The New Product Release Thread

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You guys have been waiting
Its coming soon!

Scivation dropping a new pre-workout within the next month or so

The confirmation of Scivation’s new pre-workout dropping within the next few weeks has come with a teaser image that still keeps us in the dark about what kind of product it is. All we really get from the image is that the supplement is going to be coming in powder form, and that it will feature a branding similar to all of Scivation’s other products but with a bit of purple mixed in.


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You guys have been waiting
Its coming soon!

Scivation dropping a new pre-workout within the next month or so

The confirmation of Scivation’s new pre-workout dropping within the next few weeks has come with a teaser image that still keeps us in the dark about what kind of product it is. All we really get from the image is that the supplement is going to be coming in powder form, and that it will feature a branding similar to all of Scivation’s other products but with a bit of purple mixed in.
ETA on profile?


AnabolicMinds Site Rep

Because some of these things are already being asked,

Text from our new multivitamins page:

Everything That You Want - Nothing That You Don’t

While on the surface most multivitamins look the same, TruMulti was formulated with over a year's worth of research. Each individual ingredient was precisely selected and formulated at the perfect amount for a daily multivitamin for athletes.

Other multivitamins on the market lack focus. When it comes to these products, more is not better. Vitamins and minerals need to be dosed precisely. Certains vitamins have absorption thresholds. Some can even be harmful if they are dosed too high. There are minerals that can hinder absorption of other minerals when taken at the same time if the doses or ratios are not at specific amounts. These are all the attributes we took into consideration when creating TruMulti, and other manufacturers clearly don’t even know exist.

3 Capsule Serving. Zero Tablets

Multivitamins are designed to supplement your daily diet. You don’t need a pack of 12 giant tablets to supplement your daily diet. More is not better in the multivitamin realm. You need optimal. We’ve removed all the fluff so you aren’t stuck choking down a handful of tablets.

When you look at a standard multivitamin, whether it’s athlete focused or not, you always see these blends of 10-20 herbs. It makes us sad to see manufacturers taking advantage of customers with these blends, throwing in every single herb they can think of at insignificant amounts just so they can say their product contains the ingredient.

We keep it straight and honest.

If you’ve spent any time researching multivitamins you have probably come across the studies on the disintegration of multivitamin tablets. Disintegration essentially means how much of the tablet actually gets broken down and digested in the stomach. If a tablet does not get broken down and digested, any of the undigested pieces will have a pretty hard time getting utilized by the body.

This is why we stuck with a capsuled formula. Other manufacturers use tablets because you can press a whole lot of stuff into those big tablets that feel like you’re swallowing dice. But we are a brand concerned on the product having maximal benefit.

Premium Ingredients

Most vitamins and minerals can exist in a number of different forms. Some are dirt cheap - that’s why you can find multivitamins for a couple dollars at your grocery store. But we have taken the time and spent the money to use premium forms. Below are specific highlights you most likely will not find in competing multivitamins.

Chelated minerals: We use chelated magnesium, molybdenum, and zinc. Chelated minerals are the cream of the crop when it comes to mineral absorption. Some minerals like calcium don’t have a hard time absorbing so the type of calcium used is less significant. But minerals like magnesium can have significantly varying absorption rates. Magnesium oxide for example has significantly worse absorption than magnesium aspartate.

Vitamin E Blend: We have used a blend of multiple forms of Vitamin E so you get a wide spectrum of your “tocos”. If you are well versed on Vitamin E, this is one you will really appreciate.

The Modern B12: Our source of Vitamin B12 is methylcobalamin, not from the cheaper and more common cyanocobalamin.

Chromax patented chromium picolinate: There is so much human research on Chromax that we don’t even know where to begin with it. Just know you are getting the best when it comes to TruMulti

NattoMK7 brand Vitamin K2: Most multivitamins don’t even contain Vitamin K. Some contain cheaper forms like K1, but we didn’t skimp out here. We wanted the premium K2.

KSM-66 - The Superherb

There are only a handful of herbs that we place in the “superherb” category. Herbs that we think should be taken every day due to their wide range of benefits and substantial amount of human research. KSM-66 is most known for its mood support, something everyone can benefit from on a daily basis. It allows TruMulti to be a multivitamin that you actually feel.

It is a great antioxidant, and has recently been studies for a multitude of other uses like hormone support, weight management, and more. No need for insignificant amounts of 20 herbs like you will find in other products. You just need a full serving of KSM-66.

Unbeatable Value

We know that multivitamins range from $5 grocery store products to grossly overpriced retail vitamin packs. The precision that TruMulti is formulated with places it at the top in the category, but we aren’t here to rob everyone on a multivitamin. We want it to be fair and affordable so it can work its way into every athlete’s daily regimen,and they can receive all the benefits. TruMulti will always be less than $1/day, guaranteed.
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Prosupps Protein Cookies:

Today we have a bit of an update on the exciting new ProSupps MyCookie with confirmation on all of the flavors it’s going to be introduced in. When the high protein, mouth-watering treat finally arrives sometime in March, fans will have four flavors to choose from with a traditional Chocolate Chip, Snickerdoodle, Peanut Butter, and White Chocolate Chip.
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Introducing the Dough Bar and its delicious protein packed doughnuts

The trick with the Dough Bar’s line-up isn’t so much that it makes healthy baked doughnuts, but the flavors it has available are extremely creative. Some of its best creations include Honey which comes covered in teddy bear grahams, Cookies & Creme with real Oreo crumbles, Birthday Cake made with Buff Bake’s Birthday Cake butter, and Nutella with Kit Kat crumbles.

or those interested in the nutrition numbers, the doughnut itself is exactly the same in each flavor with the glaze being the only thing changes. The Dough Bar’s doughnut obviously packs the bulk of the macros with 11g of protein, 16g of carbs with 2g of that fiber and 3g sugar, 4g of fat, and a total of 150 calories.


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Prosupps Protein Cookies:

Today we have a bit of an update on the exciting new ProSupps MyCookie with confirmation on all of the flavors it’s going to be introduced in. When the high protein, mouth-watering treat finally arrives sometime in March, fans will have four flavors to choose from with a traditional Chocolate Chip, Snickerdoodle, Peanut Butter, and White Chocolate Chip.
Looking good!
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Man Sports Sour Nukes Iso-Amino


Sour Nukes - Sour nukes is exactly as you would expect. Sour Nukes is a sour cherry flavored amino based product. This flavor is extremely close to that of Sour cherry war heads. If you ever had War Heads growing up you will basically think you are eating the candy in a beverage. Man Sports they do a very good job of replicating candy based flavors on the market. This is just another flavor on the line that works very well based off a candy based spin-off (dorks, sour batch, sweedish fish). If you have never had a MAN product they are well known for incredible flavoring. This is another one that strikes gold.


Man Sports Iso-Amino is a very fine powder, therefore it mixes very easy. When the powder starts to touch on the water it will soon dissolve. Even with a few shakes in any shaker bottle they will start mixing with ease. If you use a blender ball this is dissolving instantly. Most amino based products settle easy, and this leaves no clumps in your shaker cup.


MAN Sports is extremly basic as an amino based product.
5g of BCAA's per serving is all you get.
2.5g Leucine
1.25g Valine
1.25g Isoleucine

Cost & Overall

I got this in a bundle for $36.99 for 2-30 Serving Tubs and a Free Man Sports Metal Shaker. For 60 Cents a serving that is a very good deal consdering the free shaker thrown in. The flavoring of MAN Sports is top of the line in the supplement industry if you ask me. Not only are their flavors on point, they are very bold, dense, and live right up to the name on the label. With MAN Sports Iso-Amino it is very cost effective, tastes delicious, and comes in a huge variety of flavors.



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Introducing the Dough Bar and its delicious protein packed doughnuts

The trick with the Dough Bar’s line-up isn’t so much that it makes healthy baked doughnuts, but the flavors it has available are extremely creative. Some of its best creations include Honey which comes covered in teddy bear grahams, Cookies & Creme with real Oreo crumbles, Birthday Cake made with Buff Bake’s Birthday Cake butter, and Nutella with Kit Kat crumbles.

or those interested in the nutrition numbers, the doughnut itself is exactly the same in each flavor with the glaze being the only thing changes. The Dough Bar’s doughnut obviously packs the bulk of the macros with 11g of protein, 16g of carbs with 2g of that fiber and 3g sugar, 4g of fat, and a total of 150 calories.
Very interesting and they look good. But if I recall, the price is hefty.


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
And the cookie market grows repetitive already

Who can call the next snack to get protein infused then pushed mainstream?

My bet is on donuts making it big next.

Bagels/breads would be great to get more options on, P28 could use some competition


AnabolicMinds Site Rep
Quest is making protein cheetos.
Should be out in the next few months.
My buddy who works for them tasted them and said they were pretty damn good (better then the chips)
Lets hope he is true to his word.
If they nail the crunch (i assume crunchy Cheetos) I'm in


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Prosupps Protein Cookies:

Today we have a bit of an update on the exciting new ProSupps MyCookie with confirmation on all of the flavors it’s going to be introduced in. When the high protein, mouth-watering treat finally arrives sometime in March, fans will have four flavors to choose from with a traditional Chocolate Chip, Snickerdoodle, Peanut Butter, and White Chocolate Chip.
These will definitely be in my hands when they come out. I'll at least try 1 of each flavor. Think they may unseat L&L cookies


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I can't wait til a company makes protein infused chicken


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Random comments from past few pages:

Few companies will use 1500mg of Nitrosigene. At that dose the lead content becomes a real problem with prop 65. Also, it's expensive.

We will release the label for our pre in 2-3 weeks. Should hit stores first of March. Will be 2 flavors in 2 sizes. There will also be a non stim version (because it's good enough you can actually use it as a non stim).

Cookies and bars are dumb. Short expiration date, low margin, take up space and high minimums. No clue why any company would make them at this point. The market is difficult to get shelf presence. A large company had to GIVE gnc floor units of bars just to get them in the door because no room on shelf. LL just took it hard over their recall, others are trying to take advantage.

Tangerine is GNC exclusive for Xtend for 6 months

Another new Xtend flavor coming in 45-60 days.


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I just received official word that Gaspari will be releasing SizeOn PRO in 2017.

What is SizeOn Pro you ask? Carb-Free SizeOn, aka the old SizeOn Pre-Contest.

I honestly could not be happier right now. Best news in forever!!!



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In 2-3 weeks. Should be in stores first week of march. Not sure when marketing is planning the debut


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I just received official word that Gaspari will be releasing SizeOn PRO in 2017.

What is SizeOn Pro you ask? Carb-Free SizeOn, aka the old SizeOn Pre-Contest.

I honestly could not be happier right now. Best news in forever!!!

That's big news. People have been asking for Pre Contest for a while now and they'll finally be getting it!! Gaspari had a killer 2016 and it seems like they're not slowing up this year. Great job!!


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Quake...that name brings back the old skool gamer feelz
I like the name. Can't wait to see if it shakes up the preworkout game


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I just received official word that Gaspari will be releasing SizeOn PRO in 2017.

What is SizeOn Pro you ask? Carb-Free SizeOn, aka the old SizeOn Pre-Contest.

I honestly could not be happier right now. Best news in forever!!!

hell ya


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I just received official word that Gaspari will be releasing SizeOn PRO in 2017.

What is SizeOn Pro you ask? Carb-Free SizeOn, aka the old SizeOn Pre-Contest.

I honestly could not be happier right now. Best news in forever!!!



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"Time to kick ass and chew gum....and I'm all out of gum"
