Training log revamp ROUND 3 lol



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Yeah it’s all about where your current set point is. First 10lbs are always easy. After that, it’s going to vary where the wall will hit, but one thing you can bet is what it will take to overcome that barrier will be intense. Whether or not you even need to try to overcome it at that point requires some serious reflection, because it can be a good point to raise calories up higher without gaining weight, but you also have to be realistic about what you can sustain.


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Yeah it’s all about where your current set point is. First 10lbs are always easy. After that, it’s going to vary where the wall will hit, but one thing you can bet is what it will take to overcome that barrier will be intense. Whether or not you even need to try to overcome it at that point requires some serious reflection, because it can be a good point to raise calories up higher without gaining weight, but you also have to be realistic about what you can sustain.
You said add superdrol immediately until I break through that initial barrier? OK I guess so your the boss! Lol jokes aside, I have a feeling when I get to the sticking point a little spot treatment with SD for 10 to 12 days with copious amounts of carbs would help. Or adding mk677 at that point.
If you want to end up at 200 you really think you gave to push it all the way into the 230's? Honest question
I missed something in this post, I don't want to end up at 200lbs. I want to end up single digit bf in the 220+ area. That's going to require more then 1 cycle or 1 really big long cycle. Either way it's going to probably be bulk, maintain, cut, rebound into a bulk and then another cut.

That first cut I'm hoping to put on enough size that when I end that cut I'm over 200lbs and ripped.

I do not feel you can judge progress at the end of a bulk. When you are in a bulk you might gave 20+lbs of water and glycogen loaded that you think is muscle tissue.

But if you start lean, a real single digit 200lbs, then bulk and cut back to the same bf% and yiur 206 you know you gained 6lbs of muscle.

This is why I hold no weight or credibility when someone says, "SD put 20lbs on me" 20lbs of what? I've used SD 3 or 4 times and gained 12 to 20lbs each time like everyone else. But here we are still only weighing 15lbs more then my first SD cycle. How is that possible if I gained 80lbs over 4 runs....... because it's not muscle, it's engorged glycogen loaded muscles that look great. But it's not really muscle.


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Ya, for me it's about getting new set points. I've spent so much time around 205 that my body seems to stay there fairly easy, it took 6 weeks of me being sick and not eating much to drop into the 190s. as soon as I started working out again and eating normal I gained like 18lbs in a month. Now it seems like I'm hanging on at 210. IL probably push a little more food for the next 2 weeks and then somewhere in between adding the eq and npp should shoot me to 218-220, maybe a little more, fairly easy and this is where I'm assuming IL need to really start pounding food
That's exactly where you're going to have to push..I can get to and stay at 230 pretty easy but to get to 240 and stay there I gotta push so one of my goals this year is to get my set point to 240 that way next year we can focus on getting me to 250💪💪


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You said add superdrol immediately until I break through that initial barrier? OK I guess so your the boss! Lol jokes aside, I have a feeling when I get to the sticking point a little spot treatment with SD for 10 to 12 days with copious amounts of carbs would help. Or adding mk677 at that point.
I missed something in this post, I don't want to end up at 200lbs. I want to end up single digit bf in the 220+ area. That's going to require more then 1 cycle or 1 really big long cycle. Either way it's going to probably be bulk, maintain, cut, rebound into a bulk and then another cut.

That first cut I'm hoping to put on enough size that when I end that cut I'm over 200lbs and ripped.

I do not feel you can judge progress at the end of a bulk. When you are in a bulk you might gave 20+lbs of water and glycogen loaded that you think is muscle tissue.

But if you start lean, a real single digit 200lbs, then bulk and cut back to the same bf% and yiur 206 you know you gained 6lbs of muscle.

This is why I hold no weight or credibility when someone says, "SD put 20lbs on me" 20lbs of what? I've used SD 3 or 4 times and gained 12 to 20lbs each time like everyone else. But here we are still only weighing 15lbs more then my first SD cycle. How is that possible if I gained 80lbs over 4 runs....... because it's not muscle, it's engorged glycogen loaded muscles that look great. But it's not really muscle.
Okay gotcha that's what I thought that's what confused me as well


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When I couldn’t break past 260 last time, I added 2-300mg to my long esters, added MK & Anadrol, and ate like it was a job to test fast food restaurants out for about 11 days. Pushed me up to 265 or so, and then I was able to hold and grow into it.


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When I couldn’t break past 260 last time, I added 2-300mg to my long esters, added MK & Anadrol, and ate like it was a job to test fast food restaurants out for about 11 days. Pushed me up to 265 or so, and then I was able to hold and grow into it.
I was telling @Smont That for me slin is going to be inevitable. That's why I already getting in the habit of weighing all my food at every meal. Gonna send him the macros for the week every Sunday morning. I it's going to take a lot of Eq test npp gh and slin to get there and oh yea...patience and discipline


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I was telling @Smont That for me slin is going to be inevitable. That's why I already getting in the habit of weighing all my food at every meal. Gonna send him the macros for the week every Sunday morning. I it's going to take a lot of Eq test npp gh and slin to get there and oh yea...patience and discipline
Those last 2 words are the key if you are after results that aren’t just a scale number.

I mean you can drink a gallon of water and see 8lbs on a scale, but growth takes a lot of time and consistent effort, and it will be hard more often than you will care to admit. And I was just trying to get bodyweight up, it’s not like I was bodybuilding or remotely lean. Just consistently getting food down every day to sustain the weight, that always ends up being work because a day always comes where you just don’t want to do it in any part of your soul - but you know if you skip even 2 meals that day, the scale will start dropping and undo every day of work you’ve been putting together.


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Do you follow chase irons? He was 275 with abs at the end of his bulk, he stepped on stage at 208. We all have way more fat then we think and we don't accurately guess our bf.

If your 230lbs @15% bf then you have 35lbs of fat. In order to get contest shape you would have to loose basically 30lbs of fat without loosing any muscle. As big as you are right now, If you wanted to get in legit contact shape and step on stage I'd bet you'd be under 200 on stage
That and we lose so much of our muscle mass during a cut as well. especially rookies who try to cut too much too fast and sacrifice damn near 1:1 muscle / fat. I'm guilty of it more than once.

So yes, for me to be bodybuilder shredded at 200 I would definitely need to be over 230 at the end of this bulk. Even in my pics where I got cuts in my delts and **** at 205-210 I probably had 20lbs of fat to loose to get shredded for real. Even your boy big Paul had to drop 40lbs to get in contest shape and that was on hgh and slin alongside his gear.
My first thought when I read this was that you're gonna need new clothes lol


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That and we lose so much of our muscle mass during a cut as well. especially rookies who try to cut too much too fast and sacrifice damn near 1:1 muscle / fat. I'm guilty of it more than once.

My first thought when I read this was that you're gonna need new clothes lol
My shirts are already getting tight at 211, last time I bought new clothes I was about 195 and my waist was around 31-32in. Now 211 waist 33in. Pants still fit, I always buy them a little big in the waist. Shirts are getting tight in the armpits. I figured a good goal is to outgrow my shirts lol.


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My shirts are already getting tight at 211, last time I bought new clothes I was about 195 and my waist was around 31-32in. Now 211 waist 33in. Pants still fit, I always buy them a little big in the waist. Shirts are getting tight in the armpits. I figured a good goal is to outgrow my shirts lol.
There's nothing more motivating when you put on a clean shirt and it hardly fits anymore


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There's nothing more motivating when you put on a clean shirt and it hardly fits anymore
That’s so, true…..if you put on your shirts and they are tight through the chest, shoulders, and arms, and your pants are loose in the waist, then you know your program is working.
Smont if you are at 211 you shouldn’t have to much of a problem hitting 230, but getting beyond that while still staying fairly lean will be the challenge. Your thinking of doing a bulk and then a cut, and then doing another bulk and cut makes the most sense to get to 230 and around 10% body fat. So you’re roughly looking at adding 20 lbs of muscle this year.


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My shirts are already getting tight at 211, last time I bought new clothes I was about 195 and my waist was around 31-32in. Now 211 waist 33in. Pants still fit, I always buy them a little big in the waist. Shirts are getting tight in the armpits. I figured a good goal is to outgrow my shirts lol.
There's nothing more motivating when you put on a clean shirt and it hardly fits anymore
I mean I tossed a pair of boxers this weekend cause I was like nope, my ass don't fit no more. Then this morning I threw on one of my normal undershirts and the thing seemed about an inch shorter than before... catch 22 lol.


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That’s so, true…..if you put on your shirts and they are tight through the chest, shoulders, and arms, and your pants are loose in the waist, then you know your program is working.
Smont if you are at 211 you shouldn’t have to much of a problem hitting 230, but getting beyond that while still staying fairly lean will be the challenge. Your thinking of doing a bulk and then a cut, and then doing another bulk and cut makes the most sense to get to 230 and around 10% body fat. So you’re roughly looking at adding 20 lbs of muscle this year.
Ya that's a big goal now that I think about it. But even 10-12 of actual muscle IL be happy with. I like to think because I didn't really push it at all last year that if I push it a little bit this year 20 might be duable. I'm gonna order my **** tomorrow. We're looking at 6-8in snow tonight so IL probably havevthe day off


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Ya that's a big goal now that I think about it. But even 10-12 of actual muscle IL be happy with. I like to think because I didn't really push it at all last year that if I push it a little bit this year 20 might be duable. I'm gonna order my **** tomorrow. We're looking at 6-8in snow tonight so IL probably havevthe day off
While I don't want snow... I'm jealous of a snow day. I don't think I've had a legit snow day or sick day since 2019 lol


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Ya that's a big goal now that I think about it. But even 10-12 of actual muscle IL be happy with. I like to think because I didn't really push it at all last year that if I push it a little bit this year 20 might be duable. I'm gonna order my **** tomorrow. We're looking at 6-8in snow tonight so IL probably havevthe day off
Dude I miss the someone born and raised in SoCal those winters in Detroit were some of the best. Im sure yiu guys are like wtf are you talking about but after only seeing it in movies yiur woke life it was pretty cool. I'm sure if you guys came out here you'd wanna be on the beaches of Malibu all day where I'd be like ughh..what's the big deal?


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Ya that's a big goal now that I think about it. But even 10-12 of actual muscle IL be happy with. I like to think because I didn't really push it at all last year that if I push it a little bit this year 20 might be duable. I'm gonna order my **** tomorrow. We're looking at 6-8in snow tonight so IL probably havevthe day off
I think 20 is doable with your work ethic. I can’t remember if you said what you were at your heaviest low body fat weight, but just “gearing” up with the one goal of working out and eating to gain muscle, and that being your one goal, I think through 10 to 12 months of clean bulks followed by cuts, with the gear you will be running, that you will be able to hit 230 lbs at 10% fat. After all last year you really were training most of the year for boxing along with the weights. With your focus being only on bodybuilding, I think you’ll surprise yourself.


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I think 20 is doable with your work ethic. I can’t remember if you said what you were at your heaviest low body fat weight, but just “gearing” up with the one goal of working out and eating to gain muscle, and that being your one goal, I think through 10 to 12 months of clean bulks followed by cuts, with the gear you will be running, that you will be able to hit 230 lbs at 10% fat. After all last year you really were training most of the year for boxing along with the weights. With your focus being only on bodybuilding, I think you’ll surprise yourself.
I've been fairly lean at 210 (abs and veins but not ripped)and I've been beach ready in the high 190s and I've been a sloppy 225. Not horrible but fatter then I'd like. Probably closer to 20%


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I've been fairly lean at 210 (abs and veins but not ripped)and I've been beach ready in the high 190s and I've been a sloppy 225. Not horrible but fatter then I'd like. Probably closer to 20%
Anyone can be a muscle bound juicehead with abs year round. It takes dedication to be mistaken for a professional Twinkie product tester


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What does that make me if I trained my legs in the morning before even starting work??
I’m also an AM trainer. But kudos to Mike and Smont training after work, I am always so exhausted and burned out physically and mentally (lack of focus and drive some days). My job is just WFH meetings all day long multitasking and it wipes out my focus.

I found I need to really time a pre-workout meal towards the end of the work day so you get enough carbs and energy to fuel the workout properly.


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I’m also an AM trainer. But kudos to Mike and Smont training after work, I am always so exhausted and burned out physically and mentally (lack of focus and drive some days). My job is just WFH meetings all day long multitasking and it wipes out my focus.

I found I need to really time a pre-workout meal towards the end of the work day so you get enough carbs and energy to fuel the workout properly.
The one good thing about pm training is I don't have the stress of knowing I still have to go to work. If I'm feeling good i can train longer if I want to. When I was younger I loved am training. But I've realized I do much better with multiple meals in me instead if just breakfast. I was training in the morning on weekends but I'm even going to switch that to afternoon because I'll have eaten multiple meals


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I’m also an AM trainer. But kudos to Mike and Smont training after work, I am always so exhausted and burned out physically and mentally (lack of focus and drive some days). My job is just WFH meetings all day long multitasking and it wipes out my focus.

I found I need to really time a pre-workout meal towards the end of the work day so you get enough carbs and energy to fuel the workout properly.
Yeah I wfh too. For me I’m usually a lot stronger training at night. Thursday is my one nighttime session and I always warm up physically and neurologically so much faster. Squatting on Monday early is like trying to pull teeth to get my body prepared to lift anything of consequence. I think it took 90 minutes to get to my top single of squat yesterday, with a mile long warmup/activation checklist.

But back when I had a physical job, it was definitely harder training after work. I mean there were days where I was supposed to train shoulders and had my hands overhead half the day already lol


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I've been fairly lean at 210 (abs and veins but not ripped)and I've been beach ready in the high 190s and I've been a sloppy 225. Not horrible but fatter then I'd like. Probably closer to 20%
Man I think at some point I'd like to really pick your brain on the psychology of gaining weight. After cutting from 242 to spending over a decade around 185 (and as low as 168) this is the first time in my life where I'm sitting at 190 every day, I can still see my abs, and I'm really thinking about what it would take to go to 195/200. But it's a mindfuck because I spent my entire fitness career being lean and light and only associated my times at 200+ with being fat.

Anyone can be a muscle bound juicehead with abs year round. It takes dedication to be mistaken for a professional Twinkie product tester
Only time in my life I was over 220 I definitely looked like a professional something tester. probably more like professional Rainier Beer competitive drinker.

I'll just leave it at this cause I never tell people I used to be a fat kid 😅



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What does that make me if I trained my legs in the morning before even starting work??
a psycho

The one good thing about pm training is I don't have the stress of knowing I still have to go to work. If I'm feeling good i can train longer if I want to. When I was younger I loved am training. But I've realized I do much better with multiple meals in me instead if just breakfast. I was training in the morning on weekends but I'm even going to switch that to afternoon because I'll have eaten multiple meals
When I was 16 dad got me a membership so I did am workouts with him before high school every day. I threw up on my way home from the gym half the time lol. I have NEVER in my life been a good morning lifter. 10am-11am is always the sweet spot for me but it's a hard time to make work with a real work schedule.


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Evening lifter here…. Even when I was younger I did better at evening workouts than morning, but now, especially being older, don’t even want to attempt mornings. I get up really early, but these old joints don’t loosen up until later in the day. I’m one, if schedule permitting, your body will tell you when the best time to workout for you is. It can be different for everyone.


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I’m also an AM trainer. But kudos to Mike and Smont training after work, I am always so exhausted and burned out physically and mentally (lack of focus and drive some days). My job is just WFH meetings all day long multitasking and it wipes out my focus.

I found I need to really time a pre-workout meal towards the end of the work day so you get enough carbs and energy to fuel the workout properly.
Ya, normally if I wait that late IL blow it off. I like to hit the gym around 9am but rarely does that work into my schedule on a week day. If I wanna go before work I gotta get up at 4am, eat a meal and hit the gym at 530 and be home by 7 to get ready for the rest of my day.

I'm weird, I have little routines I need to go through in order to have my day go right and if I'm ready to hit the gym and something even slightly sidetracked me I can't go to the gym now. Fucks my head up and takes me outta my groove. But I know I got work to do in order to get growing so I'm prioritizing things.

1. Food
2. Make sure I get at least 4 workouts in per week but possibly up to 6.
3. Sleep
4. Everything else


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Gear will move into the 4. Spot soon as my **** comes. Ordered last night. Didn't get a response yet but talked to a few ppl and he's been taking about 2 weeks to deliver lately


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Ya, normally if I wait that late IL blow it off. I like to hit the gym around 9am but rarely does that work into my schedule on a week day. If I wanna go before work I gotta get up at 4am, eat a meal and hit the gym at 530 and be home by 7 to get ready for the rest of my day.

I'm weird, I have little routines I need to go through in order to have my day go right and if I'm ready to hit the gym and something even slightly sidetracked me I can't go to the gym now. Fucks my head up and takes me outta my groove. But I know I got work to do in order to get growing so I'm prioritizing things.

1. Food
2. Make sure I get at least 4 workouts in per week but possibly up to 6.
3. Sleep
4. Everything else
Dude I think we're all like that as far as the routine thing...that's what makes us good at this whole thing. We actually enjoy the monotony where most people it would drive them crazy. Like today I've Aten tge exact same thing another the exact same times as yesterday. All the macros I sent you last night are the same today. Now if something gets messed up I'll still hit the gym but more often than not my training does get affected but to me that's better than not going. If I didn't go my I would totally mind eff myself into thinking my arms are shrinking and my abs are washing away right in front of my eyes


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Man I think at some point I'd like to really pick your brain on the psychology of gaining weight. After cutting from 242 to spending over a decade around 185 (and as low as 168) this is the first time in my life where I'm sitting at 190 every day, I can still see my abs, and I'm really thinking about what it would take to go to 195/200. But it's a mindfuck because I spent my entire fitness career being lean and light and only associated my times at 200+ with being fat.

Only time in my life I was over 220 I definitely looked like a professional something tester. probably more like professional Rainier Beer competitive drinker.

I'll just leave it at this cause I never tell people I used to be a fat kid 😅

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I guess the fear of gaining too much weight making you fat is no different then the permabulker who is afraid he's gonna get too small and he confuses weight with muscle.

I don't really have a fear of either, but I shy away from both sides because I fear the process I guess? Like, I'm afraid to get too fat not because I'm actually worried about being fat as much as I'm worried about having to do a long cut at some point. I use to be afraid to loose to much weight but now I realize that the rebound is fast so it comes right back.

I'm more worried about the process if that makes sense.

I know at 230+ I will be fatter then I'd like "most likely " but the fat gain isint what I'm worried about. It's the 12 to 16 week cut Im Worried about lol


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I guess the fear of gaining too much weight making you fat is no different then the permabulker who is afraid he's gonna get too small and he confuses weight with muscle.

I don't really have a fear of either, but I shy away from both sides because I fear the process I guess? Like, I'm afraid to get too fat not because I'm actually worried about being fat as much as I'm worried about having to do a long cut at some point. I use to be afraid to loose to much weight but now I realize that the rebound is fast so it comes right back.

I'm more worried about the process if that makes sense.

I know at 230+ I will be fatter then I'd like "most likely " but the fat gain isint what I'm worried about. It's the 12 to 16 week cut Im Worried about lol
I use to be the same but now I know the rebound is epic so I now what motivates me to cut is knowing that on the other side I'm going to turn into a f.cking mutant


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I guess the fear of gaining too much weight making you fat is no different then the permabulker who is afraid he's gonna get too small and he confuses weight with muscle.

I don't really have a fear of either, but I shy away from both sides because I fear the process I guess? Like, I'm afraid to get too fat not because I'm actually worried about being fat as much as I'm worried about having to do a long cut at some point. I use to be afraid to loose to much weight but now I realize that the rebound is fast so it comes right back.

I'm more worried about the process if that makes sense.

I know at 230+ I will be fatter then I'd like "most likely " but the fat gain isint what I'm worried about. It's the 12 to 16 week cut Im Worried about lol
Totally get it man. it's a weird mind game.
plus my work clothes are expensive lol. and I don't miss when I was a fat kid and sweat all the time....
Ironically I usually feel small when walking around and then I see myself in the gym mirrors and feel pretty damn good.
I wish all the mirrors were gym mirrors lol 😅


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Totally get it man. it's a weird mind game.
plus my work clothes are expensive lol. and I don't miss when I was a fat kid and sweat all the time....
Ironically I usually feel small when walking around and then I see myself in the gym mirrors and feel pretty damn good.
I wish all the mirrors were gym mirrors lol 😅
That's the one thing I enjoy most about not being the fat kid and staying lean after this last cut is I don't sweat, it's so nice to be able to take a hot shower and actually be able to dry off afterwards and actually stay dry, not be soaked all day at work with sweat. Both uncomfortable and extremely embarrassing


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That's the one thing I enjoy most about not being the fat kid and staying lean after this last cut is I don't sweat, it's so nice to be able to take a hot shower and actually be able to dry off afterwards and actually stay dry, not be soaked all day at work with sweat. Both uncomfortable and extremely embarrassing
yup for sure. In my 20s I ruined so many work shirts I finally started stock piling white under shirts so they would get trashed and thrown away but the work shirts last longer. Now days I barely even sweat in those and sometimes when I run out of deodorant I'll even let myself live without it for a week just to keep from adding the chemicals to my skin and I typically do just fine.


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That's the one thing I enjoy most about not being the fat kid and staying lean after this last cut is I don't sweat, it's so nice to be able to take a hot shower and actually be able to dry off afterwards and actually stay dry, not be soaked all day at work with sweat. Both uncomfortable and extremely embarrassing
Ahh, Tren will change that for you….be prepared to sweat. I swear it must increase body temperature by a couple degrees, but that’s your metabolism going into turbo drive.


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Ahh, Tren will change that for you….be prepared to sweat. I swear it must increase body temperature by a couple degrees, but that’s your metabolism going into turbo drive.
Yea already preparing for it. That I can handle tho because I know it's the tren doing it's thing and it'll only be a temporary thing. I'm just glad I'll be off of it before the summer really kicks into high gear. Where I live at in Cali the spring is very nice so I'll be able to leave my windows open at night and I grabbed my desk fan from my parents house to have next to my pillow


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Yea already preparing for it. That I can handle tho because I know it's the tren doing it's thing and it'll only be a temporary thing. I'm just glad I'll be off of it before the summer really kicks into high gear. Where I live at in Cali the spring is very nice so I'll be able to leave my windows open at night and I grabbed my desk fan from my parents house to have next to my pillow
Yeah that’s the thing about it, is you know that it’s shuttling all those nutrients into building muscle and burning fat, so that makes it all worth it.


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About a week on epistane, no sides, have not increased my calories and there's actually been 2 days I know I was under maintenance and somehow gained 2 lbs lol. Strength is up too. Sunday will update again. I've also been taking a picture of my leg abour every 10 days, there not great but significantly improved over the past 35 to 40 days. They have always been a weak point since the I jury and I don't ever work them enough but that has changed. I think when the cycle gets really going with eq and npp I will start adding more food. For now it doesn't really seem necessary since things have Bern moving forward without a hitch since the third week of January.


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Oh ****, actually, Im Adding cardio back in this weekend so I probably will need to eat more. Didn't think about that. Gonna see what my boy says and go from there.
Did you end putting the order in?


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About a week on epistane, no sides, have not increased my calories and there's actually been 2 days I know I was under maintenance and somehow gained 2 lbs lol. Strength is up too. Sunday will update again. I've also been taking a picture of my leg abour every 10 days, there not great but significantly improved over the past 35 to 40 days. They have always been a weak point since the I jury and I don't ever work them enough but that has changed. I think when the cycle gets really going with eq and npp I will start adding more food. For now it doesn't really seem necessary since things have Bern moving forward without a hitch since the third week of January.
What dose of Epi are you taking and do you plan on changing the dose, if you feel like it later on, or when you introduce the eq and npp?


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What dose of Epi are you taking and do you plan on changing the dose, if you feel like it later on, or when you introduce the eq and npp?
30mg a day, might go to 40 but probably not necessary, planningon 5-6 weeks. Will add eq in about 2-3 weeks if I had to guess


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Andrew jacked looks fukin bonkers at the Arnold classic. Like a old school flex wheeler with a extra 40lbs of muscleView attachment 229812
Yea it's his title to lose. I can't believe how small nick walker looked standing in between Andrew and Samson. Everyone also said how thick his waste was and I didn't think so until I saw a direct comparison between his and Andrew's.


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BTW I think it's over for big ramy. Any thoughts?
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