CONTROLLED LABS: Post Your Feedback and WIN!!!!!!!



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First off, I have enjoyed a few CL products(blue up, WF, GG, WB) and its a toss up as to which is my favorite, however, I am going to have to choose Glycer Grow because of its awesome cell volumizing properties. Its the most effective cell volumizer I have used. I actually felt the intracellular water retention and great pumps, which, for me, led mostly to increased strength (even though cals were maint./deficit) and noticable vascularity. To top it off its dirty cheap for the amount of effective servings and seems to last forever. Me and myself give 2 thumbs up for a great, no bs, cost-effective supplement.:thumbsup::thumbsup:


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First off, I have enjoyed a few CL products(blue up, WF, GG, WB) and its a toss up as to which is my favorite, however, I am going to have to choose Glycer Grow because of its awesome cell volumizing properties. Its the most effective cell volumizer I have used. I actually felt the intracellular water retention and great pumps, which, for me, led mostly to increased strength (even though cals were maint./deficit) and noticable vascularity. To top it off its dirty cheap for the amount of effective servings and seems to last forever. Me and myself give 2 thumbs up for a great, no bs, cost-effective supplement.:thumbsup::thumbsup:
Yeah, I've been hearing plenty of great things about GlycerGrow and how cost effective it is lately. I'll have to give it a try.


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My fun experience with White Flood

Well the only supplement of yours I have tried was white flood, and it is kinda a funny story of how it happened too. My frien was a Controlled Labs feind :twisted: he had everything blue up, blck hole, purple wrath all of it. Well to make a long story short I told him that since I had taken No-Xplode and Nano-vapor that his white flood wouldn't even affect me. After some argueing he be tme five dollars to take 3 scoops, I laughed and told him I would take 8. Well I mixed 8 scoops in a shaker cup with some water not much, and downed it. I felt fine........for like 1 minute then puked all over myself. The first thing I thought was what the hell is this? My friend was laughing uncontrollably as
i thought I was dying on the floor. About 1 week after that happed I ordered me some off the internet. I realized that something that could do that to you that quickly deserved respect, and hell I had nothing to lose and everything to gain (by the way I had to barrow that 5 dollars back from my friend for shipping :lol:). Well i would mix the white flood before I went to bed and drank it in the morning since that is whe i work out, it is much colder and I fell it more when oyu leave it in the fridge over night. It really helped give me the kick in the a$$ i needed when I was cutting weight for wrestling. I would go about 4 days only only white flood, 1 scoop of muscle milk and 2-3 powerbars. A few times I had to take the white flood in powder form because I couldn't drink water to make weight. The Arginine Ethyl Ester would make all my viens pop out during my matches and that was cool. I remember one time I had to go up against a local badass and I took 5 scoops before the match, wow i was so hyped up I barley won the match, but even if it was a mental thing the white flood helped throughout the whole wrestling season. I plan on getting some more in October for the next wrestling season, but unfortunatly haven't tried any other supps, but if they all have the kick that white flood did then I'm in. Thank you Controlled Labs for the great product (and not making it so strong that I could have died when I made the bet) :thumbsup:


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Well the only supplement of yours I have tried was white flood, and it is kinda a funny story of how it happened too. My frien was a Controlled Labs feind :twisted: he had everything blue up, blck hole, purple wrath all of it. Well to make a long story short I told him that since I had taken No-Xplode and Nano-vapor that his white flood wouldn't even affect me. After some argueing he be tme five dollars to take 3 scoops, I laughed and told him I would take 8. Well I mixed 8 scoops in a shaker cup with some water not much, and downed it. I felt fine........for like 1 minute then puked all over myself. The first thing I thought was what the hell is this? My friend was laughing uncontrollably as
i thought I was dying on the floor. About 1 week after that happed I ordered me some off the internet. I realized that something that could do that to you that quickly deserved respect, and hell I had nothing to lose and everything to gain (by the way I had to barrow that 5 dollars back from my friend for shipping :lol:). Well i would mix the white flood before I went to bed and drank it in the morning since that is whe i work out, it is much colder and I fell it more when oyu leave it in the fridge over night. It really helped give me the kick in the a$$ i needed when I was cutting weight for wrestling. I would go about 4 days only only white flood, 1 scoop of muscle milk and 2-3 powerbars. A few times I had to take the white flood in powder form because I couldn't drink water to make weight. The Arginine Ethyl Ester would make all my viens pop out during my matches and that was cool. I remember one time I had to go up against a local badass and I took 5 scoops before the match, wow i was so hyped up I barley won the match, but even if it was a mental thing the white flood helped throughout the whole wrestling season. I plan on getting some more in October for the next wrestling season, but unfortunatly haven't tried any other supps, but if they all have the kick that white flood did then I'm in. Thank you Controlled Labs for the great product (and not making it so strong that I could have died when I made the bet) :thumbsup:
White Flood tends to have that effect on a lot of people. LOL.:lol:


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Well the only supplement of yours I have tried was white flood, and it is kinda a funny story of how it happened too. My frien was a Controlled Labs feind :twisted: he had everything blue up, blck hole, purple wrath all of it. Well to make a long story short I told him that since I had taken No-Xplode and Nano-vapor that his white flood wouldn't even affect me. After some argueing he be tme five dollars to take 3 scoops, I laughed and told him I would take 8. Well I mixed 8 scoops in a shaker cup with some water not much, and downed it. I felt fine........for like 1 minute then puked all over myself. The first thing I thought was what the hell is this? My friend was laughing uncontrollably as
i thought I was dying on the floor. About 1 week after that happed I ordered me some off the internet. I realized that something that could do that to you that quickly deserved respect, and hell I had nothing to lose and everything to gain (by the way I had to barrow that 5 dollars back from my friend for shipping :lol:). Well i would mix the white flood before I went to bed and drank it in the morning since that is whe i work out, it is much colder and I fell it more when oyu leave it in the fridge over night. It really helped give me the kick in the a$$ i needed when I was cutting weight for wrestling. I would go about 4 days only only white flood, 1 scoop of muscle milk and 2-3 powerbars. A few times I had to take the white flood in powder form because I couldn't drink water to make weight. The Arginine Ethyl Ester would make all my viens pop out during my matches and that was cool. I remember one time I had to go up against a local badass and I took 5 scoops before the match, wow i was so hyped up I barley won the match, but even if it was a mental thing the white flood helped throughout the whole wrestling season. I plan on getting some more in October for the next wrestling season, but unfortunatly haven't tried any other supps, but if they all have the kick that white flood did then I'm in. Thank you Controlled Labs for the great product (and not making it so strong that I could have died when I made the bet) :thumbsup:
LOL! Thank you for your feedback. Glad your ok!!! :bb3:


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It's coke, it's weed, no it's... WHITE FLOOD!

Seriously fellas, I have no clue where to begin on this gift from above. White Flood does all it says in the ads and more. I know, I know, cliche, right? Wrong. There's nothing ordinary about this. Hit a plateau? Ah, don't worry, down a couple gulps o' this and you'll be tempted to hit the gym 24/7 to pump out unbelievable reps while shouting "Aye Coromba" like the infamous Bart Simpson.


You say you want more energy? You say you don't want an energy shot that makes you feel wasted after a big crash? Dang, what has our world come to? There's so much expectation out of you young whipper snappers these days*licks lips like old geezer while wagging cane*. Only White Flood can make you feel like a nuclear bomb was just strapped onto your you-know-what and that if you don't lift that 500 pound deadlift you'll be vaporized into nothingness. Only White Flood can avoid even the most minute of crashes. Only White Flood can help you win the lottery - OK, so the last one hasn't actually been proven yet... But I'm a Believer!

Score (Drum Roll Please): 0/10... What? You think I - D'oh!!:lol:

Re-do that drum roll please. SCORE: 10/10


Sorry. Gotta be honest on this one. Not the greatest. HOWEVER... I do realize that taste is not really an issue when you're a manly man who just cares about results, right? On top of that, it really ain't that bad. Considering most things that work naturally don't taste to pleasant due to the common phrase no pain no gain (though it's not painful, trust me), and that Controlled Labs still managed to somewhat cover up the taste of their awesome ingredients in White Flood with a lemonade flavor, I give it a...

: 6.99826351186591


Wait. No, you're actually serious about this one? Ah, what the heck. Scoop the recommended dosage in a standard shaker and voila, mixes perfectly. I seriously do not get people who say it doesn't mix well. Wussies! Shake it harder! Or just buy a blender for Pete's sake. It seriously doesn't take the jaws of life buddy. My grandma could shake this thing up and chug it so she can focus on her t.v. better. :lol:



Final Question: How does this Ho-Bo know all this? What's his experience?

Final Answer: I've been an avid user of White Flood now for the past month. In that short, short time, my sets have gone from 1 each to 3 each, the weights have increased 2, and on some occasions 3 times. I hit the gym more frequent now, and struggle to resist overtraining. And on the rare times that I have forgotten to gulp down some White Flood, well, let's just say I noticed.

Thanks Controlled Labs for this excellent opportunity to try more of what I'm sure are great products of yours at no cost. I know that White Flood is great, and I'm sure your other products are too.

P.S. Long live LIFT IN COLOR
great review, but im not sure how to take 'the old geezer wagging cane' remark. L:lol:L


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Green Magnitude

i was going to post a few pics but i it wont let me for some reason. oh well.

Green Magnitude is amazing, no other way to explain it. im actually drinking it as i type this.

Mixability, id say 9.5/10. very little settling out occurs after letting it sit for a while, but i usually just mix and drink, so its not really an issue.

Green Mag. is also very cost effective, 80 servings for only about 40 dollars - making it only 50 cents a serving. well worth it. 10/10

As far as how well it works, i've only been taking it for very long and i've already seen great results. it seems as though it takes longer for me to become fatigued during my workouts. for the past few months my max bench press hasnt budged from 285. after only 3 weeks of Green Magnitude it is now up to 295. Also, my squat went up about 20 pounds. All in all, massive strength increase in such a short time. 10/10

Taste: since im dieting 95% of the time, i dont really enjoy much of anything that i eat, but im always looking forward to a nice apple orgasm for my taste buds every morning. nough said. 12/10 for taste.

Definantly will buy this product again.


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i was going to post a few pics but i it wont let me for some reason. oh well.

Green Magnitude is amazing, no other way to explain it. im actually drinking it as i type this.

Mixability, id say 9.5/10. very little settling out occurs after letting it sit for a while, but i usually just mix and drink, so its not really an issue.

Green Mag. is also very cost effective, 80 servings for only about 40 dollars - making it only 50 cents a serving. well worth it. 10/10

As far as how well it works, i've only been taking it for very long and i've already seen great results. it seems as though it takes longer for me to become fatigued during my workouts. for the past few months my max bench press hasnt budged from 285. after only 3 weeks of Green Magnitude it is now up to 295. Also, my squat went up about 20 pounds. All in all, massive strength increase in such a short time. 10/10

Taste: since im dieting 95% of the time, i dont really enjoy much of anything that i eat, but im always looking forward to a nice apple orgasm for my taste buds every morning. nough said. 12/10 for taste.

Definantly will buy this product again.

Awesome review friend!!! Thank you for the support, I'm glad it worked so well for you. Strong bench!!!!!!!


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Re-entry REDuction+BlueUP stack

I just wanted to make a couple changes and re post my review now that I have completed this stack.

In the beginning stages of this product I had this mentality that I was going to just not eat and let the supps take care of everything. Quickly I was informed that I should still be eating and bumped my calories up to near 2k from 1k (before log was at 3k+ a day). So in the aspect of appetite supression I would have to rate this product:
Appetite supression overall: 10/10

I wasn't exactly sure how REDuction would affect my energy levels being a non caffeine based fat burner but quickly came to realize that my energy tanks were always full. I never crashed whether it be in the middle of the day or in the middle of a workout. Rating for energy from REDuction is:
Energy overall: 8/10

Now i'm a guy who loves to sleep. I love for it to be long and deep so that I can wake up feeling rejuvenated and ready for the days advents. The night time formula was created to keep your metabolism moving even when you sleep and to help put you into a deeper more meaningful sleep each night. With REDuctions night formula I woke up fresh and hungry.
So i suppose my rating for rest from REDuction would be:
Rest overall: 9/10

REDuction final review rating: 9/10

Blue up is the stim free addition to the stack that I ran the intirety of the log. I can honestly say that this helped to minimize lbm loss while cutting but at the same time gave a little extra boost in the gym. I can't say I would take this solo as a stim but wouldn't dream of cutting hard without it.
Blue up final review rating:
-While on a cut: 10/10
-Run solo: 5/10
John Smeton

John Smeton

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My Blue -up review

My Review Five stars -Absolutely awesome product in optimizing your testosterone levels if you need to feel like your eighteen again.I'd buy it again.There is one drawback the thirty percent proto in the Tribulus; although forty percent is expensive, I know companies can get it because it has been proven to work best. This stuff lived up to my expectations no doubt! Of course Diet, training , supplementation and sleep were good. Im very satisfied Controlled Labs. Thanks for bringing this product to the bodybuilding community.

Highlights were strength and muscle-mass on lagging body parts. I don't know how much of the fifteen lbs weight gain is fat and water and I do know that Ive gained some nice muscle mass.

here is a link to my log with pictures of my transformation on blue up, at the end of the log


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I just wanted to make a couple changes and re post my review now that I have completed this stack.

In the beginning stages of this product I had this mentality that I was going to just not eat and let the supps take care of everything. Quickly I was informed that I should still be eating and bumped my calories up to near 2k from 1k (before log was at 3k+ a day). So in the aspect of appetite supression I would have to rate this product:
Appetite supression overall: 10/10

I wasn't exactly sure how REDuction would affect my energy levels being a non caffeine based fat burner but quickly came to realize that my energy tanks were always full. I never crashed whether it be in the middle of the day or in the middle of a workout. Rating for energy from REDuction is:
Energy overall: 8/10

Now i'm a guy who loves to sleep. I love for it to be long and deep so that I can wake up feeling rejuvenated and ready for the days advents. The night time formula was created to keep your metabolism moving even when you sleep and to help put you into a deeper more meaningful sleep each night. With REDuctions night formula I woke up fresh and hungry.
So i suppose my rating for rest from REDuction would be:
Rest overall: 9/10

REDuction final review rating: 9/10

Blue up is the stim free addition to the stack that I ran the intirety of the log. I can honestly say that this helped to minimize lbm loss while cutting but at the same time gave a little extra boost in the gym. I can't say I would take this solo as a stim but wouldn't dream of cutting hard without it.
Blue up final review rating:
-While on a cut: 10/10
-Run solo: 5/10
Nice re-entry my friend!!!! Definitely a successful cut in my book! :thumbsup:


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My Blue -up review

My Review Five stars -Absolutely awesome product in optimizing your testosterone levels if you need to feel like your eighteen again.I'd buy it again.There is one drawback the thirty percent proto in the Tribulus; although forty percent is expensive, I know companies can get it because it has been proven to work best. This stuff lived up to my expectations no doubt! Of course Diet, training , supplementation and sleep were good. Im very satisfied Controlled Labs. Thanks for bringing this product to the bodybuilding community.

Highlights were strength and muscle-mass on lagging body parts. I don't know how much of the fifteen lbs weight gain is fat and water and I do know that Ive gained some nice muscle mass.

here is a link to my log with pictures of my transformation on blue up, at the end of the log

Awesome Log & Review brother!! Thank you very much!!! :D


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My Blue -up review

My Review Five stars -Absolutely awesome product in optimizing your testosterone levels if you need to feel like your eighteen again.I'd buy it again.There is one drawback the thirty percent proto in the Tribulus; although forty percent is expensive, I know companies can get it because it has been proven to work best. This stuff lived up to my expectations no doubt! Of course Diet, training , supplementation and sleep were good. Im very satisfied Controlled Labs. Thanks for bringing this product to the bodybuilding community.

Highlights were strength and muscle-mass on lagging body parts. I don't know how much of the fifteen lbs weight gain is fat and water and I do know that Ive gained some nice muscle mass.

here is a link to my log with pictures of my transformation on blue up, at the end of the log
smeton, you have convinced me to try blue up again. i tried it awhile back and really like it. got a review over at bn. getting ready to start back to work and building up my arsenal. very nice review


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-Green Magnitude Entry-

So i recieved the samples for joining the CL forums, luv'd the green mag so much, that i went out and bought the 80serving tub, did get a sweet deal on it ..35$shipped to my door. I needed some good creatine, i was debating between green mag or cell mass ..and i went with green mag and do not regret it a bit.

Lemonade - 10/10
Apple - 9.5/10
Lemonade taste a lil better then apple to me .. but i still got the apple flavored ..bc my preworkout creatine is lemonade flavor, plus i mix my bcaa's in crystal light lemonade also .. and wanted to change things up so i got the apple flavor.

3 ways, i have used Green Mag
I keep trying different ways to use green mag ...
1Morning straight mixed in water .. i work everyday from 6-3 sometimes 4 i do need that kick start in the morning .. and i was using green mag to give me that extra strength through out the day
2Pre workout drink .. i mixed in 3grams of [AEE, CREATINE GLUOCANITE, CITRULLINE MALATE] ofcourse the taste wasnt that same, but still it was decent tasting ..and gave me crazy strength through out the workout .. i stopped doing this, bc i have 3 prework out tubs stacked ..but this is a great and cheap and effective :)
3During Workouts .. well i usually take watermelon Xtend .. and one day i mixed in Green Mag with unflavored bcaa's ..4g of leu, 2g of iso & val. although it gave me a great endurance .. i only did this once .. it just didn't taste that good when i mixed it in with bcaa complex .. but had to try it out once lol

NEW4Great Pre Workout mix .. I tried this and it worked really well .. i mixed in 3G of Beta Alanine & 3-4MG of Yohimbine HCL into one scoop of Green Mag ..and had a great chest/tri workout day yesterday ..taste was still good even while mixing BA & YohimbineHCL

OVERALL : i give this product a 10/10, for its taste, easy mixing, affordable price for the ingredients that is in it. I hear White Flood stacks well with green mag, might give it a try sometimes. Keep up the good work CL, just picked me up some OT at the sale u guys had :):food:


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-Green Magnitude Entry-

So i recieved the samples for joining the CL forums, luv'd the green mag so much, that i went out and bought the 80serving tub, did get a sweet deal on it ..35$shipped to my door. I needed some good creatine, i was debating between green mag or cell mass ..and i went with green mag and do not regret it a bit.

Lemonade - 10/10
Apple - 9.5/10
Lemonade taste a lil better then apple to me .. but i still got the apple flavored ..bc my preworkout creatine is lemonade flavor, plus i mix my bcaa's in crystal light lemonade also .. and wanted to change things up so i got the apple flavor.

3 ways, i have used Green Mag
I keep trying different ways to use green mag ...
1Morning straight mixed in water .. i work everyday from 6-3 sometimes 4 i do need that kick start in the morning .. and i was using green mag to give me that extra strength through out the day
2Pre workout drink .. i mixed in 3grams of [AEE, CREATINE GLUOCANITE, CITRULLINE MALATE] ofcourse the taste wasnt that same, but still it was decent tasting ..and gave me crazy strength through out the workout .. i stopped doing this, bc i have 3 prework out tubs stacked ..but this is a great and cheap and effective :)
3During Workouts .. well i usually take watermelon Xtend .. and one day i mixed in Green Mag with unflavored bcaa's ..4g of leu, 2g of iso & val. although it gave me a great endurance .. i only did this once .. it just didn't taste that good when i mixed it in with bcaa complex .. but had to try it out once lol

NEW4Great Pre Workout mix .. I tried this and it worked really well .. i mixed in 3G of Beta Alanine & 3-4MG of Yohimbine HCL into one scoop of Green Mag ..and had a great chest/tri workout day yesterday ..taste was still good even while mixing BA & YohimbineHCL

OVERALL : i give this product a 10/10, for its taste, easy mixing, affordable price for the ingredients that is in it. I hear White Flood stacks well with green mag, might give it a try sometimes. Keep up the good work CL, just picked me up some OT at the sale u guys had :):food:
niceee entry ... loved the additions :D


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-Green Magnitude Entry-

So i recieved the samples for joining the CL forums, luv'd the green mag so much, that i went out and bought the 80serving tub, did get a sweet deal on it ..35$shipped to my door. I needed some good creatine, i was debating between green mag or cell mass ..and i went with green mag and do not regret it a bit.

Lemonade - 10/10
Apple - 9.5/10
Lemonade taste a lil better then apple to me .. but i still got the apple flavored ..bc my preworkout creatine is lemonade flavor, plus i mix my bcaa's in crystal light lemonade also .. and wanted to change things up so i got the apple flavor.

3 ways, i have used Green Mag
I keep trying different ways to use green mag ...
1Morning straight mixed in water .. i work everyday from 6-3 sometimes 4 i do need that kick start in the morning .. and i was using green mag to give me that extra strength through out the day
2Pre workout drink .. i mixed in 3grams of [AEE, CREATINE GLUOCANITE, CITRULLINE MALATE] ofcourse the taste wasnt that same, but still it was decent tasting ..and gave me crazy strength through out the workout .. i stopped doing this, bc i have 3 prework out tubs stacked ..but this is a great and cheap and effective :)
3During Workouts .. well i usually take watermelon Xtend .. and one day i mixed in Green Mag with unflavored bcaa's ..4g of leu, 2g of iso & val. although it gave me a great endurance .. i only did this once .. it just didn't taste that good when i mixed it in with bcaa complex .. but had to try it out once lol

NEW4Great Pre Workout mix .. I tried this and it worked really well .. i mixed in 3G of Beta Alanine & 3-4MG of Yohimbine HCL into one scoop of Green Mag ..and had a great chest/tri workout day yesterday ..taste was still good even while mixing BA & YohimbineHCL

OVERALL : i give this product a 10/10, for its taste, easy mixing, affordable price for the ingredients that is in it. I hear White Flood stacks well with green mag, might give it a try sometimes. Keep up the good work CL, just picked me up some OT at the sale u guys had :):food:
Yeah, I'll be trying the GM WF stack soon enough.


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I'm gonna do another WF review in case you didn't like the original format as much. The new one is gonna be a straight up, detailed review without using the fancy coloring and categorizing stuff. Just down to business.


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WF/PW Initial Impressions

WF/PW Initial Impressions​

I started my white flood and purple wraath yesterday and so far am pleased. I mixed two scoops of each in 1 liter of water, drank half of it, refilled the bottle with water and sipped on the rest through out my workout.

The taste was amazing. I was worried it would be too tart to drink intra workout but by refilling the bottle with water it made the taste just right.

My workout yesterday was also really good. I lasted longer and felt better through out. Now, to be completely objective, that could have been because I had a good couple days of carbing up over the weekend....but I like to think it was the CL products.

I'll be writing a more complete review after a month or so.


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White Flood

White Flood. Just like advertised, a serving of this floods your system with nitric oxide, and enhances your energy, which usually in turn enhances your performance. If I ever feel tired, and don't truly feel 100% up to, as Ronnie Coleman would say, "Lift no heavy ass weights," I can just smile and gulp some of this down to give me a kick to the gym. It gives me that tingling feeling, which is something that gives me a real confidence boost, both to know that it's working, and to help pump some iron. In my opinion, it also mixes well. I mean, all you need is a blender, or even a shaker cup will do the trick. Once it's mixed with water, I also enjoy sticking it in the fridge to make White Flood Popsicles. Those are nice treats on a hot day before hitting the gym as well. The taste isn't the best, but nobody said something that's meant to get you out of bed and pumped to lift weights was going to taste like a donut with sprinkles. Besides, my buds are still able to easily detect the lemonade flavor that was put in there to hide the potent ingredients from your taste. My initial thoughts when I looked at the container was "awesome, an orange label" (face it, we all know that red and orange are symbols for power, so that was a nice choice). Then I opened it up. Well, the powder was the color described in the name, so, at least I knew I had gotten the right stuff (LOL). I gave the stuff a whiff and it wasn't a completely awful smell, but it was bad enough that I knew it was going to work:lol:. So what's the natural next thing to do... try it out, of course! I took the recommended dosage, which was smaller than normal, because I had to assess tolerance, and then hit the weights. To describe my success with it, let me offer up an equation. White Flood = Insane Energy, Great Pumps, and even Extra Motivation. Now we come back to the present, and I can tell you that I'm having just as good, if not better, results as the first time I took White Flood.


Reasoning: I gave it a perfect 10 because in my mind, it did just what it was supposed to do and more. Sure, the taste wasn't perfect, but nobody said it was supposed to be. It was only meant as a pre-workout enhancer, and it nailed that on the head.

Great job Controlled Labs on a great product.




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Yeah, I'll be trying the GM WF stack soon enough.
yup WF is going to be my next preworkout pick .. i keep hearing great stuff about it .. almost every1 who have used it gives a 10/10 rating .. i do have over 50+ servings of GM left .. only thing i suggest is .. if your getting the GM get the lemonade you can mix GM&WF which will give you insane energy & pumps .. i have the apple flavored GM, wish WF came in diff. flavors.


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Purple Wraath: The Prescription for recovery and endurance

Every supplement I've ever taken has been in direct response to a problem or limitation I've encountered in my training or recovery. After a few months back in the gym, I found I could not complete my training split within a week period (even though I had alotted plenty of rest time) due to an extended and painful recovery period. I would stay sore for far too long, and looked first to alter my diet, but after a few more weeks realized I needed something more or I would stall before even getting out of the starting gate.

I purchased Purple Wraath based on the overwhelming recommendations on the AnabolicMinds forums. In the first few weeks of following the suggested dosing protocols, I not only found my recovery time cut in half, but also with a few more weeks supplementation I found my endurance enhanced! See, the second reason I came to AnabolicMinds forums was to solve a strange problem that I assumed was caused by years of sedentary lifestyle (and was probably correct, lol). I found that I could barely complete 2 sets of my major muscle groups in the gym, and would reach failure far too quickly. This was a new problem for me, but after weeks of using Purple Wraath, I was finishing 3-4 full and intense sets. The positive endurance changes Purple Wraath induced were entirely a surprise, but after a little research I found that I could enhance it even further by supplementing just a bit more Beta-Alanine on top of my Purple Wraath. I didn't get my first flush until I added Body Octane to the mix, but I loved it! Haha, I know it is uncomfortable for some people, but I know that tingly feeling is going to translate to a more intense workout. Since that first day of passing through my endurance and recovery plateaus with the help of Purple Wraath, I have not been without it.

Taste and mixability reviews have little room in such an important and core supplement discussion in my opinion (shut up and drink, girlyman!), but I do have some advice for those looking to purchase their first tub (or second, lol). 1) When mixing, make sure to allow approximately 10-20 minutes back in the refrigerator to allow the aminos to fully dissolve. It is not something they like to do, so give it some patience. This is true with any amino acid powder. 2) Buy the lemon flavor. I don't know what it was about the grape tub, maybe it was an old flavor system, but I'll never look back since trying Lemon.

Purple Wraath was the prescription for two of my worst hurdles: recovery and endurance in the gym; and has been a core supplement for me ever since that first tub. There is no match to the PW in my opinon.


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man you guys are out of my league. some of these reviews are very professionally done, my hats off -some smart guys on here. wow, those are some great reviews.:thumbsup:


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man you guys are out of my league. some of these reviews are very professionally done, my hats off -some smart guys on here. wow, those are some great reviews.:thumbsup:

Hah! I know the feeling. I put it off and wasn't even going to try after seeing some of the initial submissions. Thankfully, the cutoff was extended for me to get over my initial intimidation.

Just try it, and once you start writing about something you are passionate about, you'll be surprised at what comes out!


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Hah! I know the feeling. I put it off and wasn't even going to try after seeing some of the initial submissions. Thankfully, the cutoff was extended for me to get over my initial intimidation.

Just try it, and once you start writing about something you are passionate about, you'll be surprised at what comes out!


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Hah! I know the feeling. I put it off and wasn't even going to try after seeing some of the initial submissions. Thankfully, the cutoff was extended for me to get over my initial intimidation.

Just try it, and once you start writing about something you are passionate about, you'll be surprised at what comes out!
i got in early on first page. looking back my review looks awful weak. no matter, i stand by stuff that works. control labs is kicking butt.:thumbsup:


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i got in early on first page. looking back my review looks awful weak. no matter, i stand by stuff that works. control labs is kicking butt.:thumbsup:
And kicking it hard. LOL


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its kinda funny tho. because the guys who wrote the best reviews aren't really posting again. the ones that are a little weaker stay active. if it were me judging i would have to go on a combination of activity and strength in post to show the dedication/perserverance along with the review for the winner.
lol. a shame and a blessing for different people that im not judging though huh ^^ :p


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its kinda funny tho. because the guys who wrote the best reviews aren't really posting again. the ones that are a little weaker stay active. if it were me judging i would have to go on a combination of activity and strength in post to show the dedication/perserverance along with the review for the winner.
lol. a shame and a blessing for different people that im not judging though huh ^^ :p
Are you implying something???

LOL, just kidding bro.:lol:


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well if i am and if i do stand by what i said then wouldn't that mean that i believe my review was weak? lol
i would support and push CL products onto anyone who ever was looking for a great product. thats how strong i believe in this company and thats how strong i believe in my review :-D


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White Flood. Just like advertised, a serving of this floods your system with nitric oxide, and enhances your energy, which usually in turn enhances your performance. If I ever feel tired, and don't truly feel 100% up to, as Ronnie Coleman would say, "Lift no heavy ass weights," I can just smile and gulp some of this down to give me a kick to the gym. It gives me that tingling feeling, which is something that gives me a real confidence boost, both to know that it's working, and to help pump some iron. In my opinion, it also mixes well. I mean, all you need is a blender, or even a shaker cup will do the trick. Once it's mixed with water, I also enjoy sticking it in the fridge to make White Flood Popsicles. Those are nice treats on a hot day before hitting the gym as well. The taste isn't the best, but nobody said something that's meant to get you out of bed and pumped to lift weights was going to taste like a donut with sprinkles. Besides, my buds are still able to easily detect the lemonade flavor that was put in there to hide the potent ingredients from your taste. My initial thoughts when I looked at the container was "awesome, an orange label" (face it, we all know that red and orange are symbols for power, so that was a nice choice). Then I opened it up. Well, the powder was the color described in the name, so, at least I knew I had gotten the right stuff (LOL). I gave the stuff a whiff and it wasn't a completely awful smell, but it was bad enough that I knew it was going to work:lol:. So what's the natural next thing to do... try it out, of course! I took the recommended dosage, which was smaller than normal, because I had to assess tolerance, and then hit the weights. To describe my success with it, let me offer up an equation. White Flood = Insane Energy, Great Pumps, and even Extra Motivation. Now we come back to the present, and I can tell you that I'm having just as good, if not better, results as the first time I took White Flood.


Reasoning: I gave it a perfect 10 because in my mind, it did just what it was supposed to do and more. Sure, the taste wasn't perfect, but nobody said it was supposed to be. It was only meant as a pre-workout enhancer, and it nailed that on the head.

Great job Controlled Labs on a great product.


Strong entry!!!! :thumbsup:


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Every supplement I've ever taken has been in direct response to a problem or limitation I've encountered in my training or recovery. After a few months back in the gym, I found I could not complete my training split within a week period (even though I had alotted plenty of rest time) due to an extended and painful recovery period. I would stay sore for far too long, and looked first to alter my diet, but after a few more weeks realized I needed something more or I would stall before even getting out of the starting gate.

I purchased Purple Wraath based on the overwhelming recommendations on the AnabolicMinds forums. In the first few weeks of following the suggested dosing protocols, I not only found my recovery time cut in half, but also with a few more weeks supplementation I found my endurance enhanced! See, the second reason I came to AnabolicMinds forums was to solve a strange problem that I assumed was caused by years of sedentary lifestyle (and was probably correct, lol). I found that I could barely complete 2 sets of my major muscle groups in the gym, and would reach failure far too quickly. This was a new problem for me, but after weeks of using Purple Wraath, I was finishing 3-4 full and intense sets. The positive endurance changes Purple Wraath induced were entirely a surprise, but after a little research I found that I could enhance it even further by supplementing just a bit more Beta-Alanine on top of my Purple Wraath. I didn't get my first flush until I added Body Octane to the mix, but I loved it! Haha, I know it is uncomfortable for some people, but I know that tingly feeling is going to translate to a more intense workout. Since that first day of passing through my endurance and recovery plateaus with the help of Purple Wraath, I have not been without it.

Taste and mixability reviews have little room in such an important and core supplement discussion in my opinion (shut up and drink, girlyman!), but I do have some advice for those looking to purchase their first tub (or second, lol). 1) When mixing, make sure to allow approximately 10-20 minutes back in the refrigerator to allow the aminos to fully dissolve. It is not something they like to do, so give it some patience. This is true with any amino acid powder. 2) Buy the lemon flavor. I don't know what it was about the grape tub, maybe it was an old flavor system, but I'll never look back since trying Lemon.

Purple Wraath was the prescription for two of my worst hurdles: recovery and endurance in the gym; and has been a core supplement for me ever since that first tub. There is no match to the PW in my opinon.

*on a side note, I appreciate you extending the duration of this contest, and hope you enjoyed my anecdotal feedback.

Very awesome entry here, looks like you put alot of thought and effort into it!! Thank you!!!! :head:


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its kinda funny tho. because the guys who wrote the best reviews aren't really posting again. the ones that are a little weaker stay active. if it were me judging i would have to go on a combination of activity and strength in post to show the dedication/perserverance along with the review for the winner.
lol. a shame and a blessing for different people that im not judging though huh ^^ :p
Good point, it's gonna be a tough judging!!! The CL team are going to lend a hand in helping me pick :D


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Hah! I know the feeling. I put it off and wasn't even going to try after seeing some of the initial submissions. Thankfully, the cutoff was extended for me to get over my initial intimidation.

Just try it, and once you start writing about something you are passionate about, you'll be surprised at what comes out!
Very well put :clap2:


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Good point, it's gonna be a tough judging!!! The CL team are going to lend a hand in helping me pick :D
you have a lot of solid entries, I have been very impressed reading them. :thumbsup:


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yah nice reviews .. gna be hard on CL to determine the winner


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well if i am and if i do stand by what i said then wouldn't that mean that i believe my review was weak? lol
i would support and push CL products onto anyone who ever was looking for a great product. thats how strong i believe in this company and thats how strong i believe in my review :-D
haha if all it took was standing for, and believing in, something we would have much better presidential candidates,lol. sorry just had to throw that in.:lol:


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Yes, this is going to be tough. You might end up having to split the winnings.


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dblakester. if you dont mind, why not put up a couple pix and update your profile and stuff bro. i love to see new faces on AM but i hate to see new profiles join and just start trying to take advantage of contests. just sayin....make yourself a little better know make us know who you are and i guarantee an improvement on your chances of getting chosen in the promos

yo sean....whos helping you judge (gotta know which wheels to grease :p )


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dblakester. if you dont mind, why not put up a couple pix and update your profile and stuff bro. i love to see new faces on AM but i hate to see new profiles join and just start trying to take advantage of contests. just sayin....make yourself a little better know make us know who you are and i guarantee an improvement on your chances of getting chosen in the promos

yo sean....whos helping you judge (gotta know which wheels to grease :p )
Trust me, I'm not. I've been supportin' CL everywhere. I just care about righting good, supporting reviews for CL. If they don't select me just because I don't have a picture I don't care.


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dblakester. if you dont mind, why not put up a couple pix and update your profile and stuff bro. i love to see new faces on AM but i hate to see new profiles join and just start trying to take advantage of contests. just sayin....make yourself a little better know make us know who you are and i guarantee an improvement on your chances of getting chosen in the promos

yo jon....whos helping you judge (gotta know which wheels to grease :p )
i agree dblake, get up an avatar!!! :)

The whole CL team... Pt, 5six, Tank, dracoy, bulldogz, cervasa, and myself


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Trust me, I'm not. I've been supportin' CL everywhere. I just care about righting good, supporting reviews for CL. If they don't select me just because I don't have a picture I don't care.
True that, your a very knowledgeable one. But I think he meant to distinguish yourself on the board.

We won't be judging the articles on the people's avatars :)


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There. Now while when you post you promote REDuction, I can promote White Flood.


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i'll be posting a glycergrow review soon :thumbsup:


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Testing New Signature 1, 2, 3

Yup, I'd say it works.

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