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  1. Trt dosages of test for a cycle? Will I need pct?

    So first off, I’m a noob to pinning and this will be my first actual “cycle” involving pinning, only cycle I’ve done before were epi-andro and an ostarine cycle (prohormones and serms). I was wondering what the suppression, if any, would look like if I decided to just take maybe 100mg per week...
  2. Unanswered Guesstimate my bf%

    Don’t sugar coat it. I’m thinking 25%, I did take this after eating my first meal and training, so I did get some creatine water bloat but I don’t want to rely on that info to try and sugar coat myself about my weight
  3. Unanswered Clomid only cycle for naturally low test? Will you keep it after stopping?

    NOT A PCT QUESTION! So I’ve been looking into this low dose clomid cycle that people are often put on by docs for a month or 2 as a last resort before going into trt to for life. Seems to have pretty promising testosterone gains for guys with low test, what I’m wondering though and am having...
  4. Unanswered Anyone ever run rad-140? experience? pics?

    Thinking of running this as my second cycle, first ever cycle was a 12 week cycle of epiandro (prohormone) and loved it. it actually did make me feel alpha a'f like the bottle marketing said it would lol. any, that was 5 months ago and im really intrigued with rad 140 now. unfortunately i can't...
  5. Unanswered Gyno on Rad-140?

    I’m just curious and inquiring about a future potential cycle. Thinking of doing 8 weeks of rad 140 at 15mg Ed. Pps website and all other websites with info on this compound says it doesn’t aromatize or cause any serious side effects, but I’ve been seeing threads with people claiming Gyno sides...
  6. Unanswered What are the best(well dosed) PH brands/websites right now?

    Heard Olympus labs was good, so i did my first ever cycle of 3 epi andro with their brand. i remember the euphoria off the epi was amazing and i have no doubt that they're not one of the under dosed brands based on my experience. But i can't seem to find Olympus labs brand 1ad and 4ad for this...
  7. Unanswered Question about 1AD+4AD+ 3 epi andro cycle dosage

    second cycle. My first was 3 epi andro . I was noticing a lot of people who stack these three seem to go with low dosages for all 3. I plan on taking the cycle for 6 weeks and was wondering what a good dosage would be for all three. In the past I did epi at 750 mg per day for 6 weeks But I see...
  8. Unanswered Why am I getting NEW stretch marks on stomach while losing weight?

    I’m on a cut as of right now, running an epi andro cycle only, not stacked with anything else. 750mg a day, so far my stomach has noticeably gone down and strength gone up but somehow I’m getting NEW RED STRETCH MARKS, on my stomach area. I’ve searched but all the other threads I find are about...
  9. Unanswered Anyone able to keep confidence you get from cycle?

    I’m on day 4 of just epi andro and this thing already hit me for being such a mild ph. I feel alpha as fukk and I swear somehow woman have been noticing me even more and going out of their way to talk to me. This isn’t in my head, I swear. Every girl I’ve talked to has been super flirty lately...
  10. Unanswered Epi-andro cycle only with no SERM?

    THIS IS A EPI-ANDRO CYCLE ONLY! No other prohormones. Ok, yes i know its recommended to always get an actual serm for your pct. and i did plan on it/ still do but when i posted my cycle on here, one of the members said its very mild and ill be fine with super pct from ol (OTC PCT. anyone else...
  11. Unanswered Critique my first PH cycle? (Epi-Andro)

    Plan is to just have a mild cut/recomp. Not looking to get huge or get crazy amounts of results. Let me know your thoughts or reccomendations gonna be running Olympus labs super epi elite 500mg per day for 6 weeks On cycle support i still havent bought, would love some recommendations of a...
  12. Can someone explain pct/serm dosing? Yes I’ve searched

    i had found a thread on here about the guide to serms but I can’t find the link anymore. Anyways I know clomid is supposed to be 25mg a day but why do people write it as 25/25/10/10? Does that mean 25 for the first 2 weeks and then narrow it down to 10? For 4 weeks?
  13. Has anyone actually experienced mood swings on Clomid?

    Im planning on taking this for my PCT. I know its supposed to have the possibility of making you feel over emotional, was just wondering to what extent. was it just mood swings from happy to mad? or were you straight up actually crying like a little girl?
  14. Research chemicals, anyone have a bad/bunk experience?

    Little paranoid about these online pharms and finding them. So thinking of running a research experiment but I’m also sketched about not getting the real deal for my chemicals. Just wondering if anyone’s had bad experiences. Yes, I’ve checked the sponsored sellers
  15. First PH cycle, what kind of pct for epiandro?

    Planning on taking Sup3r epi by Olympus labs, but am having a hard time finding proper info on pct. was thinking clomid but not sure if this is overkill since it doesn’t produce too much estrogen. If so, at what dosage? And I know this is a noob question but does clomid come in pill form or you...