How to "pulse" orals

Leggo my Ego

Leggo my Ego

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I like Ergo too, but on a straight cycle the sides for me were rough. Really high BP. I plan on incorporating it into a pulse protocol. That would be stellar


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I like Ergo too, but on a straight cycle the sides for me were rough. Really high BP. I plan on incorporating it into a pulse protocol. That would be stellar
I get some sweet aggression from ERGO,.. (and some sweet supression after week 3)
ERGO and AD would be a hell of a pulse..

And, of sourse, you can make Super ERGO... where you ERGO with Phera


Why? You'd get maximum bounce before bed on off nights.
I was thinking about this...wouldn't it make sense to take the HDX2 and/or retain 2 before bed on the 'ON' days. Assuming someone would dose in the morning, you would allow your body to recover that night and enjoy the 'bounce' the following day.

Maybe I don't quite understand how it works....


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Now my current Bulk Powerfull and 6-OXO are like this:

1. Morning 3/4 tsp bulk Powerfull before cardio / breakfast

2. Before WO 1/4 tsp bulk Powerfull

3. Before Bed 3/4 bulk Powerfull & 600mg ( 1/4 tsp ) 6-OXO

How would u recommend taking new powerfull caps on off days of a sdrol 10 mg pulse 3/wk for a 205lbs guy (in da past I took 9 caps of old powerful qd for post cycle therapy I ll probaly run either retain2, 6oxo, 11 oxo or mayb RPM, (I have read where some guys have talked about running RPM qd at lower dosages) with da powerfull on off days. Just wondering how what you guys think about that pulse
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I was thinking about this...wouldn't it make sense to take the HDX2 and/or retain 2 before bed on the 'ON' days. Assuming someone would dose in the morning, you would allow your body to recover that night and enjoy the 'bounce' the following day.

Maybe I don't quite understand how it works....
I get the most bounce the morning after taking something.
I really dont get anything (maybe maintain some level of it) on OFF days.

Just take the AI every day if you can. Take the night you dose before bed, and the next morning if you want to conserve.


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I was thinking about this...wouldn't it make sense to take the HDX2 and/or retain 2 before bed on the 'ON' days. Assuming someone would dose in the morning, you would allow your body to recover that night and enjoy the 'bounce' the following day.

Maybe I don't quite understand how it works....
Yes, especially if you dose the anabolic before noon that's fine to take the HD that night, but I still wouldn't use a cortisol antagonist at night. I'd suppress cortisol expression first thing in the morning and early/mid afternoon when cortisol is generally at it's highest.


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I'd suppress cortisol expression first thing in the morning and early/mid afternoon when cortisol is generally at it's highest.
Dr. D at which point in time that cortisol is the highest, right upon waking or mid-afternoon?

Say if for example I'm taking 3 caps of cortisol control, should I take 2 caps in the morning and 1 cap at mid-afternoon or should I take 1 cap in the morning and 2 cap at mid afternoon?


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I think you'd want to switch the superdrol pre phera post due to their androgenic levels. Other than that, i'm just not sure the gains on that would be any better than many other supplements that cary 0 risk and 0 sides. Over that sames 6 months you could do 3 cycles of X Factor for instance, and probably get better gains than in the 12 days you took 40mg of anabolics, with no risk of anything on x factor. Granted, more expensive. Or even p-slin, or any of a handful of others (Jungle warfare?).

Dunno really, thats just my thoughts.


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Dr. D at which point in time that cortisol is the highest, right upon waking or mid-afternoon?

Say if for example I'm taking 3 caps of cortisol control, should I take 2 caps in the morning and 1 cap at mid-afternoon or should I take 1 cap in the morning and 2 cap at mid afternoon?
At both of those points during the day cortisol spikes, or anytime fasting it stays elevated. Just to keep it simple, I dose 3x/day (6am, noon, 6pm).

Also, try not to take DHEA after 6pm if possible or melatonin later than midnight. That's kind of a different issue though.


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I can hear just hear the replies to this concept – “Dear God, no!” and “Six months on methyls!” ... Is this idea a waste of time, or worth trying?
Yes, but it's only 13 doses (520mg total androgen load) over 6 months instead of over 1 month like a standard pulse cycle, so the typical methyl concerns are a non-issue! All of your assertions would be accurate. It would necessarily help those heavy days, and you would have nothing but big bounces that were quite disproportionate to any transient shutdown.

I would go a bit further and say do at least 1 dose a wk instead of every 2 wks though. I think you'd get the same type of response your shooting for here, but with far greater efficiency. Once a week could be done indefinitely, for years straight theoretically. The toxicity would be so diluted, all you'd notice would be gains favored over time.


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At both of those points during the day cortisol spikes, or anytime fasting it stays elevated. Just to keep it simple, I dose 3x/day (6am, noon, 6pm).

Also, try not to take DHEA after 6pm if possible or melatonin later than midnight. That's kind of a different issue though.
Ah nice, ok I'll follow your protocol :thumbsup:


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Yes, but it's only 13 doses (520mg total androgen load) over 6 months instead of over 1 month like a standard pulse cycle, so the typical methyl concerns are a non-issue! All of your assertions would be accurate. It would necessarily help those heavy days, and you would have nothing but big bounces that were quite disproportionate to any transient shutdown.

I would go a bit further and say do at least 1 dose a wk instead of every 2 wks though. I think you'd get the same type of response your shooting for here, but with far greater efficiency. Once a week could be done indefinitely, for years straight theoretically. The toxicity would be so diluted, all you'd notice would be gains favored over time.

Hmm interestingly too on one bottle of each that would mean you'd only need a bottle of each to go a year. I'd imagine that too the bounce would likely end up with the user having higher natural levels this way. hmmm

I guess heres a related question. Whats the lowest dose of either superdrol or pheraplex (taken individually) or the combo as above that makes sense to take whether on a conventional pulse or as the above? Would there be any benefit at all in a 2x weekly 10mg superdrol dose? Say monday/thurs. Or would at least 20mg be required to provide noticeable effects? And would a 10/10 super/phera make sense?


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I hear you. Products like those you mention don't do much for me (someone who has been lifting weights for 20 years).

Jungle Warfare seems to have some anabolic properties based on some of the threads I've read. PA started one I think.
Have you ever taken any of the 6-bromo based supps? seem like more of a recomp tool than mass gainer, but also very low suppression if any and no liver issues. Theres also the handful of non-methyl designers too, which just would help with the low toxicity thing


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... I guess heres a related question. Whats the lowest dose of either superdrol or pheraplex (taken individually) or the combo as above that makes sense to take whether on a conventional pulse or as the above? Would there be any benefit at all in a 2x weekly 10mg superdrol dose? Say monday/thurs. Or would at least 20mg be required to provide noticeable effects? And would a 10/10 super/phera make sense?
A low dose (20mg) will be strictly additive, like a bump in the road. A higher dose (40-60mg) will have a more significant benefit obviously and be enough to cause a temporary dip after that bump. The higher dose is needed to achieve the bounce, because you can't bounce without a dip.

The 2x/wk low dose has it's place and the high dose once every wk or two does also. It just depends on you. Give both a 1 month trial and see what you think before you implement one or the other.


Thank you for the advice bro! :D

How was your experience running superdrol and Ergo for 5 weeks? Did it went smoothly without too many sides?

Makes me wanna try it out if it went well. :D
Im on about week 8 of SD/Ergo. Been very good to me im up 25lbs mabe a little fat gain but im Ecto so it is welcome. Strength way up, intenisty, some days I just wanna beat the sh*t out of people and I take that to the gym and have a hellua workout. Im fairly suppressed after about week 4 of pulsing, low libido and shrunk testies but all in all 8 weeks with little sex is worth how I look and feel now. Dont want to get off.

Whats the best test booster right when I get off cycle? Gonna use some Activate Ext. about 3-4 weeks into pct. Im thing Nolv/Clomid combo low doses and maby powerfull?


if you are 'fairly supressed' then just do normal doses of nolva/clomid, not 'low doses'


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Im on about week 8 of superdrol/Ergo. Been very good to me im up 25lbs mabe a little fat gain but im Ecto so it is welcome. Strength way up, intenisty, some days I just wanna beat the sh*t out of people and I take that to the gym and have a hellua workout. Im fairly suppressed after about week 4 of pulsing, low libido and shrunk testies but all in all 8 weeks with little sex is worth how I look and feel now. Dont want to get off.

Whats the best test booster right when I get off cycle? Gonna use some Activate Ext. about 3-4 weeks into post cycle therapy. Im thing Nolv/Clomid combo low doses and maby powerfull?
try running a serm inverm to a AI ..also look into Massfx for a nice natty test booster


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Im on about week 8 of superdrol/Ergo. Been very good to me im up 25lbs mabe a little fat gain but im Ecto so it is welcome. Strength way up, intenisty, some days I just wanna beat the sh*t out of people and I take that to the gym and have a hellua workout. Im fairly suppressed after about week 4 of pulsing, low libido and shrunk testies but all in all 8 weeks with little sex is worth how I look and feel now. Dont want to get off.
Wow! That is awesome progress, what was your dosing like?

Did you get any other sides other than feeling suppressed? Gyno sign, hair loss or anything else?

Whats the best test booster right when I get off cycle? Gonna use some Activate Ext. about 3-4 weeks into post cycle therapy. Im thing Nolv/Clomid combo low doses and maby powerfull?
This is my plan for Post Cycle Therapy:

Anabolic Innovations Cycle Support (Help with liver regeneration)
SNS Inhibit-E (ATD estrogen control)
Designers Supplements Lean Xtreme (7-OH cortisol control)
USPLabs PowerFULL (Test and GH booster)

**Nolvadex (I've got plenty of these, but after Dr. D's recommendation I will only it if it is absolutely necessary)

Another good test booster I know is probably Axis Labs HyperTest, you might want to look into that.

I'm planning to try out HyperTest for my future cycle, but for my current one I will only use Powerfull.

I don't think you would need both Nolva and Clomid at the same time, Nolva by itself should sufficient in my opinion, maybe Dr. D can chime in. :)


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Dr. D

I was wondering what dosages would be for caps of new powerfull off days for a low dose superdrol pulse. I may increase the dosage as the weeks go by but in the past BP and others sides where not acceptable to me so I think I will try 10 3xwk for the first week and a half to two weeks cause it seems that superdrol has a long half life based on past cycles. I dosed it low with an on and off kinda of cycles last summer just to help with sides and I gained an incredible amount of weight and strength (for me anyway) about 25 lbs (I was eating about 6,000 kcals qd) in 2 months including post cycle therapy and I keep a lot of it for about till now when I have started cutting fat. Also I wanted to know what you think of using RPM on off days for test boost and anti-cort properties with the powerfull. If any one else has thoughts about this please let me know

Praising the Most High God


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Okay, I think I might try the once a week pulse then. After several months of that pulsing schedule I'll report back on the results. :thumbsup:
Good idea. I've never tried pheraplex or superdrol, but I would like to do something like that with, say, epi. Maybe a bit more frequent, as epi is not very powerful. How about twice a week at 40 mg? There would be literally no chance at shutdown at that point I would think.

Excuse me if that idea has already been posted in this thread, but it is a long thread to read!


Wow! That is awesome progress, what was your dosing like?

Did you get any other sides other than feeling suppressed? Gyno sign, hair loss or anything else?

I don't think you would need both Nolva and Clomid at the same time, Nolva by itself should sufficient in my opinion, maybe Dr. D can chime in. :)
It varied started off 30mg of each then started to bump up the super drol to 60mg at the most wasent very consistant in dosing but it got the job done. I work 12 shifts with rotating days off so i have 2days on 3off 2on 2 off 3on @ work so i just took my doses on the 2-3days that I was off and that I could work out and the other 2-3 days that I worked I took nothing.

I have the Nolva Clomid combo. Im not worried about estrogen control/gyno just want to get my boys back (clomid will do that) and get my libido back. Bad libido was the only side I had period. In past straight cycles I usually get sick but this one has been great and feeling and looking good. :head:


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It varied started off 30mg of each then started to bump up the super drol to 60mg at the most wasent very consistant in dosing but it got the job done. I work 12 shifts with rotating days off so i have 2days on 3off 2on 2 off 3on @ work so i just took my doses on the 2-3days that I was off and that I could work out and the other 2-3 days that I worked I took nothing.

I have the Nolva Clomid combo. Im not worried about estrogen control/gyno just want to get my boys back (clomid will do that) and get my libido back. Bad libido was the only side I had period. In past straight cycles I usually get sick but this one has been great and feeling and looking good. :head:
Holy ****, 60 mg of SD, that's crazy :eek:

You are correct about the clomid, maybe just use the clomid should be enough, I have read somewhere a post written by Krzna where he mentioned a good dosing protocol for clomid, but can't remember where


You figure your only taking 60mg for 2-3 days of the week compared to a straight cycle taking 10-20mg per day every day. Yea wish I had clomid by itself but its pre mixed.

6'6 225lbs btw still got room to grow.


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Yes, but it's only 13 doses (520mg total androgen load) over 6 months instead of over 1 month like a standard pulse cycle, so the typical methyl concerns are a non-issue! All of your assertions would be accurate. It would necessarily help those heavy days, and you would have nothing but big bounces that were quite disproportionate to any transient shutdown.

I would go a bit further and say do at least 1 dose a wk instead of every 2 wks though. I think you'd get the same type of response your shooting for here, but with far greater efficiency. Once a week could be done indefinitely, for years straight theoretically. The toxicity would be so diluted, all you'd notice would be gains favored over time.
Hey Doc--I've been toying with a similar idea for a long time. I can do my entire workout in 3 consecutive days. So I'm considering taking SD (stacked with 1-4 Andro, because I happen to have tons of both) on my 3 workout days, followed by 2 days of mini (micro?)-PCT (I'm not sure what compounds), then 2 days of nothing, and then repeating every week. (I think I'd call this "micro-cycling" rather than "pulsing.") Do you think I could do this indefinitely, or would a full PCT be necessary every few months?
Also, I'm pretty sure I can get my entire workout done in 2 consecutive days, if I workout twice each day. Then I'd be taking the SD/1-4 Andro stack only 2 days per week, maybe eliminating the need for any "micro-PCT" at all. Which approach would you prefer?


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PS: How come sometimes when I submit a post, it wont let me abbreviate Post Cycle Therapy? It looks kinda retarded.:think:


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At both of those points during the day cortisol spikes, or anytime fasting it stays elevated. Just to keep it simple, I dose 3x/day (6am, noon, 6pm).

Also, try not to take DHEA after 6pm if possible or melatonin later than midnight. That's kind of a different issue though.
no melatonin after midnight....why????


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Hey D,

I have some questions for my change of plans. I will list the supplements I have and hopefully u can help ur boy out. I know this playing with my hormones and all but what kind of neg effect will pulsing have on me while trying to have a baby?

New Plan: 12 week pulse maybe longer? Whats the longest u would ok with? I want to go 4x week but will prob stick to 3x. Depending on the length of pulse.

ErgoMax LMG, Superdrol. Epistane.

I want to run 6 week of Ergo Pre-workout @ 20-30mg. Superdrol @ 20-30mg Pre-Workout for the last 6 weeks. I want to run Epi for the 12 weeks at maybe 30-50mg postworkout.

Supplements for off day. I am having a hard time figuring what would be best.

Activate Xtreme
Advanced post cycle therapy
Retain 2
Maybe start these half way thru the pulse?

Everyday supplements:
Green Mag- Creatine
Incarnate- Beta-Alanine and Cissus
Of course vitamins A,B,C and E plus a multi in the morn.

I know u aren't a fan of running liver support on off days but I was going to throw in some NOW liver dextox. Prob around lunch time.

Any other feedback would be great.


I sent this thru the pm's as well, but just in case I posted it here too.


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if your pulsing though... wouldnt that mean only taking one at a time or is the effects long lasting enough to block absorbtion the next day as well?

also while we got D's eyes on this thread ... superdrol is 400% as ANABOLIC and 20% as androgenic for its A::A ratios when cmopared to what?? test? 1-test? and also what is epis A::A ratio? how well do those 2 mesh in a stack? also does Mtrn effect its own receptor.... or the androgen receptor the same as epi? would a tren deriv effect a certain trnen receptor? :think: just casue i know epi has a ver strong binding affinity for the receptor and wouldnt want to waste trn if epi would block most its abosrbtion... same with SD and epi... i want to get the most effective stack pssible... also what about dbol and its A::A ratio and how well it would stack with epi and trn.
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sniff sniff,... What's that smell? :fart:

if your pulsing though... wouldnt that mean only taking one at a time or is the effects long lasting enough to block absorbtion the next day as well?
Well, you certinly could take one compound before you lift, and another afterwards. The idea is to have to compound clear the system after doing it's job fast as possible, so the next day I do not beleive would be a factor. (I beleive there was something about liver sups too,.. I suppose you COULD use that too,.. but one of the bennifits in pulsing is you spare your liver since your not dosing daily. Liver protection shouldn't benecessessary, and the possibility of it blocking absorbtion lingers... further lending to the school of thought you can go without it.

also while we got D's eyes on this thread ... superdrol is 400% as ANABOLIC and 20% as androgenic for its A::A ratios when cmopared to what?? test? 1-test?
I beleive A:A ratios are always refered to test.

and also what is epis A::A ratio?
I beleive is was 90: 1200 or something, depending on where you look.. also, I would speculate that would also depend on which epi your taking. there are different ratio's in the isomers,.. and while both will work, I can tell ya I definately feel a difference -I explained in my epi log for Genera- so one may be more androgenic then the other, as I feel I get supressed MUCH faster on Havoc then the Epidrol I'm taking.

how well do those 2 mesh in a stack? also does Mtrn effect its own receptor.... or the androgen receptor the same as epi?
I DO think there are different types of androgen receptors, yet we havent identified them yet. You also have progesterone receptors, estrogen receptors... but I think mostly, its the AR where the goodness comes from. If all steroids hit the exact same receptor, why have as many as we do:think: ...
Also, like dbol, epi I would think also effects the estrogen receptor, so it's possible you have your secondary anabolic responses, like initial LH spike, increased GH output.. things like that.
I am sure they would make a fine stack. From what I remember, you made nice gains on epi- wether that was becasue Epi happens to be YOUR roid (lol- the one your body really responds well to) or becasue of the number of cycles you have done or growth potential, and where you were at I dont know.
I do not see any reason to avoid taking TRN with Epi- you'll have the added boobie protection from the epi if it's a concern with TRN.

would a tren deriv effect a certain trnen receptor? :think: [/QUOTE] I beleive so. I beleive there is a tendency to bind to the progesterone receptor over other compounds. Also, it has a high binding affenity.
I personally think that you (specificly- and right now) wouldn't need to worry too much about taking 2 compounds with a high affinity. Especially on a pulse cycle. Although I will admit that sort of thing can play a role in selecting somethign for a regular cycle

just casue i know epi has a ver strong binding affinity for the receptor and wouldnt want to waste trn if epi would block most its abosrbtion... same with superdrol and epi... i want to get the most effective stack pssible...
After everything I have said,.. I still would choose to take TRN before working out, simply becasue of the strength bennifits over Epi. Theroticlly, (my spelling sux) you can take the compounds on your off dyas, as opposed to days you work out- but you loose the strength bennifits you get from the added androgen

also what about dbol and its A::A ratio and how well it would stack with epi and trn.
I have stacked a lil d-bol with epi a few times. I beleive d-bol is something like 45:90.
I always got a really nice rebound on my pulse using d-bol becasue of the methyl E2 left over... acted like epi in a way as an type of AI.

Poops,.. the thing about pulsing, is the compounds clear your system before you take the next dose.
Litterally, you can try a monday with TRN first, then Epi post w/o, and then Tuesday, Try TRN with a little d-bol and then epi after...

Basicly, you can TRY everything you are wondering about and use what you like the best.
In pulsing, you are not going for a "buildup" of hormone. yo ucould use a different anabolic every time

I hope this helps ya - and I'm sure the Doc will come in and clean up my mess with more accurate information.. but I gave ya something to chew on in the meantime

SEROUSLY, what happened to my REPS? - I'm now missing 3 crowns?? I'm always having my junk taken.. as soon as I get a star- gone a week later,.. 3 crowns,.. there all last week, gone this morning!! wtf? Anyone else notice this?


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Does anyone know if nutraplanet carries any of the non-methyl designers? Thinking about a superdrol/non-methyl something pulse


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Does anyone know if nutraplanet carries any of the non-methyl designers? Thinking about a superdrol/non-methyl something pulse
Nope. Maybe there would be a simular site might :lol:


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Does anyone know if nutraplanet carries any of the non-methyl designers? Thinking about a superdrol/non-methyl something pulse
I think they (suprememuscle) have Furazadrol and BOLD, those are not methylated.

But BOLD probably better off to be run on a conventional cycle, then pulse the superdrol on top, on workout days.


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Hmm a 20mg superdrol pre/100mg furazadrol post sounds pretty sweet


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I beleive is was 90: 1200 or something, depending on where you look.. also, I would speculate that would also depend on which epi your taking. .
sounds good man thanks for alll the responses :thumbsup: now just to be absolutely clear tht ratio above is anabolic:androgenic right? 90 as anabolic and 1200 as androgenic.... damn thats some pretty "strong" stuff!

looks like in that case that Epi would be a good stack with either Dbol or sdrol, would definately have to be a pulse though in order to avoid toxicity issues....

anyone know the typical dose for an SD pulse? i know epi is anywhere between 30mg-50mg....

there are different ratio's in the isomers,.. and while both will work, I can tell ya I definately feel a difference -I explained in my epi log for Genera- so one may be more androgenic then the other, as I feel I get supressed MUCH faster on Havoc then the Epidrol I'm taking
yes BUT epistane is all one isomer...... i think you should give it a try next and give everyone a complete comparitive reveiw.... specially with all these other generics and versions coming out from different producers.


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Poopy I stayed at 30mg for SD. I felt great at that dose. I didn't feel the need to go to 40mg.


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Does anyone know if nutraplanet carries any of the non-methyl designers? Thinking about a superdrol/non-methyl something pulse
Hey easy if u want to try out a tren ph go to discount anabolics and get some Trenadrol. Feedback has been crazy on it. Decent price as well.


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now just to be absolutely clear tht ratio above is anabolic:androgenic right? 90 as anabolic and 1200 as androgenic....
I think its the other way around, 90 as androgenic and 1200 as anabolic compared to methyltest


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sounds good man thanks for alll the responses :thumbsup: now just to be absolutely clear tht ratio above is anabolic:androgenic right? 90 as anabolic and 1200 as androgenic.... damn thats some pretty "strong" stuff!
Nah- 90% as androgenic as test, 1200ish as anabolic

anyone know the typical dose for an superdrol pulse? i know epi is anywhere between 30mg-50mg....
When pulsing, you can get away with higher dosing.. by that , I mean, take the usual (usually about 3 tabs/pills/caps) and work from there.
SD, I suppose you can do it with 20mg.. I wouldn't go below, although you certinly could. 30mg is about right, although I do not know what you have done before, so see what works for you. One thing to keep in mind though, is at least for me, after my SD cycle, the effects lasted quitre a long time.
so I wouldn't take 50mg doses personally.
If doing something with SD and ept, I'd start 20mg on each.

I have a thing where feel like if I take SD, I suck everything in, and then it' slike the next day I can see all the fat accumilated after the effects wore off, and all the crqap I ate is released and stored as fat :icon_lol: This is more the nlikely in my head, so I stick 10mg SD most of the time.
I suppose, once Im done with my log I'll think about it in the future

yes BUT epistane is all one isomer...... i think you should give it a try next and give everyone a complete comparitive reveiw.... specially with all these other generics and versions coming out from different producers.
lol- I have, and I did.


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I think its the other way around, 90 as androgenic and 1200 as anabolic compared to methyltest
This is correct. Generally speaking, orals are compared to methyl-test when assessing potency. Injectables are compared to test.


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A low dose (20mg) will be strictly additive, like a bump in the road. A higher dose (40-60mg) will have a more significant benefit obviously and be enough to cause a temporary dip after that bump. The higher dose is needed to achieve the bounce, because you can't bounce without a dip.

The 2x/wk low dose has it's place and the high dose once every wk or two does also. It just depends on you. Give both a 1 month trial and see what you think before you implement one or the other.
Revisiting a little, using superdrol specifically, which of the following is likely to be best for a 1st cycle of designers/ph
M/W/F workout days
  • 10/10/30
  • 10/10/40
  • 20/20/30
  • 20/20/40
  • 20/20/50
  • 30/30/40
  • 30/30/50
Specifically which would give the biggest end bounce gain of natural test levels? i'm sort of guessing the 20/20/40
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no melatonin after midnight....why????
I think it screws up cortisol/DHEA ratios the next day if it turns light and too much of it is still in your system. Messes with your circadian rhythm. I don't even use it unless I really have to and can take it pretty early.


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if your pulsing though... wouldnt that mean only taking one at a time or is the effects long lasting enough to block absorbtion the next day as well?

also while we got D's eyes on this thread ... superdrol is 400% as ANABOLIC and 20% as androgenic for its A::A ratios when cmopared to what?? test? 1-test? and also what is epis A::A ratio? how well do those 2 mesh in a stack? also does Mtrn effect its own receptor.... or the androgen receptor the same as epi? would a tren deriv effect a certain trnen receptor? :think: just casue i know epi has a ver strong binding affinity for the receptor and wouldnt want to waste trn if epi would block most its abosrbtion... same with superdrol and epi... i want to get the most effective stack pssible... also what about dbol and its A::A ratio and how well it would stack with epi and trn.
Superdrol is 0-20/400-800 based on 2 studies, so the ratio average is ~10:600 compared to methyltest as a standard, it's 91:1100 with Epi based on 1 main study only. Epi does not seem to interfere with SD in a stack and indeed they mesh well in combo. It could be they don't saturate AR's or have a comparable binding affinity where you get both effects pretty equally, but the stack is primarily synergistic rather than competitive. Epi should be almost twice as strong as SD mg-VS-mg but it's not, it's about twice as weak, so that may indicate that it has a lower AR affinity even with it's greater intrinsic activity, so it might be offering something else to the stack.

Nitrogen studies with dbol sh ow it to have about a 50:150 ratio with methyltest. It stacks very well with M1T, likely with epi too, and I suspect well with trn if the dose is kept on the low side. You never really know till you try though.


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Revisiting a little, using superdrol specifically, which of the following is likely to be best for a 1st cycle of designers/ph
M/W/F workout days
  • 10/10/30
  • 10/10/40
  • 20/20/30
  • 20/20/40
  • 20/20/50
  • 30/30/40
  • 30/30/50
Specifically which would give the biggest end bounce gain of natural test levels? i'm sort of guessing the 20/20/40
For SD: 20,30,40 or 20,20,40 looks good if you consistently have at least 2 consecutive off days per week, otherwise I'd just keep it static at 30,30,30... EOD.


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  • Established
Hey D,

I have some questions for my change of plans. I will list the supplements I have and hopefully u can help ur boy out. I know this playing with my hormones and all but what kind of neg effect will pulsing have on me while trying to have a baby?

New Plan: 12 week pulse maybe longer? Whats the longest u would ok with? I want to go 4x week but will prob stick to 3x. Depending on the length of pulse.

ErgoMax LMG, Superdrol. Epistane.

I want to run 6 week of Ergo Pre-workout @ 20-30mg. Superdrol @ 20-30mg Pre-Workout for the last 6 weeks. I want to run Epi for the 12 weeks at maybe 30-50mg postworkout.

Supplements for off day. I am having a hard time figuring what would be best.

Activate Xtreme
Advanced post cycle therapy
Retain 2
Maybe start these half way thru the pulse?

Everyday supplements:
Green Mag- Creatine
Incarnate- Beta-Alanine and Cissus
Of course vitamins A,B,C and E plus a multi in the morn.

I know u aren't a fan of running liver support on off days but I was going to throw in some NOW liver dextox. Prob around lunch time.

Any other feedback would be great.


I sent this thru the pm's as well, but just in case I posted it here too.
If I was going to try it and wanted to use all this stuff, I might try it this way:

Wks 1-6 Ergo/Epi with Restore
*Basically run the Restore as a stand alone test booster with the androgenic methyls on pulse.

Wks 7-12 Superdrol/Epi with ACT-X
*Get my SHBG levels up again if they've started to drop at all and keep pulsing with the more anabolic, less suppressive combo.

R2 on off days with Advanced P.C.T off nights the whole way just to keep catabolism in check and encourage a hard bounce week after week.

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