Outstanding's Summer/Fall ALPHA(T2)MALE (sl)INSANE RECOMP(adrol)!

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"Basal Nutraceutical Preparations
- Genomyx Slin Sane
- PES Alpha T2
- Lean Body Formulations Recompadrol"

Slin Sane is $20 I think and Recompadrol is $30. So which one do you think is better?
Excellent question, and I'm happy to answer by saying: Neither.

I say that because in my opinion their MOA and intended effect in vivo vary drastically. Slin Sane is meant to serve as a pre-workout supercharger of sorts, forcing your body to utilize the pre-workout meal carbohydrates, using them as fuel to impart an amazing pump (which is also supported and achieved via a nice dose of Norvaline). I tend to think of Slin Sane only as a carbohydrate additive in order to attenuate blood sugar rises which can result in fat gain.

Recompadrol on the other hand is more versatile (but not more proliferative of efficacious, simply different), and can be used prior to a more complete spectrum of meals, mitigating adipogenesis with HCA and other compounds that can turn nearly any whole food meal into a muscle feeding phenomenon. I use Recompadrol exclusively and primarily for my post-post-workout meal, in order to prolong the opening of the training-induced anabolic window and heightened nutrient utilization by the body to enhance the rapidity of recovery.


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Subbed. I`m about to start a recomp of sorts in 2 weeks. Try T3 stacked with Halovar, Androhard, maybe Dermacrine(everything listed in my thread in Anabolics). Your log is very interesting. I`m not doing contest so I can cheat a little more. LOL Going out for steak later. Steak is cool but the garlic mashed and everything else will kill me. LOL.


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Excellent question, and I'm happy to answer by saying: Neither.

I say that because in my opinion their MOA and intended effect in vivo vary drastically. Slin Sane is meant to serve as a pre-workout supercharger of sorts, forcing your body to utilize the pre-workout meal carbohydrates, using them as fuel to impart an amazing pump (which is also supported and achieved via a nice dose of Norvaline). I tend to think of Slin Sane only as a carbohydrate additive in order to attenuate blood sugar rises which can result in fat gain.

Recompadrol on the other hand is more versatile (but not more proliferative of efficacious, simply different), and can be used prior to a more complete spectrum of meals, mitigating adipogenesis with HCA and other compounds that can turn nearly any whole food meal into a muscle feeding phenomenon. I use Recompadrol exclusively and primarily for my post-post-workout meal, in order to prolong the opening of the training-induced anabolic window and heightened nutrient utilization by the body to enhance the rapidity of recovery.
DAMN! That was a hell of answer. Somebody get this man AP and Glycobol cause I need to know what you think of them. It's hard to find good posts like this. So your bulking and you don't want to gain as much fat(or even cutting) what kind of insulin mimic would you use?


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DAMN! That was a hell of answer. Somebody get this man AP and Glycobol cause I need to know what you think of them. It's hard to find good posts like this. So your bulking and you don't want to gain as much fat(or even cutting) what kind of insulin mimic would you use?
I love authoring complete and detailed posts, especially when I have specific experience with the compounds in question.

I have tried Glycobol, went through nearly six bottle back-to-back during my 2010 contest prep - thought it was (and still is) among the BEST GDAs on the market - PERIOD!

To answer your other question to keep fat gain at bay while consuming enough calories to sustain anabolism, I wouldn't change a thing: Recompadrol, Slin Sane, and if you can afford it since the ingredient profiles vary enough to justify its inclusion, Glycobol. :)


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Subbed. I`m about to start a recomp of sorts in 2 weeks. Try T3 stacked with Halovar, Androhard, maybe Dermacrine(everything listed in my thread in Anabolics). Your log is very interesting. I`m not doing contest so I can cheat a little more. LOL Going out for steak later. Steak is cool but the garlic mashed and everything else will kill me. LOL.
Welcome! Oh my, mashed potatoes with garlic and butter, or even mashed red skin potatoes that some restaurants serve are AWESOMLICIOUS!

I'm not prepping for a contest right now... only doing a few months of a recomp before going to Las Vegas as I do every year to watch the Mr. Olympia and take a nice vacation. I want to be able to walk around the expo without looking like Pee Wee Herman with AIDS by comparison ;)


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Welcome! Oh my, mashed potatoes with garlic and butter, or even mashed red skin potatoes that some restaurants serve are AWESOMLICIOUS!

I'm not prepping for a contest right now... only doing a few months of a recomp before going to Las Vegas as I do every year to watch the Mr. Olympia and take a nice vacation. I want to be able to walk around the expo without looking like Pee Wee Herman with AIDS by comparison ;)
Please take me with you:box: I watched Mr.O by myself and my friends made fun of me the entire GD time. I still going to watch this year cause House is going to in it. I want to see him compared to Jay. Those are the only two people I REALLY want to see.

On other notes I could barely afford Glycobol and I tried to get a Natabolic stack so I would have some money for other stuff but I lost :(


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hahaha -- loving the log!
Back at ya Night Owl ;)

Please take me with you:box: I watched Mr.O by myself and my friends made fun of me the entire GD time. I still going to watch this year cause House is going to in it. I want to see him compared to Jay. Those are the only two people I REALLY want to see.

On other notes I could barely afford Glycobol and I tried to get a Natabolic stack so I would have some money for other stuff but I lost :(
Did you watch the streaming web cast? I always think its funny to hear Dan offer up commentary on the athletes, he actually does a very good and compelling job at it, although he's never lifted a day in his life (well, comparatively).

For those on the outside looking in, bodybuilding can be confusing and somewhat of a target for immature finger pointing and snickering. It is hard for some people to understand we are admiring the limitless amount of fervor and passion the athletes exude during a majority of their lives, just to grace that stage - the apex of their sport/profession; we're not ogling gown men in their posing suits (well, some are from the looks of the audience I'm sure haha).

Las Vegas gets me every time... what a wonderful place - full of energy and plain old sheer wonderfulness.


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Back at ya Night Owl ;)

Did you watch the streaming web cast? I always think its funny to hear Dan offer up commentary on the athletes, he actually does a very good and compelling job at it, although he's never lifted a day in his life (well, comparatively).

For those on the outside looking in, bodybuilding can be confusing and somewhat of a target for immature finger pointing and snickering. It is hard for some people to understand we are admiring the limitless amount of fervor and passion the athletes exude during a majority of their lives, just to grace that stage - the apex of their sport/profession; we're not ogling gown men in their posing suits (well, some are from the looks of the audience I'm sure haha).

Las Vegas gets me every time... what a wonderful place - full of energy and plain old sheer wonderfulness.
Yeah at bodybuildingdotcom live streaming it. It was my first time watching Mr.O(sense I've been into working only for 16 months or so now) and the female competition shocked the sh*t out of me and made me feel bad about myself. The male bodybuilder kinda got boring cause it was a live stream and lessoning to bbdotcom people talk was getting annoying. I also love it when the females walk out to present them with the medal and there taller than the bodybuilders:veryhappy:


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Yeah at bodybuildingdotcom live streaming it. It was my first time watching Mr.O(sense I've been into working only for 16 months or so now) and the female competition shocked the sh*t out of me and made me feel bad about myself. The male bodybuilder kinda got boring cause it was a live stream and lessoning to bbdotcom people talk was getting annoying. I also love it when the females walk out to present them with the medal and there taller than the bodybuilders:veryhappy:
I love witnessing people's first experience with a bodybuilding contest... I can remember when I was there, and there is usually one of two reactions to it. A huge majority of friends and family I have seen in the audience or even watching a DVD of Jay Cutler are stunned, intrigued, and blown away with their jaw seemingly unhinged on the floor; whereas some (usually female ironically enough) will completely dismiss it as a senseless freak show of grotesque proportions.


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I love witnessing people's first experience with a bodybuilding contest... I can remember when I was there, and there is usually one of two reactions to it. A huge majority of friends and family I have seen in the audience or even watching a DVD of Jay Cutler are stunned, intrigued, and blown away with their jaw seemingly unhinged on the floor; whereas some (usually female ironically enough) will completely dismiss it as a senseless freak show of grotesque proportions.
Yeah I think its F-ed up that females don't judge fat people but they judge bodybuilder. I think if a bodybuilder actually hit on them they would jump on them and ride them like if they were a horse. Cause you'll NEVER hear a girl say "His nice and all but he just has too much muscle" NEVER!


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Yeah I think its F-ed up that females don't judge fat people but they judge bodybuilder. I think if a bodybuilder actually hit on them they would jump on them and ride them like if they were a horse. Cause you'll NEVER hear a girl say "His nice and all but he just has too much muscle" NEVER!
I've heard this, several times actually... although I'm sure if Jay Cutler walked up to them and said "Why don't you come up to my room with me later," it would be a whole different story ;)


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Another week, another string of amazing workouts that have become as predictable as clockwork.

The ongoing and intensifying enjoyment I'm having during this cycle is highlighted and underlined in contrast to the first week or two, when I was having headaches and a complete loss of appetite and energy.

With the addition of ROGUE, rounding out my planned Summer Recomp, I feel as though my stack is complete, and every constituent is offering up a specific and powerful addition to the synergy. The day-long pumps are real, of course nothing like while actually training, but the fullness is so evident it absolutely has to be the pairing of Superdrol with the pair of unsurpassed GDAs in the form of Slin Sane and Recompadrol.

I went back and re-read the write-up on Recompadrol, and its amazing how complete the product really is... with the exception of na-r-ala I would argue it is quite simply the most balanced, well thought out, perfectly executed partitioner available in the market today - BAR NONE.

Alpha T2 keeps my body temperature slightly warmer than I would like, but that only tells me its working. I can't fault a product for making me a little uncomfortable, if that side effect is merely a byproduct of efficacy.

Something that I have not mentioned or discussed, that I believe would be helpful for others contemplating this stack or several of the products used, is that I have (so far) experienced NO joint pain or connective tissue stress whatsoever! Usually, in response to hard training and taking fat-burners which can have a diuretic effect, combined with the Superdrol's hardening effect - I would have at least taken note of some tenderness or had to adjust my training in some way to adjust for tendon soreness. Moving along full speed ahead, coming up on an entire full month of this Summer Recomp, I have NO outstanding (pun intended) negative side effects to report - of ANY kind!


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I've been following your awesome log and was wondering how many recompadrol caps and slin sane caps you take per day and when? I'm looking to get that stack going as well. Thanks ....


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I've been following your awesome log and was wondering how many recompadrol caps and slin sane caps you take per day and when? I'm looking to get that stack going as well. Thanks ....
Hi Wolf, thanks for subscribing and following along! :)

You asked a GREAT question, and I'm glad to answer it... especially since I am so thrilled by both Recompadrol AND Slin Sane. You're undoubtedly going to love this stack if you choose to move forward with the purchase; make sure to check out Nutraplanet for the stack, since they support us with a great forum like this.

Basically, I use Recompadrol (RCD) as my 'safety net' of sorts, as it is a versatile adjunct to my nutrition plan. RCD is used when I am ingesting any carbohydrate meal exceeding 50g (@1 cap 15 minutes prior), and doubling that dosage at any meal containing 80g of carbohydrates or more. My favorite use for RCD thus far, is in conjunction with the post-post workout meal, allowing me to prolong the anabolic window that is so favorable toward building and repairing muscle. The subsequent 90 minutes post training duration is the most crucial time to super-feed your body in order to initialize the sequence to realize new and expanded muscle. I will use pure r-ALA caps (800mg-1g) IMMEDIATELY post training, and then dose RCD prior to my following meal approximately 90 minutes later that is usually comprised of red potatoes and chicken breast, or egg whites and whole grain bread.

To answer the second half of your question, Slin Sane QUICKLY became one of my favorite supplements in my anabolic armory once I realized it too is quite versatile. The label instructions simply instruct users to dose 1 cap 15 minutes prior to their pre-workout meal, but upon further research and self-experimentation I have found TWO other amazing uses for it. I have been taking Slin Sane prior to breakfast, in order to efficiently handle the increased carbohydrate load, and also favorably shift the nutrients toward muscle glycogen replenishment coming off a night's 'fast.' The other use I have been thrilled with, is the pre-bed dosage, which seems to go against the usually encountered dogma that GDAs should only be taken with carbohydrates. By taking Slin Sane prior to falling asleep, I believe I have been able to 'scavenge' and remaining glycogen present in the body, ridding myself of excess blood sugar, encouraging a ketogenic state, and also waking up noticeably fuller and with a flatter midsection!

This incomparable one-two knockout of the supplement world has served me quite well... and I feel confident offering those high accolades, because I come from a background chalk full of years of various supplement use amidst my many competitive outings and ongoing research - so I would contend my opinion is founded on a solid bedrock of lifelong dedication to exacting detail and supplement familiarity.


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Thank you for the amazingly detailed response Outstanding. I actually just bought two of the Alpha T2 + Lean Xtreme stacks as well as two Slin Sane's and two Recompadrol's. It's going to be awesome. I'll be following along with your log the rest of the way, give it hell.


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This past week was punctuated with a solemn sadness. It pains me to no end, to muster up the courage to articulate the horrific tragedy that I have endured since my last Summer Recomp Update. With enough support from you, and digging down into the depths of my soul to seek out the tenacity and bravery to stand strong and exclaim this recent injustice that has befallen me will take all my might... for I have depleted my current stock of Slin Sane!!!

There I said it... oh man... hold on, give me a moment. I'm trying to gather myself here, ahem... I seem to have gotten something rather sharp and irritating in my eyes, go figure. (Deep breath....... quick confident exhale) OK, alright fellas, I'm here... lets move on shall we?

Aside from the unthinkable atrocity of being without my trustworthy carbohydrate companion Slin Sane, the rest of the week's comings and goings wrapped up quite nicely. Unfortunately, I must open up and confess something that makes me hang my head low in shame... I have succumbed to the tantalizing beckoning of succulent sweet food.

It was my intention, as outlined much earlier in this log, to continue along the nutritional straight and narrow for the remainder of my Recomp, leading up to the Westward journey to Las Vegas as the Mr. Olympia takes place on the Orlean's Arena stage. My intentions were honorable... but how can a mortal man, who is not dieting for a contest, refuse the juicy air filling hypnotizing scents and mouth watering wonder that is stuffed crust pizza? Luckily, my food folly wasn't as destructive as it would have been, since I of course preceded my binge with a veritable safety net of GDAs and HCA powder - bless the Recompadrol and Glycobol gods! Ironically enough, it was during this time of weakness, that Slin Sane would have been most appreciated and necessitated, but fate as it turns out, was not so friendly to deliver my current order via the USPS in time for my gluttony.

My appetite is raging like the final weeks leading up to a contest - something that is both advantageous and detrimental. The advantage can be found by consuming higher clean calories to fuel unrestrained anabolism... but of course the flip side to this constant hunger is that my mind constantly wanders, conjuring up visions of Penn Station Philly Swiss subs and McFlurries incessantly torturing and tempting me.

My energy levels are very low during the day, but when it comes time to train all systems are go - which is the important part. I would have to assume the low energy levels are due in part to the inclusion of GDAs lowering my blood sugar, and the increased intensity of training, all compounded by the fact its hard to sleep at night since my body temperature higher than normal.

I am curious how this protocol would be on a strictly regimented pre-contest diet... if I'm able to reduce the usually dramatic onset of new fat tissue by using the partitioning agents in conjunction with Superdrol, how dynamically strong would this synergy be on a hypo-caloric diet performing 2x/day cardio sessions leading into a stage battle?

As time wears on, I'm sure I'll have that question answered... because this consortium of supplements has treated me so well thus far, it would be severely counter intuitive not to also take advantage of the efficacy while dieting. I will be competing once again in 2011, near the fall so I can perform cardio outside and not suffer at the hand of the icy morning frost.

I'm watching the clock slowly tick its way to quitting time, and I'll be hurrying over to the gym to put those calories to work - hopefully on expanding the peak and thickness of my arms!


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P-slin is cheaper than Slin sane so would you think it'll make a good replacement? My biggest carb intakes are in the morning and post workout. I don't have problem eating I just want my food to go to the right places. This feels like a deja vu. I think I've asked you this before!


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P-slin is cheaper than Slin sane so would you think it'll make a good replacement? My biggest carb intakes are in the morning and post workout. I don't have problem eating I just want my food to go to the right places. This feels like a deja vu. I think I've asked you this before!
Never mind Sline sane is better!


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See you don't even need me! ;)
haha...I wish I was that smart. Ok if I got this right you take slin in the morning and pre-workout. Well my biggest carb intake is in the morning and after workout so should I just take recomp. Also you said you use recomp as post-post workout. Does that mean you take a serving after workout and another serving for your meal after that? Also does slin ingredient is what makes a better pre-workout than recomp. As in recomp doesn't give you pumps?


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any updates bro
Dear CF,

I just authored an Ayn Rand-esque comprehensive update 48 hours ago outlining my heart breaking temporary divorce from Slin Sane - but have no fear, I will make another crowd pleasing long winded entry on Friday from my place of work ;)

Haha! Thanks for checking in my main hombre... more to come! I've also been constructing my pct protocol which I will begin to formulate here in the coming days and weeks.

I'm on the way home from arm-day right now... can't wait to chug something cold and amino acid laced. Oh, I also chose to disuse insulin a little over a week ago, just didn't seem to offer any type of advantage whatsoever.


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Welcome! Oh my, mashed potatoes with garlic and butter, or even mashed red skin potatoes that some restaurants serve are AWESOMLICIOUS!

I'm not prepping for a contest right now... only doing a few months of a recomp before going to Las Vegas as I do every year to watch the Mr. Olympia and take a nice vacation. I want to be able to walk around the expo without looking like Pee Wee Herman with AIDS by comparison ;)
hahaha, pee :cheers:wee herman with aids, lol.



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This past week was punctuated with a solemn sadness. It pains me to no end, to muster up the courage to articulate the horrific tragedy that I have endured since my last Summer Recomp Update. With enough support from you, and digging down into the depths of my soul to seek out the tenacity and bravery to stand strong and exclaim this recent injustice that has befallen me will take all my might... for I have depleted my current stock of Slin Sane!!!

There I said it... oh man... hold on, give me a moment. I'm trying to gather myself here, ahem... I seem to have gotten something rather sharp and irritating in my eyes, go figure. (Deep breath....... quick confident exhale) OK, alright fellas, I'm here... lets move on shall we?

Aside from the unthinkable atrocity of being without my trustworthy carbohydrate companion Slin Sane, the rest of the week's comings and goings wrapped up quite nicely. Unfortunately, I must open up and confess something that makes me hang my head low in shame... I have succumbed to the tantalizing beckoning of succulent sweet food.

It was my intention, as outlined much earlier in this log, to continue along the nutritional straight and narrow for the remainder of my Recomp, leading up to the Westward journey to Las Vegas as the Mr. Olympia takes place on the Orlean's Arena stage. My intentions were honorable... but how can a mortal man, who is not dieting for a contest, refuse the juicy air filling hypnotizing scents and mouth watering wonder that is stuffed crust pizza? Luckily, my food folly wasn't as destructive as it would have been, since I of course preceded my binge with a veritable safety net of GDAs and HCA powder - bless the Recompadrol and Glycobol gods! Ironically enough, it was during this time of weakness, that Slin Sane would have been most appreciated and necessitated, but fate as it turns out, was not so friendly to deliver my current order via the USPS in time for my gluttony.

My appetite is raging like the final weeks leading up to a contest - something that is both advantageous and detrimental. The advantage can be found by consuming higher clean calories to fuel unrestrained anabolism... but of course the flip side to this constant hunger is that my mind constantly wanders, conjuring up visions of Penn Station Philly Swiss subs and McFlurries incessantly torturing and tempting me.

My energy levels are very low during the day, but when it comes time to train all systems are go - which is the important part. I would have to assume the low energy levels are due in part to the inclusion of GDAs lowering my blood sugar, and the increased intensity of training, all compounded by the fact its hard to sleep at night since my body temperature higher than normal.

I am curious how this protocol would be on a strictly regimented pre-contest diet... if I'm able to reduce the usually dramatic onset of new fat tissue by using the partitioning agents in conjunction with Superdrol, how dynamically strong would this synergy be on a hypo-caloric diet performing 2x/day cardio sessions leading into a stage battle?

As time wears on, I'm sure I'll have that question answered... because this consortium of supplements has treated me so well thus far, it would be severely counter intuitive not to also take advantage of the efficacy while dieting. I will be competing once again in 2011, near the fall so I can perform cardio outside and not suffer at the hand of the icy morning frost.

I'm watching the clock slowly tick its way to quitting time, and I'll be hurrying over to the gym to put those calories to work - hopefully on expanding the peak and thickness of my arms!
LMAO But wait. I can change. lol Sorry to hear bro. Did you happen to order more? Would love to have Slin-Sane assist you all the way up to Vegas :)


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You bud I want to have a massive talk about these products should I pm you or do it on here? I wish I could come to Vegas and meet you!


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LMAO But wait. I can change. lol Sorry to hear bro. Did you happen to order more? Would love to have Slin-Sane assist you all the way up to Vegas :)
Oh absolutely, I have some more on the way! :)

Thanks a lot Genomyx! As ironic as it sounds... NOT having Slin Sane around for a week was actually a bit of a blessing - because it made my realize how seriously powerful and effective it really is!


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You bud I want to have a massive talk about these products should I pm you or do it on here? I wish I could come to Vegas and meet you!
You can post anything here in my thread :) I would rather you post questions here so all can read through my feedback and I can reach more people with objective advice. Try to put one detailed post together, and as always I'll reply back the first chance I get.

Awesome, welcome to the Recomp thread! Six more weeks (give or take)... then comes PCT... I think I'll continue my log right here even through PCT to offer an extended detailed perspective.

I was going to post pictures if the journal reached 1,000 views in July, but it fell short. I have the initial Recomp pictures taken from day one and saved on my hard drive. I am a little hesitant to post pictures though, but I will commit to posting images if the journal reaches 5,000 views by the end of September! :)


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Aight I'm in my phone cause I'm on the way to the airport but here it goes.

The only thing recomp is missing is NA-RALA which glycobol has about 250mg of it in each cap. Well buying NA-RALA is very expensive and wouldn't it be better just to buy glycobol?
Now let's say we got glycobol and recomp. Neither one of them is used for pre-workout so when do you take which? Also I though about the thing you said for before bed and during bulk I'm going to eat like a starving African kid in a buffet(that didn't sound right) and for before I'll be eating things like cottage cheese, 3 serving of PB and mix protein. As you can see that's going to have some fats in it and which insulin product would be the best choice for that? Also would it be better to stack recomp and slin sane with each other so I would have something for taking pre-workout.

PS somebody farted in the car and I can't breath so I must go...JESUS CHRIST!!!!


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Aight I'm in my phone cause I'm on the way to the airport but here it goes.

The only thing recomp is missing is NA-RALA which glycobol has about 250mg of it in each cap. Well buying NA-RALA is very expensive and wouldn't it be better just to buy glycobol?
Now let's say we got glycobol and recomp. Neither one of them is used for pre-workout so when do you take which? Also I though about the thing you said for before bed and during bulk I'm going to eat like a starving African kid in a buffet(that didn't sound right) and for before I'll be eating things like cottage cheese, 3 serving of PB and mix protein. As you can see that's going to have some fats in it and which insulin product would be the best choice for that? Also would it be better to stack recomp and slin sane with each other so I would have something for taking pre-workout.

PS somebody farted in the car and I can't breath so I must go...JESUS CHRIST!!!!
If push REALLY comes to shove in your financial situation, I have to preface my suggestion by saying I believe Glycobol to be an AMAZING product, but I would direct you to purchase Slin Sane + Recompadrol. Slin Sane can be used exclusively as your pre-workout additive, and RCD can be used during any other carb-rich meals throughout the day to weaken your potential for adipogenesis. I wouldn't recommend using a GDA or more specifically an insulin mimetic prior to your final meal, due to its tendency to up-regulate the sensitivity to fat AND glucose uptake, so save RCD for your breakfast and post-post workout meal.

Genomyx is subscribed to my thread, as is Crazy Fool, but CF405 is currently banned - so perhaps the CEO of Genomyx can expand on my thoughts.


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If push REALLY comes to shove in your financial situation, I have to preface my suggestion by saying I believe Glycobol to be an AMAZING product, but I would direct you to purchase Slin Sane + Recompadrol. Slin Sane can be used exclusively as your pre-workout additive, and RCD can be used during any other carb-rich meals throughout the day to weaken your potential for adipogenesis. I wouldn't recommend using a GDA or more specifically an insulin mimetic prior to your final meal, due to its tendency to up-regulate the sensitivity to fat AND glucose uptake, so save RCD for your breakfast and post-post workout meal.

Genomyx is subscribed to my thread, as is Crazy Fool, but CF405 is currently banned - so perhaps the CEO of Genomyx can expand on my thoughts.
Is slin sane and P-slin(same thing but with lower douce) the only pre-workout insulin products? Cause AP, glycobol, and recomp are all for bug carbs. Well maybe AP could be used pre-workout but are these the only ones?


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Is slin sane and P-slin(same thing but with lower douce) the only pre-workout insulin products? Cause AP, glycobol, and recomp are all for bug carbs. Well maybe AP could be used pre-workout but are these the only ones?
There are always several similar offerings in the market at any given point in time, however in my opinion no other current GDA is worth mentioning or introducing to you since that will only cloud your decision making even more - and unless you're nutrition and training is in check nothing inside of a bottle will propel you to the next level. Just stick with Slin Sane and RCD and rest assured knowing you have the best products for their intended purposes.


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are you famous or something? IMO the only thing this log needs is pictures to show effectiveness. 5,000 posts isn't going to happen...LOL


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are you famous or something? IMO the only thing this log needs is pictures to show effectiveness. 5,000 posts isn't going to happen...LOL
if you are looking for info on repartioning products, outstanding really knows his stuff.


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are you famous or something? IMO the only thing this log needs is pictures to show effectiveness. 5,000 posts isn't going to happen...LOL
5,000 'views,' haha! :)

No, I'm not famous, I just have a very hard time putting my image out into the murky piranha infested waters of the Internet ;) Actually, without disclosing too much I simply can't risk revealing my image because in short it would castrate my abilities to be completely objective and to offer undiluted forthright advice and feedback. Anonymity is a blessing, and I can only offer you my sincere promise in words that I have been a competitive bodybuilder for years and have done extensive and laborious research over that time span to arrive at the place intellectually and physically that I am today.


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ahh, thanks mr cutler.
i see you are new to this forum-but that is no excuse to butt into the man's thread and be disrespectful.


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are you famous or something? IMO the only thing this log needs is pictures to show effectiveness. 5,000 posts isn't going to happen...LOL
Outstanding is a genius and a massive help to everybody on this form! Don't you EVER disrespect my friend you fukking ignorant piece of sh!t and get the fukk out of here you god damn useless fukking troll!

On the topic comment aight I'm placing my order today on recomp, slin sane, another ASGT, alpha T2(for my mom :D ), and flawless. I'm also about to make an appointment for a blood test for before and after bulk.

P.S. have you ever taken 2 caps of slin sane for pre-workout?


Registered User
did i hit a vein leulinks? didnt mean to...im actually very impressed by this log. just wanted to see if the physique matched the mouth.

i am not a homo. sorry if i cluttered ur log mr outstanding (cutler)


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Hey outstanding have you ever used slin by LG before. I'm still getting sane and RCD but I just wanna know. If so could you please provide me with your thoughts on it?

Thanks Brah!


Well-known member
  • Established
did i hit a vein leulinks? didnt mean to...im actually very impressed by this log. just wanted to see if the physique matched the mouth.

i am not a homo. sorry if i cluttered ur log mr outstanding (cutler)
No harm done Mr. TheOne



Well-known member
  • Established
Hey outstanding have you ever used slin by LG before. I'm still getting sane and RCD but I just wanna know. If so could you please provide me with your thoughts on it?

Thanks Brah!
No sir, I have not tried it... but I have studied the listed ingredient blend, and I don't think I'm overstepping any boundaries by pointing out the fact its efficacy isn't on par with the GDAs of choice I recommend. The version of ALA used is the weakest variety in very limited non-clinical dosages per serving, and the other supporting mimetic compounds seem to be far below the standard set by Glycobol etc.

I am someone who advises athletes, friends, or training partners to seek out quality products that are properly dosed and will offer an equal benefit in return for the required investment.
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