KLEEN Cut's back on the supplements but not the progress!



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i get it, so if you were in like contest prep you would do numbers more like this? I am not sure I could make it through a program like this on those sort of cals.


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Bro, you got a copy of the MI40 plan? Would love to get a copy.

Thought about getting it myself haha


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I got the mention on the last one haha. Forgot to check.

In for this one though. What calculator do you use?

There are so many out there. I just started eating the same thing for two weeks to see what happened.

I'm with yah man. Here for the aesthetics and now I am not increasing more than 300 calories each week.

Maybe 500 to 700 for this bulk cause I've got a lot of fat burners for this bulk run.

Going to really own the aesthetic look and honestly this is my first true bulk where I wasn't young and stupid lol.

Super excited to grow this winter.
That one for the TDEE is the IIFYM calculator it has a lot of adjustments you can add in. Even if you do not prescribe to the IIFYM mentality the calculators on that site are very good and offer up multiple preset types of diets and also a custom setting where you can punch in your personal macros and it will plan some things out for you. IIFYM gets a bad name from some people who do some pretty stupid things on it but typically the goal of it is to meet your target macros and therefore your caloric goals with a reasonable balance of foods while also meeting your micro-nutrient needs as well like vitamins and minerals.

However that being said my metabolism dictates that my TDEE is always lower than the predicted numbers. I do not have metabolic damage either I simply have a very efficient metabolism and can gain muscle and fat on lower calories. I can also lose fat easily when I lower them in similar % to anyone else dieting my starting points simply tend to be a bit lower than other. All this means to me is a cheaper grocery bill. :)

As far as your bulking plans I would only increase your first week at 300 then about 100-150 after until you are back up to your normal caloric levels since you just came off a cut. Once you are at maintenance decide if you want to gain lean muscle and not fat. If you are okay with gaining some fat go with the 300 per day every week. If you want to keep where you are and not have to cut later stick with 150-200 and only add when you are not gaining. In the end the amount of LBM gained will be similar and you will continue to have the look you are going for in the first place. You are not a hard gainer so you should not have to be aggressive with your jumps to gain weight. Now once on cycle then add a little more per week if you want but I would maintain your current bodyfat throughout the entire process if I were you.


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Bro, you got a copy of the MI40 plan? Would love to get a copy.

Thought about getting it myself haha
I have a copy of the MI40 original plan but the new one is locked down. Has ,y name and serial number on every single page and video and they are encrypted so if seen in to many areas around the nation they can turn off the encryption key and your files are toast. Very smart however i will tell you it is worth the $97, you get diet calculators and everything with it. It is much more than just a workout program. It is education in the proper way to lift for hypertrophy.


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Man those numbers are low!! You know what you want and what you're doing with professional guidance. Look forward to the transformation.
Yah the lowest I ever got on prep was around 2200 but my metabolism is a bit faster than Chris's and I walk a lot. I don't do any cardio other than that though. Chris just wants to shed some fat quickly here. I understand where he's coming from. I was in a different situation. I am a whole new kind of animal now though after this. The Super compensation was un-fuggin-believable. Even the cheating had me only adding lean mass. It's cool that there is a shredding plan though. My misunderstanding I thought you made a mistake with the calculations.


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That one for the TDEE is the IIFYM calculator it has a lot of adjustments you can add in. Even if you do not prescribe to the IIFYM mentality the calculators on that site are very good and offer up multiple preset types of diets and also a custom setting where you can punch in your personal macros and it will plan some things out for you. IIFYM gets a bad name from some people who do some pretty stupid things on it but typically the goal of it is to meet your target macros and therefore your caloric goals with a reasonable balance of foods while also meeting your micro-nutrient needs as well like vitamins and minerals.

However that being said my metabolism dictates that my TDEE is always lower than the predicted numbers. I do not have metabolic damage either I simply have a very efficient metabolism and can gain muscle and fat on lower calories. I can also lose fat easily when I lower them in similar % to anyone else dieting my starting points simply tend to be a bit lower than other. All this means to me is a cheaper grocery bill. :)

As far as your bulking plans I would only increase your first week at 300 then about 100-150 after until you are back up to your normal caloric levels since you just came off a cut. Once you are at maintenance decide if you want to gain lean muscle and not fat. If you are okay with gaining some fat go with the 300 per day every week. If you want to keep where you are and not have to cut later stick with 150-200 and only add when you are not gaining. In the end the amount of LBM gained will be similar and you will continue to have the look you are going for in the first place. You are not a hard gainer so you should not have to be aggressive with your jumps to gain weight. Now once on cycle then add a little more per week if you want but I would maintain your current bodyfat throughout the entire process if I were you.
I have a copy of the MI40 original plan but the new one is locked down. Has ,y name and serial number on every single page and video and they are encrypted so if seen in to many areas around the nation they can turn off the encryption key and your files are toast. Very smart however i will tell you it is worth the $97, you get diet calculators and everything with it. It is much more than just a workout program. It is education in the proper way to lift for hypertrophy.
Thanks for the info buddy!!!

Yah I'll be looking to slowly gain that mass rather than gain a lot of fat and cut again.

I look damn good but **** that 10 weeks sucked dick lol


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I seem to be the outlier to think the calories are not too low for a cut. Given your current size and estimated a higher BF then what you are normally are at, the key is macro-nutrient timing and amounts.

Manipulating carb intake IMO is key to using one of the most anabolic hormones in your body---> insulin. Carbs intake can also affect GH, IGF, and a myriad of other hormones and peptide signals, so really depending on how his day to day and week to week layout is will decide if he can actually gain muscle and/or lose fat in the process. It's difficult but not impossible.

However it is a shock to see a bodybuilding style program adhere to such low calories, however if protein and fats are maintained at adequate levels then muscle loss this shouldnt be a BIG problem at all. Training to induce appropriate amounts of hypertrophy coupled with a strong anabolic signal after allowing the appropriate amount of catabolism to occur is a big factor.

Eager to see how this pans out for you. Im intrigued by this program.


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I seem to be the outlier to think the calories are not too low for a cut.
Nah man. I'm in agreement. I think he'll lean out quick on the program he's on. I'm only hitting it 4x a week, a mere 10lbs heavier and taking in around 300 cals more and the fat is melting weights the same. Total recomp. I think it'll be aggressive in the fat loss for kleen but that's what he wants and he is pretty knowledgeable.


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Looks good Chris.. I think your idea of rebooting week 1 is solid, if you have no more planned interruptions coming you way!


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Yah the lowest I ever got on prep was around 2200 but my metabolism is a bit faster than Chris's and I walk a lot. I don't do any cardio other than that though. Chris just wants to shed some fat quickly here. I understand where he's coming from. I was in a different situation. I am a whole new kind of animal now though after this. The Super compensation was un-fuggin-believable. Even the cheating had me only adding lean mass. It's cool that there is a shredding plan though. My misunderstanding I thought you made a mistake with the calculations.
Thanks for the info buddy!!!

Yah I'll be looking to slowly gain that mass rather than gain a lot of fat and cut again.

I look damn good but **** that 10 weeks sucked dick lol
Yeah gradually build back up then and don't ruin that hard earned physique. I did the yo-you bulk and cut thing for a very long time and it simply is not worth it if your focus is aesthetics and the long haul. You have plenty size to look good all year round and gain 5-10 lbs a year while staying lean and looking great. Anyone in the game for long knows that 5-10 lbs in a year is great unless you are on major anabolics for long periods an even then it is good.

I seem to be the outlier to think the calories are not too low for a cut. Given your current size and estimated a higher BF then what you are normally are at, the key is macro-nutrient timing and amounts.

Manipulating carb intake IMO is key to using one of the most anabolic hormones in your body---> insulin. Carbs intake can also affect GH, IGF, and a myriad of other hormones and peptide signals, so really depending on how his day to day and week to week layout is will decide if he can actually gain muscle and/or lose fat in the process. It's difficult but not impossible.

However it is a shock to see a bodybuilding style program adhere to such low calories, however if protein and fats are maintained at adequate levels then muscle loss this shouldnt be a BIG problem at all. Training to induce appropriate amounts of hypertrophy coupled with a strong anabolic signal after allowing the appropriate amount of catabolism to occur is a big factor.

Eager to see how this pans out for you. Im intrigued by this program.
Thanks GH, you are absolutely correct in this and the protein is always slightly above 1g per lb. At its lowest point is when the program is designed to create a mildly catabolic period by overtraining mild underfeeding then following it up with a super compensation period. I know exactly what to do to come out of this diet successfully raising my calories to return to a maintenance or even slight surplus. Plus a 7 week period of lower calories is not going to cause any metabolic damage and it will be the last time I need to cut down for at least a year so long as I remain disciplined in my efforts to maintain low bodyfat while gaining mass slowly if I choose to pursue mass gains going forward or perhaps swap training goals for a while to focus on other areas of fitness.

Nah man. I'm in agreement. I think he'll lean out quick on the program he's on. I'm only hitting it 4x a week, a mere 10lbs heavier and taking in around 300 cals more and the fat is melting weights the same. Total recomp. I think it'll be aggressive in the fat loss for kleen but that's what he wants and he is pretty knowledgeable.
Oh yeah I expect to lean out very fast on this. It is an aggressive shredding diet designed to drop several % bodyfat in 7 weeks. I have no doubts in my mind I will have visible abs and plenty muscle at the end of this.

People tend to forget the personalization of diet and metabolism. I have a VERY efficient metabolism which many are not used too.

Others just do not want to feel uncomfortable on a diet so they assume the lethargy and slower recovery means they need more food that something is wrong. No you are intentionally putting your body through a stressful situation it is supposed to be uncomfortable. When your body tells you it is hungry and bitches when on an extreme diet you do not listen and adjust the diet you tell it to shut the phuck up and deal with it. Focused Dieting isnt about how you feel when it is an extreme laser focused diet it is about effects. If muscle mass is not being lost at an unacceptable rate then there is not a problem. Simply suck it up tell your body crap ain't gonna feel good for a little bit and keep it moving. Right now I want some greatness and I am going to go out and get it. That means suffering some.

Notice I said extreme dieting a general person trying to lose weight over a period of time should do so comfortably and with out stress. If you are not imposing a major deadline or high priority the the speed in which you want to lose weight it can be done VERY COMFORTABLY and that is honestly the best way to do it. However I am choosing to make myself uncomfortable for the more instant gratification. I just want to be very clear on that.

That being said just as a reminder for what can be achieved on minimal caloric intake. Here are my before and after pictures from the Transformers Transformation challenge. I did virtually no cardio and i was eating IF style training 3 days a week. I ate an average of 1300 calories on non training days and 2400 calories on lifting days. I started out at 204 and ended up at 209, yes I was on an oral cycle during the time but look at the calories and I gained weight and no cardio other than sometimes going for a walk at lunch. Point in case being sound nutritional strategies and timing make for a lot of improvement and low calories are not as bad as people make them out to be so long as cortisol is not out of control. At no point will I be near starvation so cortisol and muscle loss should not even be a consideration on this diet.

Transformers Transformation contest..jpg


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Looks good Chris.. I think your idea of rebooting week 1 is solid, if you have no more planned interruptions coming you way!
Yeah that is starting to be my line of thought. I do not want to backslide on this little trip by assing out and eating crazy but I want to enjoy myself and spend as much time with my peeps as possible as time is limited and these are some of my favorite people on earth. On top of that my buddy will want to go lift more than likely and i would like to hit it with him instead of running off to do my own thing if we go.


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Over the last few months you've sounded "not as into training", compared to other times. This, to me, tells me you know your answer already: don't lift, take the time off, see your fam and friends and rest/deload until you get truly hungry again. You can't make real progress if you're not hungry to work for it, and you can't be hungry when you're full and disinterested in training. This is the natural ebb and flow of training, and life.

I know you know this; just reaffirming what you already decided. Life only gets to be lived once, so it should always be spent doing exactly what you want as often as possible. This is what makes life sweet.


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Yep the best way to go about this is to get into good shape and stay there. Add mass slowly and don't let it get away from you. I can't count the amount of times where I have tried to add mass and overdo it and have it bite me in the ass.


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Chris I complete get you on the hard dieting. You are unhappy with where you're at so you will fix it quick. I would probably do the same in your situation and have actually. This is the personality type you need to be successful. Once in a while you have to say fug it and push it on through.

I also feel that as soon as you can get into the industry on a full time basis you are going to be on point all the time and a lot fuggin happier. Family has to come first so it gets tough but that will change some day too.


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Over the last few months you've sounded "not as into training", compared to other times. This, to me, tells me you know your answer already: don't lift, take the time off, see your fam and friends and rest/deload until you get truly hungry again. You can't make real progress if you're not hungry to work for it, and you can't be hungry when you're full and disinterested in training. This is the natural ebb and flow of training, and life.

I know you know this; just reaffirming what you already decided. Life only gets to be lived once, so it should always be spent doing exactly what you want as often as possible. This is what makes life sweet.
Gracias and agreed, I have been prioritizing many things in life and this has for a while at least been a lower priority. Too many things going on in life to stress over a hobby nor measure myself by my success in said hobby. However right now I am definitely hungry for it and back in it. I just am no longer even considering competing as an option or goal at this point. So training and diet will be for the enjoyment of the pursuit of a goal, and not a need to do or have to do kind of thing. That being said it is go time I am reinvigorated with the passion of the lift. I just wasn't sure on which way to go with the diet but my continued discomfort with my current composition finally won out and dictated the need for a cut. LOL

Thanks for the support as always Hyde!

Yep the best way to go about this is to get into good shape and stay there. Add mass slowly and don't let it get away from you. I can't count the amount of times where I have tried to add mass and overdo it and have it bite me in the ass.
Oh yeah this is the issue that plagued me with my last two efforts to get ready for a show both which resulted in show stopping injuries. Literally...

Chris I complete get you on the hard dieting. You are unhappy with where you're at so you will fix it quick. I would probably do the same in your situation and have actually. This is the personality type you need to be successful. Once in a while you have to say fug it and push it on through.

I also feel that as soon as you can get into the industry on a full time basis you are going to be on point all the time and a lot fuggin happier. Family has to come first so it gets tough but that will change some day too.
You know that is right on both accounts! My family situation has really improved so making it to the gym and hitting my macros is far less of a pain in the ass than it was / would have been before. Also my injuries seem to be healed up pretty nicely at this point. Dealing with a little bit of soreness in the elbows like I mentioned last week but gone already. I also lowered my dose of AI so I think that will help.

Once in the field I will definitely have to maintain a high level of discipline and consistency as well as a lean and mean package. Let's face it as a trainer your physique is part of your marketing and if you are marketing sloppiness how is someone going to take you seriously.

Tomorrow I start back up although a bit carb loaded I did not go crazy overboard but certainly relaxed this weekend. Tomorrow starts my first lower calories day right at 2357. Macro goals will be 260p, 111c, and 97f. I really don't expect any problems hitting these numbers and don't think I will be hungry trying.

Lot of love in this log. I dig it.
We have a supportive group of guys in here many have been friends for years. However I think you will notice we tend to be supportive to everyone. You Sir are already in the group of people who get it done so you will fit right in here!


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Just crushed the first workout again. Increased weight a little on the main exercises everything else was the same weight but added a rep here and there. I'm sauna now sweating out some of the subcutaneous fluid.

This weekend was a good one and I enjoyed it but I have my focus back on the prize. Next scheduled deviance will be thanksgiving. I will be in Dallas with family but keep the madness to just that day. Not the entire weekend.


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Loving all the convo in here!! Lots of good stuff.
Glad you had a good weekend and started the week with a good workout!


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Thanks BigRed, boy I am beat today, we really did not get much sleep at all while we were out there. I could just curl up in a ball somewhere up here at work and take a nap. May just do that for lunch.


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Thanks BigRed, boy I am beat today, we really did not get much sleep at all while we were out there. I could just curl up in a ball somewhere up here at work and take a nap. May just do that for lunch.
I slept on my woman's dads couch last night... You wanna be the little or big spoon for our nap?


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I slept on my woman's dads couch last night... You wanna be the little or big spoon for our nap?
superbeast668 A little of both our bum shoulders will get stiff if we don't roll over.


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Yah Chris that ins a big incentive to stay fit as you are your best marketing strategy. The joy of being where you wan to be and doing what you want to do is a big factor as well. You get to surround yourself with the kinds of people you want to be around and they add to the motivation as well. You get to mold people with your perception and that is awesome as well.

You're going to be very successful in this business, you'll get there just keep working toward your goals.


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I thought you would get a laugh out of that.
Yah Chris that ins a big incentive to stay fit as you are your best marketing strategy. The joy of being where you wan to be and doing what you want to do is a big factor as well. You get to surround yourself with the kinds of people you want to be around and they add to the motivation as well. You get to mold people with your perception and that is awesome as well.

You're going to be very successful in this business, you'll get there just keep working toward your goals.
Thanks Doug, and I am very happy that you are really enjoying yourself in the field. I appreciate the support and faith in my abilities.


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Quick Macro update for today
Target Macros
Calories 2357
Protein 260
Carbs 111
Fats 98

Actual Macros
Calories 2369
Protein 264
Carbs 110
Fats 97

Not too shabby!


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Do you plan your own meals or is your nutrition plan laid out for you as part of the workout? So precise. I have gotten my calories and protein dialed in but have trouble with carb and fat consistency.


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Do you plan your own meals or is your nutrition plan laid out for you as part of the workout? So precise. I have gotten my calories and protein dialed in but have trouble with carb and fat consistency.
These macros are laid out meal per meal extremely specific. However I change them up to be a little more inline with the Biorythm Diet or similar to Carb Backloading without a ton of carbs. This way I have more glycogen left in my muscle stores for my fasted workouts since I don't have time for anything to eat prior to training. On top of that carbs at night help keep leptin stores higher keeping metabolism from dropping as fast.


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Quick Macro update for today
Target Macros
Calories 2357
Protein 260
Carbs 111
Fats 98

Actual Macros
Calories 2369
Protein 264
Carbs 110
Fats 97

Not too shabby!
Can't get much closer than that


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Okay so this morning was a great lift, I did the back and triceps workout again. Here is a quick refresher.

40 seconds rest tempo 4-0-1-0 unless otherwise noted

Cable Rows 4-0-1-2 + 5 partials at the end of every set - 5 sets of 10
Bent Over Barbell Rows w/ outward intentions. 4-0-1-0 = reps 14/10/7/7/10/14
Neutral Grip Assisted pull ups 3 sets of 10 + NOS (aka 3 drop sets on final work set)
45 degree leaned back Underhand grip lat pulldowns 3 sets of 10

Bent Over rear delt raises with both dumbells and cables at same time 3 sets of 10 with NOS X set (3 drop set with weighted stretch in between each one)

Super Set 1
Reverse Grip Triceps Extension tempo 4-0-2-2 = 15 x 3 sets
Barbell Lying Triceps Ext ( JM Press ) 7 x 3 sets

yep it was a beast and I was swole up like one!

Abs 15 x 3 rope cable crunches


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Can't get much closer than that
Yeah keep in mind I tend to count my macros as i go and plan my last meal by exactly what I need to finish out the day. I do not prescribe to the I must eat 5-6 times a day. I get my macros in for the most part I end up eating 4 sometimes 5 meals. Sometimes I fast in the mornings so I tend to get enough freedom to squeeze myself pretty darn close to my macros. I can already tell I am going to lean up nicely on this. However no hunger issues at all yesterday with my first day at 2357.


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I bet you were swole like a beast after that!! Way to hit your macros yesterday too! Even better that hunger isn't an issue yet!


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I bet you were swole like a beast after that!! Way to hit your macros yesterday too! Even better that hunger isn't an issue yet!
Thanks Kat, I have every intention of rocking this thing all the way to the end.


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this log is inspiring me to get serious on my recomp/cut


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Always late to the party!!! Forgive me! :'(


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Okay so this morning was a great lift, I did the back and triceps workout again. Here is a quick refresher.

40 seconds rest tempo 4-0-1-0 unless otherwise noted

Cable Rows 4-0-1-2 + 5 partials at the end of every set - 5 sets of 10
Bent Over Barbell Rows w/ outward intentions. 4-0-1-0 = reps 14/10/7/7/10/14
Neutral Grip Assisted pull ups 3 sets of 10 + NOS (aka 3 drop sets on final work set)
45 degree leaned back Underhand grip lat pulldowns 3 sets of 10

Bent Over rear delt raises with both dumbells and cables at same time 3 sets of 10 with NOS X set (3 drop set with weighted stretch in between each one)

Super Set 1
Reverse Grip Triceps Extension tempo 4-0-2-2 = 15 x 3 sets
Barbell Lying Triceps Ext ( JM Press ) 7 x 3 sets

yep it was a beast and I was swole up like one!

Abs 15 x 3 rope cable crunches
Great workout!


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Nothing but a peanut;)

If anyone can do this, it's you!!!
Thanks Ed! Much appreciated!

this log is inspiring me to get serious on my recomp/cut
Get after it man you can do it!
Always late to the party!!! Forgive me! :'(
Fashionably late though!
Great workout!
Thanks Koi!
So true...
Gracias to you too Sir!

Okay Todays Target Macros
Protein = 260
Carbs = 111
Fats 97
Cals 2357

Actual Macros for today
Protein = 262
Carbs = 109
Fats = 99
Calories = 2,375

Again not too shabby!


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This morning was the leg workout from Hell again...

Here is a little music that helped me get through the workout. I am going to see them with 12 Foot Ninja on Dec 2nd!


Tempo 4-0-2-0 unless otherwise mentioned, rest periods 40 seconds....

Leg Extensions - 4-0-2-7 - 7 reps x 3 sets yes 7 second hold at peak contraction!!

Single leg leg press feet high - 21 reps x 3 sets

Squats - 21, 11, 10, 3 last set was supposed to be 21 but the squats were hurting my foot so I decided to stop I did an extra drop set on leg press tomake up for it.

Leg press Feet Low on platform for quads - 10 repx x3 sets + NOS set on last work set (NOS Set is triple drop set) +1 drop to make up for last set of squats

Seated Leg Curls - 21 reps 3 sets

Lying Leg Curls Body Extended - 4-0-1(2)-0 10 reps x7 - the (2) means that I stopped 1/3 of the way up and held for 2 seconds then completed the rep.


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That causes pain just reading it!


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Agreed Big Red!


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I know leg days are fuggin brutal, I can't wait till you hit that final 8 days.. there 3 ungodly leg days in that 11 workouts.


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yeah I bet. If my elbows don't hold up I may have to do 3 on 1 off 3 on 1 off for an extra day of recovery. I can already feel them complaining a little bit after 2 weeks of it.


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Todays target macros
Protein 260
Carbs 111
Fat 97
Total 2357 cals

Protein 260
Carbs 111
Fat 96
Total 2348 cals


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yeah I bet. If my elbows don't hold up I may have to do 3 on 1 off 3 on 1 off for an extra day of recovery. I can already feel them complaining a little bit after 2 weeks of it.
I realize that you have a lot more wear on the joints than I, but fwiw I use some Elite FTS heavy elbow sleeves (get a huge size; I use 3XL so you'd need 4-5XL for your guns) and they all but eliminate elbow pain on french presses, tri extensions, dips, etc. They will restrict your pump slightly, but you can keep them on for a while (and the slightest occlusion should only promote mass gain).

Also heard great things about Lifting Large's 1-ply Crusher sleeves.


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Great job on hitting your numbers!!
Same here with the joints getting achy after more than 3 days straight. I usually do 3 on 1 off 2 on 1 off.


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Leg day is just ridiculous!! Lol

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