Hyde’s Strength Odyssey



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Wife was 144.8 after some hot tub. We slept for 6 hours, got up at 4:00am and she was 143.8lbs. Did some hot epsom baths for an hour and made it down to 141.0 flat (64kg). Slept with legs elevated to help induce perceived hypotension.

She woke up at 8am & after bathroom was 140.4, good to go. Weighed in at 9am successfully
absolutely amazing!!!

tell her to kick ass for all of us!



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Wife was 144.8 after some hot tub. We slept for 6 hours, got up at 4:00am and she was 143.8lbs. Did some hot epsom baths for an hour and made it down to 141.0 flat (64kg). Slept with legs elevated to help induce perceived hypotension.

She woke up at 8am & after bathroom was 140.4, good to go. Weighed in at 9am successfully
Awesome, go kill it Mrs. Hyde.💪🏆


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Back from Youngstown, Ohio. Wife did not succeed in breaking the circus db world record, but all 3 attempts she got SO close! She really was in peak condition & absolutely powerful. All of her cleans with the 139.4lbs db looked effortless, & she could press it to arm’s length every time. She just wasn’t able to stabilize it during the recovery, and you have to stand erect with control to get a successful down command.

The previous record was ~137.5lbs. There were 2 other women attempting this particular record at this charity event. One of them got hurt on her first attempt with the 139 - it got away from her and slid backwards at lockout, and I believe she slightly hyperextended her shoulder or elbow. So she was out. The other woman missed 139.4 on her first try but smashed it beautifully on her second. She jumped to 144.4 for a third but it proved too much even for her - she did have access to a final 4th attempt since she broke the record, but waved it because she felt her erectors straining. Besides a little cut on her ear and a sore tspine & bruised shoulder, my wife got out unscathed. So that was a real blessing!


The record breaker event went well & definitely helped pump up the show: a 140lb woman pressed a 160 block, another did a 215lb axle clean & press, a 231 man did a 286lb block, and there were several heavy deadlift attempts (one 231 guy got 859 to just below his knees and must have held it for 4 seconds before collapsing). The amateur show afterwards had a massive turnout, something like 130 competitors, and a lot of money was raised for the family whose little girl passed away from cancer a couple months ago.

I would say my wife also did an excellent job both cutting and rehydrating; every time I take her through this I feel I learn more and more how to optimize both the timing/process of the cut & speed of rehydration. The previous Saturday she was 151lbs waking up. She was still 148.4lbs Thursday at 6pm. She weighed in Friday at 9am 140.2lbs and was 148 again by 2pm, going to bed at 152.4lbs to compete at full strength next day.

Anyway, the trip was really good. Her father came out to stay with us & support as well, and my son of course had a blast every day at the pool. When we got to the show, he shouted “I want to do the competition!” He also made up a song about the Holiday Inn. I didn’t have the heart to tell him Ludacris already beat him to it.


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The 139.4lbs is still awesome, considering that’s pretty much what she weighs. I bet it was great for her Dad to see his daughter complete such an impressive feat. And always fun when the little ones are enjoying it. Sounds like a very fun and successful weekend.👍💪


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140lb woman pressed a 160 block, another did a 215lb axle clean & press, a 231 man did a 286lb block, and there were several heavy deadlift attempts (one 231 guy got 859 to just below his knees and must have held it for 4 seconds before collapsing).
All of her cleans with the 139.4lbs db looked effortless, & she could press it to arm’s length every time. She just wasn’t able to stabilize it during the recovery, and you have to stand erect with control to get a successful down command.
The 139.4lbs is still awesome, considering that’s pretty much what she weighs.
It's really really incredible if you really think about the translation. The most I've ever jerked was 270lbs on a barbell, maybe 100lb kb? this circus db is mind blowing and then you figure in these smaller ladies doing this with genetics that are not normally upper body dominant, it's super impressive!!

Congrats to the Mrs on a great showing, she may not have got the W on the record but the accomplishment on the weight cut and getting that weight overhead is absolutely impressive 💪🤘

she's also looking pretty lean in that brief picture too, it's not like she's some 220lb chunker throwing weight over her head, this is an athletic human busting ass!


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The 139.4lbs is still awesome, considering that’s pretty much what she weighs. I bet it was great for her Dad to see his daughter complete such an impressive feat. And always fun when the little ones are enjoying it. Sounds like a very fun and successful weekend.
To be clear, she did not make the lift. I fully believe she’s capable of it; she simply has yet to manifest it into the world!

Several other lifters had kids all similar age to my son, and they played together at the show. Her dad was very proud.

It's really really incredible if you really think about the translation. The most I've ever jerked was 270lbs on a barbell, maybe 100lb kb? this circus db is mind blowing and then you figure in these smaller ladies doing this with genetics that are not normally upper body dominant, it's super impressive!!

Congrats to the Mrs on a great showing, she may not have got the W on the record but the accomplishment on the weight cut and getting that weight overhead is absolutely impressive

she's also looking pretty lean in that brief picture too, it's not like she's some 220lb chunker throwing weight over her head, this is an athletic human busting ass!
Thank you! Yes, this is attempting a bodyweight db overhead press with a single arm for a female. This is her stomach at the comp, weighing 150+lbs at 5’4” after a full day of pancakes, pizza, pasta, brownies, Chex mix, soda, carb drinks:


^This is what spilled over looks like right now for her


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To be clear, she did not make the lift. I fully believe she’s capable of it; she simply has yet to manifest it into the world!

Several other lifters had kids all similar age to my son, and they played together at the show. Her dad was very proud.

Thank you! Yes, this is attempting a bodyweight db overhead press with a single arm for a female. This is her stomach at the comp, weighing 150+lbs at 5’4” after a full day of pancakes, pizza, pasta, brownies, Chex mix, soda, carb drinks:

View attachment 235407

^This is what spilled over looks like right now for her
Yeah maybe in the judges eyes it wasn’t a success, but just getting that beast overhead like in the picture is truly unreal, and understandable it not being stabilized, she’s trying to balance her weight with one arm fully extended, and she’s rocking some abs….still gets a trophy.🏆😎


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Yeah maybe in the judges eyes it wasn’t a success, but just getting that beast overhead like in the picture is truly unreal, and understandable it not being stabilized, she’s trying to balance her weight with one arm fully extended, and she’s rocking some abs….still gets a trophy.
I too am really very proud of all her hard work. It didn’t feel like a loss to me either.


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To be clear, she did not make the lift. I fully believe she’s capable of it; she simply has yet to manifest it into the world!

Several other lifters had kids all similar age to my son, and they played together at the show. Her dad was very proud.

Thank you! Yes, this is attempting a bodyweight db overhead press with a single arm for a female. This is her stomach at the comp, weighing 150+lbs at 5’4” after a full day of pancakes, pizza, pasta, brownies, Chex mix, soda, carb drinks:

View attachment 235407

^This is what spilled over looks like right now for her
FML dude IDK if I got dude abs that push the fat out or what but I gotta kill myself for a stomach that flat 😅😅😅 and this chick isn't even cutting.

What's the legit rules on the db press? is it like a comp barbell overhead press with some hip movement but little to know knee bend or can she jerk it? if it's a strict press my brain is completely exploded right now.


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FML dude IDK if I got dude abs that push the fat out or what but I gotta kill myself for a stomach that flat and this chick isn't even cutting.

What's the legit rules on the db press? is it like a comp barbell overhead press with some hip movement but little to know knee bend or can she jerk it? if it's a strict press my brain is completely exploded right now.
In strongman it’s always move it from A to B, so any kind of jerks/splits/stance is permitted. The ATWR for open weight men is ~320lbs currently. WSM often does 220-242lbs for reps for open men, and there are plenty who can barely manage that.

The lifter must lock out the elbow, hips & legs, and if any amount of split was performed then legs have to return to roughly shoulder width before a down command is given. The DB & lifter must become momentarily motionless in control of the weight. BUT you cannot use a second hand in any way to actually press or guide the db up off the shoulder (you may use your other hand to help guide it back down for safety of athlete & equipment). You may clean/rack the db in any conceivable fashion with both hands, but remove the hand to start the press.


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Circuit, 5x25 each
Cable Tri Pressdown
Reverse Pec Deck
Seated Plate-loaded Shoulder Press

Dynamic Bench
vs 2 minibands looped under bench
185 5x5

Low Incline DB Bench

ss w/ HS Low Row
135 4-5x12

Arsenal Strength Seated Dip
90 2x25
160 2x8

ss w/ Reverse Pec Deck
100 3x8

Trained at Iron Fitness Crew Functional Fitness last Friday afternoon (gym hosting the contest). Not much in the way for powerlifting, but they were loaded up with strongman and bodybuilding equipment, and this was a great place to train! Both ends of the long warehouse gym were opened up for the beautiful mid 70s weather, the radio was turned up on the rock station, and I had access to all kinds of great old equipment. The reverse fly machine was a real heavy hitter and the Arsenal Strength seated dip had these cannonball handles that made it painless to blast away. I also really got some great work off the low row machine - there must have been 3-4 to choose from!


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Wow, still extremely impressive weights and conditioning by your wife! And great to hear about the turnout since it was a charity event. Slinging weights for a good cause, plus family in tow? Can't get much better than that!


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BW 258.4 yesterday

Band Pullaparts Monstermini 4x25
Cable Pressdown 40 4x25
HS CSR 45,45,50,50x25
Incline DB Bench 45,50,55,55x25



CG V-Grip Lat Pulldown

Incline DB Flyes
55 3x15

Not a great day (everything felt hard & heavy), but about what I expected after all the hoopla of travel, some sunburn, whatever cold germs my son has been coughing all over me, and how damn humid it was this morning Still, you can’t be at full strength all the time, and I showed up & did the work - so I’m happy with it.


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Good workout bro. Coming back from a travel and a cold is rough


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BW 258.4 yesterday

Band Pullaparts Monstermini 4x25
Cable Pressdown 40 4x25
HS CSR 45,45,50,50x25
Incline DB Bench 45,50,55,55x25



CG V-Grip Lat Pulldown

Incline DB Flyes
55 3x15

Not a great day (everything felt hard & heavy), but about what I expected after all the hoopla of travel, some sunburn, whatever cold germs my son has been coughing all over me, and how damn humid it was this morning Still, you can’t be at full strength all the time, and I showed up & did the work - so I’m happy with it.
That Summer cold with heat and humidity really can be a bear to push through sometimes. But the key is you pushed through, and I’m sure all the traveling and everything you did there drained you. Maybe take you some ephedrine before your next workout to energize you and open your lungs a little.


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To be clear, she did not make the lift. I fully believe she’s capable of it; she simply has yet to manifest it into the world!

Several other lifters had kids all similar age to my son, and they played together at the show. Her dad was very proud.

Thank you! Yes, this is attempting a bodyweight db overhead press with a single arm for a female. This is her stomach at the comp, weighing 150+lbs at 5’4” after a full day of pancakes, pizza, pasta, brownies, Chex mix, soda, carb drinks:

View attachment 235407

^This is what spilled over looks like right now for her
Your wife looks great man! And I mean no disrespect at all!

She should still be proud of herself as I know you are of her!


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Sounds like an awesome weekend, congrats to your wife for a giving a hell of an effort, and looking awesome in the process. Looks like you were able to bring your weight up a little more too eh?

Hopefully the kiddo's germs don't get ya. Things are going great right now.


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Sounds like a great trip and your wife did great! Hopefully it wasn’t to miserably hot during the meet.
Thankfully with her going at 9am it was excellent. By noon it had heated up quite a bit with clear sunny skies, so we got sunburnt when we came back after lunch, but the work was done.

Your wife looks great man! And I mean no disrespect at all!

She should still be proud of herself as I know you are of her!
None taken, thank you! I prefer her heavy, but I know she feels much better about her body when she’s lean like this so I’m just happy that she’s happy. Same as she prefers me leaner, but she knows I want to be the big strong guy, not the ripped guy, so she supports me 🥹


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Thankfully with her going at 9am it was excellent. By noon it had heated up quite a bit with clear sunny skies, so we got sunburnt when we came back after lunch, but the work was done.

None taken, thank you! I prefer her heavy, but I know she feels much better about her body when she’s lean like this so I’m just happy that she’s happy. Same as she prefers me leaner, but she knows I want to be the big strong guy, not the ripped guy, so she supports me 🥹
It’s so awesome you both have common goals as far as fitness. That goes so far to help strengthen a relationship on so many other aspects. My wife and I work out together, but not as much as we used to due to our work schedules. Congrats to you both for your hard work and having a great relationship!


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It’s so awesome you both have common goals as far as fitness. That goes so far to help strengthen a relationship on so many other aspects. My wife and I work out together, but not as much as we used to due to our work schedules. Congrats to you both for your hard work and having a great relationship!
We almost never get to train together now that I have a son unfortunately, and honestly that has caused some distance - simply from how busy we are with our own training, taking care of our son, our jobs. We used to always get to spend training time together, but now that time in the week has doubled since one of us has to be home with my son, yet we get to spend none of it together.

So I don’t want to paint some fake glamorous picture that it’s all roses. But we do greatly value our relationship & family, and we have actually recently been discussing how we can be more proactive to strengthen our marriage. Scheduling date nights & such to make sure we get a little time alone to nurture us. We love our son so much, but that can’t replace the effort necessary to actually grow as a couple.


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We almost never get to train together now that I have a son unfortunately, and honestly that has caused some distance - simply from how busy we are with our own training, taking care of our son, our jobs. We used to always get to spend training time together, but now that time in the week has doubled since one of us has to be home with my son, yet we get to spend none of it together.

So I don’t want to paint some fake glamorous picture that it’s all roses. But we do greatly value our relationship & family, and we have actually recently been discussing how we can be more proactive to strengthen our marriage. Scheduling date nights & such to make sure we get a little time alone to nurture us. We love our son so much, but that can’t replace the effort necessary to actually grow as a couple.
Yeah, as you start raising children it really does change the quality time you get to spend as a couple, but of course the reward and joy of raising the little ones is all worth it. But my wife and I found out years ago that we just had to schedule us, so date nights are great, but ever so often try to just schedule a weekend trip for just you and her, even if it’s just a couple of hours away to a lake, the mountains, or beach, it really helps so much in the relationship, and you’re always refreshed and ready to get back to the little ones afterwards. And hey you can get your freak on, because no little guys to interrupt.😎👍


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None taken, thank you! I prefer her heavy, but I know she feels much better about her body when she’s lean like this so I’m just happy that she’s happy. Same as she prefers me leaner, but she knows I want to be the big strong guy, not the ripped guy, so she supports me
the conundrums of life! 😅😅
I spent years sub 10% thinking chicks were into that, I was like 8% when I met my wife so spent the following years killing myself to stay there, and this past 1 year adding 15lbs+ my wife likes it more lololol. Although I have no doubt if I showed up to the bedroom with the old ripped abs again she'd all the sudden like that again too. I sorta think we tend to like whatever our spouse is when the relationship is good. My wife puts on a few, I think she's hot. it's all T&A anyways. She cuts a few, I think she's hot again. it's like being married to a new person every 6 months 😅😅

Scheduling date nights & such to make sure we get a little time alone to nurture us. We love our son so much, but that can’t replace the effort necessary to actually grow as a couple.
You are actually, honestly, quite wise before your time. You have an impressive focus on the important things at an age where many people are starting to F it up.


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Yeah, as you start raising children it really does change the quality time you get to spend as a couple, but of course the reward and joy of raising the little ones is all worth it. But my wife and I found out years ago that we just had to schedule us, so date nights are great, but ever so often try to just schedule a weekend trip for just you and her, even if it’s just a couple of hours away to a lake, the mountains, or beach, it really helps so much in the relationship, and you’re always refreshed and ready to get back to the little ones afterwards. And hey you can get your freak on, because no little guys to interrupt.
Totally agree! That mommy daddy alone time is so valuable for a relationship. No matter if it’s just a movie and dinner or a weekend getaway, you’ve got to make time for it! Things get a little easier as kids get older so that will be a big help too.


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But we do greatly value our relationship & family, and we have actually recently been discussing how we can be more proactive to strengthen our marriage. Scheduling date nights & such to make sure we get a little time alone to nurture us. We love our son so much, but that can’t replace the effort necessary to actually grow as a couple.
This is so true, and doing what you are doing is exactly how you join the 20+ years married club!
Yeah, as you start raising children it really does change the quality time you get to spend as a couple, but of course the reward and joy of raising the little ones is all worth it. But my wife and I found out years ago that we just had to schedule us, so date nights are great, but ever so often try to just schedule a weekend trip for just you and her, even if it’s just a couple of hours away to a lake, the mountains, or beach, it really helps so much in the relationship, and you’re always refreshed and ready to get back to the little ones afterwards. And hey you can get your freak on, because no little guys to interrupt.😎👍
The wife and I have always made sure we went out a minimum of once a month, then we have our concerts, and we try to take a weekend trip 2-3 times a year. Other than that the trick to longevity is grab ass. Lots and lots of playing grab ass! I am always flirting with my wife, touching her, rubbing her, loving on her and of course... grabbing, patting, or swatting that booty every chance I get. My wife knows she is adored and always feels wanted and or appreciated. That is just how it is done!


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This is so true, and doing what you are doing is exactly how you join the 20+ years married club!

The wife and I have always made sure we went out a minimum of once a month, then we have our concerts, and we try to take a weekend trip 2-3 times a year. Other than that the trick to longevity is grab ass. Lots and lots of playing grab ass! I am always flirting with my wife, touching her, rubbing her, loving on her and of course... grabbing, patting, or swatting that booty every chance I get. My wife knows she is adored and always feels wanted and or appreciated. That is just how it is done!
I do agree with that flirting, grabbing, and love tap on the booty. My wife loves that attention too, but I thought of how strong Hyde’s wife is and I couldn’t help but make this meme.🤷🏻‍♂️


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Hyde, you have mentioned a few times that extra weight has a very obvious and strong carry over to bench but less correlation to deads. Or at least as I understood it if bench picked up say a 1:1 increase for weight gained, that there was a point of diminishing returns for deads/squats at some point. I've been thinking about that a lot and wondered if you could elaborate some. This past 2 weeks since recommitting myself I'm up about 5-6lbs again and obviously bench is responding incredibly well. I would like to get myself trimmed up a bit once I hit my bench goal but I'm concerned about the potentially negative side effect that will bring to my pulls.


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Hyde, you have mentioned a few times that extra weight has a very obvious and strong carry over to bench but less correlation to deads. Or at least as I understood it if bench picked up say a 1:1 increase for weight gained, that there was a point of diminishing returns for deads/squats at some point. I've been thinking about that a lot and wondered if you could elaborate some. This past 2 weeks since recommitting myself I'm up about 5-6lbs again and obviously bench is responding incredibly well. I would like to get myself trimmed up a bit once I hit my bench goal but I'm concerned about the potentially negative side effect that will bring to my pulls.
I am not Hyde, but gaining weight (both muscle and fat) can help all three lifts progress to a point.

For bench, this is because your become thicker so the bar may travel less distance. As your tissues (both muscle and fat) around the elbow and lats increase, this can create a tissue on tissue compression helping to move the load out of the bottom. Another factor is that you are now heavier, so your center of gravity is altered in relation to the load on the bar, this can help with bar control and stability. It is common to see heavier guys with a more flat back approach and legs out front, you would think a less condensed, tight, and arched set up would result in less weight being moved, but it is not usually the case due to them being heavier. On the flip side, smaller guys tend to lean towards feet back and arching to condense their weight and provide more stability and bar control.

For squat, the same tissue and on tissue effects can happen with the knees and stomach into the thighs. Also a thicket waist can provide a lower center of gravity giving more bar control and overall stability to the load on the shoulders and during the squat.

For the deadlift, the same tissue on tissue effect can happen as well with the stomach into the thighs, but if this is pushed to the point where now the bar is out in front of you to work around your bigger size, the leverage you once had is decreased thus making the lift harder. This is usually the inflection point where gaining weight can make one's deadlifts worse, when it impacts your starting position negatively. In theory, gaining way too much weight can negatively impact all three lifts, but the margin for this tends to be much lower on deadlifts to where one could be gaining and still getting stronger as a result of that on bench and squat but their deadlift can start to be impacted negatively.


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I am not Hyde, but gaining weight (both muscle and fat) can help all three lifts progress to a point.

For bench, this is because your become thicker so the bar may travel less distance. As your tissues (both muscle and fat) around the elbow and lats increase, this can create a tissue on tissue compression helping to move the load out of the bottom. Another factor is that you are now heavier, so your center of gravity is altered in relation to the load on the bar, this can help with bar control and stability. It is common to see heavier guys with a more flat back approach and legs out front, you would think a less condensed, tight, and arched set up would result in less weight being moved, but it is not usually the case due to them being heavier. On the flip side, smaller guys tend to lean towards feet back and arching to condense their weight and provide more stability and bar control.

For squat, the same tissue and on tissue effects can happen with the knees and stomach into the thighs. Also a thicket waist can provide a lower center of gravity giving more bar control and overall stability to the load on the shoulders and during the squat.

For the deadlift, the same tissue on tissue effect can happen as well with the stomach into the thighs, but if this is pushed to the point where now the bar is out in front of you to work around your bigger size, the leverage you once had is decreased thus making the lift harder. This is usually the inflection point where gaining weight can make one's deadlifts worse, when it impacts your starting position negatively. In theory, gaining way too much weight can negatively impact all three lifts, but the margin for this tends to be much lower on deadlifts to where one could be gaining and still getting stronger as a result of that on bench and squat but their deadlift can start to be impacted negatively.
Very well said.

If you get fat enough that it hinders your deadlift, pull it back a little. Unless you are making so much more in squat and bench that it’s a net increase still to your total. You see that trade more commonly in geared lifting, but in raw your deadlift is going to be worth more pounds easier than raising your bench will yield.


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I am not Hyde, but gaining weight (both muscle and fat) can help all three lifts progress to a point.

For bench, this is because your become thicker so the bar may travel less distance. As your tissues (both muscle and fat) around the elbow and lats increase, this can create a tissue on tissue compression helping to move the load out of the bottom. Another factor is that you are now heavier, so your center of gravity is altered in relation to the load on the bar, this can help with bar control and stability. It is common to see heavier guys with a more flat back approach and legs out front, you would think a less condensed, tight, and arched set up would result in less weight being moved, but it is not usually the case due to them being heavier. On the flip side, smaller guys tend to lean towards feet back and arching to condense their weight and provide more stability and bar control.

For squat, the same tissue and on tissue effects can happen with the knees and stomach into the thighs. Also a thicket waist can provide a lower center of gravity giving more bar control and overall stability to the load on the shoulders and during the squat.

For the deadlift, the same tissue on tissue effect can happen as well with the stomach into the thighs, but if this is pushed to the point where now the bar is out in front of you to work around your bigger size, the leverage you once had is decreased thus making the lift harder. This is usually the inflection point where gaining weight can make one's deadlifts worse, when it impacts your starting position negatively. In theory, gaining way too much weight can negatively impact all three lifts, but the margin for this tends to be much lower on deadlifts to where one could be gaining and still getting stronger as a result of that on bench and squat but their deadlift can start to be impacted negatively.
That’s a good logical explanation.😎👍


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BW 256.6

5 min walk


KB Suitcase Carries
KB One-leg Deadlift

Deadlift, stiffbar
485 4x4 (2 mixed, 2 straps)

This was tough; I was completely gassed by the end of the heavy 4x4, & I wanted to get home to tuck my son into bed. I was losing so much sweat that I couldn’t rehydrate as fast as I was losing it. Any other attempted work would have been bs.

Pretty happy with the total volume at this intensity; I think it ties some of my best volume at this weight. I haven’t pulled in 2.5 weeks due to family stuff & I am definitely working through a little bug, so I will take it.

From here on, I’ll be transitioning to a deadlift bar.


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I am not Hyde, but gaining weight (both muscle and fat) can help all three lifts progress to a point.

For bench, this is because your become thicker so the bar may travel less distance. As your tissues (both muscle and fat) around the elbow and lats increase, this can create a tissue on tissue compression helping to move the load out of the bottom. Another factor is that you are now heavier, so your center of gravity is altered in relation to the load on the bar, this can help with bar control and stability. It is common to see heavier guys with a more flat back approach and legs out front, you would think a less condensed, tight, and arched set up would result in less weight being moved, but it is not usually the case due to them being heavier. On the flip side, smaller guys tend to lean towards feet back and arching to condense their weight and provide more stability and bar control.

For squat, the same tissue and on tissue effects can happen with the knees and stomach into the thighs. Also a thicket waist can provide a lower center of gravity giving more bar control and overall stability to the load on the shoulders and during the squat.

For the deadlift, the same tissue on tissue effect can happen as well with the stomach into the thighs, but if this is pushed to the point where now the bar is out in front of you to work around your bigger size, the leverage you once had is decreased thus making the lift harder. This is usually the inflection point where gaining weight can make one's deadlifts worse, when it impacts your starting position negatively. In theory, gaining way too much weight can negatively impact all three lifts, but the margin for this tends to be much lower on deadlifts to where one could be gaining and still getting stronger as a result of that on bench and squat but their deadlift can start to be impacted negatively.
Very well said.

If you get fat enough that it hinders your deadlift, pull it back a little. Unless you are making so much more in squat and bench that it’s a net increase still to your total. You see that trade more commonly in geared lifting, but in raw your deadlift is going to be worth more pounds easier than raising your bench will yield.
great feedback, thanks gents-
I may need to commit to yet another 10lbs then on the pulls. Bench I think is there.


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BW 256.6

5 min walk


KB Suitcase Carries
KB One-leg Deadlift

Deadlift, stiffbar
485 4x4 (2 mixed, 2 straps)

This was tough; I was completely gassed by the end of the heavy 4x4, & I wanted to get home to tuck my son into bed. I was losing so much sweat that I couldn’t rehydrate as fast as I was losing it. Any other attempted work would have been bs.

Pretty happy with the total volume at this intensity; I think it ties some of my best volume at this weight. I haven’t pulled in 2.5 weeks due to family stuff & I am definitely working through a little bug, so I will take it.

From here on, I’ll be transitioning to a deadlift bar.
Man, that is some huge total weight volume, with the 485 4x4 after those heavy singles. No wonder you were drained.💪


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My son has had a runny nose since Sunday during the trip, bit of a cough from the drainage periodically. They had another kid in his daycare with confirmed strep throat, and 2 kids in an older room, so we just took him to get tested at prompt care.

He has strep.

My stepdaughter also has a sore throat, and I started feeling bad yesterday afternoon and been dead all day, but no sore throat yet. But my pulse was 75 today! Usually 55-62. It also felt very high driving to the gym yesterday despite feeling very fatigued, so now I understand why things felt heavy Tuesday & last night.

I’ll go get tested tomorrow & probably start antibiotics. Bleh.


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My son has had a runny nose since Sunday during the trip, bit of a cough from the drainage periodically. They had another kid in his daycare with confirmed strep throat, and 2 kids in an older room, so we just took him to get tested at prompt care.

He has strep.

My stepdaughter also has a sore throat, and I started feeling bad yesterday afternoon and been dead all day, but no sore throat yet. But my pulse was 75 today! Usually 55-62. It also felt very high driving to the gym yesterday despite feeling very fatigued, so now I understand why things felt heavy Tuesday & last night.

I’ll go get tested tomorrow & probably start antibiotics. Bleh.
Oh crap man, strep throat is no fun at all, especially if it brings on a fever. Get you some zinc lozenges and elderberry if you don’t have any. That zinc usually helps the throat and natural antiviral and elderberry helps the immune system overall when sick.


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Oh crap man, strep throat is no fun at all, especially if it brings on a fever. Get you some zinc lozenges and elderberry if you don’t have any. That zinc usually helps the throat and natural antiviral and elderberry helps the immune system overall when sick.
Well, the reason we took him is that strep is bacterial, not viral - it actually needs antibiotics to kill it, and if left untreated can lead to more serious conditions.


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Sorry to hear about the strep but nice pulling especially for while fighting it off.


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Well, the reason we took him is that strep is bacterial, not viral - it actually needs antibiotics to kill it, and if left untreated can lead to more serious conditions.
Oh I meant the zinc and elderberry for you not your son. They both help bacterial infections as well, but definitely antibiotics for your son.


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Oh I meant the zinc and elderberry for you not your son. They both help bacterial infections as well, but definitely antibiotics for your son.
yeah I wouldn't hesitate to get on the antibiotics for strep, I had a case of it that lasted 2 months when I was 17 (brutal on high school homework) and led to getting tonsils removed as they couldn't be salvaged but I 100% would double down on the natural immune boosters simultaneously (y)


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Went to bed early and did not train today. Got 10 hours of sleep but I feel more sinus pressure & throat seems off. Definitely going to prompt care later.

Started Trest at 10mg daily on Tuesday. Pulled weekly test down to 300 and shifted mast up to 400 to better accommodate. DHB will stay at 120 til the end.

BP and pulse were very high for me yesterday, 140/82 & 75 pulse (previously 124/72 & 58). Part of this could be sickness, also later morning on coffee, but 19-Nors simply raise my bp, and it’s too high, so I started 80mg Telmisartan yesterday. With the meet 6 weeks from Sunday, it’s crunch time.

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