of course NO proof of any sort, but I'm inclined to think Ecdysterone would be very slow to be desensitized in vitro.

I am curious, however, what MoA it uses to exert its effects primarily, and if it is androgen-receptor related, if LCLT could plausible extend the cycle duration and dynamic/efficacy for a longer time?


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Agreed - although, in a way, I would be very eager to nudge Ecdy under that umbrella of inclusion. At this point in time, I have of course NO proof of any sort, but I'm inclined to think Ecdysterone would be very slow to be desensitized in vitro.

I am curious, however, what MoA it uses to exert its effects primarily, and if it is androgen-receptor related, if LCLT could plausible extend the cycle duration and dynamic/efficacy for a longer time?

I tend to agree on the "in vitro" thing...LG Science's Sub Sterone would be the next best thing.

I dont *think* they work on the androgen-receptor to any degree.


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Just thought I'd share this

I'm back on my beloved M-Stak as on dec 26th and since I had like 6 cans laying around I decided I was gonna take 2 packs a day. I did squats yesterday and my strength was noticeable increasing. (front squats 365 3 sets of 8-10 also did 405 for 6 - usually 315 for 3 sets 10) Vascularity is great and my hungry is out of control. Also noticing the leaning effect all ready.

I know this isn't a real sexy ecdy product and at 2 servings a day for 21 days (2 cans) = about $60 but damn! Whatever ecdy, methoxty and Turk Universal nutrition uses has to be some of the highest quality stuff on the market.

Unfortunately, I have contacted UN to inquire about their ecdy and was meet with hostel and negative results. The type of customer service I received makes me never want to purchase another one of their products. :(


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I tend to agree on the "in vitro" thing...LG Science's Sub Sterone would be the next best thing.
So you're a proponent in IM injections as spelled out by Russian Star?

Just thought I'd share this

I'm back on my beloved M-Stak as on dec 26th and since I had like 6 cans laying around I decided I was gonna take 2 packs a day. I did squats yesterday and my strength was noticeable increasing. (front squats 365 3 sets of 8-10 also did 405 for 6 - usually 315 for 3 sets 10) Vascularity is great and my hungry is out of control. Also noticing the leaning effect all ready.

I know this isn't a real sexy ecdy product and at 2 servings a day for 21 days (2 cans) = about $60 but damn! Whatever ecdy, methoxty and Turk Universal nutrition uses has to be some of the highest quality stuff on the market.

Unfortunately, I have contacted UN to inquire about their ecdy and was meet with hostel and negative results. The type of customer service I received makes me never want to purchase another one of their products. :(
Who did you email and what did you ask please? This could be a very substantial development, as ANY company who is defensive and even secretive, obviously isn't doing what they are claiming and feels the needs to cloak their activity.

If they believed in their product and it's superiority, they would be plastering their CoAs, blood work, and Human Studies ALL OVER their site (Which, after typing that last sentence... makes me realize what a STARK VOID of that and any transparency their is in this industry)!!!! It's sad, that an entire industry built upon supplying athletes with additives to put into their bodies, we know the least.

PS: $60 for two... where are you getting your M-Stak from!? (That was rhetorical, DON'T link to anywhere) I'm just saying it's $24.50 out in Cyber Space.


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Haha I just thru $60 out there as that's probable the average price. I actually get if at my gym where they price match and also give me a discount :) also about a year ago I found it for a good price and bought 20 cans.

I contacted them via e mail, phone and also on their forum at animalpakDOTcom. All roads lead to them telling me all their products are prob blends (which is not true look at their "world famous" animal pak) one ****y little sh!t head on the phone told me their products are the best and they do not need to release any information because their products work. Also on their blog they gave me a smart as$ answer and then stop responding to my posts.

It's was very upsetting! I grew up reading animal pakdotcom i freaking idolized that website for most my teen years...

In the end no one would tell me what source ecdy is used in their 3 products that contain ecdy.


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Haha I just thru $60 out there as that's probable the average price. I actually get if at my gym where they price match and also give me a discount :) also about a year ago I found it for a good price and bought 20 cans.

I contacted them via e mail, phone and also on their forum at animalpakDOTcom. All roads lead to them telling me all their products are prob blends (which is not true look at their "world famous" animal pak) one ****y little sh!t head on the phone told me their products are the best and they do not need to release any information because their products work. Also on their blog they gave me a smart as$ answer and then stop responding to my posts.

It's was very upsetting! I grew up reading animal pakdotcom i freaking idolized that website for most my teen years...

In the end no one would tell me what source ecdy is used in their 3 products that contain ecdy.
Your post got my brain juices flowing, and also answered my question (Q: What company had given you upsetting feedback, A: Universal).

First of all, I just have to get this off my chest: OF COURSE you idolized that company growing up! Their marketing strategy is full of win, and rightly so, it is a well thought out and executed niche-looking hardcore presentation that can't be denied. HOWEVER, that being said... once you graduate from those teenage twilight years, you become increasingly aware that neither their ads or their athlete's 'add up,' meaning that you come to the revelation that maybe those animated dark dungeons in the magazines and those guys in cut-offs with hundred inch forearms aren't getting huge using their products.

Your questions were met with hostility, because they DON'T WANT your type of consumer confidence and awareness! They want 17 year old gung-ho teeny bopper meat heads who tear out their mini-posters and scotch-tape them to their mom's basement walls above their Weider gym set. They realize that those 17 year olds are in endless vast supply, an endless reserve, and they are more than willing to start devoting their newly earned paychecks from that first job, all toward proprietary blend goodness... because, you can trust Animal, right?

All in all... Animal/Universal is NO DIFFERENT than every other cloned mundane redundant eye-glazing yawn-forcing company out there who come up with a whiz-bang public relations campaign, and infiltrated the highest ranks of consumer loyalty, but renting Expo space, magazine space, and having a dominant online presence. It's not neurosurgery, and either are their products. They hope and wish by their bedside at night, that you'll not question the status quo, and then in turn make magazine spreads demanding YOU DO JUST THAT. Hypocrisy at its epitome. Their products work, so wonderfully in fact, they they're not going to answer your honest questions - after all, what right do you have to know not only what you're spending your money on, but putting in your body as well? Hey, trust us... we're that hardcore company you cherished as a wet-behind-the-ears greeny.

I have tried M-Stak, and greatly enjoyed it - as strange as that comment and seeming bit of promotion sounds after what I wrote above; but it's the truth, and as always I am beholden and committed to the truth here on AM. The overwhelming beef I have with this incident you spelled out about being confronted with rude brick walls every step of the way during your investigations, is that their product(s) aren't some magical Unicorn pixie dust blessed assortment of medical marvels, their kitchen-sink amalgams of herbs - and they don't think you, as their paying patron, have the right to even know an extract percentage of what you're PAYING for.


PS: I found pure bulk Turkesterone online from Uzbekistan... but I'm sure it's only if you're going to buy kilograms.


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PS: Want to drop a couple thousand dollars on some bulk Turkesterone that would last you half a lifetime? Well..... here it is straight from Uzbekistan (5-10% Turkesterone at least)

I wonder if this is the official True Turk raw... talk about a MASSIVE savings if so, something to the tune about about a 80+ percent discount compared to the capsules. We should get a few guys and go in on this! :)

Edit: YEP... here it is looks like it IS the official Institute Of The Chemistry Of Plant Substances (Icps), with the contact person listed as Mr. Khasan Niyazov.

You can even learn all about their factory and number of employees and quality control personnel here


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Clarification - last time I visited animal pakDotcom for bodybuilding guidance I was probable 17 and I'm 23 now. I was just saying I spent a lot of time on that site in my early mid teens lol.

I am interested in investing in bulk Turk and EcdyMorph. Before I decide to jump into the world of anabolic steroids. Sorry for the short resopnse but I'm on the treadmill lol I almost fell while reading yours haha

The things we have uncovered about ecdy is great stuff! And we keep on making more progress!


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Clarification - last time I visited animal pakDotcom for bodybuilding guidance I was probable 17 and I'm 23 now. I was just saying I spent a lot of time on that site in my early mid teens lol.

I am interested in investing in bulk Turk and EcdyMorph. Before I decide to jump into the world of anabolic steroids. Sorry for the short resopnse but I'm on the treadmill lol I almost fell while reading yours haha

The things we have uncovered about ecdy is great stuff! And we keep on making more progress!
I am VERY encouraged to know, that it seems this Turkesterone can be purchased STRAIGHT from the actual laboratory that produces it, with direct oversight by the administrating medical officer (see above)!


Cardio away my friend... oh, and never rule out steroids.

PS: Boy, I sure had that 17 year old guess down pay didn't I!?


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I am VERY encouraged to know, that it seems this Turkesterone can be purchased STRAIGHT from the actual laboratory that produces it, with direct oversight by the administrating medical officer (see above)!


Cardio away my friend... oh, and never rule out steroids.

PS: Boy, I sure had that 17 year old guess down pay didn't I!?
I started lifting at 13 found based all my workouts from animal till about 17 haha very good!!

I have my next 3 month worth of supps so maybe I'll order the Turk around march.


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PS: Want to drop a couple thousand dollars on some bulk Turkesterone that would last you half a lifetime? Well..... here it is straight from Uzbekistan (5-10% Turkesterone at least)

I wonder if this is the official True Turk raw... talk about a MASSIVE savings if so, something to the tune about about a 80+ percent discount compared to the capsules. We should get a few guys and go in on this! :)

Edit: YEP... here it is looks like it IS the official Institute Of The Chemistry Of Plant Substances (Icps), with the contact person listed as Mr. Khasan Niyazov.

You can even learn all about their factory and number of employees and quality control personnel here
I started lifting at 13 found based all my workouts from animal till about 17 haha very good!!

I have my next 3 month worth of supps so maybe I'll order the Turk around march.
Are you going to order direct from the manufacturer above, or from Tonvara? It's nice being able to discuss a product on another website, since Nutra Planet doesn't sell raw Turkesterone or sell in bulk to the public True Turk.


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the bulk turk straight from the source seem interesting and the savings would be well worth it.

edit: min order = 50kg.... WOW. interested in making your own company and selling it? haha


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Are you going to order direct from the manufacturer above, or from Tonvara? It's nice being able to discuss a product on another website, since Nutra Planet doesn't sell raw Turkesterone or sell in bulk to the public True Turk.
That's because nutra planet doesn't like making money!


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mass addiction has 20-hydroecdy(95%) second on the ingredient list and good review, anyone try this product or is the 20-h variety not deemed as good?


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mass addiction has 20-hydroecdy(95%) second on the ingredient list and good review, anyone try this product or is the 20-h variety not deemed as good?
Yes, I ran this (original formula) because of the ecdy. It was an incredible booster (libido) and very much enjoyed. I was searching for the hardening effects that I got from ecdy once that I haven't been able to reproduce. This did provide a good tone but not like I've experienced before. I recommend it if it was on sale. Haven't tried the new version yet.


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Yes, I ran this (original formula) because of the ecdy. It was an incredible booster (libido) and very much enjoyed. I was searching for the hardening effects that I got from ecdy once that I haven't been able to reproduce. This did provide a good tone but not like I've experienced before. I recommend it if it was on sale. Haven't tried the new version yet.
I'm sure there will be something in the next few in a sale

Heard a rumor ;)


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Sounds tempting but two things to consider

1) Might want to make sure it's good stuff before buying a lot
2) Not sure HOW LONG it can be stored but even in the freezer it can't be "that long" without it losing some potency. Maybe two years?


PS: Want to drop a couple thousand dollars on some bulk Turkesterone that would last you half a lifetime?


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Sounds tempting but two things to consider

1) Might want to make sure it's good stuff before buying a lot
2) Not sure HOW LONG it can be stored but even in the freezer it can't be "that long" without it losing some potency. Maybe two years?

looks like he will have to megadose it and eat it quick! yumm


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Hmm, 20% would be the better. I remember hearing 98% but it cost a lot.


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Hmm, 20% would be the better. I remember hearing 98% but it cost a lot.
You have some reading to do... Start at about.... Page one :)

Edit: go about 5 pages back. That's when we really started making some progress.


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I tend to agree on the "in vitro" thing...LG Science's Sub Sterone would be the next best thing.

I dont *think* they work on the androgen-receptor to any degree.
Well then... I wouldn't mind starting a secondary discussion on ways to INCREASE bio-availability of Ecdy!

I believe this would be a very productive and helpful topic, considering the fact that Ecdy is VERY expensive per efficacious serving, AND prolonging it's effects and EFFECTIVENESS would pay off in dividends! :)

PS: Plus, we already have our discussion whittled down to two top contenders: EcdyMorph and Turkesterone (so we can slightly branch off from that without derailing the thread).


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Sounds tempting but two things to consider

1) Might want to make sure it's good stuff before buying a lot
2) Not sure HOW LONG it can be stored but even in the freezer it can't be "that long" without it losing some potency. Maybe two years?

Oh.... I could throw down a kilogram in 2 years. Now..... FIFTY kilograms, not so much, although I'd LOVE to try! ;)

looks like he will have to megadose it and eat it quick! yumm
I think I would just make a ton of injection based oils, and do a 'gram a day,' wonka-wonka-wonka!

Why do you have to talk so dirty!!! Lol
Mmmmmm, dirty talk. I would sleep with a kg of Turk on my pillow and whisper sweet nothings into it's vacuum sealed ear all night long.

On ebay there is Pro Force T40 which the say it is Turk 40%
Doesn't exist. It's a scam.

Hmm, 20% would be the better. I remember hearing 98% but it cost a lot.
99% (EcdyMorph) or Turkesterone at a 10% MINIMUM :)

Uzbekistan's fancy schmacy Chemistry group sells their product direct on-line, but you need to purchase 50kg supposedly, and their listed extract is 10% (so, that makes me assume 'True Turk' is also 10%)?

You have some reading to do... Start at about.... Page one :)

Edit: go about 5 pages back. That's when we really started making some progress.
True! ;)


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I believe thru further investigation we discovered 40% Turk to be ineffective. Complements of Johnnyfreeze -Turk detective ;)
Right, The Institute of Plant Substances in Uzbekistan doesn't produce 40% Turkesterone. So called 40% Turk comes from China and is largely ineffective.


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..and yes, TrueTurk is 10%..thats as good as it gets.

Hoping LG Science bring back their sublingual "sub sterone"..should be quite effective at lower doses since largely bypassing the oral route.


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Well then... I wouldn't mind starting a secondary discussion on ways to INCREASE bio-availability of Ecdy!

I believe this would be a very productive and helpful topic, considering the fact that Ecdy is VERY expensive per efficacious serving, AND prolonging it's effects and EFFECTIVENESS would pay off in dividends! :)

PS: Plus, we already have our discussion whittled down to two top contenders: EcdyMorph and Turkesterone (so we can slightly branch off from that without derailing the thread).
..and yes, TrueTurk is 10%..thats as good as it gets.

Hoping LG Science bring back their sublingual "sub sterone"..should be quite effective at lower doses since largely bypassing the oral route.
See above ;)

Since we can't count on any company to re-release anything... and most will shy away from IM injections :)

PS: Good to know 10% is the Real Deal (reps sent)


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Narginin/Grapefruit Juice, Bioperine + /or eat with foods (fats)

Well then... I wouldn't mind starting a secondary discussion on ways to INCREASE bio-availability of Ecdy!

I believe this would be a very productive and helpful topic, considering the fact that Ecdy is VERY expensive per efficacious serving, AND prolonging it's effects and EFFECTIVENESS would pay off in dividends! :)

PS: Plus, we already have our discussion whittled down to two top contenders: EcdyMorph and Turkesterone (so we can slightly branch off from that without derailing the thread).


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Narginin/Grapefruit Juice, Bioperine + /or eat with foods (fats)
Thank you - would Grapefruit Extract be the same or as effective as looking for pure encapsulated Narginin? Also, a side note, I eat at least 1 whole Texas Grape fruit a day, I peel it like an orange and eat the fiber outer skin and all (would this yield any sort of uptick in absorption)?

I also take 300mg DHB with nearly every supplemental ingestion throughout the day :)

Thanks again for the post.


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Youre welcome brother. I do not know the answer to your specific questions (sorry) but my logical guess would be that the grapefruit will yield decent results but a concentrated source like narginin who's purpose is for this, would preobably fair better. Pure speculation on my part.

PS: I never heard of DHB until you mentioned it (thanks) but it sounds liek it will do precisely what you're attempting to achive as grapefruit/narginin work via the same pathway (p450 inhibition).


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Did some more reading and calling on Animal M-Stak

Ecdysterone - cyanotis vaga extract (thumbs down)

Turkesterone - listed as Ajuga Turkestanica (when I called they would not tell me what source they buy from but when I google Ajuga Turkestanica Tonvara True Turk pops up). I wonder if they purchase from Tonvara?


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Do ya'll think the ecdy or true turk would be better to use while cutting? I can only afford one right now to use for 30 + days so was wondering which I should try? I am kinda leaning toward the ecdy but don't really know why :)!


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Do ya'll think the ecdy or true turk would be better to use while cutting? I can only afford one right now to use for 30 + days so was wondering which I should try? I am kinda leaning toward the ecdy but don't really know why :)!
TrueTurk probably has stronger anabolic properties..but for a cut, the ecdy should do and is a bit cheaper.


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Do ya'll think the ecdy or true turk would be better to use while cutting? I can only afford one right now to use for 30 + days so was wondering which I should try? I am kinda leaning toward the ecdy but don't really know why :)!
Hold the phone!?!?!

What ecdy source are you thinking about?


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Youre welcome brother. I do not know the answer to your specific questions (sorry) but my logical guess would be that the grapefruit will yield decent results but a concentrated source like narginin who's purpose is for this, would preobably fair better. Pure speculation on my part.

PS: I never heard of DHB until you mentioned it (thanks) but it sounds liek it will do precisely what you're attempting to achive as grapefruit/narginin work via the same pathway (p450 inhibition).
DHB is my meat and potatoes... :)

Also, don't worry about not having the exact answer, it'll give me something to research!


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Did some more reading and calling on Animal M-Stak

Ecdysterone - cyanotis vaga extract (thumbs down)

Turkesterone - listed as Ajuga Turkestanica (when I called they would not tell me what source they buy from but when I google Ajuga Turkestanica Tonvara True Turk pops up). I wonder if they purchase from Tonvara?
This is a HUGE development! After all that back and forth and my reverent rant earlier in the thread, you were able to come to a definitive conclusion on Animal's Ecdy used in M-Stak!? I'll never use this product again in that case, and will only stick with, as my gut and now science both tell me, EcdyMorph and/or True Turk.

Thanks so much for sharing! :)

Do ya'll think the ecdy or true turk would be better to use while cutting? I can only afford one right now to use for 30 + days so was wondering which I should try? I am kinda leaning toward the ecdy but don't really know why :)!
This was already answered and answered well, but I just wanted to add make sure you're only going for the 99% Ecdy, which is called EcdyMorph, OR the REAL Turkesterone 10%, which is True Turk by Tonvara.

EcdyMorph has some awesome body-recomping effect, since it allows you to utilize protein more efficiently, and even acts as a glucose modulator from what I have felt. A slimming and hardening effect is noted after only a couple weeks of usage and a regimented diet.


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Do ya'll think the ecdy or true turk would be better to use while cutting? I can only afford one right now to use for 30 + days so was wondering which I should try? I am kinda leaning toward the ecdy but don't really know why :)!
You are leaning toward ecdy BECAUSE REAL ECDY WORKS. I'm sure Turk or ecdymoprh would treat a man with your work ethic very good.
