DMA Does DMZ Demigod Style (unsponsored)



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lol bro you would love Magnitropin then if you like Follidrone. the benefits of epi + the cistance and paederia is incredible. and the boners are nice too :hitit:
Ive actually heard Myokem is very trustworthy. May look into your products bro :)


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Yeah, lets go back to all being envious at how massive Dma is


Lol I know I'm jelly. He's making me wanna turn to the dark side


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What about follidrone? It gives you the ability to just keep going and going and going without being a stimulant. Also muscle mass up, fat down. Its expesnive but its really worth every $. Dont skim on EPIC or the others either, follidrone is more expensive because it is simply better :)

Would help you a TON in PCT
^^^ Your opinion... There have been a ton of people reporting the same about EP1C vs Follidrone etc. When it comes down to it, epi is epi, pick your brand and benefit!

Glad an Epicatechin product worked for you though! You noticed pretty significant body mass changes? That's awesome bro...

I still need to do a continuous epi run. The longest I ran it so far was 2.5 3 weeks. I'm always too damn busy to keep up with my supps haha!


Joooooiiinn uuuuussss.....yeeeessss the dark side beckons you
haha its tempting. plus i have a source to Anavar, so eff ph/ds. although i'll probably grab some just in case before the ban drops


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Nooooo don't say that. Don't say ban :(((( and **** rock with the anavar.


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^^^ Your opinion... There have been a ton of people reporting the same about EP1C vs Follidrone etc. When it comes down to it, epi is epi, pick your brand and benefit!

Glad an Epicatechin product worked for you though! You noticed pretty significant body mass changes? That's awesome bro...

I still need to do a continuous epi run. The longest I ran it so far was 2.5 3 weeks. I'm always too damn busy to keep up with my supps haha!
Soooo are you subbing to my log? Haha glad you stopped by sir. Still a couple weeks of fun left!!
Olympus Labs

Olympus Labs

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Soooo are you subbing to my log? Haha glad you stopped by sir. Still a couple weeks of fun left!!
I'm here reading and following, just not posting :)


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Soooo are you subbing to my log? Haha glad you stopped by sir. Still a couple weeks of fun left!!
Innnnn this bish! ;)


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Favorite log I followed. Looking forward to our paralleling cycles in April :D


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Dude I can't sleep when I up the dose because I get to anxious to fall asleep and grow... End up just laying there pumped up as ****tt to get bigger.


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Are there any sides with the DMZ??? now you got me wanting to do that instead of the halo, also quick question, has anybody or would anybody want run ph for a month and switch to another for another 2-4 weeks? or would that be just stupid and a waste of time?? just picking your guys brains learning the ins and outs :p
Yes it is just fine and in actuallity can provide some better results than 6-8 weeks with the same compound. A different compound be new to the receptors and have a better binding affinity.

As far as I know it would be waste since it'll be to a different hormone. Levels wouldn't be built up either so to gauge its effectiveness in a short timespan would be toughh
There is no build up of these designer steroids the half life is 8-12 hours for most except for DMZ which has a 16 hour halflife. This is not long ester testosterone we are talking about. These things kick in immediately, when people say they don't kick in immediately they are wrong and actually referring to measurable changes, IE strength gains or weight gain that have taken place since WHEN the product kicked in which is the moment it is digested. These are active steroids that do not require to be converted into an active hormone they are the active hormone. Only things like Stano, or Trenavar/Trenazone or andro/dhea based products require some conversion those are PH's though. DMZ, EPI, Dimethadrol, Halo, and the like are designer steroids with very short half lives and require no build up time to be effective just takes a certain amount of time to see the results of the effectiveness. If already amped up on DMZ and switch to EPI at a similar dose there is no lag in the effects or growth.
My bro,
Run Hdrol for six weeks at 50/75/75/75/75/100 if you want do a hundred the last two weeks and you will be plenty satisfied. There are always future cycles
Yeah that is a pretty mild run but if this is his first cycle might be worthwhile. I would at least hig 100 by week 3 to see maximum results. Hdrol is so mild it doesn't even become very toxic at 125-150. About 100-125 is most peoples money spot.

Also what swolbraham said, would be a waste to run 2 different PH's like that.
No Sir it would not. See explanation above.

I really am starting to appreciate the HS equipment just for pumps and tempo work. Had my chest burning so bad today. Is there a such thing as training for strength and hypertrophy in the same workout. I always seem to see people doing either one or the other. But like today I did 1 heavy chest movement and then a few for hypertrophy. Does doing both in one workout negate the other? Or do they both have the affect they are supposed to? Anyways it was a great pec blasting day.

Definitely not looking as lean as at the beginning of the cycle, so I can't say that the weight I've gained at this point is LBM. I was going to post a couple full body progress pics, but they don't show any huge improvement. I'm going to still keep my calories at 3400-3500 for the rest of the cycle, drop to around 3200 for the first couple weeks of PCT, and then back to maintenance of 3100 around week 3-4 and see if the Reduce XT helps me lean out the last couple weeks of PCT.
HS machines are excellent for heavy weight and bulking as well especially if you are working for hypertrophy. You can lift more weight, have a more intense contraction due to not being limited to what a barbell offers or by the fact DB's can only apply tension via linear gravity. The design of a hammer strentgh increases the portion of the ROM you can apply resistance to. Look at a chest press where you can bring your arm more across your chest. If on a barbell you can not do this and if you are using a DB there is no resistance on the pecs once the DB's come above or inside the shoulder. Don't limit the use of these machines to just pumps and tempo work they are great for strength and hypertrophy training. Perfect if you don't have a spotter. of course you need DB's and Barbells too for the stabilizing and what not but when you want to get brutal and heavy with the weight especially alone HS can be a god send.

As far as your caloric plans for PCT do not do that please. You will sacrifice the muscle you gain by lowering calories in PCT. This should never be done. YOu will already be dealing with high cortisol levels from being shut down, limiting your calories is a sure fire way to lose gains. You should always wait 2-3 months after a cycle to start trying to cut. You want your body to believe the new mass is the norm or homeostasis. It is called creating a new set point. So please do not immediately try to lose fat or clean anything up right now. Otherwise you will lose precious mass. The body knows it didn't need this new muscle 2 months ago what do you think will be the first thing it goes after in deficit.

What about follidrone? It gives you the ability to just keep going and going and going without being a stimulant. Also muscle mass up, fat down. Its expesnive but its really worth every $. Dont skim on EPIC or the others either, follidrone is more expensive because it is simply better :)

Would help you a TON in PCT
So you have run both or should I say all of the epicatechin products under the same training and nutrition strategies and found Follidrone to be obviously superior or are you basing your opinion on information supplied by people with something to lose if people tried other companies products?

Favorite log I followed. Looking forward to our paralleling cycles in April :D
Pretty darn good log agreed.


Interesting, thanks Kleen. Good info there. That makes sense


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That was a hell of a thorough answer kleen XD bravo


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Cannot argue with Logic. I will keep calories at 3400-3500 then. I do see my tipping point at what rate my body is able to burn and use the calories effectively and when they are just stored as fat, and that seems to be around and over 3800. So I will try to create my new maintenance calories to be 3400 throughout and after PCT.


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Yes sir! Awesome info! When Kleen talks I listen!
Cannot argue with Logic. I will keep calories at 3400-3500 then. I do see my tipping point at what rate my body is able to burn and use the calories effectively and when they are just stored as fat, and that seems to be around and over 3800. So I will try to create my new maintenance calories to be 3400 throughout and after PCT.
Yes and if you find that you are adding a little fluff rather than remove calories add in some HIIT, or shorten rest periods and increase volume or both.


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Thanks! Yes and if you find that you are adding a little fluff rather than remove calories add in some HIIT, or shorten rest periods and increase volume or both.
Oh yeah cardio...I forgot about that stuff!! Haha


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Great job so far and it's amazing that you've come to figure out that you maintenance calories are around 3400. Keep that metabolism firing


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So much good info in here!!
You have been killing it!


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Thanks man, there is a lot of good info coming in. That's the beauty of these logs, it's not only your own journey, but you get so much good information along the way. There's always somebody who knows more than you and can steer you in the right direction.


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How do you know when you belong to a meat-head gym? When you go at 6:00 on Friday night and it's packed!! So I knocked it out hard and fast.

Warm-up legs on Leg Press 4 plates x 20

225 x 10
275 x 8
315 x 4
335 x 2
355 x 2 PR

Front Squats ATG:
135 x 10
165 x 7
165 x 7

Deadlifts 4-0-1-0 tempo:
135 x 10 warm up
185 x 10
235 x 6
255 x 6
185 x 7 (back twitching!!)

Lying Leg Curls:
75 x 20 x 3 sets
Super Set
Calf Raises:
140 x 25 x 3 sets

Not much variety, but effective. My back is telling me so right now as I sit here.

Weight holding steady at 193.
Sides still the same. Momentary flashes of BP spikes, usually close to my cups of coffee!! DUH. Libido still gone. Lethargy...there is no lethargy.

Stamina seems a bit down in the gym. I am hitting it so hard and fast though that I don't know if anyone could stand the ferocity for much longer than the 45-55 minutes I'm doing.


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How do you know when you belong to a meat-head gym? When you go at 6:00 on Friday night and it's packed!! So I knocked it out hard and fast. Warm-up legs on Leg Press 4 plates x 20 Squats: 225 x 10 275 x 8 315 x 4 335 x 2 355 x 2 PR Front Squats ATG: 135 x 10 165 x 7 165 x 7 Deadlifts 4-0-1-0 tempo: 135 x 10 warm up 185 x 10 235 x 6 255 x 6 185 x 7 (back twitching!!) Lying Leg Curls: 75 x 20 x 3 sets Super Set Calf Raises: 140 x 25 x 3 sets Not much variety, but effective. My back is telling me so right now as I sit here. Weight holding steady at 193. Sides still the same. Momentary flashes of BP spikes, usually close to my cups of coffee!! DUH. Libido still gone. Lethargy...there is no lethargy. Stamina seems a bit down in the gym. I am hitting it so hard and fast though that I don't know if anyone could stand the ferocity for much longer than the 45-55 minutes I'm doing.
I was at the gym at 10 pm instead of going out with my buddy's hahaha. My Friday night.

Like to keep it romantic...

Take a shower, light up some candles
Pour some protein powder into a wine glass
And slowest rub dermacrine on my chest


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I was at the gym at 10 pm instead of going out with my buddy's hahaha. My Friday night.

Like to keep it romantic...

Take a shower, light up some candles
Pour some protein powder into a wine glass
And slowest rub dermacrine on my chest
I came.


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I was at the gym at 10 pm instead of going out with my buddy's hahaha. My Friday night. Like to keep it romantic... Take a shower, light up some candles Pour some protein powder into a wine glass And slowest rub dermacrine on my chest
LOL Yes!!! The life!!


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LOL Yes!!! The life!!
lol I'm pretty sure everyone stopped following my log XD well my last day of halo is tomorrow :/ but excited to bust ass in the PCT though bro.


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I'm literally smashing a PR in every workout. I have to say my shoulder days are becoming my favorite. I love the assortment of exercises that hit every angle and side. This is the 6th week of DMZ and the 3rd at 60mg. So far there are no observable differences in how I feel from one brand to the next. No change in sides either. Strength has been steadily climbing for weeks. I think I will finish this next week at 60 and then bump to 75mg for the remainder of the bottle which is another week.
Seated Military Press:
95 x 15
135 x 12
185 x 8
205 x 5
215 x 3 (+2 more w/ spot) PR
135 x ?? to failure

DB Side Raise drop sets:
30's x 12 drop to 15's x 8 w/ 2 second hold at top x 4 sets

Standing OHP:
85 x 10 x 3 sets
Super Set
Upright Rows:
90 x 10 x 3 sets

Reverse Flys on Pec Deck:
130 x 8
100 x 12
100 x 12
Super Set
Cable Front Raise w/ Rope Between Legs:
50 x 10 x 3 sets

Shrugs w/ Rack:
185 x 15 x 4 sets slow and circular
Super Set
Ab Roller x 4 sets

HS Shoulder Press:
35 on each side to failure x 2 sets

Oblique Crunches x 2 sets x 15 each side

This was by far the best shoulder burning workout I've ever had. Just able to really put the mind to muscle connection together on every movement.


Lol at 135 x ???

Love that, you do so many your like fuark how many did I do


Lol at 135 x ???

Love that, you do so many your like fuark how many did I do


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Dude wtf your seated military is ridiculous


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Just added up today's calories by generic searches of the food at this birthday party. A measly 4800 for the day. Straight to the shoulders!!
313 Protein
234 Fat
401 Carb

Fat Gainzzz!!


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Just added up today's calories by generic searches of the food at this birthday party. A measly 4800 for the day. Straight to the shoulders!! 313 Protein 234 Fat 401 Carb Fat Gainzzz!!
Nice bulking calories!


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Just added up today's calories by generic searches of the food at this birthday party. A measly 4800 for the day. Straight to the shoulders!! 313 Protein 234 Fat 401 Carb Fat Gainzzz!!
Jeeeeezussss gainz for days

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