CONTROLLED LABS: Post Your Feedback and WIN!!!!!!!



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I'm calling BS!!! Haha, or I could give you the benefit of the doubt and just be understanding of your deadened tastebuds ;). Not a criticism of your review at all, but rather a realization that Leucine is disgusting (no matter what you put it in)! However, CL definitely did a wonderful job with their flavor system!

BTW, I'm ok at 1 Liter per 2 scoops (+ some additional bulk BCAAs). Thank god, I mean CL, for the Lemon flavor!
When I think of the most refreshing flavor, while taste is subjective, lemon/lemonade always comes to mind and certainly tastes great during a workout :D


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When I think of the most refreshing flavor, while taste is subjective, lemon/lemonade always comes to mind and certainly tastes great during a workout :D
I'm gonna gloat here a bit. My idea of the most refreshing flavor has to be Cherry Chapstick, of which I have a very ready supply from my little asian hottie's lips. Rawr.


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uhhhh totally random.:think:
I disagree. If CL could implement the Asian Hottie Cherry Lip flavor system, you'd have some very interesting advertising opportunities followed by a surge in sales :) *we were talking about refreshing flavors, btw, and yes I agree it was a poorly executed joke.


[size=+3]Golden Fisnish Sample[/size]

[size=+2] Taste:7/10[/size]

I feel bad for not being able to give a higher score, but thats just my dislike for tropical flavored drinks. It definitly tastes good and is a good change from chocolate PWO, but not my cup of tea. However if you like tropical/fruit smoothies thisis deffinitly a good refresher after a workout.


Actually just stirred this one up in a glass of water with a spoon and surprisingly was dissolved in a matter of seconds. Glass and spoon mixing usually doesn't work very well, but CL did and amazing job with this one.


I've only tried a few samples and can't quite respond to this yet, but with the ingredient profile it looks like it would be a killer PWO cockatail.

[size=+2]Ingredient Profile10/10[/size]

It has everything a PWO drink should have and more. Whey protein with aminogen for faster digestion and leucine to help improve protein synthesis. My favorite part is that there is NO SUGAR which is good for endos that gain fat when slamming down malto/dex PWO and watching their sugar bellies grow:p.There are also a bunch of other goodies such as L-Taurine, L-Phenylalanine, Betaine Anhydrous, Dicalcium Phosphate, Potassium Gluconate, Sodium Chloride and K-RALA which help speed recovery and prevent cramping among other things. I've also heard alot of people getting a euphoric senstation when using L-phenylalanine, what else can you ask for?


Its $40 for about a months supply and if you figure what your PWO carbs, protein, BCAA's, etc that you would usually buy and mix together I belive that it is a great deal.


Overall it is a solid product that will is very convienient for those who don't have time to mix together their own concoction and im sure can yield some very effective results. I have only tried samples so i can say much of long term use, but hey try some yourself!:D



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[size=+3]Golden Fisnish Sample[/size]

[size=+2] Taste:7/10[/size]

I feel bad for not being able to give a higher score, but thats just my dislike for tropical flavored drinks. It definitly tastes good and is a good change from chocolate PWO, but not my cup of tea. However if you like tropical/fruit smoothies thisis deffinitly a good refresher after a workout.


Actually just stirred this one up in a glass of water with a spoon and surprisingly was dissolved in a matter of seconds. Glass and spoon mixing usually doesn't work very well, but CL did and amazing job with this one.


I've only tried a few samples and can't quite respond to this yet, but with the ingredient profile it looks like it would be a killer PWO cockatail.

[size=+2]Ingredient Profile10/10[/size]

It has everything a PWO drink should have and more. Whey protein with aminogen for faster digestion and leucine to help improve protein synthesis. My favorite part is that there is NO SUGAR which is good for endos that gain fat when slamming down malto/dex PWO and watching their sugar bellies grow:p.There are also a bunch of other goodies such as L-Taurine, L-Phenylalanine, Betaine Anhydrous, Dicalcium Phosphate, Potassium Gluconate, Sodium Chloride and K-RALA which help speed recovery and prevent cramping among other things. I've also heard alot of people getting a euphoric senstation when using L-phenylalanine, what else can you ask for?


Its $40 for about a months supply and if you figure what your PWO carbs, protein, BCAA's, etc that you would usually buy and mix together I belive that it is a great deal.


Overall it is a solid product that will is very convienient for those who don't have time to mix together their own concoction and im sure can yield some very effective results. I have only tried samples so i can say much of long term use, but hey try some yourself!:D

WOW Greatttt feedback!!! You guys are making this hard for me :D


[size=+3]1 Week Green Magnitude Review[/size]

[size=+2] Taste:10/10[/size]

The moment my lips touched the liquid emerald it felt as if i had kissed an angel. As it traveled down my throught it felt as if it had come from the ancient Aztec floating gardens and i began to get excited.:eek: If this had a legitimate orifice I may have already been a married man.

Shook it up for 10 seconds and absolutely no clumps. YAY.:D


Its only been a week, so no significant strength increases, but what i can say is this. I have never responded to any other creatine product(mono, Cee,etc.) however after only one week i have gained about 5 lbs of water weight, which i have never gotten with any other product! That means im responding!:woohoo:

[size=+2]Ingredient Profile10/10[/size]

Like I said before MCC and DCM is the first creatine I have ever responded to and that enough is for a 10 out of 10.Then CL decided to be generous and threw in betaine anhydrous, L taurine,magnesium, and L-tyrosine. I don't really know which ingredient does it but after taking it i feel awake and ready to hit the weights, WITHOUT A STIM!:eek: Once again ZERO calories, what else do i need to say?


2 Words.....EIGHTY SERVINGS!!!! its such a good price for so many servings I mean come on the only way it could be better is if CL shipped it to you for free.(Hint, hint);)


A great product especially for those creatine non responders. Im sure that after running it for about a month many noticeable increases in strength will occur and you won't be dissapointed!

Oh yeah, and it TASTES LIKE orgasm...Yes, orgasm.:thumbsup:



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[size=+2] Taste:10/10[/size]

The moment my lips touched the liquid emerald it felt as if i had kissed an angel. As it traveled down my throught it felt as if it had come from the ancient Aztec floating gardens and i began to get excited.:eek: If this had a legitimate orifice I may have already been a married man.

Sounds like you're writing a creative essay for school. I was gonna make mine like that, but I thought it would be to corny. Not that it wasn't good, it was. :thumbsup:


Sounds like you're writing a creative essay for school. I was gonna make mine like that, but I thought it would be to corny. Not that it wasn't good, it was. :thumbsup:
no creativity necessary, first hand experience.:D


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Wow. I think this is the longest this thread has gone without a post, excluding when everybody's asleep. Did everybody go watch football or somethin'?


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Yes! This is the 264 post... MY LUCKY NUMBER! It's a sign.


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I know what it is! I meant I didn't know whether he was talking about the marijuana kind, or the movie, and that I just wasn't going to ask because he's probably doing both at the same time (and the movie was probably pirated):lol:


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You two are out of control. Peas in a pod, at that.


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He RR i finaly got that GOLDEN FINISH review done back on page 5....


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I am not submitting a sample review for this (I feel my PW review is among my most passionate supplement reviews, and anything else would be shadowed), but just wanted to tell you I LOVED my PM REDuction sample last night.

It gave me a nice push into bed but didnt shut me down (I had to handle a late night emergency, and was still clear-headed enough to respond quickly and decisively) and then was still able to fall right asleep immediately after. I felt more refreshed this morning than I have in months, but I could also attribute that to the last 1/4 of my Powerfull bottle (finally feeling some great effects).

If you've read any of my other posts (man i need to log my sleep drama, sh*t) regarding the sleep issues, you'll know I don't take this lightly at all.

I skipped my GABA/5HTP last night, and loved the results of the PM alone. Here's a question, do you sell the PM pills separately? I have enjoyed my AM dose this morning, but I think the PM pills will become a staple. The idea that I can keep my metabolism rolling without any negative effects on my sleep was hard to believe, but I just ordered my first box last night as a result of the CL sample pack.


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Ultimate Workout Stack Review

When I combined my tub of White Flood with PurplE WrAAth and Green MAGnitude, I thought I was invincible in the gym. My whole body was tingling, and I could literally feel it working. The magnitude of the wrath of green, purple, and white was undeniably high as these colors flooded my system. The taste as they trickled down my throat was undeniable, too. It was refreshing, and the three flavors seemed to enhance each other, kind of like a suicide soda you get at ball games. Except for these flavors carried physically enhancing ingredients with them. White: ingredients that made me psyched and ready to rumble; Purple: ingredients that kept me in the gym longer; and Green: ingredients that made me train in the gym harder. That's what I call the Ultimate Workout Stack.

Now, working out/Bodybuilding is usually a healthy addiction in itself, but combine that with the right nutrition, rest, and, of course, supplements, and you've got yourself a disease. A healthy one, but a disease none-the-less. What shall it be called? Crazyitus, Ironitus, Painlovingitus? Who knows? The definition, however, is known by many: "Someone who is obsessed with health, especially through inflicting pain on their body, because they're healthier afterwards. One who also scrutinizes their diet, whether they're losing weight or gaining weight, makes sure to get plenty of rest, and who engorges their body with only the most beneficial dietary supplements." Yes, that seems to about sum up the definition. Or it would for the average person with Painlovingitus. I however, look at that definition and think, hmmm... I believe it's missing one more thing. At the end, after mentioning dietary supplements, it should say, "The most effective of which are included in the Ultimate Stack; White Flood, PurplE WrAAth, and Green MAGnitude." Yes, for me, the Ultimate Stack has earned the award of "Most Effective Supplements." It's that good.

In light of traditional reviews containing ratings based on numbers as well as a review based on words, I give the Ultimate Stack the following:

SYNERGY: An Easy 10/10

TASTE: Another Easy 10/10 (I mix them together)

ENERGY: With White Flood + the Others? Duh. 10/10

ENDURANCE: With PurplE WrAAth + the Others? Duh. 10/10

STRENGTH: With Green MAGnitude + the Others? Duh. 10/10

APPETITE ENHANCEMENT (I'll judge in all major aspects): 0/10

MOOD: Considering it gives me a great workout, which gets my endorphins running... 8/10

SMELL/MIXABILITY: Together, it's like I'm in a garden of ripe fruit. A garden of ripe fruit that easily blends together. 9/10

EFFECTIVENESS: Works like a charm. 10/10

CUSTOMER SUPPORT: This one deserves a 10/10 more than any other category... Thanks Controlled Labs!

OVERALL (Not An Average): 11/10 Trust me, it goes the extra mile.

Great job and thank-you Controlled Labs!! :thumbsup:

The Following Videos Describe How I Feel When Jacked Up On The Ultimate Stack ;)





To top off this review of what I call the Ultimate Stack, I'd like to thank Controlled Labs for one more thing:

$ required to attain the Ultimate Stack and with it the feelings shown above. The cost is so low, it fits practically all budgets, including me! And trust me, I'm not exactly the richest person in the world.

Once again Controlled Labs, great job and thank-you!! :thumbsup:



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Wow your doing great reviews blakester!!!


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I am not submitting a sample review for this (I feel my PW review is among my most passionate supplement reviews, and anything else would be shadowed), but just wanted to tell you I LOVED my PM REDuction sample last night.

It gave me a nice push into bed but didnt shut me down (I had to handle a late night emergency, and was still clear-headed enough to respond quickly and decisively) and then was still able to fall right asleep immediately after. I felt more refreshed this morning than I have in months, but I could also attribute that to the last 1/4 of my Powerfull bottle (finally feeling some great effects).

If you've read any of my other posts (man i need to log my sleep drama, sh*t) regarding the sleep issues, you'll know I don't take this lightly at all.

I skipped my GABA/5HTP last night, and loved the results of the PM alone. Here's a question, do you sell the PM pills separately? I have enjoyed my AM dose this morning, but I think the PM pills will become a staple. The idea that I can keep my metabolism rolling without any negative effects on my sleep was hard to believe, but I just ordered my first box last night as a result of the CL sample pack.
We sell the PM & AM as one package, the REDuction. It's easier for our customers that way, so they get the 24/7 without having to buy 2 products ;)


New member
Glycergrow review

I started glycergrow about a week ago and im LOVING it. its an overall great product so i thought it would be perfect to review on this thread.

TASTE: 5/10
well, since it doesnt really mix with water i like to just pour it straight into my mouth and chase it with GM. its got kinda a salty flavor to it, which i dont really like or dislike. it does smell kinda good though.

again, it doesnt mix with water but its not really a problem since i dont mind scooping it directly into my mouth

120 servings per tub, 1 tub costing under 35 dollars. I've said enough.

the main ingredient is obviously glycerol, but i like that taurine was added to the mix.

this past week it seems like ive been hittin the weights harder than ever. i feel alot stronger towards the end of my workouts than i usually do and by the time im done it really feels like i accomplished more than before supplementing with glycergrow.

yep, 20 out of 10. this stuff gave me better pumps during my workout than any nitric oxide supplement that i've tried. it literally feels like my skin is gonna tear on arm days, not to mention the veins bulging out of everywhere. ive also been getting ALOT of random hard ons (not complaining :thumbsup:). im not sure if this last part is an effect from glycergrow, but it did start happening alot more often last week i when i began supplementing with glycergrow.

To clearly illustrate the effects that glycergrow had on my pump/vascularity i decided to take a couple of before and after pictures. the before picture is me immediately before taking glycergrow (approximately 30 minutes before my workout). and the after picture was taken about 10 minutes after my workout.



OVERALL: 10/10 Becuase taste and mixability are a non-issue when a product works this good, and because everything else got a perfect score.

In my opinion, Glycergrow is one of the most underated CL supplements out there. I strongly reccomend this product to anyone with fitness related goals.


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ROFL. That last picture is too f'ing funny !!!! Thank you sirrr!!!!!!!

Looking swole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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would have been funnier if he had made it something small lol. anyways. i too have used glycergrow and support it.

you got my vote for this comp beef


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Today's the day !! :woohoo:


  • RockStar
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lol@beefsteask pic

yup yup today is the day .. some1's gonna get luckyy:hot:


New member
Good luck guys.

anyone know when the winner will be announced?


Advanced Muscle Science Rep
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Im not sure when he will pick winners..he extended deadline a week or so to get some more feedback. Can't wait to find out!! Good luck everybody.


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yall can quit the anticipation. hes going to choose me.:nutkick:

*cradles himself and cries


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Tex Review

* You must review in "essay" form your favorite CONTROLLED LABS product! Why do you like it? How does it compare to other products? How has it changed "your" workouts? Why would you purchase this again? The more DETAILED, ORIGINAL, HONEST and CREATIVE the BETTER!!!

Written Review
Glycergrow, the name is catchy eigh? Well I dont have the most detailed review and haven't had the best results on this product in combination with Green Mag, but i figured i would give my honest review thus far and not shoot just to please the Judge as others have done.
Glycergrow has offered varying results for me ranging from workout to workout. Sometime I will have some pretty intense blood rushes as well as rock hard arms,pecs, and quads. Other times I will see absolutely nothing from it through out a workout. I have played around with Pre-wo meals as well as water intake to find some type of factor as to why this has been occuring to me. Lately I have been ingesting 30G complex/simple carbs 30 minutes pre-workout as well as glycergrow and green mag. During my workout I make sure to keep 1 Gallon of water in my system. find the constant intake of quality H2O helps to maintain and give a more defined "Pump" through out the workout till about 15-30 minutes post workout. Also in order to maintain this "pump" I find i cannot take longer than 5 minutes off from a resistance physical activity otherwise I begin to lose it.
I have read How people can only tolerate 2 scoops and the receive insane blood flow and density to where they must stop in the middle of workouts, this has happened to me on one incident during an arm day. I was running a superset 6-10 reps 2-4 sets per exercise super setting Biceps & triceps. I got to about my third superset and the pump was absolutely unbearable. My fore arms started to ache almost like DOMS, my veins were bulging out, and my arms were incapable of moving or rotating. That is what i was expecting daily!
For me, Glycergrow has not been about the hugest pumps or the most vascularity I have ever put on, but more about the feeling it gives me. I like knowing at the beginning of ever workout that i may have to take a break because my blood flow is too intense. I would much rather have this than absolutely nothing.


Solubility: 1/10
Glycergrow simply looks like a piece of table salt. When placed in water it floats on the surface. When dunked in water, it floats to the surface. When stirred in water, it floats to the surface. Glycergrow has almost zero solubility in water. As for other substances it is placed in i do not know. The reason I give it a 1 versus a 0 is because i have noted a couple pieces fade into the water :thumbsup:

Taste: 6/10
Taste isn't something I am tremendously picky about. Simply put this has no added falvors, no sugars, ect. Simply tastes like table salt. Have I used it as table salt before? Yes, with a cracker just to experiment. The taste isn't bad it just doesn't have that fruity sugar taste like most supplements. For this i give it a 6 out of 10. I just put 4 scoops in my mouth pre-workout followed by green mag, occasionally i tweak it up and experiement with foods ect

Effects: 5-6/10 for average 10/10 for extreme
When the effects occur they are very pleasing. When they occur extreme which has only happened to me in one instance they are unbearable. I will give this a 5 or 6. Because the effects have been inconsistent with me.

Consistancy of Effects:
The average effects of glycergrow on me have been relatively consistent with a little blood flow increase as well as hardness in whatever particular body part i am working that day. However, the extreme pump that I have read about in other reviews is very inconsistent for me. In fact, I have only ever witnessed it one time to the point where i had to quit my workout for a while. Increased vascularity however is a consistent effect of glycergrow that i am pleased with.

Compares to other products:
I am not typically into "Pre-workouts" and stimulants. I usually stick to my base of creatine, protein, and aminos, with the occasional extra something thrown in there. Past "Pre-workouts" i have tried include RPM, Superpump250, VPX N.O. ShotGun, Ragnarok.
I am not typically a stimulant person. I believe that if you do not have the energy, dedication, and drive to workout for a healthier you then why do it? So I was happy that their wasn't any stimulants incorporated into this product. I will simply evaluate it against the blood flow and "Pump" effects of these versus glycergrow. I believe that when the extreme glycergrow pump is achieved it blows all of these out of the water. However I will say that superpump250 as well as RPM gave me a more consistent and serious pump day to day against glycergrow. I was not able to control the pump so much though with these pre-workouts as i am with the glycergrow though. Simpl to increase pump for glycergrow all i have to usually do is add in more high quality H20.

How has it changed my workouts:​
It has changed my workouts because it has made me become accustom to taking in the right amount of H20 during workouts so i can maintain pump as well as hydration. It has allowed me to focus more on my lifts as well without a long break due to the hydration levels as well as improved my stamina throughout heavy sets a well as 20+ rep sets.

Would I purchase this again:
Yes sir, You simply cannot beat the value of It. I know PA said that he sees no need for this in the bodybuilding world, but hey if it makes me feel better is cheap and holds me to good drinking habits then i'm sold. I enjoy this product for what its worth. The stamina and hydration aspect not so much the pumps. You can bet for me to purchase this again CL.

I will insert some glycergrow pump pictures in here sometime :D

thanks for your time
Sincerely, Tex :twisted:
Last edited:


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Guys I edited my review above. Enjoy.

(and I know in the bruce lee video there are a couple bad words, but I got permission from a mod so it's alright).


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White Flood: The One and Only Pre-workout Stim/Energy/Focus Booster

* makes the impossible quite possible . . . [following 5 weeks of White Flood & Purple Wraath] =>

YouTube - Gym Assault III

White Flood is to me the be-all/end-all supplement of choice in terms of pre-workout energy and focus enhancement, intra-workout pump and vasodilation, and post-workout volumization to allow for a better anabolic environment in order to furher grow. It allows nutrients to flood more easily through your system (hence the White Flood), and begin reconstructing the ripped muscle fibers and grow denser, thicker muscle bellies .. (in time, obviously)

I've tried every pre-workout available out there (give or take a couple), and I never found the Ultimate drink that gave me everything I wanted without any sides. As a result, I ended up trying 'all of them', thinking, surely this one with be better than the last one ..

I thought I found the One after I tried the Nano Vapor, as it got me wired and so energized that I was radiating and my eyes were wigging. It allowed for some sick workouts .. until 30-40 minutes into my workout when I began crashing. Literally, dropped dead; crashed; went from 100mph to 0 mph, and having to leave the gym on more than three occasions. I reported this in my RPM/Drive log when I tried a Vapor sample every once in a while. It definitely turned me away from Vapor ..

I thought I found the One when I tried out Steel Edge (AEN), because I had never before tried anything that gave more of a workout-focus enhancement. It was quite dramatic of a change from past pre-workout drinks compared to the Steel Edge. Focus was better than ever, and it increased my workout stamina. My head was totally in the game. But then was the issue of servings vs cost. After 5 workouts (1/4 jug), I found myself having to increase the dosage to 150% recommended for the same effects. As a result, a jug would be over within 3-3.5 weeks @ that rate. That becomes an economy issue.

I thought I found the One when I tried out Scivations VasoCharge (alongside Xtend), although the lemonade flavor was awfully chemical tasting. It's effects were pronounced; I was definitely turned on by the fact that it had some decent amount of Beta Alanine in there (my fav), and it yielded good pumps and energy. I didn't have to adjust (up) my dosage until the final 1/3-1/4 of the bottle. I tried the Berry flavor too (when I bought he Vasocharge/Xtend combo for cheap) and this flavor wrecked havoc in my stomach within two minutes of ingestion. It had me on several bathroom trips both leading up to and during my workout, so not something I was able to keep going with. I've still got 1/2-3/4 jug around here somewhere.

I thought I found the One when I tried RPM samples at the end of '07. Never had I taken anything that got me as jacked, up-and-about energetic. 5 caps 45-60 minutes pre-workout had me bouncing off the walls, and strength was higher in my first workout on them. LOVED it, and praised it to buddies, although I had only tried 10 samples myself (either with or without Drive on the side, also samples). I finally got the chance to run RPM(and Drive) for AN in April/May, and the effects were not nearly as pronounced as when I had taken samples 5 months prior. I wasn't sure if I had struck a bad batch or what it was, but as I stated in my log, after 6-8 workouts and no positive effects, I had to discontinue use (of RPM) and take a whole week off from training, before resuming (both training and RPM). I then felt more effects following consumption of RPM, but it was not as out-of-the-world as I had mentioned when I tried samples back in the day. (I've mentioned the effects of the initial attempts of RPM - the samples - in a couple logs from before and around Christmas time, fyi).

Animal Pump - no effects for a whole 30 days, whether taken 45 minutes prior to training, or 90 minutes prior. Encapsulated pre-workouts had yet to work for me ..

SuperPump250: 3-4 scoop minimum for effect .. cost efficiency issue ..
SuperCharge: 3 serving minimum for effect .. cost efficiency issue ..
NO Shotgun: insane energy, but lots of stomach discomfort; threw up twice from drinking it, had some :toilet: issues another couple of times. And the flavor was just naaaasty !

SO, what does White Flood have that these past products don't ?
- one word, everything !

  1. Pre-workout Energy Enhancement - within minutes (literally), I get a full body rush from the Beta Alanine/GABA (parathesia feeling). I get tingling in my upper torse on head, and I am instantaneously awoken, as if someone just zapped me with some wired. From 25 mph to 90-100mph. I start sweating; my body is warm, and my muscles are getting warmer and loosening up as the flood starts flowing more freely.
  2. Focus - I feel the focus enhancers/nootropics ge to work as my head begins getting in the zone - a real Zen-like focus ! - and all other thoughts on anything non-relating to my training session ahead are diminished, if not erased. I turn up the base in my car on the way to the gym, and begin focusing on the task at hand, picturing and envisioning what I'm about to do; telling my sub conscious self to prepare for something new, something shocking, some bigger and better than before. Focus is enhanced from beginning to end, without losing effects.
  3. Vasodilation/Pump - Pump begins after a couple of high-rep warm-up sets, and vascularity increases as you get more and more sets and reps down, and you fill in your muscles with blood and nutrients. As I mentioned, I'm warm before I get to the gym. By my 2nd working set of my 1st exercise, the pump sets in. With an increase in Vasodilation from the nitric oxide complex comes a significantly increased/enhanced blood flow. In turn, phreaky vascularity !!! In my M-drol/H-drol log ( from last November, I also noted the significant increase in vascularity from the White Flood, and this having the same effects now proves a bullet-proof product that doesn't fail to impress. There really is a significant positive change in vascularity when comparing pre-White Flood usage vs. post-White Flood usage.. I believe most others who have tried this will back me up. Obviously that's a partial result of bodyfat , but give it a go, and you won't be disappointed !
  4. Strength/Recovery - you're more ready for war; you know you can do the un-imaginable; White Flood makes you man-up, and go for it. Everything seems attainable, and you've got no other choice but to aim for higher weights, more reps, and upping the intensity to the freak-of nature-limit.
  5. Flavor - delicious Lemonade flavor, although only delicious when mixing with ice-cold water; about 10 oz. per two scoops.
  6. Stomach-distress - NONE ! It does not upset my stomach like many, many of the others do. White Flood allows me to prepare both mentally and physically for my hardcore training sessions without any distracting/discouraging bathroom breaks !
  7. Cost Efficiency - ~$40-45 for 50 servings ?! And depending on your weight - if you're under 180-200 lbs - you can start off with only one-scoop pre-workout, and I BET YOU it will be enough ! 50 servings is 50 workouts (although at times I'll throw another additional scoop in with my Purple Wraath for intra-workout, totaling 3 scoops White Flood), and 50 workouts would be about a 10 week supple, if you work out 5 days per week. Show me one other deal like that that will yield the same results and offer the same cost-efficiency !! Can't do it, huh ?!

    Cheers to White Flood !
    - there is no substitute !


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White Flood: The One and Only Pre-workout Stim/Energy/Focus Booster

White Flood is to me the be-all/end-all supplement of choice in terms of pre-workout energy and focus enhancement, intra-workout pump and vasodilation, and post-workout volumization to allow for a better anabolic environment in order to furher grow. It allows nutrients to flood more easily through your system (hence the White Flood), and begin reconstructing the ripped muscle fibers and grow denser, thicker muscle bellies .. (in time, obviously)

I've tried every pre-workout available out there (give or take a couple), and I never found the Ultimate drink that gave me everything I wanted without any sides. As a result, I ended up trying 'all of them', thinking, surely this one with be better than the last one ..

I thought I found the One after I tried the Nano Vapor, as it got me wired and so energized that I was radiating and my eyes were wigging. It allowed for some sick workouts .. until 30-40 minutes into my workout when I began crashing. Literally, dropped dead; crashed; went from 100mph to 0 mph, and having to leave the gym on more than three occasions. I reported this in my RPM/Drive log when I tried a Vapor sample every once in a while. It definitely turned me away from Vapor ..

I thought I found the One when I tried out Steel Edge (AEN), because I had never before tried anything that gave more of a workout-focus enhancement. It was quite dramatic of a change from past pre-workout drinks compared to the Steel Edge. Focus was better than ever, and it increased my workout stamina. My head was totally in the game. But then was the issue of servings vs cost. After 5 workouts (1/4 jug), I found myself having to increase the dosage to 150% recommended for the same effects. As a result, a jug would be over within 3-3.5 weeks @ that rate. That becomes an economy issue.

I thought I found the One when I tried out Scivations VasoCharge (alongside Xtend), although the lemonade flavor was awfully chemical tasting. It's effects were pronounced; I was definitely turned on by the fact that it had some decent amount of Beta Alanine in there (my fav), and it yielded good pumps and energy. I didn't have to adjust (up) my dosage until the final 1/3-1/4 of the bottle. I tried the Berry flavor too (when I bought he Vasocharge/Xtend combo for cheap) and this flavor wrecked havoc in my stomach within two minutes of ingestion. It had me on several bathroom trips both leading up to and during my workout, so not something I was able to keep going with. I've still got 1/2-3/4 jug around here somewhere.

I thought I found the One when I tried RPM samples at the end of '07. Never had I taken anything that got me as jacked, up-and-about energetic. 5 caps 45-60 minutes pre-workout had me bouncing off the walls, and strength was higher in my first workout on them. LOVED it, and praised it to buddies, although I had only tried 10 samples myself (either with or without Drive on the side, also samples). I finally got the chance to run RPM(and Drive) for AN in April/May, and the effects were not nearly as pronounced as when I had taken samples 5 months prior. I wasn't sure if I had struck a bad batch or what it was, but as I stated in my log, after 6-8 workouts and no positive effects, I had to discontinue use (of RPM) and take a whole week off from training, before resuming (both training and RPM). I then felt more effects following consumption of RPM, but it was not as out-of-the-world as I had mentioned when I tried samples back in the day. (I've mentioned the effects of the initial attempts of RPM - the samples - in a couple logs from before and around Christmas time, fyi).

Animal Pump - no effects for a whole 30 days, whether taken 45 minutes prior to training, or 90 minutes prior. Encapsulated pre-workouts had yet to work for me ..

SuperPump250: 3-4 scoop minimum for effect .. cost efficiency issue ..
SuperCharge: 3 serving minimum for effect .. cost efficiency issue ..
NO Shotgun: insane energy, but lots of stomach discomfort; threw up twice from drinking it, had some :toilet: issues another couple of times. And the flavor was just naaaasty !

SO, what does White Flood have that these past products don't ?
- one word, everything !

  1. Pre-workout Energy Enhancement - within minutes (literally), I get a full body rush from the Beta Alanine/GABA (parathesia feeling). I get tingling in my upper torse on head, and I am instantaneously awoken, as if someone just zapped me with some wired. From 25 mph to 90-100mph. I start sweating; my body is warm, and my muscles are getting warmer and loosening up as the flood starts flowing more freely.
  2. Focus - I feel the focus enhancers/nootropics ge to work as my head begins getting in the zone - a real Zen-like focus ! - and all other thoughts on anything non-relating to my training session ahead are diminished, if not erased. I turn up the base in my car on the way to the gym, and begin focusing on the task at hand, picturing and envisioning what I'm about to do; telling my sub conscious self to prepare for something new, something shocking, some bigger and better than before.
  3. Vasodilation/Pump - Pump begins after a couple of high-rep warm-up sets, and vascularity increases as you get more and more sets and reps down, and you fill in your muscles with blood and nutrients.
  4. Strength/Recovery - you're more ready for war; you know you can do the un-imaginable; White Flood makes you man-up, and go for it. Everything seems attainable, and you've got no other choice but to aim for higher weights, more reps, and upping the intensity to the freak-of nature-limit.
  5. Cost Efficiency - ~$35 for 50 servings ?! And depending on your weight - if you're under 180-200 lbs - you can start off with only one-scoop pre-workout, and I BET YOU it will be enough ! 50 servings is 50 workouts (although at times I'll throw another additional scoop in with my Purple Wraath for intra-workout, totaling 3 scoops White Flood), and 50 workouts would be about a 10 week supple, if you work out 5 days per week. Show me one other deal like that that will yield the same results and offer the same cost-efficiency !! Can't do it, huh ?!

    Cheers to White Flood !
    - there is no substitute !
good review bud maybe i will crack down and try it even though im not super stim man. :D I think i out typed you for once on a review/log thing


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Drumrolll .. . . .. . . . .


  • RockStar
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this thread is closed .. every1 must exit AM forum ..pleaseeee :)


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Also, blakester, nice update!!!!

The entries are from now on not accepted. We will determine the winner.

Stay Tuned!!!!


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  • Established video.

Also, blakester, nice update!!!!

The entries are from now on not accepted. We will determine the winner.

Stay Tuned!!!!
<In best Adam Sandler cajun voice>


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