Outstanding's Summer/Fall ALPHA(T2)MALE (sl)INSANE RECOMP(adrol)!

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No sir, I have not tried it... but I have studied the listed ingredient blend, and I don't think I'm overstepping any boundaries by pointing out the fact its efficacy isn't on par with the GDAs of choice I recommend. The version of ALA used is the weakest variety in very limited non-clinical dosages per serving, and the other supporting mimetic compounds seem to be far below the standard set by Glycobol etc.

I am someone who advises athletes, friends, or training partners to seek out quality products that are properly dosed and will offer an equal benefit in return for the required investment.

Nice to know.


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From your journals am going to take a wild guess that you were good in English class. Just a thought!


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Nice to know.
I'm not a good guy in real life... I just play one on Anabolic Minds ;)

I really appreciate your offer to send me Need2Slin, and will keep track of it and offer a comparative insight here in my Summer Recomp Journal for the readership. I'm very excited and wanted to publicly thank you.


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Quick question Do you take recomp as soon as after your workout and then take your shake and eat. Or shake, recomp, wait, then eat.

Also I don't know if I've asked you this before but do you take recomp post-workout, eat, recomp(for next meal), and eat again?


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Quick question Do you take recomp as soon as after your workout and then take your shake and eat. Or shake, recomp, wait, then eat.

Also I don't know if I've asked you this before but do you take recomp post-workout, eat, recomp(for next meal), and eat again?
- 2 Slin Sane
- 2 Recompadrol
- 2 Alpha T2
(15 minutes)
- Breakfast

If I train at 4:00pm...
- 2 Slin Sane (3:45pm)
- 2 Alpha T2
- 2 Slin Sane
- 2 Recompadrol
- 800mg R-ALA caps (Higher Power from BB.com)
(15 minute drive home)
- 3 scoops VPX Stealth

Post-Post Workout Meal @ 6:30pm
- 2 Recompadrol (6:15pm)
- 4g GC, equating to 2g HCA content (raw bulk powder)

Before Retiring for the Evening
- 1 Slin Sane


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leu, slin did absolutely NOTHING for me. might as well just taken sugar pills.


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- 2 Slin Sane
- 2 Recompadrol
- 2 Alpha T2
(15 minutes)
- Breakfast

If I train at 4:00pm...
- 2 Slin Sane (3:45pm)
- 2 Alpha T2
- 2 Slin Sane
- 2 Recompadrol
- 800mg R-ALA caps (Higher Power from BB.com)
(15 minute drive home)
- 3 scoops VPX Stealth

Post-Post Workout Meal @ 6:30pm
- 2 Recompadrol (6:15pm)
- 4g GC, equating to 2g HCA content (raw bulk powder)

Before Retiring for the Evening
- 1 Slin Sane
It can't get any simpler than this. Thank you! Also with the slin and recomp dose like that you most be pumped all day long. That must be an amazing feeling :veryhappy:

P.S. thats the cheapest R-ALA I've ever seen. Do you feel the difference when you do take it?


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It can't get any simpler than this. Thank you! Also with the slin and recomp dose like that you most be pumped all day long. That must be an amazing feeling :veryhappy:
I'm on cloud TEN! Slin Sane JUST came yesterday, so of course I twisted the cap off and ripped the cotton out and tossed back a couple of those shining capsules as soon as I could!

I'm glad I could offer some help Leulinks, keep up the hard work! I'll have another in-depth journal update coming soon! :)


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leu, slin did absolutely NOTHING for me. might as well just taken sugar pills.
He has sent a PM to me earlier explaining how Nutra Planet was having an upcoming closeout sale on Slin; I also explained, objectively, that based on the ingredient blend and listed amounts per capsule, it would be a purchase made in vain. With the ever growing body of support revolving around Recompadrol and Slin Sane, I'd be hard pressed to direct anyone to seek greener pastures, because I think they would only end up on a wild goose chase.


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He has sent a PM to me earlier explaining how Nutra Planet was having an upcoming closeout sale on Slin; I also explained, objectively, that based on the ingredient blend and listed amounts per capsule, it would be a purchase made in vain. With the ever growing body of support revolving around Recompadrol and Slin Sane, I'd be hard pressed to direct anyone to seek greener pastures, because I think they would only end up on a wild goose chase.
DUDE your a rep now! Congrats bro! Yeah for $20 for a 60 days worth it was worth a shot. I just spend the money from animal pak on slin sane so no biggy.


in and following this one!


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DUDE your a rep now! Congrats bro!
Thanks a lot! I was thrilled to be approached by such a great company with an eye on the future and plans for massive expansion. I was a hard core fervent believer and user of Genomyx long before I was contacted about this distinct honor, and will continue to dive in head-over-heels into research and any other facet that will propel this company toward limitless success! :)

in and following this one!
Thanks for stopping by and welcome! :)


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Thanks Outstanding Its an honor to have you part of the team. Besides being one of the sharpest guys I know your good people as well.


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congrats-you have a ton of knowledge to share.:bigok:


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I am in!!

I started taking Alpha T2, lean xtreme, and T-33 3 days ago and have lost 4 pounds already!! Just received my recomp and should be getting my slim sane by weeks end. I've substituted H-Drol for M-Drol and added furaza-a.

And I must admit that in my excited state while ordering recomp I purchased Glycobol too. Not sure if they be taken at the same time (I would guess not).

anyway, don't wanna crash in on Outstanding's log :box:

But any more info and suggestion you can provide me is greatly appreciated.


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I am in!!

I started taking Alpha T2, lean xtreme, and T-33 3 days ago and have lost 4 pounds already!! Just received my recomp and should be getting my slim sane by weeks end. I've substituted H-Drol for M-Drol and added furaza-a.

And I must admit that in my excited state while ordering recomp I purchased Glycobol too. Not sure if they be taken at the same time (I would guess not).

anyway, don't wanna crash in on Outstanding's log :box:

But any more info and suggestion you can provide me is greatly appreciated.
wow-that's some heavy supps!!! personally i wouldn't touch mdrol solo, let alone with all the other stuff you got going.

i seriously think you need to rethink what you are doing.


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I have started bulking today but won't start taking supplements until everything is here. I would say if your taking more than 100g of carbs take recomp(3 pills). So for breakfast, post-wokrout, and post-post-workout. For the other 3 meals I would take 1 pill of Glycobol.

Don't lesson to me unless outstanding okays this idea. :D


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so you will be taking /at2/lean extreme/t-33/hdrol/fura/glycobol?
He has some serious cash! Also recomp is in there too unless I misunderstood it.


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He has some serious cash! Also recomp is in there too unless I misunderstood it.
lets hope he has serious health insurance. that is not only a wasteful stack, it's also not very safe. i hope he has fish oil/hawthorn/milk thistle also. hdrol/fura/lean extreme is going to kill those joints. and bp might also be a problem.


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I would stick to recomp, slin sane, Alpha T2, TT-33, and then maybe lean extreme. I think Maxximal told me he had Alpha T2 and TT-33 stacked but that could of been a dream :D


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I would stick to recomp, slin sane, Alpha T2, TT-33, and then maybe lean extreme. I think Maxximal told me he had Alpha T2 and TT-33 stacked but that could of been a dream :D
the thing i am concerned about is the hdrol/fura combined with all the other stuff-damn.


New member
so if I'm understanding everyone, I should not use the PHs and stick solely with the cutting stack??

I'm trying to keep the LBM that I have.

outstanding, please weigh in.

I will gladly start a new thread and log in my progress:thumbsup:


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so if I'm understanding everyone, I should not use the PHs and stick solely with the cutting stack??

I'm trying to keep the LBM that I have.

outstanding, please weigh in.

I will gladly start a new thread and log in my progress:thumbsup:
I just know about PP PH products but you got pretty solid non PH stack(like really good). If you are going to go with PH I don't know if you would need all the rest of them. Have you started using the PH products?


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so if I'm understanding everyone, I should not use the PHs and stick solely with the cutting stack??

I'm trying to keep the LBM that I have.

outstanding, please weigh in.

I will gladly start a new thread and log in my progress:thumbsup:
leave the ph's for another time. maybe add in an ai instead-pes's new erase looks interesting.


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I am in!!

I started taking Alpha T2, lean xtreme, and T-33 3 days ago and have lost 4 pounds already!! Just received my recomp and should be getting my slim sane by weeks end. I've substituted H-Drol for M-Drol and added furaza-a.

And I must admit that in my excited state while ordering recomp I purchased Glycobol too. Not sure if they be taken at the same time (I would guess not).

anyway, don't wanna crash in on Outstanding's log :box:

But any more info and suggestion you can provide me is greatly appreciated.
Welcome to the thread! I still have a complete solid month left of this Recomp (4 weeks and 3 days to be exact), so you're getting here in time to still get some great material and feedback; plus I'm planning on using this same thread/journal to log my PCT as well.

Wow, I just looked at your current and planned stack, and it all looks eerily familiar, haha, I'm just kidding - SUPER SOLID PROTOCOL! I can assure you beyond the shadow of a doubt you'll love this regimen, it takes on your physique re-composition from all angles of attack - its very comprehensive/systemic.

No worries about crashing my log, that's what it is here for. I look forward to new posts and replies each day as I sign on. I have to commend you on your Glycobol purchase as well, its not cheap by any measure, so it shows a lot of motivation and determination on your part to invest wisely into this excellent product. Depending on the situation, they 'could' be taking in unison, since there is some compound overlap, but the inclusion of na-r-ala ensures your muscle tissue is sensitized to accept glycogen, and the other constituents create a barricade against the onset of lipogenesis.

Drop in from time to time and let us know how you're cycle is going - there is virtually zero room for error considering the product line-up you've chosen, just add work! :)


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lets hope he has serious health insurance. that is not only a wasteful stack, it's also not very safe. i hope he has fish oil/hawthorn/milk thistle also. hdrol/fura/lean extreme is going to kill those joints. and bp might also be a problem.
I wanted to touch on this... because I think although health precautions and supportive measures are more wide-spread now than they have ever been thanks to a growing awareness among bodybuilders, it still isn't enough. I didn't mention or discuss my own preventative measures during this cycle, but they are plenty and just as focused upon as the cycle itself. Just as a small sampling of my ongoing supplement use to stabilize my health, along with the high amounts of r & na-r-ala, I have been taking multiple doses of liver detoxifying and protecting capsules every day, on top of a well structured implementation of antioxidants, fiber, digestive enzymes, mineral blends, and a vigilant use of whole-food multi-vitamins and daily adaptogen use.

I have also just placed an order, just today, which includes a slew of other health maintaining supplements that will enhance my joint and connective tissue lubrication and elasticity, and promote a more restful sleep and balanced state of mind.

Thanks for bringing up this excellent point - because no one, with enough serious and honest thought, would ever want to sacrifice their well being, in order to realize ten pounds of new lean body mass.


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I wanted to touch on this... because I think although health precautions and supportive measures are more wide-spread now than they have ever been thanks to a growing awareness among bodybuilders, it still isn't enough. I didn't mention or discuss my own preventative measures during this cycle, but they are plenty and just as focused upon as the cycle itself. Just as a small sampling of my ongoing supplement use to stabilize my health, along with the high amounts of r & na-r-ala, I have been taking multiple doses of liver detoxifying and protecting capsules every day, on top of a well structured implementation of antioxidants, fiber, digestive enzymes, mineral blends, and a vigilant use of whole-food multi-vitamins and daily adaptogen use.

I have also just placed an order, just today, which includes a slew of other health maintaining supplements that will enhance my joint and connective tissue lubrication and elasticity, and promote a more restful sleep and balanced state of mind.
Thanks for bringing up this excellent point - because no one, with enough serious and honest thought, would ever want to sacrifice their well being, in order to realize ten pounds of new lean body mass.
and you are not even using ph's-this man wants to run all those supps with hdrol and fura.


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so if I'm understanding everyone, I should not use the PHs and stick solely with the cutting stack??

I'm trying to keep the LBM that I have.

outstanding, please weigh in.

I will gladly start a new thread and log in my progress:thumbsup:
Surely... sorry for the delay - been out of the office. I wanted to thank the other fellas in this thread for offering up such prudent sound advice in my absence. To insert my own opinion of your cycle though, I would of course echo what they have said, and suggest that if you are running a hepatotoxic oral steroid in the form of Superdrol (clones) or even the slightly less harsh Halodrol (clones) you wouldn't need to 'supplement' any of those orals with another pro-anabolic as they will fill that need with precision. Try to avoid redundancy in your cycle construct, and in stead focus on protein portions, muscle contraction, and getting ample rest and recovery - perhaps using the residual money from skipping on another PH purchase to buy liver protectants etc. Have fun and all the best!


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ALRIGHT! Now that my journal is all caught up, and my things are in order... I can write my update.

The first thing I wanted to address was a new bit of synergy I revealed during my research into the Genomyx product line (have to stay sharp now that I'm representing the brand!). In short, the effects of Slin Sane can be bolstered and augmented greatly if the athlete is also using Protocol - via two independent ingredients each supplement claims as part of their blend. Slin Sane was injected with L-Norvaline, probably the most well known arginase inhibitor, which is supported by the glucose modulation/glycogen saturation induced by the GDA duo. Protocol on the other hand uses a lesser known novel compound that has gained quite a following through real world results and clinical data as well, Agmatine Sulfate. AS is described within the Protocol product write-up as "enhance(ing) muscle pumps and heightened nutrient delivery," which is paralleled to the method of action seen in Slin Sane's efficacy - yet achieved via a completely different nutraceutical route. I have always taken mental note of the unmatched synergy these products exhibited, but had never made that crucial connection between constituents of why they seems to 'play so nice' together!

More to come, as this week marks the final month countdown, as I anxiously await that fateful morning when I bounce out of bed before the buzz of the alarm, and make my way to the airport to embark on Las Vegas 2010, the Mr. Olympia experience! :)


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PS: I thought I'd post my munitions store I keep at work...




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I have started bulking today but won't start taking supplements until everything is here. I would say if your taking more than 100g of carbs take recomp(3 pills). So for breakfast, post-wokrout, and post-post-workout. For the other 3 meals I would take 1 pill of Glycobol.

Don't lesson to me unless outstanding okays this idea. :D
up to 160g carbs only 2 caps needed, over 160g then 3


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up to 160g carbs only 2 caps needed, over 160g then 3
I sure hope no one is this thread has ever taken (8) RCDs + (6) Slin Sanes and 7g of HCA powder along with (2) Rogue caps and 1g of r-ALA before having a weekly cheat meal of an entire stuffed crust pizza and Oreo Ice Cream Blizzard! ;)


NutraPlanet Rep
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that's just overboard

pottasium tabs, vinegar and some recomp is all u need.


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that's just overboard

pottasium tabs, vinegar and some recomp is all u need.
HEY! I said it was hypothetical! Now I have to find a corner to curl up in!

PS: I just purchased some Vinegar tabs tonight, I've been drinking Bragg's version for a while, and it just seems to be an all-around awesome health 'elixir,' actually coming close to what many of the outrageous 'herbal remedy' books claim.


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HEY! I said it was hypothetical! Now I have to find a corner to curl up in!

PS: I just purchased some Vinegar tabs tonight, I've been drinking Bragg's version for a while, and it just seems to be an all-around awesome health 'elixir,' actually coming close to what many of the outrageous 'herbal remedy' books claim.
man, i just take a tbspn of cider vinegar-no lie, that stuff takes my breath away. strong stuff, my mom swears by it-shes been taking it for years and is in great health at 82.


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man, i just take a tbspn of cider vinegar-no lie, that stuff takes my breath away. strong stuff, my mom swears by it-shes been taking it for years and is in great health at 82.
I've been taking Bragg's Organic ACV before bed @ 2tbsp before bed for months now, and I love the feeling it gives me (clear mind, steady strong digestion, boost in energy) but have only been researching its supposed glucose modulating blood sugar properties recently. Cinnamon extract with vinegar would be quite the 'homeopathic' one-two punch to combat elevated blood glucose. Do you really believe the GDA benefits of ACV are evident/powerful enough to use it in conjunction with or substitution of something like r-ALA etc? Thanks a lot :)


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I've been taking Bragg's Organic ACV before bed @ 2tbsp before bed for months now, and I love the feeling it gives me (clear mind, steady strong digestion, boost in energy) but have only been researching its supposed glucose modulating blood sugar properties recently. Cinnamon extract with vinegar would be quite the 'homeopathic' one-two punch to combat elevated blood glucose. Do you really believe the GDA benefits of ACV are evident/powerful enough to use it in conjunction with or substitution of something like r-ALA etc? Thanks a lot :)
without testing blood sugar i can only guess-but i seem to feel better since starting the vinegar. vinegar has been used in home remedies forever, so there must be something to it. my mom swears that vinegar is one of the reasons she is so heathly-i got to go with mom!!!


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up to 160g carbs only 2 caps needed, over 160g then 3
Yeah your right sorry about that. I though RCD was 3 caps per serving but it is 2. With the way I'm eating I might have to take it with every meal and sometimes 3 caps rather than 2. But I still haven't taken slin sane or RCD cause all my supplements aren't here yet :(


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that's just overboard

pottasium tabs, vinegar and some recomp is all u need.
what does vinegar and potassium tabs do?


nice looking log right here!!


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I was going to post pictures if the journal reached 1,000 views in July, but it fell short. I have the initial Recomp pictures taken from day one and saved on my hard drive. I am a little hesitant to post pictures though, but I will commit to posting images if the journal reaches 5,000 views by the end of September! :)
Over 1/4 of the way there :bigok:


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Oh, we will get that 5k.
Bwa-ha-ha! You guys are hilarious - I better start getting my photo shop skills in line, I just don't wanna make it that obvious I'm posting pictures of Jay Cutler from the 2001 Olympia on here ;)

I have another update coming soon, outlining diet and training changes - be back soon!


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nice looking log right here!!
Thanks a lot, sorry I didn't see your post sooner - been carousing the forum elsewhere for most of the day. Thanks for subscribing... I am getting ready to move things into the mindset of PCT very soon. I'll be totally opening myself up to the subscribers suggestions, to compliment my Clomid and HCG injections.
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