D Aspartic Acid & Negative side effects



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about to start 6g day 4 week on 4 off. We shall see :)


i used 3.5g's of daa for 3 weeks and developed a good amount of acne, id hate to see my reaction to 6g's


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I take 3g daily in Form-X and I get NO acne :/ bit of oily skin though...But I have NEVER had acne in my entire short life haha.


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about to start 6g day 4 week on 4 off. We shall see :)
Why waste it? studies show 3.3G the effective dose.. more did not produce ANY additional benefits.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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Why waste it? studies show 3.3G the effective dose.. more did not produce ANY additional benefits.
they never tested any other dose as far as i know so i dunno where u get that from


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I need to look it up but I thought it was longer than 12 days... the increase stopped after 12 days.


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I think DAA was giving me what some people would call anxiety but to me it was just an unusual nervous energy type feeling.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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I think DAA was giving me what some people would call anxiety but to me it was just an unusual nervous energy type feeling.
its energizing, and depending upon your predisposition it can be pleasant or a little anxiety like


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and it was only for a whopping 12 days. no idea if effects get better, disappear, whatever after that.
I just read an article from the guys in that stripper movie. They used 6g day 4 weeks on 4 weeks off. The study was 3g for only 12 days. From my understanding, it increases T and E proportionally so higher dose should be fine.


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add in erase and its a great combo


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That would throw off the T to E ratio which would probably inhibit gains. T and E in the correct ratio is good. At least that is how I understand it
I dont know.... DAA + Erase is one of the most popular and effective combo's out there... dont take my word for it... lots of knowledgable people will agree.


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I dont know.... DAA + Erase is one of the most popular and effective combo's out there... dont take my word for it... lots of knowledgable people will agree.
Can you link some logs? and/or reviews of the combo?


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from what I understand DAA increases the conversion of cholesterol to testosterone that takes place in the male testes. So if one were to supplement with a daily dose of coconut oil which increases cholesterol substantially along with DAA wouldn't this combo lead to greater production of testosterone? or am I completely off.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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from what I understand DAA increases the conversion of cholesterol to testosterone that takes place in the male testes. So if one were to supplement with a daily dose of coconut oil which increases cholesterol substantially along with DAA wouldn't this combo lead to greater production of testosterone? or am I completely off.

no, because the rate limiter is not cholesterol availability but rather the transport of cholesterol across the inner mitochondrial membrane of the leydig cells to where the steroidogenic enzymes are. DAA works in part by upregulating the protein responsible for this (StAR)


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Can you link some logs? and/or reviews of the combo?
I dont have any off hand... search - they are out there for sure. a lot of members claim its the best natty combo.


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I read a lot on DAA and excitotoxicity. As DAA is new in the bodybuilding world everything I read was subjective.

Quotes like this from some of the 'experts' in formula creation for a couple of the companies/company owners/scientists etc.

"I don't think it will be a problem in high doses"
"Take appropriate time off between cycles"

I wasn't convinced because it was a hypothesis at best. What is a "high dose"? Some people reported serious psychological effects from taking it at recommended doses but others didn't.

So, a high dose for one may not be a high dose for another. It makes sense that time on:time off ratios would be different for people as well when considering safety.

This isn't like a PCT or hormonal cycle where you get a hormonal profile, liver, lipid etc to see if they are ready to run again. How are you going to assess any damage caused?

People have been on DAA for much longer periods of time than the initial 12 day and reported "no ill effects" but again, this was based on how they felt.

Just my thoughts on it.
I have been on D-Aspartic for 2 months now. Take a 3g dose every day before bed. I feel fine, don't have any side effects and was told by my Doctor I can use it for 4-6 months straight, with perhaps a 4-6weeks off time (only for the sake messing with tolerance build up and making it more effective). I don't see the benefit or need to take it for that long but I think he was making a point that it is not like Creatine and won't kill your liver/kidneys for long exposure.

Perhaps my dose is too low to be of significance as I honestly do not get anything out of it -- from a physical or mental perspective. Even right from the beginning.


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If you are not getting anything out of it- why are you taking it?


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If you are not getting anything out of it- why are you taking it?
Perhaps hoping something will kick in? Or perhaps I am getting something out of it but it is minimal. Either way, to your point, when I finish up the container I may move on to something else.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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I have been on D-Aspartic for 2 months now. Take a 3g dose every day before bed. I feel fine, don't have any side effects and was told by my Doctor I can use it for 4-6 months straight, with perhaps a 4-6weeks off time (only for the sake messing with tolerance build up and making it more effective). I don't see the benefit or need to take it for that long but I think he was making a point that it is not like Creatine and won't kill your liver/kidneys for long exposure.

Perhaps my dose is too low to be of significance as I honestly do not get anything out of it -- from a physical or mental perspective. Even right from the beginning.

the addition of sarcosine seems to make a difference at least in regards to mental effects


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I have had terrible sides from DAA. I took one dose (3grams) and was extremely paranoid, and out of my mind. It was DAA pure. I stopped after the first dose and have been fuzzy/paranoid for 5 days. When does this go away! Any help!
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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I have had terrible sides from DAA. I took one dose (3grams) and was extremely paranoid, and out of my mind. It was DAA pure. I stopped after the first dose and have been fuzzy/paranoid for 5 days. When does this go away! Any help!
thats unusual to say the least


Well-known member
I have had terrible sides from DAA. I took one dose (3grams) and was extremely paranoid, and out of my mind. It was DAA pure. I stopped after the first dose and have been fuzzy/paranoid for 5 days. When does this go away! Any help!
it has nothing to do with the bath salts you ingested right after it..


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thats unusual to say the least
Hey Pat, you are the king of topicals and all related. Best way to dose topical Formastane? (Forma Stanzol) for DAA estrogen / prolactin sides? Split the 100mg dose in half AM and half PM ok?

And also...what are the best spots? I heard applying it with the forearms to the traps, shoulders and abs works good, but I was wondering...Good idea to apply on the pecs too?


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On week 6 of DAA/Endosurge/Anabeta/Erase, dont see any negative side effects at all. Great stack.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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Hey Pat, you are the king of topicals and all related. Best way to dose topical Formastane? (Forma Stanzol) for DAA estrogen / prolactin sides? Split the 100mg dose in half AM and half PM ok?

And also...what are the best spots? I heard applying it with the forearms to the traps, shoulders and abs works good, but I was wondering...Good idea to apply on the pecs too?

i would just take formestane orally

other than that i guess spray it on like anything else


I have been on D-Aspartic for 2 months now. Take a 3g dose every day before bed. I feel fine, don't have any side effects and was told by my Doctor I can use it for 4-6 months straight, with perhaps a 4-6weeks off time (only for the sake messing with tolerance build up and making it more effective). I don't see the benefit or need to take it for that long but I think he was making a point that it is not like Creatine and won't kill your liver/kidneys for long exposure.
I don't say that it isn't true what your doctor says because there is no evidence so far that using DAA for several months without time off causes any negative side effects. However, there is no evidence either that it doesn't. What we have so far are people reporting their own long-term usage experience with DAA in Internet forums.

So, my point is: what makes a doctor more qualified in giving a reliable answer to this question that anyone else doing some research on their own?
When do I trust a doctor? When he/she makes an assessment based on their own practical experiences in diagnosing and treating patients. I don't think this is true in the case of DAA.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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I don't say that it isn't true what your doctor says because there is no evidence so far that using DAA for several months without time off causes any negative side effects. However, there is no evidence either that it doesn't. What we have so far are people reporting their own long-term usage experience with DAA in Internet forums.

So, my point is: what makes a doctor more qualified in giving a reliable answer to this question that anyone else doing some research on their own?
When do I trust a doctor? When he/she makes an assessment based on their own practical experiences in diagnosing and treating patients. I don't think this is true in the case of DAA.

u could say this about a lot of drugs, even drugs that have gotten FDA approval. Long term effects of drugs are often not fully realized until many years after being on the market


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Damn, I have used DAA in one form or another since early LAST year and took (maybe) a month off. I always saw good results and I saw pretty much ZERO sides. I've used TestForce II and Formula X and Intimidate.

I actually got bloods that came back with HIGH testosterone, both free and total were flagged "HIGH". Doc says don't worry about high test ... LOL, no problem, Doc.

TestForce II and Formula X was the only DAA I could find in powdered form that would mix well. Of all the time I have been on DAA - I only experienced one weird side effect having to do with my brain and that was a slight headache the day after I switched to TestForce II. Actually - I think this may have been a result of TFII being more "effective" than Formula X - but I don't know. In any case, it went away within a day.

Other side I got was I started to get leaky ******* syndrome which caused deadlift days to be excruciating! But that's when I went on INTIMIDATE. No problems there at all.

And, with Intimidate - I just kept looking in the mirror and watching the muscles swell up - so I kept using it. I'm on like month 3 of that stuff and I only took like two weeks off at the end of my first two months.

DAA is awesome. When I'm on an aas cycle - I don't feel that physically well. My liver enzymes are going up - my nuts are shutting down and I just don't feel like myself. But on DAA - I feel 100 percent natural and can actually see the results. This stuff has really been transformative for me.

Now, I have discovered Anabeta. Just started PCT yesterday and popped a cap before workout and good damn - I thought my pecs were going to EXPLODE from the pump. That's only one day though - I took some this am too but it was leg day, so no awesome pumps!

I don't think there is a lot to worry about with DAA - but, like with anything else - if you are scared something will happen with it then your mind will manufacture the problems for you! It's a substance - like any other - so not everyone is going to react favorably to it and some will experience negative - maybe even very negative sides. However, for me - it's a Godsend!


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Damn, I have used DAA in one form or another since early LAST year and took (maybe) a month off. I always saw good results and I saw pretty much ZERO sides. I've used TestForce II and Formula X and Intimidate.

I actually got bloods that came back with HIGH testosterone, both free and total were flagged "HIGH". Doc says don't worry about high test ... LOL, no problem, Doc.

TestForce II and Formula X was the only DAA I could find in powdered form that would mix well. Of all the time I have been on DAA - I only experienced one weird side effect having to do with my brain and that was a slight headache the day after I switched to TestForce II. Actually - I think this may have been a result of TFII being more "effective" than Formula X - but I don't know. In any case, it went away within a day.

Other side I got was I started to get leaky ******* syndrome which caused deadlift days to be excruciating! But that's when I went on INTIMIDATE. No problems there at all.

And, with Intimidate - I just kept looking in the mirror and watching the muscles swell up - so I kept using it. I'm on like month 3 of that stuff and I only took like two weeks off at the end of my first two months.

DAA is awesome. When I'm on an aas cycle - I don't feel that physically well. My liver enzymes are going up - my nuts are shutting down and I just don't feel like myself. But on DAA - I feel 100 percent natural and can actually see the results. This stuff has really been transformative for me.

Now, I have discovered Anabeta. Just started PCT yesterday and popped a cap before workout and good damn - I thought my pecs were going to EXPLODE from the pump. That's only one day though - I took some this am too but it was leg day, so no awesome pumps!

I don't think there is a lot to worry about with DAA - but, like with anything else - if you are scared something will happen with it then your mind will manufacture the problems for you! It's a substance - like any other - so not everyone is going to react favorably to it and some will experience negative - maybe even very negative sides. However, for me - it's a Godsend!
Damn, you really got me in the mood to go out and buy some more DAA.. I like it as well, although the only kind I have used is the PP version TCF-1..... Of the 3 you mentioned which did you prefer??


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Hey Pat, you are the king of topicals and all related. Best way to dose topical Formastane? (Forma Stanzol) for DAA estrogen / prolactin sides? Split the 100mg dose in half AM and half PM ok?

And also...what are the best spots? I heard applying it with the forearms to the traps, shoulders and abs works good, but I was wondering...Good idea to apply on the pecs too?
yup...split it up. all of the above are good spots for applying, and yes it can be applied to pecs.


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Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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don't think most people could afford a gram a day!!!
u should get more effect from formestane orally per mg than transdermally i would think

so your comment makes no sense to me


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I don't say that it isn't true what your doctor says because there is no evidence so far that using DAA for several months without time off causes any negative side effects. However, there is no evidence either that it doesn't. What we have so far are people reporting their own long-term usage experience with DAA in Internet forums.

So, my point is: what makes a doctor more qualified in giving a reliable answer to this question that anyone else doing some research on their own?
When do I trust a doctor? When he/she makes an assessment based on their own practical experiences in diagnosing and treating patients. I don't think this is true in the case of DAA.
Fair enough bud, I see your point. I guess I took a little more solace from my Dr. mentioning it rather than reading posts on the internet but you make a good point that if you read enough people's accounts of their own experience with a product, you can make an educated decision which is probably as good as your Dr. who is probably making his statement based on more book reading (white papers). Nonetheless, you also make a good point on long term use. Heck, we could all find out 10-15yrs from now that DAA causes extreme acute testie cancer that manifests itself through a mutation that rips through your sack and shoots lasers at people. Then again, it could be perfectly fine :)


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u should get more effect from formestane orally per mg than transdermally i would think

so your comment makes no sense to me
c'mon pat...you know better than that, lol.


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Well its been 3 weeks since the ingestion of DAA. I still have moments of anxiety and depression. It has lightened up since week one and two. I guess for some people it affects in different ways. I took two pills in the morning and was fine, took two pills in the afternoon and by 10pm it felt like my brain was in high gear. That in itself sent me into a panic. I stopped taking it and it took about 3 days to stop the extreme stim. Has anyone had an experience like this? And how long did it last? Thanks.
I have had terrible sides from DAA. I took one dose (3grams) and was extremely paranoid, and out of my mind. It was DAA pure. I stopped after the first dose and have been fuzzy/paranoid for 5 days. When does this go away! Any help!


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I have had no sides at all just some backne and the missus running for the hills with my libido


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Well its been 3 weeks since the ingestion of DAA. I still have moments of anxiety and depression. It has lightened up since week one and two. I guess for some people it affects in different ways. I took two pills in the morning and was fine, took two pills in the afternoon and by 10pm it felt like my brain was in high gear. That in itself sent me into a panic. I stopped taking it and it took about 3 days to stop the extreme stim. Has anyone had an experience like this? And how long did it last? Thanks.
Up your water intake is the first thing.


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Well I been on 3 grams of powder in the morning for 20 days, have developed a serious Tourette's type twitch/tick in my neck, throat is swollen from tensing neck muscles constantly while awake, no gains, libido is same as before use (high), strength appetite same as before use (low) been using cannabis everyday for 20 years, quit smoking 2 months ago, always been skinny 10.5 stone, now 12 stone with a big fat gut (from build up shakes I suspect) eat high protein meals, 4000 kcal per day, worked out everyday for a month, no gains, then every other day, still no gains, do 12 reps, 8 sets, getting nowhere at all, gonna quit the DAA tomorrow, will update in a week


Well I been on 3 grams of powder in the morning for 20 days, have developed a serious Tourette's type twitch/tick in my neck, throat is swollen from tensing neck muscles constantly while awake, no gains, libido is same as before use (high), strength appetite same as before use (low) been using cannabis everyday for 20 years, quit smoking 2 months ago, always been skinny 10.5 stone, now 12 stone with a big fat gut (from build up shakes I suspect) eat high protein meals, 4000 kcal per day, worked out everyday for a month, no gains, then every other day, still no gains, do 12 reps, 8 sets, getting nowhere at all, gonna quit the DAA tomorrow, will update in a week
Please be trolling. I can't accept that humanity's intelligence has stooped this low.


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Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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Well I been on 3 grams of powder in the morning for 20 days, have developed a serious Tourette's type twitch/tick in my neck, throat is swollen from tensing neck muscles constantly while awake, no gains, libido is same as before use (high), strength appetite same as before use (low) been using cannabis everyday for 20 years, quit smoking 2 months ago, always been skinny 10.5 stone, now 12 stone with a big fat gut (from build up shakes I suspect) eat high protein meals, 4000 kcal per day, worked out everyday for a month, no gains, then every other day, still no gains, do 12 reps, 8 sets, getting nowhere at all, gonna quit the DAA tomorrow, will update in a week

god only knows what is going on with your brain after withdrawal from cannabis like that, and what sort of effect DAA might have upon that

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