BPS Vanillean teams up with cheda



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Heck yeah man treat your self to a 23 ounces steak bud that's what I do well maybe two of them lol. Great job on the PR!!


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Nice man! Lookn forward to the update.


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Jan 21 day 21

Went into the gym feeling not so great about body comp- left the gym sweating all the water out and with my abs popping pretty nicely.. Very 3d looking at the top. The bottom, I've said before, is not looking great lol but I am eating mostly on surplus while losing bf.. So I won't nit-pick.

Workout started with 29minutes of HIIT on treadmill for 378 cals

Went on to my PT leg circuit
GH raise- 15 each leg
REar leg elevated split squat-12 each leg
Overhead press on bosu ball-10x bw+25lbs
Repeat for 3 total

Incline db press- 40x 8,8(warmup) 50x9, 60x6, 70x4 (PR) I have never focused on strength like I am at this point in my training career (10 years) aside from when I played football in hs and college.. I had a lot left probably 2-3 reps at 70.. I workout alone so this was no spot or lift help

High Machine flyes- 130x10, 135x8

Cable crosses single arm- 20lbsx20, 15

Chest dips- 15 x bw

Shoulders- definitely a PR for volume and weight.. Really pushing myself with these 10x5's, same for tri's and any other lift I utilize this method on.. It's grueling!
OH BB press- 10 sets of 125x5 reps (1 min rest btwn sets)

BB floor crushers- 10 sets of 70x5(1 min rest)

Leg press calf-10 plates total x20 x 3 sets (PR)
Donkey calf- rest pause 100 reps x 4 plates total

Ab work

Finished with 15 minutes of HIIT on recumbent for a total of 44minutes and 538 calories- total gym time 2 hours on the shnoz

I'm certain the progress will be visible by the end of the 4 weeks. This product has earned a spot in my aresenal and is very effective and versatile.

I will dose pre bed tonight as many others have been doing and see how / if it affects my dreams and overall sleep quality!


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Took VL at midnight when I got on bed.. It's 230 and in wide awake and BOILING hot .. :( lol


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damn bro dont take it like that, is it worth it to skip till morning next time?
Ppl have been taking at night and saying it helps with deeper sleep and vivid dreams... I can't fall asleep haha. "everyone's different"

I had to go pull my fan from summer out of The storage closet n plug it in .. It's 17 degrees outside. I'm on fire!


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i heard that was from endosurge not vanillean right, im taking endosurge right now and getting deep sleep and dreams


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i heard that was from endosurge not vanillean right, im taking endosurge right now and getting deep sleep and dreams
Prebed for the past few nights I've been doing 3mg melatonin, 1 SLINtensity, and a vanillean. Yeah, pretty vivid.
Funny I have all of that, I'll give it a shot.
Glad I'm not the only one getting this side.
I actually like them. They aren't detrimental to my sleep quality...quite the contrary.


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Jan 21 day 21

Went into the gym feeling not so great about body comp- left the gym sweating all the water out and with my abs popping pretty nicely.. Very 3d looking at the top. The bottom, I've said before, is not looking great lol but I am eating mostly on surplus while losing bf.. So I won't nit-pick.

Workout started with 29minutes of HIIT on treadmill for 378 cals

Went on to my PT leg circuit
GH raise- 15 each leg
REar leg elevated split squat-12 each leg
Overhead press on bosu ball-10x bw+25lbs
Repeat for 3 total

Incline db press- 40x 8,8(warmup) 50x9, 60x6, 70x4 (PR) I have never focused on strength like I am at this point in my training career (10 years) aside from when I played football in hs and college.. I had a lot left probably 2-3 reps at 70.. I workout alone so this was no spot or lift help

High Machine flyes- 130x10, 135x8

Cable crosses single arm- 20lbsx20, 15

Chest dips- 15 x bw

Shoulders- definitely a PR for volume and weight.. Really pushing myself with these 10x5's, same for tri's and any other lift I utilize this method on.. It's grueling!
OH BB press- 10 sets of 125x5 reps (1 min rest btwn sets)

BB floor crushers- 10 sets of 70x5(1 min rest)

Leg press calf-10 plates total x20 x 3 sets (PR)
Donkey calf- rest pause 100 reps x 4 plates total

Ab work

Finished with 15 minutes of HIIT on recumbent for a total of 44minutes and 538 calories- total gym time 2 hours on the shnoz

I'm certain the progress will be visible by the end of the 4 weeks. This product has earned a spot in my aresenal and is very effective and versatile.

I will dose pre bed tonight as many others have been doing and see how / if it affects my dreams and overall sleep quality!
Very nice!


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Thanks guys. I'm definitely not a fan of the pre bed dose lol. Heading to school and gonna hit back / bis/ traps between classes. Got about 75g of protein and some recoverpro to hold me over post workout til I get home for dinner. Gonna try out the prodigy sample that ricky sent me. Ihope I don't scare the freshman in the gym lol


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So you are saying VL actually kepted you up?


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Thanks guys. I'm definitely not a fan of the pre bed dose lol. Heading to school and gonna hit back / bis/ traps between classes. Got about 75g of protein and some recoverpro to hold me over post workout til I get home for dinner. Gonna try out the prodigy sample that ricky sent me. Ihope I don't scare the freshman in the gym lol
Did you take anything else with it?


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I was just gonna ask that. I have absolutely no issues with VL keeping me up. It's not a stimulant. But folks are all different.


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I was just gonna ask that. I have absolutely no issues with VL keeping me up. It's not a stimulant. But folks are all different.
Some users do get an indirect Nor-adrenaline release, but the effect is pretty small.


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You took a pre workout before bed? That most definitely the culprit.


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Nooo hah I took prodigy today before my workout at 3 lol. Last night I tool nothing but VL hah
How'd it treat you bro? Also I tried the 1 cap pre bed last night...went to bed about 230am woke up at 1030am feeling great...going to try pre bed again and see if it's still nice but our bodies all react different of course


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How'd it treat you bro? Also I tried the 1 cap pre bed last night...went to bed about 230am woke up at 1030am feeling great...going to try pre bed again and see if it's still nice but our bodies all react different of course
It really got me jacked up to lift. But I think I went too heavy again on my 10x5 sets to start and it quickly took the wind out of my sails mentally. I lowered the weight around my 3rd set on lat pulls and BB curls (10x5) and was able to get nice contraction and pump in target muscles.

My auxiliary lifts inwas very strong in. In gonna play out this 10x5 for a full two - 3 weeks - next week I increase weight by 10lbs and go 10x4 .. Then another 10 pounds and 10x3. So I'm hoping the decreased reps will actually yield the best gains. It's something I've never tried before and although I'm not CRAZY about it.. I couldn't keep my curiosity at bay any longer!


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just posting up todays workout.

no cardio but did play some 21 after lifting for 45 mins until my night class started

warmup 1 set of hammer chins BWx15

v bar lat pulls- 140 (equal to 180 at my regular gym) x 5, 5, 5 had to drop to 130x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5- 10 total sets of 5

1 arm db rows- 2 warmup sets of 35lbs x 8. 60x9, 65x6, 75x4- way too light.. but this was the dictated rep scheme and my school gym doesnt have anything higher than 75lb db's... gonna have to sub this lift next week :( or go higher reps, havent decided

rear dealts/mid back
1 arm bent over laterals - 2 sets of 10 at 25lbs

rack shrugs (bent over)- saw DW i believe doing these last week in a video he posted or SOMEONE- 135x12, 145x10

bb curls- 85x5, 5, 5 had to drop to 75x5,5,5,5,4,5,5- will do 10x80x4 next week.

assorted db wrist curls

tomorrow im doing 10x5 deads and hiit cardio and full legs and abs after class... yeaaaa then i get to work all night. if it wsnt for work and school, id be a beast. :) someone pay me to train ;)

taking my VL again soon for my bedtime dose. really hope last nights insomnia attack was a sheer coincidence.. i need some zzzz


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Nice workout brother you are in the beast mode for sure. Hope you get some good zzzzz I know i didn't haha


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Nice workout brother you are in the beast mode for sure. Hope you get some good zzzzz I know i didn't haha
I wish I could say I did. My school work and training schedules just don't jive. The old me would have stayed in bed, but I'm going to class. I have to drive an hour for a one hour class. It's bs. Idk how im gonna do cardio. I can lift tired but not run .

Do u guys all think 10x5 trap deads is overkill??


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Never done them so can't say, but I love trap deads. I hit 505 in high school and trying to get there again soon. For me it's all bout what and how you feel. If you did a ton of squats on same day yeah that might be but it depends on your other workouts or lifts that day.


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I wish I could say I did. My school work and training schedules just don't jive. The old me would have stayed in bed, but I'm going to class. I have to drive an hour for a one hour class. It's bs. Idk how im gonna do cardio. I can lift tired but not run .

Do u guys all think 10x5 trap deads is overkill??
As in 10 sets of 5? That can be a very effective setup, it just depends on the rest of the workout. If that's your main focus for the entire training session and you only do a few accessories, like maybe abs, hammies and hip work, that could be awesome.

Advanced GVT utilizes a very similar setup.


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As in 10 sets of 5? That can be a very effective setup, it just depends on the rest of the workout. If that's your main focus for the entire training session and you only do a few accessories, like maybe abs, hammies and hip work, that could be awesome.

Advanced GVT utilizes a very similar setup.
Yes, that's the focus..10x5 for 225lbs

Accessory will be

Goblet squats 3x8-10 or 10-12
Leg curls and extensions superset 3x12-15
Hip add and abduction 4-5 pyramid sets with drop at end
Hypers n maybe Swiss ball hip thrusts / glute bridges To loosen up after deads
Calves- heavy seated and rest pause standing 100

Some HIIT bc im a sicko doing sprints on leg day

Next week would be 10x4 for 235/240 depending

Edit- I dud back yesterday :/ = only thing thst worries me recovery wise I might try to rework the split or add a rest day to break up the 5 day straight of lifting :/


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VL update

So I'm feeling VERY lean in lower belly (biggest/only real problem area at this point) and I love it. Passing the pinch test with daily reduction in adipose feeling .. Whats more, again, I am on a BULK for diet and training.. This is some of the lowest volume/intensity I have done in my entire life.. What's EVEN more is that my meal TIMING is FAR FROM OPTIMAL for fat loss.... I'm talking like 2 hours before bed, large gaps in between meals... Etc.. Just not the way one would go about losing body fat... Yet I am! :) thumbs up bps..

So how long can one use this stuff before a suggested break ;) I would love to add to my alphamine next month and extend the log but funds r HITTTTTT and just got big medical bill from my endo. feb will also be a lean bulk but with lots of support supps like anabeta, anabolic pump, alphamine, hghpro, condense, MCC and forskolin 95. Will also be switching to an 8x8 Vince gironda program which I've used before and had killer recomp effects. I was planning on using rk500 to stack with alphamine, but maybe we could try out the "alphalean" stack as coined by natty !


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VL update

So I'm feeling VERY lean in lower belly (biggest/only real problem area at this point) and I love it. Passing the pinch test with daily reduction in adipose feeling .. Whats more, again, I am on a BULK for diet and training.. This is some of the lowest volume/intensity I have done in my entire life.. What's EVEN more is that my meal TIMING is FAR FROM OPTIMAL for fat loss.... I'm talking like 2 hours before bed, large gaps in between meals... Etc.. Just not the way one would go about losing body fat... Yet I am! :) thumbs up bps..

So how long can one use this stuff before a suggested break ;) I would love to add to my alphamine next month and extend the log but funds r HITTTTTT and just got big medical bill from my endo. feb will also be a lean bulk but with lots of support supps like anabeta, anabolic pump, alphamine, hghpro, condense, MCC and forskolin 95. Will also be switching to an 8x8 Vince gironda program which I've used before and had killer recomp effects. I was planning on using rk500 to stack with alphamine, but maybe we could try out the "alphalean" stack as coined by natty !
Bro! I got an extra bottle of VL was going to run 8 weeks but have to start winny sooner then I though so I can only do my log for 6 weeks instead of 8 which leaves me with half a bottle....I have your address...ill be sending you half a bottle tomorrow :) then you can run it 6 weeks along side your boy :D


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VL update

So I'm feeling VERY lean in lower belly (biggest/only real problem area at this point) and I love it. Passing the pinch test with daily reduction in adipose feeling .. Whats more, again, I am on a BULK for diet and training.. This is some of the lowest volume/intensity I have done in my entire life.. What's EVEN more is that my meal TIMING is FAR FROM OPTIMAL for fat loss.... I'm talking like 2 hours before bed, large gaps in between meals... Etc.. Just not the way one would go about losing body fat... Yet I am! :) thumbs up bps..

So how long can one use this stuff before a suggested break ;) I would love to add to my alphamine next month and extend the log but funds r HITTTTTT and just got big medical bill from my endo. feb will also be a lean bulk but with lots of support supps like anabeta, anabolic pump, alphamine, hghpro, condense, MCC and forskolin 95. Will also be switching to an 8x8 Vince gironda program which I've used before and had killer recomp effects. I was planning on using rk500 to stack with alphamine, but maybe we could try out the "alphalean" stack as coined by natty !
Very interested in seeing how you set that 8*8 log up my man. Might be something I give a run later on (though my next 9 weeks are already planned).


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Bro! I got an extra bottle of VL was going to run 8 weeks but have to start winny sooner then I though so I can only do my log for 6 weeks instead of 8 which leaves me with half a bottle....I have your address...ill be sending you half a bottle tomorrow :) then you can run it 6 weeks along side your boy :D
What a guy! I'm down. Thank you!

I'd buy another bottle but I literally scraped coins for gas money to get to school today haha. I wont be comfortable again til the mid of feb. I already purchased everything I needed or had it on hand!

Very interested in seeing how you set that 8*8 log up my man. Might be something I give a run later on (though my next 9 weeks are already planned).
I used it last year around this time.. It's NOT for strength. But I'm gonna use it for only 3 weeks. Then hit up brosers power/rep range/shock. That's why I'm milking this 5x5 / 10x5 for as long as I can before I miss higher rep stuff!


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Bro! I got an extra bottle of VL was going to run 8 weeks but have to start winny sooner then I though so I can only do my log for 6 weeks instead of 8 which leaves me with half a bottle....I have your address...ill be sending you half a bottle tomorrow :) then you can run it 6 weeks along side your boy :D
All he does is give, give, give.....
Good man.


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What a guy! I'm down. Thank you!

I'd buy another bottle but I literally scraped coins for gas money to get to school today haha. I wont be comfortable again til the mid of feb. I already purchased everything I needed or had it on hand!

I used it last year around this time.. It's NOT for strength. But I'm gonna use it for only 3 weeks. Then hit up brosers power/rep range/shock. That's why I'm milking this 5x5 / 10x5 for as long as I can before I miss higher rep stuff!
Don't worry brother I've been there before I think we all have at some point searched the dryer and couch for money for gas or in my case food growing up lol I grew up with a druggie father and in a very poverty stricken home and life so I understand even tho your case isn't that extreme medical bills suck!!!!! So it's my pleasure bro ill send you some samples I have around to of various things just to help hold you over til you get stuff straight :) now lets kill these logs my friend
All he does is give, give, give.....
Good man.
That's what life is all about brother I get more pleasure in giving then receiving by far but thank you for noticing brother


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Don't worry brother I've been there before I think we all have at some point searched the dryer and couch for money for gas or in my case food growing up lol I grew up with a druggie father and in a very poverty stricken home and life so I understand even tho your case isn't that extreme medical bills suck!!!!! So it's my pleasure bro ill send you some samples I have around to of various things just to help hold you over til you get stuff straight :) now lets kill these logs my friend
Thanks again. I'll return the favor when I am in position. for u and others!


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Ok so I got to the gym at 330 istesd of 3. I know I need two hours to workout when I have cardio and abs and I just couldn't get here early enough. I am on bike doing my HIIT right now then must get to work!

This workout was intense. I worked with a pace that I hoped would let me get ECERYTHING DONE but I am going to have to skip abs and calves- this is OK bc my core received intense work from the 10x5 deads and goblet squats on a bosu ball flipped upside down. My calves took a beating from my begininning cardio. And I will just hit them tomorrow (alreDy worked them directly Monday) I will do abs tomorrow and Saturday (instead of today and Friday) Saturday I can do at home all bodyweight floor exercises in a circuit format.

Sweat and heat thru the roof. I feel like I'm cutting right now and I'm not trying.. I have a hard Time dialing back intensity.. The only way I don't work hard is if I don't workout at all.

Without further adieu --

Cardio mix of LISS and HIIT for 35 mins 416 cals (way too much, was foolish on my part)

Trap deads- 225lbs for 10 sets of 5- 1minute rest strict

Followed Thise with a set of weighted hypers and Straihht leg deads to stretch as well as a set of hip thrusts on a Swiss ball to open the hips back up.

Jumped on an upside down bosu for 3 sets of 10 goblet squats with a 50lb KB- 30 seconds strict rest ass to ground

Onto leg curl and extension super set for 15 reps. 3 sets at 120lbs both

Hit up abductors and adductors in Straihht thru sets at 90, 110, 130 dropset to 100 all for 15 reps (4 total sets each)

And now I'm on recumb bike for hiit. Will edit final cardio numbers after work.

I did take my VL last night pre bed and slept fine albeit not enough... I think I like my 3 cap a day before meals best tho as my results r speaking for themselves. Just starting to feel doms from Monday and Tuesday workouts lol.. What's up w that?

Progress pic-- 23 days in taken this afternoon



Chest looks funny but it's not like that otherwise lol just angle/way I'm holding camera and stuff


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Oh **** wicked pic updates brother C! Dude I'm telling you your beasting it up every day. I can't wait to see you at 190 to 205


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I am testing out few supplements before setting up a final plan.

I took some Vanillean for 2 days and immediate effect I felt was during sleep. I think I slept 4 hours each night and did not feel tired the next day.....hmmmmm. Also, I have had some crazy dreams. Very vivid. This morning, I woke up thinking I was bit by a black widow spider. I swear I felt the pain. Then realized I was dreaming.


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I am testing out few supplements before setting up a final plan.

I took some Vanillean for 2 days and immediate effect I felt was during sleep. I think I slept 4 hours each night and did not feel tired the next day.....hmmmmm. Also, I have had some crazy dreams. Very vivid. This morning, I woke up thinking I was bit by a black widow spider. I swear I felt the pain. Then realized I was dreaming.
a spider? Not a hot Norwegian blonde?


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I am testing out few supplements before setting up a final plan.I took some Vanillean for 2 days and immediate effect I felt was during sleep. I think I slept 4 hours each night and did not feel tired the next day.....hmmmmm. Also, I have had some crazy dreams. Very vivid. This morning, I woke up thinking I was bit by a black widow spider. I swear I felt the pain. Then realized I was dreaming.
I had some grotesque dreams last night. Makes me wonder where the influences come from.


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a spider? Not a hot Norwegian blonde?
I wish. Haha. It was so real.

Maybe it was Katie Upton and biting was her thing. Wonder what I am going to dream about tonight...

I saw clips of the Mercedes Super Bowl commercial with her in it while sweating up a storm doing cardio. Literally puddles under where I had my arm.

Come in Katie.....come in my dream...


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I had some grotesque dreams last night. Makes me wonder where the influences come from.
I am glad I am not the only one.


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Oh **** wicked pic updates brother C! Dude I'm telling you your beasting it up every day. I can't wait to see you at 190 to 205
Thanks hulk. I am 169-170 now an as lean as i was at 150-55 last year.. If only I could fill in my flattttassss muscles.... Been on creatine 2 weeks. Waiting for it to kic in!


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I am testing out few supplements before setting up a final plan.

I took some Vanillean for 2 days and immediate effect I felt was during sleep. I think I slept 4 hours each night and did not feel tired the next day.....hmmmmm. Also, I have had some crazy dreams. Very vivid. This morning, I woke up thinking I was bit by a black widow spider. I swear I felt the pain. Then realized I was dreaming.
Did u dose pre bed at all?


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Total cardio was 51 minutes for 578 cals yesterday (leg day)

On a side note- these androderm patches I've been on since October for trt r the itchiest most annoying things ever. I can't take it anymore (i say this at least once a week)

I NEED to get my dr to prescribe injections. Gels did not work for me. I would try them again, but I hated the rebound symptoms when I used the gel for 3 days.. All the low T feelings came
Right back.

Sorry off topic just needed to vent; ****s keeping me up at night now.


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No need to apologize for venting. That's what we're here for, right? Now get back in the gym and lift! :D


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No need to apologize for venting. That's what we're here for, right? Now get back in the gym and lift! :D
Yes sir.

Chest, shoulders, tri's and abs (ran out of time for them yesterday)

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