Morry's Test P/Test E cycle + PCT, thinkin I'll hit 375 bench????



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Oh yeah, i should have had this in the log, but I took 8 grams of taurine today. Worked pretty damn good. Almost no discomfort. I'll up it to 9 for widow makers tomorrow. I was taking 3 or 4 maybe but I kept reading and I saw doses of 8 and 9 saying the same thing I have been saying, but getting relief at 8 or 9 grams a day. I am splitting the doses. Morning, lunch and preworkout. I have been taking 1 more gram after I workout but I'm not sure I really should be....

This puzzles me bc everything I have looked through seems to show that back pumps and the origination are somewhat unknown. We do know that taurine helps in most cases. Sometimes milk thistle, blood pressure meds, potassium, and some other off the wall things that ppl have reported work wonders for thier back pumps. Which brings me to my question. Is taurine merely a bandaid on a much more serious situation? Or could it be at least. I've know plenty of guys get these pumps and I haven't read that anybody died of one, but what is putting all this taurine in your body actually doing? Taurine OD are unheard of bc the toxicity level is so freaking high. Taking 9 grams a day for 6 or 8 weeks is ok, right?

At this point, I'll do what I got to do to avoid the pumps as they hinder my goals, but I'll prob continue to look around on the web to see if something more concrete surfaces regarding back pumps.
This is exactly why this crap shouldn't be illegal. If it were legal to buy a lot of gear, they'd have done all the research studies to tell us why we encounter many of the anomalies along the way that we have little to no explanation for. I'm not going to argue for legalizing roids, I'll just say it would be nice to have more access to more studies that had good funding and unbias results.
Then again I could just stop taking gear and then I wouldn't have to worry about wtf it is doing long term and so on.......

:lol: might have better luck stickin your d1ck in the eye of a needle (this challenge excludes asians, sry bros....)


Morry this is my belief of why back pumps happen:

I think that with most, if not all, anabolics a certain degree of glycogen superconcentration happens. This causes a retention of glucose in all skeletal muscles which, due to osmotic pressure, causes a shift in water. This is why you have to pumped feeling, and why with drugs like SD you can put on like 20lbs in 2 weeks, also why you seem to lose som much of that weight.

For some weird reason there is a large accumulation of this water in the lower back and that is your back pump. Taurine helps because it keeps k+ and mg++ intracellular and keeps Na out. This essentially makes it a diuretic because water should follow the sodium right out of the cell.

Anyway, just my theory and could certainly be full of holes


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great up dates and discussion here I really like this thread morry keep giving us the goods.

also on your question of hcgen see below

hcgenerate will be back next week bro. Its on the production line now good friend.


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Morry this is my belief of why back pumps happen:

I think that with most, if not all, anabolics a certain degree of glycogen superconcentration happens. This causes a retention of glucose in all skeletal muscles which, due to osmotic pressure, causes a shift in water. This is why you have to pumped feeling, and why with drugs like SD you can put on like 20lbs in 2 weeks, also why you seem to lose som much of that weight.

For some weird reason there is a large accumulation of this water in the lower back and that is your back pump. Taurine helps because it keeps k+ and mg++ intracellular and keeps Na out. This essentially makes it a diuretic because water should follow the sodium right out of the cell.

Anyway, just my theory and could certainly be full of holes
I never suffer from back pumps myself. But I have given this issue some thought. And if your assumption is correct, then some Preparation-H applied to the lower back could help to remove excess water from the area and just may provide some much-needed relief. :thumbsup:

Dr. Thunder:hammer::22:


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Morry this is my belief of why back pumps happen:

I think that with most, if not all, anabolics a certain degree of glycogen superconcentration happens. This causes a retention of glucose in all skeletal muscles which, due to osmotic pressure, causes a shift in water. This is why you have to pumped feeling, and why with drugs like SD you can put on like 20lbs in 2 weeks, also why you seem to lose som much of that weight.

For some weird reason there is a large accumulation of this water in the lower back and that is your back pump. Taurine helps because it keeps k+ and mg++ intracellular and keeps Na out. This essentially makes it a diuretic because water should follow the sodium right out of the cell.

Anyway, just my theory and could certainly be full of holes
That makes a ton of sense man. Thank you for posting!!! :hail:I haven't found an answer for this that explains it this way. I did bold a section of your post, but only to point out the need for research regarding painful "pumps". It seems we just don't know enough about this occuring bc the lack of research with AAS. I read that the kidney's were all clogged and the Taurine dialates them to allow water to pass, I read all sort of stuff, but man I didn't read what you put during my research. And if I'd only known to just post something in my log, but I'm a firm believer in doing research yourself THEN asking questions
If you knew me, you'd know how much stuff like this plagues my mind if I can't find an answer.
Do you know if there is any studies with long term, high dose taurine taken? I didn't see anything when I was researching.....

great up dates and discussion here I really like this thread morry keep giving us the goods.

also on your question of hcgen see below
I'm glad you are still following along and I appreciate you digging up the quote about the HcGenerate. Much appreciated, but.....

hcgenerate will be back next week bro. Its on the production line now good friend.
He said that last week too. If it isn't in this next week 1st thing, I'll have to start researching another product. I'm not trying to sound d1ck or anything, it is just getting too close to PCT not to have the final two items. I have the money, just need to order
I know supp companies are riddled with all sorts of red tape and issues that we may never understand, so I get it. I'm not upset. I just don't like being told two weeks in a row "next week", ya know?

I never suffer from back pumps myself. But I have given this issue some thought. And if your assumption is correct, then some Preparation-H applied to the lower back could help to remove excess water from the area and just may provide some much-needed relief.

Dr. Thunder
Interesting thought. And you are one lucky SOB not getting back pumps. Ed is the same way. Sucks for me, but as you'll see when I log below, the taurine is working. The idea with preparation-h though interest me. Not bc I'm going to try it bc I have things handled with the taurine but it makes me think. Will it actually pull moisture out of the muscles down there and will it pull out enough to make a difference? Changing the PH is one thing, changing the volume is something entirely different. cookie :)

BTW- You seen Dr. Pepper recently? That mofo owes me a joint....for real.

Day 43

212lb (+6) but same as yesterday

Legs / Arms

Widow maker day! 135x15, 225x24, 225x20, 225x15, 225x 12 (failure). I also upped the 21s and used heavier weight but less reps. I was doing them with an easy curl bar and 45lbs on each side, so maybe 115 lbs? This burnt the absolute sh1t out of my arms. Doing widow makers supersetted with 21s this heavy was extremely challenging, but I was able to complete it without issues. My right knee was a little tight so i wasn't going to run, but I hit some BCAAs after the workout and started stretching some more and it loosened up. I decided to take advantage of this and go ahead and run 2 miles. I completed this in about 25 min. Slightly faster than yesterday, but not by a notable amount. That makes 10.5 miles and 3+hours solid, intense weight sessions in 4 days. If that doesn't start hitting the last bit of some of this fat, I'm not sure what will.

I've been moving cals around, but only moving, not really subtracting any. I'm trying to focus the majority of my cals for the 8 hour period around when I workout. We'll see how this method works. Plus, once suspension is here, I got another idea to keep losing the fat and putting on the muscle. Stay tuned.

No pin today

Still taking Var with GFJ, creatine, and ALA.

Left nip is not sore a bit and the right the pain is almost gone entirely. I'll be back to EOD or E3d in no time with the Letro. Still taking it at 2.5mg a day for now (started on Sat, will most likely be finished at this dose by Friday). My libido is still pretty freaking good. I'm surprised it is so being on so much letro, but that just shows you how much estrogen I let get floating around.....told ya I was freaking sensitive.....wish I wasn't.
This isn't something I haven't dealt with before. I won't have any sort of permenant lump or anything from this. It has happened before and I'm well educated how to deal with these symtoms so no worries. The only problem I run into is I dry my joints out when I have to run a strong 2.5 protocol, but I'm thinking VAR will be my savior for this.

No back pumps and if any day could get them going, widow maker day can do it. We'll see how I do with heavy squats tomorrow. I'm taking about 9 or 10 grams of taurine a day. I kind of eat them like skittles. They are good....

My shoulder ached during today's workout. I'm not sure why. I wasn't doing anything that would have caused it to ache. I'll keep a closer eye on my right shoulder for the time being. If in two days it is time for chest again and it still feels like it does now, I'll drop the flat bench for that time and just do flat dumbbells. This will modify my circuits but I was thinking how to move them around when I ran tonight and I think I got it figured out.

No sides besides the sore nip for a couple days. No zits. No aggression. No loss of libido. I haven't so much as snapped on a mofo although doing so would probably render an innocent person scared....I look scary :lol:

So far that is 3 cardio days with lifting sessions. One more and I'll have hit my upper end of my goal to get in 3 to 4 session a week AFTER weight training. Still planning on doing nothing but cardio on my rest day.



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my birthday is on friday
my girl made me a pie- but check THIS **** OUT

morry gave me a recipe he uses when he wants to cheat- a serving of greek yogurt, and some cake batter flavord whey protein isolate. STUFF IS DEVINE! It curbs the sweet tooth i suffer from and its PACKED with slow digesting and fast digesting proteins.

so my girl fockin makes her own home made pie mix

a bunch of greek yogurt, 4 scoops WPI, 3/4 cup skim milk- some vinalla immitations- blends it all up and whallllla thats my pie filling- she added in blueberries and strawberries- pie crust is grham cracker- which aint great but its only 13g of carbs per serving

so no birthday cake just a HIGH protein pie!


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no worries bro I completely understand you gotta keep the train on the tracks and moving on time.

sucks about the random shoulder ache hopefully its just something that comes and goes just as fast.


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Interesting thought. And you are one lucky SOB not getting back pumps. Ed is the same way. Sucks for me, but as you'll see when I log below, the taurine is working. The idea with preparation-h though interest me. Not bc I'm going to try it bc I have things handled with the taurine but it makes me think. Will it actually pull moisture out of the muscles down there and will it pull out enough to make a difference? Changing the PH is one thing, changing the volume is something entirely different. cookie :)

BTW- You seen Dr. Pepper recently? That mofo owes me a joint....for real.

The Preparation-H idea is not mine entirely. I've seen where pro bodybuilders will use it on their lower backs a few days before a contest to draw out any excess sub-q water from the area to make it look more defined.

But the idea of using it to alleviate back pumps is mine entirely. And I believe it should work to a degree. It certainly couldn't hurt anything. "Nothing ventured.......nothing gained."

Oh, and Dr. Pepper said he's sorry.......he bogarted that entire doobie all by himself. :smokin::439:


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my birthday is on friday
my girl made me a pie- but check THIS **** OUT

morry gave me a recipe he uses when he wants to cheat- a serving of greek yogurt, and some cake batter flavord whey protein isolate. STUFF IS DEVINE! It curbs the sweet tooth i suffer from and its PACKED with slow digesting and fast digesting proteins.

so my girl fockin makes her own home made pie mix

a bunch of greek yogurt, 4 scoops WPI, 3/4 cup skim milk- some vinalla immitations- blends it all up and whallllla thats my pie filling- she added in blueberries and strawberries- pie crust is grham cracker- which aint great but its only 13g of carbs per serving

so no birthday cake just a HIGH protein pie!
Happy Early Birthday Schwelly!!:fest30::fest06:

Ogre here says he has some tren-suspension for ya!! YUH!!



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Day 44

weight 213 (+7) up one from yesterday

Legs / Arms

Usually I talk about pinning after my workout, but today pinning is first. Suspension showed up today. Pinned .5cc in each bicep. Knicked a capillary in my right bc I wasn't paying close enough attention to the needle and more attention to the big vein I was trying to miss. Anyhow, just left a small mark that will heal up in 4 or 5 days. I've done it before with peptides once. Other than that, completely painless. This made the pumps in my arms freaking crazy! I also was able to get 8 reps with 345 on squats as my last set. This isn't a PR but it's pretty damn close to it. Add in I did a volume workout the day before and you got it....suspension baby. I figured I'd be ran down from yesterday, but nope. I would wear myself out in one set, take 20 - 30 sec and I was ready for the next set. I blasted through this workout. I was also able to get 28 chin ups then 16 then 12 (these are done in my second to last circuit). Usually I can only get about 24 on a good day. So all in all, I'm happy with suspension right now :) I'm still debating the dosing schedule. I know it will be 3 times a week, but I'm not sure if I'll split the days up some instead of 3 back to back. I'm thinking maybe on my light DL and light squat days I won't pin suspension, but in the middle of those have a heavy chest day where I will use suspension, then on heavy dl day and heavy squat day I'll pin suspension, but seperate those days with a volume chest workout so it looks something like this : Mon: Light Legs/Arm (no suspension), Tues: Heavy Chest / Abs (with suspension), Wed: Light Back / Shoulders (no suspension), Thurs: Heavy Legs /Arms (with suspension), Fri: Light Chest / Abs (no suspension), Sat: Heavy Back / Shoulders (with supension), Sun: Cardio / Rest, REPEAT. Meaning suspension Tues, Thurs, Sat, 75mg bilateral. Mon, Fri test e 250 a pop. Tues, Sat HCG 250ius a pop.
Making sense? I'm thinking seperating it out like this will keep the hormonal fluctuations from being so dramatic. We'll see. Any thoughts?

Taurine is working like a champ. No back pumps and I'm at about 9 grams a day. I take 5 in the morning 4 right before workout and 1 at lunch.

Didn't pin anything besides suspesion.

No pain in my nips. I'm going to stay on a high dose of letro until sat tho bc the suspension. I need to know how much it will aromatize in me before I drop the dosage down quickly or I'll be right back with a sore nip.
These first 3 days are all heavy on the workout split, so I'll pin suspension tomorrow and sat, but then start my tues, thurs, sat next week.
Let's see how my weight reacts to the extra test. I'm increasing cals a little and will be increasing them more on heavy lifting days (mostly in protein, some in fat, very little in carbs [fructose mainly]).

No other sides. I feel great and no other issues. I did notice a couple zits on my chest, but I have gotten them on there without gear before. Maybe I'm just a dirt fock. I'll keep an eye on them....I doubt it'll be an issue.
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I like it

interesting that i blast today and you get ur suspension. I like it tho fo realz

good stuff bruddah


Hey guys-

I found these two interactions that i thought were interesting. I just happened to check these when I made rounds on a patient. (RN not MD)

I dont think that these interactions are anything crazy, but the knowledge that they do exist is important


PS- Morry, you are a beast.




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Hey guys-

I found these two interactions that i thought were interesting. I just happened to check these when I made rounds on a patient. (RN not MD)

I dont think that these interactions are anything crazy, but the knowledge that they do exist is important


PS- Morry, you are a beast.
interesting post here


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Hey guys-

I found these two interactions that i thought were interesting. I just happened to check these when I made rounds on a patient. (RN not MD)

I dont think that these interactions are anything crazy, but the knowledge that they do exist is important


PS- Morry, you are a beast.
This is such a baddass post! That explains a lot.

So tamox and letro are not to be used together? I have taken them together. Usually as I'm tapering letro off, but this time I'll be using exemestane for my taper.


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I agree.morry I want the dirty dirty on this stuff man.keep me updated tmi it for me on this one :)
Will do my man. You know I'm a freaking detail freak as it is. I'll def log what I think of the stuff. If things keep going as they are, I'll order some more bc I'll use suspension thru week 12 due to half life. I'll need more......but I wanted to get a small amount to see how I responded before I committed myself to 6 more pins a week, ya know?

Pinned 1 ml test e this morning. Chest day is going to be interesting.

My shoulder isn't sore or pulling today so I'm thinking I'll scratch reverse grip bench and opt for incline DB instead but stick with flat bench.

AND WTF? You never post this time of day, usually around 2am EST. Thought you'd be hibernating.....


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Will do my man. You know I'm a freaking detail freak as it is. I'll def log what I think of the stuff. If things keep going as they are, I'll order some more bc I'll use suspension thru week 12 due to half life. I'll need more......but I wanted to get a small amount to see how I responded before I committed myself to 6 more pins a week, ya know?

Pinned 1 ml test e this morning. Chest day is going to be interesting.

My shoulder isn't sore or pulling today so I'm thinking I'll scratch reverse grip bench and opt for incline DB instead but stick with flat bench.

AND WTF? You never post this time of day, usually around 2am EST. Thought you'd be hibernating.....
I work late hours but had to get up early and take care of some things before work and thought I'd check the boards real quick.I agree its def too early for me to be here.:aargh:


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Will do my man. You know I'm a freaking detail freak as it is. I'll def log what I think of the stuff. If things keep going as they are, I'll order some more bc I'll use suspension thru week 12 due to half life. I'll need more......but I wanted to get a small amount to see how I responded before I committed myself to 6 more pins a week, ya know?

Pinned 1 ml test e this morning. Chest day is going to be interesting.

My shoulder isn't sore or pulling today so I'm thinking I'll scratch reverse grip bench and opt for incline DB instead but stick with flat bench.

AND WTF? You never post this time of day, usually around 2am EST. Thought you'd be hibernating.....
lay of the meth bruddah its VERY catabolic


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lay of the meth bruddah its VERY catabolic

Day 45

weight 212 (+6) but down one from yesterday

Chests / Abs

I couldn't figure out a way to incorportae DB with flat bench w/out loading and unloading all the weight between each set bc I only have one bench (maybe it is time to start looking for a second bench). Instead I just removed reverse grip bench and just went real heavy on flat bench (in supersets with abs). 355 was hit, then I dropped the weight down to 305 and did drop sets to failure after that. This is one of the most intense workout sessions I've had on cycle. I pinned suspension 1 hr prior to workout, and took 2 scoops white flood about a half and hour before and I felt incredibly strong. I was able to push weight I hadn't been able to just a week before. I my clap push ups were so powerful I was pushing my entire body off the ground and the only reason I would slow down was due to my heart beating so hard I knew I was pushing it. Suspension def gives you the last little push if you are in my situation. I'm decently low on BF, been on Var for a couple weeks, and 500mg test, perfect combo to toss in some crazy strength the last 5 weeks of the cycle. I'm almost certain I will get more so I have enough for the whole 5 weeks, but I haven't completely decided if I'll run it just 4 weeks bc that is the time my body should be kick starting back up bc the ethanate should be disappating, so I'm thinking if I stay on suspension until the last day, it will kep me suppressed until the last day. But if I stop it at week 4 that should give my body enough time. Not sure.......thoughts?

Pinned 1 ml suspension. Read above. I'm a lucky I respond so well to test. :)

A little oily skin, but not bad. This might level out after I'm on suspension for a week. No other sides other than the good ones that the suspension increased. Great mood. Great libido.

Back and Sholders tomorrow......and suspension :)




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im so in this bro!

as i too plan to join the darkside soon


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im so in this bro!

as i too plan to join the darkside soon
the lure of cookies is strong :)

come to the darkside

we have cookies:afro:


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what kind of cookies?

tren flavored cookies?

Hells yeah.......cookies fo sho...
I made some cookies too......they were my cheat meal about a week ago....

Hush telling my secrets

Day 46

weight 209 (+3) but down 3 from yesterday

Back / Shoulders

Intense workout...I'm loving suspension. Loving it! DL, 135x15, 250x15, 380x10, 380x6, 380x5 (failure). I was also able to add a set so I did shrugs, wide grip pull ups, close grip pull ups all as a circuit. Needless to say.....VERSA GRIPS showed up today. If you lift heavy and you want to pull more reps out of heavy pulling exercises, your HAVE TO GET a pair of these things. They put you back about 60 with shipping and they feel a little awkward at first, but once I got used to them, these were great. I was able to get extra pull ups, DLs, and bent over rows. I was sweating the entire time and it was "easy" to complete the workout, but I was moving serious weight and continued to keep up a great pace. This next week I'll get a little more experience alternating days on and off with suspension giving me a good comparison of the days of suspension pin to the days I don't.

Pinned 1ml suspension in Vastus Medialis (yeah I had to look it up) just to see if the suspension will cause localized growth there bc out of my legs that is the are that is lagging a bit. Bilateral pin.....I had to pin the left quad twice bc when I pushed the slin in the muscle started contracting so I had to pull the needle out and move injection site. I prob tapped a nerve, but absolutely no pain from it the muscle just looked funny twitching.

It just occurred to me that I didn't explain how I setup the suspension. The test suspension I was able to get is oil based, not water. I put the bottle in front of a little heater for about 5 min to heat the oil up and I draw with a slin. It takes about a min and a half to fill the slin half way. I use two slins for each side, I don't reuse just to keep a sharp needle and slins are about 4 cents. Not worth drawing 100 clicks in one and pinning twice.

No sides, no mood swings. I feel pretty crazy strong while I'm working out right now. Vascularity is up, energy is very high and I think I've sucessfully shed a tiny bit of fat and put on a bit more muscle. I'm still getting sronger, lifts are going up, and I adjust cals usually adding in whole food protein (chicken, fish or sometimes steak).
Things are going well....bishes....



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hey guys ive been getting into looking at cookies and such and some say they are oil based and some are water based, like ive seen winny water based, what does that mean? or is that just how its supposed to be?


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hey guys ive been getting into looking at cookies and such and some say they are oil based and some are water based, like ive seen winny water based, what does that mean? or is that just how its supposed to be?
I think I read that water based is more painful bc the crystals that are in it, but I dunno, never used water based gear.

I have used peptides.

I have only used oil based gear and I'm happy.

Why winny over anavar? Price?


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I think I read that water based is more painful bc the crystals that are in it, but I dunno, never used water based gear.

I have used peptides.

I have only used oil based gear and I'm happy.

Why winny over anavar? Price?
thanks its not like i plan on using them but i was just curious


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water based is more painful, stick with oil rochabp


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I myself will always use oil,

i have access to oil based winnie, oil based anything really at this moment in time

(every thing i said is a lie do not believe any of it)


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I myself will always use oil,

i have access to oil based winnie, oil based anything really at this moment in time

(every thing i said is a lie do not believe any of it)
My test and tren suspensions come oil-based. I'm glad too. Even though I've never personally used water-based gear, I hear it is painful due to the large crystals floating "suspended" in the solution. With oil-based gear, they must heat the solution because the test and tren are completely dissolved in the oil.
And oil-based gear will probably remain in your system a little longer than a water-based injection.


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sorry if I missed this part morry but for the t sup. any pain during or after inject very much?


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sorry if I missed this part morry but for the t sup. any pain during or after inject very much?
Nope......not the way ethanate or prop feels. Not even close.

You can "feel" that you pinned something in that muscle and you get a great pump from it, but I wouldn't call that pain, I call it motivation.
It's a little hard to explain unless you've injected stuff into your muscles before. You can squeeze that muscle and tell you pinned something there.

I did hit a capillary on my first bi pin. It didn't hurt, just cause a bruise and left a little blood. No big deal and even if you press on it now, it doesn't even hurt.
I'll attach a pic. I've done this before with a peptide. Took a good week to start looking better. This one was pretty light the first couple days, then darkened up.....whatever. Nobody has asked me what it is and if they do I was "wrestling"'s a thumb Could have been avoided if I wasn't moving the needle around the way I was. I should have found a good spot and just went directly in, but I wasn't paying attention and was trying to miss a vein so I moved the needle while it was inside slightly and I must have cut something. Completely avoidable and not a big deal....oops


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lol, people are gonna think your wife beats you or something.


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Day 47

weight 206 (+0) WTF WTF WTF, the letro must be drying me out pretty bad. I am started tapering it today.


4.5 miles easy running. 2 walking, 2 running

No pin today

I did notice that I am a little more sensitive to acne. I donlt have any bad break outs or anything, just a couple small zits. They are normally not there. Suspension? I did take it 3 days in a row last week while this week each pin is seperated by one day or more. I'm hoping that will get the oily skin under control.

If anything I have too much energy....

Pin 1ml ethanate in the right quad in the morning.

I am also already eating at least one extra meal a day if not 1 meal and a snack extra.

Pics tomorrow......lil homo....



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you fockers make me mad

cuz you guys are over here enjoying your cookie and im over here with my frozen cookie dough.

but i will join the cookie club soon enough and when i do it will be F@cking sweet.


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you fockers make me mad

cuz you guys are over here enjoying your cookie and im over here with my frozen cookie dough.

but i will join the cookie club soon enough and when i do it will be F@cking sweet.
Come on with it. :afro:


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the focking links dont work seriously?!

beh. they are studies about how AAS DO bind to the AR in fat inducing fat loss

i will dig them up again tomorrow and put in here, for now im going to bed

two doses valerian and 6 mgs melotonin got a brother leanin over like a soldier


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i will but im broke right now, lol.

hey do you use HCG?
yup, twice a week, 250 iu a pop, subq, abdominal region, diluted with ~4.5ml BW with 5000IU poweder, making each pin 18-20 clicks with a 1ml 29 gauge insulin syringe. It is kept at around 39-40 degrees. I will be using it till week 10.


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morry- you are now known as eddwitt jr


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Nope......not the way ethanate or prop feels. Not even close.

You can "feel" that you pinned something in that muscle and you get a great pump from it, but I wouldn't call that pain, I call it motivation.
It's a little hard to explain unless you've injected stuff into your muscles before. You can squeeze that muscle and tell you pinned something there.

I did hit a capillary on my first bi pin. It didn't hurt, just cause a bruise and left a little blood. No big deal and even if you press on it now, it doesn't even hurt.
I'll attach a pic. I've done this before with a peptide. Took a good week to start looking better. This one was pretty light the first couple days, then darkened up.....whatever. Nobody has asked me what it is and if they do I was "wrestling"'s a thumb Could have been avoided if I wasn't moving the needle around the way I was. I should have found a good spot and just went directly in, but I wasn't paying attention and was trying to miss a vein so I moved the needle while it was inside slightly and I must have cut something. Completely avoidable and not a big deal....oops
great info here,thanks morry
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